Instants and Moments

Instants and Moments

Instants and moments, splits and seconds, surpass and surrender. The nicety and nuance, refinements and traces, grace and benevolence, and clemency and blessing resurrect and revive, while infatuation to fulfill reaffirm and recommence. Oh, my desires, importunes, and requests, the urges and yearnings, solicits and impetrates, and beseeches and implores to hail and heed, the spans and stints to consecrate and revere, venerate and revive soothe and satisfy, indulge and gratify; while, the thirsts and keenness revamp and reshuffle, and the scurries and sprints engross and immerse,

It is you, the murmur and whisper, gasp and breath, the abridge, totality, and the aggregate of the wholeness, oneness, and unison, to allow, forbid, and demur my aspirations or indifferences, vespers or fervors, ardor and adoration, or provocations and affronts. 

The mentor and guru, usher and chaperon, my entity, essence, and existence; how could I astray and adrift, amiss and awry, or evade and avoid, and shun and shirk your imminence and impendence? The galore of beneficence and elegance, the profusion and copiousness of universe and cosmos.

The speckles and dapples, flecks and mottles drift and reveal, the onlooker and speculator, you, the grail and chimera of reification and invincibility, the gleam and glimmer of spontaneity and extemporaneity enlighten and hearten the glean and garner of inner vivacity and fervency.

Your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, the halo, nimbus, and aura of inseparability, imminence, and intimacy; it is you, the knock and tap on the shoulder that tackle and acquire capitulation and acquiescence of stubbornness of narcissism, the obdurateness of pseudonymous, and relentlessness of abstruseness.

My motives and errands, ambitions and purpose, and the magnanimity and munificence of environs and milieus, how could I tab and tally, when, the epithet and flag, a solo and separateness; the unheedful usher of religiosity and virtue, and a piousness and piety of idiosyncrasies and eccentricities conceal and obscure the profoundness and fervent.

Or in essence, to thwart and encumber the bonfires and flares predestined and preordained to cloak and mantle the ascendance of aspirations and predisposition, propensity, and proclivity. The preeminence and ascendancy which proliferate and is destined to baffle and bewilder, prosper and flourish obnubilate and swaddle. Or, paradoxically and incongruously, the occlusion and obturation of perspicacity and acumen that frustrate and baffle the proclivities and penchants ruminates and cogitates.

The aurora and era in which profusions and pinnacles of precepts and injunctions, the scanty and unmitigated promulgations and proclamations, entirely procured and postured platitudinously and impassively to reach, embrace, and embody you revolve and rotate, and whirl and twirl on presumptuous and audacious crusades and ventures.

Although, the ethos and tenors, the chirps and chirrups, trills and warbles, and the echoes and ricochets incessantly and relentlessly rally and rebound, while, the boundaries of percepts, and stretch of horizons, the skies of cognizance and intuition vigorously and vivaciously eclipse and obliterate narcissism and conceitedness, the obscurities and oblivions to surpass and dominate approbation and acquiescence of transparency and pellucidity.

Coevally and conspicuously, astuteness and discernments, conjectures and surmises, the envisioned and bestowed dispositions, tendencies, and intended and apportioned entities to ennoble and aggrandize, or the pureness and limpidness to patina and luster splendor and sheen, the elixir and tincture entailed to glaze and gloss the yearn and covet, when, the implores and intreats impel and spur the fathomless desire, the oeuvre and opus of conversances and connection. Conjunctively and collaboratively, the desideration reaches you within the enclave and demesne of impeccability and irreproachability, an antecedent and forerunner to the emanated and divulged attachment and relevance.

Appeals and aspirations, the immensity of merits and virtuousness, explorations and expeditions, and the sanctity and inalienability to subpoena and summon you, the flares and pharos which engulf and acculturate, and the throws and thrusts instigate and actuate, while the sprints and scurries to point and angle relentlessly and inexorably towards you invade and deluge.

The augmented and inflamed reflections and contemplations, and the beseeched and pleaded clamors and commotions to embrace and enfold you irrevocably and irretrievably marshal and enthrall, the delectations and captivations to entrance the precincts and confines of commencement and comprehension, which are recurrently, reiteratively, and inexorably begrudged and envied until the dawn of distinction and praise coruscate and scintillate.

Concurrently and contemporaneously, the besieged and beleaguered apprehensions, sensations, and surges simmer, prattle, and purl the ordinary shell of the sanctuary of solace and succor, to roar, churn, and swirl the deafness and silence of the complaisance, and smolder seethe and heed to the wafts and zephyrs of insouciance and frivolous.

The ashes and cinders as foreordained and preconceived disseminate and circulate, the pirouette of certitude and conviction, the rapture and rhapsody of benignity and benefaction, and the sigh and utter of unison and unanimity, ricochet and resonate the skies, blues, and heavens.

Your presence, poise, and manifestation incite, rouse, and spur the core and kernel, the territory and enclave of apprehensions and perspicacity besiege and beleaguer. While the emergence, appearance, and occurrence grasp and reap, the slump and ruin of the boundaries and limits, dissipation and decadence of the hinderances goad and enflame, and deterrence and encumbrances crumple and rumple. The juncture and occasion of attainment and recognition has transpired, and the rejoinder of inclinations and apex of bewilderments have embarked to thrill and exhilarate. The moments, blazes, and twinkles when the acme of inebriations and apogees of lucidness and translucence evocate and bolster.

The journey, excursion, and crossing, the path, passage, and itinerary of coalescence and amalgamation has surmounted; the bond, pledge, and promise has stroked, dawned, and commenced. Religiosity and reverence, the acquiescence and approbation of your aura and charisma, ovations and accolades of instants and moments have sotted and inebriated, the admirations and endorsements, the splits and seconds have been incarnated and induced.

While, congregation and assembly of conviction and conception, the thirst and hunger, and predilection and amity have been unraveled and unsnarled. The acme and apex of conjugation and declension of the sentiments, sensations, and judgements saturate and inundate.

Mirrors and reflectors, the glasses and indicators assert, perceive, and glimpse at your glamor and opulence, your abundance and affluence overwhelm and flabbergast the cordiality and affability of carols of assurance and confidence. While the closeness and intimacy resurrect and surmise, and construes and conjectures thrum and drum locus, tableaus, and panoramas of your allure and enrapture.

The vividness of the dawn, rise of the sun, and rays of pertinacity and tenacity overwhelm, while moments and instants, preludes and overtures, the proposals and propositions ponder and deliberate calamitous caveats and admonitions, tenebrosity and blurredness, while, murkiness of innuendo and imputation, the ambiguity and allusion jump and jerks to wane and ebb.

The pendulum and slap, pummel and clout of dogmatism, obstinacy, and obduracy reverberates and rings the shadow of suspicion and skepticism, the shade of hunch and premonition, and the sleuth of nullification and incredulity, to react and reciprocate, and rock and reel while staging and simulating, and sponsoring and fostering the globular gravity of bondedness and repetition inspire and instigate, while incontrovertibly and concurrently instantiation and incarnation intrigue and beguile the orbit of replication and reiteration.

It is you and the mere desire, your intimacy and imminence, and your altruism and adoration which immeasurably and immensely prompt and instigate the premise of deductions, postulation of presumptions, and the pursuits of fusion and integration. Your rays of reification, your captivation and beguilement, and the enthrallments and enchantments anchor and affix my burnt embodiment, the charcoaled core, and the epitome of existence. You and me, or me and you, the meld and convergence curtail and retrench to annulment and revocation of fictitious and phantasmal.

Author and Poet: 

Alireza Bemanian

March 20th of 2022


Link to Partial Translation (Persian/Farsi)