Flower’s Song

Flower ‘s Song

باز در کسب نگاهت مُلک را آتش بر این محفل رواست
باز در این گوشِهِ دل قصه وز آن سرو رعنا گر جفاست

Your glare and glance, your glimpse and gleam, the glimmers and glitters, and the inspirations and reflections, the exposures, acquaintances, and revelations, urge, goad, and impel. Although, not contemplated, cogitated, and ruminated, deliberated, pondered, and reflected, in the light and luminosity, and radiance and illumination of perspicuity, profoundness, and astuteness, the comprehension, keenness, and perceptiveness.

 The eagerness, impatience, and fever, the zeal, vehemence, and fervor, and the passion, dedication, and ardor, foster, exalt, and further. Your presence, portrayals, revelations, and occurrences, the knocks, smacks, and thumps, the reciprocities, interactions, and connections, linger, endure, and persist. Although, the insightfulness, acuteness, and perspicacity, the perseverance, drive, and dedication, intentness, diligence, and fastidiousness have not been effusive, fulsome, and vociferous.

The flames, bursts, and flares, the flashes, sparks, and conflagrations to purify, cleanse, and refine, to jolt, joggle, and judder, to jar, bash, and shudder, and to ponder, deliberate, and cogitate the sanctuaries, reservations, and asylums of judgements, reflections, and meditations; the notions, concepts, and inspirations, and the contemplations, concerns, and considerations have leniently, temperately, and clemently lingered.

The mere, sheer, and utter ambitions and motivations, devotions and dedications, and intents and aspirations to seek and pursue, and to chase and shadow your proximity, nearness, and immediacy, your propinquity, purlieu, and contiguity have been deviated, diverged, and departed; astuteness of the ambitions, and serenity and equanimity of the aspirations, have been amalgamated and compounded with the flamboyancies and ostentatious extravagances of the disruptive desires, scattered synopsis, and entangled epitomes .

The cavities and craters of the heart, the serenity, tranquility, and equanimity of thoughts, brainwaves, and reflections, the mergers, absorptions, and inclusions, the amalgamations, assimilations, and reconciliations, the searches, examinations, and explorations, continually, recurrently, and incessantly march, stream, and stride.

 The representations, illustrations, and examinations, the interpretations, depictions, and descriptions, metaphors, and exposes ponderously, copiously, and profusely perpetuate, to mesmerize, enthrall, and entrance the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and originality of the essence, core, and crux.

Though the shadow of your elegance, the pertinence of your grace, and the vehemence of your magnanimity, the sounds and echoes, the rings and resonances, the chimes and reverberations, and the semblances and encircles of your permanence and presence, your thoughtfulness and attentiveness, and your metaphor and vestige have not been vigorously and persistently, passionately and emphatically, and receptively and unreservedly raptured, rhapsodized, exalted, and enthralled; the vivaciousness, vitality, and exuberance.

The mutuality and receptiveness, the reciprocity and invocations, the incantations, summons, and fascinations, have been overshadowed, eclipsed, and outshined by rampant, unbridled, and proliferating spectrums, ranges, and continuums of conceits, haughtiness, superiority, and condescension. The earnestness, candor, and authenticity proclaimed, decreed, and asserted to emphatically, vigorously, and unequivocally soar, ascend, and rise your canopy of junction and connection, marquee of contentment and gratification, and the pavilion of perceptiveness and prospect have been shattered, smashed, and splintered.  

The revelations, manifestations, and expressions capitulate, astound, and amaze, which flabbergast, engulf, and overwhelm my imaginations, inspiration, and ingenuities, while your gratifications, delights, and indulgences exemplify, epitomize, and personify my core and character, to cleanse and purify the inclinations, partialities, and predispositions away from distortions, amendments, and alterations by indiscernibility, unnoticeability, and imperceptibility.

 Ironically, poignantly, and incongruously my neglectfulness, remissness, and delinquencies vividly, lucidly, and distinctly are observed and perceived by your diligence, meticulousness, and attentiveness, while your grace, clemency, and leniency imprudently, improvidently, and profligately exacerbate, embroider, and embellish my comportment and demeanor.

Then, the desires, entreaties, and aspirations to expand, extent, and elevate, the clench, clasp, and grasp of reaching you, to distinguish and discover, identify and imply, and realize and comprehend, tumble, plummet, and stumble, apathetic, lethargic, and phlegmatic to your captivation, charisma, and appeal.

گفته را میزان بر این معنا که معراجت تمنایش خفاست
خسته را سوزست همراز و درون غوغای دیدارت به پاست

The expressions, impressions, and influences, the impacts, imprints, and intuitions, the scale, scope, and spectrum of connotations, insinuations, and propositions, the pinnacles, vertexes, and zeniths of entailments, significances, and implications.

The essences, souls, and substances of vivaciousness, exuberance, and vitality, the elevation, augmentation, and intensification, the enthrall, enchant, and entrance, the spread, escalation, and amelioration, ascent, acclivity, and incline.

The contrasts, disparities, and divergences, the contradictions, negations, and refutations, the ambiguities, incongruities, and paradoxes to establish, corroborate, and ascertain the connotations, significances, and consequences, that carry inconsistencies and discrepancies contrary, and inconsistent to the desires and dreams, requests and appeals, and pleas and ambitions of entrenching, establishing, and embedding your fondness, penchants, and predilections.

The encroachments, invasions, and impingements impair, prejudice, and paralyze the authentication, substantiation, and corroboration of the ambition and aim. Or, refute, rebut, and repudiate the appeal and plea, while tarnishing, blemishing, and tainting your chase, your pursuit, and your quest to indicate and precede, and to imply and entail.

The bafflements, bewilderments, and mystifications, the perplexities, panics, and incomprehension, the portents, presages, and harbingers, and the panoramic, inclusive, and comprehensive portrayals, renderings, and depictions of propositions, perceptions, and propagations, the profoundest, acutest, and sincerest sanctuaries, immunities, and havens of reflections, mediations, and conceptions; instantiate, inflict, impose, perpetrate, and wreak the storm of spontaneity, stride of extemporaneity, and antiphon of vibrancy. Effervescences, echoes, and enthusiasms, the punctualities, perseverance, pertinacities, and purposefulness, which are perceived, pertained, and proclaimed by the universe of vibe and verve.

The lassitude, tiredness, weariness, lethargy, inertia, and apathy, the grief, anguish, and misery, the melancholy, despair, and sorrow, comprise and compose the ferocious, vicious, and rancorous episodes, circumstances, and occurrences of degradation, atrophy, and decadence.  While, their perpetuations, permutations, or amalgamations lead, steer, and command the malevolent, vindictive, and splenetic epitomes, essences, and personifications of inadequacy, meagerness, and scantiness. To entrap, entangle, and postulate uncertainties, vagueness, and indecisions, which prosper, thrive, and flourish impulsively, impetuously, imprudently.

The magnanimity, benevolence, and altruism of your presence, your occurrence, and your disclosure and divulgence, stipulate, prepare, and deliver the vibe, eminence, and congruity of the universe, the conformity, harmony, and coherence echoed and reverberated by the chirps, tweets, and chirrups of the canaries, singers, performers. and soloists of surmise, speculation, and conclusion.

The songs, chants, and melodies which rejuvenate, invigorate, revive, and revivify the pillars of ecstasy and aspiration, the milestones and cornerstones, the portents and presages, and the marvels and prodigies, which proclaim, announce, and declare the symphonies and masterpieces of tenacity, resolve, and purpose.

 Then, the heart and awareness, the soul and ambiance, the spirit and conscious, brim, throng, and bristle by your eminence, distinction, and prominence. When the reverberations, rings, and echoes of your expose, rendering, and representation resonate and scatter by the scale and spectrum of infinity, immensity, and eternity. The shadow, swathe, and silhouette of your plausibility and conceivability spawn and initiate the shelter, shield, and sanctuary of certitude, confidence, and conviction.  The rays, gleams, and glimmers, which capture, encapsulate, depict, and portray the corners, curves, and confronts of the vision, site, and revelation.

گاه خود آشفته از مفتی که پندارش علمدار عنان کبریاست
گاه سرگشته یکی  کبک سمن گر طایرش قدس  و سناست

The grand mufti, the jurists, and aldermen, the claimants, petitioners, supplicants, and applicants of the manners, conducts, and efforts, the sentinels, defenders, guardians, and custodians of your deeds, activities, and endeavors, the caretakers, annunciators, presenters, and promulgaters of your proximities, immediacies, and propinquities, the jurisprudences, visionaries, and appellants of personal, peculiar, and particular advocacies, inspirations, and assurances, which are tailored, converted and molded to their articulated, manifested, and maintained appeals, amenities, expediencies, and conveniences.

The enunciators, promoters, and declarers of hegemony and supremacy, the preachers, pastors, and parsons, the vicars, rectors, and reverends, whom perceive and presume the bounds and boundaries, frontiers and borders, and confines and constraints to discover, determine, and ascertain your acquaintance, contact, and consociate. The entities that are solely, uniquely, and exclusively galvanized, spurred, and animated to crystalize and postulate the conduits, intermediaries, and rivulets, which couple, attach, and rivet to their own postured and perpetuated pertinent, portends, and presages.

The exhibitions, expositions, and retrospectives, the contrasts and disparities, the divergences and incongruencies, the discordant and discrepant distinctions that inundate and delude the incarnations, deifications, and embodiments, are dreadfully, disgracefully, and appallingly restrain, restrict, and curtail the continuum of conspicuity, perceptibility, and salience.

The mere desire, appeal, and entreaty, the shadow of your sermon, surrendered and relinquished by the rings of bewildering breeze, by the chirps, carols, songs of the secluded sparrows, submitted to the synchronization of the symphony of solace, to the succor of certainty and sustainability, gain, gauge, march, strut, and stride. The surmises, bewilderments, and bafflements of creation, continuity, and confirmation.  

The occasions, junctures, and instances, the moments, occurrences, and incidents, the annunciators and indicators of the exposition and perpetuation, elucidation and clarification, and conspicuousness and obviousness.

The illustrations, depictions, and representations, the orchestrations, compositions, and transpositions, the instantiations, spontaneity, and vivaciousness, the vibe, exuberance, and verve that invoke, incite, and provoke, enflame, spur, and arouse resonance of your presence, aura, and attendance. The intricacies, convolutions, and complexities which vividly, vibrantly, and luridly exalt, elevate, and lift, revere, applaud, and acclaim, the reverberations, resonances, and acclamations of commemorations, ramifications, and continuations. 

The apertures, prospects, and approaches, the sparkles, glistens, and glitters, and the invocations, supplications, and incantations, surmounting, vanquishing, and transcending the obstacles and hinderances which obscure, veil, and shroud the trajectories, arcs, and traces of inviolability, propriety, and limpidness.

The perplexities, incomprehension, and mystifications, the path of discernments, the conduit of contemplations, and the corridor of cognizance. The pondering, meditative, and broadening expansion, elaboration, and maturity of liveliness and livelihood, vivacity and vigor, and strength and formidability, to foster, nurture, and cultivate continuity and content, substance and essence, and solemnness and sedateness. Oh, the threshold, edge, and dawn of onset and inception, the immuration of irrelevances and insignificances, and the resurrection, revivification, and renaissance of reciprocity, mutuality, and responsiveness.  

نغمِهِ گل لوح دل برق نگاهت وه عجب شوری به جاست
بام خورشید است مأمن آتش شوقت  ثنا، مطرب کجاست

The hum and echo, the tinkle and jangle, and clatter and clank, the passage, crusade, and campaign of the butterfly wings submerged, immersed, and engulfed by the insurmountable, indistinctible, and indissociable air. The hovering, drifting, loitering, lingering, floating, and soaring, the climax, culmination, and apogee, the apex, acme, and summit of sustainability, satisfaction, and indulgence.

The ceremony of certitude, the observance of conviction and confidence, coupled, combined, and connected to the murmuring, muttering, and mumbling of the flowers, the orchestrations, choreographies, and compositions of creation, life, and universe.

The entities, beings, and individuals so indispensably, imperatively, irreplaceably, and essentially coexist, cohabit, and coincide in coordination, harmonization, synchronization, and conjugation; the confounding, inconceivable, and astonishing degree of dexterity, proficiency, and adroitness.

the scroll, parchment, and manuscript, the mirror, signifier, and epitomizer of the ambiance, empathies, and passions, embroiled within the heart. The entanglements, the enmeshed and ensnared anxieties and apprehensions, the ambivalences, equivocations, indecisions, and uncertainties, and, your touch, convergence, join, and contact, concurrently, incessantly and unremittingly, sparkle, shine, and scintillate within the serenity, composure, and equanimity of my existence.

The animations, persistence, vigor, vibrances, and dynamisms of your distinction, accolades and compliments, the commendations, encomiums, and approvals; the immersions, engagements, and absorptions, which are purely the depictions, interpretations, and delineations of the scattered rays of illuminance, your presence and charm, and the enthrallments and captivations.

The astonishments, amazements, and bewilderments, the conflagrated, enflamed, and kindled embodiment, scaffold, and frame, the eagerness, impatience, and desire, have engulfed, surrounded, and whelmed the thirst, urge, and reminiscences, the ruminations, cogitations, and ponderings. While, your magnanimity, benevolence, and nobility revolve, orbit, and gyrate within the encirclement of elation and exultation; the euphoria and rapture of utmost and ultimate adornment.       

The altitude of the sun, the pinnacle, zenith, and peak of the horizon, the elevations, escalations, and rises, the crest, crown, and culmination of imaginations, inspirations, visions, and apparitions, have been designated, allocated, and delegated to meet and match, deliver and provide, and imply and realize the bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed moments of realization, reconciliations of recognition, and appeasements of the attainments. The accessions, mollifications, placations, conciliations, and concessions, construed by the vastness, enormity, and immensity of the lucid, articulate, and intelligible surroundings, contexts, and ambiances.

The thrills, exhilarations, and delights, the elations, blisses, and ecstasies of your presence and exposure, your glimpse, glance, and gaze, the stare, scrutiny, and sentry, the capture, emphases, and accentuations, the rhythms, pulses, and patterns, the cadences, beats, and intonations, the bequethed, endowed, and presented  symphony, opus, and sonata of superiority, ascendency, and predominance, the hegemony and preeminence, the dominance and primacy of the state of substance, essence, and affluence; comprehensible, feasible, and viable purely via the reverberations of the reciprocity, retained within the heart, which is amalgamated by your amenity, fondness, attachment, and affection.

Your presence and exposure, your glimpse, glance, and gaze, that merely, solely, and purely vivify, vitalize, bolster, embolden, and enliven the vivacity, verve, and vivaciousness. While, reciprocated, responded, and retorted by the dance of the stars, the ballet of the intricacies of imagination and instantiations, the intimacies, affections, and confidences of the universe, composed, comprised, and coexisted vividly, vibrantly, and gaudily, and pertained, performed, and presented to be envisaged, conceived, and captured. The continual commemorations, the heartening celebrations, and the augmenting tributes; fortified, bolstered, enriched, and strengthened by the sacred and revered spectrum of the constituents, proponents, and participants.

The reminders, recaps, and remembrances of your alluded alleyways of alliances and associations, and your referred passageways of partnerships and relationships, all fomented, fueled, and fostered through the rays, beams, and gleams of your allure, altruism, and affiliation.

جوهرش  دادی به جان گردونه افلاک نقشش گونه هاست
چشم را روشن بدان منزل چو  جز کویش نظرگاهی خطاست

The essence, crux, and core, the kernel, cruces, and marrows are copiously, amply, and profusely entrenched, inculcated, and infused within, bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed to rejoice, delight, and exult, gloat, revel, and triumph your accessibility, approachability, and convenience. The springs, founts, and sources of serenity and equanimity, spontaneity and extemporaneity, and nurture and attention.

The instigations, promptings, and urgings, the commencements, motivations, and incitements, the sparkles, shimmers, and twinkles, pronounce and phonate, enunciate and assert, and pontificate and proclaim, your perseverance, diligence, and persistence to provoke, elicit, and enflame, the strength of realization and enlightenment, the trustworthiness of consciousness and cognizance, and the wholeness of conviction and confidence.

The inner resolve and resolution, the tenacity and steadfastness, the divulged incarnations and exemplifications, the inculcated potent and puissant, and the exuberant degree of astonishments, amazements, and wonderments; unswervingly, unequivocally, and unambiguously accommodate and acclimatize to attain, conquer, and realize nobility, graciousness, and virtuousness, the accomplishment of intuitions and intentions. The distinctions, merits, and awards, which are inscribed, etched, and engraved to arise and soar to the improvised, concocted, and contrived elevations of euphoria, gratification, and contentment.  

Emphasize, underscore, and accentuate, observe, survey, and scrutinize, opine, reflect, and heed; the galaxies, clusters, and congregations, collections, assemblies, and configurations, the enigmas, riddles, and confidences, the mosaics of mysteries and obscurities, the mazes of confusions, muddles, and intricacies, and then, the commonality, cohesions, and comraderies. Collectively and vivaciously, animatedly and vibrantly, and effervescently and scintillatingly surmount, vanquish, and transcend the conundrums, enigmas, and puzzles of segregation, apartheid, and exclusion. The ritual of existence, the cavort, caper, and the dance of entireness and wholeness, the compliments and congratulations of conformities, and the accompaniments and complements of attainments, achievements, and accomplishments, transfuse, infiltrate, and permeate to the concurrence, consistency, and orthodoxy.

The patterns, precedents, and repetitions, the tessellations, configurations, and blueprints, the relationships, interactions, and affiliations, which collaborate, conjoin, and concentrate on the verves, vigor, and vims of existence, the dynamisms and animations, and the enthusiasms and enthrallments of the realization, satisfaction, and serenity, illustratively invoke, implore, and entreat the quintessence and principles of resolve and responsiveness, participance and contributions, and delegation and designation.    

The routes, tracks, and traces, the paths, trends, courses, and commands, the concentrations capitulations, and contemplations, the nous and sagacity, the judgement and rationality, the mindedness and acquiescent, the dexterity, adroitness, nimbleness, and agility of life, living, verve, and vivacity.

And, the enlightenments, explorations, and explanations, exquisite, discerning, delightful, and delicate. The refuge, sanctuaries, and preserves to shield and shelter the sanctities, inviolabilities, and etiquettes of notions, deliberations, and beliefs. The sanctities to crystalize, manifest, discern, perceive, and reveal the similarities, connections, and companions of confluences and convergences, the aesthetics, intricacies, and philosophies of authentications, substantiations, and endorsements, aspired, aimed, and trained to acquire, assimilate, and procure your charm, your enchantment, and your allure. 

The entities and exposes, the reveals and depictions, and the stipulations and representations, to synchronize the heart, sharpen the vision, and stimulate the sight. The invigoration, animation, and vivification of desires and appeals, entreaties and covets, and aspirations and supplications. Profoundly, immensely, and colossally collaborate and harmonize the identifications, indulgences, interpretations, and intelligibilities of my inclinations, the comprehensions and apprehensions to your distinction, accolade, and prominence.

The greatness and eminence, which vivaciously and effervescently initiate, instigate, and inaugurate the symphony of substantiation, the authentication and confirmation of your fondness, attachment, and affection, exuberance, vivaciousness, and vibrance, to be placed, positioned, and landed at the haven of your realm and ambit, the compass and orbit of solace and succor.

The sceneries, solicitations, and surroundings, the enticements, temptations, and allurements, and the instances, occasions, and occurrences, demand, entice, and persist to measure, asses, and evaluate the tenderness and tenacity of dedication, ardor, and allegiance. Your portrayal, ubiquitousness, prevalence, and predominance, incessantly sooth my soul, your reciprocity relinquishes my resentments, antipathies, and antagonism, and your touch, tap, and pat perpetuate, disseminate, and immortalize the commemoration and celebration of your presence and entrance.

آتش دیدار از  پرگار  او  چَرخِش نگیرد گر چه کوثر را  نماست
خفته را دنیای خاموش است، جانان را نظر بی انتهاست

The emblems of enthusiasm and pursuit, the insignias of eagerness and passion, and the depth of pray and appeal, galvanize, incite, and spur the patterns of presentation, stigmas of staging, and exuberances of exhibition. When, the intimacy, affection, and assurance, the confidence, conviction, and certainty are allocated, apportioned, and assigned, to advocacy, sponsorship, and promotion of the precursors, portents, and prodigies.

The earth, space, and cosmos buoyantly, boisterously, and fervently, receptively, earnestly, and animatedly, and ardently, zealously, and vigorously surmise, conjecture, and commensurate the continuance, persistence, and furtherance of the existence, subsistence, and actuality. The songs, tunes, and melodies of mystical harbingers reverberate with the murmurs, mumbles, and whispers of the prevailing proxies, the promotors of perpetuation and perseverance. The responsiveness, coexistence, cohabitation, and concurrence which extricate, dislocate, and mend abandoned, neglected, and discarded subjugators’ moans, wails, and whimpers.

The continuance, endurance, and protraction, the elevation, boost, and rise, the anticipation, potential, and promise of your closeness, nearness, and imminence march and prevailو persistently and pertinently.

Thou, to shrink, shrivel, and contract, and to decrease, dwindle, and decline the distances, avoidances, and detachments, the abstentions, refrainment, and disconnections, the annulments, withdraws, and elusions, your traits, personas, and mannerisms are destined, ordained, and entailed to be fortified, strengthened, and heartened.

Yes, the mutuality to strive for your sanctity, to seek your magnanimity, and to surpass, transcend, and exceed the haughtiness, conceit, and narcissism, ought to be engraved, etched, and upheld by the caverns and craters of the heart, which have strained, subdued, and subjugated the sincerities, authenticities, and seriousness of the inclinations, penchants, and proclivities to your benevolence and munificence.

The fountain of righteousness, the genesis of illuminance, and the source and spray of solace and succor perpetually and predominantly are at presence and prospect. The spectacles and scenes and the vistas and views revive, linger, and endure, to copiously, liberally, and profusely illustrate, elucidate, and proclaim your prominences and distinctions, your wholeness and inclusiveness, and your fondness and affections.

The skies and horizons are saturated and inundated by sparkles and flickers of exultations and merits, the values and virtues, the assets and aptitudes, and the warrants and demands, to stride, spring, and step to the estuary of equanimity, the apex of unequivocalness, and the summit of seeking sanctuary within your proximity and contiguity.  

Slumbers, snoozes, and siestas, slackening, minimizing, and stillness, decreasing, dwindling, and diminishing, subsiding, abating, and shrinking, and retreating, ebbing, and fading, if twisted, fashioned, and constructed, or inflicted, wreaked, and imposed, inadvertently, involuntarily, unconsciously, and unintentionally, gyrate, revolve, and spiral molds and casts, contours and conformations, and tessellations and patterns, which invasively, indiscreetly, and intrusively invoke and incite indifferences and irrelevances, apathies and trivialities, and disinterest and unresponsiveness.

The conundrums, riddles, and enigmas of uncertainties, indecisions, and reservations to obscure, disguise, and obfuscate, to conceal, cloak, and eclipse the rational of deductions and responsiveness, the lucidity of the reasons and consequences, and the judgement of the intentions and determinations.  

While, the surroundings, adjoining ambiances, encircling envisions, encompassing environs, and the totality and entirety of subsistence, livelihood, incarnations, and existence to transfuse, suffuse, and permeate, the symphony and sonata of sustainability, the prevalence and pervasiveness of promptness and punctuality, and the entailment and inference of evolvement and affluence

The sustainability, movement, and advancement of the chest of verve and vitality, the torso of permanence and perpetuity, and the trunk of erudition, wisdom, realization, and comprehension, dedicated, reserved, and devoted to your dexterity, legerdemain, and adroitness continue and endure. The coherence, consistence, and congruence are symphonically harmonized, synchronized, and orchestrated to purely, chastely, and virtuously accentuate, emphasize, and heighten your magnanimity, nobility, and superiority.

The horizons of courage and confidence, the peaks of expectations and anticipations, and the skies of gestures and salutations are incessant, unremitting, and interminable. Deliberators, enunciators, and articulators of your dedication and commitment, your adherence and observance, and your fondness, affection, and attachment.

The infinities and boundlessness, the enormities and vastness, and the bestowed immeasurable colossal capacity, ability, and aptitude of absorption, assimilation, and immersion, with the levels and degrees of attainability and achievability, to be corroborated and substantiated by the instigations of intuition and awareness, provocations of perception and perspicacity, and prompting of alertness and approachability. The universality of uniqueness, contingency of continuance, and the essence of your cordiality, entailed, occasioned, and necessitated to evolve and advance, explore and expand, and accentuate and authenticate.

این نگین را خط و خالش کوکب فرزانه، طیف کهرباست
باز بر گیرم نشان بر فال دل، محراب تو اذنش  غناست

The existence and life, the presence and continuation, the gathered, garnered, and congregated moments and flashes of fulfillment and contentment, the embodiments of paradoxes and perplexities of contests and encounters, the principles and doctrines of transformations, conversions, and alterations, the tenets and antecedents of extrapolation and compilation, the attitudes and notions of contributions and influences, and the ethics and philosophies of rectitude and involvement.  

The gem, jewel, and nugget of perpetuation and persistent, existence and life, eminent, distinguished, and exuberant, boisterous, vivacious, and vibrant, incessantly and relentlessly in pursuit and quest of compliance and acquiescence. The imprints, impressions, and inscriptions of comprehensiveness and completeness, unassailability and trustworthiness, succumb and sustain by mere resilience, suppleness, and agility, are insurmountable and undefeatable by the agonies of agitation, extent of annihilations, and the posture and carriage of curtailments and capitulations.

The gem, jewel, and nugget of liveliness and subsistence is inscribed, emblazed, and engraved, infused and imbued, permeated and saturated, and pervaded and drenched by cogitations and deliberations, cognizance and ruminations, and acquittance and jurisprudence,  to juncture, mend, and assimilate, to embrace, conform, and adapt, to instantiate, notice, and observe, to perceive, respect, and perform, the faultlessness, exactness, and flawless of substance, foundation, and formation, the establishments, underpinnings, and constituents of perceptions, profoundness, and prominence.

Oh, the élan and elegance, the proclivity and luridness, the gaudiness and vividness, the mystical, magical, and numinous concentrating, directing, and pondering, converging, collecting, and clustering culmination, apogee, and apex of aspirations and ambitions, the climax, consummation, and conclusion of confluence and convergence, your charisma, captivation, and adoration, to assure my heart, ascertain my conviction and confidence, and enflame the embodiments and epitomes of the essence, the appellations of my extent and existence.

The life’s fortune, fate, and providence, the affluence, opulence, and prosperity, the destiny, kismet, and future, to be dissected, anatomized, and analyzed. Explorations, excursions, and evaluations, the forays and ventures, the digressions and departures, and the strolls and sprees.

Concurrent, conjoint, and communal, contemporaneous, concomitant, and coexisting; the sagginess and stupor of apprehensions and avoidances, the inclination and proclivity of affections and affability, and the sensation and salutation of achievements and attainability.

The contemplation and reflection of moments and instances, the confluence and convergence of endeavors and exploits, and continuation or protraction of confidences and convictions, in discrepancy, disparity, and divergence to curbing and curtailments.

While, the emergence of sparks, sparkles, and ferments of sumptuousness and opulence, buoyancy of glitters and shimmers, shines of gratitude and gratefulness, resilience of resonance and reverberation, and rectitude of character and charisma, inundate the inference and intuition, to deluge interpretations and implications, and engulf instantiations, conceptions, and deliberations. Or, the conglomerate of collaborations and propinquities of prosper and pursuance arise, elevate, and accentuate within the sanctuary of existence, subsistence, actuality, life, and continuation.

The altars, daises, and pulpits, the lecterns, stages, and platforms, the corners, localities, and confronts, the surroundings, environs, and ambiances, and the milieus, scenes, and settings; to ponder, cogitate, and ruminate your portrayal of benevolence and munificence, to convey, carry, and converse candor and solemnity, and to extricate and discern the inadequacies.

The ensembles, congregations, and masses, the multitudes, accumulations, and magnitudes, and the forms, figures, and frames, formidable and fulfilling, admirable and astounding, and conforming and compounding, are the merging, amalgamation, and consolidation of the inciting starts, the realization, apprehension, and attainment of the joining junctures, and the capitulation, surrender, and submission to your compassion, munificence, magnanimity. The ecstasy, rapture, and elation so vehemently sought, while have been incessantly encircled, enclosed, and encompassed by brightness, brilliance, and lucidity of your presence, occurrence, and incidence.

آهِ جان در سینه اختر  پیش گر بانگت به دل فریاد هاست
برنما، برخیز، دنیایم نگر، سکان این دریا تکاپویش ز  ماست
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Sorrows, subjugations, and surrenders, renunciations, discouragements, and dissuasions, the flame, fervor, and zeal, and the impetuosity, impatience, and spontaneity to comprehend, percept, and conclude, stampede, sprint, and scatter the shreds, slivers, and fragments of notions and conceptions.

The movements, transformations, and passages, the segments, incidents, and extracts, the enactments, ratifications, and validations, and the expansions, intensifications, and progressions improvise, concoct, and contrive conceptions and perceptions, impressions and comprehensions, and conformations and confirmations.

The tumultuousness, flutters, and commotions, the upheavals, hubbubs, and uproars, and the acquiescent and harmonizing star. The icon, luminary, and prodigy of phenomena, marvels, and occurrences, which incessantly and arduously, relentlessly and audaciously, and continually and courageously cascade, splatter, and deluge the rays, glimmers, and traces, to illuminate, irradiate, and enlighten the passageways, courses, and vessels of the journey and juncture.

The itineraries of virtue and rectitude and the valleys, vales, and gorges to transcend, excel, and exceed the boundless and infinite scopes and proportions of the realm, ambit, and sphere of suggestions, evocations, and stipulations. To glow, gleam, and shimmer, glisten, glimmer, and glitter, by greeting, saluting, and embracing the sanctity of insinuations, and applaud appeals, influences, and fascinations.

While, the promptness, punctuality and alacrity of your influence and accent, expressions and intonations, and pronunciations and enunciations commemorate, celebrate, and venerate the responsiveness and reciprocity, cognizance and mindfulness, and sentience and recognition.   

The ambiance of realization and attainment, the vibe of virtuousness and chasteness, and the sphere of sincerity and authenticity, your invocations, incantations, and supplications, your presentations, exhibitions, and expositions, and your allocutions, appearances, and bestowments.

Your invocations, incantations, and supplications, initiate, instantiate, and perceive, visualize, envisage, and conceive, and access, attain, and affect, the sanctities of inviolabilities, the attainability of pursuits and dedications, and the viability of commitments and perseverance.

Your declamations, appearances, and conferment, instigate, actuate, and activate the allowances, appropriations, and assignments, the anchors and substrata of mutuality and affinities, correspondences and correlations, connections and communications.

The responsiveness and receptiveness, alertness, and awareness, and approachability and affability, to conquer and surmount, to march and stride, and to tramp and trudge the valleys of invincibility and invulnerability with valor and courage, and the trails of vivacity and verve, the fortitude, resilience, and suppleness.    

 Your presentations, exhibitions, and expositions, intrigue, fascinate, and enthrall the selves and cores, cruces and cruxes, and souls and hearts, to intuit and perceive, to sense and discern, and to soar and ascend; the murmurs and mumbles of certitude, conviction, and confidence;

the rays and waves, the breezes and whispers, the tunes and melodies, or the harbingers and heralds of harmony, coherence, and congruence.

The thunders, rumbles, and roars, the sceneries, vistas, and views, and the conjugations, conglomerates, and unifications, wholeheartedly, unequivocally, and committedly pursuant and consistent, to vindicate and vivify, assert and aver, and avow and affirm, your allure, magnanimity, and altruism. 

While, you reciprocate to my instigations of entreaties, invocations of appeals, and incantations of summons and conviction. The seas‘ and oceans’ advocations to existence and survival, the planets and skies gyrations to life and actuality, and the moments and occurrences incidents, episodes, and manifestations, restore, renew, and revive consequences, significances, and corollaries to the ardors, allegiances, and devotions, dedicated, consecrated, and contributed by the attained and established affinities, affiliations, and attachments, pinnacles and apices of our proximity, contiguity, and immediacy.

Reflected and revealed by your communique; steadfast your stand, stimulate your resolve, and postulate your purpose, the encirclement, engulfment, and encompassment to revive, revitalize, and flourish, by the enactment of era and epoch, while the essences, principles, and substances of creation, verve, and vitality vividly acquaint, astonish, and ascend the admirers, and acquit, absolve, and vindicate the dormant.

© Alireza Bemanian, September of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)