Redness of the Roses

Redness of the Roses

Is it the constancy of time, or the fidelity and faithfulness of the moment which ponder the persistence of verve and vitality? Or, is it the persuasiveness, the eloquence and articulateness of promise and courage which shimmers and gleams the allures and splendors of preeminence and transcendence?

The adversaries and challengers merely and purely are the pawns and pledges to enhance and hone the anima and atman, the soul and spirit to conjure and summon the susceptibilities and predispositions, to commemorate and venerate the selflessness and altruism, which are copiously and profusely pertained within, the persona, passion, and pneuma, to conquer, confound, and vanquish inconceivable anguishes and nuisances.

Contemplations and capitulations, affiliations and attachments prelude and prologue accentuation and attention to convolutedly and intricately nullify and invalidate distractions, disturbances, and diversions. Abbreviated and curtailed episodes and occurrences that trigger and instigate vanishment and evanescence of core and quintessence, disturbances that tamper the template of requital and reparation.

While, the journey of life and convoy of envision and evolution continuously carry on, lodge, and accommodate. Profoundness and proliferation of devotedness, conjoinment, and commemoration capitulate and coagulate the contentment of correspondence and correlation to the substratum and extremity of the universe and creation.

Concurrently, the agony and anguish, torment and heartbreak shall be evaded, dodged, and eluded. We, the communities, leagues, and nations, the humanness and humanity shall contrive and commensurate affinity and rapport, the sympathy and concord postulate, propose, and perpetuate the fabric of our existence, actuality, and continuation.

Me and you, you and me, or the entireness, the individuals, human beings, and the entities and congregations invariably and consistently, unfailingly and infallibly attain pinnacles and apexes of rapture and ravishment, and enchantment and exaltation, the concurrence and concomitance to subsistence and esse. We shall overcome and overwhelm, while permeate and prosper oeuvre and opus of genesis and emergence of aspirations and ambitions. Or, the reciprocity and receptiveness to the endowed gem of exuberance and vehemence glitter and gleam the pathway and corridor of promise and pledge to the eternity.

While, the whirl and twirl, pirouette and prance, the participation and attribution to the liveliness, vivacity, and spirit, hand in hand and heart shaking heart celebrate consecration and dedication of the instance, symphony of sanctity and sacredness to encapsulate and embrace me and you, we, to glimpse and perceive, to accompany and assimilate to the redness of the roses, and chirps and twitters of the secluded sparrows persist and prevail.

© Alireza Bemanian, April 29th of 2019 (Author, Poet)