

دوش   در  وقت   سحر  زمزمه ات  نغمه   دل   سر  کردم
حالت سوخته را بانگ طرب از قدمت کهتر و مهتر کردم

The dawn, emergence, genesis. The sunup, sunset, daylight, or messengers, envoys, and the ambassadors of ambitions, desires, dreams, aspirations, and determinations.

Endured, persisted, sustained, and prevailed, the nocturnal instances, the nightfall, and the darkness. Still, premeditating and predestined, pondering and predetermined, fervent and ardor, to grasp, attain, and seize the emergence of the dawn, the moment of exaltation, rapture, and adoration. Continue reading “Vivacious”

Prodigies Of Purpose

Prodigies of Purpose

 قصه آن بود بر این همهمه انگار اجابت  نکنیم
درخیال نظرش خفته نه، محراب عبادت نکنیم

The bliss, ecstasy, and pleasure, the persona, facade, and semblance, the pretenses, veneers, and pretensions are abundant, copious, profuse, and lavish. Frenzies, furies, and fervors representative of measures, entities, and objects. The appeal, charm, and allure simmers, smolders, and seethes within the boundaries and precincts of perceptions. Discernments, observations, and acuities that subjugate the intuitions, presentiments, and sensitivities. Continue reading “Prodigies Of Purpose”

Heart’s Tale

Heart’s Tale

طلب  دیدِ نگاهت  گرهش  در خم  ابروی  تو  بود
سوختم در گرو حاجت جان گفته و منظور تو بود

The dream and demand, the desire and request, the trance and delight are profoundly, intensely, and relentlessly pondering my reflections, considerations, and imaginations, your gaze, stare, gape, and gawk.

Your approval, fulfillment, and contentment, the reciprocity, mutuality, and empathy, plea, appeal, and entreaty, the pretexts, assertions, declarations and deliberations, the bindings, fastenings, and attachments, could meticulously, punctiliously, and pedantically be procured and secured. Continue reading “Heart’s Tale”




حالتی بود به  دل  زمزمه از  یاد  تو  بود
غایتی، سیطره  تو دیده  به  انگار تو بود

The moment of consideration and contemplation, the instance of replication and echo, and the immediate of manifestation and expression.

The state of sensing your eminence, the prominence, distinction, and accolade. The status of recognizing your presence, attendance, and appearance. The interval to rejoice your touch, fondness, and tenderness.

Continue reading “Amalgamation”




برخیز به پا خیز  با خویشتن دیوانه شو  دیوانه شو
در عالم  دیوانگی دنیا  نگر از خویشتن بیگانه  شو

Standup, fiercely and resolutely,
brazenly and audaciously, daringly and
boldly, valiantly and courageously,
decisively and purposefully.
Start exposing, manifesting, and
revealing, your observations, desires,
and motivations, your inspirations,
intuitions, and insights. The dreams,
delights, and dramas. The glees, blisses,
and amuses.
Continue reading “Insanity”



نشسته  سر  به  فلک   در   تاٌملم   مدهوش
که  لوح  دل  به خفا بود  سامت و مخدوش

Meditating, ruminating, and reflecting,
perplexed, mystified, and confounded,
murmuring, whispering, and susurrating,
the universe, galaxies, clusters, and
congregations. The stars, flickers,
sparks, traces, oh the sparkles,
twinkles, and glimmers.
Why merely me, purely my cognizance,
perceptions, and acuities, the
intellects, deliberations, and
intuitions are tainted, obscured, and
Continue reading “Regret”




نشسته  در غم و  در  تاب  دیدنت  تدبیر
فغان و آه  وز  این زار  و قصه  و تعبیر

Lingering in solitude and
isolation, remaining in seclusion
and separateness, tinkering,
mending, and healing the sag,
hunch, and droop that have
distorted the everlasting,
interminable, and perpetual
desire and dream of encountering,
engaging, and convening with you.
Continue reading “statuesque”

Shelter Sustainer

Shelter Sustainer

گفته آن  نیست که  پرگار   نگارت   گردیم
نکته   آن  است  که  منظور خیالت  گردیم

The conjure and concept, the
perception and purpose, the notion
and impulse is not to create and
craft your portrayal and depiction,
or to be the compass and scope to
contour your recognition,
characters, and individualism.
The correlation, context, and bond,
the connection, intimacy, and
adoration is not to ponder to sway,
vacillate, or fluctuate your
depiction and representation.
Continue reading “Shelter Sustainer”

Steps Direction


Steps Direction

مهر تو در جان به  هر  گامی  تمنایش  کنیم
باز در  انگار خود  خاموش و  دنبالش کنیم

Your benevolence, magnanimity, and
compassion, your affection,
adoration, and reverence, the
veneration, exaltation, and
honoring abound, bristle, and
inundate my attentiveness.
Continue reading “Steps Direction”

Visions Mecca

Vision’s Mecca

شدم  بیگانه  با  خود  بی  خبر از فطرت بود
که ترسیمیست پر معنا و نقشش سلک معبود

Gradually and constantly, steadily and
perpetually have transitioned and
transformed, transmuted and altered to
alienate; to disillusion, dishearten
and disappoint my soul, depth, passion,
and ambiance away from the crux of
existence. Arrogant and neglectful to
the core substance of tone and timbre,
the ecstasy of elation.
Continue reading “Visions Mecca”