Convoy of Life

Convoy of Life

غایت  دل همه  نوری  به  درون گاه  وجود
لحظه ها رفت گرش غافل از آن جوهر بود

You, my heart’s ultimate thirst, decisive
desire, eventual implore and appeal. The
beam bouncing my breath, the vigor,
vivacity, exalting source for my scorching
soul, the only font of internal light, my
existence, my sentient awareness, and my
exultant life
Moments passing by, ephemeral, momentary,
and impermanent. If, the joy and dream of
catching, capturing, confining, and
depicting the essence, crux, and kernel
of existence, subsistence, and presence
is abrogated. If, the sustenance of
livelihood and incarnation, avatar of
vivacity is vanished. Yes, the joy and
dream of snatching, seizing, and
confiscating the moment to further the
bestowed, the bequeathed transitory
passage is abandoned.

در  خیال  تو   و  چون  جمله  نمودم  آغاز
گفته از خواهش دل، خفته درون، طالع بود

Then, dreaming of you, envisioning my attachment,
affection, tenderness, and love towards you, and
foreseeing gist and heart in my predicaments are
specious and delusive. Conjuring while appraising
my attentions and devotions, at the commencement
of each statement and proclamation, and at
instantiation of any stroke of action and
Dreaming of you with a chosen destiny and
providence pointing and piloting to indulge my
selfish desires, to pander my egotistic implores,
and to rampant my ravaging arrogance and
haughtiness. A conceit, condescension, and
pretentiousness parading in full veer to
crystalize and manifest my purpose.

گاه  سرگشته  و  بیگانه   وز  آن  راز  نیاز
تو  نگهدار  ز  مهرت،  که بر این قافله بود

Occasions preceding by instances of wonder,
conjecture, and speculations, the impression,
suspicion, and ambiance of uncertainty and
indecision, provoke deliberating on the
confidences, buoyancies, and beliefs, when
utterly immersed in the riddles of my
aspirations, appeal, allure, and
The guidance, supervision, and support
emergent, reigned, and prevailed,
instantiated and accentuated by your
affection and warmth is so tremendous
and prodigious. It is your adoration and
fondness encompassing and enfolding the
caravan, the convoy of life shines
incessantly with consistency and

گشته ام کج شده ره خام به فالی ناخوش
باز  با  لطف تو، این گوشه دل هلهله بود
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The fortune, karma, and fate, the wisdom,
foresight, and prudence to chaperon, conduct,
and shepherd, seeking the dream and delight
of unfulfilled quintessence of the promise was
taken frivolously, as plodding and obscure it
occurred while the strides were postulated
and hypothesized
Though, the endeavor, exertion, and endurance,
the fortitude and tenacity, combined by your
copious and infinite ardor and amity, has
emboldened the corners of my heart to be
indulged, pandered, and cossetted with the
apex of commotion, vivacious contentment,
and exulting exhilaration.
© Alireza Bemanian, April of 2017 (Author, Poet)