Rampant and Raging Flames

Rampant and Raging Flames

دیده  را  باز در این  وادی  ایمن  چو خطاست
دل  به  انگار تو  از  قصد  طلب  بی  معناست

The horizons, vistas, and limits, skylines, panoramas, and seascapes, prospects, perceptions, and possibilities, the scenes, spheres, and scopesو depict, illustrate, and portray the essences, principles, and sources, notions, foundations, and origins of vitality, buoyance, and animation.

The land, terrain, and territory, the soil, state, and kingdom of revelations, exposures, and disclosures.  require, involve, and entail, oblige, compel, and commandو enthusiasms, passion, and urge, vigilance, attentiveness, and alertness.

To linger, postpone, and remain abstracted, unmindful, and negligent, to apprehend, capture, and detain the ingenuousness, exploratory, and depth of cognitions and comprehensions, to obstruct the agility to absorb and attain, the contradictories, discrepancies, and inconsistences. Then, the apprehensions, trepidations, and bewilderment persist to hinder, hamper, and deter the capture of our observations, acuities, and discernments.

Still, it is your depiction and portrayal, presence, and occurrence, comportment and charisma, the rays and beams, the glimmers and gleams, the glows and sparkles which shines through the cracks, crevices, and fissures of my heart. Immense, distinct, and apparent.

Still, it is the care, concern, and attention that incessantly starts, emanates, and stems by you, which amazes, astounds, and astonishes my impressions, comprehensions, and perceptions. It is your magnificence, splendor, and grandeur that instigates the reverberations, echoes, and resonances of vivacity, exuberance, and vivaciousness.

Though, the inattentiveness, distraction, and indifference, arrogance, superciliousness, and haughtiness have eroded, wrinkled, and crumpled the capitulation, inundation, and deluge to reciprocate, respond, and share the elevation, to raise, advance, and promote the comprehensions, grasps, and perceptions.

گفته ها همهمه ها منزل  و محراب، تو راست
کرده  ها بی خبر از طیف  نگاهت  به قفاست

Speeches, orations, and sermons, lectures, discourses, and dialogs, proclamations, declarations, and pronouncements continue to articulate, enunciate, and verbalize your eminence, standing, and reputation, your prominence, distinctions, and accolades.

The dwellings, abodes, and domiciles, the residences, communities, and establishments, the neighborhoods, areas, and villages are saturated, drenched, and doused by tails, extremities, and appendages, which pretend, replicate, and mimic to convey, express, and communicate your courteousness, considerations, and deliberations.

Though, the altars, daises, and pulpits are located, positioned, and placed to perturb, disturb, and disrupt, to meddle, interfere, and intervene, and to unsettle, shuffle, and clutter your purity, sanctity, and inviolability.

Intentions, objectives, and the targets, the endeavors, manners, and conducts, the deeds, acts, and feats are incoherent, disjoined, and unarticulated, the disarrays of rush, haste, and hurry, which precede, conduct, and command amalgamation, fusion, and consolidation of misconception, misapprehension, and delusion.

Intentions and objectives not coherent, consistent, and articulated, misinformed, misaligned, and skew to harmonize and synchronize, to adjoin and attach, and to reciprocate and respond to the spectrum and range of your sparkling, spurring, and animating portents, indications, and harbingers are prevalent, ubiquitous, and prevailing.

Presages and auguries, murmurs and mutters, mumbles and whispers, which enlighten the heart, elucidate the notions, illuminates the essence, and reveals enthrallment, appeal, and fascination are ironically, incongruously, and paradoxically deprived, depressed, and underprivilegedو by inattentive, vague, and preoccupied mentalities, cognizance, and intellects.

آن  نگه  کرده  که  دنبال و نظرگاه  تو  راست
گو به محبوب،  نگر سیطره ای  پر غوغاست

The watchful, vigilant, and wakeful observer, the one who is embedded, entrenched, and surrendered by your passion, urge, and thirst, the one who is inundated, suffused, and deluged by your zeal, ardor, and fervor, the one who is enchanted, thrilled, and elated by your eminence and proximity.

The one who is trailing, tracking, and shadowing your traces, marks, and touches, the one who is in hearty, spirited, and exuberant search, pursuit, and quest to seek, acquire, and attain your traits, characters, and mannerisms, to be conceded and settled within the boundaries, precincts, confines, and frontiers of your shadow, shade, and suggestion.

The one to whom your benevolence, munificence, and magnanimity, your presence, depiction, and portrayal, and your closeness, attachment, and proximity is vivaciously, vehemently, and vibrantly flabbergasting, striking, and exquisite. The one engulfed by the euphoria, bliss, and rapture to substantiate, corroborate, and authenticate the core, crux, and essence of the preambles, the infinity and eternity.

Then wish him to express, communicate, and convey, converse, commune, and correspond the hinderances, hurdles, and obstacles, the agitations, anxieties, and distresses, the endeavors, strives, and struggles; the obscurities, conspicuities, and opacities, the dissuasions, deterrents, and restrictions, the hypes, frenzies, and hysterias, the pretensions, ostentations, and affectations.

Then, the vivacity, verve, and vivaciousness, the exuberance, dynamism, and liveliness, that entails, demands, and claims pertinence, relevance, and aptness, the cores and cruxes of participation and involvement, which are tantalizing, encouraging, and enticing.

When the ensembles and aggregates, the entirety, demand, depict, and articulate your omnipresence, ubiquitousness, diligence, and persistence, so vastly inclusive, so immensely magnanimous, and so collectively compassionate, which are the mere, utter, and sheer foundations of comprehension, ability, and command.

نور قدست  به  تلألو چو ز هر گوشه  نماست
قبله  دل  بزدائیم که  دلدار نگاهش  بر ماست

The illuminations, enlightenments, and radiances, the insights, elucidations, and acumens, the sanctity, purity and sacredness so contemporaneous, simultaneous, and concomitant, which are bluntly, brusquely, and uncompromisingly affiliated, conglomerated, and associated to your closeness, attachment, and intimacy.

The gleam, gloss, and luster, the sheen, shine, and patina to adamantly, unalterably, and unrestrictedly reflect, redirect, and replicate the virtues, cores, and cruxes of genuineness, substance, and legitimacy. The secrets, riddles, and mysteries which magnify, augment, and heighten the purpose, tenacity, and dedication.

Oh, your presence and pursuit, vastness and immensity of your magnanimity and nobility, benevolence and altruism, overwhelmingly accessible, graspable, and articulate. The shines and twinkles, the glows and flickers, and the sparkles and glitters, which have immersed, captivated, and enthralled every turn and corner, place and position, and spot and junction.

The conceived direction, trend, and route to curtail, diminish, and abridge my distance, aloofness, and detachment, the struggles, exertions, and efforts to reach, extent, and grasp your attention, the protraction, prolongation, and expansion of my fervor, vehemence and anguish, are prodigious, immense, and engulf ing.

Despite the scope and extend of illuminations, enlightenments, and radiances, the heart, core, and soul necessitate, compel, and oblige to be pierced, perforated, and penetrated, by the blaze and spark, the glitter and glisten, and the shimmer and shine, that prevail to endure; abundant, copious, and ample.

It is your attentiveness, considerations, and concentration, your benevolence, compassion, and concerns to absorb, grasp, and recognize. Your fondness, keenness, and affection, your enthusiasm, ardor, and eagerness. Then, the echoes, rebounds, and ricochets within my heart, resonate incessantly and continually, while the heralds, harbingers, and portents are ponderously present.

شاخ گل  را  به  تمنای صبا  غبطه  رواست
سرخیش در قدمت شاخص گلزار تو راست

Flower plants, the bushes and shrubs ceaselessly and relentlessly, ardently and fervently, and eagerly and zealously intreat, appeal, and demand the whispers, passages, and murmurs of the winds, drafts, and breezes. Intreat and demand to be the receivers, listeners, and recipients of emerging vibrancies and vitalities, which sustain, enhance, and enunciate vivacity and liveliness.

The sensation, commotion, and responsiveness stay profound, intense, and overpowering, while reaching to attain the height and altitude, the elevation and highness, while the breeze and whisper, the chorus, choir, and chorale of continuity and surmise, conjecture, and conclusion relentlessly, inexorably, and unremittingly hum, purr, and chant.

Oh, the flower twigs, the blossom stems, the buds, blooms, and shrubs, the persistence, endurance, and courage, emanating from the depth of your souls, spirits, and essences, you are the envy of the sustenance, subsistence, and existence.

The redness of the flower, the dancing and liveliness of the bushes and shrubs, the elements, portions, and facets, the constituents, components, and aspects of your creation, the clusters of existence, life, verve, and energy, wholeheartedly, unreservedly, and unequivocally extend, broaden, and stretch their offer, overture, and proposition to reciprocate your nurture, tending, and adoration.

The orchards, gardens, and rockeries, the growth, augmentation, and progression so fervidly, ardently, and vividly in motion, campaign, and movement, the entirety of life and existence so revolving, turning, and gyrating, all solely and uniquely nurtured, protracted, and sustained while countering, sharing, and interchanging your guidance, control, and counselling, the influence, dominance, and restraint, the power, might, and authority.

Your dexterity, acuity, and adroitness, your perspicacity, perceptiveness, and discernments, your fondness, affection, and attachment, your tolerance, serenity, and fortitude are the comforts, cheers, and consolations so earnestly, solemnly, and sincerely implored, appealed, and entreated by your entities, your individuals, bodies, and beings.

ما  یکی سوخته  دل  در  طلبت  خفته  نوا ست
گر چه خورشید به هر بام و گذر بی  پرواست

Me, arduously, gruelingly, and emphatically pave, overlay, and cover my path, route, and passageway, though narcissistically, egoistically, and egocentrically, while adore and admire, cherish and revere, venerate and adulate your sanctity.

The self-centered, self-seeking, self-absorbed mantle, vail, and cloak have surrendered, forfeited, relinquished, and capitulated the perceptions, assessments, and experiences.

The insights, observations, and discernments to linger, wait, and stay inert, static, and indolent, to the dynamism, vigor, and potency, to stand defiant to the vim, verve, and heartiness, which reverberate, resound, and resonate within your universe, A void, abyss, and hallow resentment to the multiverse of astounding, astonishing, and pondering perceptions.

It is me whom remains, endures, and persists, while distancing detaching, and separating away from your immediacy, contiguity, and propinquity.  It is me wondering, speculating, and deliberating, while the dogmatic, rigid, and narrow notions, instincts, and impressions are cluttering the expectations, potentials, and prospects. It is me dozed and slumbered while arduously and gruelingly seeking shelter and sanctuary within your dominion, demesne, and realm.

Arduous, grueling, and emphatic, struggling, toiling, and tussling to enter within your encirclement, to conceive and capture your contiguities and adjacencies, and to perpetuate my thirst and thrive to deify, adore, and adulate you.

Not attentive to the light, glare, and sun that illuminate, enlighten, and elucidate at each spot, corner, and position, brighten each mark, blemish, and speck they touch, converge, and contact. The sunshine which carries, fetches, and conveys light, glow, and illumination to every roof, gable, and ridge, every passageway, corner, and corridor, immensely, immeasurably, and incalculably, blazingly, uniformly, and universally.

When, your messages, dispatches, and significances are apparent, perceptible, and perceivable, discernable, detectable, and distinctive. Your traces, marks, and sketches are apparent, depictable, and collaborating. Your solace, succor, and closeness, your touch, tap, and stroke, and your vigilance, prudence, and discretions, the virtues, merits, and requisites, the essences of your creation, cosmos, and entities are contemplating and deliberating. The spectrum, orchestra, and range that has mused, deliberated, and pondered the universe.

کوکب  و  اختر  و مقصود  ز لطفت برجاست
شاهد و شوکت و گردون ز وصالت بر پاست

The cosmos and stars, galaxies and clusters, and the assemblies and congregations, the purpose, resolutions, and principles are perpetuating the tune, melody, and harmony of the subsistence, continuation, and presence. The attendance, occurrence, and manifestation, the charisma, magnetism, and captivation.

Continuation, elation, and exultations, the attainments, realizations, and fulfillments, meticulously, pedantically, and punctiliously intertwined, interwoven, and interconnected. The collectiveness reflective of your intricacies, complexities, and convolutions.

The agility and ability to prosper, thrive, and flourish, the cosmos and stars, galaxies and clusters, their perpetuality to persist and ponder, all reflective, studious, and meticulous of your fondness and keenness, your supremacy and command, and your might and dominance; miraculously, impeccably, and astoundingly in activity and motion.

Entities, articles, and objects, glories, admirations, and laurels, and vivaciousness, exuberance, and liveliness, so tirelessly, vigorously, and diligently thrive, bloom, and prosper, while encircled, girdled, and enfolded by your sanctity and inviolability.

You are the ultimate, extreme, and decisive desire, yearning, and aspirations to warmth, cordiality, and tenderness that inspire, instigate, and incite existence, presence, and actuality and continuation. You are the stimuli, impetus, and inducement for every singly breath inhaled, sustenance and sustainment.

Your depiction, portrayal, and presence are the cornerstones, bedrocks, and premises, the prepositions, evidences, and principles, which sustain elations and exaltations, the rapture and exhilaration, the grasp, extent, and reach to your sanctity, sacredness, and blessedness.

The reciprocity and responsiveness that pounds, throbs, and batters my heart, the murmurs and whispers, the breeze and drift which strengthen my pace.

ما نجوئیم رهی جز تو که این ملک ز ماست
زنگ  این  قافله در گوش که ره پر معناست
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

We won’t seek and pursue, overlook and examine, and survey and scrutinize the conceptions, impressions, and perceptions, assertions, declarations, and contentions; contrary to your bestowed abilities, aptitudes, and expectancies, your personification, your epitome, and your embodiment.

To repentantly, regretfully, and remorsefully cultivate, encourage, and enrich representations, incarnations, and personifications which are detrimental, demeaning, and disgraceful to the connections, attachments, and bonds infused, instilled, and inculcated by your leniency and clemency within the caveats, curves, and corners of the heart. The epitomes and embodiments inexorable, preordained, and predestined to be deterred, discouraged, and dismayed.

The environs, localities, and neighborhoods, the regions, vicinities, and sites, and the settings, sanctuaries, and shelters bounded by the grasp, cognizance, and comprehension of concept and deliberation, are your components, portions and milieus of proximities, propinquities, and contiguities, your presence, incidence, and attendance, persist, command, and challenge comprehension gratitude, and obligation.

The journey, voyage, and expedition, the voyagers, itinerants, and wonderers, the accomplices, abettors, and partners, and the paths, routes, and conduits so compliment, accolade, and encomium, where the horizons are unblemished and unobstructed, where the passageways are settled and established, and when the tranquility, harmony, and serenity are ascertained.

The alertness, vigilance, and attentiveness, the prudence, acumen, and conviction, and alterations, amendments, and corrections to be concurrently, contemporarily, and concomitantly exerted, exercised and committed to.

The journey, junctures, and intervals richly, abundantly, and splendidly inspired, enthused, and instigated by your notions, sparkles and glints, the shimmers and glimmers of observance and patronage, the corroborations and confirmations, the heralds and harbingers of ecstasy and elation, enchantment and rapture; all the apexes, highpoints, and summits of the transpiration, transformation, and transfusion, the quitting, soothing, and alleviating avatars to subdue, pacify, and soften the flames rampant and raging within the boundaries of my heart.

© Alireza Bemanian, March of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)