

نشسته  سر  به  فلک   در   تاٌملم   مدهوش
که  لوح  دل  به خفا بود  سامت و مخدوش

Meditating, ruminating, and reflecting,
perplexed, mystified, and confounded,
murmuring, whispering, and susurrating,
the universe, galaxies, clusters, and
congregations. The stars, flickers,
sparks, traces, oh the sparkles,
twinkles, and glimmers.
Why merely me, purely my cognizance,
perceptions, and acuities, the
intellects, deliberations, and
intuitions are tainted, obscured, and
The   inundation, barrage, and
immersion, tinkering, pondering, and
considering, the transients, stampedes,
and the sprints, the entirety of
commotions, controversies, and the
Have the content, substance, and
essence, the core, crux, and the
kernel, arising, forming, and
shaping, capturing and contemplating
corresponded upon the bestowed
ambience, adoration, and veneration?
The glimpses, glances, and the gaze,
the forethoughts, reflections, and
determinations emboldened and
embraced within the corners of my
heart, the scroll transpired to
engrave, incise, and inscribe the
embodiment of my emotions, sensations,
and sentiments, the views, prattles,
and attitudes are kept so brazenly in
shadow of my crux, vagueness of my
core, and silhouette of my soul.
The essences so silently, quietly,
and mutely have eroded, gnarled,
battered, and wrinkled. The courage,
mettle, and audacity have devoured,
scoffed, and gobbled, and the content,
gist, and substance have been subsided.

گهی که قصه  دل  بود خود ملامت دوست
نفس  به  مرکب  غوغا  و دیده را خاموش

Instances, illustrations, and
occasions appear, occur, and befall.
Transpirations, emerging moments, and
commencements, clout, rumble, and
strike, stories shape and whittle,
judgments and discernments, acumens and
sensitivities coagulate and solidify.
The rapprochement, reprehension, and the
reprimand, censoriousness, admonishment,
and conciliation. Then the appeasement to
be imputed and impugned on the
ambivalence, inconsistency, vacillation,
and rebuke.
The rebounding, retreating, and withdrawal,
attributed to relinquishment, lack, or
abdication of your affection, adoration,
and tenderness.
Entangled, entwined, and entrapped, my
thoughts and scrutiny, the mediations and
reflections are bounded by the hurray of the
zapping ambiance, the indulgence of the
instance, and the coercion of the occasion.
The vision is obscured, the comprehension is
curtailed, and the grasp is succinct. The
inspirations, brilliances, and the
revelations inundating the surroundings, the
ciphers, insignias, and traces, the
absolution, forbearance, and indulgence
are not copiously captivated by thoughts
and dreams. The illumination and
enlightenment is dimmed and darkened by the
illusions and chimeras.

هزار نغمه  چو بلبل  سرود و زنده نکرد
گرش به درک چنین طالعی شود آغوش

The chirps, cheeps, and tweeters, the
songs, melodies, and mantras, resonating
and reverberating, rumbling and ringing,
and echoing and vibrating in thousands.
The choirs, chorales, and ensembles,
vehemently vanishing canary’s impediments,
the hindrances to be further astounded and
astonished, to have attained the pertinence
to fly higher and higher, to be immersed
statelier and even heave more profoundly
within the skies.
Still, the desire and dream to disperse
hope and confidence, aspiration and trust.
The ratification, endorsement, and
confirmation of canary’s provocative joy
and content, unfolds, scatters, and
promulgates. The nobility vehemently
dispensed to be depicted by the
recipients inattentive and neglectful to
shatter the mold, the frame, and the
Unable to shatter the renunciation, the
mold, the frame. Then the melodies, the
songs, choruses, and the chirrups do not
resonate, resound, and tremble. The destiny
and aptitude, the vocation and purpose are
pertinent and profound, persistent and
persuasive, and enduring and prevailing.
The posture if shuttered to rejoice the
melody of life, vivacity, and exuberance.
Then, the sparkles, shimmers, and twinkles
start to shine exuberantly, vigorously, and
vivaciously.  The celebration of cognizance,
the dance of contentment, and the embrace of
embodiments, the personification, incarnation,
and epitome, the avatar of life.

ندای  صبح  ز  اوج  فلک  اشارت  هاست
دریغ  لحظه که  بگذشت  گر نجویی کوش

Then, the vow and wonder of the dawn, the
oath of lightening sky, and the promise of a
new era, epoch, and period, to surmise the
eon and eternity of endeavor, struggle,
venture, and speculations.
The emergence of the dawn stretching the
horizons in contrast to the presumed, reputed,
and postulated perceptions and discernments,
stretched so vividly in the course of the
ostensibly pervasive night.
The emergence of the light, luminosity, and
radiance from the peak of the galaxy, the
ascending clusters, to reinforce, intensify,
and increase the murmurs, the whispers, and
the mutters; we are the survivors, the
conquerors, and the subjugators of the
descends, declines, and debilities, the
abandoning advocates of encumbrances and
The moments and passage of time dare, defy,
and flout to remain regretful, repentant,
and remorseful. The tussle, wrangle, the
vigor, the verve, and the poise and
Instances and their inbounded inspirations,
motivations, and encouragements. The
occasions instilled with capturing
consequences and pertained proclamations,
all demanding instigating insights,
perceptiveness, and perspicacity. When
postulated by formalities, punctualities,
and promptness of enigmas, perplexities,
and conundrums. The compilations to be
vanished and vaporized, the ramifications
and corollaries of regret to be retracted,
refuted, and recanted.
The core, the essence, and the extract,
the exertion, the energy, and the efforts
to fulfill the compulsion, the commitment,
and the gratefulness. To bestow upon the
prevailed potent, ability, and agility, to
exhibit and extend, to spread and expand,
to prolong and present; your ascriptions
and acknowledgements.

شده  به  غفلت  من  مه  به  خواب  روشن تو
چو چاره توست ز مه قصه و حکایت جوش
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Oh, my neglect, overlook, and inattention.
The moon has pondered and pursued the dream,
the aspiration, the fulfillment, while
endured the darkness though inherently had
not been even awakened during the course of
the night, while not provoked exuberance to
meticulously be mesmerized by the fascination,
while constantly pulsates, thuds, and thumps
merely to seize the instance, to stay darkened
and eclipsed. Though enlightened by throbbing a
determined traverse, no instantiations,
alterations, or variations, an implicit
Still, your compassion, and munificence;
inundates, deluges, and engulfs the moon’s
disregarded exigence and demand. The
collaboration, the alliance and admiration so
flawlessly crystalized, prompted, and
The attachment and the expediency to capture
your presence and prevalence, your ponderous
barrage of overtures, extents, and tenderness,
the torrent and volley of your care and kindness,
lead to a summarily passion, infatuation, and
The reliance of the moon to be enlightened so
meticulously and instinctively reveals tiers
and layers of resilience, determination, and
confidence. The perceptions, dreams, and
intuitions pose to persist buoyant and afloat
even when eclipsing, concealing, or outshining
the benevolence and magnanimity tendered by
you. Pondering, the attainments are not
absolute and complete.
Seeking your proximity, imminence, and
intimacy surpasses the threshold to remain
inadvertently dazed and mystified.

© Alireza Bemanian, November of 2017 (Author, Poet)​​