The Ardor

The Ardor

هر گوشه نظر کردم با لطف تو رنگین است
هر  ذره  که  دریابم  با  مهر  تو  آذین  است

Have explored and appraised spots
and corners, glimpses and insights.
Have divulged the depth of my
notions, conceptions, and
sentiments to the soaring and
searching inclinations to capture
and cultivate the essence. Yes, to
provoke the substance of liveliness
and vivaciousness.
Then, the spectrum of life, the
vividness of colors, the luminosity,
radiance, and distinctions surrounding
and encircling the thoughts, empathies,
and every comprehensible entity
encountered and conceived is
crystalized. All, to pave a path,
identify a conduit, to concede to the
attainment, that my incarnation and
perceptions are merely and purely
exemplary of your affection and adore,
the ardor.
The particles, elements, and each
grain of vigor and vivacity is adorned,
embellished, and gilded, by vastness of
your attachments and affections, by the
depth of your keenness and acuteness.
and by your care and considerations.
If, my deliberations, determinations,
and reflections are whetted and refined
to depict and adore such an ocean of

هر گوشه نگاری بست این گردش گردونت
آن طالب مضمونت وارسته عیان بین است

Your emerging and evolving universe
and cosmos, the continuous
transpiring, appearing, and
manifestations reflective of new
casts, sculpts, and shapes, are the
incarnations, epithets, and epitomes
of riddles of charms and
The one who is eager, impatient, and
fervent.  The one who is ardent and
zealous to seek and search, to ponder
and contemplate, and to extract,
extricate, and extort the intricacies
and convolutions, the one attained
the lurid lures, explicit appeals,
and sensational ques and quotas of
verves and marvel dreams. The one
who is virtuous and sheer, is
conferred the sharpness and
bequeathed the shrewd, the acuity and
astute to conceptualize and abstract
the splendor and grandeur; is the one
to render and be bestowed by the
exaltation on the exhibit.

تو  سایه  الطافت  نوری  است  به دل تابد
تا نکته رسد در گوش، تنها که تو آئین است

Your shadow is the trace and track
of warmth, affection, and keenness,
the ray of hope, the radiance of
stoutness and sturdiness to exalt and
elate, the glimpse of delight and
thrill to ample and achieve, and the
substance, ecstasy, and dream
enlightening my heart.
The euphoria, exaltation and the
persistence, perpetuation, and
protraction to portray and conceive
the perception. You are purely the
acuity and awareness that my creed,
conviction, and faith, my devotion,
dedication, and constancy is
ascribed to. Yes, you are my heart,
soul, and empathy.

در  عالم  و  دل  هر  دو  آغاز سخن  این باد
در کوکبه گردون مالک تو،  چو تدوین است
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The totality and entirety of
existence, the universe and any
dash and corner contained by its
infinite boundaries, any trait
within my heart and soul, they
all convey, commence, and
instigate a single, conspicuous,
and distinct memo.
The dispatch to convey; the
inherent essence and its core
tenets reveal, it is your drawings,
depictions, and ensembles which
create and cause verve, vitality,
and dynamism. The vividness to
blossom, embellish, flourish, and
to pronounce and articulate a
delightful notion. The expression
and exemplification, that you are
the prevailing master and possessor
of the perpetual revolving universe.

© Alireza Bemanian, April of 2017 (Author, Poet)