

شاید امروز تمنایِ درون شوق طلب قرعه به سودایِ ثریا فکنم
خطه را  در  قدمِ  مهوشِ  مهتابِ  نظر  سایه  به عمارهِ عَما فکنم

Inclinations and aspirations, preferences and impulses, and predilections and proclivities proclaim and ponder. Mesmerizations and captivations, enchantments and enthrallments, the entrancements and ingressions invade and imbue. To sponsor and permeate, infuse and inundate momentous inner and intramural perceptions and portrayals, the seeks and scouts within the horizons of self-conscious, pyramids of certainties and beliefs, and the barricades, obstacles, and palisades of cognitions, apprehensions, and reasonings. The unremitting and unrelenting quests and probes that attribute and annunciate, perpetuations and continuance which intentionally and deliberately, or serendipitously and fortuitously persist and endure, or tolerate and countenance.

The desires, inclinations, and aspirations, concentrations and contemplations, veraciousness and devotions succumb and surrender, courtesies and kindnesses capitulate and crumble by imperfections and fallacies of presumptions and presuppositions, temporizations and irresoluteness, and equivocations and dubiousness.  Still, solidified, ossified, and coagulated inner intimacies, confidences, and affections, the soul and pure judicious, cerebral, and erudite acumens and discernments postulate, propose, and nominate the jumps and bounces, leaps and capers, and soars and surges.   

The ossified, and coagulated inner intimacies and affections, the longing and yearning, urge and compulsion commemorate and venerate the reverences and approbations, sacraments and atonements which have been strenuously, steadfastly, and emphatically sought. The urge of attainment and serenity, compulsion of nibbana and nirvana to evolve and unravel, and alter and adapt, to sustain and protract, and enflame and entrench, while the path and passageway to extend and outstretch, offer and proffer, the crevices and clefts to inundations and barrages of brightness and illumination engulf and deluge, and submerge and saturate.

Then, the reverberations and echoes, chirps and choruses of augmentations and escalations, tweets and twitters of reciprocations and correspondences enhance and emblazon the inviolability and paramountcy of vibe and vivacity. Or, spontaneity and extemporaneity to purgation and condonation copiously and inconceivably perpetuate and propagate. While, the cheeps and chirrups, chitters and chatters convey and carry, and mutuality and affinity, responsiveness and approachability refine and raise the sanctity and purity of the moments and instances, and significances and prominences, or the similarity and parallelism to the pinnacles and acmes of pertinence and appositeness resonate and resound. 

Imaginably and conceivably, probably and possibly, the moment and juncture has arisen and stemmed, emerged and emanated to rebuke and reprimand the perspectives and stratagems. The scorched and charred heart blaze and smolder, the raging urge and whim, and the rampant caprice and notion of your touch, pat, and intimateness rumble and thunder through the hollow cavities of reflection and rumination within, though your portrayals, revelations, and presence, the shadow of your magnificence and benevolence have fetched, commanded, adjured, and enjoined every single tenet of quiddity and esse.

 The moments and junctures to further and farther, studiously and staidly, and grander and vaster seek and request, and appeal and entreat my destiny and predestination, providence and predisposition, to align and ally, and affiliate and associate my fortune and kismet punctually and expeditiously reach and arrive, inspire and instigate, and exhilarate and enthrall.

The moments and instances which reveal, expose, and depict the opulence and affluence of the dazzling and gleaming, and blazing and glaring constellations and assemblages, patterns and arrangements, the nebulas and clusters that glamorously and splendidly are scattered within the immensity of the sky and firmament convene and advance. The entities and articles that sparsely and sporadically twinkle and flicker to distinctly and conspicuously express their paradigms, the exemplars of participation and partaking, their immense and flabbergasting aspirations and ambitions of conducts and coherencies muster and converge.           

Moments and junctures of reflection and deliberation, cogitations and ruminations, the seclusions and solitudes within the boundaries and bonds, and precincts and margins of postulations and presumptions, apprehensions and conceptualizations, the convictions and creeds resuscitate and resurrect, revive and revivify solemnity and soberness, the rationality and lucidity of the spirit and soul, and magnificence and grandeur of quintessence and marrow.

The quintessence and esse, ethos and cores of recognition and comprehension, discernment and cognizance, appreciation and indebtedness, and admiration and awareness, which have been entangled and interwoven, rendered and conglomerated by the authenticity of the occasions, cerebrations and interpretations, and mentation and ratiocinations corroborate, ratify, and fortify. Tranquility, harmony, and serenity instigate, incite, and spur asceticism and abstinence of depraved and nefarious diffidence and trepidations, the misapprehensions and confoundments, or the figments and apparitions of maladroitness and ineptitude.

The instincts, inclinations, and intuitions, inspirations and motivations, to be bolstered and boosted by the revelations and divulgences while the certitude of the moment, abundance of the eminence and distinction, and percipience and perspicuity of purpose are delineated and demarcated. The self-confessions and acquiescence, embraced and imbued by the congregation and torso of observations and apprehensions blossom, proliferate, and thrive the authenticity and augmentation of the ecstasy and escalation.

To, beseech and invoke the ascendance, preponderance, and prepotency of perpetual and recurrent acclamations and approbations of self-conscious, while, concurrent and concomitant observations and apprehensions bud and bloom the thrust, impetus, and actuations that reverberate the opus and oeuvre of contributions and creativeness, and accentuate and instantiate the essentiality and indispensability of harmonization and synchronization propagate and promulgate perceptiveness and perspicaciousness.

When, gradually and steadily, unambiguously and relentlessly the rays and traces, gleams and glimmers of the moon’s light and luminosity emulate, mimic, and imitate. The irrefutable and convincing era of confidence and certitude, and the dawn and inception of compounding and magnification has arisen. Rays of hopes and dreams, the confidence and faith reflective of thirst and thrive, the delegated, entrusted, and enriched junctures of hopes and dreams designated and proxied by the sun’s brightness and radiance to disperse and dissipate the demarcations and discriminations of presumptiveness, suspicions, and banishments, rouse and rally the potent and efficacious veracities and validities, the coherence, union and unanimity, and adjacency and unison ponder and deliberate.

Unfalteringly and interminably, the sun’s beams, and warmth, the connections, influences, and constructs of the source, provenance, and derivations of creation and existence, selectees and selections of the governance and magnificence of genesis and continuance diligently and persistently flings and dispatches the torch and lantern of light and luminosity.

While, paving, surfacing, and overlaying the esplanade and promenade of serenity and assuredness to envisage, pertain, commence, and endure the vivacity and ebullience of overtures and approaches, and the clemency and tranquility of avidness and adroitness of intent and equanimity of purpose, inhalation and exhalation of aura and air, and pounding and impulses of the heart satiate and gratify the stimuli and impetuses of liveliness and enthusiasm. Entity and entirety are emphatically engulfed and immersed by the imparted and inculcated resplendence and refulgence permeated and instilled within the fissures and fractures, and cavities and craters of the heart. The mecca and cornerstone of roars and thunders, the crossing sand convergences, the convocation and confluence of epitomes, embodiments, and incarnations, and the paradigms and personifications which have saturated and suffused the mesh, milieu, and medium of adorations and adulations, the moments and occasions to transpire, emanate, and ensue.

یا که رخسارِ نظر برهه بر آن وادیِ  پر نعرهِ میخانه و محراب زنم
یا که سر مست  وز  آن حالتِ خودکامه نگه  بر خطِ غوغا  فکنم

Doubts and hesitations, dubiety and incertitude, the dithering and equivocations to be encountered and rendezvoused if the capitulations, surrenders, and submissions do not prowl and tiptoe to be conceived and perceived, or dissolved and dismissed from the realm of certainties, convictions, and confidences.

The fester, putrefaction, and perishment to abbreviate and truncate the trend of pensive, rivetted, and engrossed eagerness and keenness, and to tackle and traverse, to spread and grasp within the entirety of the scope and span of the universe and cosmos of perceptions, presumptions, and postulations lure, ensnare, and decoy. Or encountered, collared, and nobbled to enable, accelerate, and advance the revocation and rescindment of the boundaries of vision, revelations, and passion, which consummate and accomplish the affiliation and conjunction to the crux and kernel of quiddity and extant.

Is it the fascination, covet, and appeal to strike for vivaciousness, ebullience, and exuberance, the inner and midst entities within the sphere and arena of viability and sentience, or to remain merely and utterly conscious, aware, and responsive to the circumstantial and contingent reciprocations and requitals? Is the extent and encapsulation, scale and poise, and the carriage and grace of cognizance, acquaintance, and appreciation of the contentment and placidity, and abounding of attainments and raptures congruous and contingent to restricted and circumscribed inferential and conjectural speculations and presuppositions?

Fascinations, covets, and appeals to pound the persistency of peculiarities and eccentricities, to bash the boundaries and hurdles of capitulations, surrenders, and submissions, and moments and minutes to embrace and comprise or eject and repel ensue arise, and transpire. The passage, and metamorphosis of instants and junctures impose and oblige, and compel and coerce contemplations and meditations, and instantiate and invoke mentation, cerebration, and deduction.

The interfaces and interactions that incite and arouse the deliberations and ruminations to augment and enhance, and engross and enrapture intuitions and clairvoyance. The encounters, and confronts which instigate and prompt prerequisites and imperatives to envisage and ideate the vastness of the vistas that are crystallized and manifested to inundate and deluge the palatinate and principality of vision and perception.

Turn and twist, spin and twirl, and veer and meander, the vastness of vistas, hikes and climbs, ramps and ridges, and rises and soars, the fly and hover, jump and join, and bounce and bound flabbergast and stagger, stun and daze, and salute and surmise. Turn and twist to face and view, and gaze and glance the utopia and bliss, the simmered, churned, and seethed ecstasy and elation which have firmed and framed the pillars of proclamations and declarations of liveliness, the adherences and allegiances, the vibes and vims of the opus and sonata of purity and sanctity which mesmerize and entrance the cavities and fissures of the fading  chimes and the abandoned cornerstones and canvases of neglected  articulations and attributions.           

Turn and twist, arrive and attain, and engulf and immerse the land and plot, parcel and terrain, and mihrab and tavern, the chapel and pub, podium and dies, and lectern and stand, where the murmurs and mumbles, mutters and grumbles, and the babbles and whirrs echo and ricochet, and rebound and resonate within confines of the hub and heart.

Where, screams and shouts, and screeches and shrieks portray and depict the pinnacles of persuasion and admiration, the peak and apex of the thrill and tremble of intimacy, closeness, and adoration. Where adulation, reverence, and veneration supersede and surpass the presumptions and presuppositions. The land and plot, and parcel and terrain where the solitude and seclusion of your connection, correlation, and interactions, or the deity and numen of the soul and spirit remain intact, untainted, and wholesome. The virtuousness and chasteness to drift and waft, and float and glide reciprocity and soul shaking rapture and rhapsody.                

Mosque and mihrab, church and cathedral, and synagogue and tabernacle, plot and plateau, mesa and mound, and terrain and territory, the places of worship, dwellings of extolment, domiciles of laudation, commitments, effectuations, and reifications, or the amenities, charismas, and strengths to attune, and acclimate the propositions and postulations, which elucidate and explicate the bare and bold, and undisguised and unconcealed connection and congruity to the creator, composer, and mastermind  invoke and inspire cultivation and endorsement.

The chirps and whispers, the tales and utters, and the enchantments, enthrallments, and enrapturements, the exposed and revealed occasions and the vivid and lucid acclamations, promulgations, or the segments and sectors, the interactive, collaborative, and melodious participations and contributions to the congregations, assemblies, and throngs of seekers, enquirers, and questers, relentlessly and inexorably instigate, endure, and persist.          

Proclamations and edicts, to provoke and summit, disseminate and diffuse, and disperse and distribute, to rivet, affix, and join the canvas, contexts and overviews, the augmentative commemorations and remembrances of elapsed and consummated insistences, avowals, and affirmations shall punctuate and scatter the scenery and landscape of perception, discernments, and observations. While, the coagulation and formation of invitations, solicitations, and summonses have saturated the arena, stage, and dais of quiddity and esse.  

The passages, segments, and enactments while encirclements and embracement of patterns of insistences, evocations, and elicitations, the uniformities, and cohesions of tessellations and precedents of coordination and consistency advocate and predispose, or adjudicate and arbitrate inadvertent or prepense and preconceived instances and incidents, the worship of liveliness, or the enthrallment of relentless engagement and association proceeds and pertains its persistence and momentum.

The lonely song of a dazzled bird, the ballet, pirouette, and twirl of the darkest and murkiest stars which have depicted the far reached points and spots within the vastness of ether and sky, and the vibrant and vivacious singing cardinals, the radiant and resplendent convoys and harbingers to spread the omens, presages, and portents of harmony and perfection, to whom chirpily and cheerly promote their intimacy and acquaintance to their sphere and forte of fascination, allure, and appeal. the passage of breeze, the vibrance of  butterfly wings, and explosion of blossoms and blooms exonerate and exculpate restraints of rain, reluctancies and the self perceived impediments, to extrapolate and induce the rhythm and cadence of their continual plea and appeal.

The dazzled bird and the remote dark stars, the magical and touching singing cardinals, and the butterfly wings movements , the moments and instances, the passages and paths collectively and cordially, coherently and consistently clarify, unfurl, and  pave the trend and tendency of sanctity and inviolability, the propensity and penchant which indulge and enflame, and the shade and presence of the adored, esteemed, and worshiped creator, which has overwhelmed and engulfed the ambiance  of vitality and vivacity sot, befuddle, and inebriate.

The conglomerations, assemblies, and assortments, beads, droplets, and pearls, ensembles of urge, enjoinment, and inclination, the proclivity and penchant to inhale impetuses, incentives, and impulses, and exhale sediments, debris, and detritus, the sins, errs, and vices surmount and conquer, while spectrum and elapses, placements, compositions, and vicinities copiously and profusely emerge, encounter, and arise. The adulation and devotion and the opera, masque, and symphony of exalt and praise, elevation and escalation surpass and supplant the artificialities and affectations, proprietaries and colophons, or breeds and classes, while the universality and pervasiveness of his presence, benevolence and magnificence splendidly and superbly overshadow temporal and profane, and the mundane and terrestrial obstacles and hindrances.

The shrines and temples, cathedrals and mihrabs as indicative, symbolic and suggestive of the mere and sole holy predesignated, erected, and molded pillars and places of prayers and worships, still, the inherent and intrinsic cavities, fissures, and clefts plea and urge for the light of the inner candle. The luster and gloss, and love and worship to resonate and ravish by the emplaced mihrab and temple within, while retrospectively the candles and torches abundance and enormity of innate luminescence and incandescence abolish and eradicate the staunchest, and most undaunted and unwavering spots, stipples, and speckles. The spots and speckles which have been swayed and wobbled by the lurking, loitering, and pillaging persistency and perseverance of the murkiness and dimness, and hidden by the unresponsive, indifferent, and reluctant horizons and prospects.

The inebriation and insobriety to emerge and occur, the gait, carriage, and bearing to arise, form, and mold, and thirst, thrust, and lurch to soar and surge. The moment, passage, and crossing has swayed, veered, and bent the threshold, the brink and verge of sanity and reason. The instinct and juncture of indulgence and limpid inclination has been transcended. Widen and extend the vision and dream, the time of passage and exodus has reached and landed, enter and embark upon the contour, outline, and peripheries of striking auras, and tormenting, awakening, and alluring thoughts.

یا به آشفتهِ  دل نغمهِ دلداده عیان سایهِ مستور  به اَذناب زنم
تا در این محفلِ میثاقِ سمن  ناز  درون آینهِ کوکبِ  رعنا فکنم

Tumultuousness, tempestuous, and turbulent moments, boisterousness, ebullience, and uproarious circumventions, eluding, and confoundments, the distinctions, accolades, and discernments unwittingly and inadvertently temper, muffle, and dampen aspirations’, ambitions’, and preconceptions’ glide, coast, and soaring.   

Impeding and hampering, sluggish and lumbering, and clumping and incumbering occasions and circumstances, pondering and meditative ruminations and cerebrations, and contemplative and deliberating depictions and delineations establish, empower, and procure the quintessence of augmentation and amplification of empathy and responsiveness, to sustain and surmise concurrent and concomitant enforcement, fortification, and bolstering of apprehension and cognizance. While, the thunderous instincts, befuddled and baffled perusals and queries, and asserted and encountered inklings and premonitions prolong and elongate the persuasiveness and perpetuity of the transpiring and transmogrifying trend of unfolding, unraveling, and evolving pensiveness and cogitativeness.

Then,  whirling, spinning, and spiraling to chase and hound, sensations, impressions, and perceptions to invoke and arose, twirling, reeling, and rotating to ferment and clamor, and reclamations, recaptures, and retrievals, or triggered, elicited, and prompted pertinence, apropos, and appurtenant mentalities and personifications  promote, influence, and endorse the  tendencies, swings, and propensities which are imbued and infused to the dexterity, ingenuity, and acuity of exuberance and profundity. Intricacy and immensity of the indepthness and fathomlessness entwined and braided within the fame and fabric of liveliness, mesh and web of enthrallments and elations, the ecstasy and euphoria of embodiment and epithet pertain and affect mutual functioning and exchanges which intervene and intercede elation and bliss.                

 Swirl and spin to alter views and vistas, spiral and whirl to decipher and unravel, and twirl and reel to untangle and untie, then, concoct and contrive, and sway and select the views and vistas, panoramas and sceneries, and prospects and perspectives which demise your lamentable and inquisitive nettling and rankling, the ragging and riling, and pestering and galling.  Or, swing and settle within the skies and sceneries which are succumbed and submitted to sacraments and rituals of ascription and attribution, and converge and pivot to pinnacles and zeniths of credence and belief, the credo and creed of responsiveness, compassion, and receptiveness.

Cohorts, cronies, and companions, considerations, notions, and conceptions, and parvenus, vulgarians, and arrivistes, to whom the contemplation and cogitation of the commonalities and coherencies of inspirational rays and beams of the universe of augmentative elevations and preferments do not chime and peal, nor the collective evolution and escalation which have engulfed each breathing soul or the wholeness and entireness collectively and jointly, rupture, rift, and revoke of the exuding, percolating, and purling ambiance of their conceived and perched deductions and postulations have been obscured, masked, and cloaked to instinctively and insentiently resent and begrudge the splashes of judiciousness and dashes of abstemiousness. 

Vibe of vivaciousness and verve, while reciprocity and mutuality are perpetuated and annunciated, will denigrate, deprecate, and decay the impedances and restraints.   The pertained pungencies and tanginess of the floating and fluctuating perceptiveness and reactiveness retard and reverse, or restrain and restrict rejection and refutation of fallacies, or resist and refrain fruition and flourishment of the spontaneous and instinctive inspirations. 

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, turn the linchpin, smooth and raze the bedrock, tune in, depict and augur, bode and portend, promise and confirm, The songs and twitters, ditties and melodies, saturation and drenching, dispersion and reflection, musing and rumination, purely and solely, merely and uniquely enchant and enrapture, and the response and echo, the solo and lone, discrete and detached, though in essence bounded and merged to the bygone, moments, and  eternity.

Draw the shadow, solute the shade, canopy and cover, and eclipse and shield to obscure and blur. The inept and awkward, cumbrous and cumbersome, to reject and rebuff, to decline and discard, the bungling and blundering overtures, approaches, and tenebrous propensities. Conquer and vanquish, tame and overwhelm insipid and spiritless, the apathetic and lackadaisical predispositions and proclivities. Proclaim and assert, permeate and penetrate, the awaiting and looming tendencies and penchants, to crystalize and mature, and manifest and attest the tune and pitch, the concord and congruity which have been gathered and congregated, the declared and anticipated wholeness and unison to inundate and deluge aspirations and urge.

The curiosity and novelty, or vibrant, arcane, and unfathomable predilections and proclivity derive and descend, and stem and spring invocations and obsecration, chaunts and choruses, and entreaties and supplications. Though, the flourishment of the desires, and blossom of demands and invitations complement, accompany, and harmonize the scenic and picturesque carriage and comportment of conundrums and eruditions, or the comprehensions and cognitions to spiral and soar the consequents and concomitants, and to confirm and corroborate clarifications, purifications, and virtuousness.

Instigations and urgingsو motivations and inspirations propel and thrust, and rouse and induce, while the inquiries and inquests emerge and personify, and incarnate and instantiate. The liveliness and sparkle, dynamism and zestfulness emphatically, relentlessly, and inexorably provoke and goad, and spur and prod the stretch of the horizons and boundaries of envisagement and ponderment, to propose and embellish, bedizen and defy, and expound and elucidate.

Epitomization and exemplifications, encapsulation and manifestations of the quintessential and prototypical tendencies and approaches, affinities and attitudes, to surmise and speculate, and conjecture and conclude, while meditations, introspections, and reflections catapult, hurtle, and stampede the encirclements of predicaments and entanglements sharpen and hone, and refine and polish the gem and pearl, and the rock and nugget of incisiveness and astuteness, and perspicacity and awareness. To, augment and elevate, and embrace and comprise the soul and vivacity, and concord and concurrence, and to clinch and encompass the journey and roam of ennoblement and amelioration. The train of ostentatious assertions, and cavalcade of inauspicious conflicts and contentions cocoon and personify to perfunctory and desultory persuasions pertinent to peculation and purloinment of circumstances and circumventions.  

Notions and convictions, surmises and postulations, and abstractions and apprehensions amalgamate and affiliate, the indulgence and raptness, forbearance and clemency, and tolerance and lenience affect and influence, and modify and transform in oneness and unison. Then, coordination and synchronization of reasoning and erudition, the command and restraint, and commitment and consecration coalesce and consolidate.

Endurance and perseverance startle and stun, when the bonfire and conflagrations within, the pneuma and anima roar and soar, the fragile and brittle, and sore and gentle heart rage and surge, and while the rolling hills, and shaded valleys of viridescent, profuse, and verdant pasturage and bocage of constancy and consistency enmesh, entangle, and intertwine. The terra firma of formidability and indomitability, and incongruously and paradoxically the embarkment and commencement of sublimity and superbness had been whittling and carving, rapture and elation, and the evolvement and unfoldment undeviatingly and unwaveringly have been empowering and disenthralling.

The spiraling and ameliorations, and soar and the rise had been toing and froing, though, despite one’s lateral, surreptitious, and tangential nodding, bobbing, and nudging, and the ebbing conviction and irrefutability, still the elbowing and bumping, pick and select, and opt and adopt had revealed and unveiled the copious and captive scintillations and coruscations that vividly and luridly saturate and inundate the ethers of panache, vitality, and liveliness. The concept, pattern, and precedent, the solace, succor, and consolation, and the comportment, relevance, and endurance, the pasturing valleys and rolling hills had been spread and dilated.

Masterpiece, composition, and opuscule of creation and oeuvre of performance and presentation, the investiture and inauguration of the moment and instant implore, impetrate, and beseech for vivaciousness and vehemence. Beleaguerment and besiegement of the intuitions and insights, and the progressions and sequels solemnly, intently, and earnestly trek and trudge, stride and stomp, and tramp and strut.

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, raze the bedrock, and tune in. Then, blossom of demands and desires, inducements and invitations stun and startle. The gathering and fascination, forum and frame, and conclave and congregation, the stage and dais, and mihrab and podium surpass and transcend, and outstrip and outshine the boundaries and margins, and confines and precincts of terrene and terrestrial, and transient and ephemeral strains and exertions, to exculpate and emancipate the anxieties and burdens of indecisions and disinclinations, and forbiddance and inhibition. When, thoughts and notions, beliefs and convictions, or the studious and solemn, and diligent and erudite ruminations and cogitations superimpose and overly the sanctity, righteousness, and virtuousness of entity and sentience.

The threshold and entrance to inebriation, or self-consciousness to succumb and surmise shall encounter and brush, and nudge and pat. The bridge and bond, and pledge and passage to shake and judder shall traverse and crisscross, and decussate and navigate. The conjectures and inferences, congruence and felicitous sapience and sagacity shall strike and afflict, and bang and bash, the fortuitous and serendipitous junctures and crosses of augmentation and magnification shall flabbergast and astound, and shock and surprise. When, the revealment and concealed ethos and crux of esse and existence, manifestations and embodiments, epithets and epitomes, and paragons and incarnations proclaim, surrogate, and decree.

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, circumstances and occasions ensue and arise, indulgence, gratification, and delight festoon and swathe and hang and shutter. Concessions and compromises, persistence and dedications, and comforts or tumultuousness of the transitory episodes and provocations engage and engross. Ambiance and aura, tenor and tone soar and surge circle and climb, and flicker and flutter, while, the tremble and shudder, tremor and judder, the joy and bliss, and charm and thrill preserve and prolong, and provoke and percolate,

Clasp and clutch, catch and clench, stars, auspices, and auguries, and scenery and stage, the sagas, epics, and narratives surrounding and secluding the heart reflect and reveal, and gesture and portend. While, the murals and icons of the finesse and elegance glitter and shimmer, and sparkle and splendor. The stint and stretch, and epoch and era to sieve and sift, and hurl and toss, to reiterate and rehearse the reflections and replications, which are bounced and leaped by the vault within have arrived.

Harbingers and heralds whisper and murmur, mutter and mumble, to urge and utter adorn and emblaze, and glide and embellish the inherent and personified inner mirrors, to reinstate and rebuild the overtured traits, to illuminate, irradiate, and enlighten the postulated and pertained darkness and void, while signifying and denoting the bestowed and designated dispositions and personas. Scratch the turf and scrape the ambit, browses, glimpses, and glances have been scattered, flung, and tossed by the skies’ and heavens’ acuminate and cuspidate rays and twinkles of ambitions and aspirations.

شاهد و ساقی هر موعد و دم در گرو هیمهِ  آکنده و خود  تاب زنم
گو  که  این  آتشِ  افروخته  بر سوخته جان  همدم  و  همپا  فکنم

The felicitous, propitious, and congruous amity and harmony, which have been extrapolated, inferred, and deduced by dedication, perseverance, and keenness, and the ardor and fervor engulf and immerse. Spontaneity and expeditiousness, and immediacy and promptitude of incurrences, susceptibility and vulnerability of perceptions and convictions, and sensitivity and receptiveness of adhered and assembled beliefs and dogmas coalesce and conjoin, and meld and mingle pensive and cogitative perceptiveness and rigorousness.

Befuddlements and bewilderments request and inquire interaction and mutuality, and judicious and perspicacious retorts and rejoinders, bafflements and bemusements elude and befuddle astute and sagacious ramifications and implications, while perpetuity and persistence of edifications and elevations of the liveliness, continuance, and vivaciousness flourish and thrive. The aspirants and petitioners, the walkers and hikers, climbers and trekkers of flagged and paved paths constrain, oblige, and impel their journey and expedition, jaunt and excursion to submission and acquiescence, obscurities and ambiguities, and unfolded and unanticipated turns and twists which tweak and tug the scenic and picturesque intricacies and niceties in shamble and stumble.

Though, companions and consorts, and confidants and cronies shall inadvertently and decidedly, unequivocally and emphatically be amended and altered, invokers, mainstay, or the pedigree and provenance of profligacy, lavishness, and extravagance be abhorred and despised, and advocates, promoters, and campaigners of arrogance, prodigality, and imprudence, the reassurers and encouragers of immoderation and intemperance be distanced and detached. Nevertheless, despite aberrations, oddities, and transgressions, the conjecture, ambit, and orientation of content and gist, and sense and mood strike and emanate, encircle and ring, and reflect and echo within and through the adhered and applauded audiences, spectators, and partakers, to whom the thirst and nostalgic cogitations and deliberations ablaze and aflame the passions and sentiments.

The grasp and grip, clench and range, clasp and clip, and hold and hasp, entwine and interlace to intuitions and instincts, zeal and adherence, and allocations and allotments, while, interactions and interfaces, movements and motions, and intertwinements and complications profound and overwhelm the consequences and ramifications, attainments and accomplishments, and effectuations and reifications. The melodies and themes, and rhythms and tropes of incarnation and existence exemplify and epitomize, and encapsulate and manifest the evolution of intent and purpose. The ambition and aspiration to impeccably and exquisitely exceed the barriers and hindrances, and impediments and obstructions of the circumstantial and serendipitous incidents and instances vaunt and flaunt.

Endurance and stamina, and tenacity and resolution to adore and revere the gestures and overtures of vibe and vivacity saturate the mind and inundate the intuitions, the zest and keenness, gusto and glee, and passion and verve astound and astonish. Stare and glaze, and query and review, not to dodge and elude skepticisms and reservations, nonetheless, prepare and practice, presume and prevail the ponderance and cogitation of conceptions and perceptions, and realizations and recognitions.

Conceptions and perceptions, realizations and recognitions, the trend, inclination, and tendencies, or the pillars, tenets, and precepts to fortify and buttress, and enrich and revive augmentation and intensification, and flourishment and corroboration of the slant and stratagem, tactic and attitude are intuitively and innately, subliminally and subconsciously correlated and attached, and anchored and affixed to the devolvement and bequeathments, and self entrustments and commitments.

Postulates and claims, hypotheses and proposals, the commencements and instigations ferment and foment, fuel and foster and raise and cultivate the command of the instances, and sparks and flashes, sparkles and glows, and glints and glimmers galvanize and rouse the resilience and buoyancy of the moments. If, pusillanimous and petrified, the timbres and tones, resonances and pitches submerge and muffle, and dampen and mute by the arrogance and conceit of concurrent connivances, inculpation, and implementations.

Regimens and praxis of infused and imbued, and instilled and inculcated conventions and obsessions have been overlocking and obliterating, though the rainbow and spectral of splendidness and opulence resiliently and brilliantly, vividly and vibrantly rush and dash, and caper and dance within the horizons and skylines of the sought, perceived, and depicted spectacles and prospects of cerebrations and introspections.

The occasions arrive and the junctures cross, the passages prevail and the stares shimmer far across. Prominence and substance, and transcendence and ascendancy to adjourn and abandon, vacate and desert, to abscond and renounce while the extravagance and lavishness, the prodigality and profligacy of exuberance of thoughts, postulations, and presumptions gesture and inscribe. Though, the wishes and dreams, and ambitions and aspirations haggle, barter, and trade, to caper and cavort, and romp and leap  the flares and flames of the purity and limpidness, or the bonfire and blaze to grasp and glimpse, and muse and behold your shadow, the presence, attendance, and attention, the magnificence and radiance, the grandeur and opulence of your affinity, empathy, and rapport.

The timber and kindling, tramp and trudge, and clamp and climb persist and perpetuate, the bonfire and flare, coruscation and scintillation, and radiance and refulgence exult and bliss, the pace and stride, leap and hop, and jump and bound usher and marshal, and the sceneries and stages, landscapes and conundrums, and vistas and riddles tackle and traverse. While, the purity of heart and lucidity of soul exculpate and exonerate the elapses to surpass and eclipse the far stretched horizons of conceptualization and envisagement. Or, the transparency and limpidity, the articulacy and perspicuity of spirit and esse which enflame and engulf the quiddity and ethos of pertinence and participation jolt and startle, and evoke and educe.

The timber and bonfire, flare and bound, the vistas and scenes, and riddles and conundrums flabbergast, bewilder, and flummox. The enlightened and clarified sentiments and emotions, embroiling, simmering, and seething sensations and uproars, perspicuousness and pellucidness, or simplicity and distinctness of the inclinations and dispositions consecrate and sanctify. The elixir, potation, and resplendence of elations and raptures to inhibit, impede, and descend, while inner and intimate embroilments, quarrels, and squabbles exacerbate and aggregate, the abandonments, remissness, and delinquencies, though launched and actuated by the stratagem of occasions, or inadvertent and improvised instigations and provocations, still the discernability, manifest, and palpability of the peremptoriness and imperiousness indurate, inure, and inspissate.

The timber and bonfire, glorify and elevate, and revere and exalt the instantiation and epitomization of the impetus and compulsion, the urge and spur to dance and turn, and hop and jump to the spontaneity and impetuosity of the girders and rafters, the joist and struts of the sheens of surroundings, sparkles of the intuitions, and patinas of perceptions.  The yen and spur to succumb and submit, and relent and heed to the soul, the mere versatility and efficacy, boldness and ambition, and empathy and passion, the gems and solitaires proposed and postulated via the macrocosm of life and exuberance, and the responsiveness and reciprocity which had been vividly and vehemently proclaimed and portrayed by the magnanimity, allurement, and benevolence of his presence and revealments.

The flare and bound, sustenance and provisions of the essence, substance, and kernel of reflection and cerebration, to surmise and infer, inspire and instigate, and cease and culminate, while the connection and correlation, vigorousness and boisterousness to suggest, simmer, and rumble exhilaration and vivaciousness, animation, impudence, and audacity incite and galvanize. The union and bond which impetrates and implores to the astonishment and stupefaction of discernment and consciousness, while the erudition and edification of grandeur and opulence glide and slide the sceneries of sacrament and atonement. The portent and omen has been retrieved and reclaimed to permutate, rectify, and revamp the abolishment and obliteration of the indecorous and inapposite, and injudicious and imprudent endeavors and ventures, the repentance and penitence, or to reify and effectuate the abandoned and repudiated ruptures’ and reiterations’ dispersals and diffusions.

Vistas and scenes, promulgators and proclaimers of perpetuity and imperishability of impartiality and neutrality, the depiction and interpretation of intuitions, suspicions, and presentiments bud, bloom, and blossom enthrallment and appeal, and approbation and absorption. The punctuations of intelligibility and transparency, portents and presages of virtuousness and righteousness, and auguries and heralds of perspicacity and acuity reverberate and pulsate, and resonate and rumble the eon and eternity of the esse and spirit. The spiral passageway and vessel to grasp and clasp the enclave and arena of irreproachability and impeccability arises and rebukes, and racks and reproaches to be paved and overlaid.           

Riddles and conundrums, contemplations and deliberations, and excogitations and ruminations, to instigate, foment, and kindle the tendency and propensity of resolve and tenacity, to incite and breed unravelment and disentanglement, and to expound and elucidate the predicaments and quandaries of entanglement and inculpation, roar and thunder the horizons and boundaries, scopes and spheres of sensations and apprehensions, and conviction and awareness. 

Commotions and rumpuses, uproars and ruckuses emancipate and unfetter, the flames and blazes, and flickers and fires revamp and reshuffle, and the remnants and remains, the ashes and embers, and cinders and charcoals reveal and expose, and divulge and disclose the desires and yearnings, and vehemence and coveting. The imbued and instilled inner flames and flickers, the company and companionship, and amity and comradery to the shattered and wrecked soul and heart which rejuvenate, revivify, and reanimate your breeze of solemnity and staidness, the wholeness and thoroughness, and diligence and scrupulousness. The studiousness and assiduousness purely inscribable and incised by the opus and oeuvre of your commencement and genesis of creation.

The flames and flickers, glimmers and glitters, and sparkles and twinkles, harbingers of fervid and passionate particularities and peculiarities, the processions and cavalcades of pertinence and relevance, and convoys and caravans of germaneness and concernments inundate and immerse, and overwhelm and overrun the boundaries of perceptions and articulations. The journey and voyage of entity and viability, the trudge and traipse, and trace and trail of affiliation and integration recite, rehearse, and reiterate the episodes and incidents of perfections and serenities, and junctures and crosses of reception and acceptance.

Then the carriage and conveyance, and augmentation and enrichment that reciprocate by the torrents of the thunderous and crashing streams and rivers transcend the resilience and hinderances inherent to the mountainous and precipitous bedrocks. While, the drift and swing, and bias and bend of commencements and comprehensions, the partialities and prejudices, and preconceptions and predispositions coagulate and congeal the sanctuary and haven, and shelter and oasis of nirvana, ecstasy, and bliss.

تارکِ صبح سحر  بانگِ  صبا  یش چو به ارابهِ هنگامهِ عُباب زنم
خرقه بر سینه شود  چاک  که  تا خیمهِ طرار  ز دستار  به دریا فکنم

Strike of the dawn, emergence of sunbeams, and advent of sunlight authenticate and endorse the resilience and pliability of precipitance and abruptness, the promptness and impetus of emanation and exposure. The delight and glee, and exultance and jubilation, the renewal and recommencement to emphatically, ardently, and fervently grin and beam. Humble and reverent, and dutiful and courteous to illuminate and embrace pundits and savants, affluent and prosperous, and penurious and poor indistinguishably and identically.

The rise and ascent, and warmth and ardor to engulf and shelter, the compassionate and gentle composer and contributor to include and encircle the sightseers and observers, or keen and fervid, the demanders and questers of lucent and candescent beams of radiance and aura, the anticipators and predictors, or the unwavering and unhesitating entities and personas whom persist and remain unfurled, unimpeded, and unrestricted to their thirst and  yearning,  the awaiting occurrence, eminent rendezvous, and coveted  conclave and convocation have been transpired and emanated .

Strike of the dawn, when the breeze and the draft murmur and mutter the ear, and the puff and flurry of sheer and limpid, and noble and bold whisper and utter ring and resonate, and heed and lead, the surpass and exceed, and outshine, and outstrip of the dream and desire has reached. The succor and comfort, brace and bolster, and pier and prop to drench and douse, and steep and sink the innate and connate contents and comforts, while, the marmorated cavities, craters, and fissures of the heart, core, and soul concurrently and concomitantly reflect and mirror, and rebound and carom, or dampen and stifle, and diminish and smother, the chirps and cheeps, and tweets and  tunes, or enmities and rancor, and malice and spite.

The sunrise and daybreak, or elevation and ennoblement, and escalation and soar, the rise of the moment and the apex of the flash to embark and enter upon, to commence and venture the vessel and craft, and barque and keel of join and juncture, and link and nexus. The base and bottom, and footing and underside supportive and empathetic, carrying and concomitant. and continual and culminative to chime and blare the waft and breeze, and tame and blend, and permeate and percolate the winds and gusts.

The ocean of the journey and voyage has been raged and tempered, and rampaged and enflamed. the crusade and pilgrimage of the innate and indelible, and inherent and intrinsic chest and torso has been unfurled and unraveled. The fathomless and recondite, the concealed and esoteric, and the arcane and occult reservoir and receptacle of awakenment and liberation has inundated, immersed, and besieged the rampant yearnings and prolific cacoethes.   

Summit of dazing and dazzling, the acme of resurgence and revival, and the crest and crown of confoundment and astoundment to contest and confront, and approach and attempt, to instigate and incite, and rouse and spur have twinkled and arose. The seas and waves, the billows and clouds have been gathered and garnered, the combers and rollers, and rush and ripples have been charged and assailed, embark upon and ride the carriage and cabriolet of dedication and distinction, and accolade and destiny.

Fate and kismet, resolve and tenacity immerse and imbue, and bliss and luster, the conveyance and caravan usher and shepherd, and marshal and muster the sacrament, ritual, and reparation of essence and kernel, entailed or barren of the emblems, motifs, and insignias, the commotions, disruptions, and reactions. The ocean and sea of exertion and gesture, and manifestation and foundation, and the tides and ebbs to engulf, cleanse, and wash away permeate and prevail.  

Bequeathals and bestowals, consignments and conferrals to be acclaimed and applauded, and retained, nourished, and augmented, to be harmonized and correlated, and tinctured and casted, to be blended and blunged, and melded and mended, while, the occurrences and incidents, occasions and episodes inspire and influence, and rectify and mitigate, and when the ocean of copiousness and procurement linger and loiter. Unruffled and unflustered, the juncture of jointness, and the trail of evokement and educement, elucidation and endearment of ambiance, and the vibe and tone relentlessly and obstinately, inexorably and unremittingly surge, gush, and heave.

Strike of the dawn, and the sensation of the breeze and draft, the murmurs and mutters, and whispers and mumbles, sights and scenes, radiances and sparkles, the echoes, chirps, and choruses to amble and wonder. Murmurs or mutters, peculiar and insane purports and pretexts, or profound and fervent deductions and decrees, and me to portray and stipulate. The murmurs and mutters, echoes and whispers, and me to absorb and conquer, and muse and ponder.
The radiance and sparkle, your vehemence and infatuation, the reverence and ardor, and the lambencies and scintillations to immerse and imbue, and suffuse and saturate. The eminence of ambitions and desires, the prominence of purpose and pursuits, or the emanation and emergence to infuse and inculcate, your unison, unanimity, and oneness, the piousness and sanctitude when the congruity and your wholeness have enlightened and edified my entirety and existence daze and humble.

Postures and bearings, and deportments and assiduousness overwhelm and overburden, while presumptions and assertions, and premises and assumptions mesmerize and entrance, and affected and influenced charters and schemas, and fixated and rivetted itineraries and patterns embolden, inflame, and invigorate, or disdain, disparage, and denigrate.

Tendencies and affinities, trends and biases simmer and fester, the vogue and whim, rage and craze surmount and conquer, and surpass and transcend. Obscurities and oblivions, and quandaries and opacities crawl and creep, to accommodate and lodge, and acclimatize and arbitrage. While, the tent of greed, rapacity, and cupidity fabricate and contrive. The pavilion and cupola of conceitedness, egocentrism, and ostentation erects and constructs, and the camp and clique of pomposity, grandiosity, and condescension exasperate, incense, and infuriate.

The oceans and seas of exertion and gesture, and manifestation and foundation demand and mandate, and necessitate and stipulate the exigency and extremity of conjugation and junction, the reciprocity and harmony, and congruence and coherence.  The cohesions and consistencies, coagulations of tenets and beliefs and trusts, evocation and engenderment of superventions and inspirations, and determinations and deliberations to augment and transpire. The perpetuation and prolongation, and interludes and intermissions which cascade and torrent to the rise of apex and apogee of ecstasy and euphoria shall endure and prevail to acclaim and compliment, and applaud and approbate.

The waves and ripples, influences and impressions intermittently and recurrently, or irregularly and erratically capture and captivate. Grasp and range, clench and reach, the rush and flash, and gale and gust conspire and collude, and connive and contrive. The magnetism and zestfulness, and vigor and vitality divulge and disclose, and unveil and unmask, merely, to conjecture, anticipate, and contemplate the inclinations and adorations of the exuberated and exulted entities and perpetuators, or the sustainers of the unremitting and incessant burning and hankering desires and yearnings, to whom the hurdles and barricades of arrogance and imperiousness had been shattered and disintegrated.

Conjoinment and consolidations, and assemblage and accumulations of impressions and intuitions, integrations and approbations of cognizance and apprehensions, or the extractions and extrications adduce and supplicate., the undulations and heaves relentlessly and unabatingly ensue and eventuate.  Ostentatiousness and conspicuousness of moana and cache, the serendipity and fortuity of heartedness and exhilaration, and the kismet and karma of righteousness and rectitude copiously and profusely propel and precipitate, while the mecca and epitome, and incarnation and paragon of rapport, affiliation, and acceptance ram and jam the peripheries and margins of convictions and contentions.

 The exposure and perceptibility, enquiry and conspicuousness, and discernable and palpable intimations and revelations blossom and bloom, annunciations and proclamations, or pellucidity and limpidity, and translucency and clarity which are emanated and exuded by the fathomless and recondite ocean and moana of profusion and proliferation redeem and ratify. The plenitude and plethora of inducements and incitements permeate and penetrate, to escalate and accelerate, and accentuate and consolidate the insistence and incisiveness of the superlativeness and prodigiousness, when wavers and quivers, the ebullitions and eruptions would not incredulously and dubiously bewilder and flummox.                    

Spontaneity and extemporaneity, impromptu and improvised frissons and palpitations, adlibbed and contrived urges and drives consummate and effectuate. Murmuring, whirling, and humming, passages of breeze, and the solicitations and insistences to inhale, embrace, and seize. the instigations and emphases capitulate and concede, while, frenzy and fury of reverberations and poundings, and adjacency and propitiousness of ramifications and repercussions rumble and clatter. Or, the traverses and crossings, anthologies and assertions, and penchants and predilections mesmerize and enthrall, and beguile and allure.

The empathies and compassions, and senses and sensations, emotions and sentiments, and adulations and adorations detain and distrain, feelings, poundings, and throbs puncture and ponder, and pierce and perforate, to confound and thwart doubts and demurrals, and to impede and incumber recalcitrance and reluctance. Melodious and canorous, and lilting and dulcet ditties and tunes, the ballads and epics, and audacious and valorous myths revamp and restore the heave and hale, and haul and tug.

The festering, rankling, and fettering cravings and yearnings to outreach and touch the margins and boundaries of precariousness and ambivalence, and the shudders and shivers reconcile and syncretize. Though, trembles and quivers of certainty and convictions, the pining and carving to incapacitate and debilitate dithering, teetering, and vacillations pertain and demand complacency and self-approbation.  The stipulation and importunity to abandon and abolish the tent of greed, rapacity, and cupidity, and the pavilion and cupola of conceitedness, egocentrism, and ostentation persist and endure Tide of the oceans and surge of the streams, the syndicates and consortia of creation ostentatiously and conspicuously cleanse, rectify, and purify.

وز  جفا   دیده  چو  جان  در گرو  مهوشِ   دل سجدهِ  آراب  زنم
قاصدِ قوس مهش شعله جان قبله بر  آن خصلت  رسوا فکنم

Adulation and adoration, accolades and salutes, the discernments and reifications congregate, convene, and forgather the caliber and eminence of consciousness and awareness, and acquaintance and cognizance. Befuddlements, bewilderments, and bafflements to steer, coxswain, and navigate eras, spans, and eons of participations and partaking, the exuberance and liveliness which is inherent and innate to each carried and conceded strike of inhale and exhale.

The enflamed entity, the rumpled and wrinkled, and creased and crumpled marrow and kernel inquire, assert, and appeal. Exacerbations, augmentations, and intensifications, heightening and compounding commemorations, rituals, and celebrations of conquered moments, and acquaintances and interconnections which escalate, and surge and spiral, the intimacy and closeness, and the heedfulness and vigilance stun and stagger. The gallant and chivalrous, courageousness and intrepidity of the rise of the instance and emanation, and the commencement of the revealments and occurrences wallop and whack congruence and ratiocination, and premises and deductions.  

The rap and knock, and slap and thwack of the shell of dubieties and delays echo and resonate, trepidations and perturbations immerse and inhabit, and settle and populate the scopes and horizons of percipience and perspicuity. Concurrently and contemporaneously the juncture of coalescent and cleaving, and the crossing and overpass of inclusion and amalgamation delineate and demarcate. The flash of desires, and burst and blaze of predilections and proclivities, the bond and guild, and pledge and promise of twilight and dawn, and their emergence, splendidly and luridly recast and revamp the sky, the pitch of darkness and obscurity, and  the dome of dusk and oblivion to roam and rove, earnestly and eagerly intercepting and preempting to  slather and scatter the luminance and brightness of sun.

The rainbow, the vivid, vibrant, and radiant prismatic strands, wreaths, and chaplets of conceptualizations and convictions overwhelm and overtake, the innate gaudy, glaring, and garish jewel and nugget that had been darkened, dinged, and gloomed by the ambiance of dissonance, extraneousness, and inconsistency has been honed and sharpened, and glinted and glimmered, the pirouette and ballet, spin and rotate to  acclaim and hail,  the shimmer and shine to eclipse and transcend the obstructions and barriers.

The exasperated and incensed, and riled and thurified alienations, isolations, and disaffections incessantly and persistently disperse and vanish, despite disbursements and expenditures, and decadence and debauchery’s agility and swiftness, and dissoluteness and licentiousness inevitably and inexorably to lurk and skulk, and loiter and prowl, while provisos and riders, and inclinations and leanings encompass and embrace disgruntlement, grimness, and aloofness. The twilight and dusk of abandonments and cessations, the detachments and impassiveness overcast, pale, and fade the horizons and skylines of tenacity and obstinacy, the insistence and fortitude to conjure, rouse, and convene the bestowment and conferment of unison and wholeness awaken and enkindle.

You and your magnificence and magnanimity, benevolence and beneficence, and consolation and clemency, the solace and succor, and sanctity and sacredness, and my existence, core, and quintessence, procurements, attainments, and acquirements, a divergence and deviation, or an indistinguishability and uniformity which have been affably and courteously entangled, intwined, and amalgamated me to your grace and reprieve shall authenticate and endorse my karma and fate, and kismet and fortune.

Your exculpation, opulence, and panache, verve and flourishment, zest and elan, the provenance and derivation of purgation and propitiation have amazingly and astonishingly, staggeringly and splendidly confiscated and sequestered my heart’s secluded and segregated caverns and fissures. The besieged and beleaguered quandaries and predicaments which have been proliferated and thrived by the barriers and hurdles of parsimoniousness and imprudence alienate and detach, while your radiance and lambency of trusteeship and fiduciary attentiveness sparkles and coruscate fervent and ardent arbitrations and adjudications.

The seamlessness and harmoniousness, impeccability and immaculateness which have instigated, surrounded and surrogated, and harbored and vindicated, and the ocean of fathomlessness and incomprehensibility that constantly and irrevocably, and passionately and magnanimously arm and gird, and bolster and brace me. Me, the infinitesimal fragment and façade, and frontage and semblance to aggrandize and augment, and revitalize and reinforce the reflections, replica, and rings, the chimes and carols of your grace, pose, and charm, the enchantments and enraptures shepherd and chaperone by your diligence, assiduity, and punctiliousness.

The reflections, ruminations, and replications of the entireness and integrality, the veritable and unmitigated allure and adorability, and the absoluteness and inclusiveness prosper and flower in the arena and terrain of exuberance and evolvement. The unremitting, unabating, and unrelenting disparagements, and deprecatory denigrations, the stains and smudges of ineptitude and maladroitness ebb and fade.

Inefficacies, nugatory, and forlorn premises and surmises which have been spattered, besmirched, and daubed by the haughtiness, hauteur, and arrogance, while the depictable and incarnated incongruities and inconsistencies are predestined and preordained to be perished and departed would heartfeltly and wholeheartedly be adapted and amended.,  The vehemence and zest of rutilant and fervid, and ardent and lucid enthrallments of eminence and ecstasy propound and render felicity and rhapsody.

Immersions and absorptions, fascinations and captivations, and intrigues and raptness, your adorability and enchantments, splendidness and dazzlements, the utterness and absoluteness, and the reciprocations and revealments, gyrate and whirl the consciousness and sentience, the ponderings and cerebrations. Instances and ubiquitousness of correspondence, correlations, and connections, combined by my frailty, enfeeblement, and infirmity, the latitudes and scopes, and distinguishments and discernments shall revamp and amend negligibly and frivolously.

Your affections and warmth, the solicitousness and fondness have extirpated and obliterated the perspicuous and unambiguous pertinence of my minuscule eidolon and imperceptible proportions. Then, the granted and proffered pneuma and atman have elated and elevated my crux and core, and actuality and principle to identify, harmonize, and replicate your bounties, nobilities, and alms. The reification and effectuation to bow and bend to your oneness, cohesion, and coherence, the unity and unanimity to be unfurled and unrolled when glanced and glimpsed at by the vastness of the vision and the openness of the prudence and discretion.       

Portents and preludes, presages and precursors, and heralds and harbingers, the mesmerizations and thrills to align and ally the cognizance and direction palliate and mitigate desideration’s yearning and penchant’s thirst, the revival, vivification, and invigoration of the anima and atman, and avatar and numen propound and permeate. Heralds and omens, harbingers and auguries, the deductions and reasonings, and interpretations and judgements, the streams, rivulets, and torrents of presumptions and pursuits unambiguously and incontrovertibly perpetuate and ponder.

Intuitiveness, perceptiveness, and awareness, the discernments and heedfulness, or demotions and relegations of punctuations and extremities convulse and churn, ruminations and contemplations, mediations and interventions rebel and rise, the arbitrations, encounters, and stalwartness and steadfastness of pursuits and quests ameliorate and alter, and elevate and amend the persistency and pertinacity of the realm, ambit, and demesne of notability, tangibleness, and substantiality.

Judgements and arbitrations, wisdoms and acumens, the sagacity and astuteness to commensurate and correspond to the dynamism of existence, the ethos and essence of creation and universe though inadvertently and unwittingly enkindle and evoke, and impel and educe, or imperiously and pompously, and propitiously and auspiciously edict and decree. Still, the evolving and embryonic endeavors and exertions, the summons and provocations relentlessly and unabatedly postulate and propose, and pursue and pertain to preempt and preclude pathetic delinquencies and miseries, and adversities and inadequacies, or the scantiness and inferior interventions.

The summons and provocations, educements and engenderment, and precipitations and perpetrations to embellish and blossom, and to flaunt and revere glow and gleam, and glare and glitter, while the auspices and aegis of meritoriousness and efficaciousness are esteemed and deemed.

The whispers and murmurs of the surrounding ambience and milieu, chirps and tweets of the messengers of liveliness and vivaciousness, or the whine and wail of a lonely and secluded wimp and nebbish sole and lone congregate and ensemble the ritual, sacrament, and liturgy of quiddity and core. Reverberations and ramifications that articulate and verbalize, and authenticate and verify the episode, exploit, and ecstasy of vibe, emanations, and aura of tenors, convictions, and certitudes.

The harbingers and heralds, conveyers and deliverers, surrogates and proxies, and the commissioners and deputies to annex and extend, and carry and bolster the portrayals of perspicuity, murals of articulacy, and vistas of perceptions and eloquence, and recognition and cognizance inundate and indulge the panorama of perpetuity and continuance, and imbue and instigate the scenes and terrains of glance and glimpse, while not obstructed and hindered by the arbitrated and  predefined exterior or interior barriers and boundaries.    

The caravan and cavalcade, and chain and cortège of protractions and perpetuations proceed and proclaim, and enlighten and edify, while, conjured acquaintances and conversances, the carried rendezvous and assignations, and the confronted perplexities, bemusements, and stupefactions and befuddlements gloss and shine, and burnish and sheen. The radiance, brilliance, and luminosity to enlighten and edify the embarked upon entities and individuals, whom unresentfully and relentlessly postulate, demand, and contend the journeys’ and passages’ oblations, liberations, and tributes auspiciously and felicitously ameliorate and revamp.

Devout, pious, and reverent thoughts and judgements, and contentions and convictions that the convoys and harbingers, vistas and views, thunders and rainbows convey and render, the birds and warblers, personas and characters, and me and my milieu and their emanations are your created, nurtured, and inherent cherished constituents and integrant nubs and hubs. Your propounded and rendered connection and unanimity extrapolate, reason, and deduce promulgations and advocations, endorsements and disseminations, and propagations and proliferations of entireties and elements, constituents and components, instincts and intuitions, and revealments and epistles to invoke and impulse the integrity, veracity, and fidelity of the dance of stars and ebb and tide of the ethers and skies.

The thunders and rainbows, and your entrancing and enrapturing portrayals and depictions, the messages, posts, and letters carried and conveyed by the countless and immeasurable summations and totalities of harbingers of harmony and coherence, the allies of prompting and partaking, which encapsulate and confine the elixir and tincture of elation and exultation, the inhalations and exhalations, or the composition and sense of connection, contemplation, and joining   emblazon, adorn, brighten, and vilify and enliven the burning and exuding candle within.

The candle to elucidate and enlighten, purify and sanctify, and vindicate and liberate combat and counter the lashes of the blusters and the whips of the blasts. Custodians and caretakers of my entity and substance, anima and pneuma steward, retrieve, and recoup the adulations, approbations, and laudations.

The torch to inflame and ignite my deliberateness and intentionality, the auspices and omens of goad, spur, and lift, and the flames and blazes of certitude and faith have anchored and bound within the cascade and chute of rarities and curiosities, the behest and clamor, and uproar and rumpus, which engulf and deluge my passion and sentiments, and the Kaba  of the heart’s convergence, conjunction, and confluence demanding reel and rotate, and whirl and swirl have imbued, permeated, and saturated the poise and grace of the mercifulness and vehemence.

The Kaba, hub, and pivot to console and sooth the broken heart, to solace and succor the shattered spirit and soul, and to advocate and champion sincere, earnest, and solemn exclamations and interjections, or the joy of commencements and perpetuations scintillate and coruscate.

The whoops and bellows, and roars and hallows sustained and surmounted by the hankering and yearning, and ache and longing to shrink and dwindle the distance, to decrease and diminish the barriers and barricades, and to wholly, utterly, and entirely touch and feel, sway and stir, and affect and steer our unison and unity have  been astoundingly, unabatedly, and interminably instigated and established.

The aegis, auspices, and patronage to vindicate, liberate, and extricate, the unfettering, unmanacling and unshackling of dogmas, delusions, and deliriums, to distance and avert the incontrovertible and irrefutable conformist and conventional mottos, dictums, and maxims, and the foresight and prudence to defer and obviate the adages, apothegms, and aphorisms of illusory, fictitious, and pretended assertions and articulations that are voraciously and rapaciously, and avariciously and covetously convened and concurred confer and convene. The continuums, coincidences, and concurrencies to further and farther pertain, affect, and touch your congruence, wholeness, and oneness epitomize and incarnate tales and narratives of commensurability and correspondence. 

در عطش سخت  گدازیده  ولی چاره نه پرواست به نوشاب زنم
تا به گردونهِ  آن اختر دردانه پر و بال بر  آن کوکب  جَربا فکنم

Fervor and hankering, and thirst and burning, the thresholds and onsets, and brinks and verges of temptation, impulse, and inducement intrigue, enthrall, and instigate. Fascinations and beguilements, allures and enchantments entrench, ensconce, and cement, the fire and furry, blaze and barrage, and hurl and throw, emotions, sensations, and passions emanate, emerge, and spring.

Inexorably and ineluctably, refutations and repudiations, and retractions and revocations reverberate and resonate, and dominate and dictate. Elevation and escalation of deducible tenets of rationality and logic, and inference and extraction of factuality and amenable attributes while, the encountered, combatted, and confronted perplexities and mystifications have not been ardently, fervently, and feverishly prompted and incited, and prodded and evoked coerce and compel, and oblige and impel fallacies and delusions.

Erudite, sober, and studious desires and urges flicker and flutter, while, longing and yearning wreck and ravage, and foray and ransack the occasions of reflections and meditations. The segments, crosses, and roams, and decussations, reticulations, and traceries of disclosures, divulgences, and disturbances perturb and muddle, and ruffle and fluster.  The duality and dichotomy of pompous and portentous elations and delights, the adapted and arrogated aberrations and divergences, the lingered, loitered, or stifled and smothered separations and contradictions ceaselessly and incessantly commemorate and venerate the pendulant postulations’ and persuasions’ reoccurrences and reappearances.

Fervor and hankering, and thirst and burning incite and induce, the torment and anguish, and ordeal and agony pique and provoke, and stump and clump. The toils and travails, the revamps and reshuffles, and niggles and quibbles of desires and aspirations, or chimeras and mirages simmer and rankle, and boil and rumble. While, the path and passageway to trounce and vanquish the grail of meritoriousness, virtue, and caliber truss and hitch the acmes and apexes of he stretched out horizons of light and luster, and glow and glare.

The virtuousness, righteousness, and meritoriousness of the moments, gravities, sequences, and consequences, the conundrums, stumpers, and crunchers of bounty and plenteousness of perpetuity and pertinence, and resoluteness and ponderment prelude and prologue. Absoluteness and starkness, and blatancy and brazenness, the ornateness and baroque masterpieces of the flock of flying birds, susurrations and murmurs that sizzle and hiss the brisk and crisp, and tonic and roborant ambiance of astoundment and overwhelm profess, venture and reaffirm the ecstasy, bliss, and rapture of rejection and resentment of velleity and torpor, and apathy and languor. Blankness of the eternity of unfaltering and unwavering attributions and ascriptions, and provenances and derivations reciprocate and respond, ration and share, and march, evolve, and trudge.

The esse, soul, and ethos rove, roam, and rumble, empathies, compassions, and dispositions intersperse and interrupt, gyrate and pirouette, ebb and abate, and ennoble and elevate.  The limpidness and clarity, wholesomeness, virtuousness, and purity grip, beatify, and sanctify the depth and essence of transitory and recurring concurrences and coincidences, or delegate, mandate, and consecrate the reprieve, referments, and constancies of permanence and intransience, while the lenience and affinities, and forbearances and tolerances inert and torpid to debauchery and depravity, and lechery and iniquity.

The thirst and burning, thresholds and onsets, the rage and rant, and pose and bluster fuse and intermingle, replicate and barter, and swap and haggle. Opulence and affluence of benefices’ and prebendaries’ inert and torpid insignias and motifs, or the innate and inherent guardians, wardens, and concierges which have burdened, saddled, and incumbered the agility and dexterity of enlightenment, reckoning, and reasoning, shadow, trail, and follow guise’s, façade’s, and persona’s profundity, intuitiveness, and judiciousness. Perfervidly and passionately, and ardently and animatedly, perspicacity, perceptiveness, and astuteness of the creation’s enthronements, coronations, and establishments impeccably, exquisitely, and intricately depict, delineate, and elucidate the finesses, complexities, and convolutions which coincide and concur to the preconceived and deliberated raptures and rhapsodies.

The holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity brim and overrun, and bristle and teem while the enjoined streams and torrents of effectuations and percolations reverberate and resonate, and reciprocate and replenish. The geyser and fount, and repository and reservoir to sustain and affirm constancy of the apprehensions, trendiness and modishness of recommencements and resumptions, and the trail and tale of adroitness and ability, and aptitude and deftness furl and fold, and race and relay.      

The holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity, the potent, formidable, and cogent beam and glow, joist and timber, and anchor and bolster of formation and disposition, genesis and generation, and expansion and evolution, to mold and cast, form and frame, and emboss and denote. The demands and requests, obstinate pursuits and obdurate objectives, the indefatigable devoutness and intransigent precepts and tenets, tinkle and ring, and jingle and ding.

Creeds and credos, the faith and beliefs, and quests and pursuits to stem and spring, expeditions and excursions, voyages and exploits, and feats and deeds to ensue and proceed, the jaunt and junket, battles and campaigns, and crusades and crossings to rejoice and blur, and baffle and bewilder, while the offerings, oblations, and libations drench and douse, and the odyssey, peregrination and pilgrimage of the envoys of  succor and sustain, and warblers’ carols and chaunts of felicity and triumph, and ebullience and exuberance sprinkle and scatter, to splash and splatter the skylines and scenes of survey and scan, and scrutiny and search.

Emphatically and exceedingly, when the succumbed and surrendered presumptions and persuasions, the lingered and lurked in nemesis and foes of poise, conviction, and courage exacerbate and acuminate, or the torso and trunk of aptitude, adeptness, and potentiality have been unwittingly and inadvertently, adamantly and obdurately, or irrevocably and irretrievably trounced and stricken. Then, the inducing and inspiring carols and chaunts echoed and rang by the concaved and cavernous ambiance and tenor revive and revivify in urgence and exigence.

The warblers and canaries glide and drift, and coast and soar within the scope and emptiness of the skylines and the boundaries of abstractions and apprehensions. The emissaries and envoys, and messengers and ambassadors to pronounce and pertain the percolated and permeated piece and performance of ambition and intention march and trudge. While, the dazzles and gleams on the far stretched azimuths and zeniths of the flickering and sparkling purviews and horizons startle and astound.

The peaks and summits which have been regurgitated, recited, and narrated by the nominated, designated, and determined prospects, aptitudes, and proficiencies, to augment, ameliorate, and fortify the grail, fountains, and springs, the entrance, ingress, and inrush of perceptions, acceptances, and appreciations inexorably and incessantly prompt, pose, and inspire.

The lifting and soaring skies, unshattered, uncluttered and unostentatious percolations and clarifications of the hike and trudge, the ramble and walk adjure and request, summit and convoke, and rally and revive absolution and remission, and delivery and acquittal.  

The waning and vanishing prepotencies and dominions, declining and desertion of the provinces and territories of pertinence and retainment, abdication and abandonment, and renunciation and relinquishment of perpetuations and nurture, rearing and raising, and fostering and buttressing have plundered and pillaged the terrain and enclave of rumination and cerebration.  

Cultivation of presumptuous postures and incontrovertible and indubitable though egotistical and narcissistic deducements and extrapolations have been ravishing, tumbling and depraving the conclusiveness and irrefutable confidences and convictions, which inevitably and irrevocably deprive and divest the kismet’s and karma’s veracity and fidelity, and kismet’s and moirai’s troth and promise.  Unbolt and unlock, unlatch and unfasten the star and orb, and encirclement and hold, to embrace and cuddle, and indulge and cosset, the patina and shine, and gloss and luster have been prodigiously and stupendously thundering and ravaging.

The stars and orbs, and the rays and shimmers which brighten and enlighten, and enliven and hearten caverns and corners, aisles and alleys, and crevasses and fissures ceaselessly and endlessly point and pivot, and twist and whirl, eager and ke&en, and avid and fervent to impel and adjure. The intensity of the radiance, the immeasurability of the brilliance, and the entrustment of the ambiance, your glance, and ricochet and rebound incite and ignite, foment and kindle, and evoke and trigger.

The incitement and evokement to rumble and roar, and glide and soar, to flap my wings, and flutter my pennons, to outreach and outstretch, and expatiate and pontificate, while your ardor and keenness, vehemence and dynamism, and discretion and judiciousness empower and emancipate, and vivify and revive. The vastness of galaxies, nebula of hunches and inklings, and the impenetrability and incomprehensibility of the oceans of imaginativeness and consciousness instigate, entice, and impel bemusements and obfuscations, partaking and participation, and connivance and connection to suffuse and imbue my core, gist, and identity to the holy grail’s holdings, while the fountains and springs stream surges and gushes.

مهوشم مه  چو  نمایت ز  سرِ غبطه ز من باز  به مهتاب  زنم
خطه را  در  قدمِ  مهوشِ  مهتابِ  نظر  سایه  به عمارهِ عَما فکنم
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Ingenuity and innovativeness that are spurred and galvanized by the gravity and seriousness of moments and occasions, deducements and extrapolations that presume and glean unconventionality and unorthodoxly approached expressiveness and articulateness, and trustworthiness and wholeheartedness ponder and percolate the virtuousness, unimpeachability. and irreproachability of the esse, quiddity, and spirit, which, accentuate and underline the uniqueness and distinctiveness of ubiquitousness and prevalence of premise and essence.

Delineations, demarcations, and delimitations of motivations, ambitions, and justifications, the vastness, immensity, and enormity of anthologies and assortments command, impose, and enjoin unembellished, incontrovertible, and unequivocal; daintiness, gracefulness, and exquisiteness.  Wile, exuberance and ebullience, and exhilaration and exultation of the ballets and movements, and gesticulations and maneuvers encompass and embrace the enclaves and protectorates of totality and entirety.

While, contests and contentions, conflicts and cacophonies, and rivalry and vying postulate, nominate, and exuberate, a trait and tendency to preponderate and prevalence, although prone, predisposed, and susceptible to aberrations and deviations, and transgressions and demeanors. Ironically, poignantly, and paradoxically the amalgamation and compound of such aberrations and transgressions digress and diverge, and deviate and divagate the permanence and imperishability of contest and competition.

Or, the innate and inherent tournaments and clashes which are commended, advocated, and championed by the attributes, the strengths and foibles of cerebral and erudite conjectures, suspicions and inclinations which lamentably and woefully transpose and reverse connivance and consent, and condonation and confirmation to pontification, prattle, and dogmatization, postulate and predicate inexpedience and inappositeness.

Brightness and luster, luminosity and lambency, and effulgence and fulguration permutate and ameliorate, and alter and rectify the ambiance and aura, and tenor and milieu of the manifested and exhibited, and unveiled and revealed personas and pneumas, fervencies and ardencies, and embodiments and epitomes.  The rays and beams which have entitled and allowed permeation and infiltration, and nimbleness and sprightliness propagate and promulgate perpetuity of reasoning and vindication, and validation and rationalization, the heralds and harbingers to sparkle, encompass, and encircle.

Depictions and delineations, and portrayals and presentations, the vividness and vibrancy, clarity and lucidity, and the catch and capture of your intimacy and closeness succumb and subdue the enviousness, covetousness, and resentfulness of the patina and gleam of the moon. The flares and glares, and paragons and paradigms, which have spurned and shunned the vault and spring of the incandescence and effulgence, the sources, traces, and cradles which have engendered, prompted, and promoted their essence and substance, and their survival and sustenance, to resent and bitter the inspiring and affecting, simulating, and influencing pendency and pendulum of continuance and furtherance. The symphony, sonata, and opus of persuasion and promotion impeccably, sublimely, and superlatively prepare and present, and render and soar.

My adoring soulmate to worship and praise, my companion and confidante to solace and sooth, and my intimate and comrade to fraternize and converse, the moments and occasions while the reciprocations and exchanges, the enlightenments and awakenings have been dimmed and darkened, while the clusters and nests of  ponderance and cerebration have been abridged and slashed, or curtailed and diluted, and while the precincts and purlieus of your pertinence to expedite and accelerate  your reach, the padding and leaning on my shoulder have befitted and befallen to the verge of diminishment and alleviation,  or the crosses and occasions when the moonlights enmities and malignances mar and obscure the paths and passageways explicate and elucidate imprudence and disheartenment.

Still, your torch of sparkle and glitter, coruscation and refulgence, the enlightenment and elevation which inundate and engulf the caverns and corners, and fissures and fractures of the heart, core, and kernel trust, reckon, and judge to bar and block, and ban and obstruct the ragging and ravaging assault, or thwart and obviate impertinence, extraneousness, and inappositeness.

Stroll and saunter, and meander and wander, the amble and ramble, or traipse and shuffle, pursuits and quests, trailing and tracking, and shadowing and hounding, the passage and course quell and overwhelm.

Courses and actions, collections and observations, and occlusions and contemplations, chunks and humps, bricks and lumps, and wads and wedges glut and gratify, compilations and conclaves, rendezvous and engagements swamp and drench, and conventions and congregations, the sentiments and propositions, suggestions and submissions satiate and mitigate,

Inferences and extrapolations, conjectures and suppositions, and epilogues and conclusions echo and pulsate, contentedness and appeasement, indulgence and forbearance, accordance and acquiescence roar and resound, and agonies and anguishes, sorrows and distresses, and desolations and torments thrive and prosper sidle and slide, wield and wave, or inadvertently and involuntarily excruciate and crucify.

Concurrently and in chorus and unison the holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity prosper and blossom, proliferate and flourish. The retinues, entourages, and chaperones of acclimation, assimilation, and acculturation, the inurement and attunements of stanchion and scaffold recover and rescue, encouragement and endorsement, and substantiation and furtherance, the accompaniments and complements. Eonsolidations and augmentations which beguilingly, charmingly and charismatically vivify and animate, accentuate and emphasize, and pivot and spindle, delight and exhilarate, and invigorate and electrify.

Have been emphatically, stridently, and fervidly overtured and gestured, and  heralded and harbingered by your sanctifications and consecrations, the blessings and canonizations, amity and closeness, and intimacy and buoyancy, the beacons and bonfires of elation and elevation, the pharos and flares of postulations and speculations, directions and orientations have been perpetuating and immortalizing.  

The vision and foresight, revelations and divulgences, declarations and utterances commemorate and venerate, enliven and rejuvenate, and enrich and reverberate.   your presence and reflection, emergence and manifestation, the caress and touch, the embrace and cuddle copiously and profusely immerse and engross, engage and enthrall, and couple and unite. Your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, perceptiveness and persuasiveness, to be perceived and connected to inebriate and galvanize, while your shadow of solemnness, unequivocalness, and entireness mesmerize, hypnotize, and enrapture.

Me, the captor, custodian, and curator of your benevolence, benignity, and compassion, whom has been embellished, embroidered, and embossed by your confidence, conviction, and credence to, trudge and trail, and tramp and parade within the valleys and mounds of astoundment and dazzlement, and the plateaus and mesas of astonishment and confoundment. To, enchant and entrance the garden of Eden, and to culminate, ameliorate ,and amplify the harmony and consonance, and euphoniousness and mellifluousness of  your turf and sphere, or to enhance and expand  the entity of life and entireness, the totality and integrality which have been engraved and entrenched within the vale and dale, and wadi and glen of the stretched out horizons of ampleness and appropriateness,  and shrinking and vanishing barriers and barricades of vacillation and ambivalence.

Me, the cully, crony, and chum, the pal, mate, and marra, the breed, buddy, and bro, how could not glimpse and grasp your tone and tenor, and poise and aura, nor to cherish and revere your tier and rank, and roar and holler, or not to imbibe and ingest your primacy and power.   Me, the mesmerized, rivetted, and allured obsequious toady of your charisma and charm,  not a fawner  and flunky, but a  devote, adherent, and aficionado, a savant, cognoscente, and connoisseur to adore, admire, and appreciate, an aesthete of your noble, righteous, and virtuous reckonings and deeds, whom continue knocking and pounding on your doorbell, unremittingly and unrelentingly, while unabatingly and interminably have tuned in, altered, adapted, and rearranged to vividly and irrefragably, and unassailably and unambiguously discern, perceive, and apprehend the congruence and unison of  you and myself.   

Author and Poet: :

Alireza Bemanian

December 11th 2020


Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)