My Desire, My Soul

My Desire, My Soul
نگر بی  تاب  اندر   دیده  گر  تو  طالعش  خواهی
که خامان را نمایش هاست در سودای خود خواهی
Start searching your own soul, if filled with
the desire to capture his presence.
Out there is full of displays set by short
sighted beings, seeking their own selfish
به  خورشید  فلک  جاه  و   تامل  نیست  در  انگار
چو  که مقصود   دریابی  و  در کوی  دلش خواهی
There is no glory, there is no capture of
thoughts, even while observing the sun of
universe, when ?
When; the destiny, desire, intent, and goal
of living is perpetually and purposefully
When; your destiny is whole heartedly
merged with his thoughts and; when it
apexes to the everlasting desire.
 به هر  بامی  مزن ماوا که مخدوش است کم کوشی
بزن  آتش به خاموشی  چو  در وادی سمن خواهی
Do not seek shelter under any comforting
roof, where not realizing the far stretched
extent of your potentials and the outpours
of your endurable efforts.
Set your silence and stalemate aflame,
that is so if your desire is to seek the
jasmine flower of the prairie.
 شباب بخت در خود جو  و  پر سازش  وز  آن نغمه
جفا  را  نیست  پروائی   چو  نجوای  رخش  خواهی
Attain the pick of your fortune by
searching within your soul, that is to fulfill
the desire to be overflowed by the
enchanted tune.
The dilemmas and drawbacks do not dare
to stand, when; the murmur of perceiving
his portray is the overshadowing desire.
 نگارش  بر  وجودت  سایه  ها  پربار  و  پر گردش
نما   محراب   را  در  قامت   قدسش  نظر  خواهی
The only portray with its secure revolving
shadows, the one that is surrounding and
overwhelming your existence and presence.
Depict your place of his seeking and its
relevance, when compared and gauged
against such a solemn and sacred stand.
 تمنا   کن   تامل   کن  نگر  هر  کوی  و  بازارش
مشو  همدم  به دعوی  زاهد مشروط  کج  خواهی
Revive your desires, fulfill a gap of solitude,
then observe his places, cornerstones, and
Do not turn to the claims and demands
coming from the pious preachers, who are
protractors of deterrence.
 جدا  کن  قبله  را   دردانه   اختر    بهر  ا دراکش
که   بسیارند  خفته  دیدگان معطوف  زر  خواهی
Distinct your seeking direction to point to
his unique guiding star, that is to accomplish
the perception of his indulgence.
Remember and beware of the arrogant and
conceited entities filled with the promise of
gaining gold, as their essence of thoughts.
 نظر  پرواز  دارش  تا   که  بام  مهر  او  بر سر
بدان مقصود  جز  آوای  او نی خاطرش خواهی
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان
Elevate your deliberations, deeds, and
dreams to reach the point to be overwhelmed
with the shadow of his benevolence and
Then, be aware your destined goal is not
anything but to reciprocate to his reverberant
songs, that is your ultimate dream, destiny,
and desire; his adoring feelings towards you.

© Alireza Bemanian, August of 2017 (Author, Poet)