

همه دم طالعِ مفتونِ سحر قبلهِ دیدار وز آن محفِلِ پندارِ تو بود
گفته  و  دیده   تمنایِ  رخت  نقش بر   آن  طایرِ   دوارِ   نظردارِ   تو  بود

Moments and flashes, ticks and traces, trails and tracks, and tings and touches, passages and clauses, episodes and occurrences, and enactments and incidents beseech, invoke, and explore. The confidence and credence, conviction and commitment, to destiny and faith, concurrency and coincidence, the coherence of contents, conceptualizations, and congruences, appearance  and posture, emergence and advents of sentiments, determinations, and deliberations,  reconnoiter and scrutinization of intrigues, maneuvers, and allurements, entrance and manifestation of emotions, passions, and sensations, while entrustment and extrapolations ponder and progress, deliberate and pertain, to form and format, embark and ensemble the inauguration and dedication of allegiance and continuance.

Ambiance exuberance, liveliness, and spontaneity, the tones, vibes, and auras, suggestions, impressions, and emanations accentuate, underline, and underscore, emphasize, strengthen, and intensify, the immersion and inundation which implicitly baffles and astounds, though exasperatedly, intently, and solemnly persist and prevail explicit, denotive, and exhibitive incitements, enticements, and inducements to embrace and encircle extractors, adjudicators, and examiners of purpose, postulates, and propositions.

Ebullience of astoundment, exuberance of confoundments, and elation of bemusements articulate or apiculate, the refulgent, lustrating, and indulging eloquence, gracefulness, and expressiveness of obfuscations, mystifications, or abstruse insinuations protract and elongate, sustain and nurture cognizance and comprehension, and appreciation and tolerance. Journey and voyage of content, matter, and substance, affluence, core, and essence expound and expand, and particulate and convolute.

Themes, premises, and propositions, durations and intervals, endeavors, efforts, and extents to nullify, repeal, and revoke, to reverse and rescind exacerbations, arrogance, and conceit, unremittingly and incessantly adept and competent to hinder and hamper, impede and incumber the brightness of the radiant sunshine and blitheness, and brilliance of the blazing spiritedness and vivaciousness accumulate and supersede.

Vividness and cheerfulness of the flickers and flashes to embrace, encircle, and enfold, and to tackle, approach, and attend, the cheliferous capture and confinement of intuition, presentiment, and envisagement, the preciousness of the occasions and exquisiteness of the exceptions, while concessions, absolutions, and indemnities to cognizance, consciousness, and recognition, reverberate, rumble, and resonate, convene and surpass.

It is the fascination, enthrallment, and captivation, charm and enchantment of echoes of succumbed and surrendered soul and fervor, entrancement and enrapturement of ricochets and rebounds, the reciprocity and mutuality which restitute and gentrify the immediacy and imminence, the inebriations induced by soberness and somberness that catalyze and captivate, purity and abstemiousness of moments’ and traces’ eminence and prominence, trails and tracks to the dawn and emergence, genesis and commencement, annunciators, the prevalence, dominance, and occurrence of conspicuous, blatant, and discernible fissures and crevices, to rupture and cleft, diverge and bifurcate through the shell and carapace of presumptuousness, inconsiderateness, and intransigence.       

The esse and ethos, core and crux authenticate your reflections and deliberations, verify and endorse your notions and determinations, the encirclements of interactions and interfaces, ensembles of your personas and dispositions, and aggregation of your traits and  mannerism, when the intonement of intuitions and inclinations, recite of  acclamations and  approbations, and chant of conciliation and accentuation, perceptiveness and percipience, the prominence and attentiveness, commensurate and proportionate evolving, budding, and sprouting advocations and proponents whom are immensely and colossally entwined and entangled to the sonata and opus of certitude, conviction, and confidence.

When, the trends and tendencies, heeds and bends, angles and corners, bows and twists heighten and stress synopses and summations, abstracts and abridgements of vibe and vivacity, and your transparent testimonial and tribute to intimacy, affinity, and affiliation, encompassment, adjacency, and consolidation. The distinctive, distinguishable, and idiosyncratic traits and personas to match, contest, and exalt my desires, yearnings, cravings and coveting, to accommodate and lodge, and shelter and harbor the appeals and entreaties, pleas and entices, which have saturated and inundated my marrow and gist, and actuality and quiddity.

Then, mesmerized, rivetted, and entranced by your thoughts, introspections, ruminations and cogitations, the ecstasy and trance of conjoining and coalescence, conjunction and coherence, elation and exultation, the permutating and ameliorating, tincturing and distilling euphoria and exhilaration, your aura and tenor stand and settle. While, the prevailed and persisted shimmers and glitters, twinkles and flickers, and allures and dazzles of concurrence and coincidence enrich and elevate, and elation of bemusements, postulate, predicate, and articulate. Amidst, the pinnacle and summation of continuance, protraction, and persistence, sensation and tangibility, perceptibility and awareness, the tinkles and twinkles, your proximity, propinquity, and congruity transpire and emerge.  

Strike of the pin,  hit of the bit, attainment of the hold, and arrangement of the join, intricacies  convolutions, and complexities, obscurities,  oblivions, and opacities, the vastness and immensity of the profundity and perspicuity, articulateness and enunciations, clarities and lucidities, the grandiloquence and magniloquence of inherent, intrinsic, and innate intuitions, instincts, and insights, impeccable, flawless, and unblemished entities, conglomerations, colonies, and entireties of coexistence, cohabitations, harmony and contemporaneity, the flamboyant and ebullient, the extraordinary and astounding quintessence of exuberance and elation ensue and evolve, insinuate, intrigue, and capitulate.

While, the passion and vehemence, earnestness and impatience, voracity and avidity to contemplate, envisage, and anticipate simmer and roar, crash and role, and unveil and thunder., the reciprocity, empathy, and affinity, tear and dash, rip and slash, and shred and gash. Echoes and pulsations, thrumming and repercussions, solicitation of soul, reverberation of the resilience, and admonishment of resentments and indignations complement and accompany the inner and intimate advocates, proponents, and apostles to vividly and garishly spare, endure, and survive. Concurrently and contemporaneously, sustainability and manifestation of strenuousness, vigorousness, and perseverance emancipate and unshackle. 

Observance and participation, enquiry and compliance, scrutiny and presentation, evolving and revolving metaphors, allegories, and apolouges, territories and terrains, spatiality and spheres, arenas and provinces of awareness, apprehension, and appreciation, translucency and luminousness of acquaintance and conversance, the omnipresence, or encountering instances which obliviate and preclude fictitious and conjured, specious and  spurious hinderances and hurdles, restrictions and restraints, impeding and dissuading  dubious and vague surrogates and proxies, the sponsors to constrict and contract augmentations and proliferations permeate and permutate.

The bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred astuteness and wisdom, acuity and perspicacity, your reflections, replications, and deliberations to invigorate, exhilarate, and enliven, while the temple, repository, and fountain of disposition and identity instigate and prompt , the urge and goad to the fathomless and cavernous of  entireness, integrality, and totality, where  the expedition and excursion to boundaries, precincts, and forefronts of perceptions and discernments inundate and  inebriate the blessedness and inviolability of the endowed and conferred intrinsicality and congeniality.

Unfoldment and evolvements, unrolling and unfurling, the spinning and spiraling, circling and whirling, the galactical accumulations and agglomerations, clusters  and collections, clumps and concentrations, and the unanimous and comprehensive, undisputed and undivided rhythms, cadences and paces, the mosaic and montage to maturation and evolution, culmination and realization, the rapture, euphoria, and ecstasy of universe, epitome, and incarnation  engulf and immerse, engage and embolden, and  overwhelm and dazzle the colosseum of cosmos and ether, encaptivate, vivify, and elate encirclements and sanctuaries of contemplation and comprehension, satisfy and realize, deliver and accomplish, and conform and complete the enterprise, intention, the aim and goal of enlivenments, inspirations, and connection.

Accentuation of acclamations, attention and emphasis to approbations and admirations, appraisals and apprehensions,  and absorptions and captivations, the fervor and ardor to commensurate and proportionate to your expectations and entireness, the unboundedness, abundant and absolute wholeness and totality, the desires and appeals to be dipped and dunked by ravenous and voracious dribbles and trickles to  amalgamate and bond to the impenetrable oceans and insurmountable mountains, while the thirst, yearning and craving, the fire and passion, zeal and inferno to merge and conflate, the abbreviations and abridgements, curtailments and consolidations resoundingly and  indubitably reveal, expose, and divulge the expansion to the vastness of the oceans, and elevations to the highest of the peaks and summits, the prodigies and marvels to mend, stich, and patch the  split, crushed, and broken core and spirit yelp and yell, roar and howl, and elate and exalt.

The incessant breeze, unremitting augmentations, and relentless reflections, heralds and harbingers, omens and portents ring, replicate, and ricochet, the depictions and portrayals, descriptions and delineations, inaugurated, derived, and kindled by the anticipations, prospects, and occasions, to spread, stretch, and extend to the entirety of vistas and visions, to the distinctness and elevation of apexes that have rimmed and rammed the horizons of expectations, spectacles, exhibitions and panoramas, while ponderances and ruminations recirculate, disseminate, and promulgate synopses and abridgements of poise and demeanor, pertinent and apt to acquire the mutuality and affinity of the heart, soul, and the inseparable confident and intimate.         

وز نظر  داده  که  دم  در گرو  مهوشِ مهتابِ نگاهست چه باک
گر به  آن دولتِ منقوش به  دل، باده  مستانه  خبردارِ تو بود

Observer and inquirer, the seeker and chaser, narrator and raconteur, and conversationalist and reporter of splendidness and sumptuousness, and magnificence and marvelousness, disseminator and composer, creator and ameliorator of the elegance of grandiose authenticity, auspiciousness and propitiousness, the ponderance of perpetuity and pertinence conquer, seize, and commandeer the route of resurrection, revival, and revivification. While, the intent, envision, and envisage, or corridors of contemplation, meditation, and deliberation, the gaze, gape, and glare, or the gallerias, verandas, and porticos of bliss, elation, and consolidation emerge and unify, transpire and fuse, and occur and unite.

Entity and individuality exuded and emanated from the ashes and remnants, embers and cinders of acquisitiveness, ravenousness, and graspingness, covetousness, rapacity, and voraciousness exudate and effuse exasperation, vexation, and enragement. While, the hoard and cache of subsidence and sustenance to self-obsessed and self-absorbed stigma and distraction, the disruptions and disturbances to inclusiveness, comprehensiveness, and completeness of expandability and accompaniment of incarnations, verve, and vivacity and their agility, nimbleness, and liveliness accumulate and amalgamate. Or, the inclement and integration of nihility, oblivion, and vacuity to emptiness and barrenness suit and satisfy.     

Originality and existence, the grace of living and essence to demonize the dogmatic and imperious perpetration and possessiveness of avidity, avarice, and cupidity, dwarfed and eclipsed by the embodiment, epitome, and epithet of your encirclement and gravitation, your magnetism, charisma, and enticements matriculate and inscribe, dedicate and incise.

The entities and individualities not insurrected and subverted by iotas and scintillas of blotches, periods, spots and specks which hamper and hinder, impede and incumber the fissures and fractures, and cracks and clefts that phenomenally and marvelously, inexplicably and extraordinarily conform, convey, and communicate, and transport and transfer your whispers and murmurs, mumbles and mutters, the shines and shimmers, gleans and glitters, the intervene and lapse of instants, merits, virtues, and distinction of moments, the flashes, flares, and flickers, twinkles, ticks, and rushes, the blasts, gales, and gusts retain, recollect, and reminisce your consensus, empowerment, enablement, and emancipation.

Being and existence to whom dawn, commencement, and sunrise, the inference and deduction, conjectures, presumptions, and conclusions advocate, promote, and sponsor embracement and encompassment, to clinch and comprise liveliness, heartedness, and elations. The magnifiers, boosters, and augmenters to whom fascination and captivation of the serenity and poise, tranquility and equanimity composed, comprised and counteracted by the humming, purring, and whirring relayed even by the hovering and floating wings of monarchs,  the sailing and soaring, drifting and gliding to encounter flapping, fretting, and dithering, or the ostensibility and speciosity  of duration’s entanglements and predicaments disclose, uncover, and expose.

The reflections and waves orbited and encircled around the droplets, bids, and drips intended, ordained, and fated to fiddle and tinker, and jiggle and meddle. The prod and poke, brush and stroke, and pat and tap of the surface of the ocean, to inevitably and eventually reach, immerse, and engross with territory and province, and realm and sphere of abandoned edges and frontiers, or margins and peripheries. To them, your attention, acquaintance, and connection, the joining and correlation, your portrayals and depictions, the occurrences and occasions are breathtaking, humbling, and sensational.

The enflaming and igniting inclinations, dispositions, and proclivities, the ramifications, repercussions, and consequences which have inflicted, punctured, pierced, and penetrated the heart, empathies and compassions are ostentatious and pretentious to presumptuousness and inconsiderateness of veiled, eclipsed, and dappled corners and cavities of the marrow and core. Though and despite in occasions, conjugative and ambitious, assertive and committed to outshine, dwarf, and surpass misconceptions, delusions, and misapprehensions.

The continuums and intervals of implications and ramifications, the shivered, perished, and departed aberrations and illusions which have prevented to pamper and pander, coddle and cosset conundrums and challenges of substantiation and corroboration, ratification and affirmation disintegrate and crumble. Perceptualities and preconditions which have prohibited and precluded the prerogatives and entitlements to blossom and bloom, to apportion and prompt, to augment and strengthen, and to enhance and extend degenerate and collapse.

Then, the thresholds and brinks, the verges and edges of fusion and integration, commingling and commixture, the merge and amalgamation of your personifications and embodiments conspicuously, visibly, and vividly vanquish and annihilate the anxieties and apprehensions of your appeals, invocations, and incantations.

The commencement, emergence, and inception to embark upon, intone, chant and croon, to congregate, flock, and gather with the flickers, flashes, and sparkles that submerge and inundate the essence and esse of ethos and substance, to accentuate and heighten the solitude and seclusion surmounted  and subjugated by the entirety and entireness, the harbingers and heralds of your ecstasies and trances, the reveries and surmises,  your omnipresence and pervasiveness,  the stare , gaze and gape .

Fortune and affluence, kismet and providence, and destiny and future, the paths, routes, and alleyways, predispositions, penchants, and biases, trends and drifts, currents and shifts, and the circles and cliques, dispositions, discernments, and perspicacity, murals and frescos, constraints and spontaneities, the combination and mixture, poise and merger settle, consider, and compare, while rush of moments, sprint of  judgements, and draught of faith and conviction cultivate, buttress, and bolster commensurate and proportional to preciousness  and exquisiteness of  quintessence and quiddity, the vivaciousness and ebullience of continuance.

Murals and frescos, depictions and exposes, the renderings and responses relinquish and renounce, refute and repudiate exacerbations, ambiguities, the reservations and unawareness, obliviousness and unperceptiveness to delve, elapse, and ratify. Lucidness and luminescence of your presence and occurrence, articulacy and perspicuity of your intimacy and affection, translucence and transparency of your concurrence and acquiescence melt and thaw, soften and dissolve languishments, declinations, and deteriorations, that avert and avoid, inhibit and thwart nimbleness and suppleness, swiftness and liveliness.

The bestowments and conferees to reach and extend, clasp and grasp, and clench and grip the glimmers and twinkles of the stars, shines and flickers of perception and acumen, fascinations and captivations, the recognition of the hums and drones of hummingbirds’ hovering, lingering, and soaring, chords and harmonies, and to contribute, interpose, and interact to the symphonies of sharing and partaking.

Jingles and tunes, resonances and harmonies, rituals and sacraments, ceremonies and customs, the spontaneity and extemporaneity to participate, join, bridge and consolidate, to the crux and kernel and eagerness and fervor, the preciousness of the occasions, junctures and confluences , expressiveness and erudition, the vividness and distinctness, flamboyance and liveliness, the plainness and richness of commemorations and continuations reverberate and ponder.

While, luminosity and radiance saturate and drench, deluge and engulf, and immerse and heave the essence and entity, substance and concreteness, to evade and dodge, elude and circumvent, impede and thwart the fixity and rigidity of the observance, the serenity, composure, and contentment of inadequacy and meagerness, and the indolence to self-indulgence. Overtures, gestures, and propositions, to endorse and substantiate, the forbearance and leniency to shades and shadows which collectively and reciprocally reflect, ruminate, and replicate your benevolence, munificence, and beguilement, the lanterns to recurrently and continuously resurrect, and lights to incessantly and eternally revive, scatter,  and sprinkle, to disperse and disseminate the dots, specks, and spots, and their totalities, the whole fathomed and divined, deduced and discerned, simmered and seethed, teemed and rumbled trance, elation and bliss devised, instigated and derived by your province and prefecture, the commandments, dictums, and dedications are humongous, enormous, and euphoric.

Your province and prefecture to incarnate and personify, epitomize and exemplify, to vest and enable, inspire and embolden, to offer, propose, and tender the tumbler, chalice, and goblet of individualism and involvement, distinction and dedication, and conglomeration and congregation, your expectancies, prospects, and overtures, the vessel and receptacle to heralds and harbingers of inclusion and manifestation, the appearance and entrance, arrival and emergence, to be permeated and imbued, rimmed and refilled, recharged and replenished, while fascinated, intrigued, and beguiled by the continuum and breath of bountifulness and copiousness, the selections, allocations, delimitations, and delineations, capitulate and transfix the expansibility, diversity, and multiplicity of presumptions, postulations and convictions.

The chalice and tumbler bestowed and conferred to endure and endear, the beacons and bonfires, flares and flames to substantiate, corroborate, and authenticate, to carry, conduct, and convey characters, charismas, and charms indicative, suggestive, and expressive of the articulated and uttered, enunciated and declared, the inimitable source, spring, and cradle, you and your altruism, emittance, and utterance, the entireness and wholeheartedness, and the province and prefecture, null and void of any and every but your presence, incidence, and existence, so copious and profuse of shudder and surprise, discernible and undisguised, and distinctive and palpable to flare and blaze, and  be adored and adulated.

خواب بر دیده نهان همهمه را اختر آئینه سر منزلِ پرداز کنم
ور نه خود  سوختنم خدشه هیاهو به خطا، قافله ره دارِ تو  بود

Preciousness of the occasions and exquisiteness of exposures, revelations and disclosures, the acquaintance and awareness, conversance and connection, your terrestrial, terrain, and territory to ingest, imbibe, and gasp, while gravity, enormity, and solemnity of reification and realization, delight and clemency contrive and concoct. The urge, goad, and incitement, spur, prod, and stir constantly and unabatedly, obstinately and obdurately commensurate and appropriate the feats and endeavors, earnestness and solemnity, and pensiveness and coherence, absorption and captivation, engagement and assimilation, and amalgamation and submersion within the elucidation and illumination of your indications and manifestations.

To grasp and comprehend, grip and stem, to reach and seize, and apprehend and acknowledge, connotations and overtones, insinuations and indications, the viewpoints and visions, and vistas and overlooks, or the hegemony and domination of intuitions, instincts, and perceptions. Which, irresistibly and compellingly parade and march, charismatically and appealingly prompt and persuade, and inevitably and inexorably augment, arrange, and strengthen. Consolidations and adjudications, perspicaciousness and implicit intercessions and arbitrations, your benevolence and munificence, the beguilement and affection that evince and allude reciprocation, ratification, and conflation.

The predispositions and proclivities, leanings and preferences, accolades and plaudits, and adulations and approbations arrange and contrive, invoke and appeal, and arouse and incite trails and tracks of articulation and augmentation, provoke, breed, and enflame approaches, tendencies, and tactics. Prospects and perceptions bud and blossom, and bloom and thrive, exploits and efforts emerge and occur, and hypnotize and strive, while the graciousness and benevolence of liveliness, dynamism and sparkle, and eagerness and enthusiasm convey, carry, and conduct. Though at the core and gist, vividness, validity, the embraced, entailed, and elicited esse, entities, and quiddities, or authenticities envisaged, proposed, and pertained by heart and spirit, the embarked upon and adopted vivaciousness and exuberance reciprocate and interchange, and reinforce and bolster.

The mirrors and reflectors, indicators and pointers, markers and cursors, and recorders and registrars, or the chronicles and narratives of pursuance and acquirements, commitments, obstinacies and tenacities, introspective perusals and vetting to enlighten pneuma, edify persona, and inculcate atman. The reflectors and indicators to contribute and contemplate, to accentuate and emphasize, to scrutinize and anatomize, necessitate and compel, and coerce and oblige to jostle and hustle rectitude and appropriateness, and aptness and relevance, to induce and indulge abolition and abdication of improperness and infelicitous intents, to glide, soar, and slide while coddled and cocooned by the vigor and zing, relish and zest, and fervor and passion of the ambiance, the mood and character, and the disposition and appeal, the charm and integrity, esteem and veracity which had been the spur, catalyst, and facilitator to spiral and escalate, and elate and elevate.

Rhythms and measures, cadences and tempos, intonations and inflections, the chants and invocations, and incantations of wholeness, entirety, and unity, the vibrant, vigorous, and boisterous motions, gestures, and waves, influences and undulations, ripples and furrows, and surfs and surges enliven and galvanize the incorrigible and inveterate perpetuations and continuance of the sustainability, succor, and support. The utter and unadulterated, unbounded and unequivocal font and fountain, and source and supply of resolve and resolution, and rationale and reasoning, persistently and relentlessly tramp and trudge, and rally and evolve.

Universe and entireness, the orbits and ambits promulgate and disseminate, the venues and scenes cavort and prance to permeate and pervade immobility and indolence, idleness and lethargy. Melodies and motifs, the tunes and carols, hymns and choruses ponderously participate, canticles and introits of creation, oeuvres and opuses of rapture and elation, rhapsody and bliss inhabit and dominate the sights, observations, and eruditions, extend and eternalize the dawn, genesis, and emergence, conception, and outset of profoundness and protraction, the era and epoch of integrations, inculcations, and imbuements had been represented, epitomized, and exemplified from the commencement, advent, and inception of creation and formation, the profundity, perspicacity, and sagacity adjudicate, arbitrate, and elongate the gravity and sedateness of the eon and era.

The dawn, genesis, and emergence, lucidness, translucence, and transparency, the era of conclusions, pinnacles, and culminations, apexes, acmes, and ascendancies have been attained. Epoch of interpretations, inferences, and judgments, and the eon of augmentation of cognizance, perpetuation of perceptions, and distinction of discernments have been embarked on. The cascade and torrent of renewals and resumptions have been instigated and introduced, coached and catechized, and entrenched and established.

While, the instants and stages, and junctures and steps, infiltration and infusion of the preliminary, and introductory rays, gleams, and glimmers were audaciously and dauntlessly announced, declared, and proclaimed. The appearance and entrance, the dawn, genesis, and emergence of eternity, endurance, the sempiternal confluences and convergence had been irreplaceably, emphatically, and unambiguously disclosed and exposed, and launched and unveiled.      

Illuminations and insights, edifications and enlightenments, and awakenings and awareness dispense and distribute to enchant and enrapture, and to enthrall and transfix inceptions and foundations of destiny and intention. The dispersals and allocations to mesmerize and entice, and intrigue and allure. The bedrock and backbone of reflections and indications, ruminations and manifestations, to raptly and absorbedly, keenly and contentedly collaborate and contribute, consolidate and amalgamate.

Bells and chimes, carillons and clanks commensurate and proportionate to invoke and implore, and refer and remind grasp and spread, and the clinch and scope of ambitions and aspirations. The skies and stars, and blues and blisses sparkle, scintillate, and shine, the stretched horizons and spheres are crossable and traversable by their consensus, concomitance, and concurrence. The meccas and magnets are to inflame and ignite, and rouse and kindle, while predilections and proclivities, the yearnings and hankerings arise, evolve, and ascend, expand, heighten, and intensify.

Riddles and bafflements, enigmas and conundrums, poses and pretenses, and paradoxes and perplexities protract and charge the environ and galaxy, nebula, and cluster of occurrence, concurrence, and consent. Inherent and intrinsic, innate and distinctive of the dynamism, effectiveness, and efficacy of verve and universe, vim and dash to entail and acclaim the demand and exigence of ponderance and caution.

The flamboyance and elegance, and élan and éclat copiously and profusely pertain and affect, imitate and pretend, and involve and influence the enormity and vigor, and panache and grace of character and rectitude, acuity and awareness, and efforts and exploits. While the perceived opuscule and oeuvre of authenticity, realism, and fidelity bloom and flourish, effectuate and reify, to obliterate and eradicate irrelevancies, extraneousness, and inappositeness. 

Convoys and concourses, caravans and cavalcades, ceremonies and spectacles and yatras and pilgrimages, pledges and promises, and covenants and conventions are observed and venerated, and commemorated and rejoiced, while the manifestation and marvel of continuance and protraction, perpetuation and prosper permeate, saturate, and percolate.

The pearl and nugget of achievement and attainment perspicuously and pellucidly parade, process, and predominate. While, assents and consents, prominences and anticipations, or concurrences to the contrary, the intrigued frenzy, hysteria, and feverishness, or preponderance and prevalence to spectacles of festoons, ornaments, and embellishments, coalesced and conjoined to disturb and distort distinction of relevance, pertinence, and appurtenant are emerged and materialized.

Neuroses and deliriums to obscure and incumber, astray, awry, and amiss enunciations, emphases, and articulations hinder and hamper, thwart and daunt, and deter and dissuade the companionship, comraderi, and participation. Although, the convoy and caravan of esse and subsistence, audaciousness and courageousness, and righteousness and respectability paves, shrouds, and covers the path and route, and track and trajectory of munificence and benevolence. While, bond and connection or the passageway and alleyway is enthused, aligned, affiliated, and transpired to shine and sheen, to salute, cheer, and embrace imminent and impending partakers and participants, adherents, and aficionados.

The  convoy and concours, caravan and cavalcade path and route, the track and trajectory to augment and intensify, heighten and enhance, and enrich and escalate your interactions and interfaces, your connection and relation, and your imminence and intimacy, the reciprocity and mutuality, enactments and ratifications, the portrayals and presentations to vividly and vibrantly, luridly and explicitly conceive, devise, bequeath, and confer, the avatar and incarnation of adoring infatuation and endearment uniquely and inimitably distinct and discrete to your graciousness, benevolence, and affability reproach and rebuke reprimands and admonishments.

Amidst and amongst synoptic and succinct, abridged and abbreviated, and compendious and condensed reifications and superlative enduring applauses and plaudits, the summaries and concisements of infatuations, fixations, and fascinations, the embodiments, epitomes, and personifications of harmony and unison, and cohesion and oneness ensconce and engrain.

The relentless and inexorable scream, shriek, and screech to declare, “merely and purely unclutter the heart”, “unseal the mind”, and “unleash the spirit”, while the rings and resounds exhilarate and electrify, echoes and resonances elate and revitalize, and annotated and glossed encirclements and spheres of euphoric and harmonic intonations, cadences, and paces induce and encourage, and request and summon.

ساکن و سامتِ منظور نگه خفته گرش وادی فرزانه گذشت
درگه دیده خَمَش پیچ بر آن سلسله مو، بخت قلم دارِ تو بود

Remote and aloof, reserved and separate, and unruffled and unperturbed, distant and detached to the ethos and soul, core and kernel, and marrow and anchor, remorselessly and inexorably, relentlessly and implacably infringe, contravene, and breach the benevolence, and magnanimity of the speculated and surmised serenity and equanimity. The shell of isolation, shield of seclusion, and shade of segregation unremittingly and unrelentingly, subconsciously and subliminally subdue and suppress cultivation and sophistication of endurance and tenacity, and persistence and perseverance. The smear and tarnish, disbelief and skepticism, and lack of concession and dispensation to the totality and inclusiveness have been transposed and scattered to linger and dawdle accommodation and receptiveness of the accentuated and depicted comportment and carriage, and poise and composure.

Philosophy and thoughtfulness, discernment and judgement, and meditation and rumination, the cognition and contemplation to flourish and thrive, and boost and brandish essence of existence, and the intrigues and fascinations of creation. The animations, aliveness, and viability surmount, transcend, and prevail when clarity and brightness of the stars, glare and luster of vibes and vivacity, and virtuosity and brilliance of echoes and ambiances are enfolded and embraced.  

The rationale and reason, and intention and devotion configure and construct the cornerstones of attainment, centerpieces and cruxes of realization, the deluge, rush, and inundation of potency and cogency, brio and vigor, and fervor and passion.  Enlivenment and vitalization of moments and flashes, and the instants and jiffies of gestures and overtures, propositions and significances originate and instigate, invent and potentiate promptness and punctuality, celerity and alacrity to capture convictions and constancies, and congregate confidences and certainties, which characteristically and distinctively muster, convene, and convoke by dedications and allegiances, and fidelities and adherences.

Illumination and insight, edification and enlightenment, indispensably and predominately, imperatively and intrinsically exhibit and unveil, reveal and represent the repertoire of verve and sprightliness, the quintessence and substance, and grace and spiritedness of the liveliness and sparkle. Inclinations and dispositions, partialities and preferences pertinently and ponderously prop and buttress, brace and bolster, while exposed and unmasked, and bared and disclosed. The gem and paragon, and epitome and paradigm to consent and accede and attain and ascend, the zest and keenness had been vested, bestowed and devolved, emplaced and secured within the heart, and affixed and attached to sanctity and blessedness of the source. The insinuators and instigators entailed and necessitated to escalation and elevation, augmentation and amelioration, to commensurate to the commenced navigation and seamanship and their repercussions and reverberations pivot and pirouette, and spin and revolve.

Shell of isolation, shield of seclusion, and shade of segregation, while the stream and rivulet, barrage and gush, the surge and pour engulf and overwhelm, dribs and droplets teeming and rain indulge and pander, and lyrics and librettos sing and ring. The pace and cadence of coagulation, coalescence, and integration vigorously, briskly, and unreservedly blaze and burn the frame and entireness, to touch and caress, and lunge and plunge, to be submerged and immersed by the perpetuity and eternity. Then, the permanence and intransience, convulse and shudder to radiate and shine, exude and emanate, and diffuse and circulate, in midst of aiming the boundaries and precincts of the infinitude and unboundedness.

Portrayals of participation and contribution, collectivities of ingenuity and inventiveness, purity and virtue of exuberance and enthusiasm, to advocate and approach, encourage and enthuse, and galvanize and impassion. The rave, rant, and rage of rectitude and righteousness, inducement, enticement, and incentive of exactness and perfection, and patronage and affirmation of conventionality and appropriateness, the receptacle and repository of content, gist, and substance murmur, mutter, and whisperو shift, shuffle, and progress. While, marches and glides, surfs and slides, the exactness, aptness, and flawlessness of count and measure, pace and period, and era and epoch astound and daze, and baffle and bewilder the partners and companions.

Perceive and contemplate, engage and engross, and contest and connect, then, the Noah’s Ark mast and boom, and sail and skeleton emerge and surface. Embrace the ark and embark upon it, the vessel and container of humanity and civilizations, creatures and livings, the wholeness that includes every and all perceivable entry and element that has been provoked and motivated by sustainability of life, verve, and actuality. The sacred and sincere shrine and tabernacle, mosque and temple, and sanctuary and stupa. Solo and extended to participants and reciprocators, attributors and benefactors, to instigate, actuate, and inaugurate from within.

The journey and expedition, voyage and excursion entail and occasion, involve and affiance by tumultuous and boisterous moments and confluences, and demand and stipulate discernments and acumens, recurring instances and instigations, entuning inferences and conclusions, vagueness and hesitation, and ambiguity and ambivalence ascribe and attribute. While, succor and comfort, and shimmer and shine to emphasize, accentuate, and underline contentment and realization, the testimony of the heart, incursions of the motivations, and acclamation of overture to inure and inspire.

The Noah’s Ark endures and survives, weathers and sustains, adversities and tribulations, attempts and anguishes hone and whet presentiments and adulations, while inexplicable and enigmatic abundances, profusions, and copiousness hurtle and stamped, and dash and sprint the sphere and forte of concourse and assembly.

The conclave and congregation of contemplations, meditations, and invocations augment and strengthen, while the Ark’s mast and sail twitch and shudder, jolt and jerk, and begin and commence to perceive and rise. The yacht’s bulk and body, and form and frame, notions and assertions perceive and devise, and pop and burst to join and rank, intermingle and interact. The delegate and assigned, designated and dubbed to expand and include, applaud and embrace, and comprise and encompass, the stranded, abandoned, and marooned entities, individuals, and convictions, the discarded, lingered, and remnants of the chest of precious, esteemed, and reverenced nuggets and jewels of presence, subsistence and quiddity.

The emblems of entrance and admittance, insignias of insight and ensued inherent bestowments and endowments, venerations of your creation, the culminations, denouements, and apogees, combined, coalesced and conjoined by the totality and astuteness of your opus, oeuvre, and masterpiece of entireness and wholeness exalt, acclaim, and applaud. Your reach, pat, and tap ensure and convince, induce and intrigue, and vow and vouch to knock and thud for the stirred and aroused reciprocated response.  

The visions, sights, and scenes, vistas and awareness, and views and discernments to inflate and inflame, magnify and multiply, and raise and escalate, while the cadence and influence, and ingress and import aggrandize, elevate, and ennoble. The connectedness and concatenation, reciprocity and reciprocation that abundantly and astutely aspire and authenticate, endorse and validate, and enthrall and enrapture. Inhale and devour, engulf and ingurgitate, and be engaged and beguiled by the fascination of the passage and interchange. The retracements and advancements, the absorptions and immersions, and the entanglements and captivations which consummate the conventions and conglomerate the incitements.

Is it substantiality of elevations, monumentality of realm and terrestrial, vastness of the skies, or the spread and stretch, and sweep and scope of intuitions and perceptions, the inclinations and presentiments, which have torched and incarnated the skeleton and sketch, the soul and heart, or delineations, demarcations, and allocations that intrigued and inaugurated the ponderance and pursuit, to shrink and shrivel the remoteness, distance, and detachment.

Is it solidness of the presence, perpetuity of conception, permanence of concession, persuasion and passion, affiliation and aspiration, or the urge and imploration to attenuate and mitigate transient and evanescent advocations and patronages, ephemeral and fugacious instigations and promptings, the propagandistic allurements, polemicists, and proselytizers and declaimers’ acclamations?

Or, the rhetoric and oratories, fulminations, rage, and blunders, indiscretions and lapses, or misconceptions, fallacies and delusions, unscrupulous and manipulative to deter and daunt nonetheless even animated, embodied, and exhibited by the posters of evangelistic and apostolic reflections and ruminations. The blaring and bawling, raucous, riotous, and piercing reveries of tumultuous sequels and implications, and the trances and abstractions of triviality and irrelevance, which compel, oblige, and necessitate abscondment, abandonment and relinquishment.

Perpetuity of conception, relentlessness of pursuit, and attachment and adherence to involvement, attendance, and ascribed affluence, to originate and derive, initiate and commence ponderance and cogitation, deliberation and cerebration effectuate, unbridle, and unleash. Essence of creation and foundations of prolificness and proliferation accentuate and emphasize escalation, climb, and augmentation, the hike, rise, and soar, to implicate, impute, and attribute, or to cause, consummate, and conclude lapses and slips, pauses and gaps, and bearings and conducts.

While, obstinate and insistent avoidance, evasion, and aversion of nullities, oblivions, and obscurities enlighten and elucidate, expound and illuminate the inclusively sustained and unrelentingly accorded and affixed comprehensiveness and extensiveness of exuberance and dynamism. The zing and vigor of astoundment and astuteness consolidate and amalgamate authentication, substantiation, and dedication.   

The core, nucleus, and hub, soul, spirit, and heart, your encompassment, embodiment, and manifestation, your gestures and directiveness, indications and collaborations, the expansions, inclusions, attachments and annexations reawaken and restore, and stimulate and revitalize. While, the solemnity and earnestness, astuteness and perspicacity shimmer and splendor, and gleam and glitter.  Coexistent and concurrent, the pronounced and pertained, portrayed and rendered curvatures of the path, warpages of the route, and twists and turns of the track reverberate and resonate, and pound and pulsate.

Your benevolence, munificence, and magnanimity, evocative and redolent of ambitions and aspirations, and animated and expressive of dedications and consecrations, the rapture and rhapsody, elation and ecstasy flabbergast, astonish, and astound. The curls, arcs, and arches, incurvation, intonation, and trajectories, rotations and encirclements aligned, revolved, and orbited, embraced, embodied, and comprised. Your intimacy, rapport, and harmony tap and twirl, and bridge and reach, while the range and scope, span and stretch, and aloofness and detachment dwindle and demise.

The convergence and conjunction, concurrence and unification, fortitudes and endurances, stamina and strength to sustain. preserve, and previse, and to validate and ordain. The singularities, peculiarities, and marvels of every inhaled and assorted breath, gasp, and gulp, and huff and puff, variegated and diversified inaugurations, inductions, and investitures which emphatically, vigorously, and ardently reflect, expose, and replicate your revelations, exposures, and disclosures. To collectively, reflectively exude and emanate, derive and proceed, and distinctly ameliorate and append. The amalgamation and consolidation, association and solidification that intensify and strengthen the rainbows’ contrast, conformation, and composition.

ملک در  وادی منظور  نِمایَش نه به مقصود  چو  مه  پاره قفا
شید رخسارِ  درون  ساحتِ  دل چشمِ  نگه باز خبر دارِ تو  بود 

Incumbrances and consequences, inconveniences and nuisances, the vexations and exasperation compound and amalgamate. The merge and mingle, shatter and splinter, and assimilations and accommodations gesticulate and intimate, and allude and insinuate. Vistas and sceneries of sage and sagaciousness, erudite and astute imaginativeness and originalities, when articulated and interconnected to profoundness, perspicacity, and perceptiveness, the cavernousness and fathomlessness of vehemence, eruption, and thirst, the fervency, fever, and fervid of cognition and conviction scutter and stampede, and sprout and shoot.  The slurs and smears, disgraces and scandals, and degradations and ignominies inexorably and unavoidably attenuate and abolish, while blotches and tarnishes, the taints and blots hamper and hinder, and burden and debilitate.         

Glimpses and previews, glances and gazes, peeps and peeks, observations, contemplations, and consolidations mesmerize the air and spellbound the simmering and smoldering soul. The quintessence and epitome of proliferations and accelerations, escalations and amplifications, extend and enhance, and exalt and elevate. Emphases and prominences of purpose and pertinence, and resolve and tenacity maneuver and mature, and orchestrate and manipulate. The occasions and contingencies, and motives and justifications innately and intrinsically endure and preserve to impetrate and adjure for ingenuousness, candor, and virtuousness. Although, inadvertently and unwittingly, accidently and arrogantly the transitory and oblivious predispositions and preferences depart, and astray and diverge. The momentary and ephemeral, and precipitous and vertiginous conundrums and stumbling hurdles postulate, propose, and provoke their own subsequent and inescapable demise, expiry, and departure.

Then, vastness and enormity, and massiveness and immensity of the territory and terrain of sensed and ruminated inspirations and considerations, pondered and meditated motivations and cognitions sprinkle and intersperse. The intellects and intuitions bonded and joined, adhered and affixed to borders and boundaries, margins and precincts, and surroundings and frontiers which are entailed to be placed and positioned, and sited and stationed within the interminability and myriad multifariousness of infinity, perpetuity, and eternity sparkle, coruscate, and scintillate. While, the deeds and manners, curiosities and ventures, efforts and exertions entitled to the permissibility, tolerability, and admissibility of cognitions and considerations, conform, coalesce, and coagulate, permeate and pervade, and percolate and infuse, and inobservance and inattention, and imperiousness and bumptiousness dissociate and disconnect.

Permeation and pervasion, inductions and inculcations reflective, meditative, and pensive of your persona, spirit, and disposition, the nature, character, and temperament of totality and wholeness, to sustain and continue. The benevolence and magnificence to protract and uphold essentiality and significance, imperativeness and indispensability. Your presence, the incidence, and occurrence, posture, aura, and glow gyrate, whirl, and spin in inner cavities, curves, and cracks of the heart.

The nearness and propinquity, desire and proclivity that inflame and incite, singe and sear, and char and burn corners and confronts of the sanctuary and refuge of recoherence and comprehensibility, augment and galvanize, expand and intensify your connection, fascination, and entrance. The lure, allurement, absolute, absolution, ardent acquaintance, and emphatic conversance, the beguilement to surmount, conquer, and prevail, persistence and continuance of verve and vivacity burn and blaze, shine and sparkle, and gleam and glimmer.

Cerebrations, coherent rationalizations and ratiocinations ponder, deliberate, and contemplate, accommodations, adaptations, and alterations to capitulate, relent, and cede to the essence, crux, and kernel of existence, subsistence and exuberance. The realms and ambits of actuality, veracity, and certainty invigorate, revitalize, and rejuvenate aliveness, the life’s rifeness, moment’s brimming and teeming, the bristling and bustling of ebullience and enthusiasm, or the empathy and consciousness of verve and vivacity.

Desolations and disbandment, dissolutions and debaucheries, derelictions and dilapidations, shall merely and solely, relentlessly and unremittingly be deserted and abandoned, and rejected and discarded when the light and luminosity of your primacy and ascendancy glint and glisten. At the juncture and crossing of invocations and chants, charms and summons, the radiance and brilliance of your dominance and preeminence, aptness and congruity, auspiciousness and pertinence shiver, tremble, and quiver shallowness and superficiality, the triviality and frivolity of neglectfulness and dogmatism. The presumptuous and intransigence that tatter and tarnish, taint and blemish benevolence and munificence of your gestures and overtures.

Bonded and pledged by the arena and ring of reflections, loops and circles of manifestations and deliberations, concordats and covenants of quest and pursuit, the replications and reproductions of chimes and tinkles, and spheres and semblances of content and gratification, march and stagger, trudge and traipse, and stomp and stride stir, provoke, and revive.

Bondedness and merge, fusion and union, blending and melding, acclamations, approbations, and commendations instantiate, personify, and exemplify by the courteousness and gallantry, chivalry and courageousness of dedications and devotions. Ardors and allegiances, broaden and expand, unroll and unfold. The entireness, aggregations and summations of totality and wholeness, permute and ameliorate, and promote and elevate. While, distinctions and accolades, the particularities and individualism, allocations and provisions, and allotments and apportionments reckon and infer, convey and surmise.

Reflections, ruminations, and cogitations, introspections, meditations, and deliberations, to realize and absorb, grip and grasp, to lean and incline, and accentuate and spotlight, limpidness, clarity, and transparency of the core, wholeness, virtuousness, and chasteness of the soul rampage, tear, and rage. Pureness, propriety, and aptness of atman and pneuma, the identity and persona cultivate, nurture, and enrich, while your eminence, propensities, and proclivities, the penchants and predilections are caressed, clinched, and cuddled.

Enrichment and elevation, the raise and promotion that authenticate and verify, and endorse and ratify the luminescence and incandescence of the atmospheres and firmaments, and shimmer and glare of the azure surfaces of skies, the connection, bondedness, and union that stretch to the fathomless and cavernous of the vision and sight, the inhibited immensity and extremity,  tranquility and serenity, the aspired and desired mends and patches to scattered and shattered pieces of the broken soul and heart, the sapphire surface of chasmic incalculable, indeterminable, and multitudinous oceans, and oodles’ acmes and facades, the predilections, dispositions, and penchants of heavens emplaced within the hearts, it originates and derives the startling and striking plea and entreaty to caress and gratify your heart.

The chasmic depth and profundity, gravity and solemnity, exhibitions, expositions, and retrospectives alleviate and assuage thirst and hankering. The demanding and stipulating curiosity and scrutiny, attentive and intriguing intuitiveness and clairvoyance, and the accumulations and accruals, immersions and engagements, the parade of percolations and   clarifications foster and adopt, encroach and advance, and emancipate and unfetter.

Continuance and commencements, instigations and inaugurations, unveilings and revelations adore and adulate, and extol and exalt the elixir and extract of solemnity and sincerity, forthrightness and candor, the bluntness and bluffness boost and bolster, reinforce and strengthen exuberance and euphoria. Raptures and rhapsodies solemnly, sensibly, and soberly stationed and situated within the heart, impatiently and fervently emanate and ensue to be esteemed, admired, and acclaimed. While, the totality of the sphere of circumstance, occurrence, and context insist, necessitate and mandate desegregation and assimilation, and adaptation and accommodation.

The apex of awareness and zenith of cognizance, pinnacle of pertinence, and acme of appreciation, the journey and voyage, expedition and excursion, erudition and acquaintance render and distribute, and dispense and deliver. Depictions and delineations, the distinctions and divergences to succumb and accede, acknowledge and concede, and confess and rejoin embolden and encourage, and distinguish and dignify. When, exonerations and exculpations, attenuations and diminutions conjugate and emanate collaboration and condonement.

Then, expressions and manifestations, utterances and articulations, and instances and indications imply and infer, induce and invoke, and denote and designate your intimacy and affection. Marvelously and wonderfully, the warmth of your breath and intensity of your glare have detached and confiscated the insurmountable and insoluble negligence and abandonment that had been slinked and snitched within sanctity of core and mind. The closeness and confidence vehemently and vividly, fervidly and fervently charm, and mesmerize, while riveting and fastening the connection and bond, the assimilation, absorption, and digestion of the interactions and interfaces, or the conspicuous partnership of pertinence and relevance, and the inundation and besiegement of existence occasions and occurrences which permeate, inculcate, and infuse the serenity, poise, and contentment of continuance and conjoinment .

Intervals and interludes, compasses and arenas of ambitious aspirations when your portrayals and depictions, your beguilement and fascination, the allurements, enthrallments, and enchantments hearten and bolster ranges and realms to proffer and tender. Oases and heavens, nirvanas and Zions, and Avalon and Elysium, the harbors and shelters to dissipate and dispel the disseminated, eclipsed and concealed afflictions, impediments, and nuisances. Shrines and sanctums, stupas and altars, and daises  and minarets to renounce and reject scant, marred, and shoddy succumbed severities and austerities that had been instigated, tiptoed, and sneaked within, while impetuousness and inarticulateness, incoherence and inconsistence, self-indulgence and immoderation have imputed and accredited the depressed and dampened dissidents, dissenters, and nonconformists of the objections and doubts.

شاهد خِیلِ خیالیم  ز  هر  کوی نمودیم زعم مطرب و مست
تا که همرازِ  یکی  بادهِ مستم چه جفا جوهرِ منظور علمدارِ تو  بود

Witnesses and viewers, chasers and beholders trail and track tenacity and obstinacy of moments, occasions, and occurrences. Pundits and connoisseurs authenticate and endorse, assert and ratify, and affirm and recognize to commensurate and proportionate conduits, means, and streams of perseverance and persistence to imbibe, acquire, and ingest. While, insights and perceptions, suspicions and presentiments, and aptitudes and adroitness provoke devour, and inflame, elicit and trigger, and prompt and induce.

The dynamism and vitality, ambition and flamboyance, and efficacy and vigorousness, winds and gales, weaves and curls, and meanders and crisscrosses pursue and pave. Percolations and purifications, passages and pathways, the concourses and channels, conduits and trenches ignite and trigger, and advocate and annunciate. Souls and essences, surrogates and proxies delegate and depurate presumptuous peculiarities and pertinences, or notions and principles, to prosper and thrive, blossom and flourish. The extasy, elation, and bliss, chirps and cheeps, chatters and chirrups echo and reiterate vivacity and verve. When, sparkles and oomph, the brio and gusto of discernments and perspicacity reign and prevail.

The chasers and pursuers, tracers and trackers, seekers and inquirers, to strike and strive, covet and explore, collide and convene, congregate and convoke plead and entreat, and crave and yearn. The spans and durations, extents and distances, and traverses and bridges, to envision and transpose, reverse and repeal, and mend and permutate present and extend, and bestow and donate. The gaps and fissures, the breaches and fractures, to alter and ponder, rectify and ameliorate, and remold and revamp scream and ponder. The crest and peak, to conquer and ascend, the apogees and summits, to salute and gesture, culminations and occasions, the junctures and contingencies of accolade and approbation elucidate and enlighten the sanctuary and asylum of sanctitude and meritoriousness.

The kernel and marrow, spirit and core, ingenuousness and frankness shine and shimmer. Patina and polish, the gleam and gloss to ascertain and authenticate effortless and graceful reflections and replications, to reveal and manifest, and ruminate and cogitate span and cross, and bridge and traverse. Landscapes, panoramas, and sceneries, terrains, territories, and enclaves infuse and permeate, imbue and annex, while ruminations, cogitations, and contemplations, conjectures, deductions, and premises rampantly and profusely puncture and pierce, and perpetuate and provoke. The emblem and insignia, motif and theme of unabridged inclusion and unimpaired integration, the obliterated and eradicated segregation, seclusion, and separation, the absence and truancy of your tap and thud, and throb and thump pulsate and devastate, and pillage and plunder.

The rings and resonant clatters and clunks emanated, stemmed, and radiated by porous and permeable craters, clefts, and cavities of the heart rebuke and rebound. The ballet and pirouette, and tap and hop, spin and turn, and whirl and twirl, shouldered and presumed, and adopted and affected by the resilience and bounciness of the portentous pauses and prompts, tincture, shine, and cast perspicaciousness and sagaciousness, the inner and intimate edicts and proclamations.

While, the font and fountain, and spring and source of augmentation, proliferation, and encouragement and strength stimulate, motivate, and inspire. Concurrently and contemporarily the promptness and alacrity, punctuality and germaneness, relevance and relatedness, inundation and immersion, the barrage and deluge of your affinity and   fondness, rapport and propinquity engulf and saturate the serenity, equanimity, and composure of the aspirations, desires, and thirsts.

The goblet and glass of continuance and contentment inebriate and befuddle, bewilder and baffle, your rays and beams of entreatment and encouragement, insistence and earnestness bristle and throng the chalice and tumbler rims and brims. The borders and ridges to slopes and slants and angles and approaches, the crest and crown of the farfetched envious horizons, and improbable and implausible to be attained and breached covetous sapphire skies, that mysteriously and inexplicably, enigmatically and furtively remorse and repent their appeasements and conciliations to resent the extricated entities, and liberated, and inordinate notions and thoughts, proffer, extend, and outstretch..

Then, have captivated your imminence and inspirations, cobalt cover of the surpassed and transcended spheres and scopes that convey and carry the milestones and portents, presages and marvels, the eminences and distinctions flabbergast and stun. Provenance, ascription, and immortalization of the trend and tendency to follow and persist, manifestation and indication, established and revealed by the journey’s and excursion’s admiration and adoration, the continuance and prolongation, persistence and pertinence smash and crash the cover and shield of apathy and triviality.

When, the intensity and brightness of the moon’s fixated, intense, and impassionate shimmering and spark, the twinkles and shine within the blackness and obscurity of the abandoned, neglected, and deserted desert of denial and dissent enshrine, revere, and cherish. The respite and repose, culmination, zenith, and climax to conjunctively and connectively convey and converse inveterate and entrenched cordiality, affection, and warmth.

The surroundings and environs, circumstances and contexts, episodes and occurrences, the incidental instances and episodes throb and thud, and rhythm and pulsate. The pendulum of punctuality, to perpetuate perceptiveness of the prompts and prods, stirs and spurs, though uproars and commotions succumb, diverge, and divaricate. While, syndication and premises of the symphony and orchestra of continuance and relevance insinuate, infiltrate, and infuse. The permeation and subversion which encompass and encounter maneuvers, movements, and recalcitrance and defiance.

Motivations, impulses, and thrusts, dedications, ardors, and impetuses, previsions and momentums intrude, intervene, and inculcate. While instances, encounters, and engagements evoke, educe, and conjure. Ecstasy and elation of abilities and dedications, talent and stamina, the thrill and rapture of fortitude and resilience, recognitions and realizations gratify and satiate, while rhapsodies and exultation of attributions and attainments augment and amplify.

Let the air, aura, and manners to merge and emanate, drift and tide, and stream and flood. Emission and emanation of retributions and reprisals, the revenges and retaliations to self incapacitations and prostrations, to impure and tainted intuitions and inklings exacerbate and inflame. When, flourishment and proliferation of pertinence and relevance, the aptness and appositeness, felicitousness and appurtenances, pensiveness and judiciousness to syndicate and synchronize the perpetuity and permanency of virtuous intentions, ambitions, and objections awaken, inspirit, and enliven. The Intentions and ambitions to conjoin and harmonize to the imperative and imperious essences of vibe and ambience, the esse and quiddities that exalt and elate the impartial, empirical, and factual factors and facades of avid and fervent ardors and passions, then have captured and confined the elixir and tincture of robustness and empowerment.

 Enigmas and riddles, astonishments and bewilderments, and confoundments and confusions conspire, contrive, and commensurate. Camouflages and concealments counteract and thwart, impede and inhibit to contradict augmentation and enrichment, appendment and enhancement. Indolence and lassitude, apathy and lethargy of not to absorb and unravel, nor to cede and decipher, and abandon to clasp and elucidate tarnish, sully, and vitiate the notes and dispatches, and significances and implications which are conveyed, borne, and carried by the harbingers and forerunners of exuberance, enthusiasm, and ebullience.    

The emergence and emanation and drift and tide, to surfs the waves of inclinations and proclivities, glides to tumultuousness of turbulences and rushes and surges of instincts, urges, and compulsions of dispositions and appetencies strike, stun, and stagger. While, the chalice and tumbler of certitude, conviction, and confidence, the container and vessel of quintessence, eminence, and ethos drip and dribble, and extravasate and transude tenderness and fondness. Affections and eagerness, thoroughness and wholeness, the connectivity, proclivity, predilection, and penchant, bliss and exultation of attributions, and rhapsody of attainments exonerate and exculpate the time’s, point’s, and era’s profoundness, percipience, and perspicuity.

The chalice and tumbler of afflictions and infirmities, burdens and adversities, the inebriation and intoxication invert and reverse to evince and divulge your reflections, replications, and deliberations. When, the liveliness of the instances, vivacity of occurrences, and delectation, ravishment, and gratification of interactions and mutuality, your entrance, enthrall, and captivation vanish and vaporize, and disperse and evanesce,  

The beguilement, enchantment, and munificence proclaim, reveal, and promulgate, your assurance and covenant, the pledge and promise of unification, unity, and oneness. Enlightenment, clarification, and acculturation shall be presumed, recognized, and revived while the cracks and fissures, and crevices and clefts, the harbingers and heralds, and presages and portents, acclaimers and exalters of comprehension, approbation, and dedication endure and persist to linger, dally, and loiter ajar and agape.     

غبطه ها  بود که  دوران  ز سر جور  به خود مستی  ما  قصه گشود
وه بر این ظلم  و ستم  مکنت آفاق  اَفاقش  چو سخن دارِ تو بود

The connection, correlation and bond, pledge and promise, reciprocity and concurrence, concomitance and consensus, conjunctions and aggregations, or the clusters and collections of commonness, coincidences, and prevalence, your primacy and predominance, preponderance and pervasiveness, pertain and perpetuate. 

When, inebriations and intoxication, annihilation and obliteration of the shades, apparitions, and phantoms of individualistic and eccentrical, aberrant and anomalous indulgence, propitiation, and intemperance, refractory and recalcitrant gluttony and greed, and exacerbating and exasperating self placation and pacification escalate and accelerate. Or, diminishment and depletion of repentance and penitence outpace and outtake, outmaneuver and outrun exodus and migration to the trends of ponderance, patterns of cogitation, and commandment of deliberations.  Provisions and stipulations, entrenchments and alliterations of absolution and liberation mar, blemish, and ruin.

Then, ambiance and atmosphere, abode and domicile, milieu and habitat reverberate and resound, pulsate and pound, and rumble and thrum. Tranquility and serenity of sensations and seriousness, quiet and calm of falling leaves during brisk crispiness and hibernal momentous and pivotal pauses impetrate, spur, and adjure for heed, attentiveness, and gracefulness. The crucial hiatus, and fateful acceptance to accommodate and acclimatize, adapt and adjust, and breath and inhale, to engage and captivate, to engross and mesmerize ponder and prevail.  

Festivities and rituals, the habitual mores and conventions, ceremonial and sacramental instantiations and incarnations surmise and convince, and provoke and induce. The trilling, chirruping, and chattering pleas and prayers that had been epitomized, propagated, and proliferated by the beak and totality of the solitary canary selective of seclusion and separation, to the carping and contemptuous, derisive and disdainful murmur and mumble of the deserted and derelict soul and core, permutations, vacillations, and vicissitudes compound, contrive, and conspire. While, hegemony and epoch, pitch and field, the turf, province, and sphere of euphoria, eagerness, and enthrallment allure, dazzle, and enrapture.

Inebriated, consciousness, and awareness, the moods, dispositions and manifestations, personifications, temperaments, and dispositions, raptures and elations, setbacks and obstructions infatuate, mesmerize, and spellbind. Fascination and awareness, captivation and comprehension, audacity and courage, bravery and mettle, the spirit and valor to apprehend and adhere to inceptions and abstractions, to observe and attain, and disentangle and discern annex and confiscate.

The mazes of commotions, labyrinths of intricacies, convolutions and contradictions, clutters and chaos, and their goad and provocation, incitement and agitation to flabbergast and flummox the pertinency and agility, and sinuousness and suppleness of creation’s ingenuity and adroitness. The dexterousness and nimbleness infused and arose still by the infinitesimally diminutive and miniscule breath and inhalation exuberated, entailed, and occasioned by a flying ant.  The labyrinths of convolutions and contradictions, collaborations and complications to complement inherent motions and astuteness of aspirations.

The acclivities which pave and cover, steer and bundle, and jostle and propel permanence and intransience of apropos and appurtenant admirations and venerations. the incitements and approbations, acclamations and endorsements which esteem and cherish the opulence and affluence of the gestures and inducements, or the episodes and circumstances.

The envies and resentments, disgruntlements and discontentment, antagonism and rancor, anecdotes, narratives, and fairytales, or the myths, fictions, and folklores, the fancies, vagaries, and reveries of convenience and marginal and trivial convictions convey and convolute, assuage and conciliate, augment and amplify, or torment and pester. The dazes and trances of adverse and contrary, or amiss and awry temptations and lures, interferences and intrusions, the meddling and interloping incarnate, personify, and exemplify null and void remnants and ramifications, transitory and momentary lapsations and drawbacks, strictures and pitfalls, or ephemeral and evanescent aberrations and peculiarities.

Prodigies of wonders, marvels and portents shall be carved and inscribed, embossed and etched on the pinnacles and summits of horizons, the scopes and boundaries of perceptions and acuities, the turn and twist to stars, icons, and luminaries of the vistas and scenes of enlightenment and adjudication. Thenceforth, the shine of skies, shimmers of glares and glances, and ramifications and resonances of intrinsic and innate simper and titter, thaw and soften tribulations, and melt and vanish deceitful, betraying, and decimating transitory temptations and coercions.      

The transitory temptations and duress, envy and agony, temperaments and dispositions, appeals and enticements, the invitations and inducements, if jagged and serrated, crenulated and denticulated, then dogmatic devotions and dedications, uncultivated and barren intonements and cantillations, dissipated and desecrated dislodgements and ejections exhibit and unveil, flaunt and expose deprecation and denigration. Stains and imperfections, infamies, abominations, and desperations, distractions and desolations, or unconscionable drifts, leanings, and vogues vex, aggravate, and exasperate relevance and pertinence.

Encumberments and inhibitions, nuisances and impedances imprecate and execrate, vilify and disparage, or concurrently and concomitantly incite and instigate congruity and expedience of astuteness and acuity. Responsiveness and awareness, exposures and revelations, and efforts and ventures consummate, effectuate, and accentuate intricacies, convolutions, and the innate and inherent constancies and consistencies. While, the vastness and immensity of the horizons, volume and level, and degree and copiousness of the bonifying breeze, the tincture of mesmerizing chirp, and gripping glare of elapsed and ignored nugget within the heart linger and loiter, intact and unscathed.     

The horizons and vistas, skies and prospects, spanned and widened, proliferated and expanded are inciting and inducing, luring and railing to be reached and tackled, and touched and tinkered. The unfolded and unfurled, and promulgated and proliferated shores of oceans, and borderlines of terrains and territories, awaited and expected, loomed and impended to be surpassed, exceeded, and transcended.

The caress of conciliation, stroke of commemoration, and salute of patriation, to join and merge, fasten and link, and to seam and connect, the conglomeration and amalgamation, assembly and accumulation, and accrual and accretion of your accreditation, acquaintance, and accompaniment insinuate and intimate, and allude and whisper.

Then, the itinerant, vagrant, and nomad, the roving, roaming, and rambling traveler and wanderer, the voyager and adventurer intrigued and enlightened, absorbed and captivated, and fixated and attached to the inherent certitude and conviction, trespass, encroach, and intrude the perpetuated, pseudo, and ersatz edges, margins, and dubious ambits, earnestly and fervently devoted and dedicated, and attentive and affectionate to the merits and impetuses, tenacities and intentions of the covertness and concealment of the ceremony and celebration of creation. Spontaneous and extemporaneous to affirmations and verifications, exposures and revelations to thrive and flourish, flaunt and vaunt, and wield and whirl the pennants and banners of your pursuance and enactments, ensigns and emblems of your empathy and compassion, and the badges and banners of your benevolence and munificence.           

The itinerant, vagrant, and nomad, the annunciator and articulator of your acclamations and ovations, approbations and approvals, strews and scatters your accompaniment and conversance, and consociation and affiliation. The rumbling traveler and wanderer, absorbed and rivetted, immersed and engrossed by your intimacy and confidence, entailed and occasioned, enraptured and enchanted by your rays and glimmers, sparkles and flickers, the resurrections and resurgences, revivals and restorations, persists and stays pondered and cerebrated, your sacramenta, solemn, and sacred overture and gesture to the charred frame, enflamed entity, and the exalted moments.  

تا نظر طالب  آن  درّ   کیانیم که در کبکبه ساحتِ عشق
قوسِ رنگین نظر قامتِ قدوسِ درون حیطه نظردارِ  تو  بود
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

The desire and yearning, nostalgia and reminiscence, craving and hankering, and reflections and ruminations, the cogitations and deliberations, rampage and rage, tranquility and coherence, calm and harmony, the silence and serenity, poise and placidity, conflagration and fervor, or the augmentation and ethos of composure and collectedness, attentiveness, perceptiveness, and acuteness, the studiousness, scrupulousness, and diligence pound, pummel, and thump the thresholds of consents and consensuses.

Equanimity of earnestness, the docility of depth and fathomless and cavernous congruity, germaneness and auspiciousness of appeal and fascination, and felicitousness and propitiousness of pertinence and permeance, the burning and blazing embodiments and manifestations to invigorate and revitalize, exhilarate and enliven the instances of evocation and elicitation, and inducements and incitements ponder and pave the composure and corridor to euphoria of coalescence and conjoinment, and bliss of amalgamation and unification.

While, the eclipsed and abstruse perplexities and bafflements, the importunate, beleaguered and plagued bemusements and befuddlements, recondite and esoteric intuitions and instincts, the besieged, badgered, and hounded hunches and surmises solicitate and supplicate, or instigations and promptings, initiations and commencements simmer, seethe, and rumble. Reciprocally and conversely, the core, crux, and kernel, gem, root, and marrow extenuate, exonerate, and acquit, enlighten, illuminate, and apprise, aberrations, deviations, and eccentricities, the recognized and consummated, effectuated and perpetrated admirations, esteems, and venerations to authenticate and substantiate the leverage and significance, and sway and undulation of the occasions and contingences, the quest and pursuit muse, ruminate, and recollect.

Adoration, adulation, and admiration, the glorification and exaltation, exhilaration and exuberance, enthusiasm and excitement, the bliss and rapture consummated, unredeemed, and unmitigated, unabated and undiminished reverberate and resound, resonate and reshape. While, the unambiguous and unequivocal adherence and association, the indubitable and undeniable camaraderie and companionship ring, and surge, and contrive and soar.

Rings and chirps, sings and chirrups, echoes and ricochets, the bounce and bound of tweets and peeps, the whistles and chatters, saturate and soak, drench and inundate the auras and glows, the entrenched and ensconced reflectiveness, meditativeness, and pensiveness, revive and fortify within the sanctity, purity, and inviolability of rapport and affinity.

Fixation, infatuation, and fascination, obsession, predisposition, and compulsion beamed, gleamed, and flashed, glinted and flaunted to conjoin, attach, and affix to the essence and tincture of trance and stupor, sprout and bud, and spring and grow, rivulets and runnels of ebullience and effervescence exude, convey, and emanate. Gems, pearls, and nuggets, solitaires, baguettes, and brilliances radiate and diffuse, strewn and scattered, the glitters and effulgence of entity and integrality, the entireness. While, obstructiveness and abstractedness to infinity and eternity exasperate and enrage, irritate and incense, doomed and ruined to eradicate and obliterate.

The affection and adoration, amity and endearment, and affinity and harmony, to apprehend and appreciate, grip and grasp, to retort and reciprocate, rejoin and reply, to shine and twinkle crevasses and clefts of depicted and portrayed gorges and canyons, to trek and trudge, ramble and march the ravines and coulees of erudition and perception, and blaze, brighten, and patch cracks and fissures of the heart, rampant and unbridled, raze, ravage, and rage.

Your vicinage, closeness, and contiguity, propinquity, adjacency, and proximity, the inclinations and inclusions galvanize, spur, and rouse the throb, rhythm, and pounding of the revolving and gyrating sentiments and sensations. While, the gushes, rushes, and surges of sustenance and subsistence, the coagulation of pervasiveness, perpetuation of prevalence, and consternation of the occurrence, the uniformity and resemblance, commensurateness and correspondence strike and stipulate.

Ephemeral and transitory, evanescent and fleeting irritants and aggravations, annoyances and nuisances, and evocations and elicitations of canard and pretense acclimate and adapt to abolishment, invalidation, and nullification. Exoneration and exculpation of trends and tendencies, sanctity and sacredness of instances and inherent and innate instigations, the instinctive and ingrained promptings and provocations concoct, contrive, and conceive exuberance and liveliness.

Vivacity and vigor, incitements and motivations, goading and urging, and kindling and fueling exacerbate and impair the agility and nimbleness of nuisance and irritant, evangelization and proselytization of wickedness and mischievousness. Immediacies and imminences of statuette and sculpture of salutation and gesture, galvanized, incited, and inflamed, enlisted, positioned, and sited within the sanctuary and silhouette of soul and spirit brood and incubate. The torso and trunk, and chest and coffer of luminosity and coruscation, lucency and lambency, articulations and verbalizations, intentions and intuitions, and deliverances and liberations propel and thrust, convene and convoke, and irradiate and enlighten.                

The statuette and sculpture, the figurine and inscription of resilience and pliability, abstruseness and profundity, and emancipation and liberation persist and prevail the lashing, shaking, and flagging of the tumultuous thunders and roars and rumbles. Imbued and infused by aura and rainbow of instantiation and exemplification, permeated and encompassed by elixir and potion of character and personification epitomize, incarnate, and symbolize the spectrum of variance and divergence. The unconformities and deviations of dexterity and adroitness, nimbleness and agility, and ingenuity of the sphere of seamlessness and universe presume, postulate, and ponder impermeable, impervious, and incessant gesticulations and manifestations.

Surrounded, bounded, and conjoined by glance and glare, and glimpse and vigilance of your veracity and scrupulousness, speculatively and introspectively, ruminatively and meditatively, your bestowed and conferred nugget and jewel of gesticulation and commencement, the inner and intimate sculpture and engravement of sincerity, candor, and authenticity, truthfulness and faithfulness, to the breath and inhalation of perspicuity and articulacy, vibe and vitality, the era and entitlement, the privilege and prerogative exceed and excel texture of  proclivities, and transcend and trump the canvas of continuance and adaptability.

Eloquence and coherence of ethos and pneumas, the quintessence and dispositions, crux and kernel, core and hub, and soul and spirit of esse and existence, the symphony, opus, and oeuvre convene, conduct, and convey. The gist and motion of realization and appreciation, conundrums and riddles of actualization and effectuation, conduits and corridors of contemplation, avenues and alleyways of consolidation, and the arcade and allée of consensus and congruence pulsate and throb spirit of scintillation, strike, and sparkle.

Your acclamations, applauses, and adulations, commendations, extolment, and approbations, conquer and ascend, meld and interweave, and consolidate and affiliate to the thirst and longing, and craving and burning. The aching and yearning, affiliation and occurrence, the endearment’s yawning and cavernous fused and coalesced by the butterfly’s benign burning. The mere sacrifice crystalized by the adoration and idolization for the candle’s illumination and light, to the performing ballet and tap of the candle’s flame, the coordination and companionship to the ritual of butterfly’s affection, attentiveness, and devotedness.

The omnipresent, pervasive, and prevalent hegemony and harmony inconspicuously and unobtrusively disembogued and gushed to concur and coincide, and commensurate and correspond to elation and elevation of depicted distinctions by the entities and elements of egoism and individuality. The movements and motivations indicative and revealing of inspirations and selections, affluences and prosperities, or effectuations and reifications to obliterate and eradicate ravines, gulches, and valleys of revenant, phantasm, and eidolon.

Conversely and ironically, the onlookers and spectators, and bystanders and witnesses whom are astoundingly and astonishingly, strikingly and stupendously intrigued, enthralled, and entranced, could decisively, unfalteringly, and unwaveringly partake and contribute, touch and perpetuate, and tender and effectuate. Your breathtaking and mind-bugling, formidable, stupendous, and inordinate rays of affection, traces of fondness, and proffer and outstretch of geniality and conviviality convolve and consolidate.

Author and Poem:
© Alireza Bemanian, November 20th, 2019

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)