


حالتی بود به  دل  زمزمه از  یاد  تو  بود
غایتی، سیطره  تو دیده  به  انگار تو بود

The moment of consideration and contemplation, the instance of replication and echo, and the immediate of manifestation and expression.

The state of sensing your eminence, the prominence, distinction, and accolade. The status of recognizing your presence, attendance, and appearance. The interval to rejoice your touch, fondness, and tenderness.

Reverberated with the tune of passion and infatuation, the fascination, enthrallment, and captivation.

The heart filled with the murmurs, chants, and mantras of exultation, jubilation, and delight, the rumpus, sensation, and commotion, the joy, bliss, and ecstasy saturated my mind, spirit, soul, and existence, prompted, impelled, and incited while confounded and bemused by your caress and embrace.

The gambits and stratagems to rescind, revoke, and repeal the astonishment, bewilderment, and bafflement, the sense of sustained austerity pondering the thoughts, the flickering rays of frustration, crossing the mind invoking the whispers, tales, and sagas of inattention, extraction, and pensiveness, are in totality and wholeness extinct, defunct, and vanished.

Elevation, preferment, and the incessant escalation to scrutinize and explore, continue to pound and strike.

The bounds and boundaries, the leaps and bounces, the springs and vaults perpetuate to disseminate, promote, and permeate your commandments, directives, and domination.

The glance, peek, and glimpse, the gander, point, and preview, the mesmerizing, entrancing, and enthralling sensations, commotions, and revelations are revolved, instantiated, and emerged to vehemently vitalize, bolster, and embolden the stance to seek sanctity in your proximity, your immediacy, your propinquity, and your contiguity.

The mentality, attitude, and approach is engrossed, determined, and driven to attain solace, retrieve, and liberation.

Allocating and allotting the existence, life, and presence to the dream, whim, and reverie, which rectifies, remedies, and exhilarates the exuberances, anticipations, and ferments flaring within the heart.

راکبان   قدمت  قامت  خورشید  زدند
طالبان گفته و پندار عیان بر همه بود

Comrades, chums, and companions, the followers of your footsteps, the cohorts of your virtues and values, the cliques of your companionships, the trackers of your trace and emblems.

The chasers of your insignias and motifs; uplift, elevate, and hearten their stands and rostrums, the podiums and platforms to invoke universe’s envy; the grudge of galaxies, the rancor of clusters, and the scrutiny of the stars.

Your benevolence, magnanimity, and munificence, invigorates the hearts to expand, extend, and enlarge, to expose, ajar, and untie the glimmers of the joy, gleams of the gratitude, the sparkles of hopes and dreams.

To stand up and be erected to exceed the prospects, to succeed the highest echelons of the horizon, the apexes of the sky; taller than the sun, and stay steadier than the rays of the farthest, the utmost conceivable firmaments and ethers.

Immersed, inundated, and deluged by mesmerizing, absorbing, and captivating sensations, sentiments, and emotions of your presence and propinquity, the murmuring, susurrating, and mumblings, the chants, mantras, and the carols. Overwhelmed by the expressions, avowals, and assertions.

The astonishments, elations, and euphoria are unveiling, exposing, and revealing, to glimmer, glisten, and glitter my facade, identity, and persona.  The assimilation, integration, and amalgamation, the unfragmented, ubiquitous, and permeating observations, perceptions, and decrements; captivated while procuring, capturing, and fortifying your contiguity, closeness, and imminence, have transpired, transposed, and inspired me to expose, disclose, and render.

The thoughts, notions, and the dreams, to divulge passionately and enthusiastically. The attributions, articulations, the deeds, dreams, and aspirations.

گوشه و خانه و محراب صبا راز نیاز
آن یکی باده که اندیشه  تو پیکره  بود

Convoking, exclaiming, and convening with you, the altar, chantry, reredos, and shrine, the sanctuary, dwelling, abode, the corners or the sites of rejoice, the pleas, enticements, and the appeals. The tenet, pillar, and pinnacle, your magnetism and fascination, which is astounding, confounding, and flabbergasting within the solitude of my heart.

Oh, the breeze, waft, and the drift, the messengers, emissaries, and the envoys, the whisperers, purveyors, and dispersers of the secrets, mysteries, and confidences of your reverberations, echoes, rebounds, the memorandums are not rampant and proliferating to appease, attenuate, and assuage, the thirst, the burn, and the scorch.

Thirsting the ecstasy, elation, and trance to immerse within your ambiance, to convert to a conduit epitomizing your characters, a recipient to reciprocate your touch and feel, and promote and foster the soaring, spiraling, and rising adorations and fondness, which sustains, promotes, advocates, and disseminates your embodiment, incarnation, and personification; incessantly within my core and crux.

Thriving for the essence and substance to provide, postulate, and pertain the euphoria, the rapture, and the augmentation of the burning connections, correlations, and the coalitions.

The search and pursuit, the quest and exploration, and the prudent and judicious traces pointing to the far horizons of my imaginations, apparitions, and revelations. To satisfy and gratify the confidence, aspirations, and prospects of attracting your squint, glimpse, and glance, which relentlessly persists, revives, and endures.

Your thoughts, notions, attentions, and judgements, the recitations, invocations, implorations, and observations, the augmentation, elevation, observation, and galore, the pinnacles, acmes, and apexes being bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred, to transpire, varnish, and embellish, to aggrandize, intricate, and elaborate, the thirst eagerness, and fondness, are ponderous, empowering, and endowing.

The overtures to accentuate, emphasize, and heighten the amalgamation, unification, and fusion to your inspirations, muses, and brilliances. The seeking, appealing, and pleading continually to crystalize while filling, sufficing, and suiting the tumbler, the chalice with the boundaries, edges, and verges erected and sustained purely, chastely, and virtuously by your thoughts, inspirations, and deliberations are emboldening.

نغمه ها  بود  در  این  کوکب  پاینده  تو
باده اش ساحت خورشید و نگارنده بُود

Galaxies, huddles, knots, and clusters of stars and icons, the surroundings, settings, and scenes, conceptions, perceptions, and comprehensions, the moments of attention, scrutiny, and contemplation.  To preamble and prologue to the perceivable symphonies, which distinct continually and recurrently reverberations and resonances of vivacity, verve, and liveliness. Scattered and disseminated, whispered, hissed, and uttered by your compassion, empathy, and fondness.

The attachment and tenderness which is intensified and expanded countlessly by entities and envoys of your sanctity and inviolability. the reciprocity and mutuality to erupt and surge, when, the songs, tunes and carols assuredly and confidently comply to the vastness, immensity, permanence, and constancy of your compass, ambit, sphere, and domain, which pledges, declares, and assures the strived for sanctity and acceptance, the recognition to stride for so contently.

The chalice, vessel, the container, the carrier, to encompass, comprehend, and entail, compositions, opuses, and conformations of apprentice, appropriation, and sanctity; the essences and cruces steaming and scorching the substance, to collect and accumulate my thoughts, inspirations, and reflections, which are bursting, erupting, and rupturing. The notions elements, and articles reflective of distinctions, merits, and accolades, bombarded, indulged, and inundated by your care and compassion.

The chalice amenable, receptive, and amicable to perpetrate, intersperse, and supersede the sun’s spectacles, scenes, and manifestations. The goblet to galore, glimmer, and to venerate your presence, portrayal, and perception.

خادم و خاطی و مقصود و نظر جمله یکی
نور  قدست  قدم  وادی  و  هر  میکده  بود

The vastness, immensity, and enormity of the ambiance and vibe, the harmony, tranquility, and the serenity, the captivating and enchanting sensation and commotion of congruence and coherence; conceivable by comprehension of the inspiring glimmers, gleams, and twinkles of verve, vim, and vitality; the podium, dais, and stand casting, forming, and sculpting the life; characters, charismas, rectitude, and strength, to capture and condense uniformity and universality.

The inherent unanimousness to resonate and reverberate your deliberations, your presentiments, and your premonitions.

The tenets, principles, and virtues, the compassion, benevolence, and munificence, to persist and perpetuate your attentiveness and responsiveness broadly and uniformly, by considering and encountering intentions and deliberations.

Cogitating and ruminating deeds, endeavors, and exploits, while reciprocating, responding, and countering instigations, continuances, and conclusions.

The commonality exclusive of the presumed, conjured, and accentuated presumptions, postulates, and premises, to encompass and comprise genuineness and authenticity, or pretensions and speciousness. Your traits, attributes, and peculiarities, the singularities to be steadfastly succumbed to, shielded, and stride for.

Your glows and luminosities, your radiance and glints, and your strikes and kindles, the virtuous, pious, and pure perpetuating glance, glimpse, and gaze are glossing, gleaming, and sparkling my substance; the essence to conceive and conquer the apex of your expectations.

The luminosity, radiance, and illuminations, igniting, provoking, inciting, spurring, and goading, observing, venerating, and commemorating, instigating, originating, and commencing, the entirety, completeness, and fullness.

To substantiate, confirm, and comply to every stride, tread, and pace instantiated within the realm, ambit, and sphere of substance, essences, and existence.

غافلان در طلبت طلعت بیگانه شدند
راهبان  قوس نگاهت ره مستانه بُود

The arrogant, conceited, and haughty souls, beings, and individuals.

Trickles timid, reticent, and retiring to their thoughts and perceptions.

Various arduous, grueling, and strenuous merely inclusive of a polarized, differentiated, and diverged, preserved, and propagated illusions, dilutions, and misapprehensions,

Some succumbed to self incarnation, embodiment, and designation deliberately or impetuously, ponderously or imprudently, purposefully or impulsively, whom are narcissistic proponents, protagonists, and advocates of your intimacy, confidence, and relationship.

The cores, corners, gatherings, and congregations adoring, admiring, idolizing, exalting, and revering the remnants, relics, and vestiges of aberration, deviation, and idiosyncrasy, the conduits, intermediaries, and rivulets of ambiguity, vagueness, and abstruseness, perplexities and bafflements pondering and cogitating their dreams, trances, delights, and ambitions, are ambassadors of dismay, disappointment, and consternation.

Trickles, various, and some astounded by your nearness, dazed by your glance, and flabbergasted by your intimacy, affection, and tenderness. The entities seeking your reverberations, instigations, promptings, and provocations in every flap of the instance, in every flutter of fortune, and in every fluster of the heart.

Their sentiments are saturated with trepidations, consternations, and apprehensions perpetuated for a glance, gaze, and glimpse carried by the messengers of aspirations, promises, and desires, the envoys of confidence, anticipations and expectations, and heralds of content, conceptualization, and harmony.

The entities exploring for the curvatures pointing, signaling, and signifying your gaze, gape, and gawk, to reveal, divulge, and expose the essence, core, and sanctity surrounding and permeating verve, vitality, and dynamism.

The confirming reminders of existence, themes, and substance, to invoke, sustain, and endure traces, vestiges and smidgens conjuring the inebriated pace, stride, and leap of liveliness, vivacity, and audacity.

باز هم  در طلبت  سوخته  و  مرهم  دل
تو مگو پیش کسی، گفته و ابراز تو بود

Grasping, seizing, and captivating the moments reflective of the desire, the appeal, and the entreaty. It is you; your murmurs, mutters, and whispers, your grasp, inhalations, and breath, which, mesmerizes my notions, attentions, and contemplations.

The perpetual, continual, and eternal flickers of permutation, transformation, and elevation.  The provokers of pertinence, relevance, and righteousness, the staunchness, adherence, and resoluteness.

The moments of seeking, pursuing, and shadowing you, scorches, sears, and burns my core by the desires, dreams, reveries, and ambitions of appealing your portrayal, pleading your conformity and reciprocity, and beseeching your benevolence and magnanimity.

Demandant of soothing, healing, and mending, coveter of remedies and resolutions to galvanize enactments, efforts, and pursuits.

The intervals to exult, revel, arise, and to attribute acute, insightful, and profound essence and spirit. The dispositions and courage to navigate, traverse, and elucidate the trajectories, the junctures inciteful to transpire, emerge, accommodate, and acclimate to your trends, your penchants and predilections.

The remedies, alleviations, and tenacities remain entirely and purely, solely and utterly viable, attainable, and achievable, seeking your solace to pulsate my perceptions and purpose, throb my insights, discernments, and acumens, and pound my existence and heart.

Please do not reciprocate implying, insinuating, and inferring my diversion to alternate the restless. impetuous, and the unrehearsed appeal, fascination, and allure, insurmountable if it has not been instantiated by your sanctity and inviolability.

The spontaneity, extemporaneity, and the impulsiveness is inherent to the anxiety, nervousness, and apprehension, conceivably attributed and ascribed by my neglect, arrogance, and condescension.

Yet, striving precipitously to eradicate the traits, personae, and mannerisms, duplicitous, deceitful, and illusive to obscure, disguise, and conceal, to plunder, pillage, and ransack. Perceivable to the falling time of a feather, the smash of the chalice, and the scatter of the sacred.

Still, my assertions, avowals, confessions, announcements, and affirmations are fused, amalgamated, merged, and coalesced, purely, wholeheartedly, unequivocally, and unreservedly, to you and your personifications.

قدمی  پیش بدین خانه و شو همره دل
چو بدین قافله هر گام ره و غلغله بود
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Steps away, strides to shorten, paces to contract, and the leaps to dwindle. The momentum, impetus, and thrust, the prod, stretch, and lunge, to seek your proximity, immediacy, and propinquity is incessantly, continually, and recurrently augmenting, strengthening, and expanding,

The proponents, champions, and promoters sustain within the cavities of the heart, suspend within the fissures of the sanctuaries and shrines of meditations, invocation, and contemplations, to enhance, conform, and augment the zeal and fervor to remain and retain the continuance, perpetuation, and protraction of your characters, charms, and spirits.

To seek solace, consolation and succor, to encapsulate the embodiment, epitome, and expression of your merits, virtues, and traits, extending it to the revealers of the ecstasy. The trances of elation and bliss, your adoring intimacy, tenderness, and affection.

The convoy of content, admiration, and approbation, the cavalcade of candor, sincerity, and genuineness, and the caravan of pertinence, relevance, and aptness, are continually in motion.

Gratifying, conforming, and accomplishing the journey of life, verve, incarnation, and vivacity.

Merging, connecting, and uniting, contriving, compensating and attributing, joining, binding, and unifying, persisting, enduring, and sustaining.

It is the summit of touch, reach, and grasp, to unclutter the pathways, ajar the sceneries and outlooks, unfasten the latches, clasps, and the restraints, to remove the hurdles, hinderances, the barriers and obstacles, frequently and habitually sought refuge within the thoughts, inspirations, judgements, and deliberations.

Oh, the ejection, confiscation, and abolishment of the entrapments, rhythms, and thumps, erected, convened, compiled, and congregated within the heart. The uniformity, sovereignty, and sanctity resurrecting from the remnants of the essence, relics of substance, and the vestiges of virtue. It is you, and your amalgamation, attachment, and assimilation to subdue the tide.

© Alireza Bemanian, December of 2017 (Author, Poet)