Prodigies Of Purpose



Prodigies of Purpose

قصه آن بود بر این همهمه انگار اجابت  نکنیم
درخیال نظرش خفته نه، محراب عبادت نکنیم

The bliss, ecstasy, and pleasure, the persona, facade, and semblance, the pretenses, veneers, and pretensions are abundant, copious, profuse, and lavish. Frenzies, furies, and fervors representative of measures, entities, and objects. The appeal, charm, and allure simmers, smolders, and seethes within the boundaries and precincts of perceptions. Discernments, observations, and acuities that subjugate the intuitions, presentiments, and sensitivities.

The ambiguities, opacities, and obscurities ponder the conundrums, predicaments, and    compulsions. The aptitudes, impulses, and obligations to challenge the cogency, strength and coherence. The shadowy procurements, ambiguous inferences and deductions, and the uncertainties, reservations, improbabilities, and indecisions saturate the ambiance of ambivalence.

Oh, the incongruities, vacillations, inconsistencies, and fluctuations, to be complemented, cogitated, and deemed, reckoned, surmised, and judged. To be construed, cognized, and fathomed, though proscribed, prohibited, and excluded to be pleaded, invoked, and appealed.

Demanding, inquiring, and persisting, stipulating, querying, and probing, the curiosity, incisiveness, vehemence, and the zeal to pave the passage of pursuance, perseverance, and persistence. The diligence to revive the thirst, entreaty, and appeal, to remain astute, perceptive, and stirred.

The capture, internment, and apprehension to the desires, appeals and allures, the sensations, emotions, and impressions conjugates the attention, reflections, and deliberations. Coercively and compellingly, enthralling and absorbing, engrossingly and rivetingly, to hinder, hamper, and thwart your mere proximity, immediacy, and propinquity. Combined, coalesced, and contend with the pulpit, rostrum, and the ambo, lectern and the platforms to unfold, unfurl, and unroll your intimacy, confidence, and affections. Placed at the corners of the heart, or the spots to be meditated, cogitated, and ruminated, to disseminate, spread, and propagate your personifications and traits.

Then emerges, transpires, and appears the consolidation of the passageways, the augmentations and elaborations, the molds, shapes, and configurations of the conduit to attain your glance, gaze, and glimpse, to remain intact and enthralled. It is you and your portrayal, the rays of radiance and awareness, which inspires; the pleads, the urges to murmur your reverberations.

گاه  با  آه  درون  حمد  و نیازش  به  لبم قصه دل
گاه بیگانه ز خود سلک تو را لوحه غایت  نکنیم

The occasions of torment, regret, and distress, the moments of reflection, indication, and replication, while sigh, moan, and groan shatters, smashes, and fragments my soul, crux, and core. The laments and exhalations to exuberate my subsistence and existence, the threads of liveliness to be attached, ascribed, and affixed to you, your benevolence, compassion, and magnanimity.

To ensue, supervene, and succumb to the elation, exaltation, and rapture. While, articulating, enunciating, uttering, and conveying the stories and tales, the narratives and anecdotes of the consecration and commitment, dedication and devoutness, the piety, affections, adorations, and fondness. A preamble, preface, and prolog to the incurring heart’s hisses, sighs, and whispers, the vindications and exculpations to commiserate and console. The extrapolation of mysteries and inscrutabilities, revealing of the illusions, semblances, and misconceptions, the whirl, tumult, and twirl.

The vivacity, verve, and vitality, the spirit, eagerness, and exuberance, marches, struts, and strides by gliding on the twinkles, glimmers, and glitters of your revelations and depictions.

Occasions, alienated, abandoned, and deserted, perplexed, confounded, and puzzled. Bewildered, baffled, and stunned, inquiries, inquests, and inquisitions, inundate, deluge, and engulf my perceptions, observations, and discernments. When the limpidness, pureness, and chasteness distinctly, manifestly, and conspicuously is vested, consigned, and devolved. Then the contemplations, contests, and encounters, enigmas, riddles, and paradoxes.  expose, echo, and signify to evolve embryonic and sprouting blossoms, vowing, vouching, and promising to thrive and prosper.

Expressions, exhibitions, and manifestations of your trace, flair, and opulence, ironically, incongruously, and poignantly have been displaced, dislodged, and superseded by the shush, silence, and mute. The Trickles and dripples casted a hollow crater within my essence, character, and consciousness, to excavate, gouge, and burrow the imminence of your presence, your convenience, expediency, and closeness

راویان در طلبت گفته  یکی  بام  دگر  بام  زدند
باز پرگار نمایت به خطا، مهر تو حاجت نکنیم

Announcers, commentators, and pundits, acclaimers, admirers, and applauders, the aficionados, devotees, and partisans, and their pronouncements, proclamations, and declarations, which are so vividly, gaudily, and lucidly articulated, verbalized, and enunciated. The entities and elements which are reverberated and resonated, stretching, unfolding, and spreading from corners to corners, spots to spots, and localities to localities.  The zones, sections, and districts, that are inundated, overwhelmed, and besieged by these speculations, clauses, and stipulations.

The preconditions to promise your proximity, nearness, and propinquity, though so ardently, passionately, and fervidly favored, promoted, and privileged to inevitably resonate exclusion, marginalization, and prohibition. Still, you and your exposure, revelations and displays, the distinctions, accolades, uniqueness, and universality, the focality, awareness, and attentiveness concurrently impedes obscurities, oblivions, and opacities. Despite conventions, congregations, and compilation, to acclaim and appraise sacramental alterations, adaptations, and amendments.

While the announcers linger and continue to altering, shifting, fluctuating and fermenting their specifics from juncture to juncture, interval to interval, and stage to stage, though so forcibly, persuasively, and influentially fortified, restrained, and curtailed, inevitably and merely beamed to muzzle and tame conjectures, surmises, and speculations.

Despite, your magnificence and grandeur, opulence and greatness, splendor and brilliance entrenched, ensconced, and engrained within the dimensions bounded particles, specks, flecks, and   smidgeons, to the unrealized pseudo boundaries of cosmos, space, and universe. The vastness and complexities, the intricacies and convolutions, and the conjectures, surmises, and inferences spontaneously and instinctively are contrary and divergent to pertinently pave the path of elevation and ascension.

The stratums, veins, seams, and stripes rendered by the compass of time, stints and instances, rhythms and measures, age and era, and phases and stages, susceptible, receptive, and swayable to distortion, deformation, and vagueness; imperiled to be warped, twisted, altered, and garbled. Inappropriately, unfortunately, and regrettably your allure, charisma, and fascination, your compassion, empathy, and consideration, and your fondness, care, and warmth are gradually, steadily, or inadvertently has been dwindled, drained, and diminished within my heart.

The torso to preserve your personification and epitome, the chest to burst by your embodiment and characterization, and the coffer to captivate and enthrall your rays, flickers, and sparks of incarnations and manifestations is brimmed and bristled, not retrospectively.

کاتبان قلمت جمله دگر جمله  چو صد بار کنند
نقش  تو  عرش  عیان  قدس  تو  ساحت  نکنیم

Essayists, writers, the authors, the novelist, originators, and instigators, representatives and annunciators of your trait, individualities, and attributes, the presenters and guardians, care takers, and custodians, wardens and sentinels of your virtues and values. Exclusively proclaim themselves as the entities to vindicate, exonerate, and exculpate, or implicate, incriminate, and impeach, to pertain to trends and deliberations, reflections and meditations, and notions and inclinations verbalizing, decreeing, and prescribing their preserved assertions, avowals, and affirmations .

Declining, rebuffing, and discarding discrepancies, dissimilarities, and distinctions, even if articulated, uttered, and communicated in the solitude and sanctity of the shrine of perception, acuity, and discernment. The murmurs, mumbles, and mutters, the wails, whimpers, and whines, purely, chastely, and primly to signify, imply, and denote the seek and search to reaching you.

These proponents and drafters of decrees, the declarations to be stretched from one to the following diktats, the verdicts and rulings to be altered, varied, and revised countless eras, periods, and stints, encompassing the chain of reiterations, repetitions, and replications. Continue, endure, and persist stanchly, tenaciously, and resolutely, merely on their preserved, peculiar, and possessed crusades, endeavors, and advocacies.

Horizons, prospects, and perspectives not tamed and contained by the stretch of dreams and imaginations, not hampered and hindered but fostered and furthered via the astute aspired entities and elements encompassed within.  Nor, obstructed and shackled by the dejections, despondencies, dreariness, and darkness. But, to endure continually and in harmony while perpetuating orchestrations, choreographics, and compositions which transpire, emerge, and inspire your exposure, revelation, and acquaintance.

Despite the invocations, chants, and incantations, the charms and summonses, reciprocity, mutuality, and exchanges are reciprocated unkempt, derelict, and deserted. The rumpled, crinkled, and crumpled cognitions, the narcissism, egotism, and conceit, the snobbery, smugness, and vanity, the superciliousness and condescension have attributed to degradation of the murky, misty, and shadowy ambiance, mood, and character, which has relinquished, overlooked, ignored, and neglected the exaltations, adulations, and adorations of your intimacy and imminence.

مقبلان  هر  قدمی  قامت  قاموس  به  دل
موج افراشته را ستر ز آئینه دولت نکنیم

The seekers, enquirers, and strivers, their pursuance, depictions, and enactments synchronize, harmonize, and deliberate to venture the solace, succor, and attainment of the thirst, yearning, and eagerness, which yields to your proximity and immediacy. To succumb, accede, and ascend to your magnanimity, nobility, and benevolence. The compassion, the confluence, the convergence, to contort, grimace, and dismantle ills, tribulations, and mischiefs, while striving to associate, affiliate, and affix to the enormity, immensity, and vastness of the oceans of tranquility, serenity, and composure.

The ensembles, collections, and aggregations, saturated, infused, and permeated with grace, poises, and refinements, to reach, influence, and conquer the azimuths of the highest stars and icons, the inspired entities sparkling at the farthest horizons of aspirations and desires, though inattentively, abstractedly, and unwillingly are secluded within the boundaries of heart’s, the cavities, clefts, and fissures; the sea of distinctions, tributes, and accolades.

The gushes, sways, and signals, the waves, surges, and surfs, incessantly instigate, induct, and prompt commencement and continuation of pursuits, journeys, and expeditions. Perpetuations and protractions of perseverance and tenacity, resolve, and steadfastness. The manifestations of the potent and puissant inclinations, propensities, and predispositions.

The essence, substance, and spirit to be postulated and solicited, the reflections only eminent and emanated by the mirror of your sanctity, purity, and inviolability.

The congregations, gatherings, and semblances of the destiny, vocation, and fortune, to simmer, rumble, and reverberate when corresponding, invoking and summoning you, and while participating and embracing your tunes, harmonies, and melodies. Acclaimers to the altar of plea and appeal, to your manners, postures, and sentiments.

در تمنای  دل  سوخته  در کسب  نگاهی از تو
گوشه چشم نظر عرصه گه جلوه عادت نکنیم

The crave, penchants, and proclivities, pounding my scorched, seared, and charred heart. The desire, entreaties, and aspirations, pondering my perplexed, flummoxed, and amused mind, the pleads, appeals, and the allure, enflaming, exacerbating, and indulging the vibe, verve, and vitality, the vigor, vivacity, and liveliness, to sense, detect, and discern your touch, caress, and sagacity. While, their perpetuations, continuations, and prolongations are carols resonating the prologs and preludes of your presence, apparition, and attendance.

Oh, the intensity, gravity, and profundity of the desire, to implore, appeal, and intreat from the extremities of my soul, the foundations of my existence, and the boundaries of my knacks and propensities; the proclivities, predispositions, and predilections.

Yes, your portrayal, depiction, and delineation, the divulging, exposing, and disclosing to immerse and submerge my entity. Your glance, glimpse, and gaze to accentuate your meditations, conceptions, and contemplations, the amalgamation, fusion, cohesion, and singleness, so omnipresent, while immaculately and impeccably in motion, gesticulation, and presentation.

Vision, foresight, and intuition, prudence, premonitions, and judiciousness combine, collaborate, and compose, the exhibitions and expositions of virtues and values, the embattlements of flourishment of perceptions. The astuteness, perspicacity, and acuity, and the copious, bounteous, and profuse agility, alertness, and dynamism entail, compel, and oblige to ascertain realization and culmination.

The contemporaneous pertinence, relevance, and appositeness, the fascination, enthrallment, and enchantment, the perpetuation, propagation, and upholding and the stamina, the resolution and endurance, intrigue liveliness, resilience, and responsiveness.

All to clarify and pinpoint not to sustain, maintain, and nurture reactiveness, reflectiveness, and introspectiveness to habitual traits, mannerisms and idiosyncrasies. But, to initiate and instigate attainment of your closeness and proximity, contiguity and immediacy, to prevail the prosperity, affluence, and opulence of the moment and occasion, to encompass the zeal and ardor, fervor and vehemence of the elevation and exaltation, the rapture and exhilaration to apprehend the radiance eminent by the rays of your allure and appeal.

کوکب  و عرش و فلک  در طلب روی تواند
طالع و طلعت دیدار تو، دلباخته غفلت نکنیم

Stars, clusters, galaxies, and universe, their bound, coordination, and synchronization, the harmony, vigilance, and compilations, the collations, accumulations, and anthologies, as shallowly, triflingly, and frivolously as perceivable and comprehensible, the adroitness, adeptness, competence, and nimbleness enchanted by their collective ringing, resonance, reaffirmation, and responsiveness, distinctly distinguish the inherent adoration, reverence, and veneration that are omnipresent and ubiquitous to propagate the passageways and the projectiles in their entity and entirety which spiral, strengthen, and ascend by aiming, pointing, and aspiring your personification, epitome, and embodiment

The elation, ecstasy, and exultation of the escalating revelations, expanding excursions, and elevating insights, discernments, and acuities, formidably ascertained and affirmed, primarily, principally, and predominantly, by these even unobserved conglomerations. In a retrospect eminently instantiated by the shallowness of the cognizance and appreciation, the sentience, and the accompanied succinctness, conciseness, and abstractness; the caveats of scattered, dispersed, and speckled ambivalences and incongruities, in which if embarked upon distort the distinction of pursuit and escalation of the pounding hearts, the perpetuators of dazing, stunning, and bemusing breathless moments, when each inhalation is indicative and inspired by your presence, prevalence, and primacy.

The fortune, karma, and destiny, the transient coincidences and occurrences, each distinctly, blatantly, and patently insightful, perceptive, and discerning. The inciteful and intriguing momentous moments, the inspired exultances and contents, and the desire and appeal to conquer further and further the obscurities, oblivions, and opacities hindering and hampering your expose and revelation.

The trends of contemplations and deliberations to diminish the stagnant, torpid, and dormant encounters, to abandon the conundrums, riddles, and enigmas fostered, fomented, and fueled demanding resolve, tenacity, and steadfastness. And then to purely avoid being too presumptuous, too haughty and condescending, self-converging and narcissistic, which ushers and steers toward the adaptations, adjustments, and alterations that shatters conspicuousness and prominence.

آه   در  کسب   طلب  مفتی  هر  کوی   و  گذار
چو تو را بود نظر قبله دل جز تو حکایت نکنیم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The demand, appeal, and request, the allure, temptation, and fascination, the interface, collaboration, and encounters, so prominent, blatant, and protuberant, to oblige, entail, and compel transparency, limpidness, and virtuousness, the spontaneous sensitivity to seek your sanctity and solace.

To echo and reverberate, the ringing and vibrations of the perspicuity and vividness of your cadences, intonations, and incantations. The verves and animations, the sparkles and vivaciousness, the enthusiasm, and exuberance which illuminates, brightens, and radiates, elucidates, explicates, and expounds the inscrutabilities, solidities, and mysteries.

The murmurings, mutterings, and whisperings, which are transient, ephemeral, and evanescent, breeze, waft, and drift at every corner and spot, every locality and vicinity, and within the soul and essence.

Dreams, ambitions, and aspirations, the delight, enchantment, and magnetism, forcefully, vigorously, and vehemently pondering my notions, conceptions, and urges.

The threads profuse and prolific, thrilling and electrifying, the themes and sequences shimmering and glittering the sorority of essence, soul, and spirit.

The attachment, connection, and fondness which diffuses, permeates, pervades, percolates, and saturates the cavities, voids, crevices, and fissures of my heart. Oh, it is you and your prevalence, ascendency and preeminence, the sole hegemony and supremacy, which has inundated, deluged, and engulfed the ever-gliding thoughts, meditations, and ruminations, hovering, coasting, and soaring affiliated with your directions, routes, and passages. The itineraries distinguished by your fables, legends, mythologies, and narratives, the milestones, prodigies of purpose.

© Alireza Bemanian, January of 2018 (Author, Poet)