Candid Cantina


آن یکی نغمهِ جانکاه تانی به درون دایرهِ حصرِ وجود
شوقِ  دیدار جفا  بارقهِ جهد خطا سفسطه در طالع بود

The tune and melody, the chirp and calling swings and secludes, the yearning and desire, the crave and covet captures and mesmerizes, while the observations and contemplations stumble and blunder.

The tune and melody, the tumble and stumble, or the staggers and slips deploy and adopt spoil and shrivel, the shortening and decay, or adeptness and adroitness of scaping the essence and peduncle the deceive.

When, the spurious and contrived capitulations, the specious and fallacious commissions and commencing of convictions, the passion, fervor, and verdict, or the faith and belief gesture and salute.   

The chirp and calling, the hinderances and encumberments, or the thwarts and deterrence blemish and blight, ignoring and defying the desire, while eluding and surrender to the echo and vibrance of the illusion haunts and roams the occasions.

The delay, loitering, and discard, the fling and toss, the dispose and reject, recirculation, dissemination, and disruption, the spurious and convicted capitulations and the agony, the torment, and the anguish to reverberates and resonates.

The apprehension and incarceration of thoughts and deliberations, the appeasement, pacification, and mollification take precedence, preference, and primacy within the ambiance and passion, the empathy and the essence of one’s core and gist, the crux and heart, and the marrow of admirations and approvals.

It is the circle and sphere of belongings, the horizons and skies of internal appeals, implores, and intreats, the captivation of yearnings and pleas that restricts and curbs, and impedes and inhibits the formation, disposition, and founding of the pavement of deliberations and intentions. The irony and paradox, the contrariness and sardonicism to implicate and accuse.

The longing and eagerness, the formation of avidity and voracity, and the thirst and desire, albeit mesmeric and compelling, the grip and enthrall, and the attempt and aspire earnestness, sincerity, and authenticity, the command and clutch, sway and swing, and mastery and comprehension of proliferation, the spread and excess, have exacerbated, embittered, and inflamed the intents and objectives.

The aftermath and sequel, the concern and corollary has been reversed, retreated, and repealed. The joy and bliss, pearl and pride, and the ecstasy and elation of the pave and path of dedication and devotion, the charm and gem of belonging and intimacy, the imminence and propinquity have been devolving involuntarily and inadvertently embodying, exemplifying, and symbolizing insufficiency, the absence and paucity of pseudo poise and conviction. The scantiness and meagerness depicting, portraying, and revealing myth and fabrication of persuasion, passion, and faith have been dispersed, dissolved, and disappeared.

Hence, was it the ploy of mind, the maneuver of the deeds, or the schemes of unknowns, the nonentities, mysteries, myths, or the decay persuasion, decline of dedication, and the crumble of motivation which have formed the moments, arisen the mirage, or twisted the deliberations and judgements.

Was it the agony or the torment of excess and spare, the supererogatory and superfluous precautious and circumspect that has overwhelmed the trend of belonging and intimacy, or was it the scantiness and copiousness of the diversities and adoptions to have influenced the journey and voyage, the expedition and excursion of inadequacy, the meagerness and scantiness.

Then, the ploy, maneuvers, and schemes, the thunders, booms, and rumbles reverberate, resound, and resonate. The feelings, presentiments, and motions, the sentiments, ambiances, and sensations to embrace, cuddle, and clinch, to hug, grasp, and clasp you abandons and vacates, deserts and halts the rejuvenation, the rebirth and revival of the inner core, the heart and nucleus of liveliness, and the hub and crux of coagulation and coalescence of maturation, the transposition and transformation.

When the proliferation of the ecstasy, the elation of empathy and humanity, and the rapture of glee and bliss, the contentment and capture of the sprint and essence abandons and forsakes the destiny and the internment of intent and resolve. Once, remainder and balance, and oddments and remnants intolerably and excruciatingly linger and endure obstinate, tenacious, and obdurate obstacles and hinderances to defy the fate and fortune of fulfillment, joy and nirvana, and serenity and content.

 در رقم گفته و پندار برازنده وز آن سحر ترنم پرداز 

کرد و کردار کژی پوچ و تهی گشته ز پیمان صعود

Contemplations and deliberations, the inspirations and reflections sway and veer, the thoughts and notions, meditations and ruminations wobble, totter, and stager, the fascination, captivation, and attraction lurch and lean. The augmentation, escalation, and intensification, the virtues and merits, pros and pluses astound and amaze, the zigzags, rotates and swags flabbergast and stun.

While, the songs and jingles, chants and chirrups reverberate the moments, membranes of obduracy and obstinacy echo and recoil, resist and ricochet. The self-erected persistence and tenacity shambles, ambles, and wanders, the lark, caper, and adventure of judgmental circumferences, peripherals of bending bounds, and believes and assumptions, the deductions and presumptions tailor and mount.

Is it the vastness of roves and ventures, the immensity of proffer and propound, or the enormity of myths and tales? Is it the inclination and keenness, quickness and promptness, or the alacrity and eagerness to validate and warrant? Or, is it the crosscuts and detours, diversions and deviations, or the thwarts and frustrations that erect and pledge, or recruit and instigate?

 The contemplations and deliberations, the prospects of capture and instigate, prompt and originate marches, tramps, and trudges while the perception and conceptualization coagulate and congeal, with harmony and congruence to depictions and delineations, the demarcations, allocations, and delimitations seeking brave, daring, and enduring stabs and cracks, the splits and snaps to recompense and reimburse fissures and fractures.     

The songs and jingles, cues, and recaps of the breath, grasp, and reach. The scope and range, capacity and sense, the grip and seizure of the harmony and coherence of existence, the congruence and concord of proliferation of seizure and appropriation, reveal and divulge, and bare and unveil the essence of livelihood, content, and gratification.

Then the dawn of mystery and magic, the rise of allure and glamor emergence, advent, and arrival twinkle, glimmer, and sparkle.

The moment and instance have hustle and hurry to emerge and fade, the haze and miasma overwhelm and empower, engulf and crush, while being left over and abandoned. The purpose, dedication and devotion, the tenacity and rationale have become vaporized, brunt, and burned.

The left over and abandonment, the hesitation and vacillation, or the ambivalence and prevarication, are the senses and sanities, denotations and implications wavered and perturbed, dithered and hesitated, or the short sightedness, and voracity, the avarice and avidity wielded and exerted?

Voracity and avidity reimburse and reward the void and arrogance, the abyss and hollowness, to spread and invade furiously and ferociously, to evade and dodge the resistance and defiance, forbearance, and endurance, while drawing tracks and trails to the mere barrenness and desolation, and when, propagating and proliferating curiously and bizarrely, the blast and surge, the gain and gush, merely by tiptoeing and slipping, to endorse and ratify astound, daze, and overwhelm.

The dilemma, impasse, and quandary, the shock, jolt, and blow, and the surprise, stun, and amaze, then the queries, inquests, and inquisitions, the inward and innermost sentiments, options, and thoughts, to pinpoint, recognize, and ascertain the intent, absorbed, and committed aftermath and sequels, the consequences and conclusion that had been muddled, confused, and fuddled.

The gradual move, plodding passage, and the sneaky influence, the arrogance and egotism, ascendancy and predominance, condescension and superciliousness rage and rant, and fulminate and fume, whereas the agony, sorrow and suffering proliferate and blossom.

Is the decided route, the perceived itinerary, or the depicted course and avenue, the passage, development, and progress meander, bend, and twist to ensue and tail, or shadow and stalk the eminence and prominence of deviance and digression?

Or, the esteem and respect, the regard and reverence, the urge to participate and promote, the desire to sponsor and dominate prospects have been decimated and obliterated. The moments and instants, the jiffies and minutes to jab, poke, and prod the predicaments, jams, and quandaries capitulate and succumb to arrogance and conceit, deploy and adopt to them astutely, the steer, drive, the urge and allure are sited and sit within grasp and dive.

Awe and wonder, sorrow and torment, the oath and promise, the vow and pledge has been ignored and neglected, disused and deserted, or avoided and abandoned, the aspirations, ambitions, and desires had been decimated and demolished.

The moments and jitters though pass by, toss and fling, and hurl and hit, still stipulate and demand, claim and command, and impose and dictate their content and gist, the substance and subject to be formed and shaped, and bent and twisted to reflect and replicate, to ponder and exhibit stewardship, the berth and billet attempted for.

The berth and billet, the accommodator and obliger of promise and pledge, the host and essence of compere and present, and the horde and myriads of gestures and gratitude open its wings and twigs to expand the horizons of alertness and carefulness, the vastness of the circumstances and contingencies, and to spread and cultivate the arenas and meadows of substance and constituent, the elements and components of elevation and surge.

 وه نما شاهد میعاد تو منقوش نگه روشن بیدار ضمیر 

 بس قفا خدعه به منظور  و  قدم سایه تمنای خمود

Skyline, the vista and landscape, the outlook, panorama, and seascape, prompt and elicit, educe and draw the confidences and enigmas, riddles and surprises, and the paradoxes and conundrums of the existence and liveliness, the incarnation and quintessence of the soul and being, verve and vivacity, and the exuberance and scintillate.

The rays of glitter, the beams of dazzle, the glimmers of glamor, and the traces, flickers, and sparklers of dazzle and shimmer, visible, pointed, and discernable to the striving eyes, thirsty glares, affected questers, and the blooming brilliances maneuver, contrive, and beguile their presence, the company and occurrences, the aura of their existence, and their untarnished promise of yearn and yield.

Bundles made of beams of ebullience, the bounciness and joviality, and the torso of heart abundant and brimful by exultation and ravishment echoes and ricochets the boundaries and precinct of presumption and assertion. Wholly and entirety to succumb, yield, and submit to the sacred and revered essence of exertion, strain, and strive.

The pursuance and acquirement of surreptitious and furtive murmurs and hums, the mumbles and mutters of the surroundings, the milieus and contexts, chirps, and tweets, and peeps and peeks stagger and flabbergast, moments of flummoxes, the mystification and bewilderment take over, demanding and pleading for participation and partaking.

The birds, canaries, the messengers and heralds of rise and ascent, and climb and upsurge, spread their wings, inhale and respire the air, the aura of shattering and crashing the dwindles and declines, inebriated and soaring seamlessly to a depicted point and site, summit and apex of the boundless sky, the simmering souls of swelled and enflamed hearts. 

The tendency, propensity, and leaning, proclivity, inclination, and affinity, to feel and touch you, to sense and caress you, vehemently invoke and appeal, incite and remind, the capitulation and surrender stipulate and command. Still, the raise of intents, breed of insights, and appeal and plea to the core and crux of the thoughts, the inspirations and beliefs ponder and excogitate.

Still, your reach and range, your grasp and seize, the sensation and perception of your proximity and nearness evolve and tramp shallowly, the roam and rumble endure and persist in the shadow of hesitance and aversion. The earnestness and solemnity have been evaded and eluded, or rebuffed and refused, the sincere promises, heartfelt incitements, and earnest assertions have been despoiled and disrupted.

Still, the request and entreaty, plea and appeal simmer and rile, the entreaty not realized, the invitation not recognized, and the bewildered and dazed denotations and connotations muse and ponder, the pendulum sways and swings, and slants and staggers, befuddled and bemused adores and reveres the ride.

The passages, routes, and tracks, articles, clauses, and sections, the episodes, voyages, and exoduses were rickety and dubious. The weaves and meanders were overwhelming and crushing, interlaces and intertwines vexing and burdening, and lumbering and incumbering, junctures and crossings were hindering and hampering, and the moments and instants worrisome and perturbing.

Hindrances, deterrents, and obstructions, the constituents of the surroundings, essentials of milieus, or the inherent intentions and prospects, bounce and churn, jump and roil, and faze and toss. The intents, impairments, detriments, combined and conjoined with fascinations and enthrallments; the allures and absorptions’ hearts and hubs that rule the cosmos of confluence and ambiguity of the universe.

The passages and obstructions, hinderances and deterrents, and he conjoined fascinations and enthrallment spin and twirl the moments, the episode and voyages, intents and impairments ride and sour the occasions, and denotations and connotations captivate and seed the contingents and occurrences.

The fabrication of the essence of livelihood and subsistence, the sustenance and existence, the ballet of luminary and personality intrigue and captivate the marvels and sensations of the astonishments and curiosities, and the sustainability of the marvels and incredulities, or the concert and recital of acclivity and ascent substantiate.

Authenticate and corroborate with the perpetuality, impermanence, ephemerality, and evanescence of the crossings and junctures to rise the tidal waves and surges, to accentuate the thoughts and instincts, and to elevate the expectations and projections. The credence and acceptance acquire and surmise conjectures of certainty and confidence, the conviction and faith compose and constitute the affiliation and connection of exclusivity and distinctness merely to the riddles and revelations of existence and viability.                                                                                                                       

It is the embarked upon doze and siesta, the snooze and kip that have unintendedly and unintentionally, adversely and unwittingly smeared and smudged the pearl and gem of inhabitance and cohabitation, the rays of yearning and desire have been plunged and plummeted, the yen and urge of the reach and lunge, the feel and fumble have been concealed and repressed within the boundaries of phobia, panic, and dread, the dismay and consternation have surmounted, conquered, and subjugated the arena of the profundity and perspicacity.

Last Update, September 8th, 2024

Initial Draft, to be completed.

© Alireza Bemanian, August 18 of 2024 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)





آن یکی نغمهِ جانکاه تانی به درون دایرهِ حصرِ وجود
شوقِ  دیدار جفا  بارقهِ جهد خطا سفسطه در طالع بود

The tune and melody, the chirp and calling swings and secludes, the yearning and desire, the crave and covet captures and mesmerizes, while the observations and contemplations stumble and blunder.

The tune and melody, the tumble and stumble, or the staggers and slips deploy and adopt spoil and shrivel, the shortening and decay, or adeptness and adroitness of scaping the essence and peduncle the deceive.

When, the spurious and contrived capitulations, the specious and fallacious commissions and commencing of convictions, the passion, fervor, and verdict, or the faith and belief gesture and salute.   

The chirp and calling, the hinderances and encumberments, or the thwarts and deterrence blemish and blight, ignoring and defying the desire, while eluding and surrender to the echo and vibrance of the illusion haunts and roams the occasions.

The delay, loitering, and discard, the fling and toss, the dispose and reject, recirculation, dissemination, and disruption, the spurious and convicted capitulations and the agony, the torment, and the anguish to reverberates and resonates.

The apprehension and incarceration of thoughts and deliberations, the appeasement, pacification, and mollification take precedence, preference, and primacy within the ambiance and passion, the empathy and the essence of one’s core and gist, the crux and heart, and the marrow of admirations and approvals.

It is the circle and sphere of belongings, the horizons and skies of internal appeals, implores, and intreats, the captivation of yearnings and pleas that restricts and curbs, and impedes and inhibits the formation, disposition, and founding of the pavement of deliberations and intentions. The irony and paradox, the contrariness and sardonicism to implicate and accuse.

The longing and eagerness, the formation of avidity and voracity, and the thirst and desire, albeit mesmeric and compelling, the grip and enthrall, and the attempt and aspire earnestness, sincerity, and authenticity, the command and clutch, sway and swing, and mastery and comprehension of proliferation, the spread and excess, have exacerbated, embittered, and inflamed the intents and objectives.

The aftermath and sequel, the concern and corollary has been reversed, retreated, and repealed. The joy and bliss, pearl and pride, and the ecstasy and elation of the pave and path of dedication and devotion, the charm and gem of belonging and intimacy, the imminence and propinquity have been devolving involuntarily and inadvertently embodying, exemplifying, and symbolizing insufficiency, the absence and paucity of pseudo poise and conviction. The scantiness and meagerness depicting, portraying, and revealing myth and fabrication of persuasion, passion, and faith have been dispersed, dissolved, and disappeared.

Hence, was it the ploy of mind, the maneuver of the deeds, or the schemes of unknowns, the nonentities, mysteries, myths, or the decay persuasion, decline of dedication, and the crumble of motivation which have formed the moments, arisen the mirage, or twisted the deliberations and judgements.

Was it the agony or the torment of excess and spare, the supererogatory and superfluous precautious and circumspect that has overwhelmed the trend of belonging and intimacy, or was it the scantiness and copiousness of the diversities and adoptions to have influenced the journey and voyage, the expedition and excursion of inadequacy, the meagerness and scantiness.

Then, the ploy, maneuvers, and schemes, the thunders, booms, and rumbles reverberate, resound, and resonate. The feelings, presentiments, and motions, the sentiments, ambiances, and sensations to embrace, cuddle, and clinch, to hug, grasp, and clasp you abandons and vacates, deserts and halts the rejuvenation, the rebirth and revival of the inner core, the heart and nucleus of liveliness, and the hub and crux of coagulation and coalescence of maturation, the transposition and transformation.

When the proliferation of the ecstasy, the elation of empathy and humanity, and the rapture of glee and bliss, the contentment and capture of the sprint and essence abandons and forsakes the destiny and the internment of intent and resolve. Once, remainder and balance, and oddments and remnants intolerably and excruciatingly linger and endure obstinate, tenacious, and obdurate obstacles and hinderances to defy the fate and fortune of fulfillment, joy and nirvana, and serenity and content.

 در رقم گفته و پندار برازنده وز آن سحر ترنم پرداز 

کرد و کردار کژی پوچ و تهی گشته ز پیمان صعود

Contemplations and deliberations, the inspirations and reflections sway and veer, the thoughts and notions, meditations and ruminations wobble, totter, and stager, the fascination, captivation, and attraction lurch and lean. The augmentation, escalation, and intensification, the virtues and merits, pros and pluses astound and amaze, the zigzags, rotates and swags flabbergast and stun.

While, the songs and jingles, chants and chirrups reverberate the moments, membranes of obduracy and obstinacy echo and recoil, resist and ricochet. The self-erected persistence and tenacity shambles, ambles, and wanders, the lark, caper, and adventure of judgmental circumferences, peripherals of bending bounds, and believes and assumptions, the deductions and presumptions tailor and mount.

Is it the vastness of roves and ventures, the immensity of proffer and propound, or the enormity of myths and tales? Is it the inclination and keenness, quickness and promptness, or the alacrity and eagerness to validate and warrant? Or, is it the crosscuts and detours, diversions and deviations, or the thwarts and frustrations that erect and pledge, or recruit and instigate?

 The contemplations and deliberations, the prospects of capture and instigate, prompt and originate marches, tramps, and trudges while the perception and conceptualization coagulate and congeal, with harmony and congruence to depictions and delineations, the demarcations, allocations, and delimitations seeking brave, daring, and enduring stabs and cracks, the splits and snaps to recompense and reimburse fissures and fractures.     

The songs and jingles, cues, and recaps of the breath, grasp, and reach. The scope and range, capacity and sense, the grip and seizure of the harmony and coherence of existence, the congruence and concord of proliferation of seizure and appropriation, reveal and divulge, and bare and unveil the essence of livelihood, content, and gratification.

Then the dawn of mystery and magic, the rise of allure and glamor emergence, advent, and arrival twinkle, glimmer, and sparkle.

The moment and instance have hustle and hurry to emerge and fade, the haze and miasma overwhelm and empower, engulf and crush, while being left over and abandoned. The purpose, dedication and devotion, the tenacity and rationale have become vaporized, brunt, and burned.

The left over and abandonment, the hesitation and vacillation, or the ambivalence and prevarication, are the senses and sanities, denotations and implications wavered and perturbed, dithered and hesitated, or the short sightedness, and voracity, the avarice and avidity wielded and exerted?

Voracity and avidity reimburse and reward the void and arrogance, the abyss and hollowness, to spread and invade furiously and ferociously, to evade and dodge the resistance and defiance, forbearance, and endurance, while drawing tracks and trails to the mere barrenness and desolation, and when, propagating and proliferating curiously and bizarrely, the blast and surge, the gain and gush, merely by tiptoeing and slipping, to endorse and ratify astound, daze, and overwhelm.

The dilemma, impasse, and quandary, the shock, jolt, and blow, and the surprise, stun, and amaze, then the queries, inquests, and inquisitions, the inward and innermost sentiments, options, and thoughts, to pinpoint, recognize, and ascertain the intent, absorbed, and committed aftermath and sequels, the consequences and conclusion that had been muddled, confused, and fuddled.

The gradual move, plodding passage, and the sneaky influence, the arrogance and egotism, ascendancy and predominance, condescension and superciliousness rage and rant, and fulminate and fume, whereas the agony, sorrow and suffering proliferate and blossom.

Is the decided route, the perceived itinerary, or the depicted course and avenue, the passage, development, and progress meander, bend, and twist to ensue and tail, or shadow and stalk the eminence and prominence of deviance and digression?

Or, the esteem and respect, the regard and reverence, the urge to participate and promote, the desire to sponsor and dominate prospects have been decimated and obliterated. The moments and instants, the jiffies and minutes to jab, poke, and prod the predicaments, jams, and quandaries capitulate and succumb to arrogance and conceit, deploy and adopt to them astutely, the steer, drive, the urge and allure are sited and sit within grasp and dive.

Awe and wonder, sorrow and torment, the oath and promise, the vow and pledge has been ignored and neglected, disused and deserted, or avoided and abandoned, the aspirations, ambitions, and desires had been decimated and demolished.

The moments and jitters though pass by, toss and fling, and hurl and hit, still stipulate and demand, claim and command, and impose and dictate their content and gist, the substance and subject to be formed and shaped, and bent and twisted to reflect and replicate, to ponder and exhibit stewardship, the berth and billet attempted for.

The berth and billet, the accommodator and obliger of promise and pledge, the host and essence of compere and present, and the horde and myriads of gestures and gratitude open its wings and twigs to expand the horizons of alertness and carefulness, the vastness of the circumstances and contingencies, and to spread and cultivate the arenas and meadows of substance and constituent, the elements and components of elevation and surge.

 وه نما شاهد میعاد تو منقوش نگه روشن بیدار ضمیر 

 بس قفا خدعه به منظور  و  قدم سایه تمنای خمود

Skyline, the vista and landscape, the outlook, panorama, and seascape, prompt and elicit, educe and draw the confidences and enigmas, riddles and surprises, and the paradoxes and conundrums of the existence and liveliness, the incarnation and quintessence of the soul and being, verve and vivacity, and the exuberance and scintillate.

The rays of glitter, the beams of dazzle, the glimmers of glamor, and the traces, flickers, and sparklers of dazzle and shimmer, visible, pointed, and discernable to the striving eyes, thirsty glares, affected questers, and the blooming brilliances maneuver, contrive, and beguile their presence, the company and occurrences, the aura of their existence, and their untarnished promise of yearn and yield.

Bundles made of beams of ebullience, the bounciness and joviality, and the torso of heart abundant and brimful by exultation and ravishment echoes and ricochets the boundaries and precinct of presumption and assertion. Wholly and entirety to succumb, yield, and submit to the sacred and revered essence of exertion, strain, and strive.

The pursuance and acquirement of surreptitious and furtive murmurs and hums, the mumbles and mutters of the surroundings, the milieus and contexts, chirps, and tweets, and peeps and peeks stagger and flabbergast, moments of flummoxes, the mystification and bewilderment take over, demanding and pleading for participation and partaking.

The birds, canaries, the messengers and heralds of rise and ascent, and climb and upsurge, spread their wings, inhale and respire the air, the aura of shattering and crashing the dwindles and declines, inebriated and soaring seamlessly to a depicted point and site, summit and apex of the boundless sky, the simmering souls of swelled and enflamed hearts. 

The tendency, propensity, and leaning, proclivity, inclination, and affinity, to feel and touch you, to sense and caress you, vehemently invoke and appeal, incite and remind, the capitulation and surrender stipulate and command. Still, the raise of intents, breed of insights, and appeal and plea to the core and crux of the thoughts, the inspirations and beliefs ponder and excogitate.

Still, your reach and range, your grasp and seize, the sensation and perception of your proximity and nearness evolve and tramp shallowly, the roam and rumble endure and persist in the shadow of hesitance and aversion. The earnestness and solemnity have been evaded and eluded, or rebuffed and refused, the sincere promises, heartfelt incitements, and earnest assertions have been despoiled and disrupted.

Still, the request and entreaty, plea and appeal simmer and rile, the entreaty not realized, the invitation not recognized, and the bewildered and dazed denotations and connotations muse and ponder, the pendulum sways and swings, and slants and staggers, befuddled and bemused adores and reveres the ride.

The passages, routes, and tracks, articles, clauses, and sections, the episodes, voyages, and exoduses were rickety and dubious. The weaves and meanders were overwhelming and crushing, interlaces and intertwines vexing and burdening, and lumbering and incumbering, junctures and crossings were hindering and hampering, and the moments and instants worrisome and perturbing.

Hindrances, deterrents, and obstructions, the constituents of the surroundings, essentials of milieus, or the inherent intentions and prospects, bounce and churn, jump and roil, and faze and toss. The intents, impairments, detriments, combined and conjoined with fascinations and enthrallments; the allures and absorptions’ hearts and hubs that rule the cosmos of confluence and ambiguity of the universe.

The passages and obstructions, hinderances and deterrents, and he conjoined fascinations and enthrallment spin and twirl the moments, the episode and voyages, intents and impairments ride and sour the occasions, and denotations and connotations captivate and seed the contingents and occurrences.

The fabrication of the essence of livelihood and subsistence, the sustenance and existence, the ballet of luminary and personality intrigue and captivate the marvels and sensations of the astonishments and curiosities, and the sustainability of the marvels and incredulities, or the concert and recital of acclivity and ascent substantiate.

Authenticate and corroborate with the perpetuality, impermanence, ephemerality, and evanescence of the crossings and junctures to rise the tidal waves and surges, to accentuate the thoughts and instincts, and to elevate the expectations and projections. The credence and acceptance acquire and surmise conjectures of certainty and confidence, the conviction and faith compose and constitute the affiliation and connection of exclusivity and distinctness merely to the riddles and revelations of existence and viability.                                                                                                                       

It is the embarked upon doze and siesta, the snooze and kip that have unintendedly and unintentionally, adversely and unwittingly smeared and smudged the pearl and gem of inhabitance and cohabitation, the rays of yearning and desire have been plunged and plummeted, the yen and urge of the reach and lunge, the feel and fumble have been concealed and repressed within the boundaries of phobia, panic, and dread, the dismay and consternation have surmounted, conquered, and subjugated the arena of the profundity and perspicacity.

Last Update, September 8th, 2024

Initial Draft, to be completed.

© Alireza Bemanian, August 18 of 2024 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



Dawn of Certainty

Dawn of Certainty

دل به او دادم جفا دلدار در دامان تمنایش وزین مجنون  نبود
گفته  ها  کردم گرش درمان  در  این  پیمانِ  دل محصون نبود

The heart, soul, and the occurrence, instances, incidences, and occasions, reason and contingency, eventuality and exigency, junctures and justifications, and the confluence and connection, are echoes of existence, actualities and continuations, and reverberations and ricochets, the reaffirmations and confirmations, embody and exemplify, symbolize and personify, and incarnate and epitomize you, your elegance, your clemency, and your poise.

Captured perceptions, fissured fixations, fomented fascinations, rifts and ruptures, conundrums and riddles, paradoxes and perplexities perpetuate and pertain, propagate and disseminate, and retain and maintain. Hinderances and hampers, encumbrances and impediments, and inconveniences and disturbances entangle and baffle, distort and alter, and muddle and garble, the gravity, enormity, and immensity of acumen and discernment, perspicacity and insightfulness, and judiciousness and perceptiveness,

Predicaments and quandaries, impasses of uncertainties, embarrassments, and bewilderments, the parades, strolls, and struts, exhibitions, retrospectives, and presentations of feat and action, exploits and achievements, and endurances and fortitudes instigate, instate, and induce convictions and continuances, confidences and certainties, and confirmations and certitudes.

Predispositions, presumptions, and persuasions, urgings and influences, inducements and conversions, faiths and beliefs, and creeds and credos are audacious and pondering, contemplative and congruent, and vivacious and vibrant to surpass states of search and quest, transcend and surmount, and vanquish and overcome. The incredulousness, inconstancy, and capriciousness, permeated, infused, and pervaded by hesitancy and disinclination, ambiguity and vagueness, and condescension and pomposity, augment, exaggerate, reinforce, and fortify.

Moments, instants, and occasions, ticks, jiffies, and flashes, and ponderings, persuasions, and postulations, the connections, correlations, and contexts, milieus, perceptions, and discernments, the congruence, consistence, and coherence, harmony, concurrencies, and correspondences, and the thirst, impulse, and compulsion to seek your intimacy  and closeness, imminence and proximity, and conciliation and appeasement, partly and partially, inconceivably and implausibly, or arduously  and exigently have relinquished your sanctity and solace, the benevolence and affirmation, which auspiciously and formidably could have flourished your  succor, ardor and passion.

When, phrases, words, and expressions, assertions, articulations, verbalizations, and pronouncements, declarations, vocalizations, and proclamations utterly and absolutely, entirely and completely, and extensively and extremely have absorbed, captivated, and immersed, gripped, grasped, and enthralled, the commotions, hubbubs, rumpuses, and tumults.

While, the entailed, necessitated, and demanded profundity, perspicacity, and perceptiveness have been deracinated, extinguished, rejected, and abandoned, or eclipsed, obscured, and reduced by illusionary and conceitful circumstances, occurrences, and undertakings.

Absences and deficits, inadequacies and ineptitude, and scantiness and paltriness, the succumb and surrender have tribulated, afflicted, and invoked inaptness, incongruity, and inappositeness. Concordance and consonance, and acceptance and concurrence, purely and merely in accordance to conscious, cognizance, and sentience could have raged and frenzied, fulminated and erupted vivaciously and flamboyantly, elatedly and spiritedly, and scintillatingly and ebulliently to conquer, vanquish, and subjugate the poise and composure of the essence, core, crux, and kernel

Remedies, antidotes, and alleviators, and ease, treat, and comfort cascade, gush, and pour by entities and articles, consistency and consilience, and concurrence and concomitance. While uniqueness and unity of the foundation and font and unanimity and consensus inundate, engulf, and submerge consonance of vibe and vim, concordance of completeness and wholeness, and the vivacity and liveliness concession.

The canopy, shelter, and the shade, transparent and translucent to spontaneity, extemporaneity, and impulsiveness provoke, embrace, authenticate, and augment solace and sanctity, and consolidation and succor, while obstinately and tenaciously remain incensed, resentful, and indignant to traces, dashes, and shadows of haughtiness, despondency, hauteur, and obscurities.

Totality, entirety, and the wholeness, unity, unison, and unanimity, rays and glimmers of tranquility and placidity, urges and incitements of movement and measure, and glows and glimmers of indulgence, lenience, and forbearance, which exclusively exemplify and epitomize reveal and divulge, and promulgate and proliferate your pertinence and ponderance, your supremacy and dominance, and your authority and prerogatives invoke and incite, awaken and provoke limpidness and virtuousness, and propriety and clarity.

Promise, pledge, and assurance, bound, alliance, and covenant, clauses of concord, passages of persuasiveness, cogency, and articulateness, and virtues of protraction, continuation, and elevation have been dwindled and declined, ruptured and violated, and contravened and infringed. Dynamism, zing, and vigor of the pledge, adherence and observance of content, and adumbrated, acclimated, and accommodated covenant and essence have been slanted and distorted, constricted and constrained, and curbed and confined.   

سخت در اسرار  این مهوش نگاهِ هاتِفِ  بَلوا گر  و نادیده کام
راز شوق دیدنت در جوفِ این مخروب دل سجادهِ ساهون نبود

The gaze and stare, continuance and endurance, the indelible and unceasing attention and consideration, and the benevolent and munificent concentration and courtesy, abundance, bountifulness, and opulence, which vindicate, assert, aver, and affirm exuberance and sanctity, purity and virtue of liveliness and vivacity, vivaciousness of vitality expose, and disclose the divulgence, dedication, devotion, and commitment which persist and endure.

Probing, delving, and affecting, acute, perceptive, and discerning, uplifting, promoting, and reassuring, to reveal and disclose the enlightening and exposing gape and gawk, to refine and cleanse ambiguities, vagueness, and opacities of succumbed and acceded thoughts, succinct and compendious reflections and meditations, attempts, efforts, and ventures which are inclined and prone to depart, digress, and diverge, precipitousness, tenuousness trends and feats, and to evolve and advance delicacy and diligence of dedication and devotion.

Contemplations and ogles, spontaneity, extemporaneity, and distinction, concede and convey, accept and relay, and contain and carry enticement, invitation, and inducement of inclusion and participation. The parcel, bundle, and portion to propinquity and proximity, and proclamation edict, and decree to dedication, allegiance, and devotion to march and advance continually, incessantly, and ceaselessly.   

Depictions, illustrations, and delineations, expressive, extraordinary, and communicative, the interactions, reciprocities, and connections exhibitive, denotative, and designatory of your grace, elegance, and mercifulness, flawlessly, impeccably, immaculately, and delicately instantiate, incarnate, and commence the certitude, faith, and confidence of my liveliness, the benevolence, altruism, and compassion which have been emplaced and positioned within sanctity of the heart, estuary of proclivity and penchant, and the torso of affinity and fondness.       

 Tumultuousness of the moment and trice, uproars of the instances and episodes, and disturbances of distractions and diversions, mysteries, inscrutabilities, and incomprehensibilities of the notions, impressions, conceptions, and perceptions persist transiently, ephemerally, and evanescently, remindful, evocative, and redolent of your implicit and inherent reverberations of certainty and inevitability, reiterations of rectitude and correctness, and repetitions, replications, and restatements of resilience and buoyancy. 

Thunderousness of surroundings, roaring of prevalence, and enormity of postulations, suspicions, and speculations, incredulousness and inconvincibility, and incredulity and skepticism have hampered, impeded, and shackled strength, potency, and sustainability to substantiate, corroborate, and crystalize ecstasy, fascination, and elation of the embodiments, quintessence, and epitomes. Though, essays, tracts, and themes of protraction, persistence, and perpetuation delight, enrapture, and enthrall the tenets, percepts, and patterns of existence.

Appeal, plea, entreaty, and invocation, meditation, and supplication, the certitude to seek, search, and resolve, tenacity and steadfastness to quest, crusade, and explore, and sincerity, authenticity, and truthfulness to incarnate passion and keenness, and enthusiasm and eagerness have been dwindled, faded, and declined.

Prayer platforms, mantles, podiums, daises and mihrabs, dedications, perseverance, and commitments, virtues and values, and dedications, sanctifications, and consecrations, the quest and journey, chase and tale, and the track and trail. Ponderance, pertinence, and profundity have been evaded, eluded, and prevaricated, earnestness, solemnness, and sedateness have been compromised and conceded, portentousness and pompousness have fettered and obstructed the reciprocity and mutuality.

Interactions and interferences, occurrences, incidents, episodes, and occasions, your touch, caress, and contact, the shadow of your stand, draft of your wings have been unnoticed, unheeded, and overlooked, the attentions and recognitions to distinguish and perceive the breeze brushing surface of my cold face, is restricted and restrained, and cubed and curtailed  Overtures, proposals, and propositions which could have mesmerized, entranced, and enthralled my solitude, seclusion, and sensations have been abandoned, aborted, and discarded.

Commotions, marvels, and marbles to sheen and shine the mosaics and montages of existence and exuberance, the miracles and wonders of creation, cosmos, and universe have been abdicated, relinquished, and avoided.

Broken heart, solitary soul, and humiliated spirit, the decayed inspirations, vitiated visions and virtuosities, and tarnished aspirations and ambitions. Still, rays of recognition and reconciliation, radiances of appeasement and concession, and brilliance of bestowment and conferment, the enlightenment, clarification, and illumination have saturated, inundated, and drenched the ambiance. vibe, and vitality, vividness of vivacity, vibrancy of views and virtues, and ingenuousness of inclination, penchant, and proclivity have soaked and drenched surfaces and pinnacles of susceptibility and vulnerability.

The amalgamations, assemblies, and aggregates, which vehemently, vivaciously, and vigorously adorn and embellish, enrich and enhance, and brighten and illuminate, the apexes of imagination, the zeniths of perception and insight, and the summits of purity, pellucidity, perspicuity, and articulacy. The dismayed, disconnected, and discouraged broken heart, fissures, fractures, and crevices, the clefts, cracks, and splits, pound, thump, and palpitate to procure, acquire, and secure your certitude, the certainty and conviction to capitulate your concerns, considerations, and contemplations, your conferment, accordance, consistence, and congruence. To seize, grasp, and capture the occurrences, revealment and divulgence, the moments, the manifestations, embodiments, and epitomes.

Your portrayal, your exposes, and your depictions, secrets, riddles, and confidences, which crystalize, solidify, and coagulate content and gratification, coherence and correspondence, coaligned and oriented to your magnanimity and preeminence and to concatenate and articulate your ratifications, endorsements, and confirmations.

زار  ها بودم که گر  مأمن بر  این سکنی طلب در جمله نیست
تارک  بام  نظر  با درد همگین، یار  در  این خلوت  مکنون نبود

Concerns, trepidations, and disquiets, sobbing, weeping, and sniveling, moaning, whining, and wailing, carping, complaining, and grumbling, negativism, pessimism, and emptiness, skepticisms, incredulities, and uncertainties, circle, rotate, and revolve. Disconsolateness and melancholy deject, despair, and desolate the destiny of purpose, while the dismal, dreary, and despondent trends, tendencies, and inclinations prelude and preamble desertion and isolation, dilapidation, dereliction, and abandonment.

Urges and impulses, compulsions and fixations, and passions and fascinations, your desire and dream, the closeness, nearness, and intimacy, your imminence and proximity, and your presence and attendance, incidences, occurrences, and occasions, to touch and embrace, to sense and encompass, and to distinguish and manifest your connection and conveyance, your exchanges and propinquity, and your interactions and acquaintance have been obscured and eclipsed.

Perceptions and convictions, persuasions and presumptions, and conversions and alterations, adaptations and adjustments, intimacies and confidentialities, and impendency and immanency, your consecrations, your sanctifications, and your blessings, the awareness, consciousness, and responsiveness, traces, indications, and suggestions have been constricted, shriveled, withered, and shrunken.

Dedications and deliberations, discernments and perceptiveness, and sagacity and perspicacity, scrutiny, contemplation, and cognition, elucidation, exposition, and explication, the decisiveness, resoluteness, pertinacity, and vehemence, ardor and fervency to abandon and discard delusions, incongruities, and aberrations, deliriums, inconsistencies, and mirages, have been dispersed, diffused, and disbanded.

Beacons, bonfires, and flares to depict, determine, and distinct the passageways, aisles, and vessels, rays, gleams, and glimmers, sparkles, glitters, and glistens to boost, cheer, and inspire, attainments, realizations, and fulfillments, awareness, recognition, and apprehension, the core, crux, and spirit to lead and conduct, indicate and precede, and disseminate and distribute have been faded, ebbed, and vanished.

Then, peaks, apexes, and summits, highpoints, pinnacles, and acmes of consolation, comprehension, and contentment, gratification, serenity, and poise, grace, equanimity, and composure of vim and verve, panache and élan, and confidence and certainty transpose, invert, and reverse.

When, anguish and sorrow, agony and ache, and nuisance and menace transpire, ire, and rampage, indignation, resentment, and annoyance, hesitations, vacillations, and indecisions, ambivalences, equivocations, and prevarications plunder, pillage, and ransack the intuitions, presentiments, and perceptions, and while congruences, correspondences, and comparations, analogies, resemblances, and equivalences forge, form, and duplicate obscurity, disguise, and ambiguity.

Breeze of dawn, drafts of valleys, vales, and gorges, and hovering, lingering, and loitering whispers, resurrect, revive, and revivify the exuberance, liveliness, and enthusiasm of ambiance, emanation, and emergence, tenor, purport, and character. The brush, graze, and groom, hover, soar, and fly to disperse, span, and scatter narratives of exultance, tales of avocation and pursuit, and diaries of dedication and perseverance.

Sanctuaries, shelters, and safeties, havens, refuges, and retreats, harbors, lairs, and hideouts, tracts, extents, and territories, and guises, pretenses, and semblances, the bounds and boundaries, confines and constraints, and abuts and adjoins, advocations and propositions, commends and countenances, and reverences and adorations reflect and replicate, emanate and radiate, and reveal and unveil reclusiveness and isolation, desertion and emptiness, and obscureness and murkiness.

Ephemeral, transitory, and evanescent postures, poses, and deportments, tainted and fouled manners, demeanors, and bearings, haughtiness, conceit, and arrogance, pomposity, contemptuousness, and loftiness have hampered, debilitated, and encumbered fluidity, mutability, and flexibility of the prescient, vatic, and mantic, the reflections of clairvoyant concerns and considerations and the embraced rapidity and alacrity.

Rampant diminishment of purpose and perspicacity, condescension, overbearingness, and superciliousness have vitiated, flouted, and disdained the recognition, indebtedness, and admiration of your presence and fortitude, ponderance and resilience, the benevolence and munificence.

تار  و  تار آن نمای  آتشین  از  طالع  سیمای گردون ماه  رخ
چشمه  امید  بر کوی خرابات مغان  پیدا  گرش خود  گون  نبود

Strings, threads, and strands, shreds, strips, and slivers, configurations, conformations, and patterns, outlines, appearances, and characters, and identities, influences, and impressions, enunciate and articulate, declare and demonstrate, display and divulge, and evince and exhibit the certitude of attainment, conviction of harmony, congruence, and accord, confidence of association, correlation, and connection, the magnetism, fascination, and allure.

Depictions, notions, and impressions, transparencies, exposures, and portraits, cognitions, apprehensions, and comprehensions, expressive, eloquent, and emphatic, poignant and allusive, energetic and sympathetic, and suggestive and evocative of liveliness, sparkles, and dynamism whisper, murmur, and susurrate the serenity, contentment, and equanimity of endurance, persistence, and tenacity.  

Continuity, endurance, and persistency, emergence of dusks and twilights, the ebbs and declines, recedes and retreats, and abates and decreases, reverberators, chimes, and echoes of the dawns and outsets, geneses and inceptions, advents and overtures. Lucidity, limpidity, and pellucidity, luminosity, vividness, and splendor, to forge, contrive, foster, and foment sagacity and prudence, perspicacity, and perspicuity in concert and recital to essences and characters infused and imbued by the universe; uniformity, homogeny, and sameness.

Perpetuation and eternity, scopes, scales, and continuums, constantly, concurrently, concomitantly, and in concert evade and elude, tumble and plunge, collapse and crash, and smash and demolish, erected and established entities entailed to impair, blight, and mar mind, personality, and consciousness, the enigmas, illusions, pretenses, and artifices. While, potent, dynamic, and forceful, mighty and intense to prod, persuade, and provoke entireness, integrality, and totality, the conduit and corridor to embrace, encircle, and enfold integration, assimilation, and delineation.

Reflections, ruminations, and manifestations, the brightened, vivified, and animated facets and features, appearances and countenances, occurrences and emergences, and introductions and expressions, verifiers, corroborators, and authenticators of perspicacity and perspicuity that ponder, deliberate, and pertain the existence, life, and acuity. Certainties, mysteries, and confidences march, process, and proceed by consistent, incessant, and persistent demeanors, deportments, and dispositions.

Commencements, responsiveness, the commissions and embarkments, patents of pertinence, the enormity of entailments, and destiny of dedications and devotions, patterns and tessellations, arrays and arrangements, revelations and presages, and omens and portents, the evolutionary augmentations, expansions, and extensions, universe, concoctions, cosmos, and creation, the perplexities, bewilderments, bafflements, and obfuscations murmur and mumble, and susurrate and whisper your advocacy of contentment, your provisions of realization, and your murals of enlightenment.

The ambiance, vibe, and characters of exuberance and verve are vivid, vibrant, and lurid, lively, conspicuous, and vicarious to lead to attainment of nirvana, the portray, radiance, vivacity, and glow, which have inundated, engulfed, and deluged boundaries of cognizance and awareness. 

Smashed, cleaved, and teared presumptions and predictions contrive, connive, and conspire vivaciousness, exuberance, and liveliness, anticipations and apprehensions, and perceptions and expectations. The rays, glimmers, and twinkles of sentience, consciousness, and awareness, rectifications, transformations, and recuperations, the ensemble, troupe, and communal comprised of collaboration, association, and alliance, elements, components, and foundations to foster, nurture, and cultivate concurrency of continuations to presume, postulate, and venture, the subjectiveness of selection, perspicacity of potential, and judgment of gesture and gesticulation.

Entirety and totality that is strikingly, stunningly, and spectacularly existent, subsistent, and sentient, formulate, concoct, and orchestrate the canopy, velarium, and baldachin of perceptiveness, attentiveness, and responsiveness.

Springs of courage, founts of optimism, and sources of aspirations to edify and apprise, to illuminate and enlighten, and to instruct and counsel gleams and glares, glints and glimmers, and glows and glitters, the vivacity, vitality, and verve, resoluteness, positiveness, and purposefulness, determination, fortitude, and resilience to reemerge and resume, revert and revisit, and replace and restore.

Corners, spots, and localities, surroundings, ambient, milieus, and the adobes, habitats, and dwellings, though diminished and shrunken, ebbed and faded, waned and abated, still might mesmerize and entrance, enthrall and enchant, and captivate and comprise. Vastness of the gestures, sanctity of the surmise, and the certitude of the ascendance and aspirations vivify, revive, and inspire the brightness, purity, and brilliance of the wholesomeness, righteousness, and virtuousness.

Then, circumvented circumstances, evaded and eluded constraints, and contained and restricted constrictions, representations within the purity of purpose, interpretations and elucidations within encirclements of intuition and clairvoyance, and revelations, divulgences, declarations, and disclosures, surroundings, backdrops, and backgrounds, the deeds, etiquettes, and demeanors and deportments align and adjust, and altered and arranged accordingly, parallelly, correspondingly, and concordantly.

When, the apexes and summits of gratefulness, gratitude, and recognition soar, surpass, and transcend frontiers and precincts of cognizance and discernment. When, haughtiness, hauteur, conceit, and arrogance contract and discard, and while rejections, refutations, and confutations, disdains, the despises, disparages, and derisions dissipate, squander, and disintegrate.

Then, fluency, articulacy, and eloquence, commence and embark shed, emanate, mold, and cast. The procession, cavalcade, and parade directed, radiated, and emitted by founts of certitude and certainty, and surpassed and exceeded by springs of confidence and conviction to augment and strengthen the conspicuousness of purpose and persistence, and perseverance of devotion and dedication. The embracement, ratification, and rapprochement, that was tenaciously, arduously, and blatantly bequeathed, conferred, and bestowed upon.

آن  تلألو کرده منزل در نگاهِ  خفته  در  هر گوشِهِ  دنیای  دل
شاهدش سیمای  خورشید   است گر  هامون کفِ افسون  نبود

Bounces and reflections, echoes and replications, indications and manifestations vibrant and vigorous, vivid and vivacious, and spirited and responsive. The vehemence and emphasis, commitment and fervency, warmth and passion bounteous and copious, profuse and exuberant, and dazing and startling, intimacy and imminence, confidence and contact, collaboration and communication endure and persist profoundness and acuteness, introspectiveness, astuteness, and concession and privilege.

Shrine of solace and succor, temple of transpiration, emergence, and occurrence, and the ecclesiastical of reverence, rectitude, and veneration, the entities, articles, and objects, exposes, revelations, and representations, the depictions, descriptions, and discoveries, certitudes of certainties and confidences, creeds and convictions, the propinquity, proximity, and correlation.

Codes of cognizance, ciphers of contemplation and consideration, and conventions of sense, astuteness, and perception, ponderance, significance, and sanctity have engulfed and immersed, saturated and submerged within the sanctities and inviolabilities of core and crux, the soul and essence.

Emotions, passions, and ambiances, the frame, scaffold, and pillars, potent and persuasive to unveil reveal and disclose, to disband and disperse confinement, restriction, and detention of dexterity, agility, and adroitness, the portents, traces, and placards have been absent and vanished, mystified and flummoxed, or mislaid and misplaced.

Shines and shimmers, radiances and vivaciousness, luminosity and glow, flourishment of florets, blossoms of the intuitions and presentiments, and peaks, crests, and zeniths, crowns and pinnacles of the chimes, clings, and jingles of your presence, your request, and your entreaty and invitation, the appeal, charm, attraction, and allure, influence, fascination, and absorption, immersion, engagement, and captivation, and inclusion, assimilation, and amalgamation have been unnoticed, discounted, and overlooked.

Still, the craters and cracks, caverns and cavities, and voids and abysses scattered and dispersed, and disseminated and disbanded within the concealment and camouflage of entity and existence, stridently, vociferously, and boisterously resonate, reverberate, and echo eloquence, articulacy, and persuasiveness of their appeal, attraction, and allure. The alacrity, lucidness, limpidness, luminousness, and innocence, virtuousness and perspicuity distinctly, patently, and blatantly permeate, seize, and surmount inviolability and purity of the perception and discernment.

Omens, auguries, and presages, the choruses, choirs, and chorales, life and existence, certitudes and assurances, blueness of the skies, passages, exchanges, and flow of the oceans, heeling, mending, and patching of the wings of the birds, acclaimers, hailers, and applauders of altitudes and elevations, hums, thuds, and splashes of certainty, conviction, faith, and emotions, ambitiously, energetically, determinedly, and aspiringly orchestrate and harmonize the desire, appeal, and aspiration to enchant, enthrall, and captivate you, the sanctitude and sacredness, which have been ascertained, reciprocated, replicated, and reflected uniquely and distinctly by your magnanimity and munificence.

Dawn and daybreak, advent and genesis, and emergences and commencements, unveiling, translucence, and pellucidity, expansion, embellishment, and elaboration, the soar, escalation, and ascending to extend, encompass, and encircle contributions, involvements, and influences, realm of vivaciousness and vivacity, the jurisdiction of joy and jubilance. and the demesne of distinction and triumph.

Realizations, apprehensions, and comprehensions, vivifications, attainments, and fulfillments to surpass, exceed, and transcend boundaries of instincts and imagination, impulses. Urges, and intuitions, platforms, podiums, and daises repudiative and rejective of reprimands, admonishments, and reproaches reverberate and remain responsive and supportive, compassionate, empathetic and encouraging to the vigor, intensity, and strength of earnestness, solemnity, and somberness. Kernels, marrows, and substances to outshine, outmatch, and outperform the certainties, fixations, complexities, and fascinations, which exult, revel, and palpitate prevalence, predominance, and persistence, within boundaries and precincts of purpose, cognizance, and noesis.

When, prominence and preeminence, ascendancy and predominance, and hegemony and primacy of conventional, orthodox, and established foundations, glow, luster, and patina of the idols, and glamour, thrill, and glitziness of the emblems and icons are applauded and saluted, the standings, continuances, and consequences, elevations, aggrandizements, and exaltations. While, approaching, imminent, and impending ameliorations, enrichments, and ecstasies, which are pertained, connected, and affected by the inclusiveness, unreservedness, and encompassment of the heart, courage, and fortitude envisage, envision, and strive for the enthrallment, enchantment, and captivation of eminence and distinction, the quintessence of  creation and connotation.

When, vastness of the horizons, span of the envisage, and constancy of the skyline and vista permeate, pervade, and suffuse the persistence of perception, the diligence of inception and importunity of the perceptiveness. When, pertinence of the principle, relevance of the rectitude, and pureness of the certitude galvanize, incite, and animate the maneuvered and contrived passageways of the journey of evolvement, induction, and revelation.

When, pinnacles of perception, apexes of clairvoyance, and zeniths of fascination, the allure, enthrallment, and enchantment secure the stance to summon the passage of the sun, within the midst of the boundaries of brilliance and radiance, to share, contribute, and disperse luster and shine, reflective of crystalized, conformed, and cogitated collaborations, associations, and alliances.

آن افق  هر  دید معنایی ز  رنگین گونه صبح یقینِ مهر دوست
شعله ها از سرخی سیمایِ پنهان در سما، این خطه مسجون نبود

Delight of distinction, attainment of accolade, and absoluteness of acclamation, the maze, tangle, and intricacy, the obscurity, complexity, and convolutedness, the encounters, contests, and confrontments, the reservations, indecisions, and ambiguities, uncertainties, qualms, and doubts linger, dawdle, and loiter, while canvas, context, and panorama of vibe and vim predispose and incline to pertain, retain, and transpose secrecies, concealments, and confidentialities of liveliness, vigor, and dynamism.

 Ticks and moments, instances and beats, and ostentatious occurrences and occasions persist, endure, and continue, while ponderance of intent, and perseverance and tenacity of resolve thrive and flourish. Obscurities, oblivions, and stupors of sallied and strayed synopsis and summaries resist, refute, and counter, novel narrative to diminish, contract, and deteriorate hurdles of sustainability, obstacles of harmony and coherence, and the impediments of aptness, realization, and impeccability ostentatiously divulge, disclose, and articulate.

The juncture, confluence, and convergence to arrive, disembark, and attain, and to immerse, inculcate, and imbue by the horizons, spheres, and scopes of perception and presentiment, thoughts and hypothesis, and notions and believes. When precincts and confines, frontiers and borderlines, and propositions and peripheries of sight and scrutiny, scenes and spectacles, and prospects and awareness, the gazes, stares, and contemplations, decipher, deduce, and distinguish the deliberations that discern, describe, and disclose. When, pinnacles and culminations of distinctions declare, proclaim, and articulate the entities of participation, partaking, and contribution.     

Your divulgence and disclosure, expose and revelation, your exhibition of incitement and instigation, afflatus and affection, and your grace, reprieve, and clemency hypnotize, mesmerize, and magnetize expanse and promontories of imagination and inception, peninsulas of participance and perpetuation, and points and peaks of resoluteness, confidence, and conviction.

 Strokes and caresses, shifts and moves, and articulations and conveyance, of the brush of perpetuation, proliferation, and promulgation, sketchers, draftsmen, and authenticators of pertinence and concernment portray, render, and reveal the spectrum of vividness and luminosity, radiance and colorfulness, clarity and lucidity, and ingeniousness and flamboyance.

Miscellanies and assortments, diversities and medleys, and collections and depictions, participatory to cognition and cognizance of creation, and abridgment, abstracts, and imbrications of intent and intuition arbitrate, influence, impact, and interpose in pertinence to participants particularities, exactitudes, and fastidiousness.

Dawn, origin, and advent, reflection, rumination, and representation, conveyance, appearance, and countenance, the scroll, parchment, and certificate of certainties, inevitabilities, and certitudes, which distinctly, deliberately, and manifestly have been appeared, evolved, and arose, rendered, depicted, and portrayed. Affinities, correspondences, equivalencies, and consistencies conform and crystalize the acquaintances, companionships, and associations, which are instantiated, focused, aimed, and directed to instigate and initiate, and to inspire and encourage affinity, mutuality, and reciprocity. Motivator and endorser, and rationale, influence, and intelligence, the mesh of existence and animation, the lattice and interconnect of vivaciousness, verve, and exuberance endorse captivation of thoughts and notions, and fascination of intellects and aptitudes, the propensities, proclivities, and penchants.

Enormity of the sphere of conception and perception, precincts of impression and comprehension, confines and boundaries of imagination and appreciation correspondingly commensurate, and proportionate to ambiance of motivations and impetuses, reciprocal to scale and intensity of pursuit, quest, and capitulation, and interconnected, communicative, and responsive to transparency, unambiguity, and pellucidity of purpose, determination, and perseverance.

Ingeniousness, directness, and adroitness, forthrightness, candor, and candidness to capture and seize sincerity of the surroundings, credence of confluence and convergence, and aptitude, adeptness, and propensity to bestow and bequeath propinquity and proximity of presence, manifestation, and occurrence, and to mesmerize, entrance, and rivet moments and conducts auspiciousness and propitiousness.

To erect and endorse, to place and position, and to arise and augment cognizance, to scrutinize and monitor, to perceive and recognize, and to realize and replicate the zones and domains, mysteries and mystiques, and inscrutabilities and auras, which are composed and delineated, and depicted and portrayed by strength, vigor, and vitality, spirit, heartiness, and verves of the endorsement, affirmation, and confirmation.

Captivations, beguilements, and enchantments, the red flames incessantly and ceaselessly, rise, revolt, and rebel, sour, escalate, and intensify, and ascend, tower, and emerge from the skies, horizons, and firmaments, which have saturated the surroundings and imbrued, diffused, and permeated ambiance of the vision, prediction, and precognition, to convey and carry memorandums of articulation and enunciation, proclamation and clarification, and edict and assertion.  Declarations, affirmations, and contentions, cradles of contemplations and meditations, and formats of deliberations and considerations vehemently, intensely, and fervently frame and formulate to pave passageways of attainment and realization, and to perpetuate ecstasy, trance, and elation, the summits and acmes of consciousness and awareness.

Skies and horizons, Prospects and vistas, and spheres and scopes of surmise, speculation, and postulation, conjectures, presumptions, and deductions linger and persist, remain and pertain, and endure and prevail. The nonconformities and liberty, conduits, streams, and instruments of depiction, interpretation, and delineation, traits, turfs, and landscapes, sceneries, sites, and circumstances of incidents and instances, inclinations and proclivities, and contexts and certitudes, resilient, buoyant, and robust stride, content, and dissent to elevate, and exalt boundaries and precincts of relevance and absorbance.

The insightful devotee, perceptive disciple, sagacious adherent, and perspicacious admirer, to whom ecstasy of the instant’s certainty, the elation of occurrence’s confidence, and the trance of  interaction’s conviction and passion are enlivening and exhilarating, the temple, shrine, and sanctuary, the zeal, ardor, and vehemence, and the fervor, passion, and voyage to sense and feel your warmth, conviviality, and cordiality, the dear, valued, and beloved entities and leanings, sentiments and emotions, and compassions and sensations are encapsulated, summarized, and compressed within boundaries, peripheries, and sanctity of the core and crux, and soul and essence.

Traits, personas, and attributes and characters are incessantly and ceaselessly determined and ascertained. While, your benevolence and munificence, your magnanimity and graciousness, the alliance and allure, and the presence and manifestations conquer and prevail the righteousness and rectitude of morality and virtue.

طالب  و طناز  در این طایر همراز با آن باده مملو ز اقبال نیاز
ساحت قدسش نگار کبریا، طیف نظر از رمز دل مفتون نبود

Eager, anxious, and impatient, murals, pictures, and frescos of entity and consideration, paintings, walls, and friezes of contemplation, and frescos, panels, and panes of observation, examination, and deliberation, omnipresent and persistent, intriguing and flamboyant, and inspiring and imaginative appear, configure, and mold. The participant, contributor, and partaker, an observer, a spectator, and sightseer instigate maturity of the instance, revivify resonance of the rectitude, and resurrect and refresh ingenuity of the imagination and intuition.

Contemporarily, concurrently, and concomitantly, conundrums, mysteries, riddles, and enigmas submerge and immerse the precincts, boundaries, and confines of cognizance and awareness. Partialities, penchants, and predilections, preferences, prejudices, and preconceptions ponder perseverance and persistence of the presumptions and presuppositions, conjectures, premises, and convictions.  

Existence and subsistence, perpetuation and continuation, life, verve, and vivacity, the miracle and marvel of concomitance and concurrence, estuary and strait of reconciliation and coevolution, resonance and reverberation of simultaneity and synchronism, and the infinite and interminable mode of harmonization and cohabitation indemnify, remunerate, restore, and reward, augment, amplify, expand, and magnify the certitude of enthrallment, mesmerize the moment, and applicability of the intent, the dedication and commitment.

Mysteries, riddles, and enigmas, essence and core, crux and substance, soul and spirit, and the hub and heart amalgamate, merge and mix, and join and integrate to intermingle and intersperse to catalyze, cause, and accelerate, buds, blossoms, and blooms of cognizance and recognition, perception and persuasion, and affiliation and association to surface, appear, and arrive, to transpose and transpire, and to acclaim and commend combination and coalescence of congruence of coexistence, equivalence of the entireness, and the aptitude of acquaintance and appreciation.

Chalice and goblet, tumbler and vessel of resolve and resolution, determination and persistence, and life and exuberance, the container, ampule, and chest, and the receptacle, repository, and frame of constellations and collections of reminiscences and recollections, gestures and postures, and capitulations and identifications, discernments and comprehensions, destiny and desires, and furtherance and fulfillments. Emissaries and envoys, and delegates and ambassadors of patterns, precedents, and tessellations of enthusiasm, enlightenment, and embracement of liveliness, entailment, involvement, immersion, and commitment collectively commence, embark, and originate ecstasy of amelioration, levitation, escalation, and elevation.

Vastness, immensity, and enormity, surroundings, ambiances, and environments, stars, cosmos, and universe, the bondedness, obscureness, and incalculability of restraints and constraints, restrictions and limitations, the imaginability and amenability, margins, precincts, and peripheries, comprehensions, apprehensions, and appreciations, perceptions, concerns, and discernments, the ensembles, combinations, and collections authenticate, confirm, and endorse graciousness and virtuousness of  verve and vitality. To infuse and permeate continuity and spontaneity of the wholeness, entirety, and totality, and intricately, delicately, and impeccably embrace and encompass fortunes and providences of attainment, achievement, and completion, the conventions, interactions, and connection.

Conglomeration, accumulation, and compilation of notions, urges, and conceptions, the containers, caddies, and coffers of comprehensions, realizations, and acquaintances, conversances and contemplations, and expandable and resilient disposition and spirit of intuitions, instincts, and aptitudes, the impetuses, impulses, and compulsions, which coherently and collectively, and distinctly and individually bolster, fortify, and buttress vastness, extent, and expansion of the pursuit of ponderance and purpose,  ecstasy, delight, and elation to evade, dodge, and avoid the limits and margins of inadequacies and imperfections.

Horizons, vistas, facets, and aspects, scopes, spans, and spheres, vastness and immensity, and magnanimity and benevolence, compassion and munificence, solipsistic and self-searching intrinsically, innately, and instinctively reflect and express, contemplate and introspect. When, perceptiveness, and pinnacles of identity and personality are conceived, elaborated, and envisaged by universality of intelligence, and inclusion and impetration of interspersed, interposed, and commingled minds, souls, and spirits.

Entities, articles, and individuals commensurate, proportionate, and appropriate patterns and dispositions of verve, vim, and vitality, points, dots, and specks that are scattered and disseminated within the fabric of essence and existence, the single mind, belief, and cognizance, the sole, oneness and uniqueness that sustain, nurture, and uphold solo, subsets, and the maze and mesh of anxious, zealous, and impetuous minds that seek, appeal, and request consolidations and amalgamation to adjoin, attach, and affix to the supreme, superlative, and sovereign bond, harmony, and unity, the oneness, uniqueness, and singleness.   

Your exaltation and grandeur, your opulence and magnificence, and your splendidness and radiance, which saturate the milieus of mind. The observance, and cognizance to span and traverse, cross and overlap, and assume, adopt, encompass, and embrace to inundate, deluge, and engulf farthest and uttermost edges and verges of the intimacy, affection, and certainty. Your depiction, delineation, and portrayal which entail, involve, and necessitate the configuration, alignment, arrangement, and formation of liveliness, virtue, and dynamism.

Your subrogation, castigation, and chastisement absolve and exonerate the spots and speckles, the dots and spatters, and the scatters and stipples of the entities of entirety, the minds, thoughts, and concentrations, the absorptions and meditations to mitigate, mollify, and moderate the abruptions, distortions, and deformations of monger, menace, and imperilment. The pace and pathway, strides and gaits to further the attainment and attention, the realization and deliberation of your traits, personas, and attributes, to convey, carry, and communicate purity, limpidness, and virtuousness of desire, appeal, and entreaty. The threshold, onset, verge, and inception to disperse, diffuse, and disseminate conspicuousness, manifestoes, and exhibitive panoramas to dispel, disperse, and dissipate obliviousness, arrogance, and condescension. The gestures and gesticulations to endure, continue, and remain splendidly, superbly, and spontaneously in synchrony, concurrence, coincidence, and coexistence.

خانه را  آذین و نور افشان نمای  طوقه زلف  پریشان کارِ   یار
وادی  و  میدان به رقص درک گل، بلبل غزل از چون نبود  
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Dwelling and habitat, adobe and domicile, sanctuaries and shelters, and immunities and havens, the chest of thoughts and considerations, crate of reflections and meditations, and trunk of contemplations and deliberations are adorned, festooned and decorated. The pertained and affixed irrevocability and irreversibility indicative of cherished and precious, and commenced and embarked upon preparations, formulations, and provisions divulge, promulgate, and proclaim dispositions, courage, and spirit of the association, connection, and correlation.

Liveliness, sparkles and dynamisms of imminence, friendship, and lovingness have been blossomed, proliferated, and flourished. Your presence, poise, and aura have instigated and commenced to incessantly and relentlessly pound my heart, reciprocate your invitation, and convene your personifications and epitomes.

Murkiness and vagueness, shadows and dusks, and the dark instances, enduring moments and occasions, and tries, strives, and strains, the endeavors, angst, and anxieties, worries, fears, and sorrows, and the trying, taxing, and transient eras, epochs, and occurrences, to emphatically, ardently , and vigorously vindicate  your eminence, and brilliance, the shine and patina, and twinkles and sparks, your rays and glimmers of vivification and revivification which  blanket, burnish, and brighten sanctity and inviolability of indulgence, lenience and clemency,  tolerance and compassion, and fortitude and forbearance, to uniquely, inimitably, and distinctly enshrine, revere, and venerate your presence.

Yes, the dwellings and habitats, adobes and domiciles, walls of distinction and accolade, arches of acme and culmination, thresholds of distinction and discernment, roofs, gables, and ridges of certitude and certainty, and sky and firmament of the sun’s zenith and pinnacle, brighten and irradiant, vivid and glaring, and glittering and scintillating, receptive, amendable, and complaisant to incredulity and bewilderment, astonishment and amazement, and exultation and euphoria, accentuate the elation, procreate virtuousness and gracefulness, and rebound to ricochet, and reiterate your acquaintance.

While speckles of the entirety and surroundings, and sphere of existence and exuberance reveal, expose, and imbue curvature of the rays, hints, and traces, transpired by your affection, grace, and blessing, the sanctification and consecration.

Corners, regions, and areas, places, sites, and spaces and surroundings pertinently and invokingly invoke, incite, and evoke pertinence and perspectivity. Carrousels and containers, conveyers of confrontments and summons, authenticities and validations, virtuousness of acclamations, approbations, and commendations emplace and erect, and assemble and fabricate to communicate and carry, and contain and comprise the draft of persistence, protraction, and perpetuation,

Where, dance and ballet, and pirouette and caper commemorate elation, rapture, and euphoria, the ecstasy of existence to prance and cavort, and to rejoice and celebrate the continuous ceremony of empathy and indulgence, compassion and tolerance, and perceptiveness, perspicacity, and discernment.

Splendor, finery, and majesty of flowers and florets, the generosity and abundance to enhance, boost, and impart secrets and aesthetics of their soul and substance. Buds and blossoms, and their bestowment to augment and elevate scenes and stages of fruition and flourishment, and foresights and forethoughts to glint and shine the sustenance of ingeniousness and elegance. Sacredness, purity, and inviolability of the ecstasy and elation of liveliness, merits of the moments, strokes of heart, and breaths and inhalations of sense and conscious, the ritual, rite, and ceremony of verve and vivacity performed to capture and thrive anxious and fervent enquirers, questers, and pursuers.

Revealment, disclosures, and occurrences resonate within the crates and cavities of cognizance and appreciation. Commemorations and remembrances of attainments and accolades pertained and perpetuated by the caravan and convoy of confidence, certitude, and certainty, carols, choruses, choirs, and chorales, melodic chanting and whispering of the canaries to resonate and reverberate myths, legend, and fairytales of their devotion, dedication, and consecration, absoluteness of the moment, and joyfulness of recitation and narration of the appeal, demand, and invitation to congregation, convention, and enunciation, the declarations, proclamations, and clarifications to enrich their core, crux, and spirit. The stance, perspective, and outlook to exclude, ignore, and reject reprisals, reckonings, and retributions, the perceived misdemeanors, indiscretions, and improprieties, impetrate, seek, and solicit the sanctity, sacredness, and blessedness of the heart.

The rings and chimes, relay and dispatch your portrayal and depiction. The traces and tracks pave and proclaim your proximity and propinquity, and portents and premonitions steer and conduct to attain and achieve your proclivity and penchant. The dance of flowers and the carol of canaries, the emissaries, envoys, and heralds of your magnificence, magnanimity, and benevolence, the portrayal of your glare and glimpse, which fracture, burst, and rupture the spheres and confines of imagination, ambition, and aspiration, shepherd and marshal to attainment, realization, and achievement of the apexes and summits of your concurrence, consensus, and occurrence and harmony.

© Alireza Bemanian, December of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



Flower’s Song

Flower ‘s Song

باز در کسب نگاهت مُلک را آتش بر این محفل رواست
باز در این گوشِهِ دل قصه وز آن سرو رعنا گر جفاست

Your glare and glance, your glimpse and gleam, the glimmers and glitters, and the inspirations and reflections, the exposures, acquaintances, and revelations, urge, goad, and impel. Although, not contemplated, cogitated, and ruminated, deliberated, pondered, and reflected, in the light and luminosity, and radiance and illumination of perspicuity, profoundness, and astuteness, the comprehension, keenness, and perceptiveness.

 The eagerness, impatience, and fever, the zeal, vehemence, and fervor, and the passion, dedication, and ardor, foster, exalt, and further. Your presence, portrayals, revelations, and occurrences, the knocks, smacks, and thumps, the reciprocities, interactions, and connections, linger, endure, and persist. Although, the insightfulness, acuteness, and perspicacity, the perseverance, drive, and dedication, intentness, diligence, and fastidiousness have not been effusive, fulsome, and vociferous.

The flames, bursts, and flares, the flashes, sparks, and conflagrations to purify, cleanse, and refine, to jolt, joggle, and judder, to jar, bash, and shudder, and to ponder, deliberate, and cogitate the sanctuaries, reservations, and asylums of judgements, reflections, and meditations; the notions, concepts, and inspirations, and the contemplations, concerns, and considerations have leniently, temperately, and clemently lingered.

The mere, sheer, and utter ambitions and motivations, devotions and dedications, and intents and aspirations to seek and pursue, and to chase and shadow your proximity, nearness, and immediacy, your propinquity, purlieu, and contiguity have been deviated, diverged, and departed; astuteness of the ambitions, and serenity and equanimity of the aspirations, have been amalgamated and compounded with the flamboyancies and ostentatious extravagances of the disruptive desires, scattered synopsis, and entangled epitomes .

The cavities and craters of the heart, the serenity, tranquility, and equanimity of thoughts, brainwaves, and reflections, the mergers, absorptions, and inclusions, the amalgamations, assimilations, and reconciliations, the searches, examinations, and explorations, continually, recurrently, and incessantly march, stream, and stride.

 The representations, illustrations, and examinations, the interpretations, depictions, and descriptions, metaphors, and exposes ponderously, copiously, and profusely perpetuate, to mesmerize, enthrall, and entrance the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and originality of the essence, core, and crux.

Though the shadow of your elegance, the pertinence of your grace, and the vehemence of your magnanimity, the sounds and echoes, the rings and resonances, the chimes and reverberations, and the semblances and encircles of your permanence and presence, your thoughtfulness and attentiveness, and your metaphor and vestige have not been vigorously and persistently, passionately and emphatically, and receptively and unreservedly raptured, rhapsodized, exalted, and enthralled; the vivaciousness, vitality, and exuberance.

The mutuality and receptiveness, the reciprocity and invocations, the incantations, summons, and fascinations, have been overshadowed, eclipsed, and outshined by rampant, unbridled, and proliferating spectrums, ranges, and continuums of conceits, haughtiness, superiority, and condescension. The earnestness, candor, and authenticity proclaimed, decreed, and asserted to emphatically, vigorously, and unequivocally soar, ascend, and rise your canopy of junction and connection, marquee of contentment and gratification, and the pavilion of perceptiveness and prospect have been shattered, smashed, and splintered.  

The revelations, manifestations, and expressions capitulate, astound, and amaze, which flabbergast, engulf, and overwhelm my imaginations, inspiration, and ingenuities, while your gratifications, delights, and indulgences exemplify, epitomize, and personify my core and character, to cleanse and purify the inclinations, partialities, and predispositions away from distortions, amendments, and alterations by indiscernibility, unnoticeability, and imperceptibility.

 Ironically, poignantly, and incongruously my neglectfulness, remissness, and delinquencies vividly, lucidly, and distinctly are observed and perceived by your diligence, meticulousness, and attentiveness, while your grace, clemency, and leniency imprudently, improvidently, and profligately exacerbate, embroider, and embellish my comportment and demeanor.

Then, the desires, entreaties, and aspirations to expand, extent, and elevate, the clench, clasp, and grasp of reaching you, to distinguish and discover, identify and imply, and realize and comprehend, tumble, plummet, and stumble, apathetic, lethargic, and phlegmatic to your captivation, charisma, and appeal.

گفته را میزان بر این معنا که معراجت تمنایش خفاست
خسته را سوزست همراز و درون غوغای دیدارت به پاست

The expressions, impressions, and influences, the impacts, imprints, and intuitions, the scale, scope, and spectrum of connotations, insinuations, and propositions, the pinnacles, vertexes, and zeniths of entailments, significances, and implications.

The essences, souls, and substances of vivaciousness, exuberance, and vitality, the elevation, augmentation, and intensification, the enthrall, enchant, and entrance, the spread, escalation, and amelioration, ascent, acclivity, and incline.

The contrasts, disparities, and divergences, the contradictions, negations, and refutations, the ambiguities, incongruities, and paradoxes to establish, corroborate, and ascertain the connotations, significances, and consequences, that carry inconsistencies and discrepancies contrary, and inconsistent to the desires and dreams, requests and appeals, and pleas and ambitions of entrenching, establishing, and embedding your fondness, penchants, and predilections.

The encroachments, invasions, and impingements impair, prejudice, and paralyze the authentication, substantiation, and corroboration of the ambition and aim. Or, refute, rebut, and repudiate the appeal and plea, while tarnishing, blemishing, and tainting your chase, your pursuit, and your quest to indicate and precede, and to imply and entail.

The bafflements, bewilderments, and mystifications, the perplexities, panics, and incomprehension, the portents, presages, and harbingers, and the panoramic, inclusive, and comprehensive portrayals, renderings, and depictions of propositions, perceptions, and propagations, the profoundest, acutest, and sincerest sanctuaries, immunities, and havens of reflections, mediations, and conceptions; instantiate, inflict, impose, perpetrate, and wreak the storm of spontaneity, stride of extemporaneity, and antiphon of vibrancy. Effervescences, echoes, and enthusiasms, the punctualities, perseverance, pertinacities, and purposefulness, which are perceived, pertained, and proclaimed by the universe of vibe and verve.

The lassitude, tiredness, weariness, lethargy, inertia, and apathy, the grief, anguish, and misery, the melancholy, despair, and sorrow, comprise and compose the ferocious, vicious, and rancorous episodes, circumstances, and occurrences of degradation, atrophy, and decadence.  While, their perpetuations, permutations, or amalgamations lead, steer, and command the malevolent, vindictive, and splenetic epitomes, essences, and personifications of inadequacy, meagerness, and scantiness. To entrap, entangle, and postulate uncertainties, vagueness, and indecisions, which prosper, thrive, and flourish impulsively, impetuously, imprudently.

The magnanimity, benevolence, and altruism of your presence, your occurrence, and your disclosure and divulgence, stipulate, prepare, and deliver the vibe, eminence, and congruity of the universe, the conformity, harmony, and coherence echoed and reverberated by the chirps, tweets, and chirrups of the canaries, singers, performers. and soloists of surmise, speculation, and conclusion.

The songs, chants, and melodies which rejuvenate, invigorate, revive, and revivify the pillars of ecstasy and aspiration, the milestones and cornerstones, the portents and presages, and the marvels and prodigies, which proclaim, announce, and declare the symphonies and masterpieces of tenacity, resolve, and purpose.

 Then, the heart and awareness, the soul and ambiance, the spirit and conscious, brim, throng, and bristle by your eminence, distinction, and prominence. When the reverberations, rings, and echoes of your expose, rendering, and representation resonate and scatter by the scale and spectrum of infinity, immensity, and eternity. The shadow, swathe, and silhouette of your plausibility and conceivability spawn and initiate the shelter, shield, and sanctuary of certitude, confidence, and conviction.  The rays, gleams, and glimmers, which capture, encapsulate, depict, and portray the corners, curves, and confronts of the vision, site, and revelation.

گاه خود آشفته از مفتی که پندارش علمدار عنان کبریاست
گاه سرگشته یکی  کبک سمن گر طایرش قدس  و سناست

The grand mufti, the jurists, and aldermen, the claimants, petitioners, supplicants, and applicants of the manners, conducts, and efforts, the sentinels, defenders, guardians, and custodians of your deeds, activities, and endeavors, the caretakers, annunciators, presenters, and promulgaters of your proximities, immediacies, and propinquities, the jurisprudences, visionaries, and appellants of personal, peculiar, and particular advocacies, inspirations, and assurances, which are tailored, converted and molded to their articulated, manifested, and maintained appeals, amenities, expediencies, and conveniences.

The enunciators, promoters, and declarers of hegemony and supremacy, the preachers, pastors, and parsons, the vicars, rectors, and reverends, whom perceive and presume the bounds and boundaries, frontiers and borders, and confines and constraints to discover, determine, and ascertain your acquaintance, contact, and consociate. The entities that are solely, uniquely, and exclusively galvanized, spurred, and animated to crystalize and postulate the conduits, intermediaries, and rivulets, which couple, attach, and rivet to their own postured and perpetuated pertinent, portends, and presages.

The exhibitions, expositions, and retrospectives, the contrasts and disparities, the divergences and incongruencies, the discordant and discrepant distinctions that inundate and delude the incarnations, deifications, and embodiments, are dreadfully, disgracefully, and appallingly restrain, restrict, and curtail the continuum of conspicuity, perceptibility, and salience.

The mere desire, appeal, and entreaty, the shadow of your sermon, surrendered and relinquished by the rings of bewildering breeze, by the chirps, carols, songs of the secluded sparrows, submitted to the synchronization of the symphony of solace, to the succor of certainty and sustainability, gain, gauge, march, strut, and stride. The surmises, bewilderments, and bafflements of creation, continuity, and confirmation.  

The occasions, junctures, and instances, the moments, occurrences, and incidents, the annunciators and indicators of the exposition and perpetuation, elucidation and clarification, and conspicuousness and obviousness.

The illustrations, depictions, and representations, the orchestrations, compositions, and transpositions, the instantiations, spontaneity, and vivaciousness, the vibe, exuberance, and verve that invoke, incite, and provoke, enflame, spur, and arouse resonance of your presence, aura, and attendance. The intricacies, convolutions, and complexities which vividly, vibrantly, and luridly exalt, elevate, and lift, revere, applaud, and acclaim, the reverberations, resonances, and acclamations of commemorations, ramifications, and continuations. 

The apertures, prospects, and approaches, the sparkles, glistens, and glitters, and the invocations, supplications, and incantations, surmounting, vanquishing, and transcending the obstacles and hinderances which obscure, veil, and shroud the trajectories, arcs, and traces of inviolability, propriety, and limpidness.

The perplexities, incomprehension, and mystifications, the path of discernments, the conduit of contemplations, and the corridor of cognizance. The pondering, meditative, and broadening expansion, elaboration, and maturity of liveliness and livelihood, vivacity and vigor, and strength and formidability, to foster, nurture, and cultivate continuity and content, substance and essence, and solemnness and sedateness. Oh, the threshold, edge, and dawn of onset and inception, the immuration of irrelevances and insignificances, and the resurrection, revivification, and renaissance of reciprocity, mutuality, and responsiveness.  

نغمِهِ گل لوح دل برق نگاهت وه عجب شوری به جاست
بام خورشید است مأمن آتش شوقت  ثنا، مطرب کجاست

The hum and echo, the tinkle and jangle, and clatter and clank, the passage, crusade, and campaign of the butterfly wings submerged, immersed, and engulfed by the insurmountable, indistinctible, and indissociable air. The hovering, drifting, loitering, lingering, floating, and soaring, the climax, culmination, and apogee, the apex, acme, and summit of sustainability, satisfaction, and indulgence.

The ceremony of certitude, the observance of conviction and confidence, coupled, combined, and connected to the murmuring, muttering, and mumbling of the flowers, the orchestrations, choreographies, and compositions of creation, life, and universe.

The entities, beings, and individuals so indispensably, imperatively, irreplaceably, and essentially coexist, cohabit, and coincide in coordination, harmonization, synchronization, and conjugation; the confounding, inconceivable, and astonishing degree of dexterity, proficiency, and adroitness.

the scroll, parchment, and manuscript, the mirror, signifier, and epitomizer of the ambiance, empathies, and passions, embroiled within the heart. The entanglements, the enmeshed and ensnared anxieties and apprehensions, the ambivalences, equivocations, indecisions, and uncertainties, and, your touch, convergence, join, and contact, concurrently, incessantly and unremittingly, sparkle, shine, and scintillate within the serenity, composure, and equanimity of my existence.

The animations, persistence, vigor, vibrances, and dynamisms of your distinction, accolades and compliments, the commendations, encomiums, and approvals; the immersions, engagements, and absorptions, which are purely the depictions, interpretations, and delineations of the scattered rays of illuminance, your presence and charm, and the enthrallments and captivations.

The astonishments, amazements, and bewilderments, the conflagrated, enflamed, and kindled embodiment, scaffold, and frame, the eagerness, impatience, and desire, have engulfed, surrounded, and whelmed the thirst, urge, and reminiscences, the ruminations, cogitations, and ponderings. While, your magnanimity, benevolence, and nobility revolve, orbit, and gyrate within the encirclement of elation and exultation; the euphoria and rapture of utmost and ultimate adornment.       

The altitude of the sun, the pinnacle, zenith, and peak of the horizon, the elevations, escalations, and rises, the crest, crown, and culmination of imaginations, inspirations, visions, and apparitions, have been designated, allocated, and delegated to meet and match, deliver and provide, and imply and realize the bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed moments of realization, reconciliations of recognition, and appeasements of the attainments. The accessions, mollifications, placations, conciliations, and concessions, construed by the vastness, enormity, and immensity of the lucid, articulate, and intelligible surroundings, contexts, and ambiances.

The thrills, exhilarations, and delights, the elations, blisses, and ecstasies of your presence and exposure, your glimpse, glance, and gaze, the stare, scrutiny, and sentry, the capture, emphases, and accentuations, the rhythms, pulses, and patterns, the cadences, beats, and intonations, the bequethed, endowed, and presented  symphony, opus, and sonata of superiority, ascendency, and predominance, the hegemony and preeminence, the dominance and primacy of the state of substance, essence, and affluence; comprehensible, feasible, and viable purely via the reverberations of the reciprocity, retained within the heart, which is amalgamated by your amenity, fondness, attachment, and affection.

Your presence and exposure, your glimpse, glance, and gaze, that merely, solely, and purely vivify, vitalize, bolster, embolden, and enliven the vivacity, verve, and vivaciousness. While, reciprocated, responded, and retorted by the dance of the stars, the ballet of the intricacies of imagination and instantiations, the intimacies, affections, and confidences of the universe, composed, comprised, and coexisted vividly, vibrantly, and gaudily, and pertained, performed, and presented to be envisaged, conceived, and captured. The continual commemorations, the heartening celebrations, and the augmenting tributes; fortified, bolstered, enriched, and strengthened by the sacred and revered spectrum of the constituents, proponents, and participants.

The reminders, recaps, and remembrances of your alluded alleyways of alliances and associations, and your referred passageways of partnerships and relationships, all fomented, fueled, and fostered through the rays, beams, and gleams of your allure, altruism, and affiliation.

جوهرش  دادی به جان گردونه افلاک نقشش گونه هاست
چشم را روشن بدان منزل چو  جز کویش نظرگاهی خطاست

The essence, crux, and core, the kernel, cruces, and marrows are copiously, amply, and profusely entrenched, inculcated, and infused within, bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed to rejoice, delight, and exult, gloat, revel, and triumph your accessibility, approachability, and convenience. The springs, founts, and sources of serenity and equanimity, spontaneity and extemporaneity, and nurture and attention.

The instigations, promptings, and urgings, the commencements, motivations, and incitements, the sparkles, shimmers, and twinkles, pronounce and phonate, enunciate and assert, and pontificate and proclaim, your perseverance, diligence, and persistence to provoke, elicit, and enflame, the strength of realization and enlightenment, the trustworthiness of consciousness and cognizance, and the wholeness of conviction and confidence.

The inner resolve and resolution, the tenacity and steadfastness, the divulged incarnations and exemplifications, the inculcated potent and puissant, and the exuberant degree of astonishments, amazements, and wonderments; unswervingly, unequivocally, and unambiguously accommodate and acclimatize to attain, conquer, and realize nobility, graciousness, and virtuousness, the accomplishment of intuitions and intentions. The distinctions, merits, and awards, which are inscribed, etched, and engraved to arise and soar to the improvised, concocted, and contrived elevations of euphoria, gratification, and contentment.  

Emphasize, underscore, and accentuate, observe, survey, and scrutinize, opine, reflect, and heed; the galaxies, clusters, and congregations, collections, assemblies, and configurations, the enigmas, riddles, and confidences, the mosaics of mysteries and obscurities, the mazes of confusions, muddles, and intricacies, and then, the commonality, cohesions, and comraderies. Collectively and vivaciously, animatedly and vibrantly, and effervescently and scintillatingly surmount, vanquish, and transcend the conundrums, enigmas, and puzzles of segregation, apartheid, and exclusion. The ritual of existence, the cavort, caper, and the dance of entireness and wholeness, the compliments and congratulations of conformities, and the accompaniments and complements of attainments, achievements, and accomplishments, transfuse, infiltrate, and permeate to the concurrence, consistency, and orthodoxy.

The patterns, precedents, and repetitions, the tessellations, configurations, and blueprints, the relationships, interactions, and affiliations, which collaborate, conjoin, and concentrate on the verves, vigor, and vims of existence, the dynamisms and animations, and the enthusiasms and enthrallments of the realization, satisfaction, and serenity, illustratively invoke, implore, and entreat the quintessence and principles of resolve and responsiveness, participance and contributions, and delegation and designation.    

The routes, tracks, and traces, the paths, trends, courses, and commands, the concentrations capitulations, and contemplations, the nous and sagacity, the judgement and rationality, the mindedness and acquiescent, the dexterity, adroitness, nimbleness, and agility of life, living, verve, and vivacity.

And, the enlightenments, explorations, and explanations, exquisite, discerning, delightful, and delicate. The refuge, sanctuaries, and preserves to shield and shelter the sanctities, inviolabilities, and etiquettes of notions, deliberations, and beliefs. The sanctities to crystalize, manifest, discern, perceive, and reveal the similarities, connections, and companions of confluences and convergences, the aesthetics, intricacies, and philosophies of authentications, substantiations, and endorsements, aspired, aimed, and trained to acquire, assimilate, and procure your charm, your enchantment, and your allure. 

The entities and exposes, the reveals and depictions, and the stipulations and representations, to synchronize the heart, sharpen the vision, and stimulate the sight. The invigoration, animation, and vivification of desires and appeals, entreaties and covets, and aspirations and supplications. Profoundly, immensely, and colossally collaborate and harmonize the identifications, indulgences, interpretations, and intelligibilities of my inclinations, the comprehensions and apprehensions to your distinction, accolade, and prominence.

The greatness and eminence, which vivaciously and effervescently initiate, instigate, and inaugurate the symphony of substantiation, the authentication and confirmation of your fondness, attachment, and affection, exuberance, vivaciousness, and vibrance, to be placed, positioned, and landed at the haven of your realm and ambit, the compass and orbit of solace and succor.

The sceneries, solicitations, and surroundings, the enticements, temptations, and allurements, and the instances, occasions, and occurrences, demand, entice, and persist to measure, asses, and evaluate the tenderness and tenacity of dedication, ardor, and allegiance. Your portrayal, ubiquitousness, prevalence, and predominance, incessantly sooth my soul, your reciprocity relinquishes my resentments, antipathies, and antagonism, and your touch, tap, and pat perpetuate, disseminate, and immortalize the commemoration and celebration of your presence and entrance.

آتش دیدار از  پرگار  او  چَرخِش نگیرد گر چه کوثر را  نماست
خفته را دنیای خاموش است، جانان را نظر بی انتهاست

The emblems of enthusiasm and pursuit, the insignias of eagerness and passion, and the depth of pray and appeal, galvanize, incite, and spur the patterns of presentation, stigmas of staging, and exuberances of exhibition. When, the intimacy, affection, and assurance, the confidence, conviction, and certainty are allocated, apportioned, and assigned, to advocacy, sponsorship, and promotion of the precursors, portents, and prodigies.

The earth, space, and cosmos buoyantly, boisterously, and fervently, receptively, earnestly, and animatedly, and ardently, zealously, and vigorously surmise, conjecture, and commensurate the continuance, persistence, and furtherance of the existence, subsistence, and actuality. The songs, tunes, and melodies of mystical harbingers reverberate with the murmurs, mumbles, and whispers of the prevailing proxies, the promotors of perpetuation and perseverance. The responsiveness, coexistence, cohabitation, and concurrence which extricate, dislocate, and mend abandoned, neglected, and discarded subjugators’ moans, wails, and whimpers.

The continuance, endurance, and protraction, the elevation, boost, and rise, the anticipation, potential, and promise of your closeness, nearness, and imminence march and prevailو persistently and pertinently.

Thou, to shrink, shrivel, and contract, and to decrease, dwindle, and decline the distances, avoidances, and detachments, the abstentions, refrainment, and disconnections, the annulments, withdraws, and elusions, your traits, personas, and mannerisms are destined, ordained, and entailed to be fortified, strengthened, and heartened.

Yes, the mutuality to strive for your sanctity, to seek your magnanimity, and to surpass, transcend, and exceed the haughtiness, conceit, and narcissism, ought to be engraved, etched, and upheld by the caverns and craters of the heart, which have strained, subdued, and subjugated the sincerities, authenticities, and seriousness of the inclinations, penchants, and proclivities to your benevolence and munificence.

The fountain of righteousness, the genesis of illuminance, and the source and spray of solace and succor perpetually and predominantly are at presence and prospect. The spectacles and scenes and the vistas and views revive, linger, and endure, to copiously, liberally, and profusely illustrate, elucidate, and proclaim your prominences and distinctions, your wholeness and inclusiveness, and your fondness and affections.

The skies and horizons are saturated and inundated by sparkles and flickers of exultations and merits, the values and virtues, the assets and aptitudes, and the warrants and demands, to stride, spring, and step to the estuary of equanimity, the apex of unequivocalness, and the summit of seeking sanctuary within your proximity and contiguity.  

Slumbers, snoozes, and siestas, slackening, minimizing, and stillness, decreasing, dwindling, and diminishing, subsiding, abating, and shrinking, and retreating, ebbing, and fading, if twisted, fashioned, and constructed, or inflicted, wreaked, and imposed, inadvertently, involuntarily, unconsciously, and unintentionally, gyrate, revolve, and spiral molds and casts, contours and conformations, and tessellations and patterns, which invasively, indiscreetly, and intrusively invoke and incite indifferences and irrelevances, apathies and trivialities, and disinterest and unresponsiveness.

The conundrums, riddles, and enigmas of uncertainties, indecisions, and reservations to obscure, disguise, and obfuscate, to conceal, cloak, and eclipse the rational of deductions and responsiveness, the lucidity of the reasons and consequences, and the judgement of the intentions and determinations.  

While, the surroundings, adjoining ambiances, encircling envisions, encompassing environs, and the totality and entirety of subsistence, livelihood, incarnations, and existence to transfuse, suffuse, and permeate, the symphony and sonata of sustainability, the prevalence and pervasiveness of promptness and punctuality, and the entailment and inference of evolvement and affluence

The sustainability, movement, and advancement of the chest of verve and vitality, the torso of permanence and perpetuity, and the trunk of erudition, wisdom, realization, and comprehension, dedicated, reserved, and devoted to your dexterity, legerdemain, and adroitness continue and endure. The coherence, consistence, and congruence are symphonically harmonized, synchronized, and orchestrated to purely, chastely, and virtuously accentuate, emphasize, and heighten your magnanimity, nobility, and superiority.

The horizons of courage and confidence, the peaks of expectations and anticipations, and the skies of gestures and salutations are incessant, unremitting, and interminable. Deliberators, enunciators, and articulators of your dedication and commitment, your adherence and observance, and your fondness, affection, and attachment.

The infinities and boundlessness, the enormities and vastness, and the bestowed immeasurable colossal capacity, ability, and aptitude of absorption, assimilation, and immersion, with the levels and degrees of attainability and achievability, to be corroborated and substantiated by the instigations of intuition and awareness, provocations of perception and perspicacity, and prompting of alertness and approachability. The universality of uniqueness, contingency of continuance, and the essence of your cordiality, entailed, occasioned, and necessitated to evolve and advance, explore and expand, and accentuate and authenticate.

این نگین را خط و خالش کوکب فرزانه، طیف کهرباست
باز بر گیرم نشان بر فال دل، محراب تو اذنش  غناست

The existence and life, the presence and continuation, the gathered, garnered, and congregated moments and flashes of fulfillment and contentment, the embodiments of paradoxes and perplexities of contests and encounters, the principles and doctrines of transformations, conversions, and alterations, the tenets and antecedents of extrapolation and compilation, the attitudes and notions of contributions and influences, and the ethics and philosophies of rectitude and involvement.  

The gem, jewel, and nugget of perpetuation and persistent, existence and life, eminent, distinguished, and exuberant, boisterous, vivacious, and vibrant, incessantly and relentlessly in pursuit and quest of compliance and acquiescence. The imprints, impressions, and inscriptions of comprehensiveness and completeness, unassailability and trustworthiness, succumb and sustain by mere resilience, suppleness, and agility, are insurmountable and undefeatable by the agonies of agitation, extent of annihilations, and the posture and carriage of curtailments and capitulations.

The gem, jewel, and nugget of liveliness and subsistence is inscribed, emblazed, and engraved, infused and imbued, permeated and saturated, and pervaded and drenched by cogitations and deliberations, cognizance and ruminations, and acquittance and jurisprudence,  to juncture, mend, and assimilate, to embrace, conform, and adapt, to instantiate, notice, and observe, to perceive, respect, and perform, the faultlessness, exactness, and flawless of substance, foundation, and formation, the establishments, underpinnings, and constituents of perceptions, profoundness, and prominence.

Oh, the élan and elegance, the proclivity and luridness, the gaudiness and vividness, the mystical, magical, and numinous concentrating, directing, and pondering, converging, collecting, and clustering culmination, apogee, and apex of aspirations and ambitions, the climax, consummation, and conclusion of confluence and convergence, your charisma, captivation, and adoration, to assure my heart, ascertain my conviction and confidence, and enflame the embodiments and epitomes of the essence, the appellations of my extent and existence.

The life’s fortune, fate, and providence, the affluence, opulence, and prosperity, the destiny, kismet, and future, to be dissected, anatomized, and analyzed. Explorations, excursions, and evaluations, the forays and ventures, the digressions and departures, and the strolls and sprees.

Concurrent, conjoint, and communal, contemporaneous, concomitant, and coexisting; the sagginess and stupor of apprehensions and avoidances, the inclination and proclivity of affections and affability, and the sensation and salutation of achievements and attainability.

The contemplation and reflection of moments and instances, the confluence and convergence of endeavors and exploits, and continuation or protraction of confidences and convictions, in discrepancy, disparity, and divergence to curbing and curtailments.

While, the emergence of sparks, sparkles, and ferments of sumptuousness and opulence, buoyancy of glitters and shimmers, shines of gratitude and gratefulness, resilience of resonance and reverberation, and rectitude of character and charisma, inundate the inference and intuition, to deluge interpretations and implications, and engulf instantiations, conceptions, and deliberations. Or, the conglomerate of collaborations and propinquities of prosper and pursuance arise, elevate, and accentuate within the sanctuary of existence, subsistence, actuality, life, and continuation.

The altars, daises, and pulpits, the lecterns, stages, and platforms, the corners, localities, and confronts, the surroundings, environs, and ambiances, and the milieus, scenes, and settings; to ponder, cogitate, and ruminate your portrayal of benevolence and munificence, to convey, carry, and converse candor and solemnity, and to extricate and discern the inadequacies.

The ensembles, congregations, and masses, the multitudes, accumulations, and magnitudes, and the forms, figures, and frames, formidable and fulfilling, admirable and astounding, and conforming and compounding, are the merging, amalgamation, and consolidation of the inciting starts, the realization, apprehension, and attainment of the joining junctures, and the capitulation, surrender, and submission to your compassion, munificence, magnanimity. The ecstasy, rapture, and elation so vehemently sought, while have been incessantly encircled, enclosed, and encompassed by brightness, brilliance, and lucidity of your presence, occurrence, and incidence.

آهِ جان در سینه اختر  پیش گر بانگت به دل فریاد هاست
برنما، برخیز، دنیایم نگر، سکان این دریا تکاپویش ز  ماست
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Sorrows, subjugations, and surrenders, renunciations, discouragements, and dissuasions, the flame, fervor, and zeal, and the impetuosity, impatience, and spontaneity to comprehend, percept, and conclude, stampede, sprint, and scatter the shreds, slivers, and fragments of notions and conceptions.

The movements, transformations, and passages, the segments, incidents, and extracts, the enactments, ratifications, and validations, and the expansions, intensifications, and progressions improvise, concoct, and contrive conceptions and perceptions, impressions and comprehensions, and conformations and confirmations.

The tumultuousness, flutters, and commotions, the upheavals, hubbubs, and uproars, and the acquiescent and harmonizing star. The icon, luminary, and prodigy of phenomena, marvels, and occurrences, which incessantly and arduously, relentlessly and audaciously, and continually and courageously cascade, splatter, and deluge the rays, glimmers, and traces, to illuminate, irradiate, and enlighten the passageways, courses, and vessels of the journey and juncture.

The itineraries of virtue and rectitude and the valleys, vales, and gorges to transcend, excel, and exceed the boundless and infinite scopes and proportions of the realm, ambit, and sphere of suggestions, evocations, and stipulations. To glow, gleam, and shimmer, glisten, glimmer, and glitter, by greeting, saluting, and embracing the sanctity of insinuations, and applaud appeals, influences, and fascinations.

While, the promptness, punctuality and alacrity of your influence and accent, expressions and intonations, and pronunciations and enunciations commemorate, celebrate, and venerate the responsiveness and reciprocity, cognizance and mindfulness, and sentience and recognition.   

The ambiance of realization and attainment, the vibe of virtuousness and chasteness, and the sphere of sincerity and authenticity, your invocations, incantations, and supplications, your presentations, exhibitions, and expositions, and your allocutions, appearances, and bestowments.

Your invocations, incantations, and supplications, initiate, instantiate, and perceive, visualize, envisage, and conceive, and access, attain, and affect, the sanctities of inviolabilities, the attainability of pursuits and dedications, and the viability of commitments and perseverance.

Your declamations, appearances, and conferment, instigate, actuate, and activate the allowances, appropriations, and assignments, the anchors and substrata of mutuality and affinities, correspondences and correlations, connections and communications.

The responsiveness and receptiveness, alertness, and awareness, and approachability and affability, to conquer and surmount, to march and stride, and to tramp and trudge the valleys of invincibility and invulnerability with valor and courage, and the trails of vivacity and verve, the fortitude, resilience, and suppleness.    

 Your presentations, exhibitions, and expositions, intrigue, fascinate, and enthrall the selves and cores, cruces and cruxes, and souls and hearts, to intuit and perceive, to sense and discern, and to soar and ascend; the murmurs and mumbles of certitude, conviction, and confidence;

the rays and waves, the breezes and whispers, the tunes and melodies, or the harbingers and heralds of harmony, coherence, and congruence.

The thunders, rumbles, and roars, the sceneries, vistas, and views, and the conjugations, conglomerates, and unifications, wholeheartedly, unequivocally, and committedly pursuant and consistent, to vindicate and vivify, assert and aver, and avow and affirm, your allure, magnanimity, and altruism. 

While, you reciprocate to my instigations of entreaties, invocations of appeals, and incantations of summons and conviction. The seas‘ and oceans’ advocations to existence and survival, the planets and skies gyrations to life and actuality, and the moments and occurrences incidents, episodes, and manifestations, restore, renew, and revive consequences, significances, and corollaries to the ardors, allegiances, and devotions, dedicated, consecrated, and contributed by the attained and established affinities, affiliations, and attachments, pinnacles and apices of our proximity, contiguity, and immediacy.

Reflected and revealed by your communique; steadfast your stand, stimulate your resolve, and postulate your purpose, the encirclement, engulfment, and encompassment to revive, revitalize, and flourish, by the enactment of era and epoch, while the essences, principles, and substances of creation, verve, and vitality vividly acquaint, astonish, and ascend the admirers, and acquit, absolve, and vindicate the dormant.

© Alireza Bemanian, September of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)