Visions Mecca

Vision’s Mecca

شدم  بیگانه  با  خود  بی  خبر از فطرت بود
که ترسیمیست پر معنا و نقشش سلک معبود

Gradually and constantly, steadily and
perpetually have transitioned and
transformed, transmuted and altered to
alienate; to disillusion, dishearten
and disappoint my soul, depth, passion,
and ambiance away from the crux of
existence. Arrogant and neglectful to
the core substance of tone and timbre,
the ecstasy of elation.
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The Tiny Soul

The Tiny Soul​​
جویش ابر چو شد زاده ز جزئی ناچیز
جنبشی دید رسیدن همه  در تاب گریز
The cloud, its emergence, only to instantiate
by the devoted single particles, each so
minuscule and tiny.
The tiny elements capturing the soul, or the
storms of particles souls, all saturated with
the intent to break an impasse, the start of a
journey with an unknown destiny, but a
pointed direction, an upward trend.

Continue reading “The Tiny Soul”

The Thread

The Thread

همیشه  آرزو  به نگاهی  ز ماه روی تو بود
به  هر  قدم  گذری  پویشی  به   راه   تو بود

Ceaselessly and persistently, relentlessly
and perpetually it is the dream, marvel, and
delusion of your glance, the peek, the
glimpse, that is gazing, gawking, and gawping
over my instant intuitions, instincts, and
inklings. No, it is not a suspicion or hint,
intimation or allusion, insinuation or
suggestion. It is the solid compulsion, the
impulse, the urge. It is the incessantly
growing flame, the blaze, the kindle of
searching and seeking your intimacy and glare
that galvanizes my thoughts, ponderously
perpetuates my heart beat, and exuberantly
instigates my existence.
Continue reading “The Thread”

The Life

The Life

وجود  و  بود  خود، آغاز  و  پایانش به ایقانم
تو  آغازش  شوم  مدهوش در محراب پیمانم

Reflecting, contemplating, and cogitating,
by pondering within my soul and conscious,
the core of my subsistence, the essays,
stipulations, and provisions, that are
merging and mingling in my mind, the life.
Still, ascertain and settled of its
inception and commencement, combined with
the grand finally, and its irrevocable
emerging conclusion.
Continue reading “The Life”

The Ardor

The Ardor

هر گوشه نظر کردم با لطف تو رنگین است
هر  ذره  که  دریابم   با  مهر  تو  آذین  است

Have explored and appraised spots
and corners, glimpses and insights.
Have divulged the depth of my
notions, conceptions, and
sentiments to the soaring and
searching inclinations to capture
and cultivate the essence. Yes, to
provoke the substance of liveliness
and vivaciousness. Continue reading “The Ardor”

The Thorne

The Throne
چو  دادی  بر منش  تخت  سلیمان  را
ندانستم که من مجنون تمنا  را تمنا را
You presented me with the throne of
Solomon, to be bestowed, cherished,
treasured, and savored.
My arrogance, conceit, and narcissism.
Yet, the fervor, passion, and vehemence
of my desire commences to nurture and
cultivate. The desire’s yearn and summon
continues to exalt and exhilarate, although
not overwhelming enough to grasp, clench,
and capture the moment, the instance,
the occasion.

The Night

The Night
 همه شب قصه  دل فال تماشای تو بود
 گوشه آکنده  از آن طالع شیدای تو بود
Tales and stories reverberating and
resonating within my heart in the course
of the entire night were all to conceive
and aspire the raffle of your nearness, your
imminence and your presence.
The moments when my sheltering spot and
harboring corner was emanated with scattered
rays and gleams, prompting and urging your
attendance and appearance.

Continue reading “The Night”

The Pledge

The Pledge
چو رسیدم  به  دگر  عهد  و  نمودم آغاز
 کرده آن  بود  که بر  پا  نگرم  مهر نیاز
A new pledge, an emerged to be endured
promise, an oath of enticement, right at
the verge of inception and commencement,
an incited instigation.
A pledge to remain vigilant and attentive to
reception of your grace and benevolence.
To remain sincere and authentic to reciprocate
to the sanctity, transparency, and limpidness
of your communiques, and to remain
trustworthy to the forbearance only
necessitated by your compassion, kindness,
and forgiveness.

Continue reading “The Pledge”

The Juncture

The Juncture

جامه  نو  کرده  و  آن  منزل  مقصود  به پیش
تا  بدانم  که  در این  درس  توانم  شده  خویش

Reflection, rumination, and pondering. The
urge is uttering, the impulse is instigating,
the desire is dictating. The time, to
provoke a pristine posture, designate a
fresh dedication, deduce a pure devotion.
Reaching the juncture to concede to the
intimate appeal, the plea to instigate the
utter, to implore attaining the inclination,
the inspiring spot, the invigorating splash,
and the stimulating epitome of endowment.
The juncture to ascertain attainment of
refining, cleansing, and purification. To
consummate my soul and substance, to emanate
from my assertions and comportments, and to
crystalize my embodiment and incarnation. Yes,
inclination to my portrayed instincts and
inspiring crux. Continue reading “The Juncture”