Shelter Sustainer

Shelter Sustainer

گفته آن  نیست که  پرگار   نگارت  گردیم
نکته   آن  است  که  منظور خیالت  گردیم

The conjure and concept, the
perception and purpose, the notion
and impulse is not to create and
craft your portrayal and depiction,
or to be the compass and scope to
contour your recognition,
characters, and individualism.
The correlation, context, and bond,
the connection, intimacy, and
adoration is not to ponder to sway,
vacillate, or fluctuate your
depiction and representation.
The flame, spark, and exaltation,
the reverence, veneration, and
admiration is beamed, glowed, and
gleamed when the surmised
proximities ambient to you are
When the closeness, nearness, and
imminence of reaching you is inhaled
and infused, immersed within and
emanated by your immense impulses,
the goads and spurs substantiating
the subsistence, sustaining
liveliness and dynamism.
Yes, to exhibit and reveal your
reciprocity and affinity more
directly, candidly, and vividly.

گردش دور ز آغاز  تماشاگر این ملک  و  وجود
راهب  کوی تو با شیم، شود جمله  نمایت  گردیم

The passage of time, progress of
vivacity, exuberance, and the
anonymity universe has been
observant, perceptive, and
vigilant of since the inception,
start, and origin.
Watchful of the sites, vicinities,
and localities, heedful of
movements, crusades, and advances,
attentive to the life and
embodiments. incarnations and
epitomes, or the personification
of me, the core and crux of
To suit the plea instigated by a
disciple, a devotee thriving to
follow your footsteps, to reach
within your shadow of appeasement,
concession, and conciliation.
The adherent and partisan stunned,
amazed, and dazed by your thoughts
and notions, your inspirations and
visions, your insights and
discernments, and by your concerns
and attentions.
Then reaching the pinnacle of purely
pertaining to your portrayal, hence
to vividly and vehemently transpire
and reflect your depictions and

هر نگه جوهر امیال در این سیطره پرداز کنیم
شاهد قامت خورشید پس از شام سیاهش گردیم

At every glance, moment, instance,
and occasion to evaluate and
appraise the ambiance, the vibe
and essence of intents, objectives,
and purpose, to hone and enhance the
inner core, the crux, the character,
and to repeal the vexing, irking, and
confounding intuitions, impressions,
and affections.
Cleansing the soul, exalt and
elevate the sense of liveliness and
determination, spurred and incited by
the thirst of attaining your
attention, acquiescence, and
To reflect the embodiment of the
elation to spectate, scrutinize, and
stalk the surmise of sunrise sparkling
from the outstretched horizons of
gloominess and darkness of the night.
When the murkiness and despondency,
discouragement and deterrence
dissipates and diminishes. Then,
the warmth, cordiality, and fondness
benignly yours invigorates,
exhilarates, and blossoms the hearts.

سوختن   در  طلبت   غایت   و   والایی    نیست
درک منظور شود شمع  قدم، رهرو  راهت گردیم

Striving, exertion, and struggle to
seek and pursue your traits. The
encountered denials, discouragements,
and dissuasions while tracing your
trajectory, your route, and trailing
your course are abundant.
Still, the astounding notions and
conceptions, the flabbergasting
sensitivities and sensations, the
attainments and achievements to
seek your empathy and tenderness,
the fondness and adorations are
boundless, and interminable,
incessantly invokable, persistent,
and immersing.
The capture of the aspirations and
ambitions, objectives and
intentions, and adulations and
admirations are the cornerstone,
the source, spring, font and
fountain to propose, and present,
which flaunts and flourishes the
light and luminescence, the
pinnacles to thrive my steps
candle light.
The candle light to portray,
depict, and reveal the path. The
corridor and passageway to ponder
and proclaim the pursuance,
perseverance, and content of
reaching, touching, and attaining

ما نگوییم که زاهد  به  نوای  سخن   دولت  ملک
زهد  ما  گَرد  خیالیست  چو  آویزه گامت  گردیم

The disposition, assertion, and
affirmation are not to protract the
posture of a vicar, rector, and
reverend. No, not the ecclesiastical
deportment acclaimed and perpetrated
by proponents of the status,
standing, and stature, if the
prominence is contrary, conflicting,
and reverse to the trance.
The piety, piousness, and virtue,
the prominence of purity, limpidness,
and chasteness, the virtuousness
pertained to my heart, when it was
sparkled, fermented, and incited by
your glance that galvanizes the apex
of covet and desire, is the eternal
The piety, virtue, and piousness is
the aspiration, the marvel, and the
desire to attain the position of a
partisan, an adherent, the
aficionado tracing your footsteps,
the paces and treads.
The traces so solid, divulging, and
exposing, with your ambience, shades,
and shadows that dims and darkens the
sun’s brightness, the flickers and
glimmers inundating and saturating
the surroundings.

این فلک آینه ای  هر  نظرش  حَب  مسیحا  نفسی
نه خفا گوشه دل، طالب و محفوظ نگارش گردیم

The universe and galaxies, the
congregations and compilations are
compounded and combined molding a mere
reflective mirror, when the
interactions, interfacings, and
exchanges on its surface and beneath
bounces depth, intensity, and
The reflections, indications, and
manifestations portrayal of the care,
cure, and recuperations presented,
positioned, and expounded by Jesus
breath and inhalation, the prophet.
The ambivalence, incongruity, and
vacillation to hide, conceal, and
obscure the rays of subsistence,
existence, and aspirations at the
corner of the heart, ought to be
relinquished and renounced. While,
the earnestness, solemnity, and
relentlessness to represent, render,
and expose the captured beams and
sparks of hope and dream prevail,
then the revelations and depictions
commence to crystalize, the chirps
and sings promoting, prevailing and
reigning your magnificence.

نغمه  بلبل  و  آوای  سما  زمزمه  یاری   دوست
ارغوان وار زند سرخی گل ساقی جامش گردیم

The canary’s tweets, chirrups, and
utterances resonate the content and
ecstasy. The sky’s lyrics, chanting,
whirling, and humming, the
intonations, invocations, and
incantations are the murmurs,
whispers, and mutters instantiated
and inspired, the entireness an
enclave of empathy, compassion, and
comfort abundantly propounded and
proposed by you, the associate and
acquaintance, the contingent and
The thoughts and dreams,
considerations and conceptions,
and the attentions and reflections to
expand and magnify, like a flower’s
redness and appeal to invigorate vastly
and vibrantly by interweaving and
braiding with its entirety, the Judas
Amending and stirring the core, soul,
and essence into the embodiment and
manifestation transpiring your
signature, emblem, and insignia.
For us, to transpire to the butlers
solely to disperse your tumbler.

آن طلب نیست مرا خفته  یکی  راز جدا  از  مقصود
همتی  بود  به تحصیل  چو  روشنگر راهش  گردیم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

It is not the intent, focus, and
resolve, the tenacity, steadfastness,
and desire to slumber, stumble, and
stagnate. To be blundered, staggered,
and lurched by the intuitions,
instincts, and inklings, to irking,
riling, and vexing my crux of
The vivacity, verve, and
vivaciousness to get distant and
separated, alienated and estranged,
away from the secrets, certainties,
and convictions being bestowed upon.
Contrarily, it is the effort,
exertion, and endeavor to ponder,
warrant, and earn the disposition,
extent, ingenuity and acuity
bequeathed to revivify, illuminate,
and enlighten your path, your terrain,
and your landscape.
Becoming a proponent, a protagonist of
the benevolence, altruism, and
compassion, vehemently emanated by you.
The shelter seeker, who evolved to a
shelter sustainer by your reciprocity and

© Alireza Bemanian, November of 2017 (Author, Poet)​​