Conceded Correlation

Conceded Correlation

باز آزردهِ جان در تب رخسارتوآشفته زمانی داریم
گوشه  چشم  سیاهت   به  خطا  خسته  نهانی  داریم

Weary and drowsy, wacked and shattered, and jaded and drained, the recurrence, reappearance, and revival of the instances. The moments of insistence, assertion, and averment, the affirmation which is weaved, intertwined, and plaited to my entity.

It is the fever, fervor, and zeal, vehemence, intensity, and impatience. The dream, aspiration, and ambition, the delight, desire, and the allure. The plea and appeal to be absorbed, engrossed, enthralled, and captivated by your portrayal and presence, the charm and enchantment, the opulence and affluence, and the attention and magnetism.

The appeasement is inundating, the desire is spiraling, and the strive for your intimacy is escalading. The anxiety, fretfulness, and apprehensiveness, the expectations, anticipations, and speculations concurrently, incessantly, and relentlessly thwart, hinder, and hamper my deliberations, contemplations, and reflections. The trends, tendencies, and inclinations, anxious, keen, and restless, immersed and engulfed by the glimmering, glowing, and glinting of the far stretched horizons, diligently and determinedly depicting the distinctiveness and individualism to evolve, expand, and advance. Conclusively, to surpass the boundaries and thresholds of your intimacy and proximity.

Pursuit, quest, and exploration, the travelling, journeying, and voyaging, your pleas and, implorations, and entreaties, the requests, petitions, and supplications, the apprehensions, premonitions, and admonitions, the portents, presages, and suspicions, the sensitivities, sentiments, impressions, and intentions, are the devotions, observances, and admirations synchronized, coordinated, and harmonized to reflect the depth of desire, the zeal, the ardor and vehemence to envisage your magnificence, radiance, and grandeur.

The exasperations, irritations, and vexations, the aggravations, frustrations, and infuriation, the raspy, jarring, and raucous surges, gushes, and rushes of uncertainty, indecision, ambiguity, and vagueness are prodigious, copious, and immense.

Then the considerations, contemplations, and the reflections, your glance, glimpse, and gaze, the rays of illuminations, radiances, and brilliances, the elucidations, interpretations, and enlightenments. The halo and aura of dynamism, vivacity, and vitality, the vigor, verve, and liveliness to be embellished, elaborated, enhanced, and enlarged. To curtail, restrain, and inhibit the ambivalences, incongruities, and fluctuations, nourished, fostered, cultivated, and sustained, to blur, obscure, and conceal the heralds, beacons, and gestures that intend to deluge and submerge the ambiance.

گفته ها بود به انگار که ما  را به خیالت شده کام
کام  در  سفسطه  غفلت  دل  خفته  جهانی  داریم

Assessments, discernments, the acuities and their summations, crystallizations, and manifestations have become too rigid, stern, and strict. The inflexibility, formidability, and somberness, shadowing the excursions, explorations, and quests, not quintessential rather forbidding, ferocious, and frightening.

Gradually, progressively, and steadily, the convenience, expedience, and cliquey of intimacy, nearness, and imminence saturates, steeps, and immerses the essence. The fulfillments, contentment, and gratifications, vividly, intensely, and gaudily ponder and prevail the pinnacles of a posing and pretense perception.

The summarily instantaneous abridgments, the suited flattered fulfillments, and the consented contemporary not contemplated rushes, flaunts, and glints, have acquainted, relinquished, and acceded to the mere, meager, and precipitous. Then, the dream, trance, and fantasy of your intimacy while engaged and engrossed is arrogated, usurped, and commandeered by the peripheries, margins, and precincts.

Contentment. serenities, and gratifications, the belief, confidence, and buoyancy shielding, segregating, and sequestering the heart, then the speculations, suppositions, and conjectures deeply and profoundly endure, persist, and sustain, to reverberate, echo, and resonate routinely, regularly, and habitually.

The surrounding surfaces, the superficialities, trivialities, and frivolities, the adjoining, proximate, and immediate horizons restricting and confining the rays of hope and dream. Then, aspirations and motivations to rise, circle, and ascend, if realized, recognized, and acknowledged, are consented, assented, and acceded.

In consequence, the slumber, drowse, and stagnation flatter and enhance to perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate, to entrap, ensnare, and entangle the self and soul. When the core, the crux, the heart is obliged and compelled to quiver, shiver, and shudder. When the congealed, manipulated, and molded certitudes, cognizance, and convictions are adapted to contribute and create a temperament of nonattendance and absenteeism.

بود  را   در  هوس  نقش   خیالت   به   تماشا   دادیم
گوشه و کوچه و بازار به میثاق، فریبنده بیانی داریم

Then, the existence, presence, and actuality, the authenticity and veracity is besmirched, vitiated, and demeaned.

Though, the quest and the embracement of your pursuit as the persistent delver, the inquirer, the chaser, captivates the threads of my existence to incessantly mesmerize, hypothesize, and enthrall your fascination. absorption, and allure.

Your portrayal and depiction scorch my embodiment, incarnation, and manifestation. Your attention, deliberation, and reciprocity pamper, pander, and coddle my existence. Your glimmers, flickers, and sparks of courage, valor, and optimism disseminate, distribute, and scatter at the corners and voids of the surroundings and environs, the purlieus and vicinities.

Ironically, the essence of moments, the capriciousness of the instances, and the copious of occasions has been elapsed, arbitrated, and intervened, not conjuring, summoning, and invoking the reverberations, ricochets, and resonances.

The flares of veracity, validity, and exactness, the tenderness, affection, and compassion were flouted. The flickers to defy, contest, and confront me not to loiter as a mere observer, onlooker, bystander, and spectator.

Sights, vistas, and views, passages, prospects, and places, the occurrences, incidents, and spectacles have been contemplated, envisaged, and meditated, while the haughtiness and arrogance were prevalent and ubiquitous.

While, postures and bearings, sway and relevance, and demeanor and deportment inundate, besiege, and deluge my attitudes and tendencies. The imperatives, constraints, and priorities, the instantaneous ramifications, the corollaries, and repercussions have been shallowly, frivolously, and trivially encountered. The promise, aptitude, and assurance incessantly and ceaselessly has been deteriorated, deprecated, and declined.

And while, the content, comfort, and relaxation, the joy, delight, and bliss to voice, utter, and articulate the acclaimed propensities, trends, and tendencies, adversely continue to contort, grimace, and distort the deprived cores and essences.

کوکب و اختر و خورشید نمایشگر آن هلهله هاست
که  بدان  زلف  کمندش  چه  نگارنده   کیانی  داریم

Stars, the sun and the cosmos, the celestials and scintillates, the universe and creation are fully embracing, clasping, and clinching your intimacy, acquaintance, and confidence. The escalation, acceleration, and interactions to encounter, confront, and coincide.

The exchanges, interfaces, and connections to perceive, detect, and distinguish, the decipherment, decryption, and interpretations to instantiate, discover, and represent your unremitting presence, your relentless portrayal, and your attentiveness and diligence.

The gracefulness, poise, and delicacy, the thoughtfulness, fastidiousness, and adroitness of liveliness, vitality, and dynamism, reverberance, sonorousness, and eminence shiver, shudder, and judder the pillars of appreciation.

The saturation, inundation, and permeation of creation, life, and existence to astound, amaze, and astonish the ambiance, the vibe, and character. To convey, distribute, and disperse vigorous, persuasive, and compelling timbres, highness, and tones, the pitches, manners, and tendencies.

The vastness, enormity, and immensity to reveal, expose, and divulge the bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred potent, puissant, and convincing capabilities. The proficiencies, and competencies to be cherished, relished, and revered upon.

The curvature of your sparkles, glistens, and glitters, the steadfastness of your stare, gaze, and glare, the brilliance, vividness, and radiance of your attention and attentiveness are illustrative, descriptive, and expressive of your depiction and delineation.

The reciprocity, mutuality, and interchange, which nourishes, fosters, and cultivates within the pillars of the inhalation, animation, and sentient, the attentiveness, vivaciousness, and dynamism so ardently breath taking and ponderously sustaining, are omnipresent, persistent, and prevalent.

Then, the reflections, meditations, and ruminations, the contemplations, deliberations, and scrutiny to clarify, elucidate, and illuminate. The moments of enthrallment and enchantment, the junctures of comprehension, grasp, awareness, and acknowledgement.

The capture of incidence, occurrence, and presence.  The observance, compliance, and adherence to the subtleties and intricacies prevalent and rampant to promote, induce, and incite your closeness, attachment, and confidence.

وه که از سر ازل بود که گردونه گردون برپاست
دولت دل بِشِناسیم چو گاهی ز تمنای نگاهی داریم

Universe, and the galaxies revolve and evolve, enhance and expand, and progress and advance. The perpetuality, permanence, and eternalness, indicative, emblematic, and explicatory of the novel, incognito and concealed essences, cruces, and cruxes, which have adorned, embellished, and festooned the crusade, progress, and passage.

The dawn of existence, subsistence, and life, the initialization, preparedness, and adjustments to sustain the escalating, heightening, and intensification of the momentum, the impetus and thrust demand, stipulate, and claim the desire, yearning, and appeal, to be explored, inspected and appraised.

Then, the perspectives, perceptions, and prospects exemplify, epitomize, and incarnates the pinnacles, acmes, and apexes of thoughtfulness, meticulousness, and pensiveness.  The trend, vogue, and inclinations, the drift, gist, and implications transpire, emerge, and arise the encapsulation, depiction, and delineation of tenacity, rationale, and purposefulness.

The secrets, riddles, and enigmas twitch, flinch, and commence the blossoming of amelioration, acclivity, and ascend. The emergence of extra, pristine, and neoteric horizons, scopes, and spheres, to reveal and recite the novelties of creation, and to acclaim the footsteps, paces, and strides encompassing, encircling, and embracing your approach, stance, and embodiment. To reach your epitome, quintessence, and personification.

To realize and recognize, to identify and discover, to discern and determine the influence and supremacy, the dominance and sovereignty, the capacity and capabilities, the aptitude and competence entailed to.

To adopt and espouse, to boost and elevate, and to endorse and advocate the objectives and dedications, the purposefulness and perseverance, and insistence and devotion.

The presented, expounded, and offered spontaneous and extemporaneous splits of occasions to assemble a succession of fulfillments, serenities, realizations, and gratifications are to be apprehended, seized, and detained. The culmination of moments of attainment and achievement to be authenticated, sustained, and validated.

Then, the expectations, desires, and urges dawn to scorch, blister, and blaze to contest, compete, and contend resembling the volcanos shivering, rattling, and quivering lava. When the extent of the moments of enrichments, ameliorations, and augmentations is conquered and attained. The moments to endure eternal and ceaseless endeavors, and toabsorb, grip, and rivet the agendas, schemas, and the punctualities harmonized, synchronized, and coordinated to your outlooks and expectancies.

طوق  قدوس  به  هر خانه و میخانه نمایشگر توست
گوهر  دیده  بیابیم  و  بدانیم  که  پوینده  نمایی داریم

Your aura and halo, your sanctity and inviolability, your chasteness, the immortality and omnipresence, the sacredness and sanctity are prevalent, assertive, and dominant. Pertaining and affecting every corner and locality, every arc and curvature, and every residence and abode. It stretches from the houses to taverns, the pubs and saloons, to every cave and cavern, the sanctuaries, preserves, and refuges to creatures and individuals, to the shelters comforting the seekers, strivers, and coveters.

Your prominence, distinction, and eminence is flabbergasting, staggering, and astounding. The confounding, perplexing, and bewildering scope, latitude, and compass of your gestures, heralds, and indications, the presages, omens, and harbingers, the messengers, couriers, and proclaimers so vividly, lucidly, and distinctly articulate and enunciate your magnificence, grandeur, and brilliance. The reverberations to brighten and vivify the jaded, fatigued, and shaded entities, bodies, and soles are profound and overpowering.

The exhibitions and expositions, the disclosures and exposures, the unveiling and revelations, are the gems, nuggets, and pearls of the creation, life, and universe, deeming of the realm, ambit, and scope of vision, concept, image, and idea.

The treasures and prizes to be sought, strived and solicited for. The paragons, appreciations, and adores to be distinguished, differentiated, and discerned. To succumb and capitulate to the perspectives, vistas, and views so dearly attempted and strived for, and to flourish, thrive, and embellish the sustenance and nourishments of the enthrallment, appeal, and allure.

Then, steadier steps, sterner strides, and abundant, absolute, and utter anticipations, premonitions, and insights prompt their necessities to encapsulate, capture, and compass the perceptions. The merge of the seam when the intuitions, presentiments, and portents augment and heighten.

When the vision, prudence, and imaginations incapacitate, invade, and infuse the boundaries, confines, and peripheries. Otherwise, the persistence to invoke short sightedness, and murky and misty panoramic and inclusive composures reside intact.

ما چه  باکیم  چو دوران به  جفا  نکته  ز ما  درگیرد
نکته  ها  باز  به  کسبش  که طرازنده  نگاری  داریم

Durations, phases, and epochs, the eons, intervals, and interludes ensue, elapse, and intervene. The presumptions, speculations, and conjectures, the impertinences, impudence, and audacities linger, dawdle, and loiter the moments.

The tendencies, penchant, and proclivities, the partialities, affinities, and predilections sway, veer, and convince precipitously, hastily, and impulsively. The articulations, enunciations, and presentations to convey deviations, aberrations, and divergence stay, lodge, and dwell intermittently, sporadically, and erratically.

There is no dread, distress, and trepidation, no agony, sorrow, and grief, when your intimacy and confidence is of essence. When the core and crux is inclined, slanted, and tilted in coordination to your direction, trend, and tendency, and when the pounding of the heart accentuates, highlights, and emphasizes on your entrancing bolstering presence.

Perplexities bafflements, the bewilderments to be pondered, mused, and cogitated. The copious, ample, and abundant curiosities, novelties, and marvels pending, looming, and expecting to be scrutinized, traversed, and explored.

Steering, routing, and navigating within the exposed mysteries, obscurities, and ambiguities to lead to the state, shape, and status when the liveliness sparkles, the vitality soars, and your depiction and caress accentuates. When the strokes succor, and the reciprocity and mutuality manifest.

The creation, conception, and life, the surroundings, ambiances, and environs, the stars, cosmos, and galaxies, the tastes, trials, and illustrations are a mere indication, insinuation, and implication of your dexterity, ingenuity, and ability. The forefront, frontage, and vanguard to conquer, surmount, and master intricacies, convolutions, and complexities of the bestowed and bequeathed flashes and occasions, the encountered, raptures, reveries, and abstractions

کبک  خرامِ   زمان  سایه   بر  آن  بام  نشست
محو  آن  قامت سرویم که دردانه مقامی داریم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The time, instance, and occasion, the contingency, duration, and interval, while the convoy of the tone, tendency, and timber, the caravan of courage, mettle, and audacity, and the crusade of expanding your affinity, empathy, and attention invigorate, exhilarate, and galvanize my inspirations, considerations, and reflections.

The intervals to envisage, envision, and attribute, the desire, entreaty, and appeal to comprehend, grip, and grasp your deliberations and determinations, though transient, ephemeral, and evanescent, yet distends, unrolls, and unfolds to the eternity.

The elation, ecstasy, and euphoria, emphasize, stress, and accentuate the shadow of a partridge strolling and ambling at the edge of the life outlook, prompting and prodding the passage of time and measure.

Your portrayal, depiction, and reveal, your presence, occurrence, and attendance, and your poise, grace, and composure reverberate my heart, resonate my desire, and reiterate my appeal.

The bliss, delight, and exaltation, while the dream of extending my arms, stretching the height of my frame, and leaning fervently, feverishly, and vehemently to sense and touch, to caress and embrace, and to feel and deem your presence, is engulfing, prodigious, and overwhelming.

The moments, occasions, and contingencies are purely, chastely, and virtuously conspicuous, breath taking, and inspirational. The elation, enchantment, and rapture, the captivation, magnetism, and fascination to echo, ricochet, and confirm your benevolence, magnificence, and magnanimity are unconditional and certain, if the granted, accorded, and conceded correlation, the rampant and prolific sensations to seek your solace is sustained.

© Alireza Bemanian, March of 2018 (Author, Poet)