

چشم را  در سّرِ آن تارک صبای خفته  در  قاموس خاموش وصال
چنگ را  واماندِهِ اقبال زین شوق طلب گم گشته در خدش وصال

Reflection and rumination, consideration, and contemplation, and cogitation and cerebration, rational argumentations and interpretations, premises, ratiocinations and deductions encapsulate, seize, and capture, manifest, reveal, and crystalize, edify, enlighten, and clarify essence and marrow, ethos and tenors, and principles and tendencies, the propositions and overtures of sparkle and glint, verve and animation, and vitality and vivacity.

Observing and beholding, regarding and considering, and prospecting and traversing, my aptitude, potentials, and perceptions to negate, annul, and abrogate the narrowed, tapered, and tightened vistas, horizons, and spectacles, contradicting, conflicting, and refuting the foresights and previsions, prudence and provision, the circumspections and perspicacity. The indispensable and imperative intuition and intention to contract, taper, and constrain the barriers, hurdles, and hinderances that are paradoxical, incongruous, and irreconcilable to elation of impetus, acuteness of aspiration, and thrill of justification. The tainted, blemished, and marred murals and frescoes of comprehension, profoundness, and perceptiveness ponder and flummox the boundaries and precincts of profoundness, sagaciousness and fathomless percipience.

Strolls and ambles, meanders and rambles, the fascination and spectacle, wonderment, stupefaction, and bewilderment of scenes and tableaus, the sage revelations, thinker and mystic, wizard and whiz, and sorcerer and prodigy, creation, invocation, and universe, the seclusion and solitude within the certitude and conviction of concept and perspicuity, the articulacy, eloquence, and enunciation of entirety and totality, clarity, lucidity, and vividness, the radiance, intensity, and brilliance which copiously, immensely, exuberantly, vigorously, and vivaciously illuminate, elucidate, and enlighten, exuberate, vivify and enliven, revive and fortify the temporaneous and coetaneous occurrences and occasions have been eclipsed, obscured, and concealed the depictions, delineations, and deductions, the congruity, relevance, and connectivity to concur, coincide, and coexist have been etched and scratched.

The breeze and draft, waft and breath, and whisper and murmur shatter and splinter shimmers and shines, the glistens and glitters reflective, shallow, and frivolous of uncertainties, ambiguities, and indecisions. Conglomeration, accumulation, and collection of conspicuous conundrums, the riddles and enigmas, deliberations, notions, and judgements, which are collectively capable to mar and blemish, and blotch and tarnish the sanctities, purities, and transparencies of concord and harmony, attentiveness, alertness, and articulation entice, ensnare, and allure.

Cognizance, perception, and appreciation pacify, restrict, and diminish the indecorous instigations, promptings, and provocations, to augment, intensify, and enhance, to shield and safeguard the fortification and reinforcement, robustness and efficaciousness, vivaciousness, verve, and vitality which promote and propound resolve, rationality, and tenacity.

Eyelids, the curtains draped and adorned to coordinately fold and bend, crease and crinkle, collapse and close, to endure and prevail dogmatically, peremptorily, and pontifically at the moments and instances of inquiry and inquest, view and notice, scrutiny and dissection, and to persist and linger crumple, flop, and fold.

Dedicated palpebra to erect and remove, to unclutter and unclog, to unbind and unchain, and unfetter and untie has succumbed and acceded to the affluence and alleviation, accretion and accumulation, the acquisition and influence, the acceptance and accommodation of doze, slumber, and sleep have overshadowed and outshined the abundance and lavishness of radiance, warmth, and luminosity which perpetually and continually are dispersed, circulated, and scattered by the soul, spirit, and surroundings.

Grasp and grip, clasp and clench, endurance and continuance, persistence and perseverance, the preservation and perpetuance to linger and loiter, blossoms, buds, and blooms flourish, thrive, and prosper, cogitations, ruminations, and ponderings proclaim, assert, and decree, hesitations, disinclinations, and indecisions fumble, shuffle, and scuffle, and the gauge, scale, and assessment assimilate, embrace, and incorporate.

Destiny, fate, and fortune, karma, kismet, and fortuity, the contingency, exigence, and conceivability, the reverberation of sensations, profoundness of perceptions, the immensity of commotions, the agility and alertness, swiftness and sprightliness, the nimbleness of consciousness, apprehension, and appreciation, and sensibleness, reliability, and astuteness to coagulate, congeal, and solidify the influx, incursion, and inundation of intuition, insight, and notion have been hindered, hampered, and thwarted.

Desires and entreaties, appeals and implores, aspirations and passions perpetually and persistently proclaim and pronounce, assert and enunciate, utter and articulate expressions of influence, perspicacity of intonation, decorum of proposition, etiquette of indulgence and irreproachability, declarations of distinct and conspicuousness, deliberations, excogitations, and concoctions have been tamed, subdued, and restrained by the ambiance, aura, context, and complexions, the mode and appeal. While, contemplations, introspections, and introversions, the retrospect and reminiscence, sedulousness and wholeheartedness have been intercepted, diverted, and abstracted by the sneaked, slipped, and snitched circumferences, perimeters, and boundaries, erected and established within the precincts and peripheries of prospects and expectations.   

Then, bafflement, bemusement, and befuddlement, perplexities, mystifications, and quandaries, dilemmas, predicaments   and arduousness, obscurities, intricacies, and abstruseness pertain, affect and touch the enormity, immensity, and vastness of the sphere and scope of vision, perceptiveness, and elucidation, the explications, expositions, and explanations, which curtail, curb, and retrench the compositions and formations, the formats and foundations, vividly and distinctly entailed and necessitated to authenticate, endorse, and excavate the essence of existence, the hegemony of exuberance, and the bestowment of benevolence.

When, the immersed and enthralled, occupied and absorbed, attracted and connected presumptions, hypothesis, and presuppositions, the presumed and deduced, postulated and propounded, and urged and evinced antecedents and determinants, doctrines and tenets, notions and beliefs misplace and mislay the continuance of pertinence and aptness, circumvent permanence of ponderance and perpetuity, and dodge, evade, and equivocate the merits, virtues, and aptitudes of correlation, connection, and context.   

ساکنان کوی  او  در  کسب دل هامون سپر  از  جور  ره  بیمی نبود
طالبان آغوش خورشید است، مفتون جامه و دستار  امید وصال

Gatherers, residents, and inhabitants, to whom the brightness and glow of the dawn and sunrise accommodate, acclimate, inure and habituate pristine, intact, and untarnished horizons, prospects, and perspectives, to whom the dust and twilight provoke, trigger, and elicit persistence and resolve, steadfastness and endurance, the tenacity and supplication, to accentuate, emphasize, and strengthen the essence of liveliness and ebullience, elation and euphoria, the esse and ethos of closeness and connection, the seekers, strivers, and questers of the intimacy and correlation contained, comprised, and encompassed by the eternal ecstasy and bliss of your attentiveness and intimacy, the single strokes of inhalation,  lashes and caresses of breath, and the instantaneous interactions with affluence and abundance of life and nub crystalize and consolidate perpetuity, permanence, and intransience.

To whom the path’s, thunders, bellows, and rumbles, roars, booms, and grumbles reverberate, ring, and resonate resilience, buoyancy, and pliability, suppleness, malleability, and amenability, the responsiveness, receptiveness, and approachability, inundated, immersed, and drenched by the insightfulness, perceptiveness, and perspicacity of pertinence and germaneness perfused and imbued by the shadow and silhouette of your sustenance, somberness, and solemnity.

To whom, pursuance and enactment, depiction and ratification, and endorsement and confirmation to the sincerities, earnestness, and trustworthiness of intuition, perception, and clairvoyance, the agility, liveliness, and nimbleness to collaborate, collude, connive,  and contrive within the boundaries, margins, and frontiers of ambiance, vibe, and discernment reveal and expose flourishment, proliferation and prosperity, attributions, provenances, and ascriptions to instigate, incite, urge, and inspire elucidation, illumination, and explication of certitude and certainty, inclusiveness, extensiveness, and completeness, or the abundance, copiousness, and profusion of determination and dedication, When, the essence and soul of delectation, achievement, and accomplishment brim tumbler, goblet, and chalice of ambition and advantage, the elixir, decoction, and potion to exceed and outshine the content and context.

Entities, actualities, and realities, lives, breaths, and beings, vims, verves, and souls to whom the tiresomeness of the route, insidiousness of the instance, exorbitance of the itinerary, and the clatter and clamor of the caravan of verve and vivacity reverberate and entice, attract and allure, and inveigle and beguile their thrust, impetus, and momentum to attain, realize, and conquer the apexes of augmentations, summits of escalations, and the zeniths of ambitions and inclination.

Cavalcade and parade, carnival and exhibitions, spectacles and struts, the manifestations and expressions to perpetuate and permeate the essences and perpetuities of pertinence and comprehensiveness, completeness and wholeness, and cavernousness and fathomlessness fumble, blunder, and scrabble if they have not been instantiated, epitomized, and exemplified by the vigilantly, heedfully, and guardedly occurred, arisen, and ensued instances, occasions, junctures, and episodes, the reverberations, repercussions, and ramifications.

Seekers, enquires, and chasers, trailers and trackers, climbers and ramblers engulfed and enthralled, absorbed and entranced, and rivetted and captivated by the vastness of the forbearing and magnanimous vista of resolution, decree, and promise, canvas of conglomeration and contemplation, the murals and frescos, and the valley of vehemence, vigor, and vitality vindicate, advocate, and endorse the rays of rectitude, magnetism of coherency and articulacy, and adoration of perpetuity and profoundness.  

Designated, delegated, and intitled to explore and patrol, intersect and traverse, interweave and intertwine, the reconnoiter, expedition and excursion, reconnaissance and voyage, the estuary, bay, and outlet, embouchure and debouchment of finesse, panache, and flourishment, which exalt, entrench, and deepen, reinforce, raise, and heighten notions and beliefs, thoughts and concepts, perceptions and apprehensions, nominations and appointments to imply and embody, denote and signify, epitomize and exemplify the elixir of expectation and determination, exuberance and enthusiasm, and existence and essence.

The esse and ethos, establish and ascertain, and confirm and authenticate the moments, flashes, glints and flickers, enactments, crosses, and transits, acceptances and validations, the ratifications and enactments, to precipitate and provoke, compel and impose, and warrant and invoke aspirations and inclinations, propensities and proclivities, and preferences and penchants.

To affirm and attain, surmount and conquer the notion, urge, and veracity, the actuality, authenticity, and genuineness, to augment and emplace, hold and embrace, and bolster and buttress the sun’s shine and glow, the stars sparkles and shimmers, and universe enlightenments and exquisiteness, the elegance and impeccability, to vaporize and vanish fastidiousness and abysmal poignancies and mythical tendencies within the chest and heart, the torso and trunk of confidence and conviction, the sanctuary and haven, and the shelter and retreat to cognizance and perception, and acquaintance and appreciation.

Then, life, verve, and soul, yeaning, hungering and hankerings, the energy, vim, and élan inflame, intensify, and exacerbate to provoke, incite, and elicit the appropriation of similarity, certitude of alliance and correspondence, and affinity and semblance of parallelism, the ecstasy, elation, and rapture of recognition, discretion, articulation, and identification.

The  surroundings, environs, and ambiances assemble, convene, and connect, the congregations, ensembles, and aggregates, amalgamations, composites, and combinations reverberate and resonate, ring and reecho, chant and chime, and recite and chorus your clemency, compassion, and mercy, your leniency, benevolence, and benignity, the accompanies, convoys, and compliments to the bastion, citadel, and fortress, the shrine, tabernacle, sacrarium, and temple of your presence, manifestation, and occurrence, your vastly and unboundedly omnipresence, pervasiveness, and ubiquitousness.

The permeating, pervading, and percolating abundance and copiousness of sophistication, erudition, elegance, and elaboration to stretch, elongate, and distend the pseudo, quasi, and virtual precincts and peripheries of eternity and perpetuity.

The land of luminousness, lucidness, and luminescence, the territory of thinker, sage, and intellectuality, and the terrain of maturation, evolution, and devotion, where the brilliance, intensity, and vividness, radiance, shine, and luster scatter, disseminate, and distribute your magnanimity, nobility, and altruism, immediacy, congruity, and proximity, imminence, connection, and correlation. The juncture, convergence, and confluence insightful and perceptive to elate and elevate, percipient and perspicacious to enthrall and escalate, and sapient and sagacious to enchant and entrance.

The plateau of proclivity and predilection, the entity within the entirety, and impartiality, neutrality, and objectivity, to embody, enhance, and extend your exquisiteness, exemplification, and epitome, the quintessence, paragon, and personification of your hegemony, omnipotence, and dominance.

 The invincibility, purity, and inviolability to acclaim, and approbate, and endure and tolerate tranquility of the succumbed souls of secluded sediments and settlements, to the inhabitants and denizens of thunderous and tumultuous summits of self dissipating coagulates and clusters of clouds. Entities and entireties which merely and solely, uniquely and exclusively spring, leap and vault, instantiate and incarnate, and corroborate and perpetuate by your benevolence, compassion, and munificence.           

خستگان در دیدن آن زلف فتان بی قراران، خواب را  بیگانه بود
خادمان میزان به کف، میعاد جانان، زمره در آئینه زلف وصال

Chasers, trackers, and tracers, enthusiasts, aficionados, and admirers, savants, fanatics, and devotees, pundits and scholars of essentiality and significance, sages and gurus, the adorned, enhanced, and festooned entities, the bejeweled and embellished souls and hearts, kernels and cruxes whom have acclaimed, applauded, and attained the burning, acute, and paramount presence, attendance, and incidence of your connection, correlation, and assembly, the endurance, persistence, and continuance, pursuit, perseverance, and the augmenting steadfastness and tenaciousness to quell, crush, and repress the thirst, crave, and desire, the entreatment and beseechment to incessantly, ceaselessly, and continually soar, escalate, and ascend, absorb, engross, and immerse within the bounty and ocean of your principality and palatinate, your realm and sphere, and your personification and incarnation, to sustain and support, uphold and protract, and ablaze and aflame the traverse of unanimity, unison, and union.

The amalgamation, coalition, and unification of superlative sacrament, rite and ritual, and essence and belief, disturb and perturb, ruffle and rattle, and flutter and fluster, when cognizance and realization, the appreciation and recognition revert, regress, and relapse to the contrary. The embodiment and epitome, unity, uniqueness, harmony, and eminence, the ponderance of your prominence, which fortify and hearten, revive and bolster, and shine and enlighten the darkest of the dens and the farthermost refuges and retreats.

Devotees, votaries, janissaries, attenders, and cohorts, cronies, comrades, and companions , the impatient cliques, cadres, and followers, anxiously and restlessly, intently and nervously, excitedly and enthusiastically embrace and encompass, involve and include, and cuddle and clinch by your company and companionship, affiliation and alliance, remain, revive, and  resume restless and sleepless, alert and attentive to the concurrent hegemony and dominion of the presence of spirits of succumb and surrender,  soul of enthrallment and enchantment, and the disposition of dedication and devoutness, to reach, access, and touch, to surmount and ascend to the summits of certainty and certitude.

Individuals and entities, the entireties and totalities succumbed and surrendered to the strength, burliness, and sturdiness of sensation and spectacle of pursuit, quest, inquiry, observation, and scrutiny, and the voyage and odyssey, the dedicators, nominators, and purveyors to the vastness and immensity, the vehemence and ferocity of vision and visitant, precognition and atman of encapsulations and abridgements arbitrate bafflements and bemusements of intuitiveness, divination, and clairvoyance.

Your glance and glare galvanize, incite, and animate the consistency, dependability, and uniformity of certainty, conviction, and confidence. When, laurels, bouquets, and accolades of reception, acquiescence, and credence, redolence and evocativeness of enthrallments, captivations, and fascinations, resonance, rapture, and rhapsody of ingress, entrée, and acceptance, the zenith of cognizance, apex of acquaintance, and pinnacle of culmination, finale of continuance and deliberation, the threshold, verge, and dawn of eternity and perpetuity, or abandonment of extremity and infringement instigate, prompt and substantiate your omnipresence, attention, and heedfulness, the judiciousness, punctiliousness, and fastidiousness.

Instances and occurrences, interactions and exchanges, the intimacy and affection, confidence and courage astonishingly, astoundingly, and stupendously persist, endure, and continue. The reverberance, revealment, and divulgence, while the indulgence, compassion, and contentment to soar and tower to the acme and crest of the universe, the infinity of infinitude to be enlightened, edified, and inculcated by the existence, extant, and esse, the ethos, core, and center of contemplation, meditation, and rumination, caused and catalyzed  by your magnificence, opulence, and radiance bountifully and plenteously compose, comprise, and contain.           

Intimates, marrows, and soulmates, confidantes, comrades, and compadres, the compeers, companions, and cohorts amenably and acquiescently, submissively and yieldingly, and bluntly and candidly convert, contain, and carry introspections, contemplations, and considerations, while the purity and clarity, virtue and innocence, and decorum and sedateness engulf, whelm, and immerse within the sanctity of their life, verve, and vivacity. When, passionate, fervent, and vehement inclinations, preferences, and proclivities infuse, imbue, and inspire their surroundings, milieus, and ambiances. When the echo, rumination, and deliberation of my desire, entreaty, and appeal augment and ameliorate the abundance, profusion, and copiousness to render, decree, and deliver solemnness and staidness, ostentation and spectacle, and to spread, proliferate, and stretch, to embrace, encompass and encircle the emergence and evolvement of the elevated embodiments, exalted epitomes, and elated fervencies and ardencies.

Then the rendezvous, assignations, and appointments, gatherings, congregations, and assemblies, interactions, connections, and contacts, the conjoint exchanges, reciprocities, and interchanges annihilate and obliterate the obliviousness and imperviousness. Your auspicious, propitious, and prudential rays and glimmers of affinity and magnificence, marvelousness and brilliance, and the grandeur and grandness alleviate, conciliate, and pacify the absenteeism, truancy, and malingering perceptions, the incentives, enticements, and inducements which impotently and inauspiciously intimidate, coerce, and extort the inclinations, predispositions, and penchants.

When, pursued, strived, and endeavored intimacy, affection, and attentiveness, the adored, established, and realized amity, endearment, and admiration, and worshipped, esteemed, and revered closeness, imminence, and confidence bud, bloom, and blossom. When your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, universality and extensiveness, and predominance and prevalence ponder, cogitate, and cerebrate vastness of the observance, formidability of the adherence, and sincerity of the sanctity.

The adjoining bond, adjacent correspondence, and the affixing interrelatedness, which mesmerize, enthrall, and entrance the entity, individuality and distinctiveness of occasion, contingency, and occurrence, the confluence, crossing, and junction that capitulate, cede, and relent to the sheerness and translucence, the transparency and pellucidity, the pureness, vividness, and vibrancy, the integrity, propriety, and wholesomeness of the entirety, eternity, and exclusiveness, the elitism, elegance, and grace which uniformly, unvaryingly, and homogenously illuminate, elucidate, and enlighten the enormity of universe and shreds, shards, and smidgeons of iotas. The wholeness, totality, and unity which impeccably, irreproachably, and exquisitely flabbergast, astonish, and astound inquirers, scrutinizers, and appraisers, explorers and examiners, and the participants, contestants, and partakers.          

 The ambition and aspiration, and delight and marvel of conversion, adaptation, and alteration to amalgamate, merge, and mingle to your entireness, wholeness, and unanimity, the totality of your embodiment, quintessence, and incarnation, your personification, manifestation, and avatar which inflame and ignite the kindles and sparks of core and crux, the kernel and heart, and continuance and relentlessness, the invocation and incantation to elaborate and articulate, to augment and consolidate your intimacy, your proximity, and your imminence, the immediacy and propinquity, the dominance and dominion  which have inundated and deluged the brims of  cognizance and gravity of awareness, the avail and reward of the inner thirst and longing, the desire and yearning to commemorate, adore, and admire the confederacy and alliance of unison and oneness, the coherence and cohesion  of desire and devotion.

The mirror and murals of ponderance and pertinence, marrow of pursuance and enactment, the depiction, ratification, and portrayal of purpose and persistence, the tenaciousness and steadfastness to explore and scrutinize, observe and appraise, the canopy and canvas of consolidation and protraction, which solemnly, earnestly, and ritually portray and reveal the perpetuity of your prominence, your preeminence, and your dominance, the traits and personas of benevolence, munificence, and magnanimity, coherently and collectively, cordially and convivially, and conspicuously and cognitively to articulate, convey, and enunciate reflection and rumination of essence and ethos, your epitome and personification, your exemplar and paradigm, and your paragon and manifestation.              

مفتیان از  کبک  بشکستن سوا، سودای جان  آویزه  وصف سخن
ساقیان آشفته  از معراجِ   پنهان، غایت  و منظور  ایقان  وصال

Annunciators of merits and integrities, advocates of virtues and values, and acclaimers of morals and conscience, celebrators, applauders, and eulogizers, the exalters, admirers, and adulators of your traits, mannerisms, and attributes, whom vivaciously, lively, and irrepressibly reverberate, publicize, and pronounce their conceptualizations and abstractions, their perceptions and intellection, the mentation, cerebrations, rationalizations, and interpretations, aptly, appositely, and pertinently pertained and affected by the influences and pretensions to crystalize, conject, and commemorate smidgeons and scintillas  of your infinite, interminable, and immense sphere and scale of immeasurability, unboundedness, and illimitability . 

Annunciators of merits and integrities, whom protract candidness and frankness, bluntness and candor, directness and forthrightness, the ones ardently, fervently, eagerly, and zealously reflect, exhibit, and signify the sanctity of their cognition, perception, and reasoning, the entities and individuals whom audaciously and courageously contemplate, observe, and scrutinize the resoluteness of their resolves, the agility of their approaches and attitudes, and the liveliness and vigor of their adherence and devotion.    

Advocates of virtues and values, whom express and utter articulacy of conscious  commencements, genesis,  and originations, the outset, engendering, and evolution, the coherence and clarity of the bestowments and dedications, conferring of the devotions and consecrations, and chastity and limpidity of inclinations, proclivities, and penchants, the   apostles, promoters, and proponents of the virtues of proclivity and tendency, the propensity and affinity which have instigated, inundated, and inspired the entirety of the universe, the wholeness and the continuance of the notion of pertinence, appositeness, and appropriateness.   

Acclaimers of morals and conscience, whom reverberate, resound, and echo punctuality of the persistence and perpetuation, the propagation and dissemination of distinctiveness and elevation, the altitude and augmentation of existence and interjection, the admirers and complementors of continuance and protraction, the aficionados and devotees to elevations and zeniths of quiddity, quintessence, and esse, to whom rays of rapture and euphoria, the saturation and dispersion of choirs and chorales are reflective and introspective of  charm and chant to recite and intone, the vivacity, verve, and vitality which revivify and rejuvenate the moments and instances of cogitation and deliberation.

To them, existence and eternity, actuality and certainty, veracity, validity, and sincerity merge and amalgamate, integrate and assimilate, and desegregate and consolidate.  Their moments, flashes, and instances delegate, designate, and allocate concurrency and contemporaneousness, coincidence and coexistence, contribution and encouragement to immanence, inherence, and innateness, which conjugate and connect, bond and unify, and depict and portray intricacies, complexities, and convolutions, the consistencies and constancies of the opus and oeuvre, the masterpiece and chef-d’oeuvre of creation and harmony.   

To them, the life and fulfillment, gratification and contentment, and nibbana and nirvana, the junctures, intervals, and stages signify, designate, and manifest intersections, confluences, and connections, the stages, stands, and steps, the rostra, rostrums, and arenas to signify, denote, and connote contemplations, collaborations, and association.

 The platform, podium, and dais of elation and exultation, the glee and jubilation to perpetuate the ponderance of unity and unification, your confederacy and coalition of conspicuousness, distinctiveness, and discernibleness, perceptibility, palpability, and transparency, your attentiveness, affinity, and kinship, the affiliation and consociation, the assertiveness, emphasis, and incisiveness to render, decree, and deliver, your eloquence of extensiveness and inclusiveness, which meticulously, pedantically, and punctiliously pertain, relate, and concern, the reciprocation and complementation to  your overtures and gestures, the indications and intimation of content, gist, and substance, to be endured, enhanced, enriched, and strengthened.

Intricacy, convolutedness, and multifariousness, bewilderments, bafflements, and perplexities, hesitations, reluctances, and vacillations, the ambivalences, equivocations, and ambiguities invoke and incite, evoke and implore constancy of instigations, involvements, and immersions.  

The thirst, yearn, and desire, entreaty, appeal, and ache, proclivities, predispositions, and predilections torment, tease, and trouble the thoughts, notions, and views. Spectacles, sights, and aspects, the beliefs, stances, and elucidations, explications and expositions, concomitantly, contemporaneously, and captivatedly confluence, converge, and congregate.   

Thus, the depth and dynamism, vitality and vehemence, the vigor and robustness of introspection, and introversion, the timidity and reticence of occurrence, episode, and incidence conglomerate, conjecture, and concoct to imbue and infuse instantiation, incarnation, and embodiment of engagement, assignation, and dedication. When, the rendezvous of inference, insinuation of completeness, totality, veritable ethicality, and scrupulosity, the dawn of emergence and advent, and the drift and tide of runnels, rivulets, and rivers, the contributors, purveyors, and augmenters to sustain, protract, and substantiate the momentum of life, reverence of creation and entireness, and the authenticity and realism of the wholeness engulf and indulge the sanctity of insinuation, implication, proposition, and conceptualization.

Searchers, seekers, and enquirers, followers, disciples, and devotees immersed, absorbed, and engrossed by the burning craving and hankering, thirst and urge, the communal and collective covetousness and  agglomerated and  amalgamated acquisitiveness, to capitulate moments and splits, gashes and slashes of encounter and happenstance, the coincidences and chances of realization of your appearance and convergence, junctions and conjunctions of concurrence and consensus, the harmonies and embracement, encompassment and encapsulation of unifications and emergences, solidifications and substantiations, corroborations and confirmations, inadvertently and involuntarily  vivify and revive resilience, bounciness, and suppleness to further reveal, divulge, and disclose your omnipresence, ubiquitousness, predominance, and prevalence.

The hidden, veiled, and buried, shrouded, cryptic, and interred gem, jewel, and nugget within the shrine and temple of certitude, the essence, kernel, and principle of sanctity of pledge and promise, the pureness and chasteness of staunchness and commitment, and inviolability and sacredness of steadfastness and alliance have been eroded, scoured, and battered,

Wrinkles, crags, and scarps, warps, bends, and twists have distorted the interventions and introspections, while the reflections, deliberations, and ruminations, the search and quest, delve and fumble, and rummage and reach have inconspicuously and unpretentiously persisted and endured. Though, the gem and nugget within had been mislaid, misplaced, and abandoned.      

Disorientations, befuddlements, and bafflements have contradicted, controverted, and rebuffed the resolve, tenacity, and persistence, the faithfulness, commitments, and convictions to resent, abolish, and abrogate, repeal and rescind declinations, resentments, and diminishments have been herding, steering, and ushering.

Depiction and delineation, description and portrayal, and narratives and chronicles of your traits, personas, and individualities, the expanse, vastness, and breath of your ascriptions, divulgences and disclosures, attributes, provenances, and designations incessantly, unremittingly, and interminably ponder and procure.

Instigations, promptings, and provocations to instantaneously, expeditiously, and momentarily comprehend and establish, corroborate and determine, and affirm and sustain irreversible, concrete, and unalterable discernments, eruditions, and intellect pertain to your affluence and supremacy, the hegemony and omnipotence, profoundly and deeply, exceptionally and extremely, and philosophically and insightfully resonate and solidify, to consolidate and magnify the continuous and relentless enthrallments, allures, and absorptions that exceedingly and extremely soar, circle, and ascend to land at acmes and pinnacles of your territory and terrain, the domain and province of adoration, reverence, and veneration, the land of admiration and adulation, and the zenith of permanency, perpetuity, and eternity, the twinkles, glimmers, and glows far stretched beyond the silver lines which have saturated, soaked, and drenched the farthest peaks of the boundless horizons.                      

چشم  را  وامانده  در گرداب  دل مجنون ز  دردِ  حاصل  از جورِ  جفا
گاه در محراب مستانِ نظر، گه مطربان،عشرت  ز  مهتاب  وصال

Thoughts and notions, impressions and interpretations, judgements and acknowledgements, and beliefs and conceptions, sensations and inclinations, allurements and attractions, enchantments and captivations, and enthrallments and beguilements, ravishments, and enrapturement to inspire, enthuse, and arose, or placate, propitiate, and pacify the sanctuary of expositions, rhapsody of elation and resoluteness, and explication of extemporaneous explanations and elucidations.

Hegemony, domination, and restraint of sedulousness, assiduousness, and consciousness, cognizance, awareness, and perception, the tumultuous, unrestrained, and turbulent transpiring and emerging convolutions and coagulation of commemorations and celebrations to ecstasy of exuberance and enthusiasm, the trench and furrows, the gorge and gully of aspiration and attunement, accommodation and assimilation, alteration and adaptation, the vastness and immensity of inspiration, insight, and vision disseminate, unravel, and compass to conquer, surmount, and prevail.

Gyrating, rotating, and revolving approaches, stances, and manners, poses, postures and perspectives, the sensations, emotions, and sentiments, suspicions, instincts, and intuitions, the affections, attachments, and compassions, empathies, sympathies, and concerns, the potent of exaltation and elevation, puissant of enthrallment and ecstasy, and the formidability of elation and euphoria embody and epitomize the exemplary, praiseworthy, and commendable grandeur and majesty of ethos, soul, and spirit, the sanctitude of vivacity and dynamism and the sacredness and devoutness of tenacity and resolve.

The pendulum of precision and perfection, approbation and appreciation of virtuousness and righteousness, the carriers of songs and chirrups, the melodies of endurance and persistence enrich, enhance, and enliven enthrallments, the entities of enactments, depicted dedications, and the ensued emancipations. The breeze of captivation and capitulation, draft, zephyr, and flurry of fascination, enchantment, and entrancement, the articulacy and eloquence of cognizance and confidence commensurate and cede to continuance of conformity, congruence, and consonance.

Though, the heart’s apprehension and incarceration, internment and confinement, the encirclement and encompassment have convoluted the contentment of your reach, grasp, and extend, your intimacy, assignation, and rendezvous have pertained to a pretensive, fictional, and mythical posture and trend.

The fascination, allure, and absorption emanated by unity and uniqueness of your presence, occurrence, and attendance, enduring and elaborative engagements and interactions of introspection intertwined and entangled, adjoined, and allocated by your solipsism and solitude, the seclusion and separateness synonymous and tantamount to totality, entirety, and wholeness have been presumptuously, arrogantly, and audaciously mistreated and exploited, maneuvered and adventured. Impetuousness and impulsiveness, imprudence, injudiciousness, and circumstantial gullibility and crudity have encroached, infringed, and impinged intricacies and obscurities of instinct, and the obliviousness and imperviousness of captivations and immersions.

Then, decimated and reduced, lessened and demoted, abridged and devalued merits, distinctions, and pursuits prevail. When, the continuance of your seek and solace, succor of your search and certitude, and excursion of your venture and foray forfeit and forgo to the fortitude of fallacy and canard, and the falsehood and myth of misfortune and misadventure.  Predispositions and reflectiveness, cognizance and assimilation, and fervor and impatience, the eagerness, enthusiasm and passion inadvertently, unconsciously, and unintentionally misdirect and misallocate, diffuse, disperse, and scatter the enlightenments, intimacy, and confidence which so arduously, onerously, and awkwardly were chased, shadowed, and sought.    

Inebriated and flummoxed, befuddled and baffled, blasted and barraged, the aficionados and adherers, devotees and disciples, admirers and allured personages and individuals render, depict, and portray your inclinations and preferences, your murmurs and mutters of resonance and reminiscence, the recollections ruminations, and reflections. Your benevolence and munificence to incarnate instantaneities of inspiration and augmentation, continuity of contemplation and cogitation, and the perpetuity of ponderance and deliberation.

Huddles and clusters, ensembles and collections, and assemblies and congregations of the souls and spirits, cores and characters, and entities and punters, the creatures, being, and grandees to whom your proclivities, fondness, and propensity tinker, jiggle, and joggle their burned and charred, their scorched and seared remains of interjection and utterance, to whom adornment, embellishment, and titivation of entity and heart merely and solely entail, necessitate, and compel, coerce, oblige, and induce your adoration , veneration, and reverence,

The entities and integrands, members and segments, and components and constituents of eternity and continuance, the messengers of inclusion and embrace, encirclement and enclosure, envoys and heralds of join and juncture, connection and correlation, and bond and union, the questers, enquirers, and proclaimers of confluence, convergence, and conjunction.

 To whom the life, verve, and soul symbolize, imply, and epitomize syndication and association, the embodiments and manifestations which reverberate and revive the rays and glimmers of your breath, gasp, and inhalation, the eternity and wholeness, perpetuance and presence, the peaks and pinnacles of conceptualization and elicitation.

To whom the chirps and tweets of the sparrows which sway, slant, and stagger the serenity of certainty and commemoration, the chirrups and squeaks of the ophidian reptiles’ belly scrapping and sparring the enmity and stiffness of the ruckus and scuffle surfaces underneath, the envious, covetous, and avaricious acclaim, the applause, and approbation to sustenance and wherewithal of exuberance and liveliness. To whom the bestowment of existence and being, the ponderance of desire, appeal, and entreaty, the shadow of the certitude and faith, your remembrance, reminiscence, and allusion authenticate, ratify, and validate sense, sagacity, and essence.

 The enticers, allurers, and enchanters of the joy, bliss, and delight, enhancers, advocates, and encouragers of  ecstasy, elation, and exultation, the echoes, rings, chimes, and tinkles of participation, partaking, membership and contribution, emanators of enthrallment, enticement, and inducement to encase, confine, and contain tenacities, determinations, and persistence of the cliffs, precipices, and heights of surroundings and milieus masterpieces, melodies and descants of consecration and sanctification, and core, crux, and nucleus of conscientiousness, resoluteness, and perseverance.

To whom moments of celebration, joy of commemoration, and potentials and prospects of observation and inspiration, the adherences and remembrances of rectitude, goodness, and righteousness overwhelm and engulf the certitude of the moment, assurance of the attainment, and the certainty of the conviction. The elaborators and annunciators of authenticity and validity of complexion, disposition, and arrangement of the wholeness, concord, and unison, the instigators, dedicators, and celebrators of concomitant and concurrence, the consensus to coincidence and correspondence, the ones who virtuously and flawlessly realize, attain, and consummate the effectuation of existence, perpetuation of purpose, and substantiation of entity and esse.

Then, the brightness, intensity, and brilliance of the moonlight, illumination, radiance and enlightenment that shatter the darkness, gloom, and murkiness of night, the rays, beams, and gleams which glorify, adore, and praise the absorbance of the recipients, the reflectors of twinkles, shines, and glimmers of contemplation and contentment, the choristers, ensemble, and vocalist of attainability, conceivability, and tenability shine and glow the routes, orbits, and conduits to bind, adhere, and attach, to connect, associate, and relate, and to touch, grasp, and attain your magnanimity, magnificence, and clemency.     

وه وز این بیعت درون  دروازه  کاشانه خود  جوش از  اسرار دل
تا ز اوج  قامتت  رخشان ز مه  آکنده دریایی که شیدایش وصال

Heart, spirit, essence, and atman, inundated, brimmed, and besieged by the confidence of riddles and enigmas, clandestine of paradoxes and quandaries, and conundrums of queries and mysteries, cravings and desires, voracious and incessant, courageous and audacious to capitulate and conquer the quagmires, impasses, and predicaments oblivious and contradictory to conspicuousness, blatancy, and discernibility contrive, concoct, and commensurate.

The inherent potency, vigor, and strength, persuasiveness, cogency, and puissance pertain and perpetuate ponderance, profundity, cavernousness, and fathomlessness to the embarked upon, embraced and encompassed patterns and pertinences, which instantiate and invigorate the pursuit of purpose and persistence.

Reverberation, resonance, and resounding, rumbling, pounding, and thrumming, pensive and pondering inner insurgencies, the mutinies, rebellions, and revolts, mazes, intricacies, and jumbles instigate and prompt rumination, capitulation, and entrancement, commensurate commotions and consequences to accompany continuance and pursuance, to inflame, concoct, and captivate pillars and tenets of percepts, doctrines, and beliefs which escalate and elevate the envelope of quintessence, ethos, and existence.

The traits, distinctions, and attributes, coherences and congruences, the coalitions and confederations, alliances and affiliations of wholeness, unity, and inclusiveness resurrect and revivify inadequacies, meagerness, and scantiness, while foibles, oddities, and quirks, commonalities, harmonies, and cohesions defy, challenge, and confront. The spread and disseminated entities of inaptness, captivated panic, dread, and fear, and inefficacy, emptiness, and starkness, frailties, infirmities, inadequacies rectify, mend, and recuperate to be aptly attenuated, curtailed, and acclimatized. The universality, uniformity, and equivalence of creation, life, and universe adhered and observant of their traits and attributes disperse and bestow to be endeared and ingratiated, while consistencies, intelligibilities, and comprehensibility magnify, intensify, and strengthen to be acclaimed and substantiated.

The threshold and brink, verge and debut of passage and access, ingress and admittance, enchant and enthrall, beguilement and enrapturement, ecstasy and elation, and the bliss and harmony when recognized and distinguished, acknowledged and conceded, esteemed and treasured, the absorption and fascination, resolution and decree, and pledge and promise constantly, incessantly, and feverishly crystalize and manifest the framework of outlook and mindset. Then, the rays and shimmers of confluence and convergence saturate and overwhelm the pinnacles of perception and persuasion, desire and dream, prudence and providence, kismet and karma, and the destiny and predestination.

 Threshold and brink of promise and oath, pledge and assurance, entrance to the chest of chastity and purity, immaculateness and impeccability of essence and core, inclination and inspiration, the introspection, cognition, and pondering to seek and pertain the punctuates and intersperses of the purpose and ponderance, the intricacies of abstractions, postulations, and convictions, to be positioned and sited, fixated and traced, encircled and enfolded by your proximities, propinquities, and immediacies.

The continuance of the rise and ascent, spread and span, and unfold and unfurl to tap, pat, and rap the hidden, veiled, and withheld, buried, screened, and shrouded gems, pearls, and paragons within to sprout, emerge, and appear. The shimmer and sparkle, glisten and glimmer, and invocation and incantation propel, impel, and thrust the thirst of thrill, extasy and delight, enthusiasm of exhilaration, enticement, and elation, the inducement and invitation to instigate and initiate instances and moments, to murmur and mumble the merits and virtues of extant and existence, the impetuous and perfunctory acclamation and applause to the certitude of assimilation, integration, and unification.

Then, the profundity and gravity, extent and intensity, vastness and immensity of the oceans and seas, brinies and waves, and billows and clouds, immerse, submerge, and imbue by the reflections, indications, and manifestations, the somberness and soberness of the sages and oracles, solons and savants, and gurus and mystics. Prognostications, prophesies, and clairvoyance which capitulate, transpire, and ensue the eminence and evolvement, amelioration and augmentation emerge and proliferate, the entity of life, enthusiasm, and animation exculpate and emancipate, to urge and compel the certitude and conviction of coherence and consistency.

The exuded and emanated, diverged and diffused radiance, gleam, and brightness, luminosity, glow, and brilliance which copiously and bountifully, multifariously and multitudinously, and profusely and prolifically perpetuate and propagate to surpass and transcend peripheries and perimeters of the realm and sphere of apparition and revelation, conceptualization and imagination, and illustration and manifestation, to expand and broaden, outspread and encompass, and tender and proffer propinquity and adjacency, proximity and contiguity. The accessibility and vicinage to join and procure, to amalgamate and fasten, and to combine and fuse to the fabric, composition, and framework of universe; the entirety, totality, and eternity.

 Exuded and emanated flickers and sparkles of affection and warmth, attentiveness and attachment obliterate, abolish and annihilate abandonment and relinquishment of resurgence, renaissance, and revival of incarnation and personification of resilience and buoyancy, the agility and suppleness to succumb and accede to the vibrancy and dynamism of gesture and acknowledgement to your presence, incidences, and occurrences. The cultivation, fostering, and promotion to connect, bond, and relate to your enclave, demesne, and province.

Diverged and diffused radiance and gleam of articulacy and eloquence of environs and ambiances, the iotas and scintillas of incarnation, embodiment, and epitome, the paragon and paradigm of essence and ultimate ramification, enthusiasm and earnestness, vehemence and wholeheartedness of scatters and spatters to speckles and mottled dusts and flecks, cognates and kindreds to personages and atypical, the anomalous and uncommon to coherent entities and individuals immerse surmount, and conquer the hegemony and supremacy of enlightenment and clarification, erudition and edification, and enhancement and clarification, the evolution of elation, enchantment, and ecstasy perpetuate, propagate, and promulgate.

Oceans and seas, brinies and waves, and billows and clouds saturated and brimmed, soaked and drenched, and flummoxed and flabbergasted, the expanse and extend, stretch and reach, the radius and array of remembrances, recollections, and reminiscences, the resonance and recollection to propel, push, and impel amelioration and revival, augmentation and furtherance, patronage and endorsement, and elevation and escalation. The vessels, receptacles, and repositories of your benefaction and sponsorship, the endowment and bestowal to enactment and endorsement, ratification and validation, substantiation and confirmation to intrigue, enthrall, and fascinate profundity of the oceans and pinnacles of the horizons, the ascend and levitation, coalescence and consolidation, and the cascade and torrent of the entirety, inevitability, and totality, the bestowment and revealment to complement, applaud, and appropriate, contingences and fortuities , the contributions and endowments to enliven, enhance, and exalt exhilaration, endurance, and  existence.

The hegemony and dominion, province and protectorate, the realm and demesne of perspicuity and articulacy, the coherence and lucidity of luminescence, dazzle, and sparkle, the conduit, corridor, and rivulet of rectitude and righteousness, to instantiate, represent, and replicate the incarnation and avatar of certitude and awareness, the demiurge and daemon within to galvanize, spur, and animate subsistence and sustenance to succumb and accede to the reservoir, pond, and pool of predominance, preponderance, and prevalence, pertained and trussed, and anchored to the ocean and sea inherent and innated by your glance of benevolence, altruism of ardor and passion, and magnificence of magnanimity and grandeur.

طالع  سعدش سحر  را  کوته و قوسش نما  از ساحت منقوش  یار
تا  سرا در بام افلاک است و گاه  مکنتش آکنده در ملک  وصال

The towering and celebrated altitude of destination and terminus, extolled and exalted serendipity and fortune, the fortuitousness and providence of permanence and eternalness, the contiguousness and conterminous link and connect, the shadow of credence and confidence, the buttress, telamon, and credo of trust, faith, and belief, to herald, presage, and prelude the dawn of destiny and purpose, genesis of tenacity and resolve, and the aurora of audaciousness and auspiciousness.

The dawn, genesis, and aurora presage, portent, and omen oblivious, insensible, and heedless, if the flickers, shimmers, and glimmers are strayed, wandered, and swayed, twisted, twirled, and curved, the isolations, separations, and segregations of the soul, spirit, and surroundings. Though the inclinations and proclivities, aspirations and courageousness astound and amaze the endowment, aptitude, and bequest of liveliness, sparkles of vigor, and the stimuli and provocations of vim and vitality.

Onsets and inceptions, commencements and formations, twinkling and glinting durations and elapses of reverberations, the tenuous and fragile moments and intermediations surpass and succeed, rainbows and spectrums, auras and continuums to mesmerize and entrance the apexes and summits of the surrounding horizons, perceptions, and purviews, the congruence and correspondence to harmony, accord, and coherence to capitulate, succumb, and surrender the ambiguousness and abstruseness, obscurities and profundities persistent and  unrelenting to surrogate and proxy the uncertainties of the path.

Then, portrayals and depictions, renderings and representations, delineations and illustrations, murals and distinctions deemphasize desolation, the unembellished and unvarnished instincts, urges, and predispositions ponderous and precluding to the illustriousness of quiddity, marrows, and ethos embedded by the essence of creation and continuance. Sanctitude, purity, and virtuousness of the instincts, urges, and intuitions, flairs, abilities, and aptitudes revamp and replicate, the rings and resonances to decimate and abandon distorting, falsifying, and garbling contrasts, disparities, and divergences to consummate, procure, and effectuate embracement, adaptation, and integration.

The emergence of the moments and junctures, canvas and context, panorama and picture, the opus and scenes of your creation, coherence, and contemplations, carry and render, adjudicate and decree, bestow and deliver, and indulge and inspire the paragons of dedication, allegiance, and ardor, epitomes of enthusiasm, avidity, and fervor, and paradigms of vehemence, sincerity, and warmth.  The caravan and convoy, parade and procession of panache and confidence, flamboyance and exuberance, the certainty and credence surmount and ascend to perpetuate your magnanimity, selflessness, and inclusion, while your certitude of reciprocity and mutuality adorn and embellish, brighten and illuminate, and elucidate and reveal the decurom and etiquette to wholeness, the emergence and merge of virtuousness, scrupulousness, and meritorious coalescence.

Galaxies, cosmos, and ethers, the heavens and skies, nirvana and paradise, the ecstasy and bliss, harmony and blessedness, serenity, enlightenment, and tranquility to transpire, ensue, and evolve, emanations and emergences of intonements and enactments, ratifications and confirmations, the warrants, assurances, and certifications to inundate the celebration and festivities of esse and ethos, the codes of certitude and faith, icons and symbols of sustenance, and synchronization to incessantly and immaculately, impeccably and virtuously encircle, encompass, and circumscribe the continuum of confidence and factualness, vindicated, exculpated, and entrenched, the pureness, vividness, and chastity of your abundance, copiousness, and profusion.

The sanctuary and preserve, asylum and immunity, and refuge and haven to entities and entireties, individuals, personages, and parties, participants and partakers, caucuses and coalitions, to whom the patronage and sponsorship, endowment and endorsement endear and ingratiate, or to whom that the embarkment have been cognitively abandoned and halted, immanence and the innate intimacy and intertwinement inherently ingrainedly and intrinsically inspire and instigate, induce and incite, and impel and influence.

 Symphony of infusions and essences, inclusions and extensions, invocations and incantations instigate and instantiate, enliven and embolden, vivify and vitalize the certitudes of certainties and beliefs, and permeate the ponderances of perpetuations, continuance of pertinence and germaneness, and the relatedness and relevance. Emblems of embarkment and commencement, insignias of enchantments and fascinations, the motifs of embodiments and epitomes, and capitulations and attainment decorate, embroider, and festoon the boundaries, peripheries, and confines of the conception and comprehension.

Enactments and representations, ratifications and endorsements of certainty, incantations and invocations, the orchestras and ensembles, originators and instigators of  murmur and mutters of thirst and desire, songs and melodies of manifestations and disclosures, expressions and exemplifications, the moan and groan, whine and whimper which reverberate and ring, transude and exudate the urgency, exigence, and perseverance of the pursuers, chasers, and trackers, the thunderous, roaring, and boisterous bellowing of the enchanted, entranced, and enraptured souls, cores, and pneumas permeate and percolate the boundaries of sight and vision, the perturbation and trepidation of vow and wonder, pledge and pleas, and unification and fusion.

The moment of pinnacle and acme, apex and apogee, culmination and apotheosis have been procured and seized, the flamboyant and radiant façade of fortitude and grit, resilience and courage, the prismatic and variegated spectrum of junction and confluence, convergence and crossing, abutment and concourse have been portrayed and perceived, assimilation and absorption, acclimatization and accommodation, intimacy, amity, and companionship, the vividness of occasions, junctures, and episodes to entail, elicit, and excite.

Proximities and propinquities, congruities and felicitousness, the prowling and loitering conflicts and consensuses of the abandonments and vanishments, absences and truancies, forlorn fractions, despondent durations, the stretches and localities, conquests, subjugations, and vanishments of contempt and scorns, while absolution and acquittal of disdain, aloofness, and disregard demand, stipulate, and enquire subjugation, obliteration, and vanquishment to be transpired , ensued, and transposed by transcended, exceeded, and outburst of dedication, staunchness, and commitment.

Your endowed impunity, latitude, and opportunity of demand and entreaty collaborate and codify, collate and collect the territory and province of acclamation and proclamation, where traits and personae would glimmer, glitter, and glisten ceaselessly, unremittingly, and interminably. When the embarked upon union, unification, and unity entwined and entailed by the fabric of forbearance and fortitude, canopy of compassion and contingence, and the canvas of your portrayals and depictions invigorate the deliberations and contemplations, inspire incantation and intonation of elation and rapture, and imbue and inculcate your intimacy and rapport.

روز  و شب  پندار  وز لوح  نگارِش گشته  از  رخسار تو  هر سو نگر
آتش دیدار افروزد  چه باکم اندر این میخانه انجامم  ز منظور  وصال
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Patterns, arrays, and tessellations, murals, frescoes, and friezes of ponderance and pertinence, segments, portions, and fragments, lapses, gaps, and spaces, and collections, compendiums, and corpora, the boundless, absolute, and infinite encirclements, embracement, and entanglements, bewilderments and bemusements subjugated, suppressed, and subdued, circumvented and dodged by the draperies and festoons of coagulation and capitulation, partitures of intentions, ambitions, and advantages, which purport, assert, and acclaim propositions, surmises, principles, and persuasions of extant, liveliness, endurance, repletion and contentedness, oblige and indulge, present and exhibit, and depict and represent the spectrum and sphere of assortments, adoptions, and selections to extract, purify, and render the sequel of sustenance and elation .

Observing and watching, perceiving and discerning, beholding and considering, exploring and scrutinizing, and gazing and glaring at every corner and cranny, crevice and crack, the eyes and heart, the mind and view vividly and gaudily, garishly and luridly capture and seize, acquire and entangle, ensnare and embroil your countenance and visage, your façade and cast, and your benevolence and bestowments.

Sensations and commotions to mesmerize and entrance, perceptions and impressions to assume and pertain, passions and infatuations to embark, enlist, and enroll, mindfulness and solicitousness to probe, explore, and scrutinize, and the adoration and reverence to stem, spring, and emanate, surroundings, environs, and habitats plead, press, and pray for reflections, manifestations, and representations of your presence, incidence, and occurrence, the dance of the breeze, trace of the stars, and reverberation of the skies impetuously, spontaneously, and desirously declare , proclaim, and affirm affinity and kinship, the rapport and harmony, your benevolence, benignity, and magnanimity to articulate and accentuate authenticity and realism of notion, conviction, and thought.

Stretched and straightened from bottom of the heart to the corners of the eye and the far spanned borders and boundaries of the unrolled and unfolded azures, blues, and heavens, the rays and sparkles, beams and traces, and flickers and glimmers to trace and sketch, track and trail, your glamour and allure, opulence and appeal permeate and pervade.

Stretched and straightened form the elongation of days to expansion and protractedness of nights, the ponderance, credos, and tenets, the imbued and inundated magnanimity, nobility, and graciousness indistinctly and feverishly, impatiently and passionately boost and augment, exhilarate and enliven, to thrill and enlighten my enshrined and ensued confluxes and convergences of confluence and connection. The intimacy, closeness, and affection, the preponderance, prevalence, and predominance to absorb, engage, and engulf, to entrance, enchant, and enrapture.

The surmounted and prevailed bonfire, conflagration, and flare have captured the cavities, gantries, and scaffolds of the existence, esse, quiddity, and quintessence. Your grace, poise, and blessings, the deportment, bearing, and carriage, presence, demeanors, and deportments have transpired and irradiated, enlightened and elucidated splitters of crashed desires and ambitions, to arisen and ascended dreams and translucencies, flawlessness and luminousness.

Your interactions, interfaces, and collaborations, contacts, correspondences, and correlations have intensified, heightened, and sharpened, exacerbated, compounded, and substantiated, the flames and flares, which have been sprouted, and sprung within my frame of arrogance, superciliousness, and haughtiness, still bursting and hollowing in your direction of amalgamation and assimilation, the adaptation, acclimatization, attunement, and integration.

The inferno and firestorm within to recite, narrate, and infuse your intimacy and closeness, to uplift, enrich, and elevate,  to encase, mold, and abridge to the framework of presence and essence, the fire, warmth, and enlightenment bestowed upon by your sanctity, sacredness, purity, and chastity, the elixir and potion of contemplation and deliberation, to radiate, exude, and emanate personifications, incarnations, and epitomes of your portrayal and presentation, the certitude and conviction to represent your affinity and resemblance, harmony and congruity, and courtesy and pensiveness.

Vehement and intense, the vigorous and passionate benevolence and magnanimity, graciousness and cordiality, affability and amiability, traits and personas of exclusivity and exceptionality, distinctiveness and discreteness, the transcendence and superlative preeminence which have been imbued and permeated to the fabric of creation, masterpiece of life, and the operculated universe, the authenticity and veritableness, genuineness, the righteous and virtuous unvarnished and undistorted dexterity and adroitness, the ensemble, orchestra, and congregation of agility and ability, vibe and vivacity to  energetically and dynamically perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate, while your divulgence and unveiling, the revelations enunciations and utterances shine and sparkle.

Certainty, confidence, and conviction, ecstasy, elation, and exultation to engulf, immerse, and overwhelm my core, crux, and kernel, while your shadow, closeness, the imminence instantiate  exemplify, and epitomize the moments, while infernos and  blazes transfer and transpose  to murmurs and mutters to enchant your intonements, and while requests, entreats, and appeals reach their finality, the irrevocability and irreversibility of your reciprocations and intimacy.   

© Alireza Bemanian, March of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)