
گفته بودیم دگر آه ز رخساره رعنا نکنیم
کعبه  دل  نزدائیم  نمایَش  به  تمنا  نکنیم
Gradually selected not to sigh, moan,
or groan to seek for the moment to
glance at you, to feel your grace and
presence.  To impede to be relentlessly
in pursuit of your grasp, perception, and
comprehension. Selected not to clear
the crux of my heart,  not to purify my
characters, preferred not to shimmer
my soul, and decided not to  cleanse my
Not to be vigilant and observant in your
search and pursuit, not to be demanding,
insistent, and arduous to capture your
presence and its inherent instigating,
inciting, and inspiring instances. 
حالت خویش  به  چرخاب خطا باز دهیم
عاشق سوخته جان مرهم و درمان نکنیم
Selected to abandon my pursuit, quest,
and expedition, to surrender and submit
my state of consciousness, subsistence
grandeur, the rapture of enduring, the
epitome of living, to the whirling and
twirling specious spurious spin.
Selected not to be attentive to the tribute,
an accolade accounted for while the burning
desire of your adoration, adulation, and
exhilaration is prodigious and copious, and
while all are dashing and zooming to
exultingly capture my core. Not to mend
and cure my seared and scorched heart.
بی خبر گشته از این خسته وجود در بند
غایت  دل   به   تفعل  غم   فردا   نکنیم
Selected to be arrogant, contemptuous,
and condescending. To remain unaware,
unacquainted, and unaccustomed to pace
the conquering passageways, fearing the
interim detriments endured along the path.
To abandon the adoring and astounding
encomium of breathing and bustling, to
discard and to remain inattentive to my
cognizant grappling conscious.
Oh, submitting, offering, and propounding
the heart’s extreme desires and aspirations
to sprout and spread insouciantly, leave it to
align and affiliate with the wheels of fortune
and affluence. No apprehension and
trepidation, not to be heedful to decisive
schemes and dispositions, or a purposeful
prospect.  Otherwise, all within the clench of
my imagination and inspirations.
ناگه از نقش  نگارش  چو بگشتم بیرون
خانه تاریک  و نفس  رهرو جانان نکنیم
Have abandoned the quest and pursuit,
no consternation or bewilderment to evolve
and extrapolate the essence of my existence.
Nor to glance, spot, observe, and perceive
your presence and signature, as sudden as
they were ensued and transpired.
Now, my corner, the shelter, the sanctuary befell
dark and murky. My breath, the inhalation of
your fragrance, scent, and aroma were sensed
and felt not caressing me as constant, a prelude
to the bareness, sparseness, and an urge of
futility embarked, sneaking and slipping into
my ambiance and disposition.
خانه خالی نتوان  کرد  چو  محراب  نگار
سایه  بر کوی،  که  تصویر نمایَش نکنیم
The solitude and seclusion pondering my
inevitable and inexorable reflections and
contemplations, nevertheless prevailed to
instigate sudden instantaneous glimmers
and glimpses of the intimacy, imminence,
and attachment.
Your shadow, your silhouette lingers over
my proximity, vicinity, and locality. Although
it is the disdained disparaged, and dilution
which prevents the explicit depiction of
your portray. It is the obliviousness and
shallow spectacle thwarting to glimpse
scrupulously in quest and rifle of the
گرشدم محو به دیدار نمایی از دوست
ساحت یار  نمایان  چو  رهایش  نکنیم
Getting immersed and gazed at your traits
and persona, the guise and semblance,
the mesmerizing, captivating, and alluring
perception to discern your omnipresence,
your contiguity.
Then, the horizons restraining the stretch
of my expectancies, anticipations, and
prospects commence to capitulate. Yes,
to succumb to your boundless universe.
The instance the horizons dynamics,
vibrancies, and vivacities pilot a platform
to glide the mind beyond and above
the cosmos.
کرده ها  پر خلل  آشفتگی  کسب  نیاز
دیده را باز،  چو خاموشِ خیالش نکنیم
Disturbances, tribulations, commotions,
and ordeals confronted and combatted
were emerged unintuitively, while molded
in combination to comprise the journey’s
Raising the conscience, vigilance, and
attentiveness, to befit engrossed and
enthralled, to admonish the perceptions,
views, assessments and the orbits of
traversethe scope, the compasses are
the means, intrinsic but transient,
transitory, and brief. Then avoid
consenting or harmonizing to
accede their dominance.
کوی و برزن همه را نور رخت پوشیده
تا  بدست  آمده   را  واهی  غفلت  نکنیم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان
The alleys, passageways, vicinities are all
reflectors and reverberators of your rays
of life, verve, and vivacity. The mysteries,
enigmas, and riddles to be absorbed,
grasped, and gripped. This is when
immensely and colossally my single
desire of seeking your acquiescence is
scorching my soul.  
The virtues, harbingers, and heralds
protuberant of purpose, perseverance, and
diligence, warrant extreme alertness and
attentiveness. This is when the path is
paved, the route is revered, the conscious
is clear, and the elevation is soared
brazenly. The blatant attainment of
my pondering dream, reaching you.

© Alireza Bemanian, August of 2017 (Author, Poet)