
The Rainbow

شاهدِ آن قامتِ رعنا گرش خودکامگی پندار را  آشفته ایم
غافل از مطلوب  رخسار  و پریشان قصه ها بر گفته ایم

The splendor, magnetism, and glory, the glitter, glamour, and grandeur, the brilliance, magnificence, and exaltation. Yes, the fascination, enthrallment, and captivation, which have surrounded, encircled, and enfolded my imaginations, ingenuities, and inspirations, are astounding, astonishing, and flabbergasting.

The glances, glimpses, and ganders, the gravity, enormity, and solemnity, overshadow, surpass, and transcend, the boundaries, precincts, and the margins of perceptions, acumens, and discernments.

The ambiguities, confoundments, and opacities, the spontaneous and eliciting enticements and inducements, the stunted and succinct extravagances and indulgencies, the shortcuts and crosscuts, the egocentrism and voracities, the avarices, rapacity, and cupidity, and then the parallel contenders, contestants, and nominees; the inner instigated attitudes and stances, the confidences and convictions to fascinate and engage, to admire and recognize, the prospects, encounters, and experiments to commence and embark, and to propagate and perpetuate.

The contests, confronts, and defies endure and persist, continual, incessant, and recurrent, pronouncing, decreeing, and proclaiming contentment, gratifications, and delights. The paramount, unremitting, and relentless ponder, contemplate, and deliberate consideration of the audacities, braveries, and courageousness. The assemblages, accumulations, and the collections, which promote, advocate, and sponsor, ecstasies, elations, and exaltations, while pursuantly and ponderously provoke and perpetuate their presence and attainability.

Thou the arrogance, haughtiness, and superciliousness, the pomposity, pretentiousness, and portentousness, the grandiosities, ostentations, and flamboyances have raged, fumed, and fulminated the core and crux of my entity, individualism, and distinctiveness.

The staples of attainment, the elevations and altitude, the fasteners, the toggles and buckles to instigate, encapsulate, to surmise and solidify, the trends, inclinations, and the vogues of the voyage, the adored, venerated, and revered dreams, reveries, and envisions were gradually and increasingly, eloquently and expressively, or, naively and innocuously abandoned and discarded, or diluted, tempered, and mitigated.

Still, your glamour, sumptuousness, and opulence, your attraction, appeal, and allure, your magnificence, marvelousness, and radiance linger, loiter, dawdle, and remain profound, insightful, and astute. Nevertheless, the letterings, librettos, and lines, the scripts, characters, and scrolls, the parchments, certificates, and manuscripts were depicted, articulated, and portrayed in contradiction, incongruity, inconsistency, and refutation.

دل خفا از خویش  آغوشی  که  جز اقلیم  بر صیاد  نیست
خفته از خود، ساحت خورشید جان با خویشتن آزرده ایم

The essence and existence, the substance and gist, and the sense and sagacity were obscure, vague, and opaque, indistinct, concealed, and obfuscated. The murky, muddied, and mystified confoundedness, bewilderments, and perplexities have exceeded, surpassed, and transcended their crucial, decisive, and imperative commensurate, proportionalities, and correspondences.

The heart, sole, and spirit, the inclinations, proclivities, and penchants, the observances, endeavors, and attempts, the efforts, enterprises, and ventures, oblivious, inattentive, and incomprehensible, have remitted, abated, and subsided the dedications and delights, the comprehensions and contemplations, and the attainments, realizations, and accomplishments, of your ever flourishing, thriving, and blossoming imminence, propinquity, and proximity.

Then, the sanctity of the soul, the sanctuary of the sacredness, and inviolability, and the torso of tranquility and serenity, strolled, drifted, and dallied; susceptible, receptive, and predisposed, inclined, influenced, and prejudiced to uncertainties, reservations, and qualms. When, trepidations, apprehensions, and vacillations were raged, seethed, and erupted within the confinements, restraints, and restrictions of the presumptuous ponderings, the abated admirations and approbations and the perpetuality of prominence and pertinence.

Then, the sanctity of the soul and the sanctuary of the sacredness abandon, abort, and discard the promises and aptitudes, and the possibilities and capabilities to unfold and extend, to spring and spread, to soar and ascend, and to reach and grasp the distant, extreme, and outermost barrages, volleys, and cascades of horizons.

When, the abandonments, relinquishments, and neglects postulate, present, and propose superlative and ultimate vicinities and purlieus; prominent, pronounced, and blatant to the seekers, stalkers, and huntsmen of opportunities, occasions, and openings.

The   snooze and siesta, the droopiness and dispiritedness, the roving and roaming, and the apathy and triviality, the obliviousness and unawareness, the diversions and distractions, and the hegira and exodus of the self, or the abatement of attendance, presence, and emergence to the cores, essences, vivacity and verve, are the tyranny and despotism of disarray, dismay, and disorder, the panic, hysteria, and phrenzy.

The alienation, estrangement, and disaffection, the dismission, dissention, and distancing; exasperations, annoyances, and vexations have revolved, curdled, and gyrated painstakingly and pedantically, unimaginatively and meticulously, to obscure, conceal, and cloak the rays, traces, and glimmers of the sun of forethoughts and imaginations, the source of continuation and console, and the copiousness of radiance and enlightenment, elucidation and explication, the illumination and clarification.

The essence and soul, the existence and contemplations, the rhythmic, effervescent, and ascending cradle and divan of life, verve, and vivacity have been hurt and agonized, scratched and irritated, and chafed and tingled; the alienation, estrangement, and disaffection, the dismission, dissension, and distancing.

گاه مأنوس  نظر  گمره  وز  آن  زلف  نگارت خیره گون
دولت  دل  محو  اسرار  نهان،  در  کوی  غم  افسرده ایم

The instances, incidents, and occurrences, the moments, occasions, and junctures, the circumstances, contingencies, and opportunities, when the haughtiness, conceit, and arrogance, the narcissism, portentousness, and pretentiousness rage and erupt, storm and fulminate, torrent and deluge, which inevitably, inexorably, and unavoidably conceive, devise, meditate, and envisage my presence, attendance, and poise; the articulations. Pronouncements, and enunciations to be pondered and encountered, confronted and collared, and impended; the eminent destiny, providence, and prudence.

The stray, wander, and drift, the deviation, digression, and departure, and the mirage, phantasm, and delusional culminations, apexes, and apogees, the potent and compelling annexations, invasions, and appropriations of the conviction, approach, and attitude, have led, steered, and directed to disillusionments, discouragements, and distrainment.

Your proximity and presence, your propitiousness and auspiciousness, and your portrayal and depiction, the representations, interpretations, and readings have been overshadowed, surpassed, and transcended within the heart

Still, the reflections, deliberations, and manifestations, the echoes, murmurs, and mutters, and the expectations, confidences, and aspirations do not ring, resonate, and reverberate auspiciously, the propitious and provident punctualities of pursuance and prudence do not sparkle, glitter, and enflame the skylines, vistas, and horizons vigorously and vehemently.

Thou, the soul, character, and compassion, the entity, core, and crux, the providence of life, the fortune of the existence and actuality, and the authenticity and veracity of faith and conviction are founts and fountains of strength, potency, and vigor; enhanced and augmented by elasticity, bounce, and pliability.

The springs, leaps, and vaults of resurrection, revival, and resurgence, the renaissances of resilience and suppleness, the revitalizations of rectitude and righteousness, and the reawakening of awareness and perception, continually, progressively, and persistently march, trudge, and stride, while collectively, conjointly, and reciprocally stay dedicated and determined, resolute and resolved, and clarified and ascertained.

Yes, the souls, characters, and originalities, the assets, endowments, and aptitudes, the marvels of life and liveliness, the gems of opportunities and prospects, and the paragons of novelty and uniqueness, the congregations of dynamism and drive, the moments and instances; persist to be pertained and affected by the harmony of cerebral ceremony of exposures, revelations, and wonders, disclosures, amazements, and astonishments, the embodiments and incarnations, personifications and epithets, and the carters and promoters of the mysteries, riddles, surprises, and confidences.

Ironically, paradoxically, and incongruously, the shadow of opacity, the mistiness and murkiness, and the obtuseness and vagueness surmount, conquer, and vanquish the parade, spectacle, and exhibit of the exuberance, and depreciate and decline the thriving enthusiasm and vigor; while the deprivation and dispersion of the enthrallments, appeals, and allures of realization, recognition, and apprehension, the content, fulfillments, and attainments lurk and loiter.

گاه  در کسب  نگاهت  خانه  را  با  شور  دل سامان کنیم
قبله منظور گر همراز  با مه پاره  آیین نمایت خوانده ایم

Still, your portrayal, your exposure and disclosure, and your consociate and conversance, the rays of sequel, the glance of continuance, and the browse of benevolence, accommodate, realize, and fulfill the continuance, protraction, and perpetuation of the desire and plea, the implorations and supplications, the importunities and appeals.

The heart’s pounding, thumping, and throbbing, the cadence, pulse, and stroke, your exposures and reveals, the disclosures and divulgements, and your reciprocity and mutuality, the assiduousness, attentiveness, and diligence, the meticulousness and fastidiousness overwhelm, engulf, and immerse my conscious, cognizant, convictions, and anticipations.

Your gaze and gape, the reverberations and ricochets of your inspirations and motivations, the spurs and stimulations, inducements and incitements, and edifications and enlightenments to correlate, consent, and collaborate; penetrate, saturate, and transfuse the realm, ambit, and protectorate of sensitivity, perception, and perspicacity.

The collaboration to the vastness, immensity, and enormity of your bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed exuberance, chattels, and tenure; the consent to elation and euphoria, ecstasy and exhilaration, and attainment and achievement of your chaste ,virtues, and vibrant conjectures, deductions, and conclusion; and the correlation to the profuse, bountiful, and prolific pasture, paddock, and territory of attention and reflection, consideration and contemplation, and mediation and deliberation, your revelations, your influences, your inspirations, and your attributions mesmerize, enthrall, and fascinate.

Then, the approaching, impending, and imminent sequel, reaching, grasping, and extending the occasions, the contingencies, and eventualities to mend, patch, and restore the fissures, crevices, and clefts of a ruptured, cracked, and shattered heart, and to reinforce, fortify, and strengthen the soul’s cavities, grottoes, and caverns, brimmed, bristled, and thronged with your reverberance, sonority, and plangency. To jolt, incept, dawn, and commence the prospects, emergences, and bursts, entailed to the horizons, landscapes, and panoramas of your spheres, compasses, and provinces of proximities, immediacies, and propinquities.

The qiblah, direction, and pattern, the course, trend, and track, the tenor, orientation, and proclivity, the penchant, inclination, and predilection, if pinpointed, identified, and determined, affiliated, aligned, and allied, and forwarded, advanced, and accelerated to the greatness, prominence, and eminence of the existence, to the secrets and surprises of the universe, and the confidences and buoyancies,   intimacies, certainties, and convictions of the wholeness , totality, and fullness, composed, compiled, and created masterpiece of enormity, the interminable and incessant magnum opus , and masterwork.

If the epics, shimmers and glimmers, the brilliance and brightness emanated, radiated, and derived, the rays of affection, warmth, and fondness, directed, engaged, and focused; guided, tuned, and targeted by your magnanimity, grandeur, and splendidness, concerning, relating, and regarding my reciprocation, interchange, and correspondence; the memorandums, memos, and dispatches are depicted, deciphered, and acknowledged.

If my invocations, incantations, and supplications, the interactions, reciprocations, and interchanges, and the communications, associations, and connections embody, exemplify, and personify, epitomize, symbolize, and signify the coherence, unity, and lucidity, the articulacy, eloquence, and perspicuity, and the limpidness, transparency, and integrity, which you have entrusted, commended, and delegated upon me.

Then, your perpetuate presence, your augmented attention, and prolific reveal, the nearness, imminence, and intimacy resonate, ring, and resound, within the hollows of the heart, the valleys of the soul, and the indentations of the existence, presence, and sincerities. Then, your depictions, postures, and portrayals emerge, appear, and populate the darkest, murkiest, and gloomiest gantries, contexts, and perspectives, which had been adamant, obstinate, and steadfast to the contrary, reverse, and converse.

The darkest, murkiest, and gloomiest gantries, the entities aligned and conglomerated to advocate and encourage the pillars, peaks, and pinnacles of their perpetuity, permeance, and propositions.

چرخ گردون  در  رکاب و گونه  را  رنگین وزین باد صبا
اختر  شوقت   یکی   آتش  به   دل  از  باده ات  فرخنده ایم

Oh, the universe, cosmos, and creation, the resurgence, revival, and resumption, continuance, protraction, and perpetuation, the resolves, tenacities, and commitments, the intentions, resolutions, and determinations. Your adoration, adulation, and admiration of harmony and serenity, symmetry and uniformity, edict and command substantiate, corroborate, and sustain the excursion, enactment, and expedition within the initiatives, ingenuities, and originality of the epitome, quintessence, and avatar.

The excitements, exhilarations, and elations, the elevations, ascends, and escalations; the bright, immaculate, and pristine horizons, spheres, and scopes to submerge, immerse, and inundate the boundaries, frontiers, and precincts of perception, observation, and acuity by the glimmers, shimmers, and sparkles of stars, luminaries, and icons, which have indulged, encapsulated, and captured the enormity, extent, and  vastness of the skies of contemplations and deliberations, cognizant and  consciousness, pursuance and acquirement; the annunciators, indicators, barometers, and benchmarks of  your veneration, reverence, cherishment, and allure.

The occurrences, occasions, and circumstances, the manifestations, appearances, and exhibitions, which instantiate inexhaustibly, materialize emblematically, and commensurate to perpetuity and eternity. While, the breeze, drift, and waft, the zephyr of confidence and contemplation, the stream of equanimity and contentment, and the torrent of virtues and distinctions appear and arise, soar and hover, and surface and saturate the captivations, immersions, and concentrations.

The eagerness and impatience, the fever and fervor, and the pursuit and quest, the enthusiasm, zeal, and vehemence, potent, riveting, and enchanting, charming, engrossing, and entrancing to advance, extent, and expand your reciprocations and responsiveness, your imminence and propinquity, and your proximity and closeness.

The stars that twinkle your touch, glimmer your grandeur, flicker your absolution, the stellar of glitter and opulence, affluence and dispensation, commitment and alliance, and the solar of coherence, coordination, and congruence, tingle, flare, and ablaze my entity and substance, the gist and crux, and the root and core.

The influence and connection, the relevance and orientation, and the deportment and demeanor, astoundingly, stupendously, and miraculously nourish, mollify, and gratify, startlingly and marvelously delight, enchant, and indulge, and amazingly propel and compel my inclinations, proclivities, and penchants, determinedly, diligently, and vigorously by verdict, discovery, and attainment of your comradery, unanimity, and companionship.

The brimless chalice, goblet, and tumbler, the ajar receptacle and vessel, and the agape basin and repository, of your affinity, kinship, and correspondence, the infinite and immense, the boundless and interminable, and the incessant and colossal proportions, facets, and aspects which associate, correlate, and conjoin to characters, integrities, and strengths, enlighten the paths, designate the orbits, and delegate corridors, elongated, paved, and flagged; gestured to perpetuate the reach, disseminate the expanse, and vow the procurement, your propinquity, contiguity, and immediacy.

خانه خود  در سایه قوس نگاهت  وه  تماشایش رواست
کبک لب  در  مدح جانان کعبه تو سحرِ سما بشمرده ایم

The sanctuary, shelter, and refuge, the haven, harbor, and retreat, and the auspices, auguries, presages, and portents to accommodate and direct, to lodge and proliferate, to adapt and synchronize, and to contain and epitomize. The tenacity, resolve, and persistence, the epitomes, essences, and embodiments, to denote, symbolize, and exemplify your allure, appeal, and magnetism, which are distinctively, uniquely, and perspicuously perceptible, discernible, and distinguishable.

The curvature, bend, and twist of your stare, glare, and gaze, the arch, bow, and pergola of your participations, stipulations, and provisions, the propensities, proclivities, and predilections, your revering, glorifying, and exalting vistas of virtuousness, perspectives of prominence, and spheres of sincerities and sacredness, the panoramas, sceneries, and prospects of pertinence, prodigiousness, and remarkableness.

 The pronounced panoramas, the stretched and serene sceneries, and the provoking prospects of pertinence, which incite and invoke wonderments, reverences, and venerations, the visions, inspirations, and immersions, the absorptions, raptness, and captivations to ponder the cognizant, the fascination, demand, and entailment to inundate, deluge, and engulf the perceptions and perspicacity, the astuteness, discernments, and perceptiveness which have congregated, ensembled, integrated, and amalgamated, to perform, enact, and present the symphony, the opus and composition of creation and formation, vivacity and vivaciousness,  and propinquity and closeness. It is you and your quest and pursuit, it is you and your enchantments, gratification, and inducements, and it is you and your assent and approbation to cherish, esteem, admire, commend, and applause.

The admirations, commendations, and applauses, the adorations, devotions, and tributes, the praises, accolades, and esteems to be recognized, apprehended, and fathomed, comprehended, consummated, and treasured, to reflect, indicate, and expose the entreaties and aspirations that are fixated, focused, and converged to strive, decide, and decree your gratifications, approvals, and contentment.

The kaba, mosque, church, and temple, the minbar, pulpit, and dais, the sites, spots, and corners, the locations, situations, and positions, unpretentiously, austerely, and ingeniously instigate, originate, and perpetuate your depictions, delineations, interpretations, and illustrations, merely and purely if your presence and portrayal within the heart’s enclaves, cavities, and craters overshadow, eclipse, and outshine the conditionalities, precluding and prohibiting presumptions, presuppositions, and postulations. You and your omnipresence, you and your magnanimity, and you and your uniqueness and oneness, the unity and unanimity pound, pulse, palpitate, and throb my heart; you are the pinnacle, apex, and zenith of my voyage, passage, and expedition.

Oh, it is the sky’s surprises and spectacles, astonishments and conjectures, wonders and wisdoms, and marvels and miracles, which surmise, construe, speculate, and infer my elations, exultations, and raptures, the height, altitude, and elevation to conceptualize, constitute, and comprise your congruence, conformance, and harmony.

The parade, cavalcade, and procession of vivaciousness, vitality, and exuberance, incessantly postulate, propose, and nominate, the motions, movements, and kinesis, the notions, impulses, and the urge, which are substantiated, corroborated, and authenticated by your affinity, affection, and attachment.

گوشه  را مهتاب  رخ  رنگین کمانِ  یار  در قوس و قزح
چشم را  روشن بر این فتانه خود  بر مرکبش  بسپرده ایم

The moonlight, the gleam and glimmer, the luminance, brightness, and glow, the vividness and gaudiness of the milieus, the encirclement and encompassment of reflections and revelations. The unpretentiousness and spontaneity of surroundings and their invocations, supplications, and incantations, the prowess and virtuosity of the protraction and endurance, persistence and continuance, eminent and distinct to their dexterity and acquirement; have penetrated, permeated, and transfused my adequacy, admissibility, and competency, the comprehensions, grasps, and conceptions.

Your portrayal, depictions, and occurrences, your presence, company, and manifestations, and your exhibitions, indications, and expressions, the camaraderie and companionship, the rapport and relationship, and the imminence and immediacy, the syndication and solidarity; adorns, tittivates, and garnishes the pillars, premises, and principles of my subsistence, acuity, and survival, substance, existence, and dynamism.

Your flamboyant, vibrant, and lively, the glitzy, lurid, and ostentatious curvature, cloister, and portico, propagate, promulgate, and proliferate. The rainbow and arch of procurement, attainment, and fulfilment, the ensemble, communal, and collection of collaborations, associations, and alliances. The rainbow of certitude, conviction, and confidence, the sentiments, sensations, and phenomena, the perceptions, consciousness, and responsiveness. Or, the permutations and complexities, the adroitness and competence to invigorate, elate, and strengthen your enlightenments, clarifications, and inspirations.

The tumultuous, boisterous, and tempestuous moments and passages, the episodes, segments, and incidents, the passageways, courses, and chapters, the exoduses, expeditions, and ramifications, which remain, prevail, and persist to substantiate, sustain, and signify your tolerance, forbearance, and acceptance, your patience, placidity, and fortitude.

Your serenity, equanimity, and certitude, your tolerance, acceptance, and astuteness, your perspicacity, acuity, and perceptiveness, which have brightened, vivified, and revitalized the cruces, principles, and quintessence of perceptiveness and insightfulness, discernment and resourcefulness, and attentiveness and responsiveness.

The interactions, connections, and communications, the observations, inspections, and considerations, the purifications, clarifications, and elicitations, and the revelations, exposures, and admissions have nourished, cultivated, promoted, and reassured the perpetuality of your presence, manifestation, and depiction, your delineations, allocations, and dedications, your sempiternal sensations, prodigies, and ambiances.

The solitude, seclusion, and separateness of your virtues and merits, the arrogance and condescension not to discern, singularize, and characterize your sacrament and convention, and unintentional and inadvertent shift and swing away from your allure and appeal have been renounced, repudiated, and retracted.

The aberrations, deviations, and delinquencies, the derelictions, dilapidations, and disregards have been diminished, devalued, and dismantled, the despairs, dejections, and desolations have been departed, differed, and dislodged.

Your inciting reciprocations, your evoking interactions, and your educing magnanimity and benevolence, inspirations and motivations, and affinity and mutuality are the center, cluster, and fulcrum of my liveliness and vivacity, the content and gratification of your immediacy, contiguity, and adjacency.

Your chariot of initialization and instantiation, movement and association, abstraction and appearance, and elevation and attainment, the carriage of illuminance and brightness, decency and rectitude, aspiration and confidence, and conviction and certitude, portray the vessel to accommodate, contain, and carry my entity and soul that encompass, embody, and embrace the thirst and fervor, which strenuously and incessantly consider, sense, and comprehend your affection, connection, and fondness.

آن نفس خود  غایت  زنجیره  راز  درون بر بال توست
تا  که  در  کسب  رهت  آذین  تمنای  خیالت  جُسته ایم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The breath, dynamism, and vim, the exuberance, élan, and enthusiasm, and the determinations, devotions, and dedications, rampant, flourishing, and proliferating, conspicuous, striking, and prominent, render, exhibit, and represent the delicacy, elegance, and gracefulness of the instincts and intuitions, urges and compulsions.

The urges, compulsions, instincts, and intuitions, swirl, twirl, and gyrate by the core and crux, soul and spirit. The augmentations and amalgamations of the sensations, perceptions, and spectacles, emerge, attain, and spiral, while the inner personifications and incarnations, embodiments and manifestations are distinctly, palpably, and tangibly distinguished and deployed.

The urges, compulsions, instincts, and intuitions, which are the incarnations, personifications, and avatar of your prowess, aptitude, and dexterity, the indicators of your absolutism, individuality, and inimitability. The entailers and encompasses, and the embracers and comprises of your wisdom, prudence, sagacity, and astuteness, the ropes, twines, and threads of solace, succor, and sacrament, tantalize captivate, mesmerize, and fascinate the fabrics, frames, and foundations of my actuality and survival.

The urges, compulsions, instincts, and intuitions, which proliferate and prosper, propagate and procreate, while gliding and flying, coasting and soaring. The dynamism and vitality progress, proceed, and advance the journey of existence, while, passing, exceeding, and excelling the voyage of cultivation, fostering, and refinement, in occasions as ephemeral and transitory as it could be perceived.

The vivacity and verve, your propinquity and the warmth of your presence and company; you the companion, confidant, and intimate to the excursion and crossing to proceed, ensue, and supervene, while riding, relying, and traversing by clinging, clutching, and adhering to your receptacle and container, your clemency, compassion, and leniency, and while anchored, attached, and affixed to your wings of elevation and rise.

To conquer, surmount, and capture the highpoints, climaxes, and acmes, the summits, pinnacles, and apexes of your connection, affiliation, and attachment. To escalate, accelerate, and intensify your pursuit, contact, and reach, to strive for the cognizance, conscious, and awareness to pave, differentiate, and characterize your course, track, and trajectory.

 To cleanse, chaste, and purify, the unblemished, immaculate, and untarnished aspirations, appeals, and requests to seek your consolations and patronages, to attain your immediacies and intimacy, the highlights, climaxes, and acmes to concurrently contemporaneously, and collectively capture and conquer.

To quell, crush, and subdue the flame, spark, and blaze, which steadfastly, staunchly, and stalwartly rage, erupt, and fulminate my entity and subsistence, your dream, delight, reverie, and vision.

The contentment, satisfactions, and gratifications glitter and glisten, flicker and twinkle, from the horizons’ edges, boundaries, and demarcation lines. The journey to advance, encroach, evolve, and enhance your nearness and contiguity, your proximity and propinquity, and merge and fuse my presence and prominence to you, to articulate, convey, and enunciate my purpose, perpetuality, and permanence, dedicated, sanctified, and consecrated to your reach, grasp, and stretch are unhindered, unconstrained, and unrestricted, in full motion and movement.

Your allure, charm. and fascination have saturated, inundated, and brimmed my existence, aspirations, and desires, your aura of poise and grace hovers, soars, and spans to every corner, bend, and juncture of my being, self, and spirit; you are the destiny, fate, and providence of adoration, tenderness, and devotion; you are my beacon, bonfire, and conflagration of ultimate, irrevocable, and absolute tendency, trend, vitality, and appeal.

© Alireza Bemanian, August of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)