Heart’s Tale


Heart’s Tale

طلب  دیدِ نگاهت  گرهش  در خم  ابروی  تو  بود
سوختم در گرو حاجت جان گفته و منظور تو بود

The dream and demand, the desire and request, the trance and delight are profoundly, intensely, and relentlessly pondering my reflections, considerations, and imaginations, your gaze, stare, gape, and gawk.

Your approval, fulfillment, and contentment, the reciprocity, mutuality, and empathy, plea, appeal, and entreaty, the pretexts, assertions, declarations and deliberations, the bindings, fastenings, and attachments, could meticulously, punctiliously, and pedantically be procured and secured.

Oh, it is the curvature of your gander, glance, and glimpse to reverberate the hum, echo, and resonance of sensation, perception, and commotion, the tweets of verve, vim, and dynamism, and the accolades of the enthusiasm, excitement, and exuberance, or the sparkles, vivacity, and liveliness to attain the solace and succor, your sanctity.

Scorched, burnt, and seared, teared, hurtled, and torn, bound, compelled, and induced, persuaded, convinced, and confident, it is your notion, concepts, and impressions, your inspirations, considerations, and deliberations, the soul, essence, and spirit, the benevolence, compassion, and magnanimity.

Which, has invigorated, exhilarated, and motivated my core, crux, and existence. They are the bonfires, flares, and beacons to pound my heart, pulsate my ponderings, perpetuate my cogitations, and incessantly to throb my pursuit.

The vividness, clarity, and lucidity, the soberness, articulateness, and eloquence, emanated by your trend, the glancing, cruising and voyaging within. The chest of enigmas and confidences, convictions and assurances, certainties and assertions, contentions and affirmations, inhibited, introverted, or retracted. Or, not reciprocally retorted and rejoined, unobserved, overlooked, and unheeded. The elevation, preferment, and endorsement to liveliness, vivacity, exuberance, and spirit.

چو  بهر  وادی  و  هر   گوشه طلب  جار  زدیم
غایت گفته  ندانسته و معیار  تو  در وسوسه بود

The demand, plea, and inquiries, the desire, appeal, and entreaty, the request, summon, and solicitation, were expressed, articulated, and uttered, incessantly, continually, and ceaselessly.

It was reverberated and echoed, at every moment and instance and at each corner and spot, extravagantly, exaggeratedly, and elaborately.

Gave it the gaudiest, flashiest, and the boisterous tune, the ambiance of garish posture, all poured, dispensed, and lashed out to lavish egotistic, narcissistic, and selfish enigmas, conundrums, and riddles.

The emergences, occurrences, and appearances, the commotions, upheavals, fusses, and furors, have gracelessly, garishly, and luridly attributed to degradation, obloquy, and disgrace, consciously and deliberately, or unmindfully, haphazardly, and neglectfully.

The expressions, manifestations, and extractions, the appearances, illustrations, and reflections were unheeded, the pleas, supplications, and implorations were narrow and superficial, and the reciprocity, revelations, the content, essence, and crux were discounted, disregarded, and mistreated.

Seriousness, sincerity, and authenticity to craving, coveting, and seeking you is trembling, shuddering, and convulsing, the path to reach you, the trail to capture your glimpse, and the course to conquer your fascinations, captivations, and enchantments remain dubious, ambiguous, and uncertain.

فال   دل   خفته،  به   هامون   زمان   خانه   زدیم
خود  درون  قافیه، هر  زمزمه  آویزه  انکار تو بود

When, the heart, spirit, and soul distance, detach, and dissociate away. The vivacity, verve, and exuberance, the sparkles of liveliness, the animations of awareness and attentiveness are irresponsive, neglectful, and nonchalant.

The vision, foresight and prudence is dwindled, declined, and diminished. The ambiance, surroundings, and milieus are fastidiously, theatrically, and preciously rampant, predominant, and prevalent.

When, the convenience of time, expediency of accessibility and opportunity overshadows, outshines, and surpasses. Then, flatness of the horizon, the posture of the occasion, and the predominant stance and attitude retain the anchors to my shelter, cover, and the refuge; the asylum to my harbor.

Existence, subsistence, and sustenance, the virtues of life, verve, and vivacity plenteous, profuse, and copious within the cavities of my heart, though the chest inundated with your benevolence, compassion, and munificence, is wrapped, fastened, and settled, closed, shut, and sealed.

Then the moments, occasions, junctures, and incidences are repetitious, monotonous, and droning. The humming, whirring, and purring saturate the liveliness, contradict, controvert, and conflict the core intent, charm, and captivation to pursue and reach your sanctity, sacredness, and purity.

The immersed mirage, delusion, and illusion engrosses, and saturates my cognizance, conscious, and premeditations, the cogitations, contemplations, and reflections.

حامد  و  حاجب  و مختار و مغان همهمه چیست
گر  ترازو  و  قیاسش  رقم از  بتکدهِ گام تو بود

The hype, hysteria, and frenzy, the whirl, tumult, and fury, which are attached, joined, and connected, devoted, ascribed, and conferred, so vividly, lucidly, and luridly; the lingering, loitering, and dawdling perspectives, perceptions, and prospects.

While the intents and notions disparage and denigrate, degrade and defame, the notions and conceptions, revelations and inspirations, and impetuses and impulses.

When the arrogance, conceit, and haughtiness disintegrates, crumbles, and collapses the validity of the instincts, cogency of the believes, and the strength of the coherence.

Though, the consistency and lucidity is so vehement, avid, and vigorous, so stridently, vociferously, and boisterously replicating, reiterating, and reciting.

The mutuality, collectiveness, and affinity is so predominant midst the creeds, codes, cyphers, and credos, the cliques, adherents, porters, chamberlains, and pietists.

The uniformity, homogeneity, and equivalence, the correspondence, association, and connection, the messages, memoranda, and dispatches are in their entireties compelling, endorsed, and binding, when merely, purely, and solely adhered to your balance, gamut, and calibrations.

The array, extent, and scope to clarify, augment, and intensify your magnanimity, your altruism, and your compassion.

To reach the instance when, your trace, track, and trail, the footprints, footsteps, and footmarks, your outlines, marks, and impressions are the dynamics, subtleties, and crescendos to augur, portend, and promise the motivations, incentives, enticements, and inducements. When the sheer conceivable temples, idols, and deities are assembled by depicting your rendering, expose, and portrayal,

ساغر  بود  تمنا  شده  و خفتهّ  آن خواب خیال
باده  گلگونِ  درون، آه  که  آکنده  اقبال تو بود

The mere desires, fascinations, and absorptions, the enthrallments, assimilations, and immersions have fomented, provoked, and fostered a server, usher, and an attendant to devote, delicate, and pertain their fulfilments, serenities, and gratifications. The realizations, indulgences, and delights drawn, lured, and derived exquisitely, discerningly, and penetratingly.

The dreams, fancies, pleasures, and marvels have initiated, instigated, and implemented their patterns, passages, and sequences. The lassitude, lethargy, and indolence has invoked the apparition, specter, and menace, apprehending the aspirations, ambitions, and tenacities to be lingered, lurked, and loitered, besieged, surrendered, and overwhelmed.

While, the soul, the ambiance, the essence reverberates, resonates, and resounds the echo of resiliency, valor, and vigor. The chalice, the goblet of endurance, empathy, and compassion is still to be filled, brimmed, and surged.

The chalice, the tumbler is gushed, heaved, and swollen, the virtues merits, evidences, and distinctions, profusely, amply, and bountifully ponder my thoughts, provoke my perceptions, and punctuate my presumptions.

One single step, perpetuation of the march, protraction of the quest, pursuit, and exploration bounded by your benevolence, compassion, and munificence, and then the destiny inclined to dawn when it embodies, exemplifies, and symbolizes the rays of your radiance, your luminosity and sparkles.

قصه ها  بود  در  آن  جمله،  نگارنده  ارباب ازل
سرو بستانِ نمایت که یکی  منزل و میخانه تو بود

Stories and narratives conveyed, communicated, and expressed while in search and salute, riffle and response, quest and gesture. The glances, peeks, and glimpses galvanizing the verve, the spurs, goads, and provocations pondered by the soul, the compassions, empathies, and emotions, incessantly instigates your signs, waves, and signals.

Embodiments, incarnations, and epitomes, so garishly, brilliantly, and superbly advocate the cosmos and universe, the creation and life, the entitled voyages and journeys. The expedition to the instances, occasions, and occurrences, the episodes, incidents, and experiences, and their commonality, harmony, and cohesion, to illustrate, elucidate, exemplify, and expose your secrets, confidences, and surprises, your traits, mannerisms, and propositions.

The portrayal, rendering, and representation, your manifestation, exhibition, and appearance, the master and principle, the dominance who has rendered, decreed, and decided the core and crux of creation, the entirety and wholeness, started from the dawn of commencement, to be endured to eternity.

Your eminence, trait, and accolade, the praise, admiration, and adoration, your sanctity, sacredness, and serenity, the poise as the shadow of the sheer cypress tree touching the skies and horizons, encompasses, embraces, and engulfs my comprehension, the minds and heart, the existence and liveliness, the exuberance, the enthusiasm, and resolves.

Transpiring, occurring, and emerging continually, to enrich, augment, and enhance, to foment, foster, and ferment. The uproar, tumult, and upheaval, the enticements, inducements, and divulgements, so vehement, vigorous, and fervent. Engulfing, immersing, and superseding to elevate, elate, and exalt, then the foresight, foretelling, and the divination, the sanctuary, preserve, and refuge, the soul, substance, and solitude alters, adapts, and transforms in becoming a fragment, a part, and a segment of you.

نغمه ها  بود  در  این  شاخ  سمن،  سنبل  دوست
جمله محراب پر از مشک ختن شاهد پندار تو بود

The tunes, jingles, and melodies, choruses, rings, and semblances echoing distinctly, manifestly, and strikingly, reverberating, ringing, and resonating from the symbols, cyphers, and icons, the blossoms, blooms, flushes, glimmerings, and glows are the murmurings, mutterings, and whisperings to spur, urge, and encourage, to magnify, amplify, and expand, the boundaries of perceptions, acuities, and insights.

The lyrics, notions, and tales traversed by the jasmine flower and its twigs and branches, the sagas, epics, and allegories emanated, sprang, and sprung from the hyacinth flowers, so flawlessly to share the moment, and collectively replicate the pitches, tones, and timbres of acquaintance, attachment and amity.

Reaching the apex when the altar, the dais, and the pulpit evolves and advances, expands and spread, grows and magnifies to every spot, setting, corner, and point, to every stretch of the imagination, ingenuity and inspiration.

When the altar, the cornerstone concealed, cloaked, and shrouded by the fragrance, aroma, and attar of your ambiance, elevates and inspires to vigilantly and heedfully observe, witness, and perceive, to monitor, scrutinize, and examine, and to remark, comply, and declare.

When the dais displaces its sanctity within the craters of the heart, the milestones within the soul, The traces and traits which encounters, the rumbling, resounding, and ringing of your intimacy, compassion, and fondness.

چند  گاهی  چو شدم غافل  این خانگه  پیر مغان
نور قدست به نما گوشه دل، طالع مستانه تو بود
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Elapses of time, the continuation of moments, and the passage of occasions, zooming, racing, and rushing by, the dwindling, zapping, and dashing of the discernments, assessments, and acumens.

The neglect, avoidance, and inattention, procured, conquered, and captured their tolls, the duties, the excises. The abbey, convent, and monastery, the cloister, walkway, and retreat of the instincts, intuitions, and impulses had been abandoned, the emphasis was obscured, and the convergence was crushed.

The abbey to shelter and seclude your discernments, perspicacity, astuteness, and acuity was abandoned. Your inspirations, virtues, and bestowed advantages were exploited, battered, and disturbed, the pace and direction were twisted, grimaced, and contorted

Yet, your radiance, luminosity, and brilliance vividly and vigorously shines. The revelations, disclosures, and exposes are vociferously, piercingly, and stridently rampant, approachable, and applauding,

Your compassion, empathy, and concern is crystalized and manifested within the corners and cavities of my heart. Your omnipresence, companionship, and camaraderie has thrilled, exhilarated, and elated the pillars anchoring and affixing my soul to your proximities, immediacies, and propinquities. And it is your incessant incarnation, avatar, and personification, which had inebriated and imbibed me to be adorned by the adroit of articulateness and the acuity of astuteness.

© Alireza Bemanian, January of 2018 (Author, Poet)