


برخیز به پا خیز  با خویشتن دیوانه شو  دیوانه شو
در عالم  دیوانگی دنیا  نگر از خویشتن بیگانه  شو

Standup, fiercely and resolutely,
brazenly and audaciously, daringly and
boldly, valiantly and courageously,
decisively and purposefully.
Start exposing, manifesting, and
revealing, your observations, desires,
and motivations, your inspirations,
intuitions, and insights. The dreams,
delights, and dramas. The glees, blisses,
and amuses.
Shatter the shell, smash the humdrum of
condescension and haughtiness, snootiness
and snobbery, arrogance and superiority.
Demolish the dominant shallow, which is
swallowing and smearing your soul.
Surrender to your defying and confronting
perceived sanity, succumb to the soul, the
crux and the essence; the persistent,
obstinate, and adamant entity. The
depicted insanity to capture soberness,
lucidity, and soundness.
Insane splendor, grandeur and finery,
the marvels and miracles imposing and
implementing, urging and obligating,
and insisting and inflicting the
courage, valor, and the spirit to search
the surroundings, explore the exuberance
and liveliness, and to be observant of
the miracles, wonders, and sensations,
occurring and ensuing so vividly in
The vibrations, ambiances, perceptions,
wonders, and spectacles all so abundantly,
vehemently, vigorously, and fervidly being
bestowed and bequeathed to us.
The chest, caddy, and container exposed
when reveries and contemplations are
conspicuous, the dedications and ardors
though arduous but contenting, soothing
and delightful. Persuasive, vociferously
acclaiming, demanding, and insisting the
purge, the eradication, and abolition of
the narcissism. To abscond and alienate
obscurities, artificialities, and

بیگانه شو بیگانگان را  راز گو، آزردگان را باز جو
آزردگان   دریاب   و  آن   آزاده   را  هم   خانه   شو

Alienate, distance, separate your core
and crux away from centers of comfort
and consolation, the contentment and
coziness when they cause disillusion and
distance, misalignment and travesty. The
contradictions and incongruities to the
essence, heart, and tenets of ideals and
Remain in acquaintance and consociate of
the alienated individuals who paved the
path of consequence and coherence to
concede to the ambition and desire, to
reveal, expose, and divulge the riddles,
conundrums, and inscrutabilities.
Search the soul and surroundings to
surrogate whom which are inundated,
immersed, and deluged by the inadequacies,
scantiness, and incompetence. The
affiliates and companions, the fellows
who have been disenchanted, thwarted, and
To emancipate and unfetter their sorrow,
the torment and lament which has
incarcerated them. Entrench and ensconce
their ecstasy and elation to galvanize
the essence of mutual companionship and
amity. Then, the humanity and its sole
rapport revives, revitalizes, and
rejuvenates, when compassion is
bequeathed and entrusted to flourish.
The affiliates and companions,
acquaintances and confidants, associates
and confreres, the rejected and
disdained, and the rebuffed and
discarded; seek their consolation,
succor, and solace. Be observant,
perceptive, and attentive to their
cognizance, grasp, and attentions, the
courtesies, cares, and considerations.
Then the emergence of the phase, the
chapter and level to conceive your
entity, your essence and liveliness,
the dynamism and spirit to seek and
embellish, to enhance and enlarge, to
elaborate and revere the presence of the
emancipator, the liberator, and the

در کنج  دل  با  خویشتن  فرزانه گو  فرزانه  جو
از   عاقلان    فتانه گو   با   خادمان   دردانه  شو

Seek solitude at the corners of the heart.
Contemplate, mesmerize, enchant, engross,
and enrapture. Murmur, mutter, and mumble.
Seek, pursue, and persist. It is to endure
and continue to console and contain the
trance and frenzy, the journey to trust
the conferred and   encompassed wisdom,
acumen, and astuteness, which has engulfed
and overwhelmed the core.
The wisdom to encapsulate your thoughts,
captivate the ambitions and aspirations.
The prudence to perpetuate your perceptions,
and discernments. The glimpses and
providence to fulfill your itinerary, the
route, the path, and the excursion.
The exultations, harmony, and bliss to
etch and thrill rampant within the sanctuary
of the heart, the shelter radiating and
emitting the incessant glee.
The clever and cunning entities, ascribes,
and attributes, have them conveyed
sagaciously and circumspectly. The
perceptions, perspicacity, and discerns
are posed ponderously to pinpoint,
abstruse to elucidate, and obscure to
Seek harbor to embrace aficionados,
enthusiasts, and devotees submerged in the
sincerity of seeking, inquiring, and pursuing
the purpose, the intents and the objectives.
Whom are encamped, alighted and inhabited to
girdle the vigor, vitality, and enthusiasm
entailed by the adored and cherished elegance,
refinement, and poise. The encampment to
rigidify and encapsulate the explorations and
examinations which exemplify your portrayal.

آن سایه  را  در قامتش خورشید  رعنایت تو جو
سر  را  به  اختر  میزنی از ساحتش مه پاره شو

Your shadow, shade, and silhouette, dominant,
assertive, overriding, and prevailing,
stretching and protecting so uniformly,
consistent, coherent, and capable, construing
the enigmas, paradoxes, and perplexities.
Broaden the boundaries of the conceived,
envisaged, and envisioned horizons, reach the
corners not exuberantly and boisterously
within the realms of revelations, ambits of
announcements, or the stages of spontaneous
Then the traces, trends, and indications, the
enlightening, clarifying, and emanating sun
portraying the dreamed and beloved embodiment,
your manifestation, which is so fervently and
feverishly strived for reciprocates the urge,
the inclination, the compulsion.
The nearness, proximity, and intimacy to
elevate, escalate, and accelerate. To reach
the skies, stars, and the universe apexes,
peaks and pinnacles.
Touching the stars, at the summit of the
universe, pinned at the sky most distant
horizons, when the head starts touching them,
the heart pounds by caressing them, and the
thoughts astound by the exposure and
revelation. When it demands grasp of the
moment, its sanctity and purity, and the
carols, confirmations, and contributions
entailed by the occasion.
The influences, involvements, and the
indulgences to transform, transpire, and
transcribe sole’s aspirations, attitudes,
and existence into remnants of the glowing
moon, to inspire, illuminate, and venerate.
The soul, the tiny embodiment to represent
your glorification, adoration, and reverence.

اختر   به کوکب  میزند   پرداز ها  کاشانه   جو
افلاک  در فرزانگی مقصود  دل خود چاره شو

Stars adorn, embellish, and enhance the
skies, exemplars to reverberate and resonate
the shine, glimmers and twinkles, to prevail
and predominate the purpose, devotion, and
tenacity. The epitomes to punctuate and
intersperse, to conjure, invoke, and summon
the prototypes and patterns of distinction,
merits, and accolade.
Capture the purpose, devotion, and resolution.
Absorb, engross, and enthrall the trance,
rapture, and elate to raise to the moment of
perception and discernment.
Stay, dwell, and settle within the ambiance,
milieus, and habitat of the envisioned
terraces, to transpire virtues and warrants.
The shelter of substance and gist, the asylum
of retreat, the embodiment of reflection and
The galaxies, congregations, and clusters, the
universe, substance, and existence are the
embodiments, incarnations, and
personifications of purpose and intent,
resolve and persistence, and dedication and
The paradigms, patterns, and templates of
achievements, realizations, and triumph. The
entities, elements, and articles to attribute
and ring the semblance and chime of
attainment and realization. The clauses of
verbalization, articulation, and enunciation.
Procure the proclamations and clarifications,
perceive the pronouncements, avowals, and
announcements, proceed, the beckons, the
appeals, and the convenes so continuous and
immense, pondering your cogitations, esteems,
and admirations. The significances and
consequences pertinent to your depicted
dreams and destiny.

محراب را  افسون  نگر  آن  بخردان طعنه جو
در  پویشت  دیوانه ام،  فرزانه  شو فرزانه  شو

The altar, the pulpit portrayed and perceived
as the sheer and utter instigation to seek,
pursue, and encounter you, the attachments,
prerequisites, and criteria, the norms,
measures, and conditions crystalized and
manifested to preclude the ponderance and
deliberations to meet, collect, and convene
with you, are so inclusively persisting,
perpetual, and precautionary.
The disdain, disparagement, and disregard
provocative and incendiary, aggressive and
inciteful, prompted and originated by the
shrewd and cunning guardians and custodians
of your reverence and adoration, the
sentinels promoting to conceive, apprehend,
and comprehend your grasp and sanctity, the
sacredness, and purity, hence profoundly
contracted, dwindled, and diminished.
The restrictions and constraints, disdained,
reviled, and derided by the vastness and
immensity of the adorned verve and vivacity
of life’s souls and eminence. The prominence
and standing bestowed upon to ponder and
perpetuate your intimacy, tenderness, and
affection, sustains denouement to boundaries,
confines, and precincts.
Following your traces, dashes, wallows, and
splatters of delight, allure, and
enchantments. Trailing your twinkles,
sparkles, and glitters. Shadowing your
vivacities, oomph, enthusiasm and verve.
Still vulnerable to mutually conform,
coincide, and reciprocate. Convoluted,
intricated, and cloaked to ponder and provoke,
yet the urge is ravaging, shattering, and
confounding, proposing and promulgating,
insanity, insanity.
The wisdom, prudence, and insight. The acumen,
intuition, and perceptiveness, the enactment
of pursuance and acquirement, demands the
strenuous, onerous and arduous junctures and
endeavors to incite, spur, and rouse its stance,
attitude, and perspective. The approach has
inspired and mutated, transformed and
transfigured to urge, prod, and provoke
piousness and piety; astuteness, astuteness.

بیگانگی  بر جان  زدم  تا  گفته  را مستانه  جو
بس  قصه ها  بر هم  زدم، آزاده  شو آزاده شو

Captured, seized, and confined, alluded to,
inscribed by, and depicted the alienation,
distancing, and dissention. Indulged the
solitude, seclusion, and separateness, to
return the call, discerning, inclining, and
disposing for your encounter, connect, and
converge. The exultation, euphoria, and
ecstasy so dearly endured.
The distinction and destiny, the
peculiarity and accolade to inebriate and
imbibe, provoking the thirst, yearning, and
crave to augment, intensify, and strengthen
the incidence, occurrence, preponderance,
and predominance of your presence, so
prevalent, ubiquitous, and prevailing to
utter the boundaries of pertinence.
The stories, tales, and narratives,
anecdotes, sagas, and fables that have
experienced, the contemplations,
observations, mediations, and considerations
which have strived for engagements,
enactments, and achievements. The defying
struggles, the daring, audacious, and
resolute steps, the headways, strides, and
strokes to continue and protract the pursuit
of pertinence and aptness.
Span the foresight, prolong the prudence,
elongate the envision, and consolidate the
envisage. The virtues, merits, and esteems
are perceivable and attainable, abundantly and
profusely capturable within the soul and heart,
adhered to the ambiance of passion and empathy,
the personification of exultation and elation,
the euphoria of rapture and glee, liberate
yourself, liberate.

آشفتگی ها برزدم  پندارها خرمن زدم  پیمانه جو
آن  گوشه  از قوس  نظر،  دیوانه  شو دیوانه  شو
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The moments of apprehension, trepidation, and
hesitation, the junctures of indecision,
disinclination, and aversion, the instances
goaded by agitations, tensions, and
restlessness, have been arbitrated,
interceded, intervened, and elapsed.
The thoughts, judgements, and views, the
reflections, attentions, and deliberations,
the concepts, inspirations, and notions, the
observations, inspections, and examinations
were accumulated, pleated, and shepherded.
The consequences, connotations, and
significances were harvested, picked, and
plucked, while the pursuit, quest, and journey
of life and existence was aligned and corelated
to the search of your manners, demeanors, and
comportments, to strive for the tumbler, the
chalice, which is about to erupt and rupture by
your galore.
The thirst, the feverish desire, the blazing
yearn, the mesmerizing sensation, the
scorching sentiment, barraging, volleying, and
brimming the inclination, penchant, and
proclivity, to eagerly, keenly, and acutely be
a devotee, disciple, and aficionado exhorting
for a glance beamed from curvature of your
stare, the gaze, the glare.
The exigence, insistence, and stipulation, the
pursuit, chase, and excursion, the veracity,
candor, and steadfastness, the verve,
vivaciousness, exuberance, and liveliness.
Succumb to sanity, emerging and emanating by
the acclaimed insanity, insanity.

© Alireza Bemanian, December of 2017 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)