The Journey

The Journey
تا  که خورشید سر از بام دلم افروزد
وز تمنای رخت جامه به قامت سوزد
The moment of rising sun from my heart’s far
stretched horizons, the dawn of luminance
and enlightenment, the radiance and emanation.
The desire and search in seeking you,
observing your traits, and capturing your
thoughts and notions now even more in sight,
sets my attire aflame, where in contact with my
delirious cast.

Continue reading “The Journey”

The Confidant

The Confidant

دوش دیدم به بام خسرو گیتی  گزیده ام سکنا
عاری ز آه و جور، شده مست آن نوای صبا

The night, when I discovered myself
standing and positioned at the highest
point within the universe, in your
ambiance and surroundings, sovereign,
superior, and peerless potentate,
the dominant consummate of existence
and presence. The essence,
personification, and subsistence
of the entirety of cosmos and
No excruciating pain and ache,
no agonizing soreness and despair,
no sorrow, no anguish, no grief,
while remained in an elated, ecstatic,
and exultant state. Inebriated,
immersed copiously in prominence of
sooth, substance, and content.
While, it was your carols and melodies
whispered in my ears, carried by the
heartening breeze. Continue reading “The Confidant”

The Candle

The Candle
در گوشه  ما شمع نیازی نه به اکمال
تا شمع  وجود است  گداز دل و آمال
The candles illuminating our corners,
abolishing the darkness, and emerging
as the mere illustrators of the track of
perfection and correctness, are not the
essence to incarnate and solidify our
It is, the inner blazing candles presenting
the far corners of our existence, to
enlighten the unreachable horizons in the
far away sights only imaginable by the
parade of the desires and dreams. The
only fountains affording ample sparks to
burn our hearts and scorch our thoughts.


 باز دیدار به  دیدار  تو  با  خود  کردم
ناله ها زمزمه  در  قبله  حاجت  کردم
Searching within, incisive, heedful, vigilant, and
attentive, reaching to you by clasping to your
reflection, replication, and manifestation
within my heart.
Murmurings, purring, whisperings, and
mutterings all to revive and recuperate the
incurred lows and blows although spontaneous
and transient, revering and responding to the
glimmer and gleam emanated from the essence
of my desire, and the alluding depth of my
demand and yearning.

Continue reading “Reflection”

My Intimate Dream​

My Intimate Dream
دوش در  یاد  تو  آشفته  و  در  خواب شدم
غافل  از حالت  خود  گویی  این باب  شدم
Remembrance while envisaging you,
put me in exasperation and sleep at
the pick of the night.
This is when I dared to dispose of the
selfish disclaims, all vividly displayed
in the ambiance and surroundings.

Continue reading “My Intimate Dream​”


گفته بودیم دگر آه ز رخساره رعنا نکنیم
کعبه  دل  نزدائیم  نمایَش  به  تمنا  نکنیم
Gradually selected not to sigh, moan,
or groan to seek for the moment to
glance at you, to feel your grace and
presence.  To impede to be relentlessly
in pursuit of your grasp, perception, and
comprehension. Selected not to clear
the crux of my heart,  not to purify my
characters, preferred not to shimmer
my soul, and decided not to  cleanse my
Not to be vigilant and observant in your
search and pursuit, not to be demanding,
insistent, and arduous to capture your
presence and its inherent instigating,
inciting, and inspiring instances.

Continue reading “Fatigue”

Convoy of Life

Convoy of Life

غایت  دل همه  نوری  به  درون گاه  وجود
لحظه ها رفت گرش غافل از آن جوهر بود

You, my heart’s ultimate thirst, decisive
desire, eventual implore and appeal. The
beam bouncing my breath, the vigor,
vivacity, exalting source for my scorching
soul, the only font of internal light, my
existence, my sentient awareness, and my
exultant life
Moments passing by, ephemeral, momentary,
and impermanent. If, the joy and dream of
catching, capturing, confining, and
depicting the essence, crux, and kernel
of existence, subsistence, and presence
is abrogated. If, the sustenance of
livelihood and incarnation, avatar of
vivacity is vanished. Yes, the joy and
dream of snatching, seizing, and
confiscating the moment to further the
bestowed, the bequeathed transitory
passage is abandoned. Continue reading “Convoy of Life”

Canary Carol

Canary Carol
سوزش و سوختنم  شاهد این  جور مباد
 حالت از غیر تو دیدن نه  به  پندار مباد
The blaze burning me within the mold,
ponderously and perpetually, which is no
counterpart to appraise the anguish,
distress, and torment perpetrated on
my soul.
Raising the stage, to reach to the
cognizance of saturating my conscious
with the urge of seeking you. So
overwhelming and encompassing to
obstruct and impede my entire vision,
dreams, and desires, with the only omission
of observing and perceiving your depicts,
your traits, and your exposes.

Continue reading “Canary Carol”

Adoring Light

Adoring Light

جویم  از روی خوشت روز   ز اول  گیرم
به تمنا نظرت مونس دل غبطه اختر گیرم

The search, seek, and pursuit to capture,
catch, and confine your glorified and
adored glance and portray. The occasion,
opportunity, and prospect to revive,
restore, and resume the onset, the dawn;
to revere, admire, and venerate the
instance reemergence.
Yes, the bursting and thrill desire to
replete my heart in its entirety and
wholeness utterly with your intimacy,
nearness, and closeness.
When, it is the envy, avidity, and voracity
of the stars, icons, and prodigies beamed
at me, resentful of the glory and grandeur. Continue reading “Adoring Light”

My Desire, My Soul

My Desire, My Soul
نگر بی  تاب  اندر   دیده  گر  تو  طالعش  خواهی
که خامان را نمایش هاست در سودای خود خواهی
Start searching your own soul, if filled with
the desire to capture his presence.
Out there is full of displays set by short
sighted beings, seeking their own selfish

Continue reading “My Desire, My Soul”