Certitude to Adore


Certitude to Adore

هر شبی دیگر شبی این خانه را از رازِ تو خاموش نیست
کوی ما دیگر رهی، این راه را در کسبِ تو آغوش نیست

 Moments and flashes, nights and nightfall, and the instances and occasions, passing, elapsing, and departing. The mesmerizers, enthrallers, enchanters, and captivators, the rush, hustle, and jostle, and the transitory, ephemeral, and transient encounters, confronts, and happenstances inundate, deluge, and engulf the perceptions.

The moments and occasions when the ponderings, contemplations, and concentrations are marshaling, shepherding, and positioning earnestly, intently, and solemnly, seeking, searching, and requesting comprehension, grasp, and elucidation.

Not a hallucination, phantasm, or delusion, but a simmering, rumbling, and roaring fascination, immersion, and captivation, incessantly and constantly conquering the corners, curves, and fissures of my heart.

Yes, my bungalow, cottage, and chalet as blank, vacant, and hollow as perceived, it is bulging, protuberant, and protruding by your attentiveness, responsiveness, and thoughtfulness. It is still your discretion, privacy, and seclusion which has saturated the ambience.  

Though, the residence, space, spot, and status, the patterns, precedents, and tessellations, and the trails, tracks, and pathways have been perceived, identified, and professed indecisively, pompously, and impetuously.

The eagerness, enthusiasm, and excitement, the zeal, willingness, and fervor to captivate, enchant, and engross the thrill of the moment, the vastness of sight and prospect, and the revelations of sanctity and inviolability have not been contemplated and deliberated diligently.

The delight, ecstasy, and trance to embrace, clinch, clasp, and enfold your presence, depiction, and portrayal were not emphasized, highlighted, and accentuated to explore, reconnoiter, and patrol the certainty, confidence, and conviction which are copiously, profusely, and lavishly embedded and presented by the essence of life, liveliness, and vivacity.

عابدان را عبدِ عادت، غافل و دیدار تو در جوش نیست
کاتبان  کتب  و  قلم  با  گفته  و  پندار تو  مدهوش نیست

The worshipers, celebrants, and converts, their call, plea, and request, their expressions, countenances, and appearances, though consistent, repetitive, and rhythmic, the interactions, exchanges, and connections are still absent, vague, and inattentive.

Their joy, bliss, and rapture, the contemplations, considerations, and meditations, and the conclusions, inferences, and suppositions were not accompanied by utmost vivacity, exuberance, and vivaciousness.

Their pace, stride, and bound was not strenuous, vigorous, and persistent. Their zeal, vehemence, and passion to seek, track, and pursue your depiction delineation, and portrayal were not coherent, articulate, and consistent.

The authors, novelist, and essayist are not exposing, divulging, and uncovering the virtues, intricates, and essences of purpose, devotion, and dedication.

Their comprehensions, grasps, and conceptions are not aligned, associated, and affiliated with the delicacy, elegance, and gracefulness so vividly, intensely, and gaudily embedded, implanted, and entrenched within the ambiances, environs, and surroundings.

Their attentions, reflections, and inspirations, the notions, concepts, and judgements are not instantiated, represented, and epitomized by your secrets, riddles, and surprises to sparkle, fizzle, and ferment the cogitations and ruminations. When the absence, scarcity, and paucity of purity, clarity, and limpidness has distorted, garbled, and altered their quintessence, epitomes, and ideals.  

نادی سیر  و سلوکت کرده  را با  مُهر تو مفروش نیست
عارفان را عرف بر نقشینه و محراب تو پُرجوش نیست

The announcers, anchors, and broadcasters, the presenters, narrators, and utterers, the speakers, orators, and lecturers, the propagators, conversationalists, and chatterers of your appeals, charms, and dispositions are abundant, ample, and bounteous. 

Though, their advocations, countenance, and propensity, their exploits, engagements, and arrangements, their preaching, moralizing, and sermonizing practices, and their commitments, dedications, and consecrations are not substantiated, corroborated, and authenticated.

The addresses, sermons, and speeches, the discourses, allocations, and pontifications, and the pronouncements, dogmatization, and expounds are not stirred, caressed, and stroked by your benevolence, compassion, and munificence. The engagements, manners, and feats are not flashed, flaunted, and glinted by your tending, nurture, treatments, and assiduousness.

Philosophers, thinkers, and truth seekers, the sages, mystics, and mentors, the astute, erudite, and perceptive entities, the bodies, individuals and beings to whom the vastness of skies, the multiplicity, vivacity, and diversity of horizons, and the reverberations, echoes, and the resonances of the secrets, surprises, and confidences should be the eminence, reputation, and distinction of breathing and incarnation, the aggregate, amalgamation, and composition virtuously, nobly, and graciously astounding, astonishing, and revealing, are not arduous and adamant to attain the ecstasy, elation, and euphoria.

Their zeal, fervor, and keenness, their impatience, enthusiasms, and excitements, the deliberations, considerations, and reflections, the premeditations, cogitations, and contemplations are distorted, contorted, and twisted, ironically, incongruously, and paradoxically warped, vague, and imprecise.

Their intuitions, inklings, and insights, the perceptions, acumens, and discernments, their conclusions, deductions, and suppositions are not entirely, utterly, and solely aligned, affiliated, and elongated to grasp, catch, and entree your altar, dais, and pulpit. Your eminence, the sparkles and glitters, the glints and glisters though vibrant, vivid, and vivacious have mystified, bewildered, and confounded their perceptions, slants, and inclines.  

ساحران را سحر در  بیگانگی از  چشم تو اخروش نیست
مفتیان پرگار خود در چنگ  از برهان  تو همجوش نیست

Magicians, illusionists, and conjurors, the wizards, sorcerers, and virtuosos, the concealments, disguises, masquerades, and pretenses, the tricks, poses, and charades are the rudiments, portions, and constituents instilling, implanting, and inculcating alienation, estrangement, and disaffection, the discord, schism, and rupture.

Their feats, deeds, and adventures, their exploits, engagements, and proceedings, and the procedures, behaviors, and activities, are not obscured, cloaked, and disguised. The breezes, squalls, and gales whisper, utter, and murmur the instantiations, incarnations, and conspicuities.

Your diligence, assiduousness, and attentiveness, your persistence, sedulousness, and perseverance, the tenacity, obstinacy, and resolve, notices, perceives, and identifies illusions, disguises, and pretenses. The destiny, fortune, and fate of your creation, the granted, bequeathed, and conferred continuation of vitality, verve, and vivacity is to be endured, proceeded, and preserved, pertained to your benevolence, compassion, and consideration, 

Moderators, arbitrators, and appraisers, the meditators, intermediaries, and peacemakers are entailed, involved, and immersed by the perceptiveness, astuteness, and discernment of self glorification, adoration, and veneration.

Their personifications and deliberations, the pondering and cogitations are inclined, motivated, and persuaded by self-interests, self-significances, and consequences, timid, reticent, and retiring to their narrowly pertained presumptions, hypothesis, and premises.

Absent, misplaced, and avoiding your charisma, magnetism, and allure, your bountiful, abundant, and copious directions, trends, and targets, the illuminations, brilliances, and elucidations, the clarifications, explications, and revelations, which sparkles, shimmers, and effervesces the awareness, observations, and acumens.

آن فلک را از ازل بالیده جز آوای تو در گوش نیست
وه  وز  این کوکب  به  دل  جز  نام  تو منقوش نیست

The dawn, inception, and initialization of universe, the emergence, genesis, and advent of galaxies, the onset, appearance, and manifestation of the cosmos, to expand, magnify, and augment, to enhance, enrich, and heighten, to season, spread, and sprawl are so meticulously, pedantically, and punctiliously in progress, culmination, and fulfillment. 

The sequences, arrangements, and associations the harmony, tranquility, and serenity, the tidiness, symmetricity, and uniformity, systematizations, categorizations, and arrangements, the edicts, directions, and commandments, so punctual, prompt, and precise, so eminent, fabled, and renowned, a pure revealment, exposure, and divulgement of your benevolence, magnanimity, and munificence.

The entirety, totality, and wholeness, immersed, enthralled, and captivated by the tunes, melodies, and descants of your creation, patterns, and dispositions. The chorus, choir, and chorale of virtues, assets, and integrities, your personification, incarnation, epitome, and embodiment.

Oh, it is the universe, the embodiments, personifications, and epitomes, architypes, and quintessence, the originators, instigators, and innovators, the perpetuators, continuers, and proponents of life, aspirations, ambitions, and objectives.

The creation, formation, and verve, the essence, substance, and stature, and the core, crux, and soul, the entireness and completeness tipping, sliding, and rewarding the joys, blisses, and the elations of participation, involvement, and contribution. The dynamisms, motivations, and incitements which profoundly and vivaciously, cheerfully and effervescently ponder, ruminate, and deliberate the boundaries of perceptions and perspicacity.

The participants, contesters, and contributors to constantly, consistently, and resolutely reflect, indicate, and replicate your attributes, aspects, and endorsements. The seals, hallmarks, and promises, the aptitudes, pledges, and confirmers, and the insinuators, convents, and heralds of your predominance, prevalence, and preponderance.  

ساقیان را جام دل آئینه و از غیر تو خود جوش نیست
طالبان   سجاده   قامت،  کسب   تو  کم   کوش  نیست

Then the quellers, appeasers, and vanquishers, the alleviators, pacifiers, and extinguishers of the scorch, fever, and fervor which captivates, enchants, and entrances the heart. The carriers of the chalices and goblets, the offerors, presenters, and providers of the drops, trickles, and dribbles of solace, succor, and consolation.

The chalices and goblets, exhibiters, manifestos, and spectacles, the visions, sights, and scenes of your dexterity, acuity, and adroitness. The entrappers, capturers, and entanglers of horizons and skylines stretchable and expansible merely to the boundaries, confines, and frontiers of the eternity, infinity, and perpetuity.

The chalices and goblets, purely, chastely, and decorously brimmed, thronged, and teemed by your reveals, reverberations, and resonances, your exemplifications, manifestations, and exhibitions of fondness, affection, and penchant. Yes, your glorifications, elevations, and exaltations.

The strivers, enquirers, and pursuers, the enthusiasts, aficionados, and devotees, and the trailers, trackers, and chasers are steadfast, stalwart, and persistent to pervade, infuse, and percolate your proximities, immediacies, and contiguities.

The altar, lectern, and stand to seek, attain, and obtain your solace, consolation, and confirmation has penetrated, evaded, and hedged their substance, premise, and supposition. Their heart, spirit, and sole is enthusiastically, unconditionally, and unstintingly saturated, inundated, and drenched by your oversight, provision, and guardianship.

Their arduous, strenuous, and determined journey, voyage, and excursion to clench, grasp, and seize the milestones, landmarks, and highpoints which ensemble, collaborate, and convey your footprints, the motifs, patterns, and coloration of consistency, exuberance, and liveliness, endure, revive and maintain its perpetuity, permanency, and imperishability.

خادمان  آکنده  از شوقت  بجز انگار تو هم کوش نیست
حامدان را حمد در اندیشه و جز بام تو سر پوش نیست

The attendants, entourages, and escorts, the companions, chaperons, and minders, and the associates, supporters, and followers are overwhelmed, besieged, and astounded by your presence, incidence, and attendance, the prevalence and occurrence which dearly, exceedingly, and profoundly caress, stroke, and embraces their thrill, trance, and delight.

Their embodiments, incarnations, and avatars, the deification, deity, and personification are purely, wholly, and virtuously, primly, nobly, and uprightly your eminence and prominence, your protrusion and projection, and your depiction and portrayal, the descriptions, interpretations, and delineations.

Their acquaintances, consociations, and conversances, the pursuance, contemplations, and introspections are coordinated, harmonized, and coherent to your rays of hope and dream, courage and prospect, and aspiration and expectation. The perceptions, assessments, and experiences which are fomented, incited, and impelled, provoked, inflamed, and instigated by your tenderness, kindness, affection, and fondness.

Admirers, glorifiers, adorers, and applauders to augment, strengthen, and boos t their affection, adoration, and devotion amidst, amongst, and via pondering, contemplation, and deliberation, the forethoughts, reflections, and considerations, the determinations, premeditations, and purposefulness.

Their console, comfort, and contentment, the solace, succor, and reassurance are ascertained, discovered, and established when your glimmers and gleams, beams and trances, and sparkles and flickers, proclaimers, couriers, and announcers, portents, precursors, and harbingers of continuity, permanence, and connection flood, overflow, and surge their existence, the streams of jubilance and exultance.

Their roof, gable, and ridge, the protection, fortification, and shelter, the arch, vault, and sky are your shadow outlines, and silhouette, the outreach, stretch, and spread which engulfs, immerses, and mesmerizes, when the earnestness, solemnity, and sincerity are the pinnacles, acmes, and apexes of desire and intent, the burning, scorching, and sweltering essences inhibited within the mold.

گل  در این  دشت  عیان  از مِهر  تو  خاموش نیست
من نمای دولتت گر کرده را پندار تو مخدوش نیست
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The flowers, buds, and blossoms, the florets, florae, and floras scattered, flourished, and spanned within the prairies, savannahs, and plains, the flats, valleys, and wetlands, the mountains, elevations, and highlands, so vividly, exposed, and ornately, opulently, sumptuously, and lavishly acclaim, acclimate, and applaud their vibrancy, vitality, and vivacity.

Their proclamations, assertions, and declarations are harmonious, melodious, and congruent to broadcast, disseminate, and propagate the depth of your affection, warmth, and fondness, the sustainability, perseverance, and tenacity acclaimed, praised, and cheered by their exquisiteness, magnificence, and splendor.

Oh, your portrayal, depiction, and delineation, the presence, comportment, and occurrence, the incidences, manifestations, and exhibitions, your abounding, multifarious, plenteous, and proliferating stance, perspectives, and prospects, that are bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed to me, vivaciously, vibrantly, and spiritedly are striking, boundless, and interminable.

My conjectures, speculations, and inferences, the conclusions, deductions, and suppositions, the deliberations, ponderings, and determinations, the deeds, exploits, and conducts, the adventures, activities, and achievements to reciprocate, correspond, and permeate to your benevolence, magnificence, and magnanimity. The nobility, generosity, and altruism, to revere, respect, and venerate, and to confirm, realize, and deliver to your confidence, reliance, and conviction, the certitude to adore, cherish, and treasure.

The flowers, buds, and blossoms, the florets, florae, and floras scattered, flourished, and spanned within the prairies, savannahs, and plains, the flats, valleys, and wetlands, the mountains, elevations, and highlands, so vividly, exposed, and ornately, opulently, sumptuously, and lavishly acclaim, acclimate, and applaud their vibrancy, vitality, and vivacity.

Their proclamations, assertions, and declarations are harmonious, melodious, and congruent to broadcast, disseminate, and propagate the depth of your affection, warmth, and fondness, the sustainability, perseverance, and tenacity acclaimed, praised, and cheered by their exquisiteness, magnificence, and splendor.

Oh, your portrayal, depiction, and delineation, the presence, comportment, and occurrence, the incidences, manifestations, and exhibitions, your abounding, multifarious, plenteous, and proliferating stance, perspectives, and prospects, that are bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed to me, vivaciously, vibrantly, and spiritedly are striking, boundless, and interminable.

My conjectures, speculations, and inferences, the conclusions, deductions, and suppositions, the deliberations, ponderings, and determinations, the deeds, exploits, and conducts, the adventures, activities, and achievements to reciprocate, correspond, and permeate to your benevolence, magnificence, and magnanimity. The nobility, generosity, and altruism, to revere, respect, and venerate, and to confirm, realize, and deliver to your confidence, reliance, and conviction, the certitude to adore, cherish, and treasure.

© Alireza Bemanian, March of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)