

گفته از روشنیِ ساحت دل در هوسِ هدهد آزاده قفس دربندیم
گونه را در طلب بادِ صبا هر گذرش  بر نگری یا نظری  پابندیم

Sanctuary of sacrosanctity, inalienability and imprescriptible invulnerability, the inviolability and absoluteness advocate, decree, and ordain. Tenacity, intentness, and pertinency, the conceptions and contemplations, postulations and apprehensions, and conceptualizations and convictions predestine, enjoin, and command.

Thirst and requisition, eagerness and enthusiasm, the desire and inclination to attain, clinch, and effectuate the enlightenment and enthrallment, perspicacity and sagacity, the erudition and edification instigate and incite, induce and impel, and excite and entice.

Expansion, extension, and augmentation, evolvement, transmutation, and transmogrification, the alteration, amendment, and adaptation of boundlessness, interminability, and infiniteness of perception, astuteness and acuity intrigue, conspire, and captivate the essence, ethos, and esse of existence, endurance, and extant.

The magnetism, enticement, and mesmerism bombard and inundate, engulf and deluge continuations and resumptions, protractions and perpetuations, purposiveness and adamance, and resilience and preponderance, or mirage and phantasm. The depiction of proportions, fractions, and comparations maneuver, contrive, and manipulate, while urgency, exigency, and earnestness commensurate pertinence, congruousness, and auspiciousness, the concurrent harmonizing, and propagated ponderances and deliberations that augment, strengthen, or arrogantly or tempestuously subside.

Unbounded, untrammeled, and unimpeded hoopoe and lapwings of the plateaus, mesas, and highlands of consequence, concerns, and corollaries, tranquil, serene, and unruffle moments and junctures of identification and association, the correlation and connection, exculpation, vindication, and exoneration.

The envies, desires, and resentments to rudimentary, meager, slender, and scanty safeties, immunities, and shelters ponderously, tediously, and tiresomely tinker, trifle, and fiddle the aspirations and ambitions to glide, flit, and flutter, to transpire and ensue, to derive and supervene, and to impinge and supersede.

Characters, tenets, and spirits, the tendencies, propensities, and predispositions, the penchants and predilections to perpetuate prosperities, affluence, and opulence of acclamation and approbation, and commendation of confluence and convergence, contemplation and comprehension, captivation and immersion baffle and bemuse, confound and flummox, and bewilder and befuddle. While, perpetuation and continuance to resonate and reverberate, hone and sharpen, and grind and groom the trellises and traceries of awareness and attentiveness, the trajectories and trails of temptation, compulsion, and enticement mar, harm, and tarnish.

Breeze, zephyr, and draft of awakening, arousal, and revival, confluences, confluxes, and convergences, the harbingers, heralds, and auguries, precursors, ushers, and messengers carry and convey, fetch and dispatch, and exude and emanate.

Absenteeism, truancy, and abandonment, the scarcity and rarity, paltriness and paucity, the sparseness and scantiness to perpetuate, prolong, and propagate have exacerbated the exiguousness and meagerness to rummage, scour, and scrabble. While, influence, inspiration, and impact to stimulate, induce, and motivate, to commemorate, observe, and venerate tranquility, equanimity, and equability, to heed and scrutinize the sanctity of the moments, to detect and perceive profoundness of the perception, and to respect and remember the remanence of the occasion have been enervated and evaporated.

 The intent and resolve, ambition and tenacity, and vow and promise, the enthrallment and entrancement to glean, assemble, and ascertain your attendance, occurrence, and manifestation have lingered and dawdled, dallied and loitered. Conveyance and transference, astuteness and perspicacity, and depiction and dedication have incongruously, paradoxically, and poignantly veered, diverged, and swerved to portrayals of stratagem, murals of expediency, and the treat and thrill of the chimera and illusion

Phantasmagoria, delusion, and misconception, spontaneous captivations and pretended and replicated beguilements blur, haze, and obscure, distort, conceal, and confuse. While, dedications, devotions, and enthusiasms deter and divert exhaustion, fatigue, and weariness, the precursor and antecedent to rampage and rage detrimental and injurious to race and rush to the proximities, propinquities, and vicinities of logic, lucidity, and judgement.

Ironically, the inherent and innate intuition and urge of amity, affection, and warmth, affinity, bond, and rapport, the vivid, intense, and striking desires, pleas, and appeals to seek, capture, and attain your attention and connection, the posture, countenance, and comportment confined and crafted by conceptions, hypothesis, and perceptions rampantly and profusely conquer and overcome.

The Breeze, zephyr, and draft incessantly and irrevocably caress and cuddle, strike and embrace, in compliance and acquiescence to prevalence, dominance, and pervasiveness of exuberance, liveliness, and vivacity.

The vitality, verve, and vigor of essence, core, and ethos rampantly and profusely, obstinately and persistently, and adamantly and tenaciously perpetuate and perform, though furtive, veiled, and concealed while the heed and consciousness, intentness and attentiveness, and scrutiny and recognition is still dwarfed and diverted, or avoided and averted.

گفت اقبال، ازل  گر  که تماشای سخن  از  ره  فردا نشناخت
بخت را راز ابد خفته خطا درگه آن معبدِ منظور  نظر می بندیم

Destiny, intention, and purpose, fate, fortune, and future, and kismet, karma, and providence, the conglomerations, accumulations, and assortments, agglomerations, accretions, and abundances assert, announce, and aver. The articulations, coherences, and comprehensions compose, comprise, and compile, advents, introductions, and arrivals, precedents, patterns, and paradigms, tessellations and combinations, concoctions and combinations, or the fabric of creation innately, intrinsically, and inherently interact, intermingle, and interrelate.

The enormity, immensity, and copiousness, vastness and stupendousness, bounteousness, munificence, and magnanimousness, the distinctions, variations, and deviations, congruences, consistencies, and consiliences demand and incite, kindle and influence, and instigate and instantiate, the composition of augmentation and attribution.

Observance and perceptiveness, praxis and practices, sacraments and conventions, the rituals, palavers, and confabulations, invoke, conjure, and evoke, while the inducing and educing trends, tendencies, and vogues churr, chirp, and wobble, the peeps, tweets, and murmurs which steer, maneuver, and helm.

Destiny and intentions! the purpose, horizons, vistas, and views, acuities, ambits, and orbits, the embodiment of destinations, personification of objectives, and incarnation of impetuses, ambitions, and desires, the prevalence, predominance, and pervasiveness, capture the abysses, annex the burdened barriers, and incarcerate the creeping, sneaking, and slinking barren, drab, and dreary discrepancies, while the hazed and darkened mind, cognizance, and intellect entombed  by inconsistencies, contradictions, and  redundant refutations reasserts, insists, and reaffirms agility, alertness, and dexterity.

 Dawn and inception, prelude and prologue, and conception and commencement, the genesis and inception to inquire and canvass, the cause and conviction, tenet and tendency, and creed and doctrine of dedication and determination, the adherence and allegiance to pertain and perpetuate, to envision and envisage, and to portend and prognosticate the predilections and proclivities outburst, surge, and irrupt.

Predestined and preordained ambitions, aspirations, and determinations articulate, augment, and ameliorate the destiny, coincidence, and foreordination, while the posture and deportment of bestowed and bequeathed bounty of life and exuberance, viability of mutuality and interconnection commensurate and complement the thriving and prospering procurements, attainments, and acquirements.

Revelations, divulgences, and declarations tenaciously, obstinately, and adamantly herald, portend, presage, and promise the propinquity and proximity of junctures and confluxes. The moments and instances of continuance, prolongation and protraction, the paradigms, paragons, and quintessence, declaratives and annunciators of providence, attempt, and endeavor vehemently, fervidly, and fervently undermine and abrogate susceptibility and vulnerability to sustain and espouse moments and flashes of fortuitousness.

Then, aberration and peculiarity, anomaly and inconsistency, and atonality and dissonance do not constitute and compose contemplations and deliberations. While, the tendency, propensity, and proclivity to instantiate and procure, incline and captivate, and invoke and pertain the tessellations and patterns of impetus and occasion, and ambition and aspiration does not perpetuate ponderance, merit, and sustainability.

When, abandonment, relinquishment, and discontinuance prelude dissociation, detachment, and dispassion, the preface to dissipation of dexterity, adroitness, and agility, and to overshadow the aspiration and plea to authenticate, endorse, and substantiate.

Though, occurrences and incidents, circumstances and eventualities, coordination and correspondences, and capitulations and comprehensions coagulate and concentrate moments and incidences which manifest and exhibit the expressions, utterances, and articulations.

Predestination and nemesis, serendipity and fortuity, and fortitude and faith accentuate, emphasize, and augment authenticity, genuineness, and trustworthiness of the totality, entirety, and inclusiveness. The fabric of fascination, maze of mutuality and maturation, and congregation and cluster of pursuance and perpetuation spread and disperse beyond the boundaries of imaginations and judgements.

The snooze, siesta, and doze, the slumber and sleep to thaw and fad desertion and disregard, inattention and dilapidation to relinquish and abandon renouncements and revocations, and reversals to instigate, initiate, and inspire nondiscriminatory distinctions, dissimilitude and divergences deallocate and diminish the heterogeneity and nonuniformity which portend and presage pertinence and purposefulness, the perseverance and persistence of resolve and purpose.

Simmered, festered, and succumbed pretenses, affectations, and ostentations, charades, façades, and fabrications disavow, refute, and recant. The prevalence and pervasiveness to continually rehearsed fraudulence and falseness fused, coalesced, and amalgamated to intimacy and seclusion of serenity and equanimity, recalcitrant and exasperating acclamations and approbations resentful and indignant to extinguish and eclipse.

 While, affections, fondness, and endearment, the exclusiveness, elegance, end elitism, reciprocity, responsiveness, approachability, and awareness are averted, deterred, and obviated, the retrieval and reclamation evaded and eluded by preclusions, deterrence, and impediments. When, the incurred postulations and presumptions of iniquity and debauchery exacerbate and impair prudence and providence, the path and orbit to decay and crumble of percipience and sagaciousness, while leaned and inclined to bemusements, departures, and decrepitude. The tumbledown and ramshackle remnants of quintessence and epitome are debilitated and relinquished to rebuke, reprove, and reprimand, surrounded by the stealth refutation and repudiation.

To cave in, concede, and accede, accept, acknowledge, and assent, while the presumptions, presuppositions, and premises, assertions, assumptions, and articulations have been prosaically, vacuously, and insipidly prevaricated, dissembled, and dithered.

Then, accentuate and emphasize the dedications, devotions, and allegiances that have been tarnished, blemished, mottled, and blotted. Pinpoint and isolate the renegaded and rebelled derelictions, desertions, and delinquencies, augmentations, acclivities, and elevations of inconsistencies, discrepancies, and contradictions. Identify and recognize the negations and annulments of reverberating revelations and motivations which have been ravaged, pillaged, and plundered, the ignored, neglected, and forgotten intimacy, proximity, and propinquity that have been perpetually pertained by your magnanimity and benevolence, the unheeded, unobserved, and unnoticed apropos and germane gestures and occurrences which have been unsubstantiated and uncorroborated while the adorations, venerations, and reverences have been hypothesized and postulated, Dissipate and dissolve the dearth and drought that dogmatize the delinquencies to pertain and portray strays of sincerity, the unequivocal and unambiguous drift of candor and consonance.

ساکنانِ حرمت جمله ز دیدار به انگار تو هر گوشه طلب  آویزند
راهبان مست وز آن رخصت دل بر قدحِ خمر ثنا  پُر  بندیم

 Seekers and chasers, strikers and inquirers, and crusaders and campaigners of your sanctuary, shelter, and tabernacle, the imperviousness, invulnerability, and insusceptibility to whom that prudently and shrewdly envisage and enrapture, and captivate and entrance your trace, dash and touch, and verve and vigor by the blink of the eye, the enactment and ratification of the rays of aspiration and expectation, and the draft and waft of your attentiveness and deliberations. the arrived and attendees, intimates and cohorts to whom the moves and jumps, reach and stretch, and grasp and touch ring certainty and certitude, commensurate acclivity and incline, and pave and flag barrow and tumulus of enthrallment and allure.

The abdicators, rejectors, and renouncers of resentments, antipathies, and antagonisms, abandoners and repudiators of enmity and animosity, to whom the adhered and simmered, and stumbled and sneaked hinderances and deterrents, impediments and encumbrances are surpassed, excelled, and exceeded by eminence and distinction of your elevation, absorption, and allurement, the chirps and chips, and squeaks and peeps resound and reclaim the fortitude and  grit, and endurance and courage.

The fascinators and enthrallers, enchanters and beguilers who embark and commence your convenience and camaraderie, the affinity and companionship, the observers and scrutinizers, perceivers and discerners of your concernments and caringness, your compassions and receptiveness, enhancers and accompaniments, sponsors and diffusers, disseminators and dissipaters of your benevolence, altruism, and blessings, your beacon and bonfire, beam and pharos to detonate, kindle, and enflame.

To whom, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness, innumerability, bounteousness, and multifariousness, manifestations, expressions, and expositions exacerbate, aggravate, and amplify to stretch and expand the boundedness, barricades, and barriers of vistas, panoramas, and sceneries of substance and affluence, verve and vigor, and vitality and vivacity.

To whom the vigilance and attentiveness resonate, resound, and reverberate your presence and occurrence, and your depiction and portrayal, while the perplexities, bafflements, and incomprehension instigate, impel, and incite aggrandizement, diversification, and proliferation of encapsulation, diminution and contraction, to expand soar, and ascend extremer and farther to your engulfment ,immersion, and inundation.

To whom, the sorrow of the soul, the wail of hinderances and impediments, and whine of emotions and empathies are insinuated, whispered, and alluded to reciprocate, evaluate, and appraise. When, the gorge of life’s reverberations and dynamisms, ravine of zings and vitalities, canyon of confirmations, ratifications, and commencements, and the valley of trustworthiness, meritoriousness, and virtuousness immeasurably, illimitably, and infinitely instigate, induce, and prevail the abdication and renunciation of perception’s and observation’s restraints and restrictions.

The monks and abbots, rabbis and priests and sheikhs and dervishes, fakirs and sadhus, contemplatives and friars, savants and pundits, who seek and request, the parsons, reverends, and pastors, to whom his presence, manifestation, and ponderance portrays perpetuation of the appeal, the profundity of purpose, and gravity of the gesture.

 The souls, beings, and personages to whom the personification, epitome, and incarnation have been distinctly apprehended, ascertained, and appreciated, the concatenation and coalescing of desire and devotion, to whom interactions, collaborations, and association remain rampant, unbridles, and unquenchable, the exemplars and exemplifications of embodiments and personifications.

To them, you, your ingress, reiteration and replication of moments of acquaintance and conversance, when the joy, ecstasy, elation, and exultation of your contact, caress, and embrace saturate and inundate fissures, crevices, and fractures of the crux and core, your attentiveness, responsiveness, and thoughtfulness within the perception and discernment of intent and resolve, tenacity and thirst to embrace, encircle, and encompass your entity of embodiments and epithets, designations and denominations, the entirety, totality, and wholeness restitute, rampage, and rapture.

The bliss, euphoria, and rhapsody, soar and escalate to quintessence of culmination, the apex, zenith, and finality to amalgamate and augment the entirety, fused, mingled, and merged to your verges and thresholds of acceptance, assent, and accession, to broaden the boundaries, circumferences, and confines of delight and enchantment. The influence, incitement, invigoration, and inspiration to inherently incapacitate, disincline, and debilitate demeanors and deportments, which depict and delineate constraints, partitions, and borders to resent and restrain perpetration and effectuation. While, resolution, reification, effectuation, and consummation of your expectations, surmises, and assurances are precipitously brandishing and gesturing the pennants of recurrence, proclamation, and perpetuation, dedicatedly, devotedly, and steadfastly to surpass and transcend the realm, ambit, and demesne of presumption, postulation, and conviction.

Then, shaky, quivering, and trembling postures, poses, and stances, annunciations and acclamations, assertions and proclamations, and decrees and diktats, the edicts and enactments, percepts and promulgations, and recipes and modus operandi descriptive of banners and bestowments to distantly, vaguely, and reservedly abridge and curtail your unequivocal, explicit, and immediate acquaintance, consociation, and conversance; to contort and distort, to symbolize, suggest, and signify you, exemplified by partial deportments and demeanors, to reflect, imitate, and replicate opaque, impervious, and impenetrable absolutisms, despotism, and autarchy, inherent by utter prowess and arrant incontrovertibility, depicted, represented, and described to vindicate and justify harsh, abrasive, and punitive indisputability, irrefutability, and incontestability.

To muster, convene, and congregate “we”, the asserters, acclaimers, and announcers of your merits, aptitudes, and virtues, the elites and elects, the designated and nominated gentries whom seek solace and succor within the shadow of concealment, separation, skepticism, and exclusion, the aristos who have been swamped and besieged, and deluged and engulfed by erected barriers, and bequest boundaries of misconceptions and misdemeanors, hedges of delinquencies and derelictions, and bastions of misdeeds and dilapidations.  The advocates and devotees befuddled and inebriated by the emptiness and shallowness of the chalice, the figurative goblet which is voided, nullified, and neglected of the content, ironically and poignantly, paradoxically and conflictedly to rescind, retract, and revoke of your reflectiveness, pensiveness, and rumination.

آن نما سیطرهِ ملک عدن قبله  گرش وسوسهِ جلوه  دیدار  تو  بود
حالت دیده شود  لعل سخن ساحت  و  پندار  برت  دل  بندیم

  Entities and beings, personages and luminaries, nobs and toffs, and fulsomeness, profuseness, and effusiveness, the rapture, euphoria, and elation, the illuminati of instigations, cognoscenti of conscience, and literati of intellects and intuitions intensely and profoundly infuse, inculcate, and imbue.

Vistas of adulation, the horizons of approbation, and spheres and scopes of surveillance and scrutiny surround the sanctities of certitude, confidence, and assurance. Sanctuaries and shelters, retreats and havens to corroborate, authenticate, and confirm, to conspicuously and collaboratively coagulate the province and protectorate of certainty, conviction, and inevitability, the outpost and enclave of virtuousness, meritoriousness, and vehemence.

The citadel of confirmation, fortress of verification, canvas of corroboration, and estuary of ratification and affirmation, the inlet and fjord to fusion, meld, and merge, piety and piousness to encompass, traverse, and span, the vastness to claim, appeal, and demand disbandment and dissipation of discontinuance, disparity, and disdain, the disregard and disparagement to trends and patterns which disclaim, refute, and repudiate reverence, adoration, and affection, while abandoning and aborting derisions and denigrations to echo, ricochet, and resonance of wholeness and totality.

Vistas of adulation, spectacles of esteem and deference, the landscapes of recognition and admiration, or the paradise and nirvana of augmentation and escalation span, stretch, and spread. Birds succumbed to symphony of serenity and equanimity, poise and composure, roses and rosettes, the emblems and insignias of opus and sonata, the fabric and foundation of vivacity, verve, and exuberance substantiate, vindicate, and validate the chants and carols, choruses and chorales of contribution, involvement, and influence.

To encircle and engirdle the entities, esse and ethos, the soul and spirit to whom the mecca and hub of plead and urge, hope and yearn, and contemplation and intonement is unique and exclusive, and sole and single. To whom, the directness of connection, omnipresence of the affection and attachment, ambiance of interaction and intertwinement is consolidated, merged, and confirmed.

To whom allure and fascination, enticement and enchantment invigorate and enliven, exhilarate and elate, and effuse and emanate your verboseness and revealment, your intimacy and affection. The informality, warmth, and friendliness to succumb, submit, and surrender to limpidness, pureness, and transparency of the twinkles, gleams, and glitters of your overtures and greetings.

Oh, the inspirer and arouser of craves and  desires, retriever and reclaimer of the fissures, crevices, and fractures, the tides, surfs, and waves, disseminators and convoys of bundles and parcels of ambition and aspiration, the  embodiments, incarnations, and personifications, the console and solace to the surmised, speculated, and construed culminations and conclusions, your occurrence and presence, your portrayals, depictions, and representations so vividly, illustratively, and flamboyantly, ostentatiously and gaudily extrapolated, extracted, and exhibited by habitats, milieus, and domains of distinction and accolade, to vivaciously, irrepressibly, and ebulliently rave, rage, and rant my heart, existence, and  esse.

The entailment, entitlement, and prerogatives, the privilege and bestowment, dispensation and exemption, and indulgence and forbearance to capitulate and relent, and acquiesce and accede to your perpetuality and endurance, invariability and immutability, sempiternity and eternity, the semaphores and substances of assimilation and absorption, engulfment, indulgence, and immersion within the realm, orbit, and enclave of your propinquity and proximity, to be unified, combined, and integrated to your exquisiteness, daintiness, and deftness entice, incite, and beguile the depth of moments, strengthens sincerity of gesticulation, and enlighten the canopy of cogitation.

Attentiveness, consciousness, and inquisitiveness, recognition, regard, and consideration, the contemplation, deliberation, and ministration, manifestation and substantiation, perpetuation, propagation, and continuance of verve and vivacity, depictions, delineations, and interpretations of the rendering elicitations, evocation of insistence, adamance, and implacable inclinations, preferences, and dispositions, perseverance and proclamation, averment, attestation, and affirmation of instances and occasions, and assurance of preponderance and prevalence, though endure and persist to extend and  expand to eternity and perpetuity.

Still, the infinite and interminable premises and postulates, the perceptuality and presumptiveness conjecturally and speculatively surmise, conjecture, and construe by the appearance, advent, and emergence of evocative, redolent, and reminiscent relapses and reversions, subside, recede, and descend the intertwined and interlaced, the inherent connectiveness and coagulation to instantiate the tenderness, fondness, and compassion of absorbance and acquirement.

 The concealment, obscureness, and obliteration which presage and perpetuate abdication and abandonment, renunciation and relinquishment of perception’s and discernment’s amends, remuneration, and indemnity.

Clarity, lucidity, and transparency, pureness, sheerness, and palpability of interactions, collaborations, and connections, the depictions, characterizations, and descriptions, virtuousness, impeccability, and unpretentiousness of ambience, tone and tenor, and context and complexion of creation, cosmos, and universe, the inherently evinced and revealed  altitudes and zeniths of adorability, absorbance, appeal, fascination, and attraction to your magnanimity, benevolence, and altruism, when capitulated and succumbed, and relented by the cavities, craters, and clefts and fissures of the heart, the merge, affiliation, and amalgamation of the unity, unison, and unanimity of uniqueness and exclusiveness, the harmony, coherence, and congruence vehemently, fervently, and fervidly derive, emanate, and transpire.

When, the carving and yearning, entreaty and aspiration, and plea and request emanate and radiate your affection and endearment, your amity and affinity, the empathy and resemblance, chirps and chirrups, tweets and tweeters reverberate and resonate; when, the intimacy and closeness, consonance and rapport, and graciousness and camaraderie mitigate and mollify, and abate and assuage the apprehensions, hesitations, and trepidations of the consistency and constancy; when, traces, dashes, and touches of your propensity and predisposition, penchant and predilection exuberate, elate, and exult the eminence, repute, and stature of sanctity and sacredness of the reciprocity and mutuality; and when, your proclamations, edicts, and assertions of entireness and meritoriousness induce, impel, and impede reflections and replications of  your emergence, occurrence, and appearance within the soul, quintessence, and epitome of heart. Then the synchrony, concurrence, and concomitance, your gratification and contentment, serenity, poise, and composure, the nirvana and enlightenment approbate and privilege the entrancement and enthrallment to expand and rise, ameliorate and awaken by the unfolded and unrolled sparkling and spangled horizons and skylines, spheres and scopes of congruence, empathy, and receptiveness.

جامه ها بود که  دستار  رهش قامتِ مطلوبِ سمن در ترسیم
کرده ها بر قدمش حاجتِ جان گفته و محراب وز  او بربندیم

Vastness of cogitation and pondering, vitality of introspection and deliberation, and spontaneity of rumination and reverie glisten and glitter, and ferment and fizzle the boundless and interminable sanctuaries of inviolability, dynamism, the zestfulness and vigorousness of intuition, awareness, and consciousness.

Inclinations and predispositions, tendencies and proclivities to seek, forage, and foray, your trace, trail, and vestige, your breeze, waft, and draft, the conscription, enlistment, and enrollment to inspire the moment, enthuse the occasion, and instigate the spur, the incitement, impellent, and impetus urgently and intensely provoke perpetuity and perdurability,  tenaciously and importunately precipitate irreversibility and eternality.

The formality, conventionalism, and rituality, the mimics, parodists, and impersonatots which vividly, acutely, and garishly have galvanized and animated the ambitions and aspirations to postulate, nominate, and advance infantile and puerile thoughts and judgements. The frivolous and inane perceptions and sensitivities encountering and contradicting  the attributes, traits, and individualities of tenacity and obstinacy of precision, exactness, and excellence which are aware and attuned to evolution and adaptation of approbation, agreement, and appreciation, dejectedly, despondently, and desolately have delayed, divorced, and detached your affection, warmth, and amity.

The isolating, sequestering, and segregating enmity, antagonism, and animosity which had been accumulated and amassed thru sheets, stratums, and strata of traditionally and tumultuously doctrined evanescent, ephemeral, and transitory decrees, proclamations, and diktats, hurdles, obstacles, and hinderances, or the humped, embowed, and hunched gestures and gesticulations to gradually and garishly obscure, obfuscate, and conceal your ubiquitous, prevalent, and predominant gaze and stare.

Though, your proximity, immediacy, and propinquity, the benevolence and munificence, rays, gleams, and glimmers of enlightenments, edifications, and eruditions transpose and transpire, when the entrance, ingress, and postern, the gap, fissure, and aperture, and rift, canyon, and ravine is uncluttered and unrestrained, amenable and amicable, and unguarded and ajar.

While, the blaze and dazzle, glow and shine, sight and vista surround, encase and enfold your presence and occurrence, to besiege and encircle, and encompass and embrace your entities and entireties, the intumescent, aggregations, and totalities to inundate and engulf bounds and restrictions of comprehension, cognition, and cultivation, your wholeness, unity, and unison, the oneness, congruence, and  cohesion.

Then, conflation of the purpose and resolve, coalescence of concurrence, consensus, and coincidence, and concoction and fabrication of contentment and collaboration, gratification and grandeur surpass and transcend the apex and summit of surmise and supposition, or the acme and zenith of temporization and equivocation is conquered, vanquished, and surmounted.

When, harmony and tunefulness, and melodiousness and mellifluousness span and spread the wings and pennants, and pinions and pennons of protraction, persistence, and purposefulness, to arise and ascend, buoy and float, conjecture and ponder, and marvel and admire the bequest, endowment, and reliance which have dedicated, contributed, and consecrated ecstasy and ravishment, elation and exhilaration, and endorsement and enactment.   While, entrusted upon conviction and confidence spur and goad, and prod and provoke to incessantly, relentlessly, and ceaselessly endure, persist, and preserve the deluged flourishment, brandished and thrived euphoria, rapture, and ecstasy that had been distinctly and distinguishingly disembarked upon, your adjacency, contiguity, and vicinage.

Adjacency, congruity, and vicinage, you are the crystallization of perceptiveness, perspicuity, and percipience, articulacy, acuity, and astuteness, the perspicacity, insightfulness, and discernment, prevalence of pertinence, universality of confirmation and endurance, and the guarantor of persistence and perseverance.

The culmination, consummation, and apogee to enshrine, preserve, and cherish, apprise and revere the pertinence, germaneness, and relatedness, when immediately and instantly, unconditionally and unreservedly, and side by side and shoulder to shoulder, the continuation and furtherance, and perpetuation and protraction pertain and prevail the occasion, occurrence, and elicitation.

Your stewardess and guardian conformity, consistency, and compliance to my perpetuance of purpose and perseverance have been transposed and suffused, permeated and saturated the reciprocity, the remuneration and requital of submersion, adjoined and conjoined by your magnanimity and munificence, nobility and chivalry. The incessant and unalleviated glints and glitters, the glisters, blinks, and twinkles have equivocated and prevaricated the permeability of presumptiveness, exclusiveness, and restrictedness, the anxiety, dread, and trepidation have been altered and transfused, debarked and detrained.

Your exquisiteness and gracefulness, the copious, bounteous, and profuseness of your courtesy and care, responsiveness and attentiveness overwhelm the substance and existence, my  deeds, feats, and manners, the reflections and replications, deliberations and ruminations, and cogitations and cerebrations instantiated and incarnated to spontaneity and extemporaneity of your provocation and commencement, to nurture, foster, and cultivate the ecstasy, trance, and elation of closeness  and confidence, to lucidly, cogently, and coherently conglomerate, consolidate, and amalgamate the bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred overtures and gestures which gesticulates and gratify the apropos and appurtenant of the gravity of vivacity, verve, and vitality.

The essence, kernel, and crux, existence, esse, and quiddity, ethos, soul, and spirit, the sustenance, subsistence, continuance and recommencement has intertwined and interconnected, mingled, fused, and blended to your breath and breeze of bestowment, incarnation, embodiment, and manifestation.

The perpetuation of moments, ponderance of pertinence and aptness, and procurement of the intensity and inducement of your glare and gaze have capitulated and ceded the corners of the heart, the intents, ambitions, and aspirations.

The elation and exultation, rhapsody and bliss, your touch, pat, and stroke, the entirety and summation advocate, endorse, and espouse, embrace and champion the chastity, purity, and clarity of virtues and assets of companionship, to mature and manifest articulations, edifications, and attributions, the provenances and ascriptions.

The altars, mosques, churches, chapels, and tabernacles enshrine, hallow, and cherish sanctity, sacredness, and blessedness of the indoctrinated cognizance and acquaintance of your universal, unanimous, and ubiquitous assertions and affirmations which uniformly and fastidiously, and punctiliously and scrupulously permeate and infiltrate congruences and equivalences of perspicuity, articulateness, coherence, and connectiveness, intently, attentively, raptly, and blissfully, elaborately, copiously, and profusely augmented, perceived, and enhanced, bounded to the soul’s and spirit’s seclusion and solitude.

کوی در سِلکِ  رخش روشن و مهتاب وز اسرار ز مصباحِ نظر
خطهِ او  شور به دل، مرهمِ جان، طلعتِ او شاهدِ منظر بندیم

Adjacency, congruity, and vicinage, the proximity, immediacy, and contiguity, ascribed, endorsed, and certified by the chirps of the lonely, abandoned, and desolate canary conspicuous and prominent to the gorge and gully, chasm and canyon of certitude, conviction, and confidence, satiated and  gratified, while expenditures, bequests, and disbursements are abdicated and relinquished,  and the emergence of contentment, composure, and equanimity is established and entrenched, the instinct and impulsiveness of the interception, the inveterate, ingrained, and ineradicable intricacies and multifariousness.

The rhythmic and cadenced dance, ballet, and pirouette of the stars, planetoids, and asteroids, vociferously and clamorously, raucously and stridently declare and indicate, corroborate and confirm ramifications, implications, and corollaries of coherence and consistency, connection and collaboration, the instigators, advocators, and masterminds of recognition, condonation, empowerment, and endorsement.

The rhythmic and cadenced dance and ballet endearingly, delectably, and adorably fortified, shielded, sheltered, and secured, merely and barely misappropriated, embezzled, and pilfered by abandonment and relinquishment of the sonata, opus, and masterpiece of aura, tenor, and vibe if desolation, despoliation, and depredation of embodiment, essence, and epitome has been lingered, transpired, and ensued .

When attributions and ascriptions of their concluding and closing vestiges and remnants of attributes and attachments are arbitrated and interceded, or fused, joined, and coalesced to a peer pseudo and ersatz planetoid, orb, or asteroid. The utter and pure composition and oeuvre strides, gaits, and treads interminably and unremittingly to proceed and promote the perpetuance.

While the clearance of the passageways, sanction and affirmation of the strides, tramps, and trudges are granted and conferred. When, your attributes, ascriptions, and supremacy, the preeminence, ascendency, and omnipotence spectacularly and stunningly enlighten, edify, and apprise the promenade and esplanade of the animation, entity, and viability. When, moonlight, luster, and dazzle saturate and drench the intuition, presentiment, and perception, the luminescence, lucency, and lambency reflected, revealed, and scattered by the content, gist, and quintessence of the riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries of liveliness, the obscurities and ambiguities of conundrums of conception elevate, exalt, and advance the dedication and reasoning.

Conundrums of conception, the mazes of pursuance and enactment, the splits, slits, and slashes surmounted, conquered, and vanquished by the healing, rectifying, and restoring recipes of refinement, erudition, and rapprochement, the expansion and extension, broadening and enrichment of the vessel and receptacle of envision and envisagement, the ensuing and entailment induced and elicited by your reverberating  and resonating immediacy and contiguity, the adjacency and accessibility to cleanse, explicate, and elucidate the persistence and permanence of the granted  encounters and rendezvouses shall interdict, restrain, and proscribe when triggered and instigated by arrogance, haughtiness, and condescension, miscarriage of character and personage, and pomposity and portentousness presumptuous to adornment and embellishment of persona, guise, and stature.

Introspect, dispose, and determine the stringency of the inception, initiation of quests and errands, the allegiance and adherence to ambitions and aspirations, subjugation and vanquishment of the mirage of evanescent and ephemeral postulations and presumptions, and authentication and confirmation of convictions’, sincerities’, and certitudes’ confluences and concourses to embrace and encircle the gem, solitaire, and baguette of realization, procurement, and reification.

Vividly and vibrantly to surmount and ascend the shadow of virtual vivification,  forged, and fabricated exertions to exclusively, ardently, and avidly accentuate and emphasize on advocacies, proponents, and exponents exhibited, flaunted, and unveiled by spontaneous, precipitate and imprudent impulsive returns and retorts, responses and ripostes to obscurity, oblivion, and opacity of  the preponderance and prevalence of perpetuity and permanence. Dissenters and descenders, disrupters and apostates, and refuters and rebutters to  clusters of conveyances and collects of coherences, the consistencies of pinnacles and pennants of persuasions, inducements, and ennoblements to surpass and transcend the stretch and sphere of inundation, barrage, and accumulation of the blusteriest, rampant, and rambling ambitions, the reveries and trances to acquiesce, achieve, and acquire  approbation and accolade..

You, the entirety to the entireness, the assimilation to the summations, the summarization to the abridgements, profound and reflective, sincere and sacramental, solemn and sonorous cosset and coddle the disintegrations, devastations, and desolations, which have marred, blemished, and mutilated cavities and caverns, the cracks and clefts sparred and scuffled by the hollowness and vainness of the corners and curvatures of my heart. While, stunningly and splendidly, strikingly and succinctly, surroundings and ambiances, auras and vibes, the vistas and landscapes, brims of the horizons and the shores of the oceans, the boundaries of perceptions and realms of realizations acculturate and accommodate the journey, crossing, and excursion of attainment and realization.

It is you and only your admirations, your venerations and reverences, your conjugations and contemplations, the considerations and deliberations, the seamless, harmonious, and symphonic essence of creation, the genesis and siring of inceptions and evolutions, destined and preordained to flourish and blossom the soul and epitome, or mitigate the misappropriate malignant and malicious menaces to approbations and consents, to embrace and comprise the colossal and mammoth cosmic and gargantuan galaxies, to the minuscule and diminutive entities of null dimensions and extents that have asynchronized and  augment the instantiation and rationalization of the moments, trice, and flashes.

Absoluteness, interrelatedness, utterances, and arrant acclamations, which have exemplified and epitomized attunement and assimilation of macrocosms, entireties, and infinities, reveal instances, divulgences, and articulations. The relatedness, affiliation, and connection which strenuously, energetically, and emphatically substantiate the encapsulation of your affiliation and affinity. The pearl, selection, and aliveness to atomize and accentuate the congregation, conventicle, and convocation of your console and solace, the concourse, throng, and colloquium of merits, virtues, and aptitudes.

قامتت افروخت در هر گوشه خود  آهِ  تمنای خیالت کبکِ  لب
طالع و بختی زحل آویزه  تا  زمزمه دوست بر آئینه  اختر  بندیم

Emblazonments of consequences and prominences, eminences and distinctions, invigorations of occasions and insistences, the whirl and twirl, spin and swivel, pivotal momentousness pinnacles and revolved ramifications, the adjurations and admonishments, approvals and rebukes, rapprochements and refutes, contradictions and contrarian commencements, the aspirations, ambitions, and propensities to pertain and prevail, to enflame and provoke liveliness, vigor, and sparkles, and the shine and shimmer of the torch of rectitude and uprightness engulf, immerse, and overwhelm the quintessence of cosmos’ and ethers’ individualities, particularities, and generalities.

Blaze of reverberations, conflagrations and firestorms of fervor, eagerness, and passion, the blast and eruption of culminations and conclusions, accumulations of ascertained augmentations and amplifications, clarifications, elucidations, and deliberations, receptance, reliance, and constancy, the elevation, levitation, and ascendance, the totality, inclusiveness, and immediacy, the paramount and ultimate acquaintance, consociate, and conversance contemplated upon and contrived while surrounded, embodied, and encompassed by your absoluteness, palpability, and perceptibility, the patentability, transparency, and unequivocal alterability, which have emanated and derived, and sown and scattered  to reciprocate your magnificence, resplendence, and transcendence twinkle and scintillate, coruscate and effulgent, and pirouette and evolve.

The intimacy, affinity, and amity, your dazzle, gape, and gaze, the appreciation, effectuation, and reification, to clasp, clench, and confirm, the closeness, contact, and confidence, and your congeniality, cordiality, and affability, the joviality and vivaciousness entuned to echo of murmurs, whispers, and mutters of the invigorating breeze, salubrious surge, and enhancing wave that is carted and conveyed by the oceans and brinies of credence, conviction, and certainty, the  caress, stroke, and cuddle.

The rapport, bond, and harmony soaring, towering, and spiraling have cossetted and coddled the ever escalating sensations and commotions relentlessly restrained and confined by the consummated inferno within the heart, the melody and theme, harmony and tune, and unity and unison, the correspondence, undividedness, and congruence which has spurred and urged unanimity, oneness, and coherence.

The conspicuousness, perceptible affixation, and blatant appendance goad and prod to articulate, enunciate, and promulgate, the continuance, protraction, and perpetuation of the agglutination, cohesion, and adhesion, the ascendancy, and hegemony of each taken breath and exhaled discards and rejects to consummate and effectuate the conduct, demeanor, and carriage of the moments, the obliteration, abolition, and eradication of obstacles and hurdles, and shrinkage and disappearance of the distances and expanses to increasingly and progressively, and further and farthest huddle, crouch, and hunker within the sanctity and inviolability of your presence, occurrence, and encirclement.

Fate, destiny, and providence, kismet, karma, and contingency, possibility, incidence, and exigency, eventuality, the prevalence of occasions, pervasiveness of profundity and perceptiveness, and predominance of cavernousness and capaciousness, the immeasurability, immenseness, and chasmic conceptualizations.

Essays, themes, and compositions spin, revolve, and gyrate, the ballet of bemusements and bewilderments, march and parade of impression and perceptions, primacy and ascendency of conceptions and convictions, coexistence and concurrence, consensus and concomitance, coerce, compel, and constrain the creed, certitude, and confidence to contribute and collaborate, to comply and correspond, and to connect and conform.

Boundaries and confines, margins and precincts dissipate, disperse, and dissolve, while the acquaintance, association, and awareness consociate and accomplice to essence and fabric of vivaciousness and vibrance of intuitions and clairvoyance. When, the induced, provoked, and convinced perceptiveness and discernment, and perspicacity and astuteness, rays, flickers, and sparkles of your affiliation, affinity, and affection surmount and vanquish dens, burrows, and warrens of desolation, bleakness, and barrenness.

While, the shine, sheen, and luster which have traversed, crisscrossed, and navigated amidst and across galaxies of preponderance, adroitness, and comprehension, the throngs of propensities, proclivities, and predispositions, the inner torrents and rivulets of penchant and predilection strenuously and emphatically alleviate, placate, and palliate dissociation, detachments, and alienations.

Fate, destiny, and providence has been mounted, attached, and affixed to the skies and firmaments, the ethers and expanses of creation and formation, the realizations and foundations, patterns and configurations, and compositions and dispositions.

Echoes and ricochets of the chirping, peeping, and cheeping bird, inspired, stirred, and enthused by the sanctitude and piety of desire. The glimpse and glance of flocks and swarms of butterflies imparted and presented, divulged and disclosed by the caress, clasp, and cuddle of the breeze, stroke of the waft, and harshness of the gust. The entireness and totality, the synchronousness and harmoniousness, the relentless and unremitting aspirations and ambitions herald, declare, and proclaim the consensus and concourse, concurrence and concomitance, dedications, devotedness, and allegiances, to preponderate and prevail the fissures and crevices of coagulation, cessation, or conclusion, and to extend and elevate, magnify and heighten reverberation and rebound of the voyage and expedition of spirit, sparkle, and exuberance. The irreversibility and irrevocability, irretrievability and incessance to instantiate and incarnate.

Wow and Hurray, the juncture, jointing, and crossing to escalade, ascend, and shin, your accompaniment and complement, companionship and closeness, momentous appurtenance and accretion, accrual and agglomeration of attunements and acclamations, adorations and adulations have ruminated, deliberated, and cogitated the boundless horizons of inception, evolution, and propagation.

The envoys, emissaries, and heralds of bond, camaraderie, and companionship, who painstakingly and ardently, punctiliously and meticulously, and fastidiously and scrupulously embellish, adorn, and enhance vividness of fascination, and radiance of enthrallment and beguilement, to declare and acclaim, and to portend and herald the jiffies, trice, and flashes of rumination and contemplation, to gaze and gape, and to immerse and inundate occasions, instances, and incidents to be contented and rewarded by the pureness, virtuousness, and impeccability of resilience, buoyancy, and jauntiness, to ponder and persist the advocacy of admiration, approbation, and appreciation.

The envoys, emissaries, and heralds that are the embodiments and manifestations of your benevolence and magnanimity, the propagators and diffusers, purveyors and promulgators of eminence and distinction; the whisperers and promoters of accolade and tribute, to redeem, emancipate, and liberate the abridged and abbreviated aberrations and deviations that embark and emulate, mimic and imitate ostentation, garishness, and pretentiousness.

چشم را خود  چشمِهِ مفتون به کسبِ  بادهِ مملو ز  اقبال و امید
فتنه دریابم  درون، پروانه گو،  در حلقه جو،  بود به آذین بندیم
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Sights, prospects, and spectacles, vistas, visions, and scenes scrupulously, rigorously, and conscientiously coalesced and conjoined to commemoration, celebration, and honor of capitulation of predilections, proclivities, and propensities, condonation of conceptualizations, envisages, and contemplations. When, covenants, indentures, and ententes connect and compile, and convene and congregate to encapsulate the core, kernel, and crux of exuberance, the cheerfulness of vibe, and profusion and proliferation of impetus and purpose.

When, concurrency of conspicuousness, apparentness of approbation, and impression and commotion of admiration and veneration bombard and blitz boundaries, margins, and borderlines of constraints, restraints, and constrictions. The chalice and goblet of rapport and harmony, the arena and ring of symphony and oeuvre enchant and mesmerize reverberations and thrumming of pursuance, propensities, and proclivities, enactment of ambitious and elaborative anticipations and exceptions, to intensify and strengthen the intricate and ostentatious intents and deliberations; the bliss, ecstasy, and elation of attachment, affinity, and intimacy.

Rumination and resilience of profoundness and abstruseness of quiddity and esse    commemorate and consolidate the realizations, discernments, and perceptions, to reveal and declare entrenchment and habituation, the encampment, occupancy, and residency that is exclusively and utterly adjacent, contiguous, and adjoined to your totality and entirety; the arcadia, utopia, and Eden of complacency, contentment, and gratification.

The chalice and goblet of destiny and dream, purpose and reverie, and fate and envisagement capitulate the pensiveness and gallantry of rectitude, relent the alchemy of virtues and integrities, and succumb to the wholeness, comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of your traits, personas, and mannerisms, rimmed, brimmed, and bristled, bountiful, abundant, and profuse, the avalanche, cluster, and plethora of potion, concoction, and elixir, portentous and solemn, sober and somber, and affluent and opulent.

The fountain, cascade, and spring of coherence, judiciousness, and sternness, canister, bowl, and vessel of vitality, verve, and vivacity, the augmenter, ameliorator, and authenticator of pursuance, pertinence, and appropriateness, to attain and realize auspices and sponsorships of coherence, consistency, universality, and uniformity, the conformity to the wholeness, profundity, and perspicuity.

Reflections, cogitations, and cerebrations, contemplations and speculations, conjectures, surmises, and inferences, examinations, appraisals, and evaluations of ethos, tenets, and creeds to align, ally, and affiliate, the expansion to the margins, boundaries, and confines of continuance, endurance, and perpetuation, within the chest, coffer, and treasury of fervor, ardor, and spirit reciprocate and respond to your munificence, benignity, and benevolence.

The dance of butterfly infatuated, enraptured, and enamored by the candle’s glitter and sparkle, glimmer and shimmer, charmed, entranced, and besotted, empowered and roused to banish and discard the darkness, obscurity, and vagueness of the tumultuous, turbulent, and boisterous lurking, prowling, and loitering ambiance and tenor, which has surrounded, enfolded, and swathed the arena of admiration and approbation, anxiously awaiting the tumble, plunge, and plummet of the pinnacle and acme, peak and apex, devotion and consecration, and fidelity and fondness, or the fever and ferocious burn  to depict the ache and proclivity to proportionate and commensurate to your fondness and affection.

The butterfly circling, spinning, and whirling, candle’s burning, attributing, and provisioning, wick, glim, and spill, tumble, trip, and stumble, participation, merge, and unification, the ring of resolve, circle of courage, chime of commitment and constancy, sphere of staunchness and steadfastness, and the temperament of tenaciousness and intransigence which have manifested and incarnated the existence, creation, and continuance, embodiments, epitomes, and quintessence of certainty, epochs, eons, beats, throbs, eras and rhythms, cadence, pace  and tone of perspicacity, acuity, and astuteness, the serenity, exposure, and equanimity of occasions, occurrences, and circumstances, and invincibility, invulnerability, and dauntlessness of durations, extents, and intervals.

Inundate intimacy of absolutism, instigate  incarnation of dedication and salutation of personification and manifestation, and sponsor, promote, and endorse  to not dally and dawdle, not to demote and decline as  a demon and dryad  to devolvement and desire but to revere, venerate, and respect, endear and commend the bestowment and  association to grasp and grapple as an  avatar and deity desegregated to you and your  demeanors and deportments.

The embodiments, epitomes, and quintessence, the invincibility, invulnerability, and dauntlessness of durations, extents, and intervals, the wholeness, entirety, and totality reverberate and reassure me of your heartening, comforting, and confirming presence and companionship, the attendance, appearance, and advents, the root and foundation,  instigation, inspiration, and invigoration, the bestowed pneuma and anima to contemporize, concomitate, and collaborate, your demeanor, deportment, and disposition, the mean and modus that have shattered my heart, compassion, and affection to barrage of minuscule, infinitesimal and miniature magnets, enticements, and inducements, individually brimmed and inundated by your endearments, ingratiation, courteousness, and cultivation to indispensably and indistinctly, imperatively and indiscriminately scatter and disseminate, the resound and echo of your graciousness, magnanimous, decorousness, and affability.

The juncture, confluence, and convergence, the crossover, crescent and falcate has been surpassed, outshined and transcended to passionately and avidly, emotionally and vehemently, and perfervidly and profoundly be able to view, discern, and detect beyond, passed, and above the adopted, permitted, and conceded horizons and hemispheres, the immensity and vastness of your paradises of pertinence, relevance, and aptness, your territory, demesne, and dominion, my enclave, protectorate, and province of contiguity and adjacency, to dearly denotate the unification, inseparability, and oneness, the immersion, raptness, enchantment, and entrancement of your divinity, deity, and sanctity.

© Alireza Bemanian, August of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)