

این نظر را بی نظر در این نگاه پر نظر خود را به انگارش  نگر
خاطر از آن اختر دنیا نگر آن اخترش مقصد  به  پندارش نگر

Reflection and meditation, consideration and rumination, and contemplation and deliberation, the formation, realization, and foundation, self evaluation, perception, and appreciation, increment, discernment, and interpretation, and insight, prudence, and vision to provide and pertain the platform, scaffold, and frame, to seek purity of thought, limpidness of resolution and realization, and clarity and transparency of the attitude, approach, and conviction, tentatively, timorously, and timidly march, trudge, and traipse.

Essences and substances that vividly and tangibly, vibrantly and brilliantly, lucidly and limpidly ponder and muse authenticity of conception and realization, pertinence and relevance of perception and clairvoyance, and cogitation and rumination of conducts and behaviors, relentlessly, inexorably, and insistently invoke, incite, and inspire.  Cogitations, ponderances and ruminations, the recollections and rectifications revolve and gyrate, distinguish and differentiate, and commensurate and proportionate paves and drapes of the path of appurtenant and apropos relevance and aptness.

Depth and gravity, profundity and perspicacity, mindset and trait, and the arouse passion, fervor, and infatuation, enhancements, and insightfulness capture, depict, and denote, seize, ensnare, and grasp intuitions, presentiments, and instincts, erudition, awareness, and wisdom, the edification, intellect, and enlightenment.

Astonishments, amazements, and admirations, the glances, glimpses, and glints, protractions, prolongations, and perpetuations to endorse and ratify the preamble to accede and ascend prologs, preludes, and overtures, to admire and endure prospects, to galvanize, animate, and electrify, resonate, ring, and echo, to configure, struct, and construct the ambitions, aspirations, and dreams to commence and instigate, to unveil and dedicate trends and portraits, inclinations and tendencies, and incarnations and epitomes, the essences and personifications to ponder and pursue, and incarnate, embed, and epitomize, exuberantly, boisterously, and buoyantly instigate, inaugurate, and inspire.  

Inclinations and incarnations, epitomes and personifications, to ponder, depict, and portray, to consider, count, and cogitate, and to deliberate, disperse, and dissolve, the distinctions, significances, accolades, and particularities, merits, and excellences, joys, charms, and blisses, elations, ecstasies, the exultations, euphoria, rapture, and exhilarations to authenticate, endorse, and validate, to corroborate and substantiate, the augmentation, escalation, and instantiation of vibe and vim, virtuousness, sensation and spirit of liveliness and reciprocity, the mutuality of vivacity vivaciously, vibrantly, and spiritly stimulate, invigorate, and motivate.

Surroundings and universe, ambiences and habitats, and haunts and territories, intricacies, convolutions, and complexities, the obscurities, niceties, and minutiae, trivia, deets, and incidentals, the frameworks of fascinations and fixations, foundations of fortitude and obsessions, and forefronts of magnetism, allurement, and captivation, the frontages and facades to observe and conform, to impute and attribute, and to entail and engage designatively, indicatively, and exhibitively outshine, transcend, and eclipse ordinaries, routines, and regulars.

Alignments, conglomerations, and affiliations to encounter, engage, and congregate, portrayals of certitude and assurance, promise and assertion, and composure and confidence, anonymities, concealments, and secrecies, cascaded, gushed, streamed and rose to inflate, magnify, and multiply, to raise and escalate to pinnacles of vision, exposures, and revelations, to capture and annex the acmes of relevance, consequence, and acclamation, the approbations and approvals to conjoin, annex, and append the pinnacles of participation and partaking admiringly, courteously, and reverently express, utter, and articulate.

Stare and gaze perceive, differentiate, and determine, and demarcate and delineate the cognizance and consciousness, perspicacity and perspicuity, and the perpetuity and persistence. Perturbations, trepidations, and apprehensiveness, deliberations, cerebrations, and ruminations, the conferment, bestowment, and bequeathed instances, incidents, and aptitudes and propensities, the proclivities and inclinations to be surmised and construed, postulated and conjectured, originated and engendered, and endorsed and endured incessantly and unremittingly augment, subdue, and mature.    

Star the stellar, superstar the luminary, and megastar the icon, the vigilance and observance, perceptiveness and attentiveness, and discretion and judiciousness, the infinitude, limitlessness, and the immensity and prevalence of horizons, vistas of perceptiveness, discernment, and acuity, the predominance, preponderance, and ascendancy pertain, prevail, and perpetuate perpetuity, permanence, perdurability, immutability and indelibility.

Star the stellar, the focality, vitality, centrality and cruciality to urge and impel, to instigate and inflame, and to incite and ignite, the embodiments, incarnations, and ambitions, aspirations, altruisms and nobilities, opulence and solace. The uniqueness and exclusivity, distinctiveness and inimitability to embrace and embark, to encompass and encircle, to enfold and engulf personifications, exemplars, and symbolizations of the tics and twitches of moments, ictuses and accentuations of symphony of existence, the sonata of continuance and patronage daze, astound, and astonish.

Perpetuate and prevail the desire and entreaty, earnest and enjoinder, and exhortation and encouragement, the legacy, vestige and bequest to reside and remain exclusive and elite, while intimate and cherished to essence, the core and crux, and the heart and spirit of spontaneity and impulsiveness, the cordiality and affability of the immediacy, expeditiousness, and reciprocity of the ambiances, genres, and characters, the dispositions, personalities, and individualities that surround, mantle, and encircle the entity, consciousness , and cognizance.

صبح را در سایه ترسیم بر رخساره مفروش از الفاظ آن نور امید
سایه را مأموا بر آن افروز خورشیدی که دنیایی به دنیایش نگر

Emergence, dawn, and commencements, luminescence, brightness, and shine, sparkle, brilliance, and vividness, the rays of aspiration and inclination, the glimmers of urge and appeal, the gleams of compulsion and compelling vivaciously, vibrantly, and perceptively ponder the precincts of purpose and persuasion. Waves of wonderment, amazement, and astonishment parallel and coherent, lucid and articulate, consistent and concordant to mysteries, obscurities, and ambiguities, the contrasts to edify, enlighten, and vivify, collaborated by consternations, bewilderments, and perturbations prevail, cajole, and convince the vitality, exuberance, and liveliness of the inundated, overwhelmed, and immersed certitudes of existence, the confidence, certainty, and conviction.      

Shadows and shades, sleuths and silhouettes, appearances and spirits, patterns of notion, rhapsody, and euphoria, precedents of germane, apropos, and appurtenant, tessellations of percipience and perceptiveness, acuity and perspicuity reflect and portray, depict and delineate, and exhibit and reveal the mysteries, confidences, and riddles, the paradoxes and perplexities to perpetuate and augment.

Exposures and expositions, the clarifications and elucidations prod, spur, and thrust epitome, manifestation, and exemplification of exuberance and enthusiasm, ebullience and buoyancy, and exultation and euphoria, while encompassed and embedded within the sanctity of conjecture and certitude, the gratification and contentedness, the sermon of composure and impeccability, and the era and epoch of imperturbability and infallibility.

Facets and facades, frontages and elevations, and apertures and orifices, spread and scattered, dispersed and allotted, and allocated and devoted extend and amplify, and enhance and expand the lucidness, coherence, limpidness, pureness, righteousness, the rectitude and virtuousness of life, viability, and liveliness to twinkle, shimmer, and gleam, to reiterate, rehearse, and recapitulate essences of entailment and inevitability, to overshadow, eclipse, and obliterate obscurities and oblivions, vagueness and ambiguousness, bafflements and befuddlements.

The totality and conglomeration of conformance and continuance, proposition and premise of perpetuation and endurance, the representativeness and veracity of prevalence and occurrence, the characters and alphabets, letters and scripts engrossed and fixated, intrigued and enthralled, and beguiled and captivated by the accentuated and heightened pinnacles of acuity, astuteness, and intuition, the arisen and ascended acmes of anticipation, prospect, and aspiration, and the serene and scintillating summits of sanctity, purity, and inviolability, which delightedly, gloriously, and gleefully greet, salute, and applaud.

Lively and exuberant, prepared and prescribed, orchestrated and organized, the scrupulousness and righteousness, nobility and distinction, and privilege and accolade, tuned and tweaked, amended and altered, and remedied and rectified to conform and correspond, and to coincide and collaborate to the songs of serenity and equanimity, genuineness and earnestness, and attribution and ascription.

Shadows and silhouettes, sanctuaries of promise and content, preserves of ponderance and significance, realms of magnitude and momentousness, reservations of obviousness and conspicuousness, formed, molded, and shaped to arose and grow. The shelters and havens fashioned by the rays, traces, and beams of your attentiveness and awareness, your affability and graciousness, and your gregariousness and companionability, conviviality and approachability, the cordiality and congeniality to mesmerizingly and fascinatingly flourish, prosper, and blossom.

Evolvement and engulfment, immersion and inundation, and escalation and intensification to envelop, shelter and overlap corners, localities, and vicinities, the hearts’ caves and caverns, to reciprocate and reveal to the exposed, divulged, and disclosed reflections, cogitations, and ruminations, to foment, aggregate, and provoke your gestures and overtures, the inner and intimate contexts, correlations, and connections.

Shadows and silhouettes, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness, the tent and temple, the porch and pavilion, the ecclesiastical, mosque, and shrine, the inevitability, irrevocability, and inexorableness, the coverage and universality, exposure and expandability, enclosure and arena to emanate and radiate, influence and instruct, and consolidate and intensify the principles of participation, engagement, and contribution. The embodiment, quintessence, paradigm, and exemplar to authenticate and substantiate the ecstasy of salute, reverence, and adoration, vastly and immensely spread, stretched, and scattered, to span from corners of the heart to boundless horizons of imagination, ingenuity, and inspiration.

Shadows and silhouettes, the anchorage, harbor, and haven, the refuge, sanctuary and shelter to galaxies and clusters, gatherings and congregations, stars and the sun, the celestial, galactical, ethereal, paradisiacal conglomerations, assortments, and accumulations, entailed and demanded every iota of existence, the specks and scintillas to replicate, recreate, and regenerate the galaxies within. The reiterations, reverberations, and recurrences to sustain, protract, and nurture evolution, amelioration, and ascent. The existence acclivities and ameliorations to assure and acclaim the span, traverse, and duration of eternity, perpetuity, and infinity.

Shadows and silhouettes, the sun’s spirit and soul’s sanctitude, the piety, divineness, and devotions to strive, search, and pursue, to seek, intrigue, absorb, and enthrall, the enchantments, beguilements, and fascinations to be enlightened, edified, and acclimated, immediacies, surroundings, and ambiance, the certitude, conviction, and certainty to echo and resonate within the boundaries and precincts of assessment, awareness, and discernment, the exuberances, energies, and enthusiasms animatedly, vigorously, and enthusiastically mesmerize, entrance, and enrapture.     

شاهد و پیمانه و ساقی همه در بند، در کوی نمای پر تمنای خیال
وه از  آن مستی  گرش اقبال دولت  کوکبی بر بام دنیایش نگر

Barkeepers and bartenders of overture, proposers, advocates, and sponsors, the provocations, suggestions, incitements, and inducements, bombardments, barrages, and vindications, exculpations, and exonerations, remissions, diminutions, deductions and detractions saturate and surmise the state of individualism, originalism, and libertarianism.

Witnesses, observers, and spectators, the onlookers and bystanders to evolution and progression, the unfolding extensions and evolvements of the entities and entireties, pivots and rivets, the pillars and fasteners to escalation and enthrallment, absorption and attraction, the allurements, intrigues, and magnetisms to provide the platform of persuasion and affiliation, to provoke propinquity and proximity, and to instantiate attainment, realization, and contentment, endearingly and engagingly salute and authenticate the intricacies, complexities, and convolutions of  inception, conception, and genesis. 

Brimmed, inundated, and drenched, teemed, bristled, and thronged chalices, goblets, and tumblers advocate, promote, and encourage, urge, inspire, and foster impulsive, impetuous, and imprudent desires, longings, and yearnings, collaborative and attentive, pertained and adhesive to the cognizance of allurement, enticement, and enchantment entailed and encompassed to your certitude, conviction, and confidence. Though, mere, meager, and measly spontaneity, impromptu, and extemporaneity to reciprocation and responsiveness, to recurrences of habits, obsessions, and conventions, the mirages and phantasms of strain, anxiety, and burden, which boisterously and raucously ravage, raze, and wreck.

Restrictions, restraints, and constraints, the sways and dominances, fluctuations and vacillations, ambivalences and equivocations, and predispositions and preconceptions have permeated, penetrated, and pervaded the boundaries, confines, and precincts of presumptions and premises. The postulations, presuppositions, and predictions, perceptions, views, and vistas have been succumbed, capitulated and acceded by aberration, diversion, and digression.

Your portrayal, rendering, and depiction have been detached and dissociated to the desire, entreaty, and appeal to seek, request, and plea your intimacy, warmth, and confidence. The acclamation, commendation, and approbation to syndicate, affiliate, and align, to join, combine, and connect to your intrigues of conformity, consistency, and compliance, the enthralls of association, resemblance, and correspondence have been degraded, sullied, and vitiated.

Still, your presence, occurrence, and attendance overfill and drench the caravan, convoy, and cavalcade of continuance, perpetuation and protraction. The vibrant, vivid, and prismatic skies, firmaments, and heavens of harmony, congruence, and comfort, canvases and contexts of conformity and consistency to accentuate the horizons of imagination and ingenuity, and the inspirations and inventiveness, initiatives and ingenuities, which embark and inundate the estuaries and coves of contemplation, consideration, and cognizance, all instantiated, exemplified, and epitomized by your awareness, acquaintance, and appreciation.

Inebriation, insobriety, and rapaciousness of your adore, the state, condition, and grandeur of your reverence fascinate the trends and tendencies captivate conceptions and convictions, and absorb notions and abstractions, to formulate zeniths and apexes of immersion and obsession, raptness and engagement, and captivation and concentration, to conquer and annihilate, extinguish and obliterate tendencies, drifts, and penchants, the proclivities and predilections which obscure, disguise, and obfuscate ebullience, elation, and rapture.

Destiny, allegiance, and faith, predestination, providence, and karma intertwine, interconnect, and intermingle, amalgamate, associate, and affiliate to the core, crux, and essence of existence, extant, and endurance, which articulate, cohere, and express entities, structures, and establishments, courses, sequences, and ensembles, directions, pathways, and patterns of incarnations and personifications, avatars, exemplifications and epitomes.

Distinctions, accolades, and agilities, the privileges, recognitions, and laurels to depict and describe, derive and elicit, appeal and captivate, the educement, incitement, and motivation to capitulate and relent insignificancies, drawbacks, and disadvantages, the enthusiasm, wholeheartedness, and resoluteness to augment, elaborate, and elevate tenets and trusts, merits and confidences, and ideals and principles to perpetuate, commemorate, and eternize the essence of  perseverance, persistence, and tenacity, the continuation of strength, resolution, and contentment.

Conglomeration, accumulation, and selection, the collections, aggregations, and agglomerations, examinations, scrutinization, and evaluations, meditations, reflections, and ruminations, concurrent, contemporaneous, and concomitant, spontaneous, unconstrained, and unpremeditated expose, unlock, and untie, commence, direct, and launch the platforms, podiums, and daises, the minarets, turrets, and towers of exploration and examination.

 The correlation and interconnection, merely and purely to be established and ascertained by your affection, attachment, and connection, reciprocal and joint to the fermenting and enflaming appeal, demand, and temptations acclaim, commend, and applaud the bestowment and conferment.

Inebriation, insobriety, and intemperance, the sedation and tranquility, serenity and harmony, composure and equanimity, the poises, braces, and deportments which relentlessly and obstinately evade, dodge, and elude the pillars, flagpoles, and piers of your propinquity and proximity rage, fulminate, and seethe.

The bafflements and confoundments, bewilderments and incomprehension invade, encounter, and confront subtleties, intricacies, and refinements of intuition, perception, and presentiment. The continuance and perpetuation, the profoundness, cavernousness, and fathomlessness of inceptions and maturations, the progresses and evolutions march, trudge, and strut to surmount the scale and surroundings, the expandable horizons of reachability and attainability affably and amiably, abruptly and brusquely interact, interrelate, and intermingle.

هر زمان گر گوهر رمز نگاه پر جفا از قوس لطفت در کمین
خفته در خواب خیالت باده بشکستم چو دنیا بسته احوالش نگر

Occasions, circumstances, and episodes, the moments, incidents, and occurrences hastily, injudiciously, and impetuously plunder, ravage, and pillage the accentuated, emphasized, and strengthened pertinence, aptness, and relevance. The confrontment, affliction, and infirmity to threaten and antagonize the inherent, innate, and intrinsic merits, brilliances, and virtuosities which copiously and profusely reverberate, ring, and echo astuteness and perspicacity, the alertness and discernment within the precincts and arcades of vision, inspiration, and imaginativeness.        

Gem and jewel, pearl and prize, and brilliance and solitaire of dynamism and spirit, vitality and vivacity, and passion and potency, the aptitudes, propensities, and propinquities, adoration, admiration, and adulation pivot, revolve, and rotate, whirl, swivel, and swing within your orbits, tracks, and trajectories of munificence, magnanimity, and bounteousness.

 Glare and gaze, stare and scrutiny, glitter and glimmer, rays, shimmers, and sparkles of certitude and assuredness, certainty and confidence, and invocation and incantation resonate, roar, and blare within the ambiance of affinity, resemblance, and correspondence. Surroundings, environs, impressions, and atmospheres, instances and occurrences, epitomes, originalities, and intrepidities saturate and overwhelm focality, distinctness, clarity, and lucidness. The attributes, traits, and aspects reverberate, resound, and rumble, teem, drench, and gush quintessence of sensibilities and wisdom, the instigations, urgings, and involvements ponder, deliberate, and cogitate the courses, conduits, and corridors of elevation, rise, and evolution, the exultation, ecstasy, bliss, and rupture. 

Secrets of your glance and the intricacies of your glimpse, curvature, and twist, the arch and bent of your appearance and attendance, your reach, touch, and extent, the trace, pat, and tap ostensibly and superficially veiled, cloaked, and concealed by my arrogance, haughtiness, and imprudence, the lurking, loitering, and prowling profligacy and credulity, magnified and augmented by the surmises and conjectures of containment and inhibition emanate, impart, and erupt. Still, your preeminence, prominence, and ascendency incessantly and relentlessly prevail, predominate, and preponderate the curvatures, bents, and bounds of the perception, apprehension, and affiliation.

Your accessibility, approachability, and convenience, your reciprocation, attentiveness, and intentness, and your deliberations, ruminations, and excogitations, vehement and passionate, enthusiastic and emphatic, ardent and fervent manifestations, expressions, and exhibitions fascinate, intrigue, and beguile my heart, kernel, and root.

The staunch and perdurable bastion of ardor and affection, devotion and wholeheartedness, the chest and chalice of liveliness and scintillation, and the spring, cause, and cradle of cultivation, fostering, and glorification, your glare, glance, and stare, the gaze and gape  galvanize the crudeness and coarseness of the petrified souls and sentiments, soothe the disdainful and contemptuous entities, and palliate and alleviate the encompassed and embodied traces of turmoil, upheavals, and embarrassments, the misunderstandings, mystifications, and uncertainties.

Oblivious, unmindful, and heedless, impervious, unaffected, and indifferent, unobserved, disregardful, and unconcerned, while echoes of intuition, choruses of clairvoyance, and profundities of sensitivity and compassion, chirps and chirrups, tunes and tweets, and melodies and songs were ignored, flouted, and overlooked.

Moments, ticks, and flashes ponder prominence and distinction of the perception, acuity, and awareness, while the contemplations, introspections, and concentrations, the deliberations, cogitations, and reflections, emphasis, insistence, and predisposition seek your solace. The sincerity and intimacy to reciprocate to your appeals and summons, and to correspond and communicate to your beckons and motions, the apportionment, allocation, and absorption, the dexterity and adroitness to nullify, annul, and abolish aberrations, deviations, and divergences.

Arrogance, haughtiness, and condescension, superciliousness, pomposity, and pretentiousness, have hindered, mired, and deterred, encumbered, obstructed, and hampered the depth of vision, observance of revelations and divulgences, the cogency of declarations and utterances. The traits, personas, and attributes to immerse to surroundings, backdrops, and habitats, and to empower and endow the synopsis of inclinations, intuitions, and embodiments.

The chalice, chest, and vessel have been shattered, the essence and content, traits and personas, and individualities and characters have been misplaced, misdirected, and mislaid. Vagueness and ambiguity, nebulousness and elusiveness have roared, howled, and bellowed within the boundaries, precincts, and confines of conception, notion, and impression. The clarity, perspicuity, and lucidness, coherence, explicitness, and comprehensibility, concurrent and coexistent, concomitant and contemporary to continuance of crossings and excursions, protraction of passages and pathways, and perpetuation of voyage and expedition have decayed, declined, and dwindled.

Convictions, preconceptions, and creeds, the tenets, beliefs, and persuasions have shrunken, shriveled, and withered. The thirst to quest, hunger to encounter, the coincidence and eagerness to embrace pinnacles and peaks of pertinence, presumption, and conjecture have abated, receded, and settled. The quintessence, paradigm, and paragon of pondering, reflection, and cerebration, exaltation, adoration, and adulation, the applause, exhilaration, and acclamation to vivify, revive, and enliven my wrecked, smashed, and shattered soul, core, and crux have dwindled, and your presence, portrayal and occurrence within the frame and foundation of my presence, reality, and actuality. The inevitability, inescapability, and inexorability to reach, touch, and catch essence and spirit of liveliness and livelihood have been tarnished, tainted, and harmed, the blotted, blemished, and blackened moments, occasions, and occurrences.

گفته ها در سینه نجوا، طالع آزردگان کسب طلب بیگانه بود
قامت سروش  نمای کعبهِ ملک عدن  آوا ز غوغایش نگر

Murmurs, mumbles, and mutters, grumble. moan, and whimper, lament, whine, and groan, conjoined, dovetailed, and bridged, concealed, cloaked, and camouflaged, the dance, cavort, and caper, hop, bounce, and trace emerged, transpired, and occurred, induced, bred, and begot.

 The repudiations, nullifications, and annulments, rejections, refutations, and renunciations, the dissociation, disconnection, and detachment, segregation, seclusion, and alienation sneak, slide, and tiptoe, spread, swell, diffuse, and disperse. the undulation, augmentation, and comportment of inaptness and incongruity within the heart’s cavities, hollows, and fissures, torments, tribulations, and traumas to ignominiously, embarrassingly, and mortifyingly rage, seethe, and fulminate.

Your vicinage, purlieu, and environ, the proximity, propinquity, and contiguity, presence, closeness, and immediacy, your portrayal, patterns, and precedents, the air and whispers, the draft and depictions, the breeze and delineations, the waft and flow to resurrect, revitalize, and revivify your remembrance, recollections, and reminiscences have been relegated, demoted, and besmirched within boundaries, borders, and peripheries of the conception and cognizance.

The desire, inclination, and aspiration, burning, eagerness, and determination, the proclivities, predispositions, and predilections to seek, attempt, and attain your solace, support, and succor though alive, animated, and auspicious, vibrant, vigorous, and vivacious, the perceived and pertained introspections, reflections, and mediations, solicitousness, attentiveness, and responsiveness do not counterpart, harmonize, and complement the commencement of the moments, preeminence and prominence of the company, and the succumbed and surrendered occasion of liveliness and dynamism, efficacy, magnetism, and flamboyance. The vigor, vitality, and vivacity have not been effusively, utterly, and rhapsodically embraced, clinched, and encompassed.

Then, solitude, aloneness, and seclusion, thirst and thrive, eagerness and earnestness, implorations and entreatments augment, extend, and intensify the cradle and crib of contentment, indulgence, and complacency. While, your reach and touch, immediacy and imminence, the acquaintance and connection though perceivable and attainable, cognizable and noticeable, admirable and acknowledgeable remain remote, distant, obscure, and inaccessible.

The veil of apprehension and skepticism, inferred reservations and uncertainties, the disguised and cloaked misconceptions, misapprehensions, and misinterpretations mitigate, mollify, and palliate the capitulation of consistencies, culmination of homogeneities, and conclusion of harmonies and uniformities. The apogees of assimilation and absorbance, apices of enhancement and enrichment, and apexes of enlightenment and inculcation are blemished, blighted, and besmirched. The calumniation, denigration, degradation and disgrace have eclipsed, surpassed, and concealed the acceded and assented approbations, adulations, and adorations.          

Sparrows of the valley, canaries of the gorge, and doves of the dene, the glen, dale, and the vale, spread, banquet, and feast to cogitate, ponder, and spare the sanctity of the entrenched embodiments, extensions, and epitomes, the vastness of the vistas, expanse of exhilarations, and copiousness of congregations and cohabitations, the gathering of gestures and overtures. 

Spread and exposure, the span and extend and  of spruce trees, the elegance and gracefulness, immensity, enormity, and incalculability of plateaus, uplands, and highlands, stretches, expanses, and elongations, the openness, directness, and ingenuousness, the inherent unpretentiousness, credulity, and trustfulness authenticate and endorse, enhance and enrich, and embark and commence wonders, astonishments, and amazements, which are encompassed, embodied, and embraced by the caravan of cogitation and consideration, the voyage of  verve and vivacity, and the destiny, fortune, and vocation of eternity and infinity.

Inclinations, aptitudes, and talents, imprudence to scrutinize, indiscretion to dissect, and injudiciousness to reflect, redirect, and replicate, the benevolence and munificence, abundances of richness and affluence, opulence and lavishness of capitulation and culmination, conception, perception, and contentment, and the pathways, conduits, and alleyways to reinvigorate, resurrect, and revive authenticity, dependability, and validity of participation and perpetuation, inadvertently, involuntarily, concurrentlyand unabatedly move, maneuver, and manipulate sense, logic, and lucidity, the rationality, prudence, and sagacity.

The exercise of life and appropriation, the succession of task and transition, and the sequence of sincerity and earnestness to entrench, engrain, and ensconce, to march, traipse, and trudge with mere anxiety, trepidation, and apprehension, to abandon and neglect, and avoid and evade the gradual and dawdling impostures and pretenses triggered  to  dodge and elude dawns and sunrises, and to contain and seal the incidences proportioned, prepared, and perceived to  prevail, survive, and sustain the symphony of verve and existence, inherently, innately, and intrinsically proceed, evolve, and progress.  

Gradual and escalating, intensifying and spiraling, inspiring and stirring, candor, truthfulness, and trustfulness, encompassment and adjudication to your providence and prudence, the audaciousness and courageousness to ascribe and attribute to your invocations and incantations, and advocations and amplifications to enchant and enthrall your murmur and whisper of exuberance and continuance have engulfed and inundated, enlightened and cultivated, and flamed, flared, and blazed fabrics of my entity, the gleaming, glowing, and shining, the radiant, brilliant, and lustrous ceremonious amalgamation and alliance which have acclimated to my existence and identity.

Kaaba, mecca, temples and shrines, sanctuaries and tabernacles, sanctums and sanctorum to be established, launched, and corroborated within the caves and caverns of heart, fissures and fractures of the soul, spirit, and humanity, healable and mendable, patchable and restorable by your beguilements and allurements. Bemusements, perplexities, and befuddlements, consolations, succors, and solaces, the enshrinement, manifestation, and immortalization of your adornment and benevolence soar, surge, and escalate to carry, revive, and endure comprehension, interception, and grasp, of the sensations to stimulate and substantiate, strive and tower to the immeasurable and inexhaustible extremes of eternity and infinity.

The connection and reciprocity, the ardor, remembrance, and commemoration of nourished, cultivated, and promoted, ascertained, elated, and fixated immediacy, propinquity, and imminence to your ecstasy, bliss, and rapture, the resurrection, resurgence, and revivification, flabbergast, flummox, and confound the profoundness of awareness, acuteness of acclamation, and profundity of admiration.

When, the streams of conspicuousness and consciousness, the tally of perspicuity, lucidity, and articulacy, and the bedrock of certitude, certainty, and assurance commensurate and appropriate the emergence and occurrence, formation and configuration, the genesis and evolution of tangibility and steadiness to surpass, transcend, and exceed momentary and transitory accumulation and amassing of the influences and confluences, momentums and motions, and impetuses and trusts. When, entreaties and petitions, the appeals and requests to desire and seek your immediacy resemble and exceed agility of the swiftest spiraling star ascending, scaling, and clambering to your vicinity, territory, and quarter.

When, the disproportionate, exorbitant, and unwarranted reciprocity, mutuality, and exchange in continuum to eternity and perpetuity, or acclamation, commendation, and approbation of the nondepletable bound and requital imbue, permeate, and inculcate the bounds and limits of my essence, existence, and substance, purely transfusable by your grace, eminence, and elegance.

روی بردارم ز رقص قاصر وامانده در برق نگاه قدس دوست
خود یقین عشق را منزل یکی یمن قدم در جوف محرابش نگر

Fascinations, captivations, and engagements, engrossments, enthrallments, and immersions, absorptions and vocations, the urges and bents, and the abilities and aptitudes inline, direct, and level to sanctities, purities, and inviolabilities of liveliness, to emerge, transpire, and occur. The emergence and advent to accommodate, oblige, and adapt to the mystics, sages, and sorcerers to acclimate, adapt, and empower, inspire, and embolden soul and spirit, the fondness, affection, and correlation.

Revelries, blasts, and blazes to spark, ignite, and incite, dances, twirls, and whirls to linger, revive, and endure, the sways and spins to resume, persist, and prolong, and pirouettes and gyrations to sustain, persist, and extend, austerely and truly, rightly and strictly, and astoundingly and astonishingly to accentuate and emphasize profound, acute, and empowering adoptions, alternatives, and selections. Intricacies, niceties, the convolutions, obscurities, and complexities of continuance and correspondence, the cascades of conformations and confirmations contest and gratify the gravity of exuberance, the sacredness and purity of existence, and the stringency and accuracy of the rectitude of the entailed elations and evolutions.  

Rays of reflection and deliberation, gleams of aspiration and ambition, beams and glows of advocation and approval, the glances and glimpses of propinquity and proximity, vibrant and flamboyant, dazzling, and brilliant audaciously and courageously, brazenly and blatantly perpetuate, disseminate, and propagate your intimacy and closeness, affinity and rapport, and amity and affection.

Your presence and portrayal, the insinuations and indications, the movements and motions, the soul, passion, and purpose, sustenance, certainty, and assurance intertwiningly and intricately unify and join, and coalesce and combine vividness and vibrancy, brightness and luminosity, and radiance and gaudiness of creation, cosmos, and universe, while the ensemble of entireness collectively ponder, muse, and contemplate the essence of sanctity and ecstasy.

Perspicuity and plainness, explicitness and coherence of perpetuity of pertinence, aptitude of aptness, and propensity of perceptiveness grip, seize, and surmount devotion, dedication, commitment, and resolution, to transfuse, impart, and inject desires, proclivities, and penchants, the predilections and inclinations of your sanctity, sacredness, inviolability, and blessedness.

Pathways, passages, the corridors and conduits to your closeness and nearness, imminence and convenience, and familiarity and friendship contract and shrink, the connection and certitude, certainty and confidence decrease and decline, and the belief and conviction lessen and diminish. When, rise, soar, and ascend to the summits of acuity and awareness, levitations, elevations, and climbs to peaks of ponderance and pertinence are deenergized and deprived.

Admiration, adulation, and veneration, affection, adoration, and friendship, the passion, reverence, and worship, your presence, personification, and incarnation to saturate, overwhelm, and engulf my entity, soul, and originality, the uniqueness, ingenuity, and inimitability, perceptiveness, mastery, and brilliance, the acumen, acuity, and astuteness, sincere and genuine, earnest and heartfelt, and sacred and solemn, to captivate, enthrall, and entrance cavities of the heart.

Your magnanimity and altruism, the infinite, interminable, and immeasurable extent of fortitude, resilience, and stamina, the cognizance and observation have constantly and relentlessly been committed, pledged, and promised. Though, misinterpretations, misperceptions, and misjudgments have taken their tolls.

Abstractions, and withdrawals, rejections, refusals, and rebuffs, misperceptions, seclusions, segregations, and separations have deprived, disadvantaged, and detained your advocacy, the contiguity, adjacency, and propinquity to dilate, augment, and proliferate the fabric of life, to ascertain, establish, and determine the mutuality and affinity, which are inculcated, infused, and indoctrinated within the ambiance of existence and the spheres of certainty, confidence, and intimacy.   

Consequently, correspondingly, and consistently accommodate. lodge, and quarter, acclimate, adapt, and adjust, to reverberate, resonate, and cultivate the affinity, kinship, and likeness which has been bestowed, presented, and conferred even to the dungeons, oubliettes, and vaults of perception, recognition, and discernment.  Let resurrection, restoration, and revivification of solace, support, and succor to strike, confound, and shatter the sparseness, barrenness, and desolation of discernment, glimpse, and distinction.

Vacuity, vacancy, and void, certainty, conviction, and certitude, to reciprocate, contradict, and counteract. Vastness, immensity, and incalculability of your attentiveness, responsiveness, and thoughtfulness, your taps and pads on the shoulders of elated and euphoric designators and delegates, the envoys and ambassadors, the iotas to inspirers, the  specks to spectators, the knocks and strikes on the back of devotees, observers, and listeners, the entireties, totalities, and wholeness, reverberate and resonate, radiate and emanate, and diffuse and diverge to clarify, elucidate, and illuminate the culmination, height, and zenith, certainty, conviction, and certitude versus vacuity, vacancy, and void.

Then, the culmination, height, and zenith to ascertain, discover, and recognize, to discern, perceive, and identify, and to enlighten and elucidate the enclaves, dominions, and demesnes, purely to be depicted, rendered, and delineated when the stretch and spread of vision, sight, and revelations reach the summits and pinnacles of the farthest horizons, scopes, and vistas. Occasionally and sporadically, a single glowing and sparkling star exuberantly, buoyantly, and animatedly twinkles, shines, and sparks, to enunciate and articulate secrets, surprises, and certainties of continuance, pertinence, and purposefulness, the courage, mettle, and valor to exceed and surpass the remnants, residues, and remainders of obscurities, opacities, and oblivions.

Then, the breeze of benevolence and compassion, the chirps and twitters of transparency and pellucidity, and the descants and melodies of ponderance and felicitous reverberate, ring, and resound the opus to conjoin and connect, the sonata to fuse and merge, and the concert to commemorate and venerate, the symphony of liveliness verve, and vivacity to seek and solace, while rivetted, immersed, and  captivated by the shadow of your sanctity, purity, and inviolability.

خانه ها ویرانه از ویرانگان در ساحت ملک خفا از راز بخت
شاهد رخسار دریابش نگین در سینه، مأوایت به اقبالش نگر

Destructions, demolitions, and devastations, depredation, despoliation, and, desolation to reveal, disclose, and divulge, to report, declare, and unfold the insinuated defects, weaknesses, and flaws, intimated faults, deficiencies, and blemishes, the alluded frailty, foible, and fallibility, which commence, instigate, and originate at the core and crux of entities, beings, and individuals, mortals, souls, and creatures, acclimated, accustomed, and adapted to propagate, proliferate, and promulgate.

Fear, fright, and horror to search, seek, and rummage within, agitation, trepidation, and discomposure to lodge fabricated, deceitful, and counterfeit composures, demeanors, and deportments, perturbations, apprehensions, and jitteriness which conceive, envisage, and contemplate the intuitions, presentiments, and senses, the phobia, aversion, and anxiety to assimilate, embrace, and absorb inadequacies, faults, and defects, agitations, panics, and nervousness to integrate, embrace, and conform to confluences, convergences, and conjunctions, the propitiatory preparations and protections to promote, foster, and progress the aptness, faultlessness, and rightness rampage, rage, and tear, appease, mollify, and attenuate, hoist, exalt, and elate the piousness, righteousness, and the virtuousness of viability, esse, and ethos.

Destructions, demolitions, and devastations, uncertainties, insecurities, and indecisions, ambivalences, doubtfulness, and irresolution, the equivocations, vacillations, and temporizations, cunctation, tentativeness, and uncertainties deteriorate, decline, and dwindle the pillars of life’s essence, core, and substance, the soul’s principles, purpose, motivations, and the spirit’s aspirations. The sketch, draft, and conscription of dismay, disquietude, and discomposure, or the catalyst, spur, and stimulus to eventual nullification, abrogation, and revocation furtively, stealthily, and cunningly connotate, comprise, and compose.

Till and pending, the melody of attainment and contentment, the murmur of endurance and durability, and the mutter of continuance and tenacity converse, retreat, and transpose, and bliss and elation of attainment and completion, fruition and fulfillment, the ecstasy and rapture of realization and resolution, consummation and connection, and the ambiance and vibe of affection and sentiment, intimacy and endearment flatten and annihilate.

Or, elusion, evasion, and abandonment, disconnection, extrication, and detachment surface, transpire, and emerge, mystifications, perplexities, and bafflements billow, flutter, flicker, and fluster, and perturbations and discomposure destitute the bounds and limits of the sanctuary and shelter of intellect, inclinations, and righteousness. When, the rectitude, virtue, and morality surrender, relinquish, and concede to alienation, severance, and detachment, rupture, discord, and schism, or the juncture, confluence, and convergence dictate, impose, appeal, and inspire the course of festering, perishing, and bitterness.

Dynamism, incarnation, limpidness and decorum of embodiment and etiquette, virtuousness of manifestation, the dedication, bestowment, and allegiance, the commitment and pledge to reflect and replicate, to ruminate and signify, and to reveal and exhibit the omens, presages, and portents of graciousness, affability, and courteousness, when glees. heavens, blisses, and ecstasies confront, defy, and encounter the straggled and dithered susceptibilities, impressionability, and propensities which incite, educe, and evoke to mislay, misplace, and misdirect, abandon, desert, and discard them.

The disarray, dismay, and phrenzy to distort and disfigure the destiny, fate, and fortune, and to plunge, plummet, and descend, incarcerate, immure, and detain the predestination, karma, and kismet. a prelude and preamble to settling and descending of confinements, restraints, and restrictions, stigmas, shames, and humiliations. The realm, range, and scope when embarrassments, discomfitures, and abashments pervade, permeate, and percolate, while sanctity and inviolability of life and existence, or the purity of animation and vivaciousness befit and befall enslaved, subjugated, and hegemonized by the postulations and presumptions, conjectures and speculations, predestined and preordained to polarize and breach the intuition, insight, and instincts.       

Awaken, arouse, and provoke, to incite, effectuate, and foment, induce, inspire, and instigate, the oceans encompassment, span, and expanse, the vastness, immensity, and enormity to stretch, straighten, and spread the wings, sprints, and pennants, to extricate, recognize, and perceive the iotas and specks saturating, overwhelming, and overpowering the sanctuaries, havens, and reservations of the imagination, fascination, and passion, and to disentangle, disencumber, and disengage  the paddles, oars, and willows bashfully, reticently, evasively, and deviously strained, struggled, and strove.

The seas spaciousness, capaciousness, generousness, depth and profundity, insights, comprehensions, and discernments, intricacies of astuteness, perspicacious and sagacious intuitions and perceptivities, conspicuouse and discernible clairvoyance and presentiment, and pertinacious and tenacious acceptability and tolerability, the containment of inaptness and incongruity, and the linchpin, cornerstone, and bastion of  grace and blessing, the fortress and citadel of adornment and approbation contrive, concoct, and contribute.

Discover and determine, detect and encounter, realize and recognize the relentlessness of the obscurities, the maneuvering and manipulation of oblivions and opacities, and the aptness, flawlessness, and faultlessness of cognizance, commitment, and perception to confront, tackle, and collar contradictions, refutations, and retractions, the confutations, denials, and refusals.

The gem and jewel, nugget and pearl of enlivenment, exhilaration, and exuberance, enthrallment, exultation, and euphoria, compilation, collation, and contemplation, conventicle, congregation, and convocation, the carriage, presence, and demeanor remain, retain, and reflect within precincts, boroughs, and arcades of being, self, and standing.

Meditate, deliberate, and ruminate, the world, realms, and domains, kingdoms, dominions, and demesnes, palatinate, principality, and protectorate, proclivity, penchant, and predilection which endure, persist, and pertain the inner jewel and pearl of pertinence, germaneness, and relevance, the appurtenant and apropos of deed, exploit, and endeavor affiliated, allied, and associated to your ardor, passion, and the fervor captured and confined by the sanctitude, virtue, and piety of the heart, courage, and fortitude.   

Shine, sheen, and shimmer of moonlight, gleam, glance, and glare of intuitiveness, divination, and clairvoyance, and glaze, glitter, and glower of preponderance, prevalence, and predominance perpetuate, preserve, and propagate pertinence and relevance, significance, substance, and consequence to the harmony, concord, and congruence, the proclaimers, annunciators, and reciters of  correspondence, accordance, and coordination, the adroitness, nimbleness, and adeptness of existence, subsistence, and quiddity.

Seek the fortune and opulence, affluence and abundance, the profusion, lavishness, and copiousness which constitute and inaugurate, create and concoct, and connect and correlate, the pure sole, the vivid, vibrant, and untainted benevolence, munificence, and magnanimousness, your appeasement, placation, propitiation, and pacification.

شاهدان را شوق دیدارت گرش در خطه منظور خود بیگانه بود
محفل آزردگان غبط سلیمان آن  نگه روشن ز مهتابش  نگر
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Bystanders and onlookers enthralled and captivated, entranced and delighted, enraptured and lured by the pertained, affected, and related remedies of self concentration, inward and innermost consummation and gratification, and exclusion, marginalization, and elimination of the wholeness, totality, and fullness. The cascade, chute, and cataract of the mirage of decomposition and degeneration, illusion and delusion, the dwindle and decline prodigiously, inordinately, and exceedingly entrench, conceal, and ensconce.

Witnesses and speculators amazed and astounded, shocked and stunned, and surprised and startled by the intricacies and obscurities, convolutions and complexities, and accompaniments and complements of instances and incidents, surroundings and circumstances, and ambient and immediacies attenuate, decrease, and diminish, banish, obliterate and abolish the ponderancy of the moment, the significance and consequence of the pursuit and participance, and the esteem and appeal of persuasion, influence, and inducement.

Reverberations, echoes, and rings of desire, appeal, and entreaty saturate, drench, and inundate the proclivities and penchants, the partialities and preferences, and predispositions and predilections. The air and environ mesmerize, captivate, and fascinate inquisition, quest, and aspiration, though the obscurities of vision and visualization, the delusion and delirium, oblivions and opacities distort, twist, and garble ingenuity, cleverness, and originality of the intent, resolve, and tenacity.

Concurrently and concomitantly, cognizance, perception, and contemplation, glance, scrutiny, and observance, cerebrations, cogitations, and considerations, the meditations, reflections, and ruminations entail, necessitate, and warrant, imply, involve, and demand nullity and nihility, emptiness and vacuity, and farcicality and inanity, while, quest and journey, pursuit and expedition, and voyage and excursion to purify the kernel, cleanse the essence, and seek your solace stretch, spring, bounce, and revolve recurrently and intermittantly, though the horizons, spheres, and scopes to sparkle, glint, and glitter your intimacy, immediacy, and confidence distance, dissociate, and disconnect.

The alienation, detachment, and withdrawal vividly and luridly flinch, twitch, and convulse, quail, tremble, and quaver. While, track, trace, and trail to sense, acclaim, and commend your glares of spur, goad, and lift, your beams of expressiveness, individuality, and articulateness, and your gleams of perspicuity, fluency, and lucidity, your presence, occurrence, and manifestation, your impression, representation, and depiction, and your assertions, declarations, and disclosures, the omnipresence, ubiquitousness, and universality, rampantly, prevalently, and predominantly stipulate, necessitate, and command reciprocity, mutuality, and requital. 

Your enlightenments and elucidations, the certainty and confidence, your intimacy and proximity, and your adoration and adulation have penetrated and punctured, the murkiest and bleakest, and mistiest and dreariest cavities of my heart, essence, and existence.

Stretch of imagination, expanse of vision, dream, agility, nimbleness, and liveliness to capture, acquire, and apprehend your brilliance, prowess, and virtuosity have instigated the quest and pursuit to endure and persist on the journey, to extend and expanse, to heighten and strengthen the bound, unification, and allegiance, which incessantly and continually pertain to the core and kernel of your affinity, kinship, and correspondence.

Your openness, ingenuousness, and directness, your affiliation, attachment, and association, and your contiguity, propinquity, and approachability, vehemently and passionately exhibitive, exuberantly and vivaciously annunciating and disseminating, and prodigiously and tremendously pertaining and concerning, the elation and exultation, rapture and rhapsody, and ecstasy and euphoria have saturated, drenched, and soaked my persona and frame, my pneuma and fervor and my paragon and epitome, the realm, ambit, and sphere to be coveted and envied by king Solomon.

The essence and existence saturated, brimmed, and inundated by your affection and fondness, warmth and liking, your glance and glimpse, attention and attentiveness, and observation and inquisitiveness resonate, resound, and reverberate the bliss of vibe and tenor, the elation of spirit and aura, and the pearl of intimacy, affinity, and attachment. While, the brightness, enlightenment, and elucidation of your shines and sheens, glows and gleams ponderously, pertinently, and profoundly procure and attain scrutiny, inquiry, and perusal.

Your veneration, reverence, and exaltation brim, throng, and teem, bristle, pour and pelt my chalice of life, my goblet of existence, and my captivated, enchanted, and enthralled intellect, sentiment, and conviction, the shrine, mecca, sanctorum, and tabernacle of your admiration, apprehension, and recognition.

© Alireza Bemanian, January of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)