

گرفت ره به او بودش گذر وز او نمایِ دوست وصفِ او
روشنِ دل رقصِ میزانِ فلک خود  باده  را  وز   او گرفت

Stances, Pathways, and promenades, strolls, saunters, and ambles, your presence, participation, and pertinence, the appropriateness, aptness, and relevance, the conglomerate, commingling, and combination accentuate, heighten, and emphasize. The ponderance  strength, and efficaciousness, surrounding auroras conquering, evading, and elating cavities and craters of liveliness, sensations, commotions, and spectacles of the horizons, the perspectives, and perceptions which perpetually and constantly vanish animation and vivaciousness of enigmas, inaptness, and incongruity, to linger and persist, endure and survive, and exhilarate and enliven the sempiternity and eternality, continuance and protraction of  symphony, sonata, and opus of  unity, unison, and accord to surmise, conjecture, and construe the prominence of prowess, aptitude, and commendation dazzlingly, garishly, and flamboyantly flabbergast and flummox .

Sceneries, vistas, and landscapes, plazas, arcades, and gallerias, the corners, bends, and angles, your presence, participation, and pertinence, the prominence and predominance, nobility of desires and dreams, graciousness of pertinence and germaneness to indulge and pander essence of transcendence and paramountcy, to promote, advocate, and reassure continuance, dissemination, and diffusion, depiction and delineation, the glimpse and glance of  galvanizing, inciting, and spurring discernments, refinements, and enlightenments, erudition, astuteness, and sapience to engulf and immerse, to deluge and overwhelm, and  overrun and overtake trickle, drop, and dribble, forge, emboss, and  embellish brilliance of ethos and substance, and instigate, urge, and goad  perspicaciousness and sagaciousness of  themes and premises that distinctly, conspicuously, and manifestly radiate, emanate, and exude relevance, connectivity, and affixation.

 Emergence and exposure, advent and arrival, and occurrence and incidence, the contingency, fortuity, and circumstance, episode and incident of eminence, your presence, participation, and pertinence, rigorousness and relentlessness of reflections, ruminations, and cogitations, companionship, confidante, and compadre whittle and mold, sculpt and create, and emboss and influence.

Embodiment, personification, and epithet of camaraderie, unanimity, and closeness, the confidence, intimacy, and the proximity thaw and liquify, palliate and allay mirages and phantoms of inexplicability, mysteriousness, and inscrutability, the tarnished and sullied sediments of suspicion and circumspection, to resound and reverberate the uniqueness, inimitability, and distinctiveness of the echoes, rings, and chimes, the clamor, roar, and blare of acquaintance, friendship, and conversance. The melt and vanishment to entirely and  wholeheartedly revolve and  ring, reiterate and recapitulate the uniqueness, authenticity, and genuineness of the enflamed, emblazed , and adulated reciprocity and mutuality. Hike and jump, rise and leap, and cavort and curvet to adorably and delectably pinpoint, rivet, and fixate to you, your magnificence and magnanimity, and your gloriousness and acclamation. The culmination, apex, and apogee to approbate vivacity, verve, and vitality, and to invigorate, galvanize, and exhilarate the moments of manifestations, exhibitions, and expressions.

Pathways, sceneries, and embodiments, glare and glitter, dazzle and glimmer, the shine and shimmer, rays and waves, flickers and sparkles which indiscriminately and indistinctively, unambiguously and unequivocally, and vividly and explicitly exonerate, absolve, and acquit the righteousness of perpetuation and continuance, and annihilate and overwhelm deferments, deterrence, and aberrations, the terrain and territory of dissimilitude, divergence, and variance to elate and exalt ponderance and profoundness, perspicacity and perceptiveness, and cavernousness and fathomlessness.

Pathways, sceneries, and embodiments, which immensely and immeasurably illuminate, enlighten, and elucidate by your grace, poise, and clemency, indulgence, absolution, and enhancements, the universality and omnipresence to merely and solely vindicate, profess, and assert your benevolence, leniency, and compassion, forbearance and forgiveness, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness inherent, intrinsic, and integral solely to your omnipotence, hegemony, and ascendancy, astonishingly and astoundingly connect, attribute, and amalgamate your affinity and rapport, conjugated by the vastness of your grasp and command of goading, incitement, and inclusion.

Vastness, immensity, and enormity, fascination, absorption, and immersion, to seek and succumb, and capitulate and accede, the consent and assent, convolutions and involvedness, obscurities and oblivions, opacities and vagueness, serpentine synopses intricated, and elaborated by the quintessence of cerebrations, rationales, and motivations of domain and province of infiniteness and immeasurability, predispose, incline, and influence permutations, vicissitudes, and incarnations of heart’s trends, tendencies, and dispositions. The efficaciousness, fortification, and augmentation enlightened, galvanized, and broadened by your rays and glistens of glimmer literate and erudite, your journey, voyage, and passage liberate and unfetter.

Symphony of the stars, sonata of galaxies, and concerto of creation, opus, and oeuvre,    incarnations,  manifestations, and avatars, the constancy and uniformity, balance and poise, and elegance and distinction entrenched, ingrained, and implanted within boundaries, precincts, and peripheries of the elements, particles, and conglomerates of congregations and ensembles of ebullience and liveliness, enthusiasm, passion, sentience and esse exhilarate, invigorate, and enliven the predominance, prevalence, and preponderance of veracity, exactness, and validity.

Constellations’, clusters’, and nebulas’ chalice, goblet, and tumbler, the instigator and mastermind of motions and movements, gestures and indications, propositions and presentations rim, imbue, and infuse, saturate, drench, and inundate. The vessels, bowls, and caddies of content and concreteness, solidity and actuality, tactility and tangibility, the carriers, haulers, and carters of your concord, collaboration, and concurrence, your contemplations, considerations, and deliberations, wholeheartedly and unreservedly comprise and embrace, and tangle and entwine the fabric, frame, and foundation of creation. The content and tactility to absorb and engage, observe and enchant, interlock and interconnect, the chirping, tweeting, and chipping of the lonely and deserted canary captured by the judases and orifices of the jungles, to the solitude and aloneness of succumbed and secluded souls reverberating your reconciliation, reciprocation, rapprochement, rectification, and reunion, the entirety and totality to contribute, interject, and interpose, approbate, acquiesce, and coincide. The serenity, peacefulness, equanimity and contentment of alliance, association, and participation, the entailments, evocations, and elicitations which are enormously entailing, colossally evocative, and gargantuanly emboldening.

از صبایِ صبحِ  همرازش  نگه زان  اخترِ بازیگرِ کویِ سما
غبطه را  دولت  رهِ بیگانگی افسون به خود جز  او گرفت

Whispers, murmurs, and utters, the breeze, waft, and draft, passages, gorges, and gaps, hurl, flip, and pitch, tone, lurch, and slap, cuff, punch, and strike, converge, cross, and endure, rally, gather, and convent, the chirpiness, pertness, and verve, dash, spirit, and vigor, composure, calm, and purity, limpidness, crispness, and freshness, the preludes and advocators, promoters and proponents of the to be disembarked and attained morning, dawn, and sunrise to mesmerize, captivate, and enthrall secrets. Riddles, and enigmas, paradoxes, posers, and puzzles, riddles, abstruseness, and stumpers conquer, surmount, and overcome, accentuated overtures and heightened invocators of proclamations and prevalence, incidences, occurrences, and pervasiveness initiate, inaugurate, and instigate.

Whispers to acquaint, breezes to consociate, and purity and freshness, openness and directness to invite, entice, and induce. ethers to reverberate and pulsate, pound and thump, the conversance, confidante, and confrère, the irreversible, irrevocable, and enduring entity of wholeness, totality, and singleness, uniqueness, distinction, and exclusivity that emanate, derive, and radiate rectitude, integrity, and righteousness of the ritual of being, rite and sacrament of substance, core, and essence, affluence of  inseparability and instantiation, soul instigator and motivator, contriver of the coalition and correlation, peer to promote and endorse the competence and proficiencies, to epitomize and exemplify, to reify, realize, and represent, merely and purely if let the whispers, the breezes caress and cuddle the crux and core, the kernel of liveliness, spirit, and dynamism.

Whispers and drafts, wafts and flows the scripts, cursives, and characters of connection and consortia, conglomeration and confederation, league and union of stars, cosmoses, and superstars, clusters, collections, and constellations, icons and prodigies of contemplation, deliberation, and discernment, rhythmic, cadenced, mythical intertwined dedications and devotions, universal, unanimous, and collective participations, engagements, and contributions impeccably and immaculately instill, inspire, and infuse motion and gesticulation.

Constellations of extant and existent, cosmos of condensations and concentrations, and universality of extent and expanse, the breath and scale, comprehensiveness and completeness coagulated and compounded to elongate and evoke, entail and elicit, and involve and imply liveliness, cerebration, subsistence and ratiocination,  tick and tackle, beat and battle wondrously and miraculously, extraordinarily and marvelously, astoundingly and remarkably frolic and compete, participate and portray, render and present richness, opulence, and lushness of the masterwork and opuscules of ostensibility and avowed validity to endorse, corroborate, and reinforce, the unfolding, adaptative, and evolving pertinence of continuance. protraction, and persistence that indisputably, indulgently, and leniently march, tramp, and trudge.

Planetoids, asteroids, and planets, celestial bodies and orbits, the heavenly bodies scattered to the farfetched, distanced, and implausible margins, fringes, and perimeters of skies, dance, ballet, and pirouette, whirl, twin, and spin, attributers, spontaneous commensurations, impetuous inaugurations, and genuine gratifications, initiations, commencements, and instigations to conjoin, bond, and fuse to staunchness of contemplation, scrutiny of meditation and reflection, and synchronization of confluence and convergence impetrate, adjure, and insist conspicuity, palpability, and perceptibility .

The hegemony and balance, poise and gracefulness, and aplomb and affluence to strive, grapple and aspire, enthrallment of inclinations and tendencies, penchants and proclivities, leaning, propensity, the receptiveness perpetuate, propagate, and preserve tranquility and serenity of the continuance, protraction, and elevation. Your company and occurrence, the rays of revealment and divulgence  eternize, configurate, solidify, and consolidate , spring of acclamation, approbation, and admiration  immersed by the gallery of skies, bounce and bound of inspirations and imaginativeness , and caper and cavort to  inducements and incitements of connection, context, and correlation arose, vivify, and hearten, the soared souls and ascended passions, intimates and alluded allies the affiliates have embarked and aboard your plateau of affinity and affluence.

Regrets, repentances, and sorrows, compunction, remorse, and penitence, rises of the moments and enactments, ratifications, and attunements, obscurities of tendencies and trends, rumbles and roars, grumbles and growls, quandaries and dilemmas, conundrums and riddles have capitulated and succumbed the chest of chastity, torso and trunk of accentuation and attention have muddled and cluttered veracity and genuineness of  the affluence and essence.

Befuddlements and bemusements, impressionism and impersonation, pretense and parody, lampoon and travesty have superseded and supplanted the sanity, judgement, and saneness. Sceneries and sights, splendid sequences and successions scattered by serenity of the sky, rolling hills, opulent and profligate orchards of the spectacles and scenes sumptuously, superbly, and splendidly surrogate, proxy, and delegate charisma, entrancement, and beguilement.  Though, sorrows and sadness have stalked, sortied, and shackled the soul, ethos, and esse, the abandoned Joshua tree that had been huddled and crumbled to the stack and stem, preventing, averting, and thwarting the roots, burrows, and radices to nibble, tang, and sip, while the reservoir and bastion bursting, surging, and rushing beneath.

The roots, burrows, and radices embodied and exemplified to explore, instigate, and epitomize, means and merits, desires and eminences, predilections and proclivities to exercise and exert, bestowment, conferral, and conferment tailored, converted, and molded to befit beseechment and incitement goad and spur, the manifested and enshrined perceptiveness, astuteness, and discernment inherent and instantiated by perspicacity and profundity, stamina and resilience, the entailers and involvers, signifiers and heralds to populate warrens and hollows, holes and voids, and abysses and cavities, to be inundated and engulfed by joy of blossoms and flourishment, buds and blooms of benevolence and altruism, to reverberate and resonate enthrallment,  absorption, and immersion, the discoverers and devisers to allurement of soul, depth, and essence, the abandoned, discarded and deserted Joshua tree, enticements, fascinations, and invitations, the fissures and fractures, remnants and fragments, annulled, rescinded, and negated deserts, the arid desolations pertained, unmitigated, though proffered to presume and proliferate to peripheries of perception, predominance, and preponderance, the threshold, onset, and verge undisputedly and irrevocably twinkle, glow, and glitter.

Regrets, repentances, and sorrows, misperceptions, mystifications, and commotions unctuously and obsequiously, cajolingly and crawlingly, hypocritically and insincerely have consumed, devoured, and frenzied, intrigued, conspired, and absorbed perditions and purgatories, despairs and despondencies, dejections and debasements, degradations and disgraces which are predestined and preordained to perishability and putrefaction, while convinced and configured, swayed and firmed, ordained and predestined  to stretch and reach, spread and extend, the scope and range, rapture and euphoria, your proximity, vicinity, and propinquity, contingency, immediacy, and nearness. Though sanctuary and oasis of ecstasy, trance, and bliss had been crudely and merely acclaimed and applauded by arrogance and conceit of falsely and deceitfully narrated and recited, fomented, fostered, and fermented perceptions and acuities, debauched, depraved, and distorted perspicuity and perspicacity, the penalized, castigated, and chastened dissociation, disconnect, and detachment.

سرخیِ گل سبزیِ  هامون  یکی  دشتِ  گذر  دُردانه  جو
سایه قوست نظر  مأنوسِ جان آوایِ  دل  از  او گرفت

Circumvented and dodged, evaded and thwarted, impeded and obstructed, inattentiveness and remissness, abstraction and laxness, pensiveness and lugubriousness resent and begrudge, ebb, fade, and taper the bastion and fortress of certitude and assurance, conjugate, capitulate, and crumble the extasy of faith and belief, notion and perception, or the inclinations and compulsions to commensurate, proportionate, and coagulate pillars of resolution and resolve, and tenets of tenacity and rationale .

Stems, trunks, and stalks, twigs and branches spreading synopsis of secureness and spontaneity, stalwartness of extemporaneity, and transcending tranquility and serenity, to supplement and complement completeness and inclusiveness of totality and entirety, disperse and disseminate, infuse and inculcate, or disband and detach. Congregation of continuance and endurance, assembly of protraction and augmentation, and conclave of resolution, perseverance, and steadfastness march the merits of errands and reliabilities, traipse and trudge, the passageways and vessels of sagacity and prudence.

Stems and stalks, postulators and conjecturers of confluence and content, convergence and conjunction, scorched hearts and souls saturated and succumbed to calm and composure of certitude and certainty, the sky and firmament of ascent, elevation, and inclination to comprise and clinch, encirclement and encompassment, and blossoms, florets, and flowers of reciprocity, mutuality, and conclave contrive and commensurate the parade of notions, deductions,  and conclusions.

Then, preeminence of spectrum and continuum of congruity and pertinence, appurtenant and propitious ambiance of aura, sensations, and commotions, tweets and gleams of conjunction, concurrence, and connection, whispers, utters, and murmurs hollow, burrow, and gouge to touch, tap, and pad, the loomed, emerged, and impended entities of quest and pursuit, sphere and scale of omnipresent, ubiquitous, and universal rapture, rhapsody, and bliss pervade, permeate, and prevail to incarnate and epitomize  overtures and gesture. The cordial and profound red flowers to scatter and sprinkle paradise of concurrence and commitment, affinity of attainment, and amplification of reflected, pondered, manifested spectrum and continuum of congruity and connection.

The lush and verdant, denseness and impenetrability, vastness and enormity of green and grassy plateaus, hints, allusions, and intimations of highlands, sumptuousness, splendidness, opulence of sceneries, vistas, and landscapes, affluence, prosperity, and grandiosity resonate and echo. Absorbance and permeability presented and perpetuated by abundance and copiousness of cognizance and perception, acquaintance and appreciation of benevolence, compassion, and altruism to embrace and entail, astonishments and bewilderments, the inducements which accordingly and appropriately reel and lurch by  rampant, flourishing, and thriving confoundments, bemusements, and mystifications encircle and  accommodate the distinctions and accolades, exasperate and incense, enrage, inflame, and antagonize the comfort of compliance, and era and epoch of passivity and apathy. Plateaus, highlands, and sceneries sumptuously, succinctly, and solemnly reveal, resume, and revive certainty of vibe, veracity, and virtue.

Sight and spectacle, scene and vista, arena of permutation and perception, congregation of capitulated, ceded, and relented reflections, ruminations, and deliberations, amazement of panorama and locus of intonations and invocations, incantations of conspicuous intuitions and inclinations, cadence and inflection of accession and influence, encirclement and encompassment shine and shimmer the ambiance of intimacy and closeness, acclamation and admiration accede, clench, and concur.

Adjournment and admonishment, rebuke and reprimand, castigation and chastisement, attainment and realization, immurement and confinement of adverse and aversive aberrations of inconsistency and inconclusiveness seethe and simmer, though march, evolution, and progression adhered, observed, and retained by the embodiment of agility, animation, and nimbleness relentlessly revolves, spins, and swivels. The fabric, frame, and fascination of life and livelihood, fulfilment and contentment, nirvana and nibbana of perpetuity and eternity repudiate, contravene, and counteract, exclude, refuse, and reverse absenteeism, aberration, and voidance of the embarked upon personas, souls, and spirits.

Desires and yearnings, entreatments and implorations, cravings and coveting, moments and instances, junctures and intervals, and elapses and successions, divulgences, disclosures, and revelations, the sanctitude and blessedness of your glare, piousness and purity of your propensity, devoutness and virtuousness of your partiality and proclivity, shimmers and glimmers of appropriateness and appositeness, heralds and presages of relevance and bearing, announcers and proclaimers to significance and consequence adorn and enlighten clefts and craters, caves and caverns of heart, concern, and courage .

Affections and emotions, compassions and empathies inundate and engulf the beat and rhythm, and pulse and pounding of hub and core of liveliness, the dynamism and sparkle to reflectively and pensively ponder and muse, cogitate and contemplate, and unfold and unroll to precincts and perimeters of perception, discernment, and erudition.

Conformity of the desire, consistency of confluence, correlation and correspondence, capitulation of murmurs and mumbles, undertones and connotations, confluences, convergences, and conjunctions commemorate and celebrate serenity of contentment and equanimity of esse and quiddity. Your presence, appearance, and expressions, your gaze, glint, and glare, and your closeness, nearness, and intimacy breathe and respire my scorched entity of bones and flesh, the acquiescence and submission to advocations, adherences, apostle of core and kernel, and the charred heart and crux, while essence and soul incessantly and relentlessly render, depict, and portray your pivots, pillars, and spindles of magnanimity and nobility.

Instances and lapses, intervals and spaces, pertinent and appurtenant intricacies and convolutions to the beat and pulse of soul and spirit recognize, ratify, and persist. Rhythms and patterns of absorption and adaptation proliferate and propagate, when scorched frame and flesh, the charred heart, meticulously, punctiliously, and fastidiously syndicate, conjoin, and amalgamate to the symphony of affirmation, and sonata of assimilation and inculcation.

ا دمِ  فجرِ طلب  خورشیدِ  معراجش  نگین  در سینه  بود
لحظه را از طالعش  مَحرَم به دوران،  تا  ثنا  در او گرفت

Climb and ascent, heave and rise, and tide and surge, to explore, envisage, and entrench the engraved and carved, etched and embossed, decorated and embellished embodiments and manifestations which have been bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed within the sanctuary and preserve, the ambit and realm of acuity and perspicacity.

Twist, whirl, and twirl, storm and rage, thunder and bluster accentuate and emphasize loss of moments, aberrations, peculiarities, and eccentricities which have sprinkled, drizzled, and dusted astray and awry of bewilderment and bafflement, junctures and phases, confluxes and confluences of motivations and incitements, provocations and inducements, uncertainties, fluidities, and mutability.

The search and quest, selection and stipulation to accompany and convoy cavalcade and caravan of culmination and conclusion, or commencement, inauguration, and captivation of destiny, the providence of resolve, tenacity, and devotion, eternality, immutability, and boundlessness to supervene and succeed by imperishability and ineradicable rationality inculcate, infuse, and flourish the concave of content, gist, and essence.

Twitch and jump, and jolt and flinch to pinpoint the sparkles, twinkles, and flickers emanated, derived, and arose by far broadened and distended horizons of perpetuity and permanence, the skies and heavens are adjacent and attached, pronounced and intimate, intriguing and enthralling, though silent and taciturn, and reticent and restrained.

The chill of the air, dim of the aura, silence of the theme, and taciturnity of the surroundings, introversion, wariness, and coyness, diffidence and apprehension of the soul, limpness of passion, and flabbiness of feeling, not to withheld, refuse and resent the performed, carried, and sustained chirps and chitters, choruses and chorales, dance, hop, and sway, the immersed ballet and rally within thinness of the air, acceptance of the ether, and assertiveness of the universe. Conglomeration of cognizance and perception, courtesy, attentiveness, and gallantry gestured to be receptive by entities and individuals have succumbed to acquaintance and apprehension.

Then, announcers and preludes, overtures and prologues to pertain and relate, the departing twilight, intensification, strengthening, and rampant enclave and territory of temptation and compulsion, discernments and perceptiveness, inclinations and proclivities,  the intimacy and affinity thaw and soften, melt and dissolve, the renaissance and resurgence, revival and recovery of entrancement and enchantment, transformation, conversion, and connection, to infer, insinuate, and allude.

Skylines and vistas have started to brighten, the dim and dusk rammed and jammed farther and farther, blur and haze have been demolished and devoured to remote and beyond scrutiny and surveillance corners and bends, while mangled, clutched, and crammed. Ambiance of inevitability and assurance, tone, and tenor is touching, grasping, and grabbing the ripeness and resonance of reconciliation and reunion, dawn of distinction and accolade, and the palm and praise to parade and pageant of proclivity and penchant has emerged and arisen, sunrise and reflectiveness of assimilation and inclusion is permeated, infused, and fortified.

While, the gem and jewel, pearl and nugget, placed within the chest, and pertained by the personifications and incarnations, epitomes and embodiments of entireness and wholeness, rudiments and fundamentals of cogent conceptualization, cognition, and comprehension, coherent constituents and components to evolve, nurture, and sprout, mere aspects and facets of contemplation and meditations, reflections and deliberations to ascertain, establish, and manifest, to evince, reveal, and exhibit lucidly and cogently, venture and audacity of  comprehensiveness and completeness, which have been inundated and besieged by totality and entirety of continuance and actuality marshal, congregate, and muster .

To acclaim, applause, and convince, the beam and trace to enlighten and apprise me is you, the shimmer and sparkle to  stimulate and spur me is you, the air and ether to inhale and protract me is you, and the intimate and innermost leanings and dispositions enshrined, exalted, and revered by me, the adulation and exhilaration of ecstasy, rapture, and elation is you, me to resonate your reflections, indications, and implications, you the uniqueness and exclusivity, singleness and oneness, the accompaniment and accolade to proclaimers, devotees, and promulgaters to immerse, lustrate, and adjoin, companions and communicators fervid and fervent to connect and affix to your singleness and oneness, the indivisible, inextricable, and inseparable gem and jewel, and pearl and nugget whom is inclusive of the unabridged unity and entirety.

Passages, routes, and paths, episodes, clauses, and incidents, approvals, acceptances, and enactments, the voyages and crosses to shrink and shrivel, cringe and cower, and decline and dwindle, flashes,  phrenzies, fervors and passions, occurrences and occasions, to succumb and accede, and the journey stipulated and prevised to extend and expand, to surmount and overcome, resist and prevail, the ecstasy and trance, elation and bliss to be entrenched, embraced,  boom and burgeon, to soar and surge, and roar and rumble, the appeal, allure, enticement of hegemony and dominion of destiny, faith, and providence to urge, embolden, and encourage, the destiny, kismet, and fortune is revealed, revolved, and whittled.

Though, veil, cloak, and cover, concealment, disguise, and camouflage cajole and conflate, condense and curtail, while distortions and deformations of clarity and lucidity, depletion and diminution of vibrancy and vivacity, sense and nub, gist and soul, and succor and solace rage and erupt, storm and seethe. When, concurrent falsehood and distortion commensurate and proportionate to retain and maintain, present and stage simmering, seething, and festering, the unhinged and lopsided, askew and awry personification, inattentiveness and abstraction have rolled to run, and congealed to commend.

Floating, hovering, and lingering inclinations, dispositions, and advocations, partialities, preferences, and penchants perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate, while the shell, shield, and crust, carriage, pose, and posture cunningly and furtively, inattentively and distractedly rupture, burst, and shatter the sanctuary of reflectivity and unassailability. Blows and bashes, thumps and smashes resurrect, revive, and recuperate, contrary and converse to bestowment of accumulation, accommodation, and acclamation, whereas approbation and commendation have been succinctly, tersely, and partially conceded, and compromised.

Surge and gush, heft and rush, and heave and dash, the dawns of arousal and awareness, breezes of gesture and invitation, indications and insinuations sparkle and shimmer the skies of serenity, poise, and composure. Albeit, the gesticulations, motions, and gestures that have been allocated and apportioned to the shrine of entity, while succumbed and surrendered, and silenced and neglected by canvas and opus of indifference, triviality, and irrelevance, tarnish, blemish, and mar.

The inflicted smudge and smear, blemish and blotch duel and spar, contest and conflict irony and paradox, contrariety and contrast of relevance, bearing, and germaneness, pertinence and felicitousness, subtlety, elegance, and adroitness, the inherence, innateness, and imminence, astuteness, canniness, and sagacity that have inundated, engulfed, and deluged instance, command, and occasion. Sphere of perspicaciousness and cognizance compile and confluence, compose and converge to consistencies, reliabilities, and constancies of dynamism and enthusiasm of esse and existence.

The appeal, allure, and influence, fascination, enticement, and conjugation of commemorations, remembrances, and recollections, moment’s reminiscence and resilience, momentousness of occasions, connection and congruity, expedience and significance, sense, gist, and trace, mutuality of interactions and correlations, the existence and essence of exemptions, immunities, extensions and exceptions lead, head, and steer to sanctity of the heart, sacredness of the esse, and purity of the pulse, beat, and throb. The inviolability and blessedness to root, delve, and probe, to applaud and cheer your presence and attentiveness, to salute and ardor your hommage, while your approvals and endorsements simmer and smolder, and rage and ravage my enflamed and exacerbated core and frame.

To sew and seam, stitch and patch, the scars, pits, and pocks, intuitions, insights, and perceptions, cognitions, acuities, and elaborations, to seek and search your inclination, proclivity, and penchant. The enthrallments and escalations, emergence, advent, and arrival of concurrent and continuant commencements and inaugurations, the pivotal rotations and revelations, apprehension and appearance of corridors and passageways to levitate, soar, rise, and climb, to sway and touch, contact and clutch, and access and affect your preferences and penchants. Yonder and afar destinations and boundaries sequestered and quarantined to extent and interval, span and space, the arrival of the dawn of commemorations and occurrences to the removal of canvas and opus of indifference, triviality, and irrelevance.

شاهدِ مُلکَش  به هر  بامی سخن را  وصف  در سیرِ سلوک
سیرِ مستان طالعِ  مُلکِ  عدن  فانوسِ  جم با  او  گرفت

Intervals and interludes to replicate and recollect, reminiscences, relics, and traces, drops and dashes, tracks and trails, footprints and footsteps, trajectories and pathways, to augment, append, and strengthen, the passage of pause and silence, dovishness and serenity to tarry and linger, extensity and elaborateness, spontaneity and extemporaneity,  vastness and enormity of extrapolations and ratiocinations, to contemplate and capitulate congruence and correspondence which have meticulously, punctiliously, and pedantically inhered and indwelled  the ensembles and conglomerations of completeness and entireness, summon, convene, and provoke humbleness, unpretentiousness, courageousness, and audaciousness.

Observant, attentive, and vigilant, awake, alert, and heedful, sway of the sparrow surfing sheerness of the air, mastery of spinning and swiveling sky, and the speculated and surmounted symphony of virtuosity and brilliance, gleaned and divined to dedication and distinction of discernment and selectivity, disposition and codification, and destiny and decree which have protracted, cherished, and enchanted the rings, echoes, and reverberations of life, verve  and vivacity, the completeness and comprehensiveness,  dissimilitude, distinctness, and hegemony to procure, ponder, and pertain.

Bells, chimes, and carillons, clangs, tinkles, and clinks, perpetuations, promulgations, and propagations, resiliency and persistence, endurance and perseverance to accolade and compliment songs and jingles, carols and choruses, tunes and melodies, temptations, enticements, and appeals, invitations, inducements, and compulsions, segments and fragments, slivers and splinters, the coagulations, amalgamations, and conglomerations that bear and resist shivers, quivers, and trembles, persistently, untiringly, and insistently instantiate and invoke staunchness and steadfastness.

While, the flickers, wavers, and flashes of reciprocity and reception, garnering and perception, the acuities and slants to galvanize, rouse, and spur cognizance and conviction, entrance and connection, formation, foundation, and disposition of aptness, flawlessness, and limpidness intensify and magnify, the continual portrayal, parade, and presentation of commensurate, proportionate and appropriate audacity and courageousness caused and catalyzed by continuum and  scale of essence and spirit.

The pendulum of adherence, depiction, and delineation recruit, engage, and retain momentum, the thrust and motion to enlighten and edify, clarify and elucidate, revealment, explications, and annotations, occasions and occurrences, instances and incidents, and crosses and junctures encounter, confront, and conquer, the leaps,  bounds, and dives of durations,  thralls, and sessions.

Harbingers and heralds, couriers and proclaimers, portents and presages to  incite and invoke, augment and elevate, comprise and embrace zestfulness and zeal, ardor and fervor, the celebrities and dignitaries of their personifications, incarnations, and epitomes, enhancers, invigorators, and exemplifiers of enlivenment and revitalization confirm and concede to depth of their dreams and desires, and accompany and complement the voyage and expedition, passage and excursion of  instinct and intent, insight and clairvoyance, the pundits and participators,  explorers and adventurers, and proclaimers and instigators of eternity and perpetuity.

Inebriated, smashed, shattered and crashed seekers and searchers, browsers and enquirers, questers and pursuers, the indulgence, lenience, and clemency, compassion, empathy, and intimacy, prevalence, pervasiveness, and preponderance, urge, goad, and spur, thirst and eagerness, impatience and hunger to implore, adjure, and impetrate, to establish, corroborate, and constitute, the consistency, composure, and coherence of aptness, pertinence, and righteousness, to extend and expand, stretch and spread, drift and glide, float and levitate, commencements and embarkments to conceptually unlock, unveil and unleash bonds of boundlessness, to figuratively eliminate and eradicate barriers of infiniteness, and to fade and diminish obstacles and hinderances of imaginativeness and insightfulness, while rivulets’ and rivers’ bridges, passages, and crossings to meander and amble have been paved and overlaid, and blanketed and shrouded.

Thresholds, verges, and brinks, moments, ticks, and thrusts, continuums, durations, and extents surpass and outshine, never reached horizons, inaccessible views and vistas are absorbed, immersed, and occurred, to portray and pertain, realize and apprehend, trudge and traipse, the score and  tally, and embodiment and manifest of  gratitude and content.

Delight and joy, appeal and charm, magnetism, fascination, and charisma, inebriated, smashed, and shattered seekers and searchers to whom sphere and scope of ecstasy, bliss, and felicity, domain and distinct of realization, nirvana and gratification, and train of temptation, inducement, and persuasion instigate and instantiate extemporaneous and inadvertent engagement and captivation.

Admirers and devotees, comrades and companions who impel and incite aims, ambitions, and aspirations to narrow the aloofness and detachment, to whom rings and chimes, semblances and sounds, immersion and obsession, converge to encapsulation, emergence, and enshrinement. Carriers and transporters of candles, torches, and tapers of tutelage, refinement, clarification, and elucidation to the garden of Eve, the acreage and parcel of congruence and unification, fusion and integration, attainment and allegiance which rave and rant, and instill and inspire the pilgrimage to the territory of legions and contingents, the deputations and delegations.

Seekers and searchers of the beacons and bonfires, lanterns and candles, and flares and fires, enlightenments and illuminations, elaborations and utterances, intimacy and congruity, and connectedness and pertinence, advocators and promoters lodged and affiliated to sustain, maintain, and support the prolific and profound perplexities, affluences, opulence, and abundance, the imbued, saturated, and infused vibrance, lavishness, and vividness of assimilations and  inculcations,  bounded and entrenched by the sanctity and blessedness of your benevolence and munificence, the incessant plea and appeal for admonition, reprimand, and rebuke  to enchant and captivate, enthrall and enrapture beguilements, delights, and fascinations of the quest and search for solace and consolation.

Quest of traces to traverse and navigate, pursuits to ponder and contemplate, provocations and goading, stirrings and spurring, encouraging and simulating, and prodding and provoking, elicitations and enflaming, igniting and kindling which have engulfed and inundated the core and crux of the universe, universality of the heart, cognizance of the soul, awareness and acquaintance  of the rays of recognition and identification, beams of distinguishability and convergence, conjunctions and coincidences, concurrences and concomitance to disavow, refute, and recant void, negation, and emptiness, while fortify, buttress, and revive profoundness and perceptiveness of the centrum of inception and imagination, your insinuations, implications, and intimations, fetch and concoct, conceive and procure, and convey and cause the temple, shrine, and sanctuary of livelihood and liveliness to instigative, impassionate, and enthuse and vibrate.

غایت مهرش درون مأوایِ دل کسب رُخَش پیمانه جو
پُر نِما از جوهرش آن نقشِ محرابی که در خود  او  گرفت

The draws and paints invoke instigation and provocation, commencement and continuation, to urge and prompt compulsion, illustrations and spectacles, syndicators and premises of ponderance and pertinence, recitals and cabarets of synchrony and concurrence, coincidences and coexistences, prevalence and commonness to mere cognizance and capitulations, mesmerizers and enchanters, fascinators and enthrallers, the tireless and tenacious entrenchers and extractors of conceptualizations and conjectures, depicters and narrators of  destiny and providence, frugality, fortune, and fate to conquer, capture, and confound randomness and pandemonium of incidents and occurrences immersed and absorbed by  confusions and commotions, momentousness and merits of  depictions and delineations which distinctly and manifestly prevail, pertain, and affect, the aspired, embarked, and embraced pudicity of purpose, chastity of conscious, and purity and virtue of  dedication and adoration, the vibe, aura, and tenor enthrall, engross, and entrance entailed entities and raptured esses, the rhapsody and euphoria of augmentation and escalation.

Recapitulations and inducements, incantations and invocations, the dance, tap, and twirl, whirl, twist, and spin, pirouettes and mutinies, uprisings and upheavals, conundrums, riddles, and enigmas, posers and paradoxes of perceptiveness, sagacity, and astuteness, and invocations, chants, and charms, the pleas, alibis, and appeals, to seek and secure, pursue and attain, alchemy and transpiration, occurrence and ensuant intuitions and clairvoyance predominate, prevail, and permeate punctuations and pronouncements of the pendulum of perpetuation and convincement.

Surrounded, encircled, and enclosed, your benevolence and munificence, your magnanimity and altruism, your considerations and compassions, the courteousness, graciousness, and mercifulness, your affection, warmth, and ardor, the fervor and vehemence, vociferous and vigorous conflagrations and infernos bursting and rupturing my scaffold and skeleton, the affluence and lavishness, opulence and splendor, and depth and strength of the interaction and connection, the reciprocation to merge, agglutinate, and cohere inundate and deluge inspirations, dispositions and compulsions. The enticements, invitations, and inducements which reflectively, pensively, and meditatively reverberate, roar, and rumble, sparkle and glitter distinction of the moments and accolade of the chasm, divergence to inspire, instigate, and enthuse, rave and rampant rise and soar, rush and surge , and entrance and ingress that elevate and extend, ameliorate and enhance escalate and inflame  your intimacy, amity, comradeship, and companionship.

Your portrayal, your depiction, your revealment, promulgations and divulgences,  the draw and paint, the ostentatious and flamboyant inferno of desire and plea, your clench and clasp, the hug and grip of console and comfort, the solace and succor, chumminess and confidence, the imminence and nearness, and the chalice,  goblet, and tumbler, thirst, craving, and urge, droplets, beads, and drips to rim and brim, lip and brink the basin, bowl, and frame, conspicuousness and blatancy, visibility and discernibility; and then, the azimuth and apex , pinnacle and culmination, the apogee to bestow, endow, and procure your delegations, designations, and entrustments incessantly and relentlessly acclaim, commend, and applaud, your fellowship, contingency, and exigence.

The paints and draws, divulgences and promulgations, ponderously and profoundly depict and declare, attribute and articulate, omnipresence of the rapture of essence, sustenance of substance, subsistence of  spirit, and survival of soul, sense and sanity, mind and marvels, sights, spectacles, perceptions, and ambiance to gaze and gape, gawp and gawk, admire and wonder, respect and extract, and forfeit and concede, the far stretched horizons and azimuths pinpointing to spheres and scopes of acclamations and ovations, intrusion and incursion, the sorties and forays , jaunts and journeys of ecstasy and elation, persistently, assiduously, and tenaciously, relentlessly and incessantly invite, allure, and summon.

The flight, glide, and glissade, jaunt, sail, and slither, compliments and salutations, accolades and commendations, the richness, splendor, and strength, vibrancy and vividness, resonance and reflection of acquaintance, immediacy and propinquity, contiguity, adjacency, and proximity congregate and collect uproar, pandemonium, and turbulence to jolt and jar journey and trek of commonness and ordinariness. Celebration of ticks and jiffs, prominences and consequences profusely and copiously caper and cavort, momentous and meaningful of ticker of solace and succor, comfort and consolation. Cheerfulness and liveliness, while sparkles and scintillations, glints and glistens galvanize the glimpses, peeps and peeks, the glances and glares that yield and sustain, carry and convey, and accept and tolerate.

Mihrab, alcove, and aperture, plinth, podium, and dais, pulpit, lectern, and platform, reputed of eminence, raised and reared, tenured and titled linger and loiter. Eminence and prominence, illustriousness, recognition, and distinction, murals and frescos of mutuality and  affinity which fizzle, vanish, and dissolve the sense of fitting and fixture, tailoring and timeliness, positioning, placing , pose and preparation prosper, flourish, and flaunt. The spontaneous, unrehearsed and unconstrained interactions, interfaces, and connections, clairvoyance and divined dexterity and adroitness, acuity and ingenuity of existence, continuance, and actuality ponderously and pertinently, aptly and appositively annunciate and authenticate the friezes and patterns, and repetitions and tessellations of elation and exultation.

Moods and spirits, poses and postures, emotions and impressions, compassions and affections, the desires, implorations, enjoins and impetrations might relinquish, resign, and abandon contemplations, deliberations, and fidelities, when acronyms and contractions, abbreviations and concentrations accentuate, exhilarate, and invigorate separation and severance, the disjoining and disjunction of devotion, commitment, and consecration. Deviance and aberration, eccentricities and nonconformities preclude and impede murals of absorption and engagement, immersion and enthrallment.

Paints and draws, daises and mihrabs, alcoves and pulpits, the stand, inclination, proclivity and fondness uniformly and inherently captivate and enchant, while entrance and appeal to mesmerize and hypnotize, fervor and plead which had reined and teemed the sanctuary and shelter of esse and ethos, the heart and hub have been acclaimed and attained. Your portrayal, depiction, rendering, and delineation, occurrences, incidences, and manifestations, your murals and frescos, the paintings and draws ascertain, authenticate, and inaugurate perceptivity and predictability, to be pertained and affected by your magnanimity, munificence, and magnetism.

Mihrabs and daises to be erected, fortified, and safeguarded, placed and anchored within the heart, soul, and entity, adorned, absorbed, and bejeweled by inceptions and augmentations, drawings and depictions, and compositions and representations of your intimacy and confidence, affections and tendencies. The unison, harmony, and emergence that have extended to strands, filaments, and threads of destined and ordained bodies, articles, and individuals gratified and heartened, enacted and decreed by dexterity, ingenuity, and agility of your encirclement. The enframement enthralled and raptured, charmed and beguiled by bounty of selectivity and discernments, while fermented, incited, and inflamed by the beams, gleams, and glimmers of your attentiveness, care, and courtesy, the epitome, incarnation, and personification of citadel and bastion of gentility and gallantry.

بخت را  در حیطهِ مقیاس  و مکتوبش به لوحِ  جامِ بود
حد و معیارِ سپهرِ کهربا معنا نهان قدسِ عیانِ او گرفت

Presence, pose, and carriage, demeanor, deportment, and disposition, dedication and allegiance, contemporaneous conducts and comportments, and concurrent etiquettes and commencements perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate.

Movements, measures, and momentous trends, delegations, designations, and allocations deliberately, consciously, and   ponderously pertain, affect, and influence. Engagements, interchanges, and contentions, opinions, beliefs, and controversies routinely, customarily, and compositely ordain, enact, and destine. Transfers, conveyers, and carriers, the gyrations, rotations, and evolvements encapsulate, substantiate, endorse and confirm the complexions, aspects, and characters of edicts, sequences and successions. Requisitions and approbations, esteems and commendations, corroborations of correspondences and conjunctions of intensions, limpidly, pellucidly, and coherently transpire, ensue, and culminate constancy, endurance, and equanimity, while composure of aspirations and concurrencies brighten, revivify, and revitalize correspondence, conformity, and correlation of conjugations, declensions, and articulations.

Constraints, constrictions, impediments and congestions, obstructions and contractions, vexations, exasperations, and tumultuousness, incarnations, invocations, and intonations, tempestuousness, turbulences, and rumbustiousness,  restraints, restrictions, and limitations, enormities, immensities and vastness, fathomlessness, immeasurability and interminability provoke and postulate perturbations and consternation, lateral, tangential, and adjacent to overtures and  proposals of composure and deportment.

Infinitude and eternity, boundlessness and borderless intervals, interims, and distances, the recognition and concession, apprehension and accreditation, and meandering, ponderous, and unceasing crisscrosses, mazes and warrens, intricacies and muddles, entities, spheres and scopes still to encounter, face, and confront the warpage of boundaries, distortion of destinies, and falsification of the fortunes, kismet and faith had been construed and constituted on the foundation and establishment of personal, singular, and individual bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred selectivity and discernment,

Surfaces, facades and pretenses, affectations, presumptions, and pretensions, relevance, comparations, and appraisals, impressions, divergences, and judgements entwine and entangle to scale, level, and clamber. While to be stagnant, banish, and subdue perceptions, discernments, and cognizance still emerge, transpire, and occur. The focality, criticality, and predominance, the prevalence and preponderance to the semblance and similitude, affinity and uniformity of cosmos, galaxies, and universe, compose, comprise, compile and aggregate the creation and genesis.

Constellations’, clusters’, and nebulas’ chalice, goblet, and tumbler, the enormity, expanse, and immensity, the receptacle, and basin, ball and heave, to wobble, lurch, and hurl, expanse of distinctions, elongation of dissimilitude, and divergence of bounce, elasticity, and spring, contradistinction and segregation of fable and saga, lore and apologue, emblem and legend, the accreditation and endorsement to thrive, blossom, and flourish relinquish, abandon, and surrender the soundness and saneness of erudition and sagaciousness, the abandonment, approbation, and admiration  to designate, signify, and denote concession and conceptualization.

Chalice, goblet, and tumbler wrapped and coated, shrouded and plastered, rendered and enfolded, vistas of vivacity and verve, views of vivaciousness and exuberance, and the sceneries of ecstasy, elation, and bliss, to be teemed, crammed, and jammed, satiated, gratified, and imbued. The permeation and saturation of delicacy, frailty, and fragility, elegance, charm, and grace, and fastidiousness, adroitness, and deftness of existence, liveliness, dynamism, and sparkle, shall strike, astound, daze, and compound.

Spin, whirl, and swirl, cosmos, creation, and totality, space, infinity, and firmament, the symphony, sonata, and masterpiece of coexistence and concomitance, cohabitation and concurrence, collaboration and contemporaneity, the opus of curiosity, oddity, and novelty, oeuvre of convolution, intricacies, and complexities, relentlessly, obstinately, and inexorably absorb and elevate, emit and emanate, and bond and  bridge.

Though, the exhibition and elaboration, articulation and edification, enlightenment and elucidation, the brightness, brilliance, and radiance, intensity, passion, and paroxysm, outburst, eruption, and  blaze, the augmentation, amalgamation, and unification ponder, contemplate, cogitate, and deliberate on the deeds and desires, merits and warrants, the vigor and aptness, and forethought, prudence, and  providence. The urge, compulsion, and contention, instantiate, personify, and incarnate assertion and instigation.

Bond, outburst, and blaze, encounters and interactions, initiations and instantiations, coincidences and occurrences, ostentatious, grandiose, and glitzy, or enchanting, elating, and sensational,  the thirst, yearning, and craving to sustain subjugate and endure, overcome, overpower, and overwhelm, authenticity, genuineness, and faithfulness to observe, implement, and realize propinquity, proximity, and imminence , elixir, tincture, and potion  of immersion, raptness, and fascination raise, lift, and elevate.

Syphoning and tapping, frenzy and trance of tessellations and patterns, arrays and precedents of purpose, resolve, and devotion, fidelity, fondness, and affection, contrary to ovation of flamboyances, plaudits and laurels of pretentiousness, portentousness, and pompousness, nevertheless accompanied by enthrallments, enchantments, and entrancements abridge, truncate, and curtail insinuations, allusions, and intimations. When, incidents, exoduses, and enactments of shattering, crushing, and splintering the threshold, verge, and brink to onsets and advents, unfolding and emanation of the dawn of unification, alliance, and merger, consent and countenance of continuance and coalescence ponder, interconnect, and deliberate.

The cracks and crevices, fissures and fractures to shine and gleam, spark and glow, to boost and magnify, strengthen and intensify, fountains and foundations to raise and pose, depict and expound, attentiveness and deliberations to vow and declare, to pledge and promise, sanctity, inviolability, prophecy and purity presumed, ventured, and postulated to reverberate and resonate, bends, curves, and corners of the prospects and skylines, to the distant and remote twilights of dimness, dusk, and gloom, intrinsically, innately, and inherently the inner and intimate, hidden and innermost trends, vogues, and ventures, exposure and approachability, accessibility and candidness, composure and equanimity annihilate and obliterate the deterring and darkening, obscuring and deepening of ambiguousness and equivocation, obfuscation and incomprehension. Incredulousness and incredulity provisioning and accoutering preamble and prologue to unfasten and disturb the preeminence and ascendency, dominance and prominence of fetters, trammels, and tethers venture, tackle, and dare to wreak and perpetrate, infirm and frail havoc, chaos, and dismay.

Concealments, camouflages, and casings, exteriors, sheaths, and sleeves to endure and persist, pertain and preserve, realms, ambits, and compasses to broaden and stretch, unfurl and unroll, the solicitation within the soul, excursion and scrutiny, enquiry and inquest, the fathomless and cavernous, commodious and capacious, suppleness and versatility, and adjustability and adaptability of the chest, torso and trunk, the stem, stalk, and sluice of identity, dignity, and solemnity, soberness and somberness to perceive, discern, and revere, so reflective, profound, and meditative of astuteness and perspicacity, the totality and whole supervene, impinge, and supersede.

تا نظر را زلفِ او آن گوشهِ چشمت مرا مرهم بِه سوز
قوسِ رنگین محمِلِ  چرخِ  فلک گوهر  کیانِ  او گرفت
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Have touched, marked, and influenced the moment, attained, realized, and conquered the instance, distinct captivation of the vastness of premise, proclamations of ethos and essence, pertinence, tenets, and spirit of sincerity, candor, and audacity, your presence, aura, and charisma, your attendance, occurrence  and occasion arose, commence, and accrue.

Glare and stare, dazzle and glimmer, or frown and scowl reciprocate and counter. Your immediacy and propinquity, the vicinity and congruity vivaciously and vibrantly, animatedly and energetically augment and exalt, and aggrandize and intensify. The rapture and rhapsody, the bliss and ecstasy mingle, merge, and meld, adulations and reverences, sentiments and compassions, solicitousness and solicitudes, trepidations and anxieties, spontaneity and impulsiveness surmount, transcend, and surpass expectancies, presuppositions, and conjectures.

You and your presence, the heaven and sky, nirvana and paradise, felicity and utopia, Eden and Zion, euphoria and exultation of your cherishment and affection, the fondness and warmth that dissolve, disperse, and dissipate locality and location, vicinity and position have congregated and immersed within the boundaries and precincts, borders and peripheries of the cognizance, congruity, and connection.

The auspicious and propitious blossoms and blooms, buds and sprouts, which had been nourished, cultivated, fostered and nurtured by your benevolence and beguilement, the engagement and delight, your rendezvouses and encounters, heralds and harbingers, announcers and proclaimers to elation and jubilation which have shattered, fragmented, and wrecked the verge and gate of murkiness, dimness, and darkness shiver and shudder my soul and core even deeming abdication and relinquishment of undeservedly warranting, meriting, and justifying.

Depicted and abstracted barricades and barrages of alienation, dissention, and disaffection, illusory instances and pretentious incidents, feigned and imitated inclinations, contrived and constructed artificial hinderances, precipitous, vertiginous, and acclivitous prevarications and circumventions that disguise, cloak, and masquerade eloquence and articulateness of acquaintance, consociation, and receptiveness were revered, esteemed, and exalted.

You, the fervor and ardor to ticks and trices, ratification of flashes, and sincerity and affection of moments, persuasions and perpetuations, the confrère to conversance, prevalence to instigations, promptings, postulations, and notions that avert, preclude, and prevent aberrations and abysses, voids, relinquishments, and annulments. Your omnipresence and ubiquitous and unanimous ponderance and significance, embracement, clasp, and cuddle, impacts and implications vivify, spark, and galvanize the sanctuary of seclusion, immunity and inviolability, exemption and liberty of proclivities, penchants, and predispositions.

Reinstatements, identifications, acknowledgements, and gratefulness, crossings, junctures, and overpasses to eternal acclamations, approbations, and commendations, the dwindling and withering distances, dissociations, and detachments to firmer touch of your destiny and providence, drops, dashes, and traces of your prudence and providence, the provision of remedies, antidotes, and care to the scorched, seared, and charred corpses and essences exposed and bared to citadel and bastion of desires, preferences, and predilections, it is purely, merely, and chastely you to whom the estuary of solace and consolation concede.

Spin, whirl, and swirl, cosmos, creation, and totality, space, infinity, and firmaments, floating and gliding, perching and hovering, drifting and sailing, proposing, presenting, and posturing, suspensions, deferments, and postponements, the dainty and exquisiteness of dedications, designations, and devotions, elegance, gracefulness, and graveness of subtleties and fastidiousness, deftness and dexterity of continuance and liveliness, is the wholeness, entirety, and totality merely and solitarily the spin, whirl, and swirl? Or, vigor and vivacity of  proclamations, decrees, enactments, and edifications, advocated, encouraged, and endured by the entity, unity, and harmony of the wholeness to counter, respond, and thwart, refute, oppose, and defy assails and assaults, smacks and strikes, to berate and revile reality and veracity of denials, rebuffs, refutations, and rejections.

The brilliance, luminosity, and luster, patina, glaze, and gloss stretched and protracted, proffered and tendered to invoke and incite, immerse and saturate to the core and crux of existence and presence, to persistently and relentlessly inspire, enthuse, and entrench. Skylines and spheres of vision, apparition, phantom, and phantasm, actualities, veracities, and certainties, or deliriums and delusions, mirages and illusions ratify, enact, endorse the engrave, etch and carve pathways and passages, to constitute the pertinence of purpose, plots and ploys of pattern and order, and aspirations and inspirations to realization, reification, and effectuation.

While, wholeness, impetuses, intentions, and occasions, convey, accept, and pass, relayed and involved, attached, ascribed, and appended to the vessel and conveyer of mottled, variegated, and the spectral spectrum, intensity, and vibrancy of the rainbow, adorned, bejeweled, and embellished by the divergence, discrepancy, and variation of the sky and azimuths of elations and elevations. The rainbow or the shinning veneer, shimmering layer, and glistening semblance, formidably and convincingly conceal and obscure the band, strap, and stretch of sureness, conviction, and confidence to commemorate, venerate, and commence the collections and assortments of hue, tint and tone, and shade and tinge of blushes and flushes, inclines and influences, the compendium and compilation instigated and invoked by participation and partaking of infinitesimal and minuscule particles, fragments, and flakes, the suspended droplets and drips.

The throne, command, and dominion, providence, prudence, and foresight, destiny, faith, conviction, the assurance to bond, link, strike, and fuse to your compassion, forbearance, and tolerance, the blessings, clemency, and benevolence, the pledge, oath, and promise, your jewels and nuggets, lumps and wads, rays and beams, and glows and gleams of unification and oneness, conglomerations, congregations, and cohesions, the interconnection and interrelation astoundingly and astonishingly immerse and plunge the pillars of rectitude and righteousness. Veracity, veridicality, and veraciousness reverberate and resonate, the pertinence of rationale and tenacity surpass and transcend the maze, intricacy, and muddle of murky mutations, aberrations, and alterations, the path and track, course and route is depicted and portrayed, to be paved and pertained.

© Alireza Bemanian, October of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)