Instants and Moments

Instants and Moments

Instants and moments, splits and seconds, surpass and surrender. The nicety and nuance, refinements and traces, grace and benevolence, and clemency and blessing resurrect and revive, while infatuation to fulfill reaffirm and recommence. Oh, my desires, importunes, and requests, the urges and yearnings, solicits and impetrates, and beseeches and implores to hail and heed, the spans and stints to consecrate and revere, venerate and revive soothe and satisfy, indulge and gratify; while, the thirsts and keenness revamp and reshuffle, and the scurries and sprints engross and immerse,

It is you, the murmur and whisper, gasp and breath, the abridge, totality, and the aggregate of the wholeness, oneness, and unison, to allow, forbid, and demur my aspirations or indifferences, vespers or fervors, ardor and adoration, or provocations and affronts. 

The mentor and guru, usher and chaperon, my entity, essence, and existence; how could I astray and adrift, amiss and awry, or evade and avoid, and shun and shirk your imminence and impendence? The galore of beneficence and elegance, the profusion and copiousness of universe and cosmos.

The speckles and dapples, flecks and mottles drift and reveal, the onlooker and speculator, you, the grail and chimera of reification and invincibility, the gleam and glimmer of spontaneity and extemporaneity enlighten and hearten the glean and garner of inner vivacity and fervency.

Your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, the halo, nimbus, and aura of inseparability, imminence, and intimacy; it is you, the knock and tap on the shoulder that tackle and acquire capitulation and acquiescence of stubbornness of narcissism, the obdurateness of pseudonymous, and relentlessness of abstruseness.

My motives and errands, ambitions and purpose, and the magnanimity and munificence of environs and milieus, how could I tab and tally, when, the epithet and flag, a solo and separateness; the unheedful usher of religiosity and virtue, and a piousness and piety of idiosyncrasies and eccentricities conceal and obscure the profoundness and fervent.

Or in essence, to thwart and encumber the bonfires and flares predestined and preordained to cloak and mantle the ascendance of aspirations and predisposition, propensity, and proclivity. The preeminence and ascendancy which proliferate and is destined to baffle and bewilder, prosper and flourish obnubilate and swaddle. Or, paradoxically and incongruously, the occlusion and obturation of perspicacity and acumen that frustrate and baffle the proclivities and penchants ruminates and cogitates.

The aurora and era in which profusions and pinnacles of precepts and injunctions, the scanty and unmitigated promulgations and proclamations, entirely procured and postured platitudinously and impassively to reach, embrace, and embody you revolve and rotate, and whirl and twirl on presumptuous and audacious crusades and ventures.

Although, the ethos and tenors, the chirps and chirrups, trills and warbles, and the echoes and ricochets incessantly and relentlessly rally and rebound, while, the boundaries of percepts, and stretch of horizons, the skies of cognizance and intuition vigorously and vivaciously eclipse and obliterate narcissism and conceitedness, the obscurities and oblivions to surpass and dominate approbation and acquiescence of transparency and pellucidity.

Coevally and conspicuously, astuteness and discernments, conjectures and surmises, the envisioned and bestowed dispositions, tendencies, and intended and apportioned entities to ennoble and aggrandize, or the pureness and limpidness to patina and luster splendor and sheen, the elixir and tincture entailed to glaze and gloss the yearn and covet, when, the implores and intreats impel and spur the fathomless desire, the oeuvre and opus of conversances and connection. Conjunctively and collaboratively, the desideration reaches you within the enclave and demesne of impeccability and irreproachability, an antecedent and forerunner to the emanated and divulged attachment and relevance.

Appeals and aspirations, the immensity of merits and virtuousness, explorations and expeditions, and the sanctity and inalienability to subpoena and summon you, the flares and pharos which engulf and acculturate, and the throws and thrusts instigate and actuate, while the sprints and scurries to point and angle relentlessly and inexorably towards you invade and deluge.

The augmented and inflamed reflections and contemplations, and the beseeched and pleaded clamors and commotions to embrace and enfold you irrevocably and irretrievably marshal and enthrall, the delectations and captivations to entrance the precincts and confines of commencement and comprehension, which are recurrently, reiteratively, and inexorably begrudged and envied until the dawn of distinction and praise coruscate and scintillate.

Concurrently and contemporaneously, the besieged and beleaguered apprehensions, sensations, and surges simmer, prattle, and purl the ordinary shell of the sanctuary of solace and succor, to roar, churn, and swirl the deafness and silence of the complaisance, and smolder seethe and heed to the wafts and zephyrs of insouciance and frivolous.

The ashes and cinders as foreordained and preconceived disseminate and circulate, the pirouette of certitude and conviction, the rapture and rhapsody of benignity and benefaction, and the sigh and utter of unison and unanimity, ricochet and resonate the skies, blues, and heavens.

Your presence, poise, and manifestation incite, rouse, and spur the core and kernel, the territory and enclave of apprehensions and perspicacity besiege and beleaguer. While the emergence, appearance, and occurrence grasp and reap, the slump and ruin of the boundaries and limits, dissipation and decadence of the hinderances goad and enflame, and deterrence and encumbrances crumple and rumple. The juncture and occasion of attainment and recognition has transpired, and the rejoinder of inclinations and apex of bewilderments have embarked to thrill and exhilarate. The moments, blazes, and twinkles when the acme of inebriations and apogees of lucidness and translucence evocate and bolster.

The journey, excursion, and crossing, the path, passage, and itinerary of coalescence and amalgamation has surmounted; the bond, pledge, and promise has stroked, dawned, and commenced. Religiosity and reverence, the acquiescence and approbation of your aura and charisma, ovations and accolades of instants and moments have sotted and inebriated, the admirations and endorsements, the splits and seconds have been incarnated and induced.

While, congregation and assembly of conviction and conception, the thirst and hunger, and predilection and amity have been unraveled and unsnarled. The acme and apex of conjugation and declension of the sentiments, sensations, and judgements saturate and inundate.

Mirrors and reflectors, the glasses and indicators assert, perceive, and glimpse at your glamor and opulence, your abundance and affluence overwhelm and flabbergast the cordiality and affability of carols of assurance and confidence. While the closeness and intimacy resurrect and surmise, and construes and conjectures thrum and drum locus, tableaus, and panoramas of your allure and enrapture.

The vividness of the dawn, rise of the sun, and rays of pertinacity and tenacity overwhelm, while moments and instants, preludes and overtures, the proposals and propositions ponder and deliberate calamitous caveats and admonitions, tenebrosity and blurredness, while, murkiness of innuendo and imputation, the ambiguity and allusion jump and jerks to wane and ebb.

The pendulum and slap, pummel and clout of dogmatism, obstinacy, and obduracy reverberates and rings the shadow of suspicion and skepticism, the shade of hunch and premonition, and the sleuth of nullification and incredulity, to react and reciprocate, and rock and reel while staging and simulating, and sponsoring and fostering the globular gravity of bondedness and repetition inspire and instigate, while incontrovertibly and concurrently instantiation and incarnation intrigue and beguile the orbit of replication and reiteration.

It is you and the mere desire, your intimacy and imminence, and your altruism and adoration which immeasurably and immensely prompt and instigate the premise of deductions, postulation of presumptions, and the pursuits of fusion and integration. Your rays of reification, your captivation and beguilement, and the enthrallments and enchantments anchor and affix my burnt embodiment, the charcoaled core, and the epitome of existence. You and me, or me and you, the meld and convergence curtail and retrench to annulment and revocation of fictitious and phantasmal.

Author and Poet: 

Alireza Bemanian

March 20th of 2022


Link to Partial Translation (Persian/Farsi)



شاید امروز تمنایِ درون شوق طلب قرعه به سودایِ ثریا فکنم
خطه را  در  قدمِ  مهوشِ  مهتابِ  نظر  سایه  به عمارهِ عَما فکنم

Inclinations and aspirations, preferences and impulses, and predilections and proclivities proclaim and ponder. Mesmerizations and captivations, enchantments and enthrallments, the entrancements and ingressions invade and imbue. To sponsor and permeate, infuse and inundate momentous inner and intramural perceptions and portrayals, the seeks and scouts within the horizons of self-conscious, pyramids of certainties and beliefs, and the barricades, obstacles, and palisades of cognitions, apprehensions, and reasonings. The unremitting and unrelenting quests and probes that attribute and annunciate, perpetuations and continuance which intentionally and deliberately, or serendipitously and fortuitously persist and endure, or tolerate and countenance.

The desires, inclinations, and aspirations, concentrations and contemplations, veraciousness and devotions succumb and surrender, courtesies and kindnesses capitulate and crumble by imperfections and fallacies of presumptions and presuppositions, temporizations and irresoluteness, and equivocations and dubiousness.  Still, solidified, ossified, and coagulated inner intimacies, confidences, and affections, the soul and pure judicious, cerebral, and erudite acumens and discernments postulate, propose, and nominate the jumps and bounces, leaps and capers, and soars and surges.   

The ossified, and coagulated inner intimacies and affections, the longing and yearning, urge and compulsion commemorate and venerate the reverences and approbations, sacraments and atonements which have been strenuously, steadfastly, and emphatically sought. The urge of attainment and serenity, compulsion of nibbana and nirvana to evolve and unravel, and alter and adapt, to sustain and protract, and enflame and entrench, while the path and passageway to extend and outstretch, offer and proffer, the crevices and clefts to inundations and barrages of brightness and illumination engulf and deluge, and submerge and saturate.

Then, the reverberations and echoes, chirps and choruses of augmentations and escalations, tweets and twitters of reciprocations and correspondences enhance and emblazon the inviolability and paramountcy of vibe and vivacity. Or, spontaneity and extemporaneity to purgation and condonation copiously and inconceivably perpetuate and propagate. While, the cheeps and chirrups, chitters and chatters convey and carry, and mutuality and affinity, responsiveness and approachability refine and raise the sanctity and purity of the moments and instances, and significances and prominences, or the similarity and parallelism to the pinnacles and acmes of pertinence and appositeness resonate and resound. 

Imaginably and conceivably, probably and possibly, the moment and juncture has arisen and stemmed, emerged and emanated to rebuke and reprimand the perspectives and stratagems. The scorched and charred heart blaze and smolder, the raging urge and whim, and the rampant caprice and notion of your touch, pat, and intimateness rumble and thunder through the hollow cavities of reflection and rumination within, though your portrayals, revelations, and presence, the shadow of your magnificence and benevolence have fetched, commanded, adjured, and enjoined every single tenet of quiddity and esse.

 The moments and junctures to further and farther, studiously and staidly, and grander and vaster seek and request, and appeal and entreat my destiny and predestination, providence and predisposition, to align and ally, and affiliate and associate my fortune and kismet punctually and expeditiously reach and arrive, inspire and instigate, and exhilarate and enthrall.

The moments and instances which reveal, expose, and depict the opulence and affluence of the dazzling and gleaming, and blazing and glaring constellations and assemblages, patterns and arrangements, the nebulas and clusters that glamorously and splendidly are scattered within the immensity of the sky and firmament convene and advance. The entities and articles that sparsely and sporadically twinkle and flicker to distinctly and conspicuously express their paradigms, the exemplars of participation and partaking, their immense and flabbergasting aspirations and ambitions of conducts and coherencies muster and converge.           

Moments and junctures of reflection and deliberation, cogitations and ruminations, the seclusions and solitudes within the boundaries and bonds, and precincts and margins of postulations and presumptions, apprehensions and conceptualizations, the convictions and creeds resuscitate and resurrect, revive and revivify solemnity and soberness, the rationality and lucidity of the spirit and soul, and magnificence and grandeur of quintessence and marrow.

The quintessence and esse, ethos and cores of recognition and comprehension, discernment and cognizance, appreciation and indebtedness, and admiration and awareness, which have been entangled and interwoven, rendered and conglomerated by the authenticity of the occasions, cerebrations and interpretations, and mentation and ratiocinations corroborate, ratify, and fortify. Tranquility, harmony, and serenity instigate, incite, and spur asceticism and abstinence of depraved and nefarious diffidence and trepidations, the misapprehensions and confoundments, or the figments and apparitions of maladroitness and ineptitude.

The instincts, inclinations, and intuitions, inspirations and motivations, to be bolstered and boosted by the revelations and divulgences while the certitude of the moment, abundance of the eminence and distinction, and percipience and perspicuity of purpose are delineated and demarcated. The self-confessions and acquiescence, embraced and imbued by the congregation and torso of observations and apprehensions blossom, proliferate, and thrive the authenticity and augmentation of the ecstasy and escalation.

To, beseech and invoke the ascendance, preponderance, and prepotency of perpetual and recurrent acclamations and approbations of self-conscious, while, concurrent and concomitant observations and apprehensions bud and bloom the thrust, impetus, and actuations that reverberate the opus and oeuvre of contributions and creativeness, and accentuate and instantiate the essentiality and indispensability of harmonization and synchronization propagate and promulgate perceptiveness and perspicaciousness.

When, gradually and steadily, unambiguously and relentlessly the rays and traces, gleams and glimmers of the moon’s light and luminosity emulate, mimic, and imitate. The irrefutable and convincing era of confidence and certitude, and the dawn and inception of compounding and magnification has arisen. Rays of hopes and dreams, the confidence and faith reflective of thirst and thrive, the delegated, entrusted, and enriched junctures of hopes and dreams designated and proxied by the sun’s brightness and radiance to disperse and dissipate the demarcations and discriminations of presumptiveness, suspicions, and banishments, rouse and rally the potent and efficacious veracities and validities, the coherence, union and unanimity, and adjacency and unison ponder and deliberate.

Unfalteringly and interminably, the sun’s beams, and warmth, the connections, influences, and constructs of the source, provenance, and derivations of creation and existence, selectees and selections of the governance and magnificence of genesis and continuance diligently and persistently flings and dispatches the torch and lantern of light and luminosity.

While, paving, surfacing, and overlaying the esplanade and promenade of serenity and assuredness to envisage, pertain, commence, and endure the vivacity and ebullience of overtures and approaches, and the clemency and tranquility of avidness and adroitness of intent and equanimity of purpose, inhalation and exhalation of aura and air, and pounding and impulses of the heart satiate and gratify the stimuli and impetuses of liveliness and enthusiasm. Entity and entirety are emphatically engulfed and immersed by the imparted and inculcated resplendence and refulgence permeated and instilled within the fissures and fractures, and cavities and craters of the heart. The mecca and cornerstone of roars and thunders, the crossing sand convergences, the convocation and confluence of epitomes, embodiments, and incarnations, and the paradigms and personifications which have saturated and suffused the mesh, milieu, and medium of adorations and adulations, the moments and occasions to transpire, emanate, and ensue.

یا که رخسارِ نظر برهه بر آن وادیِ  پر نعرهِ میخانه و محراب زنم
یا که سر مست  وز  آن حالتِ خودکامه نگه  بر خطِ غوغا  فکنم

Doubts and hesitations, dubiety and incertitude, the dithering and equivocations to be encountered and rendezvoused if the capitulations, surrenders, and submissions do not prowl and tiptoe to be conceived and perceived, or dissolved and dismissed from the realm of certainties, convictions, and confidences.

The fester, putrefaction, and perishment to abbreviate and truncate the trend of pensive, rivetted, and engrossed eagerness and keenness, and to tackle and traverse, to spread and grasp within the entirety of the scope and span of the universe and cosmos of perceptions, presumptions, and postulations lure, ensnare, and decoy. Or encountered, collared, and nobbled to enable, accelerate, and advance the revocation and rescindment of the boundaries of vision, revelations, and passion, which consummate and accomplish the affiliation and conjunction to the crux and kernel of quiddity and extant.

Is it the fascination, covet, and appeal to strike for vivaciousness, ebullience, and exuberance, the inner and midst entities within the sphere and arena of viability and sentience, or to remain merely and utterly conscious, aware, and responsive to the circumstantial and contingent reciprocations and requitals? Is the extent and encapsulation, scale and poise, and the carriage and grace of cognizance, acquaintance, and appreciation of the contentment and placidity, and abounding of attainments and raptures congruous and contingent to restricted and circumscribed inferential and conjectural speculations and presuppositions?

Fascinations, covets, and appeals to pound the persistency of peculiarities and eccentricities, to bash the boundaries and hurdles of capitulations, surrenders, and submissions, and moments and minutes to embrace and comprise or eject and repel ensue arise, and transpire. The passage, and metamorphosis of instants and junctures impose and oblige, and compel and coerce contemplations and meditations, and instantiate and invoke mentation, cerebration, and deduction.

The interfaces and interactions that incite and arouse the deliberations and ruminations to augment and enhance, and engross and enrapture intuitions and clairvoyance. The encounters, and confronts which instigate and prompt prerequisites and imperatives to envisage and ideate the vastness of the vistas that are crystallized and manifested to inundate and deluge the palatinate and principality of vision and perception.

Turn and twist, spin and twirl, and veer and meander, the vastness of vistas, hikes and climbs, ramps and ridges, and rises and soars, the fly and hover, jump and join, and bounce and bound flabbergast and stagger, stun and daze, and salute and surmise. Turn and twist to face and view, and gaze and glance the utopia and bliss, the simmered, churned, and seethed ecstasy and elation which have firmed and framed the pillars of proclamations and declarations of liveliness, the adherences and allegiances, the vibes and vims of the opus and sonata of purity and sanctity which mesmerize and entrance the cavities and fissures of the fading  chimes and the abandoned cornerstones and canvases of neglected  articulations and attributions.           

Turn and twist, arrive and attain, and engulf and immerse the land and plot, parcel and terrain, and mihrab and tavern, the chapel and pub, podium and dies, and lectern and stand, where the murmurs and mumbles, mutters and grumbles, and the babbles and whirrs echo and ricochet, and rebound and resonate within confines of the hub and heart.

Where, screams and shouts, and screeches and shrieks portray and depict the pinnacles of persuasion and admiration, the peak and apex of the thrill and tremble of intimacy, closeness, and adoration. Where adulation, reverence, and veneration supersede and surpass the presumptions and presuppositions. The land and plot, and parcel and terrain where the solitude and seclusion of your connection, correlation, and interactions, or the deity and numen of the soul and spirit remain intact, untainted, and wholesome. The virtuousness and chasteness to drift and waft, and float and glide reciprocity and soul shaking rapture and rhapsody.                

Mosque and mihrab, church and cathedral, and synagogue and tabernacle, plot and plateau, mesa and mound, and terrain and territory, the places of worship, dwellings of extolment, domiciles of laudation, commitments, effectuations, and reifications, or the amenities, charismas, and strengths to attune, and acclimate the propositions and postulations, which elucidate and explicate the bare and bold, and undisguised and unconcealed connection and congruity to the creator, composer, and mastermind  invoke and inspire cultivation and endorsement.

The chirps and whispers, the tales and utters, and the enchantments, enthrallments, and enrapturements, the exposed and revealed occasions and the vivid and lucid acclamations, promulgations, or the segments and sectors, the interactive, collaborative, and melodious participations and contributions to the congregations, assemblies, and throngs of seekers, enquirers, and questers, relentlessly and inexorably instigate, endure, and persist.          

Proclamations and edicts, to provoke and summit, disseminate and diffuse, and disperse and distribute, to rivet, affix, and join the canvas, contexts and overviews, the augmentative commemorations and remembrances of elapsed and consummated insistences, avowals, and affirmations shall punctuate and scatter the scenery and landscape of perception, discernments, and observations. While, the coagulation and formation of invitations, solicitations, and summonses have saturated the arena, stage, and dais of quiddity and esse.  

The passages, segments, and enactments while encirclements and embracement of patterns of insistences, evocations, and elicitations, the uniformities, and cohesions of tessellations and precedents of coordination and consistency advocate and predispose, or adjudicate and arbitrate inadvertent or prepense and preconceived instances and incidents, the worship of liveliness, or the enthrallment of relentless engagement and association proceeds and pertains its persistence and momentum.

The lonely song of a dazzled bird, the ballet, pirouette, and twirl of the darkest and murkiest stars which have depicted the far reached points and spots within the vastness of ether and sky, and the vibrant and vivacious singing cardinals, the radiant and resplendent convoys and harbingers to spread the omens, presages, and portents of harmony and perfection, to whom chirpily and cheerly promote their intimacy and acquaintance to their sphere and forte of fascination, allure, and appeal. the passage of breeze, the vibrance of  butterfly wings, and explosion of blossoms and blooms exonerate and exculpate restraints of rain, reluctancies and the self perceived impediments, to extrapolate and induce the rhythm and cadence of their continual plea and appeal.

The dazzled bird and the remote dark stars, the magical and touching singing cardinals, and the butterfly wings movements , the moments and instances, the passages and paths collectively and cordially, coherently and consistently clarify, unfurl, and  pave the trend and tendency of sanctity and inviolability, the propensity and penchant which indulge and enflame, and the shade and presence of the adored, esteemed, and worshiped creator, which has overwhelmed and engulfed the ambiance  of vitality and vivacity sot, befuddle, and inebriate.

The conglomerations, assemblies, and assortments, beads, droplets, and pearls, ensembles of urge, enjoinment, and inclination, the proclivity and penchant to inhale impetuses, incentives, and impulses, and exhale sediments, debris, and detritus, the sins, errs, and vices surmount and conquer, while spectrum and elapses, placements, compositions, and vicinities copiously and profusely emerge, encounter, and arise. The adulation and devotion and the opera, masque, and symphony of exalt and praise, elevation and escalation surpass and supplant the artificialities and affectations, proprietaries and colophons, or breeds and classes, while the universality and pervasiveness of his presence, benevolence and magnificence splendidly and superbly overshadow temporal and profane, and the mundane and terrestrial obstacles and hindrances.

The shrines and temples, cathedrals and mihrabs as indicative, symbolic and suggestive of the mere and sole holy predesignated, erected, and molded pillars and places of prayers and worships, still, the inherent and intrinsic cavities, fissures, and clefts plea and urge for the light of the inner candle. The luster and gloss, and love and worship to resonate and ravish by the emplaced mihrab and temple within, while retrospectively the candles and torches abundance and enormity of innate luminescence and incandescence abolish and eradicate the staunchest, and most undaunted and unwavering spots, stipples, and speckles. The spots and speckles which have been swayed and wobbled by the lurking, loitering, and pillaging persistency and perseverance of the murkiness and dimness, and hidden by the unresponsive, indifferent, and reluctant horizons and prospects.

The inebriation and insobriety to emerge and occur, the gait, carriage, and bearing to arise, form, and mold, and thirst, thrust, and lurch to soar and surge. The moment, passage, and crossing has swayed, veered, and bent the threshold, the brink and verge of sanity and reason. The instinct and juncture of indulgence and limpid inclination has been transcended. Widen and extend the vision and dream, the time of passage and exodus has reached and landed, enter and embark upon the contour, outline, and peripheries of striking auras, and tormenting, awakening, and alluring thoughts.

یا به آشفتهِ  دل نغمهِ دلداده عیان سایهِ مستور  به اَذناب زنم
تا در این محفلِ میثاقِ سمن  ناز  درون آینهِ کوکبِ  رعنا فکنم

Tumultuousness, tempestuous, and turbulent moments, boisterousness, ebullience, and uproarious circumventions, eluding, and confoundments, the distinctions, accolades, and discernments unwittingly and inadvertently temper, muffle, and dampen aspirations’, ambitions’, and preconceptions’ glide, coast, and soaring.   

Impeding and hampering, sluggish and lumbering, and clumping and incumbering occasions and circumstances, pondering and meditative ruminations and cerebrations, and contemplative and deliberating depictions and delineations establish, empower, and procure the quintessence of augmentation and amplification of empathy and responsiveness, to sustain and surmise concurrent and concomitant enforcement, fortification, and bolstering of apprehension and cognizance. While, the thunderous instincts, befuddled and baffled perusals and queries, and asserted and encountered inklings and premonitions prolong and elongate the persuasiveness and perpetuity of the transpiring and transmogrifying trend of unfolding, unraveling, and evolving pensiveness and cogitativeness.

Then,  whirling, spinning, and spiraling to chase and hound, sensations, impressions, and perceptions to invoke and arose, twirling, reeling, and rotating to ferment and clamor, and reclamations, recaptures, and retrievals, or triggered, elicited, and prompted pertinence, apropos, and appurtenant mentalities and personifications  promote, influence, and endorse the  tendencies, swings, and propensities which are imbued and infused to the dexterity, ingenuity, and acuity of exuberance and profundity. Intricacy and immensity of the indepthness and fathomlessness entwined and braided within the fame and fabric of liveliness, mesh and web of enthrallments and elations, the ecstasy and euphoria of embodiment and epithet pertain and affect mutual functioning and exchanges which intervene and intercede elation and bliss.                

 Swirl and spin to alter views and vistas, spiral and whirl to decipher and unravel, and twirl and reel to untangle and untie, then, concoct and contrive, and sway and select the views and vistas, panoramas and sceneries, and prospects and perspectives which demise your lamentable and inquisitive nettling and rankling, the ragging and riling, and pestering and galling.  Or, swing and settle within the skies and sceneries which are succumbed and submitted to sacraments and rituals of ascription and attribution, and converge and pivot to pinnacles and zeniths of credence and belief, the credo and creed of responsiveness, compassion, and receptiveness.

Cohorts, cronies, and companions, considerations, notions, and conceptions, and parvenus, vulgarians, and arrivistes, to whom the contemplation and cogitation of the commonalities and coherencies of inspirational rays and beams of the universe of augmentative elevations and preferments do not chime and peal, nor the collective evolution and escalation which have engulfed each breathing soul or the wholeness and entireness collectively and jointly, rupture, rift, and revoke of the exuding, percolating, and purling ambiance of their conceived and perched deductions and postulations have been obscured, masked, and cloaked to instinctively and insentiently resent and begrudge the splashes of judiciousness and dashes of abstemiousness. 

Vibe of vivaciousness and verve, while reciprocity and mutuality are perpetuated and annunciated, will denigrate, deprecate, and decay the impedances and restraints.   The pertained pungencies and tanginess of the floating and fluctuating perceptiveness and reactiveness retard and reverse, or restrain and restrict rejection and refutation of fallacies, or resist and refrain fruition and flourishment of the spontaneous and instinctive inspirations. 

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, turn the linchpin, smooth and raze the bedrock, tune in, depict and augur, bode and portend, promise and confirm, The songs and twitters, ditties and melodies, saturation and drenching, dispersion and reflection, musing and rumination, purely and solely, merely and uniquely enchant and enrapture, and the response and echo, the solo and lone, discrete and detached, though in essence bounded and merged to the bygone, moments, and  eternity.

Draw the shadow, solute the shade, canopy and cover, and eclipse and shield to obscure and blur. The inept and awkward, cumbrous and cumbersome, to reject and rebuff, to decline and discard, the bungling and blundering overtures, approaches, and tenebrous propensities. Conquer and vanquish, tame and overwhelm insipid and spiritless, the apathetic and lackadaisical predispositions and proclivities. Proclaim and assert, permeate and penetrate, the awaiting and looming tendencies and penchants, to crystalize and mature, and manifest and attest the tune and pitch, the concord and congruity which have been gathered and congregated, the declared and anticipated wholeness and unison to inundate and deluge aspirations and urge.

The curiosity and novelty, or vibrant, arcane, and unfathomable predilections and proclivity derive and descend, and stem and spring invocations and obsecration, chaunts and choruses, and entreaties and supplications. Though, the flourishment of the desires, and blossom of demands and invitations complement, accompany, and harmonize the scenic and picturesque carriage and comportment of conundrums and eruditions, or the comprehensions and cognitions to spiral and soar the consequents and concomitants, and to confirm and corroborate clarifications, purifications, and virtuousness.

Instigations and urgingsو motivations and inspirations propel and thrust, and rouse and induce, while the inquiries and inquests emerge and personify, and incarnate and instantiate. The liveliness and sparkle, dynamism and zestfulness emphatically, relentlessly, and inexorably provoke and goad, and spur and prod the stretch of the horizons and boundaries of envisagement and ponderment, to propose and embellish, bedizen and defy, and expound and elucidate.

Epitomization and exemplifications, encapsulation and manifestations of the quintessential and prototypical tendencies and approaches, affinities and attitudes, to surmise and speculate, and conjecture and conclude, while meditations, introspections, and reflections catapult, hurtle, and stampede the encirclements of predicaments and entanglements sharpen and hone, and refine and polish the gem and pearl, and the rock and nugget of incisiveness and astuteness, and perspicacity and awareness. To, augment and elevate, and embrace and comprise the soul and vivacity, and concord and concurrence, and to clinch and encompass the journey and roam of ennoblement and amelioration. The train of ostentatious assertions, and cavalcade of inauspicious conflicts and contentions cocoon and personify to perfunctory and desultory persuasions pertinent to peculation and purloinment of circumstances and circumventions.  

Notions and convictions, surmises and postulations, and abstractions and apprehensions amalgamate and affiliate, the indulgence and raptness, forbearance and clemency, and tolerance and lenience affect and influence, and modify and transform in oneness and unison. Then, coordination and synchronization of reasoning and erudition, the command and restraint, and commitment and consecration coalesce and consolidate.

Endurance and perseverance startle and stun, when the bonfire and conflagrations within, the pneuma and anima roar and soar, the fragile and brittle, and sore and gentle heart rage and surge, and while the rolling hills, and shaded valleys of viridescent, profuse, and verdant pasturage and bocage of constancy and consistency enmesh, entangle, and intertwine. The terra firma of formidability and indomitability, and incongruously and paradoxically the embarkment and commencement of sublimity and superbness had been whittling and carving, rapture and elation, and the evolvement and unfoldment undeviatingly and unwaveringly have been empowering and disenthralling.

The spiraling and ameliorations, and soar and the rise had been toing and froing, though, despite one’s lateral, surreptitious, and tangential nodding, bobbing, and nudging, and the ebbing conviction and irrefutability, still the elbowing and bumping, pick and select, and opt and adopt had revealed and unveiled the copious and captive scintillations and coruscations that vividly and luridly saturate and inundate the ethers of panache, vitality, and liveliness. The concept, pattern, and precedent, the solace, succor, and consolation, and the comportment, relevance, and endurance, the pasturing valleys and rolling hills had been spread and dilated.

Masterpiece, composition, and opuscule of creation and oeuvre of performance and presentation, the investiture and inauguration of the moment and instant implore, impetrate, and beseech for vivaciousness and vehemence. Beleaguerment and besiegement of the intuitions and insights, and the progressions and sequels solemnly, intently, and earnestly trek and trudge, stride and stomp, and tramp and strut.

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, raze the bedrock, and tune in. Then, blossom of demands and desires, inducements and invitations stun and startle. The gathering and fascination, forum and frame, and conclave and congregation, the stage and dais, and mihrab and podium surpass and transcend, and outstrip and outshine the boundaries and margins, and confines and precincts of terrene and terrestrial, and transient and ephemeral strains and exertions, to exculpate and emancipate the anxieties and burdens of indecisions and disinclinations, and forbiddance and inhibition. When, thoughts and notions, beliefs and convictions, or the studious and solemn, and diligent and erudite ruminations and cogitations superimpose and overly the sanctity, righteousness, and virtuousness of entity and sentience.

The threshold and entrance to inebriation, or self-consciousness to succumb and surmise shall encounter and brush, and nudge and pat. The bridge and bond, and pledge and passage to shake and judder shall traverse and crisscross, and decussate and navigate. The conjectures and inferences, congruence and felicitous sapience and sagacity shall strike and afflict, and bang and bash, the fortuitous and serendipitous junctures and crosses of augmentation and magnification shall flabbergast and astound, and shock and surprise. When, the revealment and concealed ethos and crux of esse and existence, manifestations and embodiments, epithets and epitomes, and paragons and incarnations proclaim, surrogate, and decree.

Sway and swing, spiral and spin, circumstances and occasions ensue and arise, indulgence, gratification, and delight festoon and swathe and hang and shutter. Concessions and compromises, persistence and dedications, and comforts or tumultuousness of the transitory episodes and provocations engage and engross. Ambiance and aura, tenor and tone soar and surge circle and climb, and flicker and flutter, while, the tremble and shudder, tremor and judder, the joy and bliss, and charm and thrill preserve and prolong, and provoke and percolate,

Clasp and clutch, catch and clench, stars, auspices, and auguries, and scenery and stage, the sagas, epics, and narratives surrounding and secluding the heart reflect and reveal, and gesture and portend. While, the murals and icons of the finesse and elegance glitter and shimmer, and sparkle and splendor. The stint and stretch, and epoch and era to sieve and sift, and hurl and toss, to reiterate and rehearse the reflections and replications, which are bounced and leaped by the vault within have arrived.

Harbingers and heralds whisper and murmur, mutter and mumble, to urge and utter adorn and emblaze, and glide and embellish the inherent and personified inner mirrors, to reinstate and rebuild the overtured traits, to illuminate, irradiate, and enlighten the postulated and pertained darkness and void, while signifying and denoting the bestowed and designated dispositions and personas. Scratch the turf and scrape the ambit, browses, glimpses, and glances have been scattered, flung, and tossed by the skies’ and heavens’ acuminate and cuspidate rays and twinkles of ambitions and aspirations.

شاهد و ساقی هر موعد و دم در گرو هیمهِ  آکنده و خود  تاب زنم
گو  که  این  آتشِ  افروخته  بر سوخته جان  همدم  و  همپا  فکنم

The felicitous, propitious, and congruous amity and harmony, which have been extrapolated, inferred, and deduced by dedication, perseverance, and keenness, and the ardor and fervor engulf and immerse. Spontaneity and expeditiousness, and immediacy and promptitude of incurrences, susceptibility and vulnerability of perceptions and convictions, and sensitivity and receptiveness of adhered and assembled beliefs and dogmas coalesce and conjoin, and meld and mingle pensive and cogitative perceptiveness and rigorousness.

Befuddlements and bewilderments request and inquire interaction and mutuality, and judicious and perspicacious retorts and rejoinders, bafflements and bemusements elude and befuddle astute and sagacious ramifications and implications, while perpetuity and persistence of edifications and elevations of the liveliness, continuance, and vivaciousness flourish and thrive. The aspirants and petitioners, the walkers and hikers, climbers and trekkers of flagged and paved paths constrain, oblige, and impel their journey and expedition, jaunt and excursion to submission and acquiescence, obscurities and ambiguities, and unfolded and unanticipated turns and twists which tweak and tug the scenic and picturesque intricacies and niceties in shamble and stumble.

Though, companions and consorts, and confidants and cronies shall inadvertently and decidedly, unequivocally and emphatically be amended and altered, invokers, mainstay, or the pedigree and provenance of profligacy, lavishness, and extravagance be abhorred and despised, and advocates, promoters, and campaigners of arrogance, prodigality, and imprudence, the reassurers and encouragers of immoderation and intemperance be distanced and detached. Nevertheless, despite aberrations, oddities, and transgressions, the conjecture, ambit, and orientation of content and gist, and sense and mood strike and emanate, encircle and ring, and reflect and echo within and through the adhered and applauded audiences, spectators, and partakers, to whom the thirst and nostalgic cogitations and deliberations ablaze and aflame the passions and sentiments.

The grasp and grip, clench and range, clasp and clip, and hold and hasp, entwine and interlace to intuitions and instincts, zeal and adherence, and allocations and allotments, while, interactions and interfaces, movements and motions, and intertwinements and complications profound and overwhelm the consequences and ramifications, attainments and accomplishments, and effectuations and reifications. The melodies and themes, and rhythms and tropes of incarnation and existence exemplify and epitomize, and encapsulate and manifest the evolution of intent and purpose. The ambition and aspiration to impeccably and exquisitely exceed the barriers and hindrances, and impediments and obstructions of the circumstantial and serendipitous incidents and instances vaunt and flaunt.

Endurance and stamina, and tenacity and resolution to adore and revere the gestures and overtures of vibe and vivacity saturate the mind and inundate the intuitions, the zest and keenness, gusto and glee, and passion and verve astound and astonish. Stare and glaze, and query and review, not to dodge and elude skepticisms and reservations, nonetheless, prepare and practice, presume and prevail the ponderance and cogitation of conceptions and perceptions, and realizations and recognitions.

Conceptions and perceptions, realizations and recognitions, the trend, inclination, and tendencies, or the pillars, tenets, and precepts to fortify and buttress, and enrich and revive augmentation and intensification, and flourishment and corroboration of the slant and stratagem, tactic and attitude are intuitively and innately, subliminally and subconsciously correlated and attached, and anchored and affixed to the devolvement and bequeathments, and self entrustments and commitments.

Postulates and claims, hypotheses and proposals, the commencements and instigations ferment and foment, fuel and foster and raise and cultivate the command of the instances, and sparks and flashes, sparkles and glows, and glints and glimmers galvanize and rouse the resilience and buoyancy of the moments. If, pusillanimous and petrified, the timbres and tones, resonances and pitches submerge and muffle, and dampen and mute by the arrogance and conceit of concurrent connivances, inculpation, and implementations.

Regimens and praxis of infused and imbued, and instilled and inculcated conventions and obsessions have been overlocking and obliterating, though the rainbow and spectral of splendidness and opulence resiliently and brilliantly, vividly and vibrantly rush and dash, and caper and dance within the horizons and skylines of the sought, perceived, and depicted spectacles and prospects of cerebrations and introspections.

The occasions arrive and the junctures cross, the passages prevail and the stares shimmer far across. Prominence and substance, and transcendence and ascendancy to adjourn and abandon, vacate and desert, to abscond and renounce while the extravagance and lavishness, the prodigality and profligacy of exuberance of thoughts, postulations, and presumptions gesture and inscribe. Though, the wishes and dreams, and ambitions and aspirations haggle, barter, and trade, to caper and cavort, and romp and leap  the flares and flames of the purity and limpidness, or the bonfire and blaze to grasp and glimpse, and muse and behold your shadow, the presence, attendance, and attention, the magnificence and radiance, the grandeur and opulence of your affinity, empathy, and rapport.

The timber and kindling, tramp and trudge, and clamp and climb persist and perpetuate, the bonfire and flare, coruscation and scintillation, and radiance and refulgence exult and bliss, the pace and stride, leap and hop, and jump and bound usher and marshal, and the sceneries and stages, landscapes and conundrums, and vistas and riddles tackle and traverse. While, the purity of heart and lucidity of soul exculpate and exonerate the elapses to surpass and eclipse the far stretched horizons of conceptualization and envisagement. Or, the transparency and limpidity, the articulacy and perspicuity of spirit and esse which enflame and engulf the quiddity and ethos of pertinence and participation jolt and startle, and evoke and educe.

The timber and bonfire, flare and bound, the vistas and scenes, and riddles and conundrums flabbergast, bewilder, and flummox. The enlightened and clarified sentiments and emotions, embroiling, simmering, and seething sensations and uproars, perspicuousness and pellucidness, or simplicity and distinctness of the inclinations and dispositions consecrate and sanctify. The elixir, potation, and resplendence of elations and raptures to inhibit, impede, and descend, while inner and intimate embroilments, quarrels, and squabbles exacerbate and aggregate, the abandonments, remissness, and delinquencies, though launched and actuated by the stratagem of occasions, or inadvertent and improvised instigations and provocations, still the discernability, manifest, and palpability of the peremptoriness and imperiousness indurate, inure, and inspissate.

The timber and bonfire, glorify and elevate, and revere and exalt the instantiation and epitomization of the impetus and compulsion, the urge and spur to dance and turn, and hop and jump to the spontaneity and impetuosity of the girders and rafters, the joist and struts of the sheens of surroundings, sparkles of the intuitions, and patinas of perceptions.  The yen and spur to succumb and submit, and relent and heed to the soul, the mere versatility and efficacy, boldness and ambition, and empathy and passion, the gems and solitaires proposed and postulated via the macrocosm of life and exuberance, and the responsiveness and reciprocity which had been vividly and vehemently proclaimed and portrayed by the magnanimity, allurement, and benevolence of his presence and revealments.

The flare and bound, sustenance and provisions of the essence, substance, and kernel of reflection and cerebration, to surmise and infer, inspire and instigate, and cease and culminate, while the connection and correlation, vigorousness and boisterousness to suggest, simmer, and rumble exhilaration and vivaciousness, animation, impudence, and audacity incite and galvanize. The union and bond which impetrates and implores to the astonishment and stupefaction of discernment and consciousness, while the erudition and edification of grandeur and opulence glide and slide the sceneries of sacrament and atonement. The portent and omen has been retrieved and reclaimed to permutate, rectify, and revamp the abolishment and obliteration of the indecorous and inapposite, and injudicious and imprudent endeavors and ventures, the repentance and penitence, or to reify and effectuate the abandoned and repudiated ruptures’ and reiterations’ dispersals and diffusions.

Vistas and scenes, promulgators and proclaimers of perpetuity and imperishability of impartiality and neutrality, the depiction and interpretation of intuitions, suspicions, and presentiments bud, bloom, and blossom enthrallment and appeal, and approbation and absorption. The punctuations of intelligibility and transparency, portents and presages of virtuousness and righteousness, and auguries and heralds of perspicacity and acuity reverberate and pulsate, and resonate and rumble the eon and eternity of the esse and spirit. The spiral passageway and vessel to grasp and clasp the enclave and arena of irreproachability and impeccability arises and rebukes, and racks and reproaches to be paved and overlaid.           

Riddles and conundrums, contemplations and deliberations, and excogitations and ruminations, to instigate, foment, and kindle the tendency and propensity of resolve and tenacity, to incite and breed unravelment and disentanglement, and to expound and elucidate the predicaments and quandaries of entanglement and inculpation, roar and thunder the horizons and boundaries, scopes and spheres of sensations and apprehensions, and conviction and awareness. 

Commotions and rumpuses, uproars and ruckuses emancipate and unfetter, the flames and blazes, and flickers and fires revamp and reshuffle, and the remnants and remains, the ashes and embers, and cinders and charcoals reveal and expose, and divulge and disclose the desires and yearnings, and vehemence and coveting. The imbued and instilled inner flames and flickers, the company and companionship, and amity and comradery to the shattered and wrecked soul and heart which rejuvenate, revivify, and reanimate your breeze of solemnity and staidness, the wholeness and thoroughness, and diligence and scrupulousness. The studiousness and assiduousness purely inscribable and incised by the opus and oeuvre of your commencement and genesis of creation.

The flames and flickers, glimmers and glitters, and sparkles and twinkles, harbingers of fervid and passionate particularities and peculiarities, the processions and cavalcades of pertinence and relevance, and convoys and caravans of germaneness and concernments inundate and immerse, and overwhelm and overrun the boundaries of perceptions and articulations. The journey and voyage of entity and viability, the trudge and traipse, and trace and trail of affiliation and integration recite, rehearse, and reiterate the episodes and incidents of perfections and serenities, and junctures and crosses of reception and acceptance.

Then the carriage and conveyance, and augmentation and enrichment that reciprocate by the torrents of the thunderous and crashing streams and rivers transcend the resilience and hinderances inherent to the mountainous and precipitous bedrocks. While, the drift and swing, and bias and bend of commencements and comprehensions, the partialities and prejudices, and preconceptions and predispositions coagulate and congeal the sanctuary and haven, and shelter and oasis of nirvana, ecstasy, and bliss.

تارکِ صبح سحر  بانگِ  صبا  یش چو به ارابهِ هنگامهِ عُباب زنم
خرقه بر سینه شود  چاک  که  تا خیمهِ طرار  ز دستار  به دریا فکنم

Strike of the dawn, emergence of sunbeams, and advent of sunlight authenticate and endorse the resilience and pliability of precipitance and abruptness, the promptness and impetus of emanation and exposure. The delight and glee, and exultance and jubilation, the renewal and recommencement to emphatically, ardently, and fervently grin and beam. Humble and reverent, and dutiful and courteous to illuminate and embrace pundits and savants, affluent and prosperous, and penurious and poor indistinguishably and identically.

The rise and ascent, and warmth and ardor to engulf and shelter, the compassionate and gentle composer and contributor to include and encircle the sightseers and observers, or keen and fervid, the demanders and questers of lucent and candescent beams of radiance and aura, the anticipators and predictors, or the unwavering and unhesitating entities and personas whom persist and remain unfurled, unimpeded, and unrestricted to their thirst and  yearning,  the awaiting occurrence, eminent rendezvous, and coveted  conclave and convocation have been transpired and emanated .

Strike of the dawn, when the breeze and the draft murmur and mutter the ear, and the puff and flurry of sheer and limpid, and noble and bold whisper and utter ring and resonate, and heed and lead, the surpass and exceed, and outshine, and outstrip of the dream and desire has reached. The succor and comfort, brace and bolster, and pier and prop to drench and douse, and steep and sink the innate and connate contents and comforts, while, the marmorated cavities, craters, and fissures of the heart, core, and soul concurrently and concomitantly reflect and mirror, and rebound and carom, or dampen and stifle, and diminish and smother, the chirps and cheeps, and tweets and  tunes, or enmities and rancor, and malice and spite.

The sunrise and daybreak, or elevation and ennoblement, and escalation and soar, the rise of the moment and the apex of the flash to embark and enter upon, to commence and venture the vessel and craft, and barque and keel of join and juncture, and link and nexus. The base and bottom, and footing and underside supportive and empathetic, carrying and concomitant. and continual and culminative to chime and blare the waft and breeze, and tame and blend, and permeate and percolate the winds and gusts.

The ocean of the journey and voyage has been raged and tempered, and rampaged and enflamed. the crusade and pilgrimage of the innate and indelible, and inherent and intrinsic chest and torso has been unfurled and unraveled. The fathomless and recondite, the concealed and esoteric, and the arcane and occult reservoir and receptacle of awakenment and liberation has inundated, immersed, and besieged the rampant yearnings and prolific cacoethes.   

Summit of dazing and dazzling, the acme of resurgence and revival, and the crest and crown of confoundment and astoundment to contest and confront, and approach and attempt, to instigate and incite, and rouse and spur have twinkled and arose. The seas and waves, the billows and clouds have been gathered and garnered, the combers and rollers, and rush and ripples have been charged and assailed, embark upon and ride the carriage and cabriolet of dedication and distinction, and accolade and destiny.

Fate and kismet, resolve and tenacity immerse and imbue, and bliss and luster, the conveyance and caravan usher and shepherd, and marshal and muster the sacrament, ritual, and reparation of essence and kernel, entailed or barren of the emblems, motifs, and insignias, the commotions, disruptions, and reactions. The ocean and sea of exertion and gesture, and manifestation and foundation, and the tides and ebbs to engulf, cleanse, and wash away permeate and prevail.  

Bequeathals and bestowals, consignments and conferrals to be acclaimed and applauded, and retained, nourished, and augmented, to be harmonized and correlated, and tinctured and casted, to be blended and blunged, and melded and mended, while, the occurrences and incidents, occasions and episodes inspire and influence, and rectify and mitigate, and when the ocean of copiousness and procurement linger and loiter. Unruffled and unflustered, the juncture of jointness, and the trail of evokement and educement, elucidation and endearment of ambiance, and the vibe and tone relentlessly and obstinately, inexorably and unremittingly surge, gush, and heave.

Strike of the dawn, and the sensation of the breeze and draft, the murmurs and mutters, and whispers and mumbles, sights and scenes, radiances and sparkles, the echoes, chirps, and choruses to amble and wonder. Murmurs or mutters, peculiar and insane purports and pretexts, or profound and fervent deductions and decrees, and me to portray and stipulate. The murmurs and mutters, echoes and whispers, and me to absorb and conquer, and muse and ponder.
The radiance and sparkle, your vehemence and infatuation, the reverence and ardor, and the lambencies and scintillations to immerse and imbue, and suffuse and saturate. The eminence of ambitions and desires, the prominence of purpose and pursuits, or the emanation and emergence to infuse and inculcate, your unison, unanimity, and oneness, the piousness and sanctitude when the congruity and your wholeness have enlightened and edified my entirety and existence daze and humble.

Postures and bearings, and deportments and assiduousness overwhelm and overburden, while presumptions and assertions, and premises and assumptions mesmerize and entrance, and affected and influenced charters and schemas, and fixated and rivetted itineraries and patterns embolden, inflame, and invigorate, or disdain, disparage, and denigrate.

Tendencies and affinities, trends and biases simmer and fester, the vogue and whim, rage and craze surmount and conquer, and surpass and transcend. Obscurities and oblivions, and quandaries and opacities crawl and creep, to accommodate and lodge, and acclimatize and arbitrage. While, the tent of greed, rapacity, and cupidity fabricate and contrive. The pavilion and cupola of conceitedness, egocentrism, and ostentation erects and constructs, and the camp and clique of pomposity, grandiosity, and condescension exasperate, incense, and infuriate.

The oceans and seas of exertion and gesture, and manifestation and foundation demand and mandate, and necessitate and stipulate the exigency and extremity of conjugation and junction, the reciprocity and harmony, and congruence and coherence.  The cohesions and consistencies, coagulations of tenets and beliefs and trusts, evocation and engenderment of superventions and inspirations, and determinations and deliberations to augment and transpire. The perpetuation and prolongation, and interludes and intermissions which cascade and torrent to the rise of apex and apogee of ecstasy and euphoria shall endure and prevail to acclaim and compliment, and applaud and approbate.

The waves and ripples, influences and impressions intermittently and recurrently, or irregularly and erratically capture and captivate. Grasp and range, clench and reach, the rush and flash, and gale and gust conspire and collude, and connive and contrive. The magnetism and zestfulness, and vigor and vitality divulge and disclose, and unveil and unmask, merely, to conjecture, anticipate, and contemplate the inclinations and adorations of the exuberated and exulted entities and perpetuators, or the sustainers of the unremitting and incessant burning and hankering desires and yearnings, to whom the hurdles and barricades of arrogance and imperiousness had been shattered and disintegrated.

Conjoinment and consolidations, and assemblage and accumulations of impressions and intuitions, integrations and approbations of cognizance and apprehensions, or the extractions and extrications adduce and supplicate., the undulations and heaves relentlessly and unabatingly ensue and eventuate.  Ostentatiousness and conspicuousness of moana and cache, the serendipity and fortuity of heartedness and exhilaration, and the kismet and karma of righteousness and rectitude copiously and profusely propel and precipitate, while the mecca and epitome, and incarnation and paragon of rapport, affiliation, and acceptance ram and jam the peripheries and margins of convictions and contentions.

 The exposure and perceptibility, enquiry and conspicuousness, and discernable and palpable intimations and revelations blossom and bloom, annunciations and proclamations, or pellucidity and limpidity, and translucency and clarity which are emanated and exuded by the fathomless and recondite ocean and moana of profusion and proliferation redeem and ratify. The plenitude and plethora of inducements and incitements permeate and penetrate, to escalate and accelerate, and accentuate and consolidate the insistence and incisiveness of the superlativeness and prodigiousness, when wavers and quivers, the ebullitions and eruptions would not incredulously and dubiously bewilder and flummox.                    

Spontaneity and extemporaneity, impromptu and improvised frissons and palpitations, adlibbed and contrived urges and drives consummate and effectuate. Murmuring, whirling, and humming, passages of breeze, and the solicitations and insistences to inhale, embrace, and seize. the instigations and emphases capitulate and concede, while, frenzy and fury of reverberations and poundings, and adjacency and propitiousness of ramifications and repercussions rumble and clatter. Or, the traverses and crossings, anthologies and assertions, and penchants and predilections mesmerize and enthrall, and beguile and allure.

The empathies and compassions, and senses and sensations, emotions and sentiments, and adulations and adorations detain and distrain, feelings, poundings, and throbs puncture and ponder, and pierce and perforate, to confound and thwart doubts and demurrals, and to impede and incumber recalcitrance and reluctance. Melodious and canorous, and lilting and dulcet ditties and tunes, the ballads and epics, and audacious and valorous myths revamp and restore the heave and hale, and haul and tug.

The festering, rankling, and fettering cravings and yearnings to outreach and touch the margins and boundaries of precariousness and ambivalence, and the shudders and shivers reconcile and syncretize. Though, trembles and quivers of certainty and convictions, the pining and carving to incapacitate and debilitate dithering, teetering, and vacillations pertain and demand complacency and self-approbation.  The stipulation and importunity to abandon and abolish the tent of greed, rapacity, and cupidity, and the pavilion and cupola of conceitedness, egocentrism, and ostentation persist and endure Tide of the oceans and surge of the streams, the syndicates and consortia of creation ostentatiously and conspicuously cleanse, rectify, and purify.

وز  جفا   دیده  چو  جان  در گرو  مهوشِ   دل سجدهِ  آراب  زنم
قاصدِ قوس مهش شعله جان قبله بر  آن خصلت  رسوا فکنم

Adulation and adoration, accolades and salutes, the discernments and reifications congregate, convene, and forgather the caliber and eminence of consciousness and awareness, and acquaintance and cognizance. Befuddlements, bewilderments, and bafflements to steer, coxswain, and navigate eras, spans, and eons of participations and partaking, the exuberance and liveliness which is inherent and innate to each carried and conceded strike of inhale and exhale.

The enflamed entity, the rumpled and wrinkled, and creased and crumpled marrow and kernel inquire, assert, and appeal. Exacerbations, augmentations, and intensifications, heightening and compounding commemorations, rituals, and celebrations of conquered moments, and acquaintances and interconnections which escalate, and surge and spiral, the intimacy and closeness, and the heedfulness and vigilance stun and stagger. The gallant and chivalrous, courageousness and intrepidity of the rise of the instance and emanation, and the commencement of the revealments and occurrences wallop and whack congruence and ratiocination, and premises and deductions.  

The rap and knock, and slap and thwack of the shell of dubieties and delays echo and resonate, trepidations and perturbations immerse and inhabit, and settle and populate the scopes and horizons of percipience and perspicuity. Concurrently and contemporaneously the juncture of coalescent and cleaving, and the crossing and overpass of inclusion and amalgamation delineate and demarcate. The flash of desires, and burst and blaze of predilections and proclivities, the bond and guild, and pledge and promise of twilight and dawn, and their emergence, splendidly and luridly recast and revamp the sky, the pitch of darkness and obscurity, and  the dome of dusk and oblivion to roam and rove, earnestly and eagerly intercepting and preempting to  slather and scatter the luminance and brightness of sun.

The rainbow, the vivid, vibrant, and radiant prismatic strands, wreaths, and chaplets of conceptualizations and convictions overwhelm and overtake, the innate gaudy, glaring, and garish jewel and nugget that had been darkened, dinged, and gloomed by the ambiance of dissonance, extraneousness, and inconsistency has been honed and sharpened, and glinted and glimmered, the pirouette and ballet, spin and rotate to  acclaim and hail,  the shimmer and shine to eclipse and transcend the obstructions and barriers.

The exasperated and incensed, and riled and thurified alienations, isolations, and disaffections incessantly and persistently disperse and vanish, despite disbursements and expenditures, and decadence and debauchery’s agility and swiftness, and dissoluteness and licentiousness inevitably and inexorably to lurk and skulk, and loiter and prowl, while provisos and riders, and inclinations and leanings encompass and embrace disgruntlement, grimness, and aloofness. The twilight and dusk of abandonments and cessations, the detachments and impassiveness overcast, pale, and fade the horizons and skylines of tenacity and obstinacy, the insistence and fortitude to conjure, rouse, and convene the bestowment and conferment of unison and wholeness awaken and enkindle.

You and your magnificence and magnanimity, benevolence and beneficence, and consolation and clemency, the solace and succor, and sanctity and sacredness, and my existence, core, and quintessence, procurements, attainments, and acquirements, a divergence and deviation, or an indistinguishability and uniformity which have been affably and courteously entangled, intwined, and amalgamated me to your grace and reprieve shall authenticate and endorse my karma and fate, and kismet and fortune.

Your exculpation, opulence, and panache, verve and flourishment, zest and elan, the provenance and derivation of purgation and propitiation have amazingly and astonishingly, staggeringly and splendidly confiscated and sequestered my heart’s secluded and segregated caverns and fissures. The besieged and beleaguered quandaries and predicaments which have been proliferated and thrived by the barriers and hurdles of parsimoniousness and imprudence alienate and detach, while your radiance and lambency of trusteeship and fiduciary attentiveness sparkles and coruscate fervent and ardent arbitrations and adjudications.

The seamlessness and harmoniousness, impeccability and immaculateness which have instigated, surrounded and surrogated, and harbored and vindicated, and the ocean of fathomlessness and incomprehensibility that constantly and irrevocably, and passionately and magnanimously arm and gird, and bolster and brace me. Me, the infinitesimal fragment and façade, and frontage and semblance to aggrandize and augment, and revitalize and reinforce the reflections, replica, and rings, the chimes and carols of your grace, pose, and charm, the enchantments and enraptures shepherd and chaperone by your diligence, assiduity, and punctiliousness.

The reflections, ruminations, and replications of the entireness and integrality, the veritable and unmitigated allure and adorability, and the absoluteness and inclusiveness prosper and flower in the arena and terrain of exuberance and evolvement. The unremitting, unabating, and unrelenting disparagements, and deprecatory denigrations, the stains and smudges of ineptitude and maladroitness ebb and fade.

Inefficacies, nugatory, and forlorn premises and surmises which have been spattered, besmirched, and daubed by the haughtiness, hauteur, and arrogance, while the depictable and incarnated incongruities and inconsistencies are predestined and preordained to be perished and departed would heartfeltly and wholeheartedly be adapted and amended.,  The vehemence and zest of rutilant and fervid, and ardent and lucid enthrallments of eminence and ecstasy propound and render felicity and rhapsody.

Immersions and absorptions, fascinations and captivations, and intrigues and raptness, your adorability and enchantments, splendidness and dazzlements, the utterness and absoluteness, and the reciprocations and revealments, gyrate and whirl the consciousness and sentience, the ponderings and cerebrations. Instances and ubiquitousness of correspondence, correlations, and connections, combined by my frailty, enfeeblement, and infirmity, the latitudes and scopes, and distinguishments and discernments shall revamp and amend negligibly and frivolously.

Your affections and warmth, the solicitousness and fondness have extirpated and obliterated the perspicuous and unambiguous pertinence of my minuscule eidolon and imperceptible proportions. Then, the granted and proffered pneuma and atman have elated and elevated my crux and core, and actuality and principle to identify, harmonize, and replicate your bounties, nobilities, and alms. The reification and effectuation to bow and bend to your oneness, cohesion, and coherence, the unity and unanimity to be unfurled and unrolled when glanced and glimpsed at by the vastness of the vision and the openness of the prudence and discretion.       

Portents and preludes, presages and precursors, and heralds and harbingers, the mesmerizations and thrills to align and ally the cognizance and direction palliate and mitigate desideration’s yearning and penchant’s thirst, the revival, vivification, and invigoration of the anima and atman, and avatar and numen propound and permeate. Heralds and omens, harbingers and auguries, the deductions and reasonings, and interpretations and judgements, the streams, rivulets, and torrents of presumptions and pursuits unambiguously and incontrovertibly perpetuate and ponder.

Intuitiveness, perceptiveness, and awareness, the discernments and heedfulness, or demotions and relegations of punctuations and extremities convulse and churn, ruminations and contemplations, mediations and interventions rebel and rise, the arbitrations, encounters, and stalwartness and steadfastness of pursuits and quests ameliorate and alter, and elevate and amend the persistency and pertinacity of the realm, ambit, and demesne of notability, tangibleness, and substantiality.

Judgements and arbitrations, wisdoms and acumens, the sagacity and astuteness to commensurate and correspond to the dynamism of existence, the ethos and essence of creation and universe though inadvertently and unwittingly enkindle and evoke, and impel and educe, or imperiously and pompously, and propitiously and auspiciously edict and decree. Still, the evolving and embryonic endeavors and exertions, the summons and provocations relentlessly and unabatedly postulate and propose, and pursue and pertain to preempt and preclude pathetic delinquencies and miseries, and adversities and inadequacies, or the scantiness and inferior interventions.

The summons and provocations, educements and engenderment, and precipitations and perpetrations to embellish and blossom, and to flaunt and revere glow and gleam, and glare and glitter, while the auspices and aegis of meritoriousness and efficaciousness are esteemed and deemed.

The whispers and murmurs of the surrounding ambience and milieu, chirps and tweets of the messengers of liveliness and vivaciousness, or the whine and wail of a lonely and secluded wimp and nebbish sole and lone congregate and ensemble the ritual, sacrament, and liturgy of quiddity and core. Reverberations and ramifications that articulate and verbalize, and authenticate and verify the episode, exploit, and ecstasy of vibe, emanations, and aura of tenors, convictions, and certitudes.

The harbingers and heralds, conveyers and deliverers, surrogates and proxies, and the commissioners and deputies to annex and extend, and carry and bolster the portrayals of perspicuity, murals of articulacy, and vistas of perceptions and eloquence, and recognition and cognizance inundate and indulge the panorama of perpetuity and continuance, and imbue and instigate the scenes and terrains of glance and glimpse, while not obstructed and hindered by the arbitrated and  predefined exterior or interior barriers and boundaries.    

The caravan and cavalcade, and chain and cortège of protractions and perpetuations proceed and proclaim, and enlighten and edify, while, conjured acquaintances and conversances, the carried rendezvous and assignations, and the confronted perplexities, bemusements, and stupefactions and befuddlements gloss and shine, and burnish and sheen. The radiance, brilliance, and luminosity to enlighten and edify the embarked upon entities and individuals, whom unresentfully and relentlessly postulate, demand, and contend the journeys’ and passages’ oblations, liberations, and tributes auspiciously and felicitously ameliorate and revamp.

Devout, pious, and reverent thoughts and judgements, and contentions and convictions that the convoys and harbingers, vistas and views, thunders and rainbows convey and render, the birds and warblers, personas and characters, and me and my milieu and their emanations are your created, nurtured, and inherent cherished constituents and integrant nubs and hubs. Your propounded and rendered connection and unanimity extrapolate, reason, and deduce promulgations and advocations, endorsements and disseminations, and propagations and proliferations of entireties and elements, constituents and components, instincts and intuitions, and revealments and epistles to invoke and impulse the integrity, veracity, and fidelity of the dance of stars and ebb and tide of the ethers and skies.

The thunders and rainbows, and your entrancing and enrapturing portrayals and depictions, the messages, posts, and letters carried and conveyed by the countless and immeasurable summations and totalities of harbingers of harmony and coherence, the allies of prompting and partaking, which encapsulate and confine the elixir and tincture of elation and exultation, the inhalations and exhalations, or the composition and sense of connection, contemplation, and joining   emblazon, adorn, brighten, and vilify and enliven the burning and exuding candle within.

The candle to elucidate and enlighten, purify and sanctify, and vindicate and liberate combat and counter the lashes of the blusters and the whips of the blasts. Custodians and caretakers of my entity and substance, anima and pneuma steward, retrieve, and recoup the adulations, approbations, and laudations.

The torch to inflame and ignite my deliberateness and intentionality, the auspices and omens of goad, spur, and lift, and the flames and blazes of certitude and faith have anchored and bound within the cascade and chute of rarities and curiosities, the behest and clamor, and uproar and rumpus, which engulf and deluge my passion and sentiments, and the Kaba  of the heart’s convergence, conjunction, and confluence demanding reel and rotate, and whirl and swirl have imbued, permeated, and saturated the poise and grace of the mercifulness and vehemence.

The Kaba, hub, and pivot to console and sooth the broken heart, to solace and succor the shattered spirit and soul, and to advocate and champion sincere, earnest, and solemn exclamations and interjections, or the joy of commencements and perpetuations scintillate and coruscate.

The whoops and bellows, and roars and hallows sustained and surmounted by the hankering and yearning, and ache and longing to shrink and dwindle the distance, to decrease and diminish the barriers and barricades, and to wholly, utterly, and entirely touch and feel, sway and stir, and affect and steer our unison and unity have  been astoundingly, unabatedly, and interminably instigated and established.

The aegis, auspices, and patronage to vindicate, liberate, and extricate, the unfettering, unmanacling and unshackling of dogmas, delusions, and deliriums, to distance and avert the incontrovertible and irrefutable conformist and conventional mottos, dictums, and maxims, and the foresight and prudence to defer and obviate the adages, apothegms, and aphorisms of illusory, fictitious, and pretended assertions and articulations that are voraciously and rapaciously, and avariciously and covetously convened and concurred confer and convene. The continuums, coincidences, and concurrencies to further and farther pertain, affect, and touch your congruence, wholeness, and oneness epitomize and incarnate tales and narratives of commensurability and correspondence. 

در عطش سخت  گدازیده  ولی چاره نه پرواست به نوشاب زنم
تا به گردونهِ  آن اختر دردانه پر و بال بر  آن کوکب  جَربا فکنم

Fervor and hankering, and thirst and burning, the thresholds and onsets, and brinks and verges of temptation, impulse, and inducement intrigue, enthrall, and instigate. Fascinations and beguilements, allures and enchantments entrench, ensconce, and cement, the fire and furry, blaze and barrage, and hurl and throw, emotions, sensations, and passions emanate, emerge, and spring.

Inexorably and ineluctably, refutations and repudiations, and retractions and revocations reverberate and resonate, and dominate and dictate. Elevation and escalation of deducible tenets of rationality and logic, and inference and extraction of factuality and amenable attributes while, the encountered, combatted, and confronted perplexities and mystifications have not been ardently, fervently, and feverishly prompted and incited, and prodded and evoked coerce and compel, and oblige and impel fallacies and delusions.

Erudite, sober, and studious desires and urges flicker and flutter, while, longing and yearning wreck and ravage, and foray and ransack the occasions of reflections and meditations. The segments, crosses, and roams, and decussations, reticulations, and traceries of disclosures, divulgences, and disturbances perturb and muddle, and ruffle and fluster.  The duality and dichotomy of pompous and portentous elations and delights, the adapted and arrogated aberrations and divergences, the lingered, loitered, or stifled and smothered separations and contradictions ceaselessly and incessantly commemorate and venerate the pendulant postulations’ and persuasions’ reoccurrences and reappearances.

Fervor and hankering, and thirst and burning incite and induce, the torment and anguish, and ordeal and agony pique and provoke, and stump and clump. The toils and travails, the revamps and reshuffles, and niggles and quibbles of desires and aspirations, or chimeras and mirages simmer and rankle, and boil and rumble. While, the path and passageway to trounce and vanquish the grail of meritoriousness, virtue, and caliber truss and hitch the acmes and apexes of he stretched out horizons of light and luster, and glow and glare.

The virtuousness, righteousness, and meritoriousness of the moments, gravities, sequences, and consequences, the conundrums, stumpers, and crunchers of bounty and plenteousness of perpetuity and pertinence, and resoluteness and ponderment prelude and prologue. Absoluteness and starkness, and blatancy and brazenness, the ornateness and baroque masterpieces of the flock of flying birds, susurrations and murmurs that sizzle and hiss the brisk and crisp, and tonic and roborant ambiance of astoundment and overwhelm profess, venture and reaffirm the ecstasy, bliss, and rapture of rejection and resentment of velleity and torpor, and apathy and languor. Blankness of the eternity of unfaltering and unwavering attributions and ascriptions, and provenances and derivations reciprocate and respond, ration and share, and march, evolve, and trudge.

The esse, soul, and ethos rove, roam, and rumble, empathies, compassions, and dispositions intersperse and interrupt, gyrate and pirouette, ebb and abate, and ennoble and elevate.  The limpidness and clarity, wholesomeness, virtuousness, and purity grip, beatify, and sanctify the depth and essence of transitory and recurring concurrences and coincidences, or delegate, mandate, and consecrate the reprieve, referments, and constancies of permanence and intransience, while the lenience and affinities, and forbearances and tolerances inert and torpid to debauchery and depravity, and lechery and iniquity.

The thirst and burning, thresholds and onsets, the rage and rant, and pose and bluster fuse and intermingle, replicate and barter, and swap and haggle. Opulence and affluence of benefices’ and prebendaries’ inert and torpid insignias and motifs, or the innate and inherent guardians, wardens, and concierges which have burdened, saddled, and incumbered the agility and dexterity of enlightenment, reckoning, and reasoning, shadow, trail, and follow guise’s, façade’s, and persona’s profundity, intuitiveness, and judiciousness. Perfervidly and passionately, and ardently and animatedly, perspicacity, perceptiveness, and astuteness of the creation’s enthronements, coronations, and establishments impeccably, exquisitely, and intricately depict, delineate, and elucidate the finesses, complexities, and convolutions which coincide and concur to the preconceived and deliberated raptures and rhapsodies.

The holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity brim and overrun, and bristle and teem while the enjoined streams and torrents of effectuations and percolations reverberate and resonate, and reciprocate and replenish. The geyser and fount, and repository and reservoir to sustain and affirm constancy of the apprehensions, trendiness and modishness of recommencements and resumptions, and the trail and tale of adroitness and ability, and aptitude and deftness furl and fold, and race and relay.      

The holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity, the potent, formidable, and cogent beam and glow, joist and timber, and anchor and bolster of formation and disposition, genesis and generation, and expansion and evolution, to mold and cast, form and frame, and emboss and denote. The demands and requests, obstinate pursuits and obdurate objectives, the indefatigable devoutness and intransigent precepts and tenets, tinkle and ring, and jingle and ding.

Creeds and credos, the faith and beliefs, and quests and pursuits to stem and spring, expeditions and excursions, voyages and exploits, and feats and deeds to ensue and proceed, the jaunt and junket, battles and campaigns, and crusades and crossings to rejoice and blur, and baffle and bewilder, while the offerings, oblations, and libations drench and douse, and the odyssey, peregrination and pilgrimage of the envoys of  succor and sustain, and warblers’ carols and chaunts of felicity and triumph, and ebullience and exuberance sprinkle and scatter, to splash and splatter the skylines and scenes of survey and scan, and scrutiny and search.

Emphatically and exceedingly, when the succumbed and surrendered presumptions and persuasions, the lingered and lurked in nemesis and foes of poise, conviction, and courage exacerbate and acuminate, or the torso and trunk of aptitude, adeptness, and potentiality have been unwittingly and inadvertently, adamantly and obdurately, or irrevocably and irretrievably trounced and stricken. Then, the inducing and inspiring carols and chaunts echoed and rang by the concaved and cavernous ambiance and tenor revive and revivify in urgence and exigence.

The warblers and canaries glide and drift, and coast and soar within the scope and emptiness of the skylines and the boundaries of abstractions and apprehensions. The emissaries and envoys, and messengers and ambassadors to pronounce and pertain the percolated and permeated piece and performance of ambition and intention march and trudge. While, the dazzles and gleams on the far stretched azimuths and zeniths of the flickering and sparkling purviews and horizons startle and astound.

The peaks and summits which have been regurgitated, recited, and narrated by the nominated, designated, and determined prospects, aptitudes, and proficiencies, to augment, ameliorate, and fortify the grail, fountains, and springs, the entrance, ingress, and inrush of perceptions, acceptances, and appreciations inexorably and incessantly prompt, pose, and inspire.

The lifting and soaring skies, unshattered, uncluttered and unostentatious percolations and clarifications of the hike and trudge, the ramble and walk adjure and request, summit and convoke, and rally and revive absolution and remission, and delivery and acquittal.  

The waning and vanishing prepotencies and dominions, declining and desertion of the provinces and territories of pertinence and retainment, abdication and abandonment, and renunciation and relinquishment of perpetuations and nurture, rearing and raising, and fostering and buttressing have plundered and pillaged the terrain and enclave of rumination and cerebration.  

Cultivation of presumptuous postures and incontrovertible and indubitable though egotistical and narcissistic deducements and extrapolations have been ravishing, tumbling and depraving the conclusiveness and irrefutable confidences and convictions, which inevitably and irrevocably deprive and divest the kismet’s and karma’s veracity and fidelity, and kismet’s and moirai’s troth and promise.  Unbolt and unlock, unlatch and unfasten the star and orb, and encirclement and hold, to embrace and cuddle, and indulge and cosset, the patina and shine, and gloss and luster have been prodigiously and stupendously thundering and ravaging.

The stars and orbs, and the rays and shimmers which brighten and enlighten, and enliven and hearten caverns and corners, aisles and alleys, and crevasses and fissures ceaselessly and endlessly point and pivot, and twist and whirl, eager and ke&en, and avid and fervent to impel and adjure. The intensity of the radiance, the immeasurability of the brilliance, and the entrustment of the ambiance, your glance, and ricochet and rebound incite and ignite, foment and kindle, and evoke and trigger.

The incitement and evokement to rumble and roar, and glide and soar, to flap my wings, and flutter my pennons, to outreach and outstretch, and expatiate and pontificate, while your ardor and keenness, vehemence and dynamism, and discretion and judiciousness empower and emancipate, and vivify and revive. The vastness of galaxies, nebula of hunches and inklings, and the impenetrability and incomprehensibility of the oceans of imaginativeness and consciousness instigate, entice, and impel bemusements and obfuscations, partaking and participation, and connivance and connection to suffuse and imbue my core, gist, and identity to the holy grail’s holdings, while the fountains and springs stream surges and gushes.

مهوشم مه  چو  نمایت ز  سرِ غبطه ز من باز  به مهتاب  زنم
خطه را  در  قدمِ  مهوشِ  مهتابِ  نظر  سایه  به عمارهِ عَما فکنم
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Ingenuity and innovativeness that are spurred and galvanized by the gravity and seriousness of moments and occasions, deducements and extrapolations that presume and glean unconventionality and unorthodoxly approached expressiveness and articulateness, and trustworthiness and wholeheartedness ponder and percolate the virtuousness, unimpeachability. and irreproachability of the esse, quiddity, and spirit, which, accentuate and underline the uniqueness and distinctiveness of ubiquitousness and prevalence of premise and essence.

Delineations, demarcations, and delimitations of motivations, ambitions, and justifications, the vastness, immensity, and enormity of anthologies and assortments command, impose, and enjoin unembellished, incontrovertible, and unequivocal; daintiness, gracefulness, and exquisiteness.  Wile, exuberance and ebullience, and exhilaration and exultation of the ballets and movements, and gesticulations and maneuvers encompass and embrace the enclaves and protectorates of totality and entirety.

While, contests and contentions, conflicts and cacophonies, and rivalry and vying postulate, nominate, and exuberate, a trait and tendency to preponderate and prevalence, although prone, predisposed, and susceptible to aberrations and deviations, and transgressions and demeanors. Ironically, poignantly, and paradoxically the amalgamation and compound of such aberrations and transgressions digress and diverge, and deviate and divagate the permanence and imperishability of contest and competition.

Or, the innate and inherent tournaments and clashes which are commended, advocated, and championed by the attributes, the strengths and foibles of cerebral and erudite conjectures, suspicions and inclinations which lamentably and woefully transpose and reverse connivance and consent, and condonation and confirmation to pontification, prattle, and dogmatization, postulate and predicate inexpedience and inappositeness.

Brightness and luster, luminosity and lambency, and effulgence and fulguration permutate and ameliorate, and alter and rectify the ambiance and aura, and tenor and milieu of the manifested and exhibited, and unveiled and revealed personas and pneumas, fervencies and ardencies, and embodiments and epitomes.  The rays and beams which have entitled and allowed permeation and infiltration, and nimbleness and sprightliness propagate and promulgate perpetuity of reasoning and vindication, and validation and rationalization, the heralds and harbingers to sparkle, encompass, and encircle.

Depictions and delineations, and portrayals and presentations, the vividness and vibrancy, clarity and lucidity, and the catch and capture of your intimacy and closeness succumb and subdue the enviousness, covetousness, and resentfulness of the patina and gleam of the moon. The flares and glares, and paragons and paradigms, which have spurned and shunned the vault and spring of the incandescence and effulgence, the sources, traces, and cradles which have engendered, prompted, and promoted their essence and substance, and their survival and sustenance, to resent and bitter the inspiring and affecting, simulating, and influencing pendency and pendulum of continuance and furtherance. The symphony, sonata, and opus of persuasion and promotion impeccably, sublimely, and superlatively prepare and present, and render and soar.

My adoring soulmate to worship and praise, my companion and confidante to solace and sooth, and my intimate and comrade to fraternize and converse, the moments and occasions while the reciprocations and exchanges, the enlightenments and awakenings have been dimmed and darkened, while the clusters and nests of  ponderance and cerebration have been abridged and slashed, or curtailed and diluted, and while the precincts and purlieus of your pertinence to expedite and accelerate  your reach, the padding and leaning on my shoulder have befitted and befallen to the verge of diminishment and alleviation,  or the crosses and occasions when the moonlights enmities and malignances mar and obscure the paths and passageways explicate and elucidate imprudence and disheartenment.

Still, your torch of sparkle and glitter, coruscation and refulgence, the enlightenment and elevation which inundate and engulf the caverns and corners, and fissures and fractures of the heart, core, and kernel trust, reckon, and judge to bar and block, and ban and obstruct the ragging and ravaging assault, or thwart and obviate impertinence, extraneousness, and inappositeness.

Stroll and saunter, and meander and wander, the amble and ramble, or traipse and shuffle, pursuits and quests, trailing and tracking, and shadowing and hounding, the passage and course quell and overwhelm.

Courses and actions, collections and observations, and occlusions and contemplations, chunks and humps, bricks and lumps, and wads and wedges glut and gratify, compilations and conclaves, rendezvous and engagements swamp and drench, and conventions and congregations, the sentiments and propositions, suggestions and submissions satiate and mitigate,

Inferences and extrapolations, conjectures and suppositions, and epilogues and conclusions echo and pulsate, contentedness and appeasement, indulgence and forbearance, accordance and acquiescence roar and resound, and agonies and anguishes, sorrows and distresses, and desolations and torments thrive and prosper sidle and slide, wield and wave, or inadvertently and involuntarily excruciate and crucify.

Concurrently and in chorus and unison the holy grail, fountain of liveliness and sparkle, the spring of solemnity and sincerity prosper and blossom, proliferate and flourish. The retinues, entourages, and chaperones of acclimation, assimilation, and acculturation, the inurement and attunements of stanchion and scaffold recover and rescue, encouragement and endorsement, and substantiation and furtherance, the accompaniments and complements. Eonsolidations and augmentations which beguilingly, charmingly and charismatically vivify and animate, accentuate and emphasize, and pivot and spindle, delight and exhilarate, and invigorate and electrify.

Have been emphatically, stridently, and fervidly overtured and gestured, and  heralded and harbingered by your sanctifications and consecrations, the blessings and canonizations, amity and closeness, and intimacy and buoyancy, the beacons and bonfires of elation and elevation, the pharos and flares of postulations and speculations, directions and orientations have been perpetuating and immortalizing.  

The vision and foresight, revelations and divulgences, declarations and utterances commemorate and venerate, enliven and rejuvenate, and enrich and reverberate.   your presence and reflection, emergence and manifestation, the caress and touch, the embrace and cuddle copiously and profusely immerse and engross, engage and enthrall, and couple and unite. Your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, perceptiveness and persuasiveness, to be perceived and connected to inebriate and galvanize, while your shadow of solemnness, unequivocalness, and entireness mesmerize, hypnotize, and enrapture.

Me, the captor, custodian, and curator of your benevolence, benignity, and compassion, whom has been embellished, embroidered, and embossed by your confidence, conviction, and credence to, trudge and trail, and tramp and parade within the valleys and mounds of astoundment and dazzlement, and the plateaus and mesas of astonishment and confoundment. To, enchant and entrance the garden of Eden, and to culminate, ameliorate ,and amplify the harmony and consonance, and euphoniousness and mellifluousness of  your turf and sphere, or to enhance and expand  the entity of life and entireness, the totality and integrality which have been engraved and entrenched within the vale and dale, and wadi and glen of the stretched out horizons of ampleness and appropriateness,  and shrinking and vanishing barriers and barricades of vacillation and ambivalence.

Me, the cully, crony, and chum, the pal, mate, and marra, the breed, buddy, and bro, how could not glimpse and grasp your tone and tenor, and poise and aura, nor to cherish and revere your tier and rank, and roar and holler, or not to imbibe and ingest your primacy and power.   Me, the mesmerized, rivetted, and allured obsequious toady of your charisma and charm,  not a fawner  and flunky, but a  devote, adherent, and aficionado, a savant, cognoscente, and connoisseur to adore, admire, and appreciate, an aesthete of your noble, righteous, and virtuous reckonings and deeds, whom continue knocking and pounding on your doorbell, unremittingly and unrelentingly, while unabatingly and interminably have tuned in, altered, adapted, and rearranged to vividly and irrefragably, and unassailably and unambiguously discern, perceive, and apprehend the congruence and unison of  you and myself.   

Author and Poet: :

Alireza Bemanian

December 11th 2020


Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)

Within and Beyond

Within and Beyond

همه شب  زمزمه ها  در غمِ دیدارِ تو مهتابِ درون تیره در این خطهِ  تاز
هر دمش ناله و  آهم به تمنایِ  نگه  تا   که طلب مرهمِ این  دیدِ گداز

The night and whispers, mutters and murmurs, grumbles and moans, the desire, plea and request, coveting and craving for your company and camaraderie, companionship and closeness. The intimacy and rapport, affinity and empathy, and confidence and imminence elate and exalt, simmer and seethe, and roll and roar. Though, impetuous palpitations and pulsations, and throbs and thumps, or the thirst and hanker have overwhelmed and overthrew, toppled and tumbled the chance and courage, and promise and prospect.

Resonance and resound of the echoes and reverberances, the glistering and gleaming of stars, and emblems of commencements and continuance, auspiciousness and propitiousness have been invigorated, vitalized, and revived. Coruscation and scintillation have been prompted, induced, and prevailed. While, desolation, barrenness, and desertedness had been battered, smashed, and scorched.

Though if discerned and descried, the self-propelling and coercive phantom of illusions, deceptions, and delusions emanate and ensue. Then, congruences and coherences, blisses and ecstasies, euphoric raptures and rhapsodies abandon and dilapidate, the highs and zeniths of connectedness, acmes and culminations of alliance and integration, and the concordats and ententes which enlighten and irradiate ecstasy and trance of nibbana and nirvana, and serenity and satisfaction renounce and relinquish. Or, the essence and substance befall and befit to be destined to abatements and deductions.        

Still, every night and every instance, every moment and every concurrence, palpitations and flutters, commotions and perturbations prevail and predominate. Postulated and conjectured, prone presumptions, and the dread and anxiety of your probable and plausible hesitation and disinclination, inadvertently and unintendedly ponder and cerebrate sensitivities, observations, and awareness.

The unpremeditated, extemporized, and improvised avoidances and circumventions, annulments and abstentions that have prevented and averted to establish and assemble the barriers, hinderances, and obstacles to stipulate delusions and fallacies, and postulation and predication of misconceptions and misjudgments, the advocation and impetration to abrogate and abolish astuteness and perspicacity, your calls and beckons, gestures and summons have penalized, castigated, and chastened  the sanctity and blessedness of liveliness, vigor, and dynamism. 

Conceit and haughtiness, presumptuousness and bumptiousness, condescension and imperiousness were sympathetically augmented and perceptively authenticated by the gradual and progressive, and accommodating and adaptive acceptance and immersion. Which, were inadvertently adjoined to, or intentionally and deliberately depicted and devoted to for the sake of extemporaneous and ephemeral gratification and appeasement, the fugacious and evanescent conciliatory contentment.

Occurrences and overtures, and advances and approaches could curtail, abridge, and truncate, to restrain and restrict the radiance and effulgence, and the vividness and dazzle of interactions amalgamation, and participations.

Then, collaborations and communications, the quintessence and embodiment, and epitome and ethos of liveliness, vigor, and vividness veil and obscure, and cloak and shroud. Whilst, shadows and shades, glooms and indeterminations restrain and restrict, control and constrain and censor and conceal the sights and visions. The tolerances and countenances to deprive and dispossess prudence and providence crystalize and manifest to attain and procure, ascertain and implement the impasses and obstructions, to curtail and curb moonlights luster and brilliance, bounded and bounced by the sanctity and inviolability of soul, core, and passion. An overpowering and overriding conundrum and quandary, predicament and plight to abbreviate, deplete, and diminish.       

Liveliness, vigor, and vividness, the territory and terrain of temptations and persuasions, inducements and invitations, to seek, adjure, and appeal, the augmentations, escalations, and movements of rapport and rhapsody, elations and exaltations, to appraise and apprehend, to chase, track, and trail, and to commensurately and proportionately partake, intrigue, and contribute.

Earnestness, naturalness, and authenticity of commendations and approbations to poignantly and congruously contrive and correspond to the cores and kernels of characters, probity, and rectitude dwell and sojourn. Pinnacles and tenets, creed and divinity to steer and pilot, the maneuverability and navigation to embrace, encompass, and encircle the bonfire, flare, and beacon of refulgence and coruscation endure, preserve, and prevail, the symphony and sonata of existence, quiddity, and esse exonerate and exculpate, and exemplify and excel.

Though the occasions and occurrences of whining and grumblings, whimpering, and grouching, the encounters and serendipities to succumb to sadness and sorrows, dashes of desolations and smidgeons of dejections flare and blaze. The surroundings and ambiances, conditions and circumstances, contemplations and capitulations continue and maintain, merely malevolent and pernicious, skeptical and unconvinced, and incredulous and dubious to mitigate and conciliate. While, the recommencements and protractions, laments and dirges, effectuations and perturbations ponder and persist, and pertain and prompt.

Is it a habituated, accustomed, and adopted tendency, propensity, proclivity, predisposition, or an augmented and accepted proneness to perpetuate and propagate middling and mediocre retorts and ripostes? Or, a pure, utter, and sheer succumb and surrender to inclinations and intuitions’ submission, deference, and acquiescence?

The deference and acquiescence, or recognition and acknowledgement to the burning predispositions, predilections, and proclivities, or the barrenness and sparseness of the heart’s untempered and unmitigated adaptation and alteration, the scarcity and paucity of ponderance and pertinence, or the conflict, divergence, and variance to disturb and disrupt appositeness and aptness to invoke, incite, and intreat to instances of aspirations, ambitions, and inclinations?

Thoughts and deliberations, sensitivities and sentiments, impressions and attitudes, and presumptions and judgements proclaim and elicit, propinquity and vicinage, perpetuity and perseverance of essence and quiddity, inherent and intrinsic to the permanence and intransigence of fabrication, formation, and harmony of tenacity and dedication, foment, foster, and nurture and adopt.

While the remnants, miscellanies, and fragments perturb, discompose, and fluster, confinement and internment of instigations, promptings, and invocations, restraints, discomposure, and obliviousness, transient frustrations and obstructions, nuisances and vexations, effervescences, frivolities, and superficialities linger and loiter, capable to cajole and ensnare, enchant and mesmerize. Indispensably though involuntarily, requisitely nevertheless unabatingly dissipation, intemperance, and debauchery convolutedly proceed and intricately engulf. While, predicaments, quandaries, and dilemmas abstain, refrain, and defy to vanquish and subjugate, or, the ocean spots to arose, fuel, and stimulate succumb, coerce, and compel to enjoin, adjure, and admonish.

Still, the credence of creation and immiscibility of buoyancy, bounce, and panache of liveliness, relegate and relinquish the darkened ocean spots to doom and downfall, and disappearance and disintegration. While, adjoining admirers, the reflective and vibrant ocean surfaces inspire and enthuse to abandon and abrogate, the accompanying, conspicuous and shinning sun commensurate the correspondence and equivalence, instigate the intuitions and promote the perceptions, when the clairvoyance of vivacity and verve vindicate, exonerate, and exculpate the intimates, devisors, and originators.

The exuberance and authenticity of the bond, presence, and occurrence impenetrate, impulsive inclinations and dispositions, distinct, diverse, and discrete advocations, proponents, and pleaders within, augmentations and escalations, complements and convoys of apprehension and recognition, the attainments and realizations, which whisper and breath bastions and citadels of confluence and convergence convolute and convolve.   

It is the desire, yearning, and longing, the burning, blistering, and ache that perpetuate and ponder, propound and espouse, embrace and absorb your occurrence, presence, and incidence. The plunder and pillage to prevent to galvanize, shimmer, and sparkle, the raid and ransack to acquit and absolve the impurities, ruinations, and adulterations, to heal and mend the widened and broadened fractures, fissures, and ruptures within the heart, obnoxiously, repulsively, and offensively disgrace, besmirch, and stigmatize. While, the intimate, innermost, and confident endearments and sentiments fixate and ferment, enkindled and emblazed, composed and conducted by your reciprocity, tenderness, fondness, and sanctity. The fervent and ardent affixations and affiliations that purely and limpidly seek solus and solitary within the tent and shadow of your leniency and clemency.

The zeal and vehemence enflame, provoke, and clamor, the entity and entireness goad and spur, the offshoots and branches, spine and spike, and urges and heaves flawlessly and impeccably flourish, flaunt, and thrive. Your shade, shadow, and canopy, your shields, tinges, and traces blatantly, patently, and brazenly bolster and hone, grind and whet the arousing and awakening dawn of enlightenment, grasp, and clench. The ecstasy and trance, frenzy and elation, commotion, outburst, and eutopia to profoundly and intensely manifest and discern, perceive and fathom, and revere and enshrine your proclivity and penchant, to instigate and infiltrate, and imbue and infuse your bond and connectedness, which foment and kindle, ignite and inculcate resolve and steadfastness.  

Propitiously, poignantly, and auspiciously the tumultuous and thunderous journey and crossing, passage and pilgrimage envisage and conceive congruence and coherence to ascertain and corroborate, the curtailment, decline, and abatement of the span and space, separateness and diconnectedness, disassociation and disengagement to the propriety, gentility, and gallantry, to adore and adulate aliveness and incarnation of instance and spontaneity.

When, extemporaneity and   improvisation, purity and salubriousness of endeavors and exploits, the sincerity, candor, and authenticity to mend and merge the connectedness and closeness deserving and commendable to unity, entirety, and coherence and wholeness intertwine and interweave to pave and cover the itineraries and conduits of coalescence and amalgamation.

The juncture and crossing when your glance, glimpse, and glimmer, the gaze of clemency and exculpation reveal and divulge actuality and quintessence of oneness and unanimity, when my scorched frame and dwindled and decimated scaffold fervently and feverishly bewilder and bemuse, the astoundment, rapture, and rhapsody that uniquely and distinctly postulate and solicit your lenience and magnanimity, the gaze of clemency and exculpation.

گاه از خسِتهِ دل خسته دلی درد جفایش به تماشا چو که مهتاب کجاست
 مه گرش بود مرا طالعِ دیدار سیه فامِ قلمکار، نگه خفته در این خیمه  ماز

The gaze of clemency and exculpation, esteem and veneration, and reverence and escalation to be absorbed and integrated, assimilated and enthralled. The intrigues and maneuvers, schemes and stratagems and the dynamism and zing to attain and conquer the hegemonies and dominions of rectitude and uprightness, the merits and virtues, and distinctions and righteousness resound and resonate.

Vision and foresights, concepts and forethoughts, the agility and dexterity of cognizance and observance hop and ballet the horizons of discernment and perception, accompaniment and accolade of momentary revelations and exposes, which rebuke and reprove, blast and castigate lack and scarcity of brilliance and inspiration’s glint and glitter. The gestures, markers, and motions of reverberance and resonance enrapture and captivate, and canorous alibis and pleas, the sonorous underpinnings, substratum, and extremities of sphere of self-consciousness, acquaintance, and canniness flabbergast and flummox,

Instigations, promptings, and provocations pertain and affect echelons, concentrations, and strengths of perseverance and allegiance, the commitments and adherences which are dedicated and consecrated to absorptions, conjugations, and interventions of purpose, aims, and impetuses. Stimuli, inducements, and spurs that conquer and attain the vivaciousness and competency of the passages and corridors of attainment and realization endure, persist, and sustain.

While, conflicts and inconsistencies, inner altercations and confrontations, abandonments and relinquishments concurrently though not proportionally polish and hone apprehensions, perceptions, and conviction. The leniency, enticements, charms, and enchantments of inner acclamations, ovations, and endorsements resurrect and revivify to enliven the ashes of astuteness and perspicacity, the acuity of approbation and accreditations.

While disentanglement and extrication of the isolation of soul, aloneness of core, base, and substance, and commutation and alteration of aberrations and eccentricities to continuance and compliance, or the circumstances and reticence, auspiciously and propitiously arise, inaugurate, and resurge. Simultaneously advocacy and activism of ethos of partaking and educement, provocation and incitement conglobate and congregate. Concurrently emergence and opening of snow-white clouds to burst with drips and drops of liveliness and robustness, surmount vitality and verve. The precursor and sacrifice simmered by the urge and demand to pertain and relate to prolongation of the occasion, avails and rewards to the conceptuality and contemplation, the governance, ascendancy, and supremacy that flex, arch, and augment the crux and core of infinity and eternity.

The synedrial fundamentals, postulates, and philosophy of being and presence, the occurrence and existence, and the dignity, charisma, and magnetism which influence and encourage, stimulate and induce, and manipulate and motivate abide, excess, and maintain. Perturbations and trepidations concur and coincide, acquiesce and assent, and cohabite and coexist on the utter immaculate surface of blue skies, or the punctures on emphatically impeccable sapphire color cones and pirouettes, the blades of oceans’ gist which gratify and galvanize provocations and incitements to the themes of tumultuousness and vociferous. Enclaves and indulges instantiated and implanted by the indolent and lethargic array and order of notions and ponderances, the prowling and loitering immersion of extemporaneous and impromptu incubations and gestations.

Contemporarily and concomitantly, obstinately and intransigently resilient and feisty to fizzle and vanish the haze and mist of taciturn and reticent, the reciprocity and mutuality, serenest and subtlest manifestations and exhibitions of expectancies and extrapolations relinquish and renounce emergence. Shattered heart, broken wings, and staggering steps, the continuation and trawl, while absenteeism and truancy conquer, and prostration and somnolence simmer and seethe, to exclusively and utterly be invigorated and fortified by the swiftness and alacrity of the ripples and waves to immerse and impound, and drench and mesmerize.

The silence of the stream, abandonment and neglect of the wavering ripples, surfs, and sides swaying and slanting flow and pour, the tide and drift of the crystals and sparkles syndicating the symphony of lucidity, transparency, and articulacy have been darkened and obscured. Concealed and obfuscated semaphores of exposure, retrieval, and recognition have been recurrent and spasmodic, though to the irony, contrariety, and paradox, postures and bearings to nurture and sustain, embellishments and aggrandizements to heal and mend the broken wings, invoked and cited promises to embark and cruise, and coast and spin steer and lead. While, enunciated and vocalized intonations and modulations, cadences and timbers resistant and impervious to shattering distinctions and reveries assemble and erect.   

The enthusiasm and optimism, brightness and glare, and glow and vividness to illuminate and brighten, elucidate and explicate the corners and cavities, voids and abysses, and fissures and cracks, the broken heart, and burned kernel and essence have been effectuated and converted.  Infuriated instances, enraged frustrations, and the exasperations of the pursuit, trailing, and shadowing have been immersed and engrossed.

Vagueness and nebulousness, amorphous and obscurity, and hesitations and reluctances rage and seethe, tumultuousness and clamorousness, vociferousness and tempestuousness succumb and surround the rays of probity and piousness, aspirations, ambitions, and inclinations, the desired and beloved allures and immersions, enchantments and enthrallments to render and evince susceptibility and vulnerability.

Obligements and constraints to inflict and compel cognition and astuteness to subjugation, thralldom, and vassalage exacerbate and prejudice rational, cogent, and coherent deductions and inferences, the extrapolations and convictions. Though sublime, exalted, and noble endowed, enriched, and endued intricacies, multifariousness and convolutedness, the involvement, elaboration, and tortuousness tranquil, unruffle, and sooth the inherent and innate inner anchored creation’s aspirations and yearnings. The serpentine of suspended and adjourned presumptions and expectations persist and endure, the lingered, unfettered, emancipated, and unimpeded cerebrations and impressions improvise, contrive, and concoct.

The destiny, aim, and call, fate and future, the karma and kismet, feel and sensation, sight and spectacle, the vista and vision to occur and transpire, compositions and conjectures, the purposes and perceptions to seek and emerge have been obscured, eclipsed, and shrouded. Mosaic and maze of promotions and preferments, elevations and augmentations, or the elixir and potion of life’s perpetuation and ponderance have been dimmed and dulled.

The dreary and drab mural of ascendancy and predominance, the mystifying and baffling persuasions, influences, and inducements have been replenished, though to stay susceptible, receptive, and amenable to tarnishment by enigmatic and bewildering bestowments and conveyances embezzled thru the ploys of raucous and boisterous thoughts and perceptions.

Enigmatic and bewildering bestowments and conveyances, the inquiries and inquests, probes and requests, and thirst, avidity, and eagerness, the hankering, voracity, and appetency murmur and mutter, and whisper and mumble. While, intonations and inflections, incantations and invocations, or encirclements originate, prepare, and devise. When, the clinch, and embracement of prudently, judiciously, and discreetly pondered and contemplated tendencies and tribulations sparkle and twinkle within the skylines and prospects of the consideration and conception.

Capricious tendencies, turbulent intuitions and instincts, surmises and presentiments, the contours and curves of trends and beliefs surmise and construe. Reflections and deliberations, delineations and delimitations, the conglomerations and congregations of capitulated and acceded inconsistencies and discrepancies conspire and connive contradictions and refutations, confutations and retractions to augment and escalate, ameliorate, enrich, and enhance cognizance and recognition, still, when solace and succor of observance and perusal, the glimpse and glance have been obliterated and abolished.

گر بودش آتش خورشید یکی  رقصِ تأنی ز خطا زمزمهِ مهوشِ محرابِ نظر
ره به او  دار تأنی نبود طالعِ دیدار  نگاریست نهان گشته این کوکبِ ساز

Obliterated and abolished proclivities and penchants, the passage of enlivening, invigorating, and revitalizing breeze and zephyr of synchronistic concomitance, the concurrence and contemporaneity of distinction and accolade of accomplishment and accompaniment though surpass and transcend, outstrip and outshine the fragility and friability, the feebleness and delicateness of the distinction and discrepancy, the agility and  delicacy of the devotion and dedication,  the perseverance and staunchness of the moments and durations nevertheless blossom and flourish.

The dance and pirouette of rays and traces of transcendence and preeminence whirl and twirl imminence and immanence. Surroundings and circumstances, contemplative and meditative composures and tranquilities, divinatory and clairvoyance of intonations and incantations, and assimilating and integrating continuation and prudence of charms and summons, the providence and provision commemorate and venerate the essays and themes of aptness and exactness.

Flames and flickers, the scorch of burning sun kindle and provoke. The flickers uninterruptedly and successively ignite and instill, unmitigated and unambiguous authenticities and consistencies. The flames of transparencies and pellucidity inflict and perpetrate burns and blisters, to heel and mend the ruptures, bursts, and breaches. Textures and consistencies which uninterruptedly and unimpededly encompass and circumscribe the entities and individualities of promulgations and declarations of preferment and aggrandizement entrance and rivet, while the deferments and adjournments, impediments and obstructions reverberate and oscillate to the virtue of diminishment, declination, and depletion.

The deluded, duped, and dodged circumventions, evasions, and prevarications mitigate, assuage, and alleviate the babbles and hubbubs of grumbles and grouches, the chatters and chats of dismay, disconcertment, and consternation. Though, murky and misty, shadowy and muddy predicaments, muddles, and tangles, the twists and snarls linger and dawdle if not surpassed and eclipsed by the strength, forte, and agility of abstractions, impressions, and conceptions.

The murmurs and mutters of interminable and relentless enactments and depictions while the circumstances and occurrences of deferment persist and propound, accentuate and enhance abrogation and repellence of the lucidity and articulacy, or impulses and propulsions of pursuit. The coherence and clarity to aberrate, deviations and eccentricities which steadily and progressively permeate the acute and profound percolations, allotments, and schisms prescribe and mandate vigilance, prudence, and circumspection.

 The apse and cavity, mihrab  and alcove, or the vast star saturated skylines of Abraham’s prospects and horizons, would have lingered and loitered, dallied and dawdled to delinquency, dereliction, and negligence, the desolation, vacuity, and futility if not had been resolutely and tenaciously, and insistently and steadfastly exemplified and enriched, enhanced and elevated, and exalted and elated by the individualism, eccentricity, and distinctness of a single and solitary inspired tracer and follower . While, concurrently the epicenters of trepidations and apprehensions and the niches and nooks of bafflements and bemusements were deliberated, revealed, and manifested.

Bewilderments and bemusements, stupefaction and befuddlement, mystification and incomprehension, intertwine and interweave, interlink and interlock, and crisscross and connect, the dizziness of the instances, giddiness of       convoluted capriciousness, vagueness of intelligence and intuition, and the overwhelm and exasperation truncate and abbreviate, abridge and abstract the continuation and protraction.

Oblivions and stupors inoculate and protract the trend of void and abyss, the dismays and consternations, and disconnect and perturbations, which surrender, succumb and submit to inspissation and coagulation, or prudish and priggish ponderances and discernments, fragmentation and disintegration perturb, flurry, and fluster. Annulment and dissolution of sage and erudite astuteness, or prosperous pursuits and proliferation of obliviousness and witlessness, tendencies and predispositions to flourishment and escalation of arrogance and haughtiness descend and assail. At core a precursor to relentlessly and unremittingly remain resilient to acceptance and reception of rationale and reasoning, the prelude and  overture  to accentuate and augment fume and rage, and seethe and storm..

When, the ensemble and collaboratives of concealment and suppression to trumpet and proclaim, percolate and permeate abandonment, disregard, and desertion of spontaneity and extemporaneity, vaporization and evaporation of articles of attribution and provenance, themes of ascription and designation, the visualization pertain and simmer, reflection and meditation of merits and aptitudes, and apparition and revelation recede and regress.  The confidence and conviction, buoyancy and resilience vanish and evanesce, and the focus, emphasis, and convergence misplace and mislay.

Propensity and proclivity, mettle and predisposition, the mere intents and fascinations, urges and inclinations, and enchantments and allure precipitate and necessitate mutuality, affinity, and empathy. The aptitude and propensity to comprise and reckon alerts, clues, and hints, the attentiveness and observance, absorption to hinder and halt misappropriations, and impose and implement the implied percolations and infiltrations while embezzlements and peculations of entities of virtue and rectitude ravage and raze.

The rays of frankness, forthrightness, and genuineness glisten and glitter, while observance and valuations’ glimmer and gleam, shimmer and sparkle, and inundate and deluge the paths and passageways. Embracement, encirclement, and cuddle, affiliation and connection to astound and resuscitate, revive and invigorate, to pave and ponder and fortify and enliven the tenets, creeds, and pillars of accordance and unity shall pertain, and prevail.

Then, acclamations. commemorations, and commitments engulf and whelm the boundless estuary of continuum and steadfastness, and the glances and glimpses at the spectrum of reciprocations, correspondences, and appreciations possess and costume the soul and certitude.

Or when, comprehension and indebtedness to the confided and entrusted ethos and quintessence of existence buttress and brace the flourishment and vehemence of affiliation and fondness, the unequivocal, unambiguous, and clairvoyant ecstasy, bliss, and rapture.

The genesis and emergence, evolution and formation of existence and subsistence, continuance and persistence of the purpose and determination, resolve and fortitude, the fervor and vehemence, ardor and zeal burst and blaze, conflagrate and dash, flare and flicker, and flaunt and flourish. Bewilderments and bemusements, perplexities and puzzlements, and obfuscations and paradoxes, the encountered enigmas, evocating riddles, and the presumptuousness, boldness, and audacity to accentuate and intensify the ruminations and cogitations evade and elude, and equivocate and prevaricate.    

While the confounding and thwarting rendezvous, assignations, and engagements concern and relate to the synchronization, contemporaneousness, and concomitance of occurrences, to comprise and contain elation, elevation and, evolution, purpose, pertinence, and perpetuity, or degradation, demotion, and curtailment. Coincidence of preferment and aggrandizement of wholeness, the entirety and totality of the traverse of time and crossovers of occasions hearten and succor. The mural and fresco of fulfillment and serenity symbolizes sanctity of outperformance, transcendence, and paramountcy.

While, nirvana and nibbana of self awareness and lucidity succumb to the universality of quiddity and ethos, and entail to exemplary encirclement and enfoldment of apropos and the appurtenant thoroughfare. Junctures and intervals, passes and moments expand and spread, and magnify and multiply the spectrum of the vision. Boundaries and obstacles, impediments and obstructions thaw and truncate, narrow and abridge, and then, the dawn of decipherment and depiction, or the thirst, desire, and eagerness revivify and enhance, to animate the episode and escapade of exuberance and vivacity, the vibe and verve of dynamism and vitality.

Scenes of scrutiny and reflection, consciousness and sentience rampage and rage, the prelude and preamble, era of ratification and acceptance of the opus and oeuvre of destiny and providence glint and glitter. When, scorched skeleton of the enflamed and exacerbated soul and core, the seared frame of fervor and passion perceive and comprehend, ascertain and appreciate the disclosure and emanation, and further, advance, and promote rise and ascend of the ties, bounds, and connection.

آن نگه دار نگه در قَدَمِ مطربِ مدهوش وز آن سروِ چمان در مقیاس
سوزشِ جان  به تمنایِ قدم،  همدم  و مأنوس بلندایِ سما  کسبِ نیاز 

Commendation and acquiescence, acclamation and approbation of the hegemony, domination, and supremacy of existence and extant astound, daze, and dazzle the dexterity, adroitness, and acuity of the collaboration and congregation of the concept, impression, and cognition. The sincerity, authenticity, and genuineness of the overtures, approaches, and stratagems, the pertinent, germane, and apposite pledges and promises to reverberation and resonance of replications and reflections, the responses, retorts, and rejoinders reiterate, epitomize, and recapitulate the tendencies and propensities.

While, the reception and concurrence, extrapolation and conjecture, expectancy and suspense, the stringent and prolonged and protracted rigorous repetitions and replications of elevation of occasion, and revelation of maneuvers and contrivance vigorously, exuberantly, and spiritedly sustain and endure. Whereas, the anchor and affixer, the perpetuator and endorser, the convener and congregator of the tenets and convictions, percepts and principles, the root and the source outset and incept the formations, faith, and freedom, the certitude and conviction of the participators, perpetuators, and collaborators.

The symphony and masterpiece, harmony and consensus, and ventures and endeavors of accordance and concord, congruence and coherence, and sovereignty and mastery commemorate, venerate, and celebrate the abundance and copiousness of the convoy of rapport, affinity and camaraderie, while the hoofers and terpsichorean, the bouncers and custodians of the gist and esse, persist and prevail as the inundators inebriated by the solemn and fervent shadows, delineations and silhouettes of the tall silver spruce, which mesmerizingly, enthrallingly, and entrancingly settle, accommodate and  shelter the intrigued, fascinated, and captivated entities.

Consequences, concerns, and corollaries, emanations, themes, and torrents which transpire and ensue, evolve and stem the bedrocks and substrata of sagacious and prudent arbitrations and adjudications, the vivaciousness and exuberance, zestfulness and flamboyance pierce and perforate balloons and inflatabilities of the reverberating and ringing haughtiness and bumptiousness, the condescension and imperiousness.

Albeit, the vastness of the spruces’ shadows and shades jolt and galvanize, and serene and placid, the immensity of prime adherences and devotions, and observances and articulations crystalize and manifest to impose and invoke contemplation and coalescence. Augmentations, repudiations, and rejections, the encountered and incurred recognitions and accessions are obliged and goaded to match, suit, and meet, or to attain and conquer their wielded and exerted trajectories and itineraries objectives, ambitions, and inspirations.

The arrays and exhibits, arrangements and spectacles, tableaus, and montages, the partitures of peculiarities and punctuations of overtures and delineations inhere and indwell within the elixirs, potions, and tinctures of promise and assurance, and implications and insinuations of continuance, protraction, and intuitiveness. Divinations and premonitions that surmise, construe, and conjecture the scales, gradations, and balances to influence, direct, and postulate the bounds and constraints of cognition and competency.

The aptitude and propensity, the predilection and penchant to prevail and proclaim whilst the chaperon and guardian of grandiose, splendid, and ostentatious eruditions and intricacies affirm and necessitate the accomplishments and achievements of impeccable and irreproachable equanimity and composure of continuum, calibration, and progression. Virtuousness and pureness, the flawless and unblemished whirl and swirl of the sacrosanctity and inviolability of inclusion, incidence, and presence pertain, permutate, and permeate.

Scales, gradations, and balances, the bounds and constraints of cognition and competency impose and augment scrupulousness, meritorious perspectives, and trustworthiness. The thrumming and throbbing, repercussions, and ramifications, eminences and rankings imply, denote, and entail. Corroborations and substantiations, vindications and acquittals ponder and deliberate, while adhesion and credence reign and officiate, to preside and solemnize the punctuality and promptness of fortitude and resilience.

Scales, gradations, and balances, the inceptions, initiations, and commencement to commemorate and venerate quintessence of existence and evolvement, the attributions, designations, and ascriptions, or the encompassment and embodiment of gallantry and valor extend and eternalize. While, entities and animations of vigor and liveliness, elation and delight of rapport and empathy, the affinity and affiliation subjugate and subdue the zest of ingratiation and piquancy of obsequiousness.

The steps, strides, and treads, paces, spreads, and stages expedite and expediate approaches and perspectives, accelerations, and advancements, though the dispositions and proneness, susceptibilities and imperviousness improvise, concoct, and contrive.  Obduracies and rigidities, anticipations and previsions staunch resoluteness, though they may mitigate and alleviate pneuma, atman, and spirit.

Congregations and assemblies, semblances and appearances, guises and facades, the conglomerations, aggregations, and agglomerations bestow and endow, present and pose, and portray and render, though evolvement and capsulation of the renditions and articulations, enunciations and intonations, and declarations and utterances manifest and reveal providence, discretion, and judiciousness.

The accordion of accordance and agreement, piano of participation and prudence, and the flute of fraternity and alliance ring the tones and echoes, and chirps and chimes. The ricochets of bells and carillons, and rebounds of the choral of unification and integration, the concord and concurrence inundate and saturate the ambiance, to piercingly and profoundly vibrate the chorus of the universe constituency.

Astoundingly and stupendously, staggeringly and spectacularly overwhelming and riveting, the immense and inordinate coverlet and duvet of inclusion and transmogrification huddle and transpire enthrallers and enrapturers, participators and contributors, the contestants and contenders to pertain and promote, to throng and gather, repeat and reiterate, and endorse and resonate the journey of aspirations, embellishments, and elaborations.  

The provocative, enticing, and engaging rhythms and cadences, the sources and surroundings, milieus, springs, and fountains propagate and promulgate affixation and adherence.  Cradles and foundations, the canaries and taletellers, harbingers and heralds, and messengers and precursors whom elevate, raise, and heighten into pioneers and antecedents of contemplations, reasoning, and cognizance lead and command, and dominate and precede.

The doves of conciliation, resolution, and appeasement coast, glide, and flutter from the peaks and pinnacles of the bundles and elevations of ethos and character, the tenets and spirits to seamlessly and impeccably, exquisitely and immaculately disburse and disseminate the distinctiveness, uniqueness, and individuality of composure, equanimity, and placidity. Poise, docility and serenity merely and utterly render, resolve, and evolve inquisitiveness, novelty, and curiosity throughout the route and itinerary of stroll, episode, and exodus.

The itinerary of stroll, episode, and exodus, the intimate and innermost expedition of exuberance and excursion of empathy and harmony, and, the passages and crossings, voyages and trudges, the hikes and hauls vitalize and energize, and arose and awaken the rapport, affinity, and affiliation.

To grab and grasp, and sway and touch, azimuths of the skies, pinnacles of the stars, sights and panoramas, scrutiny and prospects, the proximity and immediacy, propinquity and contiguity, which have been stretched, soared, and escalated to your rays and beams, the sparkles and gleams of allure and overture flabbergast and flummox. To anchor and fasten, affix and attach to the existence and presence, verily and actuality, and subjectivity and partisanship of the wholeness and comprehensiveness, the conduits and passageways entice, enrapture, and awaken your portrayals and depictions, exposes and representations that assimilate and acculturate. Then, my kernel and core, the spirit and soul accentuate and emphasize, to agglutinate and amalgamate to your oneness, congruence, and consonance.

Devotions and adherences, the fidelities and allegiances align and affiliate and reflect and replicate the thirst and craving, while they exuberantly, exhilaratingly, and vivaciously ruminate, signify, and manifest the aflame and raging yearn and fervor that so rampantly and profusely had been blazing the heart, the rapport and communion of reciprocity and mutuality that heavenly and  blissfully  perpetuate every and all strokes of inhaled breath and  gulp and gasp of liveliness and zeal.

کوکب و اختر و نجم از خبرت رسته و آزاده نگارندهِ مهشید ز معراجِ یقین
منشا و مبدأ  منظور  به  گردونِهِ  افلاک،  زعم   گشته  نمایانگرِ  مستور  فراز 

Surmise and deductions, conjectures and conclusions, inferences and extrapolations, and convictions and confidences, do they disclose and divulge as finalized, clinched, and established states, statuses, and shapes, or are they drifting, floating, and peripatetic postures, poses, and deportments, the certitudes and faiths to presumptively , conjecturally, and tentatively tamper, fiddle, and tinker with.

Surmountable, formidable, and attainable, the rise and fall, the dance and ballets, bounce and vault, recoil and rebound of the stars, constellations, and clusters, the lively icons and luminaries’ contents, gratifications, and captivations by the intricacies and convolutions, and traits and peculiarities of the elucidations and explications. The revelations and expositions of inclusion and participation, encompassment and involvement, or the ceremony of certitude, confidence, and contribution, vividly and vibrantly, brilliantly and luridly deliver and accomplish the elation and euphoria of attainment and achievement, the abstinence and ascetism of imperfections, blemishes, or limitations.

The cognizance and acquaintance, and consent and acquiescence, render and adjudicate acclamations, ovations, and endorsements, the purifications and solidifications to pinpoint and implicate excruciations and torments, the viable and dreadful candidates to advocate and nourish entrants and contenders, if not dismissed and desolated.

The dance and ballet of the stars and the bounce and vault of constellations and clusters, the miraculous and mind blowing, inexplicable and extraordinary exemptions, immunities, and absolutions, or the prompts and advancements, impacts and influences meticulously and fastidiously parade and march, inherently and innately bounded and brazen, unrestrained and unconcealed to entice and allure, enchant and enrapture, the incarnations and avatars, intonations and modulations of sublimity and superbness.

The entities of emancipations, the deliverances and liberations to convoy the cavalcade of reflection and effectuation, and fulfillment and procurement of the pertinence transcend and transpire. Chambers and cavities of pneuma and anima within the heart glint and twinkle, while obliteration, annihilation, and eradication of the enigmas and paradoxes of imperfections and insolvency consummate and conjugate the concurrence of the moments.

Deliverances and liberations, the confidence and deliberations, dedications and devotions, and perpetuations and preservation of the pertinence and purpose, intently and absorbedly aspired and intended by the entities of the universe of perceptions, veracity, and certainty do not falter or fumble, wane or abate.

Stammers and stutters, the impairments and impediments are aligned and affiliated to absorption and engrossment, but their diversified and haphazard combats and contests, the chaotic and slapdash retainment and vigor, their inevitability and inexorableness to rebuke and rejection, nonetheless relentless and obdurateness spiral and soar to inclination and adaptation, or adjuration and exhortation of extinction and elimination. Conviction and confidence, faith, fervor, and passion vivify and enliven rendezvous of resilience and commitment.          

the rise and fall, dance and ballets, bounce and vault, the recoil and rebound, exhortations, enjoinders, and admonishments to reverberate and resound the resilience and suppleness of the invocations and incantations, conjurations and intonations declare and assert, and appropriate and arrogate partaking, involvement, and engagement.

Congregation of acquiescence, ensemble of exuberance, inhalation and breath of vibe and tone, and mien and relevance, aptness and pertinence, acculturation, assimilation, and inurement of intimacy, the tenderness and affection, intensely and vigorously evince and manifest, and ponderously and patently collaborate and verify. When, Substantiality and endorsement had been mastered by resolve, fortitude, and determination to punctuate, interpose, and intercede.

The spontaneity and extemporaneity of profusion and copiousness, the overwhelming astonishment of arbitrary encumberments or bewilderment of ambitions and flamboyances propound and advocate, and incite and impel infusion and inculcation.

Opuses and operas of elation and ecstasy, rapture and euphoria, and exhilaration and exultation of instantiations, incarnations, and personifications, the epitomization and representations, depictions and illustrations, elaborations and narratives enlighten and edify the spheres and realms of inquisitiveness and consciousness.

The tortuousness and tangles, and involuted and ornated, undulating and meandering mazes and warrens of introspections and cerebrations glorify and venerate virtuousness, righteousness, and purity of captivations. The entrancing dazzle and beguilement merely inundate encompassments, affiliations, and consociations.

While, inattention and absentmindedness ravage and desolate, and pillage and plunder the inquisitiveness and adjuration of acquaintance and intimacy. The voidness and rescindments adduce, implore, and importune revocation of contentment, annulment to embracement of effectuations, and withdrawal to be immersed by the impetus and impulsive receptacles and repositories of reflection and rumination.  The overtures and propositions, manifestos and recommendations so generously and munificently mustered and gathered, and proposed, proffered, and propounded to tranquilize and sedate the daunted, menaced, and intimidated minds.

The controversies and contentions, squabbling and wrangling persuasions, and altercations and quarreling renditions and interpretations, the uncertainties and unknowns, provisos and stipulations simulate and imitate, replicate and relinquish. Presumptiveness and pseudo postulations, the quasi and pretentious poses and postures, or pervaded and perfused ignorance and obliviousness allude and insinuate.

Rebukes and admonitions, or reprimands and reproaches postulate and  deduce, or presume and percolate, when the resilience and buoyancy, malleability and pliability to besiege and be overwhelmed by the prospects and potentials of insurmountable and invincible ingeniousness and elegance exhibitive and inherent within the fringes, margins, and periphery of the perceptions and convictions distinctively and idiosyncratically desolate and seclude. The corrosion and disintegration that ironically, incongruously, and paradoxically proclaim and decree, and pertain and narrate by the disguise and cloak of dismissal of imperfections and inadequacies sway and concert.

باز دارش نگهت روی نما ساقی منظور ز سِیری که به قوسش نه قصار
مونس و مقترنِ جامعِ  قاموس   یکی  سلک  که مسلوک  کند  مُهرِ  نماز

Thenceforth and subsequently, moments of reflection, replication, and indication, the cross points and occasions, inclinations and proclivities, predilections and predispositions and their inspirations and simulations, or agitations and confrontations coagulate and compound.     

Interruptions and intermissions, intervals and interludes of elucidation and simplification, exegesis and explications, the revelations and divulgences, utterances and confessions covertly and clandestinely, or overtly and blatantly retain and engage, and capture and conquer. Sanity of soberness, rationality of relevance, and lucidity, perspicuity, and articulacy, the eloquence and grandiloquence, orotund originality, and sonorous ingenuity, the ringing and resonance of cognizance, acquaintance, and awareness resurrect, revivify, and coruscate dawn’s flares and flickers, the illustriousness and eminence, the prominence of liveliness, auras, and vibes emanated by the abundance of enthrallers and entrenchers.   

Suspend and halt, and impede and pause, circumstances and incidents, respites and cessations, engrossed and compelling conclusions, and mesmeric and hypnotic observances augment and proliferate the epitome and incarnation of recognition and averment, or induce and incite audacious and valorous adjournments and deferments, to gauge and appraise, assimilate and imbibe, or discern and vilify. Established intimate trends and patterns, demarcated, delineated, and depicted, or fashioned convictions, they rise and elevate the pillars and masts of reachability and ingest and grasp of epilogues and prorations, which associatively and diligently pertain, concern, and commemorate.      

Stewardesses and attendants, stewards and servants approach and convene, and levy and rally, paragons and paradigms, linchpins and cornerstones propagate and promulgate, and delineate and denote, exemplary and meritorious contingencies and eventualities elicit and provoke, and auspices, omens, and auguries of certitude and conviction captivate, allure, and rivet authenticity and fidelity, the veracity and veridicality of recommencement, protraction, and sublimity illustrate, exhilarate, and illuminate.

Auspices, omens, and auguries, differentiations, metamorphosis, and evolvements, the conundrums and quandaries, mysteries and stumpers intertwine, intermingle, and interweave. Encirclements, embracement, and encapsulations impound and confiscate, the dexterities, acuities, and tenacities. Perspicacious adeptness, sagacious adroitness, and astute presumptions ponder and cerebrate sincerity, candor, and forthrightness, steadfastness and trustworthiness. Refutable, untenable, and specious insights, prospects, and apprehensiveness, the apropos and appurtenant stigmas and disgraces merely might curtail and hinder presentiments, premonitions, and presages, if soared and rocketed participants and partakers churned and roiled devoutness and dedications are implored.

The arc, glimmering rainbows, variegated radiances, and prismatic spectral spirals, the mottled opalescent shades, spotted nacreous, and the dappled pearlescent horizons, the scintillating, sparkling, and glittering mesh and maze of predictions and projections, which resent and contrast stagnation and torpor when acquiesced and conceded to obtuse, bovine, and faint confidence and conviction. The overlap and overlay of the fissures of fixation, crevasses of coagulated contents, clefts and splits of parochial deductions, and the insular and blinkered presumptuous circumferences and peripheries.

The virtuosity, brilliance, and vividness pause and falter the heart. No, it still fervently, soberly, and solemnly murmurs and mutters, mumbles and babbles, to reach and reciprocate, connect and commemorate, to mesmerize, absorb, and entrance rapture, ecstasy, and bliss, affinity, harmony, and rapport. While the soaring and circling rampant rumbling roars, ruptures, and breaches circumvent and dodge, and evade and elude manacles, fetters, and shackles.

Emancipation, manumission, and disenthrallment resilience and buoyancy splitter, fragment, and shatter exasperated and riled, irked and vexed perceptions and thoughts. The embellishing and embroidering pleas and yearnings, the fostering and nurturing redolent and evocative rolling hills and cultivations, abetting and succoring affections and fondness, adulations and adorations, while lauds and extolments burst and surge the emblazed cavities of the embodiment and incarnation, my charcoaled frame.

And when, vistas and prospects unfurl and unroll, untwine and unsnarl, and unravel and untangle. Then, boundaries’ resilience and irrepressibility to emanating and emerging ambits, latitudes, and spheres of conformity, attunement, and orientation, the territory and province of divisions, segmentations, and segregations obliterate, to eradicate binds and quandaries of surmises and suspicions, or the barriers of dithering vacillations.            

Scanning and scrutiny, contemplations and cogitations, meditations and reflections augment and amalgamate, decipher and decrypt, and extract and extricate. Immersions and absorptions, explications and elucidations, and exegesis and inferences compel and coerce, induce and imply, and instigate and influence. Insinuations and intimations, allusions and indications provoke and awaken, incite and rouse, pound, thwack, and pummel. While, embarkments, commencements, and acclamations accompany, usher, and convey.

Inherent, immanent, and innate shepherds, entourages, and retinues to goad and guard, and to shelter and fortify the nuggets, lumps, and chunks, the destinies, kismets, and predispositions, or the ponderance of motivations, ambitions, and justifications persist and endure their presence. Chaperons to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the agility, probity, and rectitude of intellectuality, conceptuality, and ratiocinative, reifications and procurements to proclaim and blazon their quiddity and esse proffer, tender, and propose. While, instigations, incitements, and inducements which nourish, cultivate, and flourish elicitations and evocations, receptiveness and responsiveness whirl and twirl.

Universe and cosmos, sky and ether, propinquity and contiguity, immensities and profundities declare and affirm, and pronounce and pontificate the inertness and limpness delegations and contingents to ascribe and impute prominence of premises of elevation and raise, and ennoblement and exaltedness. The oceans’, seas’, and brines’ depths, abysses, and divergence, ravines’ gorges’ and valleys’ gulches, ruptures, and chasms coddle and cosset the quintessence of genesis and formation, to obligate, bond, and cohere curious, inquisitive, and intriguing entities and mortals to rupture the cloak, frock, and raiment of arrogance and neglect, if desired to observe, render, and portray.

Rituals, sacraments, and ceremonials, customs, conventions, and traditions divulge, emanate, and exude, carry, deliver, and dispatch conducts and characters, guises and dispositions, and temperaments and personalities.  Their exhibitions and expositions, retrospectives and retro-activeness, and stamps and molds evolve and exploit in concoctions and combinations, concurrencies and aggregations corelated and tangible, palpable and perceptible to compiled and composed contingencies and exigencies exposed or portrayed by their deployments and deliberations.

Religion and divinity, worship and creed, and connection and affiliation, the urge and compulsion, thirst and hunger, and reply and reciprocation form and focus, and pivot and punctuate forte and virtues, eminences and meritoriousness that solely, merely, and exclusively blossom, burgeon, and bloom intrinsically and innately, and intimately and reticently.

A response and acknowledgement, comeback and rejoin, to simmer, rumble, and smolder, to erupt and rage, and to persist and endure. The interconnection and interrelation, alliance and bond, inherent and intrinsic intimacy, integral and intact seclusion and sanctity, protected, safeguarded, and secured by the mere mutuality and correlation, to exonerate and exculpate the epitome and personification, and propound and proffer ligature, liaison, and connection.

The pureness and limpidness of resolution, transparency of aspiration, the restraint and reluctance, constraint and curtailment to exhibit and parade the entity, rapport, and affection, to indelibly and ineradicably pertain and ascertain the burning and scorching, febrile and feverish imminence. The flaming and smoldering essence of the oneness, coherence, and unanimity shall shatter curtailments and confines of dubiousness and suspicion, and incertitude and apprehension.

The apex and apogee, the appeal and entreaty, plea and request, and crave and covet, the funnel and siphon, huddle and nestle, and crouch and cower to touch, affect, and soften. Blunders, muddles, and stumbles, sways, staggers, and totters, it is you and me, our sanctuary of sanity, shelter of lucidity, and the asylum of candor and sincerity.

You and me, absolutely and profoundly, inadvertently and entirely  bide and lodge in the state and status of synchrony and simultaneity, contemporaneousness and concomitance, while unabated and unrestricted, and unaffected and unaltered, or intact and uninterrupted by agonies and anguishes, inflictions and torments, the tumultuous and turbulent interferences and interventions, clouded and blurred afterthoughts, deliberateness, and intentionality, or their constancies.

While, the dynamics and rationality of vivaciousness and verve exert and imply, gush and flood, the percolated effusion to purify, cleanse, and refine the lingering droplets and resentful sediments.

Interventions, intercessions, and intrusions to invade and trespass, or raid and annex the, “you and me”, secluded and consecrated, and sanctified and deified cross points of convergence and confluence, to  breach and  contravene, infringe and betray the bestowed and bequeathed, the imparted and revealed trust and reliance , are obliged and coerced to be condemned and rebuked, or reviled and disposed,

The conviction and faith, or the jurisprudence of sanctified, blessed, and dedicated intimacy, rapport, and affinity shall affect, involve, and influence the ambiances and circumstances of laudation and exaltation, the intimate and exclusive reverence and veneration, the mutuality and reciprocity endowed and established connecting and joining, fusing and agglutinating expressly and explicitly “you and me”.  

دیده بردار وز آن محور آزرده بر آن خدشه که دیدار از او قبله بیگانه گزید
صنمِ سایه بر این بام  رسامست  چو  پرگار  کند  قافلهِ اش  قاصدِ  راز

Dejected and regretful musings and meditations, wrecked and despondent broodings and cogitations, the moments of intermission, and interlude confrontations intervene, intrude, and intercede, when the depth of rifts and enormity of fissures and crevasses within, elude, eclipse, and transcend margins and precincts of the stretch of time and recollections’ restrictions.

Dedications and deliberations, treads of consolations, strolls and strides, paces and progresses, and junctures, confluences, and reverberations, to magnify intentional and premediated presumptions, postulations, and resolutions. The patterns of conclusions, inferences, and suppositions, revealing and clairvoyant, enlightening and edifying, heuristic encounters, happenstances, and conterminous rendezvouses which pivot, revolve, and spindle the passage of instances, and cerebrate, prompt, and fabricate the onward and forward preludes, prologues, and overtures invade and overrun, and conquer and occupy .  

The compass to direct and conduct, manipulate and maneuver, and steer and counsel, to commemorate, carry, and convene cognizance, grasp, and comprehension, while the acquainted aspirations and approaches, tendencies, inclinations, and leanings incessantly and relentlessly evolve and alter. Exclusively, haphazardly, or imitatively, meticulously and pedantically, or impertinently and impudently, the rendering representations and delineations manifest and embody, blossom, prosper, and flourish, mushroom and proliferate, and permeate and transduce. Nonetheless, the ramifications, implications, and corollaries entail themselves to accord, harmony, and concurrence of the platitude, tenets, and precepts of creation’s conspicuity and creed.     

The compass to direct and conduct, to evolve and alter, the indicators, markers, and gauges, the needles and pointers poking, prodding, and protruding the azimuths and pinnacles of the horizons of promise and pledge, aptitude and ability, covenant and engagement, perceptively, judiciously, and incisively revolve and evolve. To merely and inherently, astound, flabbergast, and astonish the enthusiasts and participants, the entities, individuals, personages and dignitaries whom carry pennants of wholeheartedness, and banners of openness and ingeniousness.

The compass of elaboration and extension, magnifier of certitude and conviction, the contraption and apparatus of assortment and collaboration, to conspicuously and ceaselessly summon and beseech, and refer and invoke, to merely and solely affix acclimating and accommodating insistences, requisites, and stipulations to the quintessence of assessments and discernments, the nobilities and virtues of incentives, measures, and gestures.

 Idiosyncrasy and eccentricity, peculiarity and distinctness, or is it the slogans, postures, and bearings capable, amendable, and accommodative to converse and convert mantles and attributions? The comparisons and collations to the compass of encirclements and demarcations, solely capable and efficient, adept and adroit, competent and proficient to clarify and explicate purposiveness, pertinacious predicaments, and tenacious perseverance saturate, douse, and drench the aura and ethos, and spirits and milieus.  While delimitations and delineations of the simmering and rumbling reservations and stipulations brace, foment, and revive ecstasy and trance of resolve and resolution. The torch, lantern, and candle within, to be tapped, rapped, patted, and endured, the compass of inhibition and restraint, cane, pole, and cursor of adjudication, meditation, and arbitration has been obliged, impelled, and spurred to deliver, fulfill, and complete.

The soul and esse, passion and empathy, essence and spirit and the pointedness, aculeate, and acuminate tangents and curvatures of the heart’s, directions, positionings, and placements, the alignments, associations, and orientations to shrink and contract, narrow and shrivel the stretches, segregations, and disaffiliations, to decline and diminish ramparts, parapets, and barricades of obstructions and impasses. Or, obliteration and eradication of the sentimentalisms, reactions, and resentments which impede and hamper, and setback and incumber to realize and perceive, and grasp and comprehend the qibla of the existence, your retort and rejoinder, which inundates, engulfs, and deluges the vastness and enormity of your immeasurable and boundless, incessant and ceaseless universe and galaxies.

The shadow, spirit, and whisper, the shade, trace, and span, sweep and compass, and extent and cover to consist and comprise the  corners and staves of far extended skylines of view and vision, vistas of perception and awareness, apprehension and observance, the conjugates and contradictions, and bewilderments and bemusements reverberate and resonate the sacredness and inviolability of the infinity and eternity, the ecstasy, stupor, and trance to embrace and encircle, clinch and encompass, to affirm and resolve affinities and encounters.

The shadow, spirit, and whisper, intimacy, closeness, and confidence to ascend and soar, arise and levitate, and climb and escalate. The shadow of fulfilment and realization, fruition and procurement, the shadow of brightness and glare, brilliance and vividness, to spread, unfurl, and broaden wings of solemnness and splendor, grandiosity and  grandeur, the ornateness and  unfathomability to embrace and encompass canopies of sentiments and emotions, mantles  to perspicaciousness and erudition, and roofs to congregations and communal, the slates and gables of shielding and shelter, and ridges and edges of immunity and indemnity that are relentlessly pertained, rigidified, and benevolence.  

The sanctuary and silhouette, collaborative and cultivating, the originator, initiator, and instigator of encouraging and heartening rings and echoes to reach, touch, and tinker aficionadas and pundits, chasers and pursuers, to resiliently and irrepressibly transcend, outshine, and outstrip clinks and tinkles of deviousness, doubtfulness, and havering, the preserve and refuge which unhesitatingly and unwaveringly widen, broaden, and elongate to the boundaries of sight and scene, the accommodator to pinnacles and summits, peaks and acmes of ingenuity and inspiration, assure and promise that the originalities and creativities of inclinations, aspirations, and ambitions illuminate and irradiate. While, they permeate and perfuse gracefulness and brightness, the glare and cheeriness through the haven’s openings, cracks and cleaves, and crevices and fissures, to the entirety of the neighboring abodes, dwellings, and domiciles.

The exclusive, undivided, and absolute haven, the harbor and anchorage, retreat and asylum, and the refuge and shelter, selected, privileged, and influential, which has been placed, positioned, and located within, inclusive and comprehensive, comprising and covering of conceivable, cogitable, and tenable instantiations, epitomization, and incarnations, the deeds, endeavors, and undertakings, conceptions, perceptions, and abstractions.

The haven and harbor within, to envisage and expect, apprehend and appreciate, and adore and attribute.  The haven and harbor of elevation and aggrandizement, enrichment and enhancement, and preferment and ennoblement, or, the ingress, access, and approach, the entrance and gate to assimilate and integrate, and to connect and reciprocate. The gorge, canyon, and valley of pertinence and percolation, purification and refinement, innately, immanently, and inherently accentuate, emphasize, and reinforce acuity and keenness, alertness and awareness, while unreservedly and uninhibitedly concerned and benevolent to the dwellers and inhabitants, and denizens and occupants.

 The heaven and sky, ether and cluster, the haven and anchor, nugget and chest, the treasure and repository to entailments, elicitations, and evocations, junctures, occasions, and occurrences. The assemblage and congregation to gather, convene, and muster, to augment, strengthen, and enhance. The shrine and temple within, to perceive, protect and provide the foundations, pillars, and mast of my existence, exuberance, vivacity, and vibe. While, interminably and unremittingly it ponders, cerebrates, and circumvents to abridge and abbreviate, and compress and truncate the span and gap, and depth and range to reach, touch, and hold you. 

Caravan and convoy of vivacity and vibe, the parade and cavalcade incessantly and persistently perpetrates and effectuates, and conducts and implements. Intricacies, obscurities, and convolutions of the journey and voyage, the expeditions and excursions of self-reflections and meditations, scrutiny and perusal, the territory and terrain, sphere and arena, the compass and scope, bestowments and overtures, proposals and propositions, and your benevolent and compassionate compositions and sonatas have been tendered and dispensed to me. While, embarked and boarded on the caravan of mindfulness and deliberations to reach the azimuth, culmination, and apogee of your consummate and ultimate conversance and acquaintanceship.

The exquisiteness and magnificence, and prodigious and unsurpassed union and oneness, preordained and predestined by your promise, if not to be disembarked or not preclude the pleas, requests, and invocations, nor the joined symphony of fulfillment and realization which vivify, enliven, and electrify the stage of allotments and allocations.

حاجبُ و ساکنِ کوئیم که دَر درُّ نظر فرض بر آن منزلِ میقات نبود
تا به احرام تو این چادرِ جم کبکبه اش بود  ز  آوازِ تو مقرون به حجاز
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

The Nugget and chest, treasure and repository, sparkles and passions, ferments and effervescences, the vitality and liveliness saturate and quench, drench and douse. Trends and drifts, movements and inclinations overwhelm and incapacitate, or astound and daze.

Implausibility and improbability, inconvincibility and incomprehensibility hinder and impede the meticulous and exhaustive exertion of immediate impressions and inklings, though the correlations and connections, correspondences and concurrences, the interrelationships and interdependences pertain, concern and affect by antecedent, precedent, and forgone recollections and reminiscences, impressions and influences., Even presumptuous anamnesis if felt plausible might vehemently and fervently articulate, communicate, and formulate the opposite.        

Incredulousness and doubtfulness, skepticism and dubiousness, or pyrrohnism and equivocating narcissism blur and distort, and obscure and conceal, while the durations and extents of somberness, soberness, and solemnness precede to herald, presage, and proclaim the reticence and taciturnity of the chirps and chirrups, peeps and twitters, punched and smacked, thumped and slapped by the innocence of overlook.      

The haven and anchor, nugget and chest, exclusiveness and preferences, repertoires and assortments, while depictions and delineations indelicately and inappropriately prioritized and emphasized somberly and soberly self-defuse, placate, and disproportionate, or, asymmetrically and uncoordinatedly quail and despair, and dishearten and dismay. The chest of judgements, conclusions, and contemplations, while preferences, partialities, and penchants tinkle and clink, and torso of affiliations, advocations, and admirations, sensations and commotions commemorate, revere, and esteem, then, the essence and spirit, soul and existence revivify, resurrect, reclaim, and reiterate the destiny’s revelations and clairvoyance.

Or, the shelter and sanctuary is the pinnacle and peak of inclusion, circumscription, and encompassing, to billet and board promotors, proponents, and patrons whom wittingly and willfully, permissively and indulgently are punctual and prompt to interconnect, interrelate, and interact, beholders and carriers of the burgees and banderoles of unity and wholeness. The accommodators and occupants whom are constructively, confidently, and optimistically perpetuating, propagating, and disseminating the echoes and reflections, and repetitions and reiterations of the chirps and chirrups, peeps and twitters evoked, educed, and conjured by the media, means, and delegates and members of the congregation and conglomerate of liveliness, keenness, and vivaciousness.

The sanctuary and silhouette, which embrace and encircle, encompass, and enfold within the perimeters and boundaries of the trunk and torso, or, the crate and enclosure of ingenuity and creativity, inventiveness and innovation. The vessel and basin of incentives and incitements, stimuluses and motivations, enshrined and hallowed, and cherished and treasured by individual and distinct, different and discrete individuals and personages. Characters and creatures, to remain amalgamated and incorporated, and stay cohesive and consistent, and interrelated and interconnected, inherent and innate to confront and combat the opposite if proposed and intended.

The entrance, access, and admittance does not warrant, merit, and demand ceremonial and ritualistic requisites, mandatory and indispensable processions, successions, and sequences. Caravan and cavalcade movement and momentum have been unambiguously and unequivocally chronicled, narrated, and established. While. the embarkment and commencement apportions, countenances, and empowers to portray and render.

The hegemony, influence, and prepotence of blessed and sanctified, and revered and consecrated simmering and seething sensations and desires, your intimacy and closeness persistently, relentlessly and progressively emerge and emanate. A tangential and divergent distinction, covenant, pledge and bond to suppress, abolish, and decimate the contradictory, ambiguous, and incongruous conduit and corridor of distance and remoteness.

The intimacy and closeness, ascending and merging, arising and levitating, the augmentations and escalations, for a moment by tracing and trailing the beams, flashes, and glows, footprints, spoors, and outlines., other times, by spotting and discerning the enormity of the number of stars, the twinkles and sparkles, to solemnly and earnestly reciprocate and respond by fixated glares and stares, may be to merely express the attention, annunciate the obligement, or to recede and tame the curiosity.

Exploring and traversing, scouting and searching, on occasions, by dipping and tumbling a handful of pebbles on the shell and façade of the pond, the circles and their valued and esteemed emancipation and deliverance shall be acquired and established. While, circles navigate and negotiate by inclusively presuming and venturing respectful and reverential patterns of preparation and evolvement. Then, although the skipped and neglected intrigues and secrecies could have been elapsed and disregarded, still ramifications, consequences, and complications of throwing a few smashed pieces of stone in the pond, and the cascade of inadvertent impressions and repercussions, or the fastidious and pedantically premeditated and determined effectuations and performances do not cease to exist.

The expeditions and extrusions within, and collection of rays and beams of skipped or neglected hopes and dreams, the gestures, intimations, and indications, or the unnoticed and unobserved circles and patterns are bound and destined to pursue and prevail. The chest and torso, or the interminable and multifarious reservoir rimmed and inundated by the tints and dyes, shades and casts, and essences and extracts, gesture and beckon to be tapped, broached, and pierced.

The harbor and haven of your reverberations, echoes, and rings, the shadows and shades of your proclivity and  predilection, propensity and penchant which span and spread surpassing cognizance and perception, your presence, depictions, and portrayals which have vividly, translucently, and perspicuously promulgates, spread, and disseminated to encompass even the tiniest, diminutive, and infinitesimal particles within the unboundedness of the universe, permeate, infiltrate, and infuse within the heart.  sometimes, ignored, overlooked, and unrecognized, or unnoticed and unappreciated, though the amazements, astonishments, and bemusements to ensue.

Intimately and intuitively, confidentially and convincingly, when overwhelmed and vanquished, trounced and subjugated by the copiousness of the presumptions, hypothesis. and apprehensions, befuddlements and premonitions, conceptualizations and abstractions, the whispers and murmurs, chirps and chirrups of the abandoned birds, the admired canaries sings and songs during the peak of the day, and the sound of rain droplets smashing and crashing on the surface to join peers and saturate the land, exuberate my stand, enliven the epitome, and illuminate and brighten the exemplar, or the synopsis and abridgements of your acquaintance, which convey and scatter sparkles of serenity and pose, grace and clemency to the far stretched horizons of totality and macrocosm, the  ebulliated and profound junctures to be recapped and prompted, the amity of your presence, the bounciness and vivacity of your leniency and clemency, forbearance and magnanimity, your eidolon and spirit, omnipresent and ubiquitous within the heart, site, and beyond.

Author and Poet:

© Alireza Bemanian, July 24th, 2020

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



همه دم طالعِ مفتونِ سحر قبلهِ دیدار وز آن محفِلِ پندارِ تو بود
گفته  و  دیده   تمنایِ  رخت  نقش بر   آن  طایرِ   دوارِ   نظردارِ   تو  بود

Moments and flashes, ticks and traces, trails and tracks, and tings and touches, passages and clauses, episodes and occurrences, and enactments and incidents beseech, invoke, and explore. The confidence and credence, conviction and commitment, to destiny and faith, concurrency and coincidence, the coherence of contents, conceptualizations, and congruences, appearance  and posture, emergence and advents of sentiments, determinations, and deliberations,  reconnoiter and scrutinization of intrigues, maneuvers, and allurements, entrance and manifestation of emotions, passions, and sensations, while entrustment and extrapolations ponder and progress, deliberate and pertain, to form and format, embark and ensemble the inauguration and dedication of allegiance and continuance.

Ambiance exuberance, liveliness, and spontaneity, the tones, vibes, and auras, suggestions, impressions, and emanations accentuate, underline, and underscore, emphasize, strengthen, and intensify, the immersion and inundation which implicitly baffles and astounds, though exasperatedly, intently, and solemnly persist and prevail explicit, denotive, and exhibitive incitements, enticements, and inducements to embrace and encircle extractors, adjudicators, and examiners of purpose, postulates, and propositions.

Ebullience of astoundment, exuberance of confoundments, and elation of bemusements articulate or apiculate, the refulgent, lustrating, and indulging eloquence, gracefulness, and expressiveness of obfuscations, mystifications, or abstruse insinuations protract and elongate, sustain and nurture cognizance and comprehension, and appreciation and tolerance. Journey and voyage of content, matter, and substance, affluence, core, and essence expound and expand, and particulate and convolute.

Themes, premises, and propositions, durations and intervals, endeavors, efforts, and extents to nullify, repeal, and revoke, to reverse and rescind exacerbations, arrogance, and conceit, unremittingly and incessantly adept and competent to hinder and hamper, impede and incumber the brightness of the radiant sunshine and blitheness, and brilliance of the blazing spiritedness and vivaciousness accumulate and supersede.

Vividness and cheerfulness of the flickers and flashes to embrace, encircle, and enfold, and to tackle, approach, and attend, the cheliferous capture and confinement of intuition, presentiment, and envisagement, the preciousness of the occasions and exquisiteness of the exceptions, while concessions, absolutions, and indemnities to cognizance, consciousness, and recognition, reverberate, rumble, and resonate, convene and surpass.

It is the fascination, enthrallment, and captivation, charm and enchantment of echoes of succumbed and surrendered soul and fervor, entrancement and enrapturement of ricochets and rebounds, the reciprocity and mutuality which restitute and gentrify the immediacy and imminence, the inebriations induced by soberness and somberness that catalyze and captivate, purity and abstemiousness of moments’ and traces’ eminence and prominence, trails and tracks to the dawn and emergence, genesis and commencement, annunciators, the prevalence, dominance, and occurrence of conspicuous, blatant, and discernible fissures and crevices, to rupture and cleft, diverge and bifurcate through the shell and carapace of presumptuousness, inconsiderateness, and intransigence.       

The esse and ethos, core and crux authenticate your reflections and deliberations, verify and endorse your notions and determinations, the encirclements of interactions and interfaces, ensembles of your personas and dispositions, and aggregation of your traits and  mannerism, when the intonement of intuitions and inclinations, recite of  acclamations and  approbations, and chant of conciliation and accentuation, perceptiveness and percipience, the prominence and attentiveness, commensurate and proportionate evolving, budding, and sprouting advocations and proponents whom are immensely and colossally entwined and entangled to the sonata and opus of certitude, conviction, and confidence.

When, the trends and tendencies, heeds and bends, angles and corners, bows and twists heighten and stress synopses and summations, abstracts and abridgements of vibe and vivacity, and your transparent testimonial and tribute to intimacy, affinity, and affiliation, encompassment, adjacency, and consolidation. The distinctive, distinguishable, and idiosyncratic traits and personas to match, contest, and exalt my desires, yearnings, cravings and coveting, to accommodate and lodge, and shelter and harbor the appeals and entreaties, pleas and entices, which have saturated and inundated my marrow and gist, and actuality and quiddity.

Then, mesmerized, rivetted, and entranced by your thoughts, introspections, ruminations and cogitations, the ecstasy and trance of conjoining and coalescence, conjunction and coherence, elation and exultation, the permutating and ameliorating, tincturing and distilling euphoria and exhilaration, your aura and tenor stand and settle. While, the prevailed and persisted shimmers and glitters, twinkles and flickers, and allures and dazzles of concurrence and coincidence enrich and elevate, and elation of bemusements, postulate, predicate, and articulate. Amidst, the pinnacle and summation of continuance, protraction, and persistence, sensation and tangibility, perceptibility and awareness, the tinkles and twinkles, your proximity, propinquity, and congruity transpire and emerge.  

Strike of the pin,  hit of the bit, attainment of the hold, and arrangement of the join, intricacies  convolutions, and complexities, obscurities,  oblivions, and opacities, the vastness and immensity of the profundity and perspicuity, articulateness and enunciations, clarities and lucidities, the grandiloquence and magniloquence of inherent, intrinsic, and innate intuitions, instincts, and insights, impeccable, flawless, and unblemished entities, conglomerations, colonies, and entireties of coexistence, cohabitations, harmony and contemporaneity, the flamboyant and ebullient, the extraordinary and astounding quintessence of exuberance and elation ensue and evolve, insinuate, intrigue, and capitulate.

While, the passion and vehemence, earnestness and impatience, voracity and avidity to contemplate, envisage, and anticipate simmer and roar, crash and role, and unveil and thunder., the reciprocity, empathy, and affinity, tear and dash, rip and slash, and shred and gash. Echoes and pulsations, thrumming and repercussions, solicitation of soul, reverberation of the resilience, and admonishment of resentments and indignations complement and accompany the inner and intimate advocates, proponents, and apostles to vividly and garishly spare, endure, and survive. Concurrently and contemporaneously, sustainability and manifestation of strenuousness, vigorousness, and perseverance emancipate and unshackle. 

Observance and participation, enquiry and compliance, scrutiny and presentation, evolving and revolving metaphors, allegories, and apolouges, territories and terrains, spatiality and spheres, arenas and provinces of awareness, apprehension, and appreciation, translucency and luminousness of acquaintance and conversance, the omnipresence, or encountering instances which obliviate and preclude fictitious and conjured, specious and  spurious hinderances and hurdles, restrictions and restraints, impeding and dissuading  dubious and vague surrogates and proxies, the sponsors to constrict and contract augmentations and proliferations permeate and permutate.

The bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred astuteness and wisdom, acuity and perspicacity, your reflections, replications, and deliberations to invigorate, exhilarate, and enliven, while the temple, repository, and fountain of disposition and identity instigate and prompt , the urge and goad to the fathomless and cavernous of  entireness, integrality, and totality, where  the expedition and excursion to boundaries, precincts, and forefronts of perceptions and discernments inundate and  inebriate the blessedness and inviolability of the endowed and conferred intrinsicality and congeniality.

Unfoldment and evolvements, unrolling and unfurling, the spinning and spiraling, circling and whirling, the galactical accumulations and agglomerations, clusters  and collections, clumps and concentrations, and the unanimous and comprehensive, undisputed and undivided rhythms, cadences and paces, the mosaic and montage to maturation and evolution, culmination and realization, the rapture, euphoria, and ecstasy of universe, epitome, and incarnation  engulf and immerse, engage and embolden, and  overwhelm and dazzle the colosseum of cosmos and ether, encaptivate, vivify, and elate encirclements and sanctuaries of contemplation and comprehension, satisfy and realize, deliver and accomplish, and conform and complete the enterprise, intention, the aim and goal of enlivenments, inspirations, and connection.

Accentuation of acclamations, attention and emphasis to approbations and admirations, appraisals and apprehensions,  and absorptions and captivations, the fervor and ardor to commensurate and proportionate to your expectations and entireness, the unboundedness, abundant and absolute wholeness and totality, the desires and appeals to be dipped and dunked by ravenous and voracious dribbles and trickles to  amalgamate and bond to the impenetrable oceans and insurmountable mountains, while the thirst, yearning and craving, the fire and passion, zeal and inferno to merge and conflate, the abbreviations and abridgements, curtailments and consolidations resoundingly and  indubitably reveal, expose, and divulge the expansion to the vastness of the oceans, and elevations to the highest of the peaks and summits, the prodigies and marvels to mend, stich, and patch the  split, crushed, and broken core and spirit yelp and yell, roar and howl, and elate and exalt.

The incessant breeze, unremitting augmentations, and relentless reflections, heralds and harbingers, omens and portents ring, replicate, and ricochet, the depictions and portrayals, descriptions and delineations, inaugurated, derived, and kindled by the anticipations, prospects, and occasions, to spread, stretch, and extend to the entirety of vistas and visions, to the distinctness and elevation of apexes that have rimmed and rammed the horizons of expectations, spectacles, exhibitions and panoramas, while ponderances and ruminations recirculate, disseminate, and promulgate synopses and abridgements of poise and demeanor, pertinent and apt to acquire the mutuality and affinity of the heart, soul, and the inseparable confident and intimate.         

وز نظر  داده  که  دم  در گرو  مهوشِ مهتابِ نگاهست چه باک
گر به  آن دولتِ منقوش به  دل، باده  مستانه  خبردارِ تو بود

Observer and inquirer, the seeker and chaser, narrator and raconteur, and conversationalist and reporter of splendidness and sumptuousness, and magnificence and marvelousness, disseminator and composer, creator and ameliorator of the elegance of grandiose authenticity, auspiciousness and propitiousness, the ponderance of perpetuity and pertinence conquer, seize, and commandeer the route of resurrection, revival, and revivification. While, the intent, envision, and envisage, or corridors of contemplation, meditation, and deliberation, the gaze, gape, and glare, or the gallerias, verandas, and porticos of bliss, elation, and consolidation emerge and unify, transpire and fuse, and occur and unite.

Entity and individuality exuded and emanated from the ashes and remnants, embers and cinders of acquisitiveness, ravenousness, and graspingness, covetousness, rapacity, and voraciousness exudate and effuse exasperation, vexation, and enragement. While, the hoard and cache of subsidence and sustenance to self-obsessed and self-absorbed stigma and distraction, the disruptions and disturbances to inclusiveness, comprehensiveness, and completeness of expandability and accompaniment of incarnations, verve, and vivacity and their agility, nimbleness, and liveliness accumulate and amalgamate. Or, the inclement and integration of nihility, oblivion, and vacuity to emptiness and barrenness suit and satisfy.     

Originality and existence, the grace of living and essence to demonize the dogmatic and imperious perpetration and possessiveness of avidity, avarice, and cupidity, dwarfed and eclipsed by the embodiment, epitome, and epithet of your encirclement and gravitation, your magnetism, charisma, and enticements matriculate and inscribe, dedicate and incise.

The entities and individualities not insurrected and subverted by iotas and scintillas of blotches, periods, spots and specks which hamper and hinder, impede and incumber the fissures and fractures, and cracks and clefts that phenomenally and marvelously, inexplicably and extraordinarily conform, convey, and communicate, and transport and transfer your whispers and murmurs, mumbles and mutters, the shines and shimmers, gleans and glitters, the intervene and lapse of instants, merits, virtues, and distinction of moments, the flashes, flares, and flickers, twinkles, ticks, and rushes, the blasts, gales, and gusts retain, recollect, and reminisce your consensus, empowerment, enablement, and emancipation.

Being and existence to whom dawn, commencement, and sunrise, the inference and deduction, conjectures, presumptions, and conclusions advocate, promote, and sponsor embracement and encompassment, to clinch and comprise liveliness, heartedness, and elations. The magnifiers, boosters, and augmenters to whom fascination and captivation of the serenity and poise, tranquility and equanimity composed, comprised and counteracted by the humming, purring, and whirring relayed even by the hovering and floating wings of monarchs,  the sailing and soaring, drifting and gliding to encounter flapping, fretting, and dithering, or the ostensibility and speciosity  of duration’s entanglements and predicaments disclose, uncover, and expose.

The reflections and waves orbited and encircled around the droplets, bids, and drips intended, ordained, and fated to fiddle and tinker, and jiggle and meddle. The prod and poke, brush and stroke, and pat and tap of the surface of the ocean, to inevitably and eventually reach, immerse, and engross with territory and province, and realm and sphere of abandoned edges and frontiers, or margins and peripheries. To them, your attention, acquaintance, and connection, the joining and correlation, your portrayals and depictions, the occurrences and occasions are breathtaking, humbling, and sensational.

The enflaming and igniting inclinations, dispositions, and proclivities, the ramifications, repercussions, and consequences which have inflicted, punctured, pierced, and penetrated the heart, empathies and compassions are ostentatious and pretentious to presumptuousness and inconsiderateness of veiled, eclipsed, and dappled corners and cavities of the marrow and core. Though and despite in occasions, conjugative and ambitious, assertive and committed to outshine, dwarf, and surpass misconceptions, delusions, and misapprehensions.

The continuums and intervals of implications and ramifications, the shivered, perished, and departed aberrations and illusions which have prevented to pamper and pander, coddle and cosset conundrums and challenges of substantiation and corroboration, ratification and affirmation disintegrate and crumble. Perceptualities and preconditions which have prohibited and precluded the prerogatives and entitlements to blossom and bloom, to apportion and prompt, to augment and strengthen, and to enhance and extend degenerate and collapse.

Then, the thresholds and brinks, the verges and edges of fusion and integration, commingling and commixture, the merge and amalgamation of your personifications and embodiments conspicuously, visibly, and vividly vanquish and annihilate the anxieties and apprehensions of your appeals, invocations, and incantations.

The commencement, emergence, and inception to embark upon, intone, chant and croon, to congregate, flock, and gather with the flickers, flashes, and sparkles that submerge and inundate the essence and esse of ethos and substance, to accentuate and heighten the solitude and seclusion surmounted  and subjugated by the entirety and entireness, the harbingers and heralds of your ecstasies and trances, the reveries and surmises,  your omnipresence and pervasiveness,  the stare , gaze and gape .

Fortune and affluence, kismet and providence, and destiny and future, the paths, routes, and alleyways, predispositions, penchants, and biases, trends and drifts, currents and shifts, and the circles and cliques, dispositions, discernments, and perspicacity, murals and frescos, constraints and spontaneities, the combination and mixture, poise and merger settle, consider, and compare, while rush of moments, sprint of  judgements, and draught of faith and conviction cultivate, buttress, and bolster commensurate and proportional to preciousness  and exquisiteness of  quintessence and quiddity, the vivaciousness and ebullience of continuance.

Murals and frescos, depictions and exposes, the renderings and responses relinquish and renounce, refute and repudiate exacerbations, ambiguities, the reservations and unawareness, obliviousness and unperceptiveness to delve, elapse, and ratify. Lucidness and luminescence of your presence and occurrence, articulacy and perspicuity of your intimacy and affection, translucence and transparency of your concurrence and acquiescence melt and thaw, soften and dissolve languishments, declinations, and deteriorations, that avert and avoid, inhibit and thwart nimbleness and suppleness, swiftness and liveliness.

The bestowments and conferees to reach and extend, clasp and grasp, and clench and grip the glimmers and twinkles of the stars, shines and flickers of perception and acumen, fascinations and captivations, the recognition of the hums and drones of hummingbirds’ hovering, lingering, and soaring, chords and harmonies, and to contribute, interpose, and interact to the symphonies of sharing and partaking.

Jingles and tunes, resonances and harmonies, rituals and sacraments, ceremonies and customs, the spontaneity and extemporaneity to participate, join, bridge and consolidate, to the crux and kernel and eagerness and fervor, the preciousness of the occasions, junctures and confluences , expressiveness and erudition, the vividness and distinctness, flamboyance and liveliness, the plainness and richness of commemorations and continuations reverberate and ponder.

While, luminosity and radiance saturate and drench, deluge and engulf, and immerse and heave the essence and entity, substance and concreteness, to evade and dodge, elude and circumvent, impede and thwart the fixity and rigidity of the observance, the serenity, composure, and contentment of inadequacy and meagerness, and the indolence to self-indulgence. Overtures, gestures, and propositions, to endorse and substantiate, the forbearance and leniency to shades and shadows which collectively and reciprocally reflect, ruminate, and replicate your benevolence, munificence, and beguilement, the lanterns to recurrently and continuously resurrect, and lights to incessantly and eternally revive, scatter,  and sprinkle, to disperse and disseminate the dots, specks, and spots, and their totalities, the whole fathomed and divined, deduced and discerned, simmered and seethed, teemed and rumbled trance, elation and bliss devised, instigated and derived by your province and prefecture, the commandments, dictums, and dedications are humongous, enormous, and euphoric.

Your province and prefecture to incarnate and personify, epitomize and exemplify, to vest and enable, inspire and embolden, to offer, propose, and tender the tumbler, chalice, and goblet of individualism and involvement, distinction and dedication, and conglomeration and congregation, your expectancies, prospects, and overtures, the vessel and receptacle to heralds and harbingers of inclusion and manifestation, the appearance and entrance, arrival and emergence, to be permeated and imbued, rimmed and refilled, recharged and replenished, while fascinated, intrigued, and beguiled by the continuum and breath of bountifulness and copiousness, the selections, allocations, delimitations, and delineations, capitulate and transfix the expansibility, diversity, and multiplicity of presumptions, postulations and convictions.

The chalice and tumbler bestowed and conferred to endure and endear, the beacons and bonfires, flares and flames to substantiate, corroborate, and authenticate, to carry, conduct, and convey characters, charismas, and charms indicative, suggestive, and expressive of the articulated and uttered, enunciated and declared, the inimitable source, spring, and cradle, you and your altruism, emittance, and utterance, the entireness and wholeheartedness, and the province and prefecture, null and void of any and every but your presence, incidence, and existence, so copious and profuse of shudder and surprise, discernible and undisguised, and distinctive and palpable to flare and blaze, and  be adored and adulated.

خواب بر دیده نهان همهمه را اختر آئینه سر منزلِ پرداز کنم
ور نه خود  سوختنم خدشه هیاهو به خطا، قافله ره دارِ تو  بود

Preciousness of the occasions and exquisiteness of exposures, revelations and disclosures, the acquaintance and awareness, conversance and connection, your terrestrial, terrain, and territory to ingest, imbibe, and gasp, while gravity, enormity, and solemnity of reification and realization, delight and clemency contrive and concoct. The urge, goad, and incitement, spur, prod, and stir constantly and unabatedly, obstinately and obdurately commensurate and appropriate the feats and endeavors, earnestness and solemnity, and pensiveness and coherence, absorption and captivation, engagement and assimilation, and amalgamation and submersion within the elucidation and illumination of your indications and manifestations.

To grasp and comprehend, grip and stem, to reach and seize, and apprehend and acknowledge, connotations and overtones, insinuations and indications, the viewpoints and visions, and vistas and overlooks, or the hegemony and domination of intuitions, instincts, and perceptions. Which, irresistibly and compellingly parade and march, charismatically and appealingly prompt and persuade, and inevitably and inexorably augment, arrange, and strengthen. Consolidations and adjudications, perspicaciousness and implicit intercessions and arbitrations, your benevolence and munificence, the beguilement and affection that evince and allude reciprocation, ratification, and conflation.

The predispositions and proclivities, leanings and preferences, accolades and plaudits, and adulations and approbations arrange and contrive, invoke and appeal, and arouse and incite trails and tracks of articulation and augmentation, provoke, breed, and enflame approaches, tendencies, and tactics. Prospects and perceptions bud and blossom, and bloom and thrive, exploits and efforts emerge and occur, and hypnotize and strive, while the graciousness and benevolence of liveliness, dynamism and sparkle, and eagerness and enthusiasm convey, carry, and conduct. Though at the core and gist, vividness, validity, the embraced, entailed, and elicited esse, entities, and quiddities, or authenticities envisaged, proposed, and pertained by heart and spirit, the embarked upon and adopted vivaciousness and exuberance reciprocate and interchange, and reinforce and bolster.

The mirrors and reflectors, indicators and pointers, markers and cursors, and recorders and registrars, or the chronicles and narratives of pursuance and acquirements, commitments, obstinacies and tenacities, introspective perusals and vetting to enlighten pneuma, edify persona, and inculcate atman. The reflectors and indicators to contribute and contemplate, to accentuate and emphasize, to scrutinize and anatomize, necessitate and compel, and coerce and oblige to jostle and hustle rectitude and appropriateness, and aptness and relevance, to induce and indulge abolition and abdication of improperness and infelicitous intents, to glide, soar, and slide while coddled and cocooned by the vigor and zing, relish and zest, and fervor and passion of the ambiance, the mood and character, and the disposition and appeal, the charm and integrity, esteem and veracity which had been the spur, catalyst, and facilitator to spiral and escalate, and elate and elevate.

Rhythms and measures, cadences and tempos, intonations and inflections, the chants and invocations, and incantations of wholeness, entirety, and unity, the vibrant, vigorous, and boisterous motions, gestures, and waves, influences and undulations, ripples and furrows, and surfs and surges enliven and galvanize the incorrigible and inveterate perpetuations and continuance of the sustainability, succor, and support. The utter and unadulterated, unbounded and unequivocal font and fountain, and source and supply of resolve and resolution, and rationale and reasoning, persistently and relentlessly tramp and trudge, and rally and evolve.

Universe and entireness, the orbits and ambits promulgate and disseminate, the venues and scenes cavort and prance to permeate and pervade immobility and indolence, idleness and lethargy. Melodies and motifs, the tunes and carols, hymns and choruses ponderously participate, canticles and introits of creation, oeuvres and opuses of rapture and elation, rhapsody and bliss inhabit and dominate the sights, observations, and eruditions, extend and eternalize the dawn, genesis, and emergence, conception, and outset of profoundness and protraction, the era and epoch of integrations, inculcations, and imbuements had been represented, epitomized, and exemplified from the commencement, advent, and inception of creation and formation, the profundity, perspicacity, and sagacity adjudicate, arbitrate, and elongate the gravity and sedateness of the eon and era.

The dawn, genesis, and emergence, lucidness, translucence, and transparency, the era of conclusions, pinnacles, and culminations, apexes, acmes, and ascendancies have been attained. Epoch of interpretations, inferences, and judgments, and the eon of augmentation of cognizance, perpetuation of perceptions, and distinction of discernments have been embarked on. The cascade and torrent of renewals and resumptions have been instigated and introduced, coached and catechized, and entrenched and established.

While, the instants and stages, and junctures and steps, infiltration and infusion of the preliminary, and introductory rays, gleams, and glimmers were audaciously and dauntlessly announced, declared, and proclaimed. The appearance and entrance, the dawn, genesis, and emergence of eternity, endurance, the sempiternal confluences and convergence had been irreplaceably, emphatically, and unambiguously disclosed and exposed, and launched and unveiled.      

Illuminations and insights, edifications and enlightenments, and awakenings and awareness dispense and distribute to enchant and enrapture, and to enthrall and transfix inceptions and foundations of destiny and intention. The dispersals and allocations to mesmerize and entice, and intrigue and allure. The bedrock and backbone of reflections and indications, ruminations and manifestations, to raptly and absorbedly, keenly and contentedly collaborate and contribute, consolidate and amalgamate.

Bells and chimes, carillons and clanks commensurate and proportionate to invoke and implore, and refer and remind grasp and spread, and the clinch and scope of ambitions and aspirations. The skies and stars, and blues and blisses sparkle, scintillate, and shine, the stretched horizons and spheres are crossable and traversable by their consensus, concomitance, and concurrence. The meccas and magnets are to inflame and ignite, and rouse and kindle, while predilections and proclivities, the yearnings and hankerings arise, evolve, and ascend, expand, heighten, and intensify.

Riddles and bafflements, enigmas and conundrums, poses and pretenses, and paradoxes and perplexities protract and charge the environ and galaxy, nebula, and cluster of occurrence, concurrence, and consent. Inherent and intrinsic, innate and distinctive of the dynamism, effectiveness, and efficacy of verve and universe, vim and dash to entail and acclaim the demand and exigence of ponderance and caution.

The flamboyance and elegance, and élan and éclat copiously and profusely pertain and affect, imitate and pretend, and involve and influence the enormity and vigor, and panache and grace of character and rectitude, acuity and awareness, and efforts and exploits. While the perceived opuscule and oeuvre of authenticity, realism, and fidelity bloom and flourish, effectuate and reify, to obliterate and eradicate irrelevancies, extraneousness, and inappositeness. 

Convoys and concourses, caravans and cavalcades, ceremonies and spectacles and yatras and pilgrimages, pledges and promises, and covenants and conventions are observed and venerated, and commemorated and rejoiced, while the manifestation and marvel of continuance and protraction, perpetuation and prosper permeate, saturate, and percolate.

The pearl and nugget of achievement and attainment perspicuously and pellucidly parade, process, and predominate. While, assents and consents, prominences and anticipations, or concurrences to the contrary, the intrigued frenzy, hysteria, and feverishness, or preponderance and prevalence to spectacles of festoons, ornaments, and embellishments, coalesced and conjoined to disturb and distort distinction of relevance, pertinence, and appurtenant are emerged and materialized.

Neuroses and deliriums to obscure and incumber, astray, awry, and amiss enunciations, emphases, and articulations hinder and hamper, thwart and daunt, and deter and dissuade the companionship, comraderi, and participation. Although, the convoy and caravan of esse and subsistence, audaciousness and courageousness, and righteousness and respectability paves, shrouds, and covers the path and route, and track and trajectory of munificence and benevolence. While, bond and connection or the passageway and alleyway is enthused, aligned, affiliated, and transpired to shine and sheen, to salute, cheer, and embrace imminent and impending partakers and participants, adherents, and aficionados.

The  convoy and concours, caravan and cavalcade path and route, the track and trajectory to augment and intensify, heighten and enhance, and enrich and escalate your interactions and interfaces, your connection and relation, and your imminence and intimacy, the reciprocity and mutuality, enactments and ratifications, the portrayals and presentations to vividly and vibrantly, luridly and explicitly conceive, devise, bequeath, and confer, the avatar and incarnation of adoring infatuation and endearment uniquely and inimitably distinct and discrete to your graciousness, benevolence, and affability reproach and rebuke reprimands and admonishments.

Amidst and amongst synoptic and succinct, abridged and abbreviated, and compendious and condensed reifications and superlative enduring applauses and plaudits, the summaries and concisements of infatuations, fixations, and fascinations, the embodiments, epitomes, and personifications of harmony and unison, and cohesion and oneness ensconce and engrain.

The relentless and inexorable scream, shriek, and screech to declare, “merely and purely unclutter the heart”, “unseal the mind”, and “unleash the spirit”, while the rings and resounds exhilarate and electrify, echoes and resonances elate and revitalize, and annotated and glossed encirclements and spheres of euphoric and harmonic intonations, cadences, and paces induce and encourage, and request and summon.

ساکن و سامتِ منظور نگه خفته گرش وادی فرزانه گذشت
درگه دیده خَمَش پیچ بر آن سلسله مو، بخت قلم دارِ تو بود

Remote and aloof, reserved and separate, and unruffled and unperturbed, distant and detached to the ethos and soul, core and kernel, and marrow and anchor, remorselessly and inexorably, relentlessly and implacably infringe, contravene, and breach the benevolence, and magnanimity of the speculated and surmised serenity and equanimity. The shell of isolation, shield of seclusion, and shade of segregation unremittingly and unrelentingly, subconsciously and subliminally subdue and suppress cultivation and sophistication of endurance and tenacity, and persistence and perseverance. The smear and tarnish, disbelief and skepticism, and lack of concession and dispensation to the totality and inclusiveness have been transposed and scattered to linger and dawdle accommodation and receptiveness of the accentuated and depicted comportment and carriage, and poise and composure.

Philosophy and thoughtfulness, discernment and judgement, and meditation and rumination, the cognition and contemplation to flourish and thrive, and boost and brandish essence of existence, and the intrigues and fascinations of creation. The animations, aliveness, and viability surmount, transcend, and prevail when clarity and brightness of the stars, glare and luster of vibes and vivacity, and virtuosity and brilliance of echoes and ambiances are enfolded and embraced.  

The rationale and reason, and intention and devotion configure and construct the cornerstones of attainment, centerpieces and cruxes of realization, the deluge, rush, and inundation of potency and cogency, brio and vigor, and fervor and passion.  Enlivenment and vitalization of moments and flashes, and the instants and jiffies of gestures and overtures, propositions and significances originate and instigate, invent and potentiate promptness and punctuality, celerity and alacrity to capture convictions and constancies, and congregate confidences and certainties, which characteristically and distinctively muster, convene, and convoke by dedications and allegiances, and fidelities and adherences.

Illumination and insight, edification and enlightenment, indispensably and predominately, imperatively and intrinsically exhibit and unveil, reveal and represent the repertoire of verve and sprightliness, the quintessence and substance, and grace and spiritedness of the liveliness and sparkle. Inclinations and dispositions, partialities and preferences pertinently and ponderously prop and buttress, brace and bolster, while exposed and unmasked, and bared and disclosed. The gem and paragon, and epitome and paradigm to consent and accede and attain and ascend, the zest and keenness had been vested, bestowed and devolved, emplaced and secured within the heart, and affixed and attached to sanctity and blessedness of the source. The insinuators and instigators entailed and necessitated to escalation and elevation, augmentation and amelioration, to commensurate to the commenced navigation and seamanship and their repercussions and reverberations pivot and pirouette, and spin and revolve.

Shell of isolation, shield of seclusion, and shade of segregation, while the stream and rivulet, barrage and gush, the surge and pour engulf and overwhelm, dribs and droplets teeming and rain indulge and pander, and lyrics and librettos sing and ring. The pace and cadence of coagulation, coalescence, and integration vigorously, briskly, and unreservedly blaze and burn the frame and entireness, to touch and caress, and lunge and plunge, to be submerged and immersed by the perpetuity and eternity. Then, the permanence and intransience, convulse and shudder to radiate and shine, exude and emanate, and diffuse and circulate, in midst of aiming the boundaries and precincts of the infinitude and unboundedness.

Portrayals of participation and contribution, collectivities of ingenuity and inventiveness, purity and virtue of exuberance and enthusiasm, to advocate and approach, encourage and enthuse, and galvanize and impassion. The rave, rant, and rage of rectitude and righteousness, inducement, enticement, and incentive of exactness and perfection, and patronage and affirmation of conventionality and appropriateness, the receptacle and repository of content, gist, and substance murmur, mutter, and whisperو shift, shuffle, and progress. While, marches and glides, surfs and slides, the exactness, aptness, and flawlessness of count and measure, pace and period, and era and epoch astound and daze, and baffle and bewilder the partners and companions.

Perceive and contemplate, engage and engross, and contest and connect, then, the Noah’s Ark mast and boom, and sail and skeleton emerge and surface. Embrace the ark and embark upon it, the vessel and container of humanity and civilizations, creatures and livings, the wholeness that includes every and all perceivable entry and element that has been provoked and motivated by sustainability of life, verve, and actuality. The sacred and sincere shrine and tabernacle, mosque and temple, and sanctuary and stupa. Solo and extended to participants and reciprocators, attributors and benefactors, to instigate, actuate, and inaugurate from within.

The journey and expedition, voyage and excursion entail and occasion, involve and affiance by tumultuous and boisterous moments and confluences, and demand and stipulate discernments and acumens, recurring instances and instigations, entuning inferences and conclusions, vagueness and hesitation, and ambiguity and ambivalence ascribe and attribute. While, succor and comfort, and shimmer and shine to emphasize, accentuate, and underline contentment and realization, the testimony of the heart, incursions of the motivations, and acclamation of overture to inure and inspire.

The Noah’s Ark endures and survives, weathers and sustains, adversities and tribulations, attempts and anguishes hone and whet presentiments and adulations, while inexplicable and enigmatic abundances, profusions, and copiousness hurtle and stamped, and dash and sprint the sphere and forte of concourse and assembly.

The conclave and congregation of contemplations, meditations, and invocations augment and strengthen, while the Ark’s mast and sail twitch and shudder, jolt and jerk, and begin and commence to perceive and rise. The yacht’s bulk and body, and form and frame, notions and assertions perceive and devise, and pop and burst to join and rank, intermingle and interact. The delegate and assigned, designated and dubbed to expand and include, applaud and embrace, and comprise and encompass, the stranded, abandoned, and marooned entities, individuals, and convictions, the discarded, lingered, and remnants of the chest of precious, esteemed, and reverenced nuggets and jewels of presence, subsistence and quiddity.

The emblems of entrance and admittance, insignias of insight and ensued inherent bestowments and endowments, venerations of your creation, the culminations, denouements, and apogees, combined, coalesced and conjoined by the totality and astuteness of your opus, oeuvre, and masterpiece of entireness and wholeness exalt, acclaim, and applaud. Your reach, pat, and tap ensure and convince, induce and intrigue, and vow and vouch to knock and thud for the stirred and aroused reciprocated response.  

The visions, sights, and scenes, vistas and awareness, and views and discernments to inflate and inflame, magnify and multiply, and raise and escalate, while the cadence and influence, and ingress and import aggrandize, elevate, and ennoble. The connectedness and concatenation, reciprocity and reciprocation that abundantly and astutely aspire and authenticate, endorse and validate, and enthrall and enrapture. Inhale and devour, engulf and ingurgitate, and be engaged and beguiled by the fascination of the passage and interchange. The retracements and advancements, the absorptions and immersions, and the entanglements and captivations which consummate the conventions and conglomerate the incitements.

Is it substantiality of elevations, monumentality of realm and terrestrial, vastness of the skies, or the spread and stretch, and sweep and scope of intuitions and perceptions, the inclinations and presentiments, which have torched and incarnated the skeleton and sketch, the soul and heart, or delineations, demarcations, and allocations that intrigued and inaugurated the ponderance and pursuit, to shrink and shrivel the remoteness, distance, and detachment.

Is it solidness of the presence, perpetuity of conception, permanence of concession, persuasion and passion, affiliation and aspiration, or the urge and imploration to attenuate and mitigate transient and evanescent advocations and patronages, ephemeral and fugacious instigations and promptings, the propagandistic allurements, polemicists, and proselytizers and declaimers’ acclamations?

Or, the rhetoric and oratories, fulminations, rage, and blunders, indiscretions and lapses, or misconceptions, fallacies and delusions, unscrupulous and manipulative to deter and daunt nonetheless even animated, embodied, and exhibited by the posters of evangelistic and apostolic reflections and ruminations. The blaring and bawling, raucous, riotous, and piercing reveries of tumultuous sequels and implications, and the trances and abstractions of triviality and irrelevance, which compel, oblige, and necessitate abscondment, abandonment and relinquishment.

Perpetuity of conception, relentlessness of pursuit, and attachment and adherence to involvement, attendance, and ascribed affluence, to originate and derive, initiate and commence ponderance and cogitation, deliberation and cerebration effectuate, unbridle, and unleash. Essence of creation and foundations of prolificness and proliferation accentuate and emphasize escalation, climb, and augmentation, the hike, rise, and soar, to implicate, impute, and attribute, or to cause, consummate, and conclude lapses and slips, pauses and gaps, and bearings and conducts.

While, obstinate and insistent avoidance, evasion, and aversion of nullities, oblivions, and obscurities enlighten and elucidate, expound and illuminate the inclusively sustained and unrelentingly accorded and affixed comprehensiveness and extensiveness of exuberance and dynamism. The zing and vigor of astoundment and astuteness consolidate and amalgamate authentication, substantiation, and dedication.   

The core, nucleus, and hub, soul, spirit, and heart, your encompassment, embodiment, and manifestation, your gestures and directiveness, indications and collaborations, the expansions, inclusions, attachments and annexations reawaken and restore, and stimulate and revitalize. While, the solemnity and earnestness, astuteness and perspicacity shimmer and splendor, and gleam and glitter.  Coexistent and concurrent, the pronounced and pertained, portrayed and rendered curvatures of the path, warpages of the route, and twists and turns of the track reverberate and resonate, and pound and pulsate.

Your benevolence, munificence, and magnanimity, evocative and redolent of ambitions and aspirations, and animated and expressive of dedications and consecrations, the rapture and rhapsody, elation and ecstasy flabbergast, astonish, and astound. The curls, arcs, and arches, incurvation, intonation, and trajectories, rotations and encirclements aligned, revolved, and orbited, embraced, embodied, and comprised. Your intimacy, rapport, and harmony tap and twirl, and bridge and reach, while the range and scope, span and stretch, and aloofness and detachment dwindle and demise.

The convergence and conjunction, concurrence and unification, fortitudes and endurances, stamina and strength to sustain. preserve, and previse, and to validate and ordain. The singularities, peculiarities, and marvels of every inhaled and assorted breath, gasp, and gulp, and huff and puff, variegated and diversified inaugurations, inductions, and investitures which emphatically, vigorously, and ardently reflect, expose, and replicate your revelations, exposures, and disclosures. To collectively, reflectively exude and emanate, derive and proceed, and distinctly ameliorate and append. The amalgamation and consolidation, association and solidification that intensify and strengthen the rainbows’ contrast, conformation, and composition.

ملک در  وادی منظور  نِمایَش نه به مقصود  چو  مه  پاره قفا
شید رخسارِ  درون  ساحتِ  دل چشمِ  نگه باز خبر دارِ تو  بود 

Incumbrances and consequences, inconveniences and nuisances, the vexations and exasperation compound and amalgamate. The merge and mingle, shatter and splinter, and assimilations and accommodations gesticulate and intimate, and allude and insinuate. Vistas and sceneries of sage and sagaciousness, erudite and astute imaginativeness and originalities, when articulated and interconnected to profoundness, perspicacity, and perceptiveness, the cavernousness and fathomlessness of vehemence, eruption, and thirst, the fervency, fever, and fervid of cognition and conviction scutter and stampede, and sprout and shoot.  The slurs and smears, disgraces and scandals, and degradations and ignominies inexorably and unavoidably attenuate and abolish, while blotches and tarnishes, the taints and blots hamper and hinder, and burden and debilitate.         

Glimpses and previews, glances and gazes, peeps and peeks, observations, contemplations, and consolidations mesmerize the air and spellbound the simmering and smoldering soul. The quintessence and epitome of proliferations and accelerations, escalations and amplifications, extend and enhance, and exalt and elevate. Emphases and prominences of purpose and pertinence, and resolve and tenacity maneuver and mature, and orchestrate and manipulate. The occasions and contingencies, and motives and justifications innately and intrinsically endure and preserve to impetrate and adjure for ingenuousness, candor, and virtuousness. Although, inadvertently and unwittingly, accidently and arrogantly the transitory and oblivious predispositions and preferences depart, and astray and diverge. The momentary and ephemeral, and precipitous and vertiginous conundrums and stumbling hurdles postulate, propose, and provoke their own subsequent and inescapable demise, expiry, and departure.

Then, vastness and enormity, and massiveness and immensity of the territory and terrain of sensed and ruminated inspirations and considerations, pondered and meditated motivations and cognitions sprinkle and intersperse. The intellects and intuitions bonded and joined, adhered and affixed to borders and boundaries, margins and precincts, and surroundings and frontiers which are entailed to be placed and positioned, and sited and stationed within the interminability and myriad multifariousness of infinity, perpetuity, and eternity sparkle, coruscate, and scintillate. While, the deeds and manners, curiosities and ventures, efforts and exertions entitled to the permissibility, tolerability, and admissibility of cognitions and considerations, conform, coalesce, and coagulate, permeate and pervade, and percolate and infuse, and inobservance and inattention, and imperiousness and bumptiousness dissociate and disconnect.

Permeation and pervasion, inductions and inculcations reflective, meditative, and pensive of your persona, spirit, and disposition, the nature, character, and temperament of totality and wholeness, to sustain and continue. The benevolence and magnificence to protract and uphold essentiality and significance, imperativeness and indispensability. Your presence, the incidence, and occurrence, posture, aura, and glow gyrate, whirl, and spin in inner cavities, curves, and cracks of the heart.

The nearness and propinquity, desire and proclivity that inflame and incite, singe and sear, and char and burn corners and confronts of the sanctuary and refuge of recoherence and comprehensibility, augment and galvanize, expand and intensify your connection, fascination, and entrance. The lure, allurement, absolute, absolution, ardent acquaintance, and emphatic conversance, the beguilement to surmount, conquer, and prevail, persistence and continuance of verve and vivacity burn and blaze, shine and sparkle, and gleam and glimmer.

Cerebrations, coherent rationalizations and ratiocinations ponder, deliberate, and contemplate, accommodations, adaptations, and alterations to capitulate, relent, and cede to the essence, crux, and kernel of existence, subsistence and exuberance. The realms and ambits of actuality, veracity, and certainty invigorate, revitalize, and rejuvenate aliveness, the life’s rifeness, moment’s brimming and teeming, the bristling and bustling of ebullience and enthusiasm, or the empathy and consciousness of verve and vivacity.

Desolations and disbandment, dissolutions and debaucheries, derelictions and dilapidations, shall merely and solely, relentlessly and unremittingly be deserted and abandoned, and rejected and discarded when the light and luminosity of your primacy and ascendancy glint and glisten. At the juncture and crossing of invocations and chants, charms and summons, the radiance and brilliance of your dominance and preeminence, aptness and congruity, auspiciousness and pertinence shiver, tremble, and quiver shallowness and superficiality, the triviality and frivolity of neglectfulness and dogmatism. The presumptuous and intransigence that tatter and tarnish, taint and blemish benevolence and munificence of your gestures and overtures.

Bonded and pledged by the arena and ring of reflections, loops and circles of manifestations and deliberations, concordats and covenants of quest and pursuit, the replications and reproductions of chimes and tinkles, and spheres and semblances of content and gratification, march and stagger, trudge and traipse, and stomp and stride stir, provoke, and revive.

Bondedness and merge, fusion and union, blending and melding, acclamations, approbations, and commendations instantiate, personify, and exemplify by the courteousness and gallantry, chivalry and courageousness of dedications and devotions. Ardors and allegiances, broaden and expand, unroll and unfold. The entireness, aggregations and summations of totality and wholeness, permute and ameliorate, and promote and elevate. While, distinctions and accolades, the particularities and individualism, allocations and provisions, and allotments and apportionments reckon and infer, convey and surmise.

Reflections, ruminations, and cogitations, introspections, meditations, and deliberations, to realize and absorb, grip and grasp, to lean and incline, and accentuate and spotlight, limpidness, clarity, and transparency of the core, wholeness, virtuousness, and chasteness of the soul rampage, tear, and rage. Pureness, propriety, and aptness of atman and pneuma, the identity and persona cultivate, nurture, and enrich, while your eminence, propensities, and proclivities, the penchants and predilections are caressed, clinched, and cuddled.

Enrichment and elevation, the raise and promotion that authenticate and verify, and endorse and ratify the luminescence and incandescence of the atmospheres and firmaments, and shimmer and glare of the azure surfaces of skies, the connection, bondedness, and union that stretch to the fathomless and cavernous of the vision and sight, the inhibited immensity and extremity,  tranquility and serenity, the aspired and desired mends and patches to scattered and shattered pieces of the broken soul and heart, the sapphire surface of chasmic incalculable, indeterminable, and multitudinous oceans, and oodles’ acmes and facades, the predilections, dispositions, and penchants of heavens emplaced within the hearts, it originates and derives the startling and striking plea and entreaty to caress and gratify your heart.

The chasmic depth and profundity, gravity and solemnity, exhibitions, expositions, and retrospectives alleviate and assuage thirst and hankering. The demanding and stipulating curiosity and scrutiny, attentive and intriguing intuitiveness and clairvoyance, and the accumulations and accruals, immersions and engagements, the parade of percolations and   clarifications foster and adopt, encroach and advance, and emancipate and unfetter.

Continuance and commencements, instigations and inaugurations, unveilings and revelations adore and adulate, and extol and exalt the elixir and extract of solemnity and sincerity, forthrightness and candor, the bluntness and bluffness boost and bolster, reinforce and strengthen exuberance and euphoria. Raptures and rhapsodies solemnly, sensibly, and soberly stationed and situated within the heart, impatiently and fervently emanate and ensue to be esteemed, admired, and acclaimed. While, the totality of the sphere of circumstance, occurrence, and context insist, necessitate and mandate desegregation and assimilation, and adaptation and accommodation.

The apex of awareness and zenith of cognizance, pinnacle of pertinence, and acme of appreciation, the journey and voyage, expedition and excursion, erudition and acquaintance render and distribute, and dispense and deliver. Depictions and delineations, the distinctions and divergences to succumb and accede, acknowledge and concede, and confess and rejoin embolden and encourage, and distinguish and dignify. When, exonerations and exculpations, attenuations and diminutions conjugate and emanate collaboration and condonement.

Then, expressions and manifestations, utterances and articulations, and instances and indications imply and infer, induce and invoke, and denote and designate your intimacy and affection. Marvelously and wonderfully, the warmth of your breath and intensity of your glare have detached and confiscated the insurmountable and insoluble negligence and abandonment that had been slinked and snitched within sanctity of core and mind. The closeness and confidence vehemently and vividly, fervidly and fervently charm, and mesmerize, while riveting and fastening the connection and bond, the assimilation, absorption, and digestion of the interactions and interfaces, or the conspicuous partnership of pertinence and relevance, and the inundation and besiegement of existence occasions and occurrences which permeate, inculcate, and infuse the serenity, poise, and contentment of continuance and conjoinment .

Intervals and interludes, compasses and arenas of ambitious aspirations when your portrayals and depictions, your beguilement and fascination, the allurements, enthrallments, and enchantments hearten and bolster ranges and realms to proffer and tender. Oases and heavens, nirvanas and Zions, and Avalon and Elysium, the harbors and shelters to dissipate and dispel the disseminated, eclipsed and concealed afflictions, impediments, and nuisances. Shrines and sanctums, stupas and altars, and daises  and minarets to renounce and reject scant, marred, and shoddy succumbed severities and austerities that had been instigated, tiptoed, and sneaked within, while impetuousness and inarticulateness, incoherence and inconsistence, self-indulgence and immoderation have imputed and accredited the depressed and dampened dissidents, dissenters, and nonconformists of the objections and doubts.

شاهد خِیلِ خیالیم  ز  هر  کوی نمودیم زعم مطرب و مست
تا که همرازِ  یکی  بادهِ مستم چه جفا جوهرِ منظور علمدارِ تو  بود

Witnesses and viewers, chasers and beholders trail and track tenacity and obstinacy of moments, occasions, and occurrences. Pundits and connoisseurs authenticate and endorse, assert and ratify, and affirm and recognize to commensurate and proportionate conduits, means, and streams of perseverance and persistence to imbibe, acquire, and ingest. While, insights and perceptions, suspicions and presentiments, and aptitudes and adroitness provoke devour, and inflame, elicit and trigger, and prompt and induce.

The dynamism and vitality, ambition and flamboyance, and efficacy and vigorousness, winds and gales, weaves and curls, and meanders and crisscrosses pursue and pave. Percolations and purifications, passages and pathways, the concourses and channels, conduits and trenches ignite and trigger, and advocate and annunciate. Souls and essences, surrogates and proxies delegate and depurate presumptuous peculiarities and pertinences, or notions and principles, to prosper and thrive, blossom and flourish. The extasy, elation, and bliss, chirps and cheeps, chatters and chirrups echo and reiterate vivacity and verve. When, sparkles and oomph, the brio and gusto of discernments and perspicacity reign and prevail.

The chasers and pursuers, tracers and trackers, seekers and inquirers, to strike and strive, covet and explore, collide and convene, congregate and convoke plead and entreat, and crave and yearn. The spans and durations, extents and distances, and traverses and bridges, to envision and transpose, reverse and repeal, and mend and permutate present and extend, and bestow and donate. The gaps and fissures, the breaches and fractures, to alter and ponder, rectify and ameliorate, and remold and revamp scream and ponder. The crest and peak, to conquer and ascend, the apogees and summits, to salute and gesture, culminations and occasions, the junctures and contingencies of accolade and approbation elucidate and enlighten the sanctuary and asylum of sanctitude and meritoriousness.

The kernel and marrow, spirit and core, ingenuousness and frankness shine and shimmer. Patina and polish, the gleam and gloss to ascertain and authenticate effortless and graceful reflections and replications, to reveal and manifest, and ruminate and cogitate span and cross, and bridge and traverse. Landscapes, panoramas, and sceneries, terrains, territories, and enclaves infuse and permeate, imbue and annex, while ruminations, cogitations, and contemplations, conjectures, deductions, and premises rampantly and profusely puncture and pierce, and perpetuate and provoke. The emblem and insignia, motif and theme of unabridged inclusion and unimpaired integration, the obliterated and eradicated segregation, seclusion, and separation, the absence and truancy of your tap and thud, and throb and thump pulsate and devastate, and pillage and plunder.

The rings and resonant clatters and clunks emanated, stemmed, and radiated by porous and permeable craters, clefts, and cavities of the heart rebuke and rebound. The ballet and pirouette, and tap and hop, spin and turn, and whirl and twirl, shouldered and presumed, and adopted and affected by the resilience and bounciness of the portentous pauses and prompts, tincture, shine, and cast perspicaciousness and sagaciousness, the inner and intimate edicts and proclamations.

While, the font and fountain, and spring and source of augmentation, proliferation, and encouragement and strength stimulate, motivate, and inspire. Concurrently and contemporarily the promptness and alacrity, punctuality and germaneness, relevance and relatedness, inundation and immersion, the barrage and deluge of your affinity and   fondness, rapport and propinquity engulf and saturate the serenity, equanimity, and composure of the aspirations, desires, and thirsts.

The goblet and glass of continuance and contentment inebriate and befuddle, bewilder and baffle, your rays and beams of entreatment and encouragement, insistence and earnestness bristle and throng the chalice and tumbler rims and brims. The borders and ridges to slopes and slants and angles and approaches, the crest and crown of the farfetched envious horizons, and improbable and implausible to be attained and breached covetous sapphire skies, that mysteriously and inexplicably, enigmatically and furtively remorse and repent their appeasements and conciliations to resent the extricated entities, and liberated, and inordinate notions and thoughts, proffer, extend, and outstretch..

Then, have captivated your imminence and inspirations, cobalt cover of the surpassed and transcended spheres and scopes that convey and carry the milestones and portents, presages and marvels, the eminences and distinctions flabbergast and stun. Provenance, ascription, and immortalization of the trend and tendency to follow and persist, manifestation and indication, established and revealed by the journey’s and excursion’s admiration and adoration, the continuance and prolongation, persistence and pertinence smash and crash the cover and shield of apathy and triviality.

When, the intensity and brightness of the moon’s fixated, intense, and impassionate shimmering and spark, the twinkles and shine within the blackness and obscurity of the abandoned, neglected, and deserted desert of denial and dissent enshrine, revere, and cherish. The respite and repose, culmination, zenith, and climax to conjunctively and connectively convey and converse inveterate and entrenched cordiality, affection, and warmth.

The surroundings and environs, circumstances and contexts, episodes and occurrences, the incidental instances and episodes throb and thud, and rhythm and pulsate. The pendulum of punctuality, to perpetuate perceptiveness of the prompts and prods, stirs and spurs, though uproars and commotions succumb, diverge, and divaricate. While, syndication and premises of the symphony and orchestra of continuance and relevance insinuate, infiltrate, and infuse. The permeation and subversion which encompass and encounter maneuvers, movements, and recalcitrance and defiance.

Motivations, impulses, and thrusts, dedications, ardors, and impetuses, previsions and momentums intrude, intervene, and inculcate. While instances, encounters, and engagements evoke, educe, and conjure. Ecstasy and elation of abilities and dedications, talent and stamina, the thrill and rapture of fortitude and resilience, recognitions and realizations gratify and satiate, while rhapsodies and exultation of attributions and attainments augment and amplify.

Let the air, aura, and manners to merge and emanate, drift and tide, and stream and flood. Emission and emanation of retributions and reprisals, the revenges and retaliations to self incapacitations and prostrations, to impure and tainted intuitions and inklings exacerbate and inflame. When, flourishment and proliferation of pertinence and relevance, the aptness and appositeness, felicitousness and appurtenances, pensiveness and judiciousness to syndicate and synchronize the perpetuity and permanency of virtuous intentions, ambitions, and objections awaken, inspirit, and enliven. The Intentions and ambitions to conjoin and harmonize to the imperative and imperious essences of vibe and ambience, the esse and quiddities that exalt and elate the impartial, empirical, and factual factors and facades of avid and fervent ardors and passions, then have captured and confined the elixir and tincture of robustness and empowerment.

 Enigmas and riddles, astonishments and bewilderments, and confoundments and confusions conspire, contrive, and commensurate. Camouflages and concealments counteract and thwart, impede and inhibit to contradict augmentation and enrichment, appendment and enhancement. Indolence and lassitude, apathy and lethargy of not to absorb and unravel, nor to cede and decipher, and abandon to clasp and elucidate tarnish, sully, and vitiate the notes and dispatches, and significances and implications which are conveyed, borne, and carried by the harbingers and forerunners of exuberance, enthusiasm, and ebullience.    

The emergence and emanation and drift and tide, to surfs the waves of inclinations and proclivities, glides to tumultuousness of turbulences and rushes and surges of instincts, urges, and compulsions of dispositions and appetencies strike, stun, and stagger. While, the chalice and tumbler of certitude, conviction, and confidence, the container and vessel of quintessence, eminence, and ethos drip and dribble, and extravasate and transude tenderness and fondness. Affections and eagerness, thoroughness and wholeness, the connectivity, proclivity, predilection, and penchant, bliss and exultation of attributions, and rhapsody of attainments exonerate and exculpate the time’s, point’s, and era’s profoundness, percipience, and perspicuity.

The chalice and tumbler of afflictions and infirmities, burdens and adversities, the inebriation and intoxication invert and reverse to evince and divulge your reflections, replications, and deliberations. When, the liveliness of the instances, vivacity of occurrences, and delectation, ravishment, and gratification of interactions and mutuality, your entrance, enthrall, and captivation vanish and vaporize, and disperse and evanesce,  

The beguilement, enchantment, and munificence proclaim, reveal, and promulgate, your assurance and covenant, the pledge and promise of unification, unity, and oneness. Enlightenment, clarification, and acculturation shall be presumed, recognized, and revived while the cracks and fissures, and crevices and clefts, the harbingers and heralds, and presages and portents, acclaimers and exalters of comprehension, approbation, and dedication endure and persist to linger, dally, and loiter ajar and agape.     

غبطه ها  بود که  دوران  ز سر جور  به خود مستی  ما  قصه گشود
وه بر این ظلم  و ستم  مکنت آفاق  اَفاقش  چو سخن دارِ تو بود

The connection, correlation and bond, pledge and promise, reciprocity and concurrence, concomitance and consensus, conjunctions and aggregations, or the clusters and collections of commonness, coincidences, and prevalence, your primacy and predominance, preponderance and pervasiveness, pertain and perpetuate. 

When, inebriations and intoxication, annihilation and obliteration of the shades, apparitions, and phantoms of individualistic and eccentrical, aberrant and anomalous indulgence, propitiation, and intemperance, refractory and recalcitrant gluttony and greed, and exacerbating and exasperating self placation and pacification escalate and accelerate. Or, diminishment and depletion of repentance and penitence outpace and outtake, outmaneuver and outrun exodus and migration to the trends of ponderance, patterns of cogitation, and commandment of deliberations.  Provisions and stipulations, entrenchments and alliterations of absolution and liberation mar, blemish, and ruin.

Then, ambiance and atmosphere, abode and domicile, milieu and habitat reverberate and resound, pulsate and pound, and rumble and thrum. Tranquility and serenity of sensations and seriousness, quiet and calm of falling leaves during brisk crispiness and hibernal momentous and pivotal pauses impetrate, spur, and adjure for heed, attentiveness, and gracefulness. The crucial hiatus, and fateful acceptance to accommodate and acclimatize, adapt and adjust, and breath and inhale, to engage and captivate, to engross and mesmerize ponder and prevail.  

Festivities and rituals, the habitual mores and conventions, ceremonial and sacramental instantiations and incarnations surmise and convince, and provoke and induce. The trilling, chirruping, and chattering pleas and prayers that had been epitomized, propagated, and proliferated by the beak and totality of the solitary canary selective of seclusion and separation, to the carping and contemptuous, derisive and disdainful murmur and mumble of the deserted and derelict soul and core, permutations, vacillations, and vicissitudes compound, contrive, and conspire. While, hegemony and epoch, pitch and field, the turf, province, and sphere of euphoria, eagerness, and enthrallment allure, dazzle, and enrapture.

Inebriated, consciousness, and awareness, the moods, dispositions and manifestations, personifications, temperaments, and dispositions, raptures and elations, setbacks and obstructions infatuate, mesmerize, and spellbind. Fascination and awareness, captivation and comprehension, audacity and courage, bravery and mettle, the spirit and valor to apprehend and adhere to inceptions and abstractions, to observe and attain, and disentangle and discern annex and confiscate.

The mazes of commotions, labyrinths of intricacies, convolutions and contradictions, clutters and chaos, and their goad and provocation, incitement and agitation to flabbergast and flummox the pertinency and agility, and sinuousness and suppleness of creation’s ingenuity and adroitness. The dexterousness and nimbleness infused and arose still by the infinitesimally diminutive and miniscule breath and inhalation exuberated, entailed, and occasioned by a flying ant.  The labyrinths of convolutions and contradictions, collaborations and complications to complement inherent motions and astuteness of aspirations.

The acclivities which pave and cover, steer and bundle, and jostle and propel permanence and intransience of apropos and appurtenant admirations and venerations. the incitements and approbations, acclamations and endorsements which esteem and cherish the opulence and affluence of the gestures and inducements, or the episodes and circumstances.

The envies and resentments, disgruntlements and discontentment, antagonism and rancor, anecdotes, narratives, and fairytales, or the myths, fictions, and folklores, the fancies, vagaries, and reveries of convenience and marginal and trivial convictions convey and convolute, assuage and conciliate, augment and amplify, or torment and pester. The dazes and trances of adverse and contrary, or amiss and awry temptations and lures, interferences and intrusions, the meddling and interloping incarnate, personify, and exemplify null and void remnants and ramifications, transitory and momentary lapsations and drawbacks, strictures and pitfalls, or ephemeral and evanescent aberrations and peculiarities.

Prodigies of wonders, marvels and portents shall be carved and inscribed, embossed and etched on the pinnacles and summits of horizons, the scopes and boundaries of perceptions and acuities, the turn and twist to stars, icons, and luminaries of the vistas and scenes of enlightenment and adjudication. Thenceforth, the shine of skies, shimmers of glares and glances, and ramifications and resonances of intrinsic and innate simper and titter, thaw and soften tribulations, and melt and vanish deceitful, betraying, and decimating transitory temptations and coercions.      

The transitory temptations and duress, envy and agony, temperaments and dispositions, appeals and enticements, the invitations and inducements, if jagged and serrated, crenulated and denticulated, then dogmatic devotions and dedications, uncultivated and barren intonements and cantillations, dissipated and desecrated dislodgements and ejections exhibit and unveil, flaunt and expose deprecation and denigration. Stains and imperfections, infamies, abominations, and desperations, distractions and desolations, or unconscionable drifts, leanings, and vogues vex, aggravate, and exasperate relevance and pertinence.

Encumberments and inhibitions, nuisances and impedances imprecate and execrate, vilify and disparage, or concurrently and concomitantly incite and instigate congruity and expedience of astuteness and acuity. Responsiveness and awareness, exposures and revelations, and efforts and ventures consummate, effectuate, and accentuate intricacies, convolutions, and the innate and inherent constancies and consistencies. While, the vastness and immensity of the horizons, volume and level, and degree and copiousness of the bonifying breeze, the tincture of mesmerizing chirp, and gripping glare of elapsed and ignored nugget within the heart linger and loiter, intact and unscathed.     

The horizons and vistas, skies and prospects, spanned and widened, proliferated and expanded are inciting and inducing, luring and railing to be reached and tackled, and touched and tinkered. The unfolded and unfurled, and promulgated and proliferated shores of oceans, and borderlines of terrains and territories, awaited and expected, loomed and impended to be surpassed, exceeded, and transcended.

The caress of conciliation, stroke of commemoration, and salute of patriation, to join and merge, fasten and link, and to seam and connect, the conglomeration and amalgamation, assembly and accumulation, and accrual and accretion of your accreditation, acquaintance, and accompaniment insinuate and intimate, and allude and whisper.

Then, the itinerant, vagrant, and nomad, the roving, roaming, and rambling traveler and wanderer, the voyager and adventurer intrigued and enlightened, absorbed and captivated, and fixated and attached to the inherent certitude and conviction, trespass, encroach, and intrude the perpetuated, pseudo, and ersatz edges, margins, and dubious ambits, earnestly and fervently devoted and dedicated, and attentive and affectionate to the merits and impetuses, tenacities and intentions of the covertness and concealment of the ceremony and celebration of creation. Spontaneous and extemporaneous to affirmations and verifications, exposures and revelations to thrive and flourish, flaunt and vaunt, and wield and whirl the pennants and banners of your pursuance and enactments, ensigns and emblems of your empathy and compassion, and the badges and banners of your benevolence and munificence.           

The itinerant, vagrant, and nomad, the annunciator and articulator of your acclamations and ovations, approbations and approvals, strews and scatters your accompaniment and conversance, and consociation and affiliation. The rumbling traveler and wanderer, absorbed and rivetted, immersed and engrossed by your intimacy and confidence, entailed and occasioned, enraptured and enchanted by your rays and glimmers, sparkles and flickers, the resurrections and resurgences, revivals and restorations, persists and stays pondered and cerebrated, your sacramenta, solemn, and sacred overture and gesture to the charred frame, enflamed entity, and the exalted moments.  

تا نظر طالب  آن  درّ   کیانیم که در کبکبه ساحتِ عشق
قوسِ رنگین نظر قامتِ قدوسِ درون حیطه نظردارِ  تو  بود
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

The desire and yearning, nostalgia and reminiscence, craving and hankering, and reflections and ruminations, the cogitations and deliberations, rampage and rage, tranquility and coherence, calm and harmony, the silence and serenity, poise and placidity, conflagration and fervor, or the augmentation and ethos of composure and collectedness, attentiveness, perceptiveness, and acuteness, the studiousness, scrupulousness, and diligence pound, pummel, and thump the thresholds of consents and consensuses.

Equanimity of earnestness, the docility of depth and fathomless and cavernous congruity, germaneness and auspiciousness of appeal and fascination, and felicitousness and propitiousness of pertinence and permeance, the burning and blazing embodiments and manifestations to invigorate and revitalize, exhilarate and enliven the instances of evocation and elicitation, and inducements and incitements ponder and pave the composure and corridor to euphoria of coalescence and conjoinment, and bliss of amalgamation and unification.

While, the eclipsed and abstruse perplexities and bafflements, the importunate, beleaguered and plagued bemusements and befuddlements, recondite and esoteric intuitions and instincts, the besieged, badgered, and hounded hunches and surmises solicitate and supplicate, or instigations and promptings, initiations and commencements simmer, seethe, and rumble. Reciprocally and conversely, the core, crux, and kernel, gem, root, and marrow extenuate, exonerate, and acquit, enlighten, illuminate, and apprise, aberrations, deviations, and eccentricities, the recognized and consummated, effectuated and perpetrated admirations, esteems, and venerations to authenticate and substantiate the leverage and significance, and sway and undulation of the occasions and contingences, the quest and pursuit muse, ruminate, and recollect.

Adoration, adulation, and admiration, the glorification and exaltation, exhilaration and exuberance, enthusiasm and excitement, the bliss and rapture consummated, unredeemed, and unmitigated, unabated and undiminished reverberate and resound, resonate and reshape. While, the unambiguous and unequivocal adherence and association, the indubitable and undeniable camaraderie and companionship ring, and surge, and contrive and soar.

Rings and chirps, sings and chirrups, echoes and ricochets, the bounce and bound of tweets and peeps, the whistles and chatters, saturate and soak, drench and inundate the auras and glows, the entrenched and ensconced reflectiveness, meditativeness, and pensiveness, revive and fortify within the sanctity, purity, and inviolability of rapport and affinity.

Fixation, infatuation, and fascination, obsession, predisposition, and compulsion beamed, gleamed, and flashed, glinted and flaunted to conjoin, attach, and affix to the essence and tincture of trance and stupor, sprout and bud, and spring and grow, rivulets and runnels of ebullience and effervescence exude, convey, and emanate. Gems, pearls, and nuggets, solitaires, baguettes, and brilliances radiate and diffuse, strewn and scattered, the glitters and effulgence of entity and integrality, the entireness. While, obstructiveness and abstractedness to infinity and eternity exasperate and enrage, irritate and incense, doomed and ruined to eradicate and obliterate.

The affection and adoration, amity and endearment, and affinity and harmony, to apprehend and appreciate, grip and grasp, to retort and reciprocate, rejoin and reply, to shine and twinkle crevasses and clefts of depicted and portrayed gorges and canyons, to trek and trudge, ramble and march the ravines and coulees of erudition and perception, and blaze, brighten, and patch cracks and fissures of the heart, rampant and unbridled, raze, ravage, and rage.

Your vicinage, closeness, and contiguity, propinquity, adjacency, and proximity, the inclinations and inclusions galvanize, spur, and rouse the throb, rhythm, and pounding of the revolving and gyrating sentiments and sensations. While, the gushes, rushes, and surges of sustenance and subsistence, the coagulation of pervasiveness, perpetuation of prevalence, and consternation of the occurrence, the uniformity and resemblance, commensurateness and correspondence strike and stipulate.

Ephemeral and transitory, evanescent and fleeting irritants and aggravations, annoyances and nuisances, and evocations and elicitations of canard and pretense acclimate and adapt to abolishment, invalidation, and nullification. Exoneration and exculpation of trends and tendencies, sanctity and sacredness of instances and inherent and innate instigations, the instinctive and ingrained promptings and provocations concoct, contrive, and conceive exuberance and liveliness.

Vivacity and vigor, incitements and motivations, goading and urging, and kindling and fueling exacerbate and impair the agility and nimbleness of nuisance and irritant, evangelization and proselytization of wickedness and mischievousness. Immediacies and imminences of statuette and sculpture of salutation and gesture, galvanized, incited, and inflamed, enlisted, positioned, and sited within the sanctuary and silhouette of soul and spirit brood and incubate. The torso and trunk, and chest and coffer of luminosity and coruscation, lucency and lambency, articulations and verbalizations, intentions and intuitions, and deliverances and liberations propel and thrust, convene and convoke, and irradiate and enlighten.                

The statuette and sculpture, the figurine and inscription of resilience and pliability, abstruseness and profundity, and emancipation and liberation persist and prevail the lashing, shaking, and flagging of the tumultuous thunders and roars and rumbles. Imbued and infused by aura and rainbow of instantiation and exemplification, permeated and encompassed by elixir and potion of character and personification epitomize, incarnate, and symbolize the spectrum of variance and divergence. The unconformities and deviations of dexterity and adroitness, nimbleness and agility, and ingenuity of the sphere of seamlessness and universe presume, postulate, and ponder impermeable, impervious, and incessant gesticulations and manifestations.

Surrounded, bounded, and conjoined by glance and glare, and glimpse and vigilance of your veracity and scrupulousness, speculatively and introspectively, ruminatively and meditatively, your bestowed and conferred nugget and jewel of gesticulation and commencement, the inner and intimate sculpture and engravement of sincerity, candor, and authenticity, truthfulness and faithfulness, to the breath and inhalation of perspicuity and articulacy, vibe and vitality, the era and entitlement, the privilege and prerogative exceed and excel texture of  proclivities, and transcend and trump the canvas of continuance and adaptability.

Eloquence and coherence of ethos and pneumas, the quintessence and dispositions, crux and kernel, core and hub, and soul and spirit of esse and existence, the symphony, opus, and oeuvre convene, conduct, and convey. The gist and motion of realization and appreciation, conundrums and riddles of actualization and effectuation, conduits and corridors of contemplation, avenues and alleyways of consolidation, and the arcade and allée of consensus and congruence pulsate and throb spirit of scintillation, strike, and sparkle.

Your acclamations, applauses, and adulations, commendations, extolment, and approbations, conquer and ascend, meld and interweave, and consolidate and affiliate to the thirst and longing, and craving and burning. The aching and yearning, affiliation and occurrence, the endearment’s yawning and cavernous fused and coalesced by the butterfly’s benign burning. The mere sacrifice crystalized by the adoration and idolization for the candle’s illumination and light, to the performing ballet and tap of the candle’s flame, the coordination and companionship to the ritual of butterfly’s affection, attentiveness, and devotedness.

The omnipresent, pervasive, and prevalent hegemony and harmony inconspicuously and unobtrusively disembogued and gushed to concur and coincide, and commensurate and correspond to elation and elevation of depicted distinctions by the entities and elements of egoism and individuality. The movements and motivations indicative and revealing of inspirations and selections, affluences and prosperities, or effectuations and reifications to obliterate and eradicate ravines, gulches, and valleys of revenant, phantasm, and eidolon.

Conversely and ironically, the onlookers and spectators, and bystanders and witnesses whom are astoundingly and astonishingly, strikingly and stupendously intrigued, enthralled, and entranced, could decisively, unfalteringly, and unwaveringly partake and contribute, touch and perpetuate, and tender and effectuate. Your breathtaking and mind-bugling, formidable, stupendous, and inordinate rays of affection, traces of fondness, and proffer and outstretch of geniality and conviviality convolve and consolidate.

Author and Poem:
© Alireza Bemanian, November 20th, 2019

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



گرفت ره به او بودش گذر وز او نمایِ دوست وصفِ او
روشنِ دل رقصِ میزانِ فلک خود  باده  را  وز   او گرفت

Stances, Pathways, and promenades, strolls, saunters, and ambles, your presence, participation, and pertinence, the appropriateness, aptness, and relevance, the conglomerate, commingling, and combination accentuate, heighten, and emphasize. The ponderance  strength, and efficaciousness, surrounding auroras conquering, evading, and elating cavities and craters of liveliness, sensations, commotions, and spectacles of the horizons, the perspectives, and perceptions which perpetually and constantly vanish animation and vivaciousness of enigmas, inaptness, and incongruity, to linger and persist, endure and survive, and exhilarate and enliven the sempiternity and eternality, continuance and protraction of  symphony, sonata, and opus of  unity, unison, and accord to surmise, conjecture, and construe the prominence of prowess, aptitude, and commendation dazzlingly, garishly, and flamboyantly flabbergast and flummox .

Sceneries, vistas, and landscapes, plazas, arcades, and gallerias, the corners, bends, and angles, your presence, participation, and pertinence, the prominence and predominance, nobility of desires and dreams, graciousness of pertinence and germaneness to indulge and pander essence of transcendence and paramountcy, to promote, advocate, and reassure continuance, dissemination, and diffusion, depiction and delineation, the glimpse and glance of  galvanizing, inciting, and spurring discernments, refinements, and enlightenments, erudition, astuteness, and sapience to engulf and immerse, to deluge and overwhelm, and  overrun and overtake trickle, drop, and dribble, forge, emboss, and  embellish brilliance of ethos and substance, and instigate, urge, and goad  perspicaciousness and sagaciousness of  themes and premises that distinctly, conspicuously, and manifestly radiate, emanate, and exude relevance, connectivity, and affixation.

 Emergence and exposure, advent and arrival, and occurrence and incidence, the contingency, fortuity, and circumstance, episode and incident of eminence, your presence, participation, and pertinence, rigorousness and relentlessness of reflections, ruminations, and cogitations, companionship, confidante, and compadre whittle and mold, sculpt and create, and emboss and influence.

Embodiment, personification, and epithet of camaraderie, unanimity, and closeness, the confidence, intimacy, and the proximity thaw and liquify, palliate and allay mirages and phantoms of inexplicability, mysteriousness, and inscrutability, the tarnished and sullied sediments of suspicion and circumspection, to resound and reverberate the uniqueness, inimitability, and distinctiveness of the echoes, rings, and chimes, the clamor, roar, and blare of acquaintance, friendship, and conversance. The melt and vanishment to entirely and  wholeheartedly revolve and  ring, reiterate and recapitulate the uniqueness, authenticity, and genuineness of the enflamed, emblazed , and adulated reciprocity and mutuality. Hike and jump, rise and leap, and cavort and curvet to adorably and delectably pinpoint, rivet, and fixate to you, your magnificence and magnanimity, and your gloriousness and acclamation. The culmination, apex, and apogee to approbate vivacity, verve, and vitality, and to invigorate, galvanize, and exhilarate the moments of manifestations, exhibitions, and expressions.

Pathways, sceneries, and embodiments, glare and glitter, dazzle and glimmer, the shine and shimmer, rays and waves, flickers and sparkles which indiscriminately and indistinctively, unambiguously and unequivocally, and vividly and explicitly exonerate, absolve, and acquit the righteousness of perpetuation and continuance, and annihilate and overwhelm deferments, deterrence, and aberrations, the terrain and territory of dissimilitude, divergence, and variance to elate and exalt ponderance and profoundness, perspicacity and perceptiveness, and cavernousness and fathomlessness.

Pathways, sceneries, and embodiments, which immensely and immeasurably illuminate, enlighten, and elucidate by your grace, poise, and clemency, indulgence, absolution, and enhancements, the universality and omnipresence to merely and solely vindicate, profess, and assert your benevolence, leniency, and compassion, forbearance and forgiveness, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness inherent, intrinsic, and integral solely to your omnipotence, hegemony, and ascendancy, astonishingly and astoundingly connect, attribute, and amalgamate your affinity and rapport, conjugated by the vastness of your grasp and command of goading, incitement, and inclusion.

Vastness, immensity, and enormity, fascination, absorption, and immersion, to seek and succumb, and capitulate and accede, the consent and assent, convolutions and involvedness, obscurities and oblivions, opacities and vagueness, serpentine synopses intricated, and elaborated by the quintessence of cerebrations, rationales, and motivations of domain and province of infiniteness and immeasurability, predispose, incline, and influence permutations, vicissitudes, and incarnations of heart’s trends, tendencies, and dispositions. The efficaciousness, fortification, and augmentation enlightened, galvanized, and broadened by your rays and glistens of glimmer literate and erudite, your journey, voyage, and passage liberate and unfetter.

Symphony of the stars, sonata of galaxies, and concerto of creation, opus, and oeuvre,    incarnations,  manifestations, and avatars, the constancy and uniformity, balance and poise, and elegance and distinction entrenched, ingrained, and implanted within boundaries, precincts, and peripheries of the elements, particles, and conglomerates of congregations and ensembles of ebullience and liveliness, enthusiasm, passion, sentience and esse exhilarate, invigorate, and enliven the predominance, prevalence, and preponderance of veracity, exactness, and validity.

Constellations’, clusters’, and nebulas’ chalice, goblet, and tumbler, the instigator and mastermind of motions and movements, gestures and indications, propositions and presentations rim, imbue, and infuse, saturate, drench, and inundate. The vessels, bowls, and caddies of content and concreteness, solidity and actuality, tactility and tangibility, the carriers, haulers, and carters of your concord, collaboration, and concurrence, your contemplations, considerations, and deliberations, wholeheartedly and unreservedly comprise and embrace, and tangle and entwine the fabric, frame, and foundation of creation. The content and tactility to absorb and engage, observe and enchant, interlock and interconnect, the chirping, tweeting, and chipping of the lonely and deserted canary captured by the judases and orifices of the jungles, to the solitude and aloneness of succumbed and secluded souls reverberating your reconciliation, reciprocation, rapprochement, rectification, and reunion, the entirety and totality to contribute, interject, and interpose, approbate, acquiesce, and coincide. The serenity, peacefulness, equanimity and contentment of alliance, association, and participation, the entailments, evocations, and elicitations which are enormously entailing, colossally evocative, and gargantuanly emboldening.

از صبایِ صبحِ  همرازش  نگه زان  اخترِ بازیگرِ کویِ سما
غبطه را  دولت  رهِ بیگانگی افسون به خود جز  او گرفت

Whispers, murmurs, and utters, the breeze, waft, and draft, passages, gorges, and gaps, hurl, flip, and pitch, tone, lurch, and slap, cuff, punch, and strike, converge, cross, and endure, rally, gather, and convent, the chirpiness, pertness, and verve, dash, spirit, and vigor, composure, calm, and purity, limpidness, crispness, and freshness, the preludes and advocators, promoters and proponents of the to be disembarked and attained morning, dawn, and sunrise to mesmerize, captivate, and enthrall secrets. Riddles, and enigmas, paradoxes, posers, and puzzles, riddles, abstruseness, and stumpers conquer, surmount, and overcome, accentuated overtures and heightened invocators of proclamations and prevalence, incidences, occurrences, and pervasiveness initiate, inaugurate, and instigate.

Whispers to acquaint, breezes to consociate, and purity and freshness, openness and directness to invite, entice, and induce. ethers to reverberate and pulsate, pound and thump, the conversance, confidante, and confrère, the irreversible, irrevocable, and enduring entity of wholeness, totality, and singleness, uniqueness, distinction, and exclusivity that emanate, derive, and radiate rectitude, integrity, and righteousness of the ritual of being, rite and sacrament of substance, core, and essence, affluence of  inseparability and instantiation, soul instigator and motivator, contriver of the coalition and correlation, peer to promote and endorse the competence and proficiencies, to epitomize and exemplify, to reify, realize, and represent, merely and purely if let the whispers, the breezes caress and cuddle the crux and core, the kernel of liveliness, spirit, and dynamism.

Whispers and drafts, wafts and flows the scripts, cursives, and characters of connection and consortia, conglomeration and confederation, league and union of stars, cosmoses, and superstars, clusters, collections, and constellations, icons and prodigies of contemplation, deliberation, and discernment, rhythmic, cadenced, mythical intertwined dedications and devotions, universal, unanimous, and collective participations, engagements, and contributions impeccably and immaculately instill, inspire, and infuse motion and gesticulation.

Constellations of extant and existent, cosmos of condensations and concentrations, and universality of extent and expanse, the breath and scale, comprehensiveness and completeness coagulated and compounded to elongate and evoke, entail and elicit, and involve and imply liveliness, cerebration, subsistence and ratiocination,  tick and tackle, beat and battle wondrously and miraculously, extraordinarily and marvelously, astoundingly and remarkably frolic and compete, participate and portray, render and present richness, opulence, and lushness of the masterwork and opuscules of ostensibility and avowed validity to endorse, corroborate, and reinforce, the unfolding, adaptative, and evolving pertinence of continuance. protraction, and persistence that indisputably, indulgently, and leniently march, tramp, and trudge.

Planetoids, asteroids, and planets, celestial bodies and orbits, the heavenly bodies scattered to the farfetched, distanced, and implausible margins, fringes, and perimeters of skies, dance, ballet, and pirouette, whirl, twin, and spin, attributers, spontaneous commensurations, impetuous inaugurations, and genuine gratifications, initiations, commencements, and instigations to conjoin, bond, and fuse to staunchness of contemplation, scrutiny of meditation and reflection, and synchronization of confluence and convergence impetrate, adjure, and insist conspicuity, palpability, and perceptibility .

The hegemony and balance, poise and gracefulness, and aplomb and affluence to strive, grapple and aspire, enthrallment of inclinations and tendencies, penchants and proclivities, leaning, propensity, the receptiveness perpetuate, propagate, and preserve tranquility and serenity of the continuance, protraction, and elevation. Your company and occurrence, the rays of revealment and divulgence  eternize, configurate, solidify, and consolidate , spring of acclamation, approbation, and admiration  immersed by the gallery of skies, bounce and bound of inspirations and imaginativeness , and caper and cavort to  inducements and incitements of connection, context, and correlation arose, vivify, and hearten, the soared souls and ascended passions, intimates and alluded allies the affiliates have embarked and aboard your plateau of affinity and affluence.

Regrets, repentances, and sorrows, compunction, remorse, and penitence, rises of the moments and enactments, ratifications, and attunements, obscurities of tendencies and trends, rumbles and roars, grumbles and growls, quandaries and dilemmas, conundrums and riddles have capitulated and succumbed the chest of chastity, torso and trunk of accentuation and attention have muddled and cluttered veracity and genuineness of  the affluence and essence.

Befuddlements and bemusements, impressionism and impersonation, pretense and parody, lampoon and travesty have superseded and supplanted the sanity, judgement, and saneness. Sceneries and sights, splendid sequences and successions scattered by serenity of the sky, rolling hills, opulent and profligate orchards of the spectacles and scenes sumptuously, superbly, and splendidly surrogate, proxy, and delegate charisma, entrancement, and beguilement.  Though, sorrows and sadness have stalked, sortied, and shackled the soul, ethos, and esse, the abandoned Joshua tree that had been huddled and crumbled to the stack and stem, preventing, averting, and thwarting the roots, burrows, and radices to nibble, tang, and sip, while the reservoir and bastion bursting, surging, and rushing beneath.

The roots, burrows, and radices embodied and exemplified to explore, instigate, and epitomize, means and merits, desires and eminences, predilections and proclivities to exercise and exert, bestowment, conferral, and conferment tailored, converted, and molded to befit beseechment and incitement goad and spur, the manifested and enshrined perceptiveness, astuteness, and discernment inherent and instantiated by perspicacity and profundity, stamina and resilience, the entailers and involvers, signifiers and heralds to populate warrens and hollows, holes and voids, and abysses and cavities, to be inundated and engulfed by joy of blossoms and flourishment, buds and blooms of benevolence and altruism, to reverberate and resonate enthrallment,  absorption, and immersion, the discoverers and devisers to allurement of soul, depth, and essence, the abandoned, discarded and deserted Joshua tree, enticements, fascinations, and invitations, the fissures and fractures, remnants and fragments, annulled, rescinded, and negated deserts, the arid desolations pertained, unmitigated, though proffered to presume and proliferate to peripheries of perception, predominance, and preponderance, the threshold, onset, and verge undisputedly and irrevocably twinkle, glow, and glitter.

Regrets, repentances, and sorrows, misperceptions, mystifications, and commotions unctuously and obsequiously, cajolingly and crawlingly, hypocritically and insincerely have consumed, devoured, and frenzied, intrigued, conspired, and absorbed perditions and purgatories, despairs and despondencies, dejections and debasements, degradations and disgraces which are predestined and preordained to perishability and putrefaction, while convinced and configured, swayed and firmed, ordained and predestined  to stretch and reach, spread and extend, the scope and range, rapture and euphoria, your proximity, vicinity, and propinquity, contingency, immediacy, and nearness. Though sanctuary and oasis of ecstasy, trance, and bliss had been crudely and merely acclaimed and applauded by arrogance and conceit of falsely and deceitfully narrated and recited, fomented, fostered, and fermented perceptions and acuities, debauched, depraved, and distorted perspicuity and perspicacity, the penalized, castigated, and chastened dissociation, disconnect, and detachment.

سرخیِ گل سبزیِ  هامون  یکی  دشتِ  گذر  دُردانه  جو
سایه قوست نظر  مأنوسِ جان آوایِ  دل  از  او گرفت

Circumvented and dodged, evaded and thwarted, impeded and obstructed, inattentiveness and remissness, abstraction and laxness, pensiveness and lugubriousness resent and begrudge, ebb, fade, and taper the bastion and fortress of certitude and assurance, conjugate, capitulate, and crumble the extasy of faith and belief, notion and perception, or the inclinations and compulsions to commensurate, proportionate, and coagulate pillars of resolution and resolve, and tenets of tenacity and rationale .

Stems, trunks, and stalks, twigs and branches spreading synopsis of secureness and spontaneity, stalwartness of extemporaneity, and transcending tranquility and serenity, to supplement and complement completeness and inclusiveness of totality and entirety, disperse and disseminate, infuse and inculcate, or disband and detach. Congregation of continuance and endurance, assembly of protraction and augmentation, and conclave of resolution, perseverance, and steadfastness march the merits of errands and reliabilities, traipse and trudge, the passageways and vessels of sagacity and prudence.

Stems and stalks, postulators and conjecturers of confluence and content, convergence and conjunction, scorched hearts and souls saturated and succumbed to calm and composure of certitude and certainty, the sky and firmament of ascent, elevation, and inclination to comprise and clinch, encirclement and encompassment, and blossoms, florets, and flowers of reciprocity, mutuality, and conclave contrive and commensurate the parade of notions, deductions,  and conclusions.

Then, preeminence of spectrum and continuum of congruity and pertinence, appurtenant and propitious ambiance of aura, sensations, and commotions, tweets and gleams of conjunction, concurrence, and connection, whispers, utters, and murmurs hollow, burrow, and gouge to touch, tap, and pad, the loomed, emerged, and impended entities of quest and pursuit, sphere and scale of omnipresent, ubiquitous, and universal rapture, rhapsody, and bliss pervade, permeate, and prevail to incarnate and epitomize  overtures and gesture. The cordial and profound red flowers to scatter and sprinkle paradise of concurrence and commitment, affinity of attainment, and amplification of reflected, pondered, manifested spectrum and continuum of congruity and connection.

The lush and verdant, denseness and impenetrability, vastness and enormity of green and grassy plateaus, hints, allusions, and intimations of highlands, sumptuousness, splendidness, opulence of sceneries, vistas, and landscapes, affluence, prosperity, and grandiosity resonate and echo. Absorbance and permeability presented and perpetuated by abundance and copiousness of cognizance and perception, acquaintance and appreciation of benevolence, compassion, and altruism to embrace and entail, astonishments and bewilderments, the inducements which accordingly and appropriately reel and lurch by  rampant, flourishing, and thriving confoundments, bemusements, and mystifications encircle and  accommodate the distinctions and accolades, exasperate and incense, enrage, inflame, and antagonize the comfort of compliance, and era and epoch of passivity and apathy. Plateaus, highlands, and sceneries sumptuously, succinctly, and solemnly reveal, resume, and revive certainty of vibe, veracity, and virtue.

Sight and spectacle, scene and vista, arena of permutation and perception, congregation of capitulated, ceded, and relented reflections, ruminations, and deliberations, amazement of panorama and locus of intonations and invocations, incantations of conspicuous intuitions and inclinations, cadence and inflection of accession and influence, encirclement and encompassment shine and shimmer the ambiance of intimacy and closeness, acclamation and admiration accede, clench, and concur.

Adjournment and admonishment, rebuke and reprimand, castigation and chastisement, attainment and realization, immurement and confinement of adverse and aversive aberrations of inconsistency and inconclusiveness seethe and simmer, though march, evolution, and progression adhered, observed, and retained by the embodiment of agility, animation, and nimbleness relentlessly revolves, spins, and swivels. The fabric, frame, and fascination of life and livelihood, fulfilment and contentment, nirvana and nibbana of perpetuity and eternity repudiate, contravene, and counteract, exclude, refuse, and reverse absenteeism, aberration, and voidance of the embarked upon personas, souls, and spirits.

Desires and yearnings, entreatments and implorations, cravings and coveting, moments and instances, junctures and intervals, and elapses and successions, divulgences, disclosures, and revelations, the sanctitude and blessedness of your glare, piousness and purity of your propensity, devoutness and virtuousness of your partiality and proclivity, shimmers and glimmers of appropriateness and appositeness, heralds and presages of relevance and bearing, announcers and proclaimers to significance and consequence adorn and enlighten clefts and craters, caves and caverns of heart, concern, and courage .

Affections and emotions, compassions and empathies inundate and engulf the beat and rhythm, and pulse and pounding of hub and core of liveliness, the dynamism and sparkle to reflectively and pensively ponder and muse, cogitate and contemplate, and unfold and unroll to precincts and perimeters of perception, discernment, and erudition.

Conformity of the desire, consistency of confluence, correlation and correspondence, capitulation of murmurs and mumbles, undertones and connotations, confluences, convergences, and conjunctions commemorate and celebrate serenity of contentment and equanimity of esse and quiddity. Your presence, appearance, and expressions, your gaze, glint, and glare, and your closeness, nearness, and intimacy breathe and respire my scorched entity of bones and flesh, the acquiescence and submission to advocations, adherences, apostle of core and kernel, and the charred heart and crux, while essence and soul incessantly and relentlessly render, depict, and portray your pivots, pillars, and spindles of magnanimity and nobility.

Instances and lapses, intervals and spaces, pertinent and appurtenant intricacies and convolutions to the beat and pulse of soul and spirit recognize, ratify, and persist. Rhythms and patterns of absorption and adaptation proliferate and propagate, when scorched frame and flesh, the charred heart, meticulously, punctiliously, and fastidiously syndicate, conjoin, and amalgamate to the symphony of affirmation, and sonata of assimilation and inculcation.

ا دمِ  فجرِ طلب  خورشیدِ  معراجش  نگین  در سینه  بود
لحظه را از طالعش  مَحرَم به دوران،  تا  ثنا  در او گرفت

Climb and ascent, heave and rise, and tide and surge, to explore, envisage, and entrench the engraved and carved, etched and embossed, decorated and embellished embodiments and manifestations which have been bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed within the sanctuary and preserve, the ambit and realm of acuity and perspicacity.

Twist, whirl, and twirl, storm and rage, thunder and bluster accentuate and emphasize loss of moments, aberrations, peculiarities, and eccentricities which have sprinkled, drizzled, and dusted astray and awry of bewilderment and bafflement, junctures and phases, confluxes and confluences of motivations and incitements, provocations and inducements, uncertainties, fluidities, and mutability.

The search and quest, selection and stipulation to accompany and convoy cavalcade and caravan of culmination and conclusion, or commencement, inauguration, and captivation of destiny, the providence of resolve, tenacity, and devotion, eternality, immutability, and boundlessness to supervene and succeed by imperishability and ineradicable rationality inculcate, infuse, and flourish the concave of content, gist, and essence.

Twitch and jump, and jolt and flinch to pinpoint the sparkles, twinkles, and flickers emanated, derived, and arose by far broadened and distended horizons of perpetuity and permanence, the skies and heavens are adjacent and attached, pronounced and intimate, intriguing and enthralling, though silent and taciturn, and reticent and restrained.

The chill of the air, dim of the aura, silence of the theme, and taciturnity of the surroundings, introversion, wariness, and coyness, diffidence and apprehension of the soul, limpness of passion, and flabbiness of feeling, not to withheld, refuse and resent the performed, carried, and sustained chirps and chitters, choruses and chorales, dance, hop, and sway, the immersed ballet and rally within thinness of the air, acceptance of the ether, and assertiveness of the universe. Conglomeration of cognizance and perception, courtesy, attentiveness, and gallantry gestured to be receptive by entities and individuals have succumbed to acquaintance and apprehension.

Then, announcers and preludes, overtures and prologues to pertain and relate, the departing twilight, intensification, strengthening, and rampant enclave and territory of temptation and compulsion, discernments and perceptiveness, inclinations and proclivities,  the intimacy and affinity thaw and soften, melt and dissolve, the renaissance and resurgence, revival and recovery of entrancement and enchantment, transformation, conversion, and connection, to infer, insinuate, and allude.

Skylines and vistas have started to brighten, the dim and dusk rammed and jammed farther and farther, blur and haze have been demolished and devoured to remote and beyond scrutiny and surveillance corners and bends, while mangled, clutched, and crammed. Ambiance of inevitability and assurance, tone, and tenor is touching, grasping, and grabbing the ripeness and resonance of reconciliation and reunion, dawn of distinction and accolade, and the palm and praise to parade and pageant of proclivity and penchant has emerged and arisen, sunrise and reflectiveness of assimilation and inclusion is permeated, infused, and fortified.

While, the gem and jewel, pearl and nugget, placed within the chest, and pertained by the personifications and incarnations, epitomes and embodiments of entireness and wholeness, rudiments and fundamentals of cogent conceptualization, cognition, and comprehension, coherent constituents and components to evolve, nurture, and sprout, mere aspects and facets of contemplation and meditations, reflections and deliberations to ascertain, establish, and manifest, to evince, reveal, and exhibit lucidly and cogently, venture and audacity of  comprehensiveness and completeness, which have been inundated and besieged by totality and entirety of continuance and actuality marshal, congregate, and muster .

To acclaim, applause, and convince, the beam and trace to enlighten and apprise me is you, the shimmer and sparkle to  stimulate and spur me is you, the air and ether to inhale and protract me is you, and the intimate and innermost leanings and dispositions enshrined, exalted, and revered by me, the adulation and exhilaration of ecstasy, rapture, and elation is you, me to resonate your reflections, indications, and implications, you the uniqueness and exclusivity, singleness and oneness, the accompaniment and accolade to proclaimers, devotees, and promulgaters to immerse, lustrate, and adjoin, companions and communicators fervid and fervent to connect and affix to your singleness and oneness, the indivisible, inextricable, and inseparable gem and jewel, and pearl and nugget whom is inclusive of the unabridged unity and entirety.

Passages, routes, and paths, episodes, clauses, and incidents, approvals, acceptances, and enactments, the voyages and crosses to shrink and shrivel, cringe and cower, and decline and dwindle, flashes,  phrenzies, fervors and passions, occurrences and occasions, to succumb and accede, and the journey stipulated and prevised to extend and expand, to surmount and overcome, resist and prevail, the ecstasy and trance, elation and bliss to be entrenched, embraced,  boom and burgeon, to soar and surge, and roar and rumble, the appeal, allure, enticement of hegemony and dominion of destiny, faith, and providence to urge, embolden, and encourage, the destiny, kismet, and fortune is revealed, revolved, and whittled.

Though, veil, cloak, and cover, concealment, disguise, and camouflage cajole and conflate, condense and curtail, while distortions and deformations of clarity and lucidity, depletion and diminution of vibrancy and vivacity, sense and nub, gist and soul, and succor and solace rage and erupt, storm and seethe. When, concurrent falsehood and distortion commensurate and proportionate to retain and maintain, present and stage simmering, seething, and festering, the unhinged and lopsided, askew and awry personification, inattentiveness and abstraction have rolled to run, and congealed to commend.

Floating, hovering, and lingering inclinations, dispositions, and advocations, partialities, preferences, and penchants perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate, while the shell, shield, and crust, carriage, pose, and posture cunningly and furtively, inattentively and distractedly rupture, burst, and shatter the sanctuary of reflectivity and unassailability. Blows and bashes, thumps and smashes resurrect, revive, and recuperate, contrary and converse to bestowment of accumulation, accommodation, and acclamation, whereas approbation and commendation have been succinctly, tersely, and partially conceded, and compromised.

Surge and gush, heft and rush, and heave and dash, the dawns of arousal and awareness, breezes of gesture and invitation, indications and insinuations sparkle and shimmer the skies of serenity, poise, and composure. Albeit, the gesticulations, motions, and gestures that have been allocated and apportioned to the shrine of entity, while succumbed and surrendered, and silenced and neglected by canvas and opus of indifference, triviality, and irrelevance, tarnish, blemish, and mar.

The inflicted smudge and smear, blemish and blotch duel and spar, contest and conflict irony and paradox, contrariety and contrast of relevance, bearing, and germaneness, pertinence and felicitousness, subtlety, elegance, and adroitness, the inherence, innateness, and imminence, astuteness, canniness, and sagacity that have inundated, engulfed, and deluged instance, command, and occasion. Sphere of perspicaciousness and cognizance compile and confluence, compose and converge to consistencies, reliabilities, and constancies of dynamism and enthusiasm of esse and existence.

The appeal, allure, and influence, fascination, enticement, and conjugation of commemorations, remembrances, and recollections, moment’s reminiscence and resilience, momentousness of occasions, connection and congruity, expedience and significance, sense, gist, and trace, mutuality of interactions and correlations, the existence and essence of exemptions, immunities, extensions and exceptions lead, head, and steer to sanctity of the heart, sacredness of the esse, and purity of the pulse, beat, and throb. The inviolability and blessedness to root, delve, and probe, to applaud and cheer your presence and attentiveness, to salute and ardor your hommage, while your approvals and endorsements simmer and smolder, and rage and ravage my enflamed and exacerbated core and frame.

To sew and seam, stitch and patch, the scars, pits, and pocks, intuitions, insights, and perceptions, cognitions, acuities, and elaborations, to seek and search your inclination, proclivity, and penchant. The enthrallments and escalations, emergence, advent, and arrival of concurrent and continuant commencements and inaugurations, the pivotal rotations and revelations, apprehension and appearance of corridors and passageways to levitate, soar, rise, and climb, to sway and touch, contact and clutch, and access and affect your preferences and penchants. Yonder and afar destinations and boundaries sequestered and quarantined to extent and interval, span and space, the arrival of the dawn of commemorations and occurrences to the removal of canvas and opus of indifference, triviality, and irrelevance.

شاهدِ مُلکَش  به هر  بامی سخن را  وصف  در سیرِ سلوک
سیرِ مستان طالعِ  مُلکِ  عدن  فانوسِ  جم با  او  گرفت

Intervals and interludes to replicate and recollect, reminiscences, relics, and traces, drops and dashes, tracks and trails, footprints and footsteps, trajectories and pathways, to augment, append, and strengthen, the passage of pause and silence, dovishness and serenity to tarry and linger, extensity and elaborateness, spontaneity and extemporaneity,  vastness and enormity of extrapolations and ratiocinations, to contemplate and capitulate congruence and correspondence which have meticulously, punctiliously, and pedantically inhered and indwelled  the ensembles and conglomerations of completeness and entireness, summon, convene, and provoke humbleness, unpretentiousness, courageousness, and audaciousness.

Observant, attentive, and vigilant, awake, alert, and heedful, sway of the sparrow surfing sheerness of the air, mastery of spinning and swiveling sky, and the speculated and surmounted symphony of virtuosity and brilliance, gleaned and divined to dedication and distinction of discernment and selectivity, disposition and codification, and destiny and decree which have protracted, cherished, and enchanted the rings, echoes, and reverberations of life, verve  and vivacity, the completeness and comprehensiveness,  dissimilitude, distinctness, and hegemony to procure, ponder, and pertain.

Bells, chimes, and carillons, clangs, tinkles, and clinks, perpetuations, promulgations, and propagations, resiliency and persistence, endurance and perseverance to accolade and compliment songs and jingles, carols and choruses, tunes and melodies, temptations, enticements, and appeals, invitations, inducements, and compulsions, segments and fragments, slivers and splinters, the coagulations, amalgamations, and conglomerations that bear and resist shivers, quivers, and trembles, persistently, untiringly, and insistently instantiate and invoke staunchness and steadfastness.

While, the flickers, wavers, and flashes of reciprocity and reception, garnering and perception, the acuities and slants to galvanize, rouse, and spur cognizance and conviction, entrance and connection, formation, foundation, and disposition of aptness, flawlessness, and limpidness intensify and magnify, the continual portrayal, parade, and presentation of commensurate, proportionate and appropriate audacity and courageousness caused and catalyzed by continuum and  scale of essence and spirit.

The pendulum of adherence, depiction, and delineation recruit, engage, and retain momentum, the thrust and motion to enlighten and edify, clarify and elucidate, revealment, explications, and annotations, occasions and occurrences, instances and incidents, and crosses and junctures encounter, confront, and conquer, the leaps,  bounds, and dives of durations,  thralls, and sessions.

Harbingers and heralds, couriers and proclaimers, portents and presages to  incite and invoke, augment and elevate, comprise and embrace zestfulness and zeal, ardor and fervor, the celebrities and dignitaries of their personifications, incarnations, and epitomes, enhancers, invigorators, and exemplifiers of enlivenment and revitalization confirm and concede to depth of their dreams and desires, and accompany and complement the voyage and expedition, passage and excursion of  instinct and intent, insight and clairvoyance, the pundits and participators,  explorers and adventurers, and proclaimers and instigators of eternity and perpetuity.

Inebriated, smashed, shattered and crashed seekers and searchers, browsers and enquirers, questers and pursuers, the indulgence, lenience, and clemency, compassion, empathy, and intimacy, prevalence, pervasiveness, and preponderance, urge, goad, and spur, thirst and eagerness, impatience and hunger to implore, adjure, and impetrate, to establish, corroborate, and constitute, the consistency, composure, and coherence of aptness, pertinence, and righteousness, to extend and expand, stretch and spread, drift and glide, float and levitate, commencements and embarkments to conceptually unlock, unveil and unleash bonds of boundlessness, to figuratively eliminate and eradicate barriers of infiniteness, and to fade and diminish obstacles and hinderances of imaginativeness and insightfulness, while rivulets’ and rivers’ bridges, passages, and crossings to meander and amble have been paved and overlaid, and blanketed and shrouded.

Thresholds, verges, and brinks, moments, ticks, and thrusts, continuums, durations, and extents surpass and outshine, never reached horizons, inaccessible views and vistas are absorbed, immersed, and occurred, to portray and pertain, realize and apprehend, trudge and traipse, the score and  tally, and embodiment and manifest of  gratitude and content.

Delight and joy, appeal and charm, magnetism, fascination, and charisma, inebriated, smashed, and shattered seekers and searchers to whom sphere and scope of ecstasy, bliss, and felicity, domain and distinct of realization, nirvana and gratification, and train of temptation, inducement, and persuasion instigate and instantiate extemporaneous and inadvertent engagement and captivation.

Admirers and devotees, comrades and companions who impel and incite aims, ambitions, and aspirations to narrow the aloofness and detachment, to whom rings and chimes, semblances and sounds, immersion and obsession, converge to encapsulation, emergence, and enshrinement. Carriers and transporters of candles, torches, and tapers of tutelage, refinement, clarification, and elucidation to the garden of Eve, the acreage and parcel of congruence and unification, fusion and integration, attainment and allegiance which rave and rant, and instill and inspire the pilgrimage to the territory of legions and contingents, the deputations and delegations.

Seekers and searchers of the beacons and bonfires, lanterns and candles, and flares and fires, enlightenments and illuminations, elaborations and utterances, intimacy and congruity, and connectedness and pertinence, advocators and promoters lodged and affiliated to sustain, maintain, and support the prolific and profound perplexities, affluences, opulence, and abundance, the imbued, saturated, and infused vibrance, lavishness, and vividness of assimilations and  inculcations,  bounded and entrenched by the sanctity and blessedness of your benevolence and munificence, the incessant plea and appeal for admonition, reprimand, and rebuke  to enchant and captivate, enthrall and enrapture beguilements, delights, and fascinations of the quest and search for solace and consolation.

Quest of traces to traverse and navigate, pursuits to ponder and contemplate, provocations and goading, stirrings and spurring, encouraging and simulating, and prodding and provoking, elicitations and enflaming, igniting and kindling which have engulfed and inundated the core and crux of the universe, universality of the heart, cognizance of the soul, awareness and acquaintance  of the rays of recognition and identification, beams of distinguishability and convergence, conjunctions and coincidences, concurrences and concomitance to disavow, refute, and recant void, negation, and emptiness, while fortify, buttress, and revive profoundness and perceptiveness of the centrum of inception and imagination, your insinuations, implications, and intimations, fetch and concoct, conceive and procure, and convey and cause the temple, shrine, and sanctuary of livelihood and liveliness to instigative, impassionate, and enthuse and vibrate.

غایت مهرش درون مأوایِ دل کسب رُخَش پیمانه جو
پُر نِما از جوهرش آن نقشِ محرابی که در خود  او  گرفت

The draws and paints invoke instigation and provocation, commencement and continuation, to urge and prompt compulsion, illustrations and spectacles, syndicators and premises of ponderance and pertinence, recitals and cabarets of synchrony and concurrence, coincidences and coexistences, prevalence and commonness to mere cognizance and capitulations, mesmerizers and enchanters, fascinators and enthrallers, the tireless and tenacious entrenchers and extractors of conceptualizations and conjectures, depicters and narrators of  destiny and providence, frugality, fortune, and fate to conquer, capture, and confound randomness and pandemonium of incidents and occurrences immersed and absorbed by  confusions and commotions, momentousness and merits of  depictions and delineations which distinctly and manifestly prevail, pertain, and affect, the aspired, embarked, and embraced pudicity of purpose, chastity of conscious, and purity and virtue of  dedication and adoration, the vibe, aura, and tenor enthrall, engross, and entrance entailed entities and raptured esses, the rhapsody and euphoria of augmentation and escalation.

Recapitulations and inducements, incantations and invocations, the dance, tap, and twirl, whirl, twist, and spin, pirouettes and mutinies, uprisings and upheavals, conundrums, riddles, and enigmas, posers and paradoxes of perceptiveness, sagacity, and astuteness, and invocations, chants, and charms, the pleas, alibis, and appeals, to seek and secure, pursue and attain, alchemy and transpiration, occurrence and ensuant intuitions and clairvoyance predominate, prevail, and permeate punctuations and pronouncements of the pendulum of perpetuation and convincement.

Surrounded, encircled, and enclosed, your benevolence and munificence, your magnanimity and altruism, your considerations and compassions, the courteousness, graciousness, and mercifulness, your affection, warmth, and ardor, the fervor and vehemence, vociferous and vigorous conflagrations and infernos bursting and rupturing my scaffold and skeleton, the affluence and lavishness, opulence and splendor, and depth and strength of the interaction and connection, the reciprocation to merge, agglutinate, and cohere inundate and deluge inspirations, dispositions and compulsions. The enticements, invitations, and inducements which reflectively, pensively, and meditatively reverberate, roar, and rumble, sparkle and glitter distinction of the moments and accolade of the chasm, divergence to inspire, instigate, and enthuse, rave and rampant rise and soar, rush and surge , and entrance and ingress that elevate and extend, ameliorate and enhance escalate and inflame  your intimacy, amity, comradeship, and companionship.

Your portrayal, your depiction, your revealment, promulgations and divulgences,  the draw and paint, the ostentatious and flamboyant inferno of desire and plea, your clench and clasp, the hug and grip of console and comfort, the solace and succor, chumminess and confidence, the imminence and nearness, and the chalice,  goblet, and tumbler, thirst, craving, and urge, droplets, beads, and drips to rim and brim, lip and brink the basin, bowl, and frame, conspicuousness and blatancy, visibility and discernibility; and then, the azimuth and apex , pinnacle and culmination, the apogee to bestow, endow, and procure your delegations, designations, and entrustments incessantly and relentlessly acclaim, commend, and applaud, your fellowship, contingency, and exigence.

The paints and draws, divulgences and promulgations, ponderously and profoundly depict and declare, attribute and articulate, omnipresence of the rapture of essence, sustenance of substance, subsistence of  spirit, and survival of soul, sense and sanity, mind and marvels, sights, spectacles, perceptions, and ambiance to gaze and gape, gawp and gawk, admire and wonder, respect and extract, and forfeit and concede, the far stretched horizons and azimuths pinpointing to spheres and scopes of acclamations and ovations, intrusion and incursion, the sorties and forays , jaunts and journeys of ecstasy and elation, persistently, assiduously, and tenaciously, relentlessly and incessantly invite, allure, and summon.

The flight, glide, and glissade, jaunt, sail, and slither, compliments and salutations, accolades and commendations, the richness, splendor, and strength, vibrancy and vividness, resonance and reflection of acquaintance, immediacy and propinquity, contiguity, adjacency, and proximity congregate and collect uproar, pandemonium, and turbulence to jolt and jar journey and trek of commonness and ordinariness. Celebration of ticks and jiffs, prominences and consequences profusely and copiously caper and cavort, momentous and meaningful of ticker of solace and succor, comfort and consolation. Cheerfulness and liveliness, while sparkles and scintillations, glints and glistens galvanize the glimpses, peeps and peeks, the glances and glares that yield and sustain, carry and convey, and accept and tolerate.

Mihrab, alcove, and aperture, plinth, podium, and dais, pulpit, lectern, and platform, reputed of eminence, raised and reared, tenured and titled linger and loiter. Eminence and prominence, illustriousness, recognition, and distinction, murals and frescos of mutuality and  affinity which fizzle, vanish, and dissolve the sense of fitting and fixture, tailoring and timeliness, positioning, placing , pose and preparation prosper, flourish, and flaunt. The spontaneous, unrehearsed and unconstrained interactions, interfaces, and connections, clairvoyance and divined dexterity and adroitness, acuity and ingenuity of existence, continuance, and actuality ponderously and pertinently, aptly and appositively annunciate and authenticate the friezes and patterns, and repetitions and tessellations of elation and exultation.

Moods and spirits, poses and postures, emotions and impressions, compassions and affections, the desires, implorations, enjoins and impetrations might relinquish, resign, and abandon contemplations, deliberations, and fidelities, when acronyms and contractions, abbreviations and concentrations accentuate, exhilarate, and invigorate separation and severance, the disjoining and disjunction of devotion, commitment, and consecration. Deviance and aberration, eccentricities and nonconformities preclude and impede murals of absorption and engagement, immersion and enthrallment.

Paints and draws, daises and mihrabs, alcoves and pulpits, the stand, inclination, proclivity and fondness uniformly and inherently captivate and enchant, while entrance and appeal to mesmerize and hypnotize, fervor and plead which had reined and teemed the sanctuary and shelter of esse and ethos, the heart and hub have been acclaimed and attained. Your portrayal, depiction, rendering, and delineation, occurrences, incidences, and manifestations, your murals and frescos, the paintings and draws ascertain, authenticate, and inaugurate perceptivity and predictability, to be pertained and affected by your magnanimity, munificence, and magnetism.

Mihrabs and daises to be erected, fortified, and safeguarded, placed and anchored within the heart, soul, and entity, adorned, absorbed, and bejeweled by inceptions and augmentations, drawings and depictions, and compositions and representations of your intimacy and confidence, affections and tendencies. The unison, harmony, and emergence that have extended to strands, filaments, and threads of destined and ordained bodies, articles, and individuals gratified and heartened, enacted and decreed by dexterity, ingenuity, and agility of your encirclement. The enframement enthralled and raptured, charmed and beguiled by bounty of selectivity and discernments, while fermented, incited, and inflamed by the beams, gleams, and glimmers of your attentiveness, care, and courtesy, the epitome, incarnation, and personification of citadel and bastion of gentility and gallantry.

بخت را  در حیطهِ مقیاس  و مکتوبش به لوحِ  جامِ بود
حد و معیارِ سپهرِ کهربا معنا نهان قدسِ عیانِ او گرفت

Presence, pose, and carriage, demeanor, deportment, and disposition, dedication and allegiance, contemporaneous conducts and comportments, and concurrent etiquettes and commencements perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate.

Movements, measures, and momentous trends, delegations, designations, and allocations deliberately, consciously, and   ponderously pertain, affect, and influence. Engagements, interchanges, and contentions, opinions, beliefs, and controversies routinely, customarily, and compositely ordain, enact, and destine. Transfers, conveyers, and carriers, the gyrations, rotations, and evolvements encapsulate, substantiate, endorse and confirm the complexions, aspects, and characters of edicts, sequences and successions. Requisitions and approbations, esteems and commendations, corroborations of correspondences and conjunctions of intensions, limpidly, pellucidly, and coherently transpire, ensue, and culminate constancy, endurance, and equanimity, while composure of aspirations and concurrencies brighten, revivify, and revitalize correspondence, conformity, and correlation of conjugations, declensions, and articulations.

Constraints, constrictions, impediments and congestions, obstructions and contractions, vexations, exasperations, and tumultuousness, incarnations, invocations, and intonations, tempestuousness, turbulences, and rumbustiousness,  restraints, restrictions, and limitations, enormities, immensities and vastness, fathomlessness, immeasurability and interminability provoke and postulate perturbations and consternation, lateral, tangential, and adjacent to overtures and  proposals of composure and deportment.

Infinitude and eternity, boundlessness and borderless intervals, interims, and distances, the recognition and concession, apprehension and accreditation, and meandering, ponderous, and unceasing crisscrosses, mazes and warrens, intricacies and muddles, entities, spheres and scopes still to encounter, face, and confront the warpage of boundaries, distortion of destinies, and falsification of the fortunes, kismet and faith had been construed and constituted on the foundation and establishment of personal, singular, and individual bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred selectivity and discernment,

Surfaces, facades and pretenses, affectations, presumptions, and pretensions, relevance, comparations, and appraisals, impressions, divergences, and judgements entwine and entangle to scale, level, and clamber. While to be stagnant, banish, and subdue perceptions, discernments, and cognizance still emerge, transpire, and occur. The focality, criticality, and predominance, the prevalence and preponderance to the semblance and similitude, affinity and uniformity of cosmos, galaxies, and universe, compose, comprise, compile and aggregate the creation and genesis.

Constellations’, clusters’, and nebulas’ chalice, goblet, and tumbler, the enormity, expanse, and immensity, the receptacle, and basin, ball and heave, to wobble, lurch, and hurl, expanse of distinctions, elongation of dissimilitude, and divergence of bounce, elasticity, and spring, contradistinction and segregation of fable and saga, lore and apologue, emblem and legend, the accreditation and endorsement to thrive, blossom, and flourish relinquish, abandon, and surrender the soundness and saneness of erudition and sagaciousness, the abandonment, approbation, and admiration  to designate, signify, and denote concession and conceptualization.

Chalice, goblet, and tumbler wrapped and coated, shrouded and plastered, rendered and enfolded, vistas of vivacity and verve, views of vivaciousness and exuberance, and the sceneries of ecstasy, elation, and bliss, to be teemed, crammed, and jammed, satiated, gratified, and imbued. The permeation and saturation of delicacy, frailty, and fragility, elegance, charm, and grace, and fastidiousness, adroitness, and deftness of existence, liveliness, dynamism, and sparkle, shall strike, astound, daze, and compound.

Spin, whirl, and swirl, cosmos, creation, and totality, space, infinity, and firmament, the symphony, sonata, and masterpiece of coexistence and concomitance, cohabitation and concurrence, collaboration and contemporaneity, the opus of curiosity, oddity, and novelty, oeuvre of convolution, intricacies, and complexities, relentlessly, obstinately, and inexorably absorb and elevate, emit and emanate, and bond and  bridge.

Though, the exhibition and elaboration, articulation and edification, enlightenment and elucidation, the brightness, brilliance, and radiance, intensity, passion, and paroxysm, outburst, eruption, and  blaze, the augmentation, amalgamation, and unification ponder, contemplate, cogitate, and deliberate on the deeds and desires, merits and warrants, the vigor and aptness, and forethought, prudence, and  providence. The urge, compulsion, and contention, instantiate, personify, and incarnate assertion and instigation.

Bond, outburst, and blaze, encounters and interactions, initiations and instantiations, coincidences and occurrences, ostentatious, grandiose, and glitzy, or enchanting, elating, and sensational,  the thirst, yearning, and craving to sustain subjugate and endure, overcome, overpower, and overwhelm, authenticity, genuineness, and faithfulness to observe, implement, and realize propinquity, proximity, and imminence , elixir, tincture, and potion  of immersion, raptness, and fascination raise, lift, and elevate.

Syphoning and tapping, frenzy and trance of tessellations and patterns, arrays and precedents of purpose, resolve, and devotion, fidelity, fondness, and affection, contrary to ovation of flamboyances, plaudits and laurels of pretentiousness, portentousness, and pompousness, nevertheless accompanied by enthrallments, enchantments, and entrancements abridge, truncate, and curtail insinuations, allusions, and intimations. When, incidents, exoduses, and enactments of shattering, crushing, and splintering the threshold, verge, and brink to onsets and advents, unfolding and emanation of the dawn of unification, alliance, and merger, consent and countenance of continuance and coalescence ponder, interconnect, and deliberate.

The cracks and crevices, fissures and fractures to shine and gleam, spark and glow, to boost and magnify, strengthen and intensify, fountains and foundations to raise and pose, depict and expound, attentiveness and deliberations to vow and declare, to pledge and promise, sanctity, inviolability, prophecy and purity presumed, ventured, and postulated to reverberate and resonate, bends, curves, and corners of the prospects and skylines, to the distant and remote twilights of dimness, dusk, and gloom, intrinsically, innately, and inherently the inner and intimate, hidden and innermost trends, vogues, and ventures, exposure and approachability, accessibility and candidness, composure and equanimity annihilate and obliterate the deterring and darkening, obscuring and deepening of ambiguousness and equivocation, obfuscation and incomprehension. Incredulousness and incredulity provisioning and accoutering preamble and prologue to unfasten and disturb the preeminence and ascendency, dominance and prominence of fetters, trammels, and tethers venture, tackle, and dare to wreak and perpetrate, infirm and frail havoc, chaos, and dismay.

Concealments, camouflages, and casings, exteriors, sheaths, and sleeves to endure and persist, pertain and preserve, realms, ambits, and compasses to broaden and stretch, unfurl and unroll, the solicitation within the soul, excursion and scrutiny, enquiry and inquest, the fathomless and cavernous, commodious and capacious, suppleness and versatility, and adjustability and adaptability of the chest, torso and trunk, the stem, stalk, and sluice of identity, dignity, and solemnity, soberness and somberness to perceive, discern, and revere, so reflective, profound, and meditative of astuteness and perspicacity, the totality and whole supervene, impinge, and supersede.

تا نظر را زلفِ او آن گوشهِ چشمت مرا مرهم بِه سوز
قوسِ رنگین محمِلِ  چرخِ  فلک گوهر  کیانِ  او گرفت
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Have touched, marked, and influenced the moment, attained, realized, and conquered the instance, distinct captivation of the vastness of premise, proclamations of ethos and essence, pertinence, tenets, and spirit of sincerity, candor, and audacity, your presence, aura, and charisma, your attendance, occurrence  and occasion arose, commence, and accrue.

Glare and stare, dazzle and glimmer, or frown and scowl reciprocate and counter. Your immediacy and propinquity, the vicinity and congruity vivaciously and vibrantly, animatedly and energetically augment and exalt, and aggrandize and intensify. The rapture and rhapsody, the bliss and ecstasy mingle, merge, and meld, adulations and reverences, sentiments and compassions, solicitousness and solicitudes, trepidations and anxieties, spontaneity and impulsiveness surmount, transcend, and surpass expectancies, presuppositions, and conjectures.

You and your presence, the heaven and sky, nirvana and paradise, felicity and utopia, Eden and Zion, euphoria and exultation of your cherishment and affection, the fondness and warmth that dissolve, disperse, and dissipate locality and location, vicinity and position have congregated and immersed within the boundaries and precincts, borders and peripheries of the cognizance, congruity, and connection.

The auspicious and propitious blossoms and blooms, buds and sprouts, which had been nourished, cultivated, fostered and nurtured by your benevolence and beguilement, the engagement and delight, your rendezvouses and encounters, heralds and harbingers, announcers and proclaimers to elation and jubilation which have shattered, fragmented, and wrecked the verge and gate of murkiness, dimness, and darkness shiver and shudder my soul and core even deeming abdication and relinquishment of undeservedly warranting, meriting, and justifying.

Depicted and abstracted barricades and barrages of alienation, dissention, and disaffection, illusory instances and pretentious incidents, feigned and imitated inclinations, contrived and constructed artificial hinderances, precipitous, vertiginous, and acclivitous prevarications and circumventions that disguise, cloak, and masquerade eloquence and articulateness of acquaintance, consociation, and receptiveness were revered, esteemed, and exalted.

You, the fervor and ardor to ticks and trices, ratification of flashes, and sincerity and affection of moments, persuasions and perpetuations, the confrère to conversance, prevalence to instigations, promptings, postulations, and notions that avert, preclude, and prevent aberrations and abysses, voids, relinquishments, and annulments. Your omnipresence and ubiquitous and unanimous ponderance and significance, embracement, clasp, and cuddle, impacts and implications vivify, spark, and galvanize the sanctuary of seclusion, immunity and inviolability, exemption and liberty of proclivities, penchants, and predispositions.

Reinstatements, identifications, acknowledgements, and gratefulness, crossings, junctures, and overpasses to eternal acclamations, approbations, and commendations, the dwindling and withering distances, dissociations, and detachments to firmer touch of your destiny and providence, drops, dashes, and traces of your prudence and providence, the provision of remedies, antidotes, and care to the scorched, seared, and charred corpses and essences exposed and bared to citadel and bastion of desires, preferences, and predilections, it is purely, merely, and chastely you to whom the estuary of solace and consolation concede.

Spin, whirl, and swirl, cosmos, creation, and totality, space, infinity, and firmaments, floating and gliding, perching and hovering, drifting and sailing, proposing, presenting, and posturing, suspensions, deferments, and postponements, the dainty and exquisiteness of dedications, designations, and devotions, elegance, gracefulness, and graveness of subtleties and fastidiousness, deftness and dexterity of continuance and liveliness, is the wholeness, entirety, and totality merely and solitarily the spin, whirl, and swirl? Or, vigor and vivacity of  proclamations, decrees, enactments, and edifications, advocated, encouraged, and endured by the entity, unity, and harmony of the wholeness to counter, respond, and thwart, refute, oppose, and defy assails and assaults, smacks and strikes, to berate and revile reality and veracity of denials, rebuffs, refutations, and rejections.

The brilliance, luminosity, and luster, patina, glaze, and gloss stretched and protracted, proffered and tendered to invoke and incite, immerse and saturate to the core and crux of existence and presence, to persistently and relentlessly inspire, enthuse, and entrench. Skylines and spheres of vision, apparition, phantom, and phantasm, actualities, veracities, and certainties, or deliriums and delusions, mirages and illusions ratify, enact, endorse the engrave, etch and carve pathways and passages, to constitute the pertinence of purpose, plots and ploys of pattern and order, and aspirations and inspirations to realization, reification, and effectuation.

While, wholeness, impetuses, intentions, and occasions, convey, accept, and pass, relayed and involved, attached, ascribed, and appended to the vessel and conveyer of mottled, variegated, and the spectral spectrum, intensity, and vibrancy of the rainbow, adorned, bejeweled, and embellished by the divergence, discrepancy, and variation of the sky and azimuths of elations and elevations. The rainbow or the shinning veneer, shimmering layer, and glistening semblance, formidably and convincingly conceal and obscure the band, strap, and stretch of sureness, conviction, and confidence to commemorate, venerate, and commence the collections and assortments of hue, tint and tone, and shade and tinge of blushes and flushes, inclines and influences, the compendium and compilation instigated and invoked by participation and partaking of infinitesimal and minuscule particles, fragments, and flakes, the suspended droplets and drips.

The throne, command, and dominion, providence, prudence, and foresight, destiny, faith, conviction, the assurance to bond, link, strike, and fuse to your compassion, forbearance, and tolerance, the blessings, clemency, and benevolence, the pledge, oath, and promise, your jewels and nuggets, lumps and wads, rays and beams, and glows and gleams of unification and oneness, conglomerations, congregations, and cohesions, the interconnection and interrelation astoundingly and astonishingly immerse and plunge the pillars of rectitude and righteousness. Veracity, veridicality, and veraciousness reverberate and resonate, the pertinence of rationale and tenacity surpass and transcend the maze, intricacy, and muddle of murky mutations, aberrations, and alterations, the path and track, course and route is depicted and portrayed, to be paved and pertained.

© Alireza Bemanian, October of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



گفته از روشنیِ ساحت دل در هوسِ هدهد آزاده قفس دربندیم
گونه را در طلب بادِ صبا هر گذرش  بر نگری یا نظری  پابندیم

Sanctuary of sacrosanctity, inalienability and imprescriptible invulnerability, the inviolability and absoluteness advocate, decree, and ordain. Tenacity, intentness, and pertinency, the conceptions and contemplations, postulations and apprehensions, and conceptualizations and convictions predestine, enjoin, and command.

Thirst and requisition, eagerness and enthusiasm, the desire and inclination to attain, clinch, and effectuate the enlightenment and enthrallment, perspicacity and sagacity, the erudition and edification instigate and incite, induce and impel, and excite and entice.

Expansion, extension, and augmentation, evolvement, transmutation, and transmogrification, the alteration, amendment, and adaptation of boundlessness, interminability, and infiniteness of perception, astuteness and acuity intrigue, conspire, and captivate the essence, ethos, and esse of existence, endurance, and extant.

The magnetism, enticement, and mesmerism bombard and inundate, engulf and deluge continuations and resumptions, protractions and perpetuations, purposiveness and adamance, and resilience and preponderance, or mirage and phantasm. The depiction of proportions, fractions, and comparations maneuver, contrive, and manipulate, while urgency, exigency, and earnestness commensurate pertinence, congruousness, and auspiciousness, the concurrent harmonizing, and propagated ponderances and deliberations that augment, strengthen, or arrogantly or tempestuously subside.

Unbounded, untrammeled, and unimpeded hoopoe and lapwings of the plateaus, mesas, and highlands of consequence, concerns, and corollaries, tranquil, serene, and unruffle moments and junctures of identification and association, the correlation and connection, exculpation, vindication, and exoneration.

The envies, desires, and resentments to rudimentary, meager, slender, and scanty safeties, immunities, and shelters ponderously, tediously, and tiresomely tinker, trifle, and fiddle the aspirations and ambitions to glide, flit, and flutter, to transpire and ensue, to derive and supervene, and to impinge and supersede.

Characters, tenets, and spirits, the tendencies, propensities, and predispositions, the penchants and predilections to perpetuate prosperities, affluence, and opulence of acclamation and approbation, and commendation of confluence and convergence, contemplation and comprehension, captivation and immersion baffle and bemuse, confound and flummox, and bewilder and befuddle. While, perpetuation and continuance to resonate and reverberate, hone and sharpen, and grind and groom the trellises and traceries of awareness and attentiveness, the trajectories and trails of temptation, compulsion, and enticement mar, harm, and tarnish.

Breeze, zephyr, and draft of awakening, arousal, and revival, confluences, confluxes, and convergences, the harbingers, heralds, and auguries, precursors, ushers, and messengers carry and convey, fetch and dispatch, and exude and emanate.

Absenteeism, truancy, and abandonment, the scarcity and rarity, paltriness and paucity, the sparseness and scantiness to perpetuate, prolong, and propagate have exacerbated the exiguousness and meagerness to rummage, scour, and scrabble. While, influence, inspiration, and impact to stimulate, induce, and motivate, to commemorate, observe, and venerate tranquility, equanimity, and equability, to heed and scrutinize the sanctity of the moments, to detect and perceive profoundness of the perception, and to respect and remember the remanence of the occasion have been enervated and evaporated.

 The intent and resolve, ambition and tenacity, and vow and promise, the enthrallment and entrancement to glean, assemble, and ascertain your attendance, occurrence, and manifestation have lingered and dawdled, dallied and loitered. Conveyance and transference, astuteness and perspicacity, and depiction and dedication have incongruously, paradoxically, and poignantly veered, diverged, and swerved to portrayals of stratagem, murals of expediency, and the treat and thrill of the chimera and illusion

Phantasmagoria, delusion, and misconception, spontaneous captivations and pretended and replicated beguilements blur, haze, and obscure, distort, conceal, and confuse. While, dedications, devotions, and enthusiasms deter and divert exhaustion, fatigue, and weariness, the precursor and antecedent to rampage and rage detrimental and injurious to race and rush to the proximities, propinquities, and vicinities of logic, lucidity, and judgement.

Ironically, the inherent and innate intuition and urge of amity, affection, and warmth, affinity, bond, and rapport, the vivid, intense, and striking desires, pleas, and appeals to seek, capture, and attain your attention and connection, the posture, countenance, and comportment confined and crafted by conceptions, hypothesis, and perceptions rampantly and profusely conquer and overcome.

The Breeze, zephyr, and draft incessantly and irrevocably caress and cuddle, strike and embrace, in compliance and acquiescence to prevalence, dominance, and pervasiveness of exuberance, liveliness, and vivacity.

The vitality, verve, and vigor of essence, core, and ethos rampantly and profusely, obstinately and persistently, and adamantly and tenaciously perpetuate and perform, though furtive, veiled, and concealed while the heed and consciousness, intentness and attentiveness, and scrutiny and recognition is still dwarfed and diverted, or avoided and averted.

گفت اقبال، ازل  گر  که تماشای سخن  از  ره  فردا نشناخت
بخت را راز ابد خفته خطا درگه آن معبدِ منظور  نظر می بندیم

Destiny, intention, and purpose, fate, fortune, and future, and kismet, karma, and providence, the conglomerations, accumulations, and assortments, agglomerations, accretions, and abundances assert, announce, and aver. The articulations, coherences, and comprehensions compose, comprise, and compile, advents, introductions, and arrivals, precedents, patterns, and paradigms, tessellations and combinations, concoctions and combinations, or the fabric of creation innately, intrinsically, and inherently interact, intermingle, and interrelate.

The enormity, immensity, and copiousness, vastness and stupendousness, bounteousness, munificence, and magnanimousness, the distinctions, variations, and deviations, congruences, consistencies, and consiliences demand and incite, kindle and influence, and instigate and instantiate, the composition of augmentation and attribution.

Observance and perceptiveness, praxis and practices, sacraments and conventions, the rituals, palavers, and confabulations, invoke, conjure, and evoke, while the inducing and educing trends, tendencies, and vogues churr, chirp, and wobble, the peeps, tweets, and murmurs which steer, maneuver, and helm.

Destiny and intentions! the purpose, horizons, vistas, and views, acuities, ambits, and orbits, the embodiment of destinations, personification of objectives, and incarnation of impetuses, ambitions, and desires, the prevalence, predominance, and pervasiveness, capture the abysses, annex the burdened barriers, and incarcerate the creeping, sneaking, and slinking barren, drab, and dreary discrepancies, while the hazed and darkened mind, cognizance, and intellect entombed  by inconsistencies, contradictions, and  redundant refutations reasserts, insists, and reaffirms agility, alertness, and dexterity.

 Dawn and inception, prelude and prologue, and conception and commencement, the genesis and inception to inquire and canvass, the cause and conviction, tenet and tendency, and creed and doctrine of dedication and determination, the adherence and allegiance to pertain and perpetuate, to envision and envisage, and to portend and prognosticate the predilections and proclivities outburst, surge, and irrupt.

Predestined and preordained ambitions, aspirations, and determinations articulate, augment, and ameliorate the destiny, coincidence, and foreordination, while the posture and deportment of bestowed and bequeathed bounty of life and exuberance, viability of mutuality and interconnection commensurate and complement the thriving and prospering procurements, attainments, and acquirements.

Revelations, divulgences, and declarations tenaciously, obstinately, and adamantly herald, portend, presage, and promise the propinquity and proximity of junctures and confluxes. The moments and instances of continuance, prolongation and protraction, the paradigms, paragons, and quintessence, declaratives and annunciators of providence, attempt, and endeavor vehemently, fervidly, and fervently undermine and abrogate susceptibility and vulnerability to sustain and espouse moments and flashes of fortuitousness.

Then, aberration and peculiarity, anomaly and inconsistency, and atonality and dissonance do not constitute and compose contemplations and deliberations. While, the tendency, propensity, and proclivity to instantiate and procure, incline and captivate, and invoke and pertain the tessellations and patterns of impetus and occasion, and ambition and aspiration does not perpetuate ponderance, merit, and sustainability.

When, abandonment, relinquishment, and discontinuance prelude dissociation, detachment, and dispassion, the preface to dissipation of dexterity, adroitness, and agility, and to overshadow the aspiration and plea to authenticate, endorse, and substantiate.

Though, occurrences and incidents, circumstances and eventualities, coordination and correspondences, and capitulations and comprehensions coagulate and concentrate moments and incidences which manifest and exhibit the expressions, utterances, and articulations.

Predestination and nemesis, serendipity and fortuity, and fortitude and faith accentuate, emphasize, and augment authenticity, genuineness, and trustworthiness of the totality, entirety, and inclusiveness. The fabric of fascination, maze of mutuality and maturation, and congregation and cluster of pursuance and perpetuation spread and disperse beyond the boundaries of imaginations and judgements.

The snooze, siesta, and doze, the slumber and sleep to thaw and fad desertion and disregard, inattention and dilapidation to relinquish and abandon renouncements and revocations, and reversals to instigate, initiate, and inspire nondiscriminatory distinctions, dissimilitude and divergences deallocate and diminish the heterogeneity and nonuniformity which portend and presage pertinence and purposefulness, the perseverance and persistence of resolve and purpose.

Simmered, festered, and succumbed pretenses, affectations, and ostentations, charades, façades, and fabrications disavow, refute, and recant. The prevalence and pervasiveness to continually rehearsed fraudulence and falseness fused, coalesced, and amalgamated to intimacy and seclusion of serenity and equanimity, recalcitrant and exasperating acclamations and approbations resentful and indignant to extinguish and eclipse.

 While, affections, fondness, and endearment, the exclusiveness, elegance, end elitism, reciprocity, responsiveness, approachability, and awareness are averted, deterred, and obviated, the retrieval and reclamation evaded and eluded by preclusions, deterrence, and impediments. When, the incurred postulations and presumptions of iniquity and debauchery exacerbate and impair prudence and providence, the path and orbit to decay and crumble of percipience and sagaciousness, while leaned and inclined to bemusements, departures, and decrepitude. The tumbledown and ramshackle remnants of quintessence and epitome are debilitated and relinquished to rebuke, reprove, and reprimand, surrounded by the stealth refutation and repudiation.

To cave in, concede, and accede, accept, acknowledge, and assent, while the presumptions, presuppositions, and premises, assertions, assumptions, and articulations have been prosaically, vacuously, and insipidly prevaricated, dissembled, and dithered.

Then, accentuate and emphasize the dedications, devotions, and allegiances that have been tarnished, blemished, mottled, and blotted. Pinpoint and isolate the renegaded and rebelled derelictions, desertions, and delinquencies, augmentations, acclivities, and elevations of inconsistencies, discrepancies, and contradictions. Identify and recognize the negations and annulments of reverberating revelations and motivations which have been ravaged, pillaged, and plundered, the ignored, neglected, and forgotten intimacy, proximity, and propinquity that have been perpetually pertained by your magnanimity and benevolence, the unheeded, unobserved, and unnoticed apropos and germane gestures and occurrences which have been unsubstantiated and uncorroborated while the adorations, venerations, and reverences have been hypothesized and postulated, Dissipate and dissolve the dearth and drought that dogmatize the delinquencies to pertain and portray strays of sincerity, the unequivocal and unambiguous drift of candor and consonance.

ساکنانِ حرمت جمله ز دیدار به انگار تو هر گوشه طلب  آویزند
راهبان مست وز آن رخصت دل بر قدحِ خمر ثنا  پُر  بندیم

 Seekers and chasers, strikers and inquirers, and crusaders and campaigners of your sanctuary, shelter, and tabernacle, the imperviousness, invulnerability, and insusceptibility to whom that prudently and shrewdly envisage and enrapture, and captivate and entrance your trace, dash and touch, and verve and vigor by the blink of the eye, the enactment and ratification of the rays of aspiration and expectation, and the draft and waft of your attentiveness and deliberations. the arrived and attendees, intimates and cohorts to whom the moves and jumps, reach and stretch, and grasp and touch ring certainty and certitude, commensurate acclivity and incline, and pave and flag barrow and tumulus of enthrallment and allure.

The abdicators, rejectors, and renouncers of resentments, antipathies, and antagonisms, abandoners and repudiators of enmity and animosity, to whom the adhered and simmered, and stumbled and sneaked hinderances and deterrents, impediments and encumbrances are surpassed, excelled, and exceeded by eminence and distinction of your elevation, absorption, and allurement, the chirps and chips, and squeaks and peeps resound and reclaim the fortitude and  grit, and endurance and courage.

The fascinators and enthrallers, enchanters and beguilers who embark and commence your convenience and camaraderie, the affinity and companionship, the observers and scrutinizers, perceivers and discerners of your concernments and caringness, your compassions and receptiveness, enhancers and accompaniments, sponsors and diffusers, disseminators and dissipaters of your benevolence, altruism, and blessings, your beacon and bonfire, beam and pharos to detonate, kindle, and enflame.

To whom, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness, innumerability, bounteousness, and multifariousness, manifestations, expressions, and expositions exacerbate, aggravate, and amplify to stretch and expand the boundedness, barricades, and barriers of vistas, panoramas, and sceneries of substance and affluence, verve and vigor, and vitality and vivacity.

To whom the vigilance and attentiveness resonate, resound, and reverberate your presence and occurrence, and your depiction and portrayal, while the perplexities, bafflements, and incomprehension instigate, impel, and incite aggrandizement, diversification, and proliferation of encapsulation, diminution and contraction, to expand soar, and ascend extremer and farther to your engulfment ,immersion, and inundation.

To whom, the sorrow of the soul, the wail of hinderances and impediments, and whine of emotions and empathies are insinuated, whispered, and alluded to reciprocate, evaluate, and appraise. When, the gorge of life’s reverberations and dynamisms, ravine of zings and vitalities, canyon of confirmations, ratifications, and commencements, and the valley of trustworthiness, meritoriousness, and virtuousness immeasurably, illimitably, and infinitely instigate, induce, and prevail the abdication and renunciation of perception’s and observation’s restraints and restrictions.

The monks and abbots, rabbis and priests and sheikhs and dervishes, fakirs and sadhus, contemplatives and friars, savants and pundits, who seek and request, the parsons, reverends, and pastors, to whom his presence, manifestation, and ponderance portrays perpetuation of the appeal, the profundity of purpose, and gravity of the gesture.

 The souls, beings, and personages to whom the personification, epitome, and incarnation have been distinctly apprehended, ascertained, and appreciated, the concatenation and coalescing of desire and devotion, to whom interactions, collaborations, and association remain rampant, unbridles, and unquenchable, the exemplars and exemplifications of embodiments and personifications.

To them, you, your ingress, reiteration and replication of moments of acquaintance and conversance, when the joy, ecstasy, elation, and exultation of your contact, caress, and embrace saturate and inundate fissures, crevices, and fractures of the crux and core, your attentiveness, responsiveness, and thoughtfulness within the perception and discernment of intent and resolve, tenacity and thirst to embrace, encircle, and encompass your entity of embodiments and epithets, designations and denominations, the entirety, totality, and wholeness restitute, rampage, and rapture.

The bliss, euphoria, and rhapsody, soar and escalate to quintessence of culmination, the apex, zenith, and finality to amalgamate and augment the entirety, fused, mingled, and merged to your verges and thresholds of acceptance, assent, and accession, to broaden the boundaries, circumferences, and confines of delight and enchantment. The influence, incitement, invigoration, and inspiration to inherently incapacitate, disincline, and debilitate demeanors and deportments, which depict and delineate constraints, partitions, and borders to resent and restrain perpetration and effectuation. While, resolution, reification, effectuation, and consummation of your expectations, surmises, and assurances are precipitously brandishing and gesturing the pennants of recurrence, proclamation, and perpetuation, dedicatedly, devotedly, and steadfastly to surpass and transcend the realm, ambit, and demesne of presumption, postulation, and conviction.

Then, shaky, quivering, and trembling postures, poses, and stances, annunciations and acclamations, assertions and proclamations, and decrees and diktats, the edicts and enactments, percepts and promulgations, and recipes and modus operandi descriptive of banners and bestowments to distantly, vaguely, and reservedly abridge and curtail your unequivocal, explicit, and immediate acquaintance, consociation, and conversance; to contort and distort, to symbolize, suggest, and signify you, exemplified by partial deportments and demeanors, to reflect, imitate, and replicate opaque, impervious, and impenetrable absolutisms, despotism, and autarchy, inherent by utter prowess and arrant incontrovertibility, depicted, represented, and described to vindicate and justify harsh, abrasive, and punitive indisputability, irrefutability, and incontestability.

To muster, convene, and congregate “we”, the asserters, acclaimers, and announcers of your merits, aptitudes, and virtues, the elites and elects, the designated and nominated gentries whom seek solace and succor within the shadow of concealment, separation, skepticism, and exclusion, the aristos who have been swamped and besieged, and deluged and engulfed by erected barriers, and bequest boundaries of misconceptions and misdemeanors, hedges of delinquencies and derelictions, and bastions of misdeeds and dilapidations.  The advocates and devotees befuddled and inebriated by the emptiness and shallowness of the chalice, the figurative goblet which is voided, nullified, and neglected of the content, ironically and poignantly, paradoxically and conflictedly to rescind, retract, and revoke of your reflectiveness, pensiveness, and rumination.

آن نما سیطرهِ ملک عدن قبله  گرش وسوسهِ جلوه  دیدار  تو  بود
حالت دیده شود  لعل سخن ساحت  و  پندار  برت  دل  بندیم

  Entities and beings, personages and luminaries, nobs and toffs, and fulsomeness, profuseness, and effusiveness, the rapture, euphoria, and elation, the illuminati of instigations, cognoscenti of conscience, and literati of intellects and intuitions intensely and profoundly infuse, inculcate, and imbue.

Vistas of adulation, the horizons of approbation, and spheres and scopes of surveillance and scrutiny surround the sanctities of certitude, confidence, and assurance. Sanctuaries and shelters, retreats and havens to corroborate, authenticate, and confirm, to conspicuously and collaboratively coagulate the province and protectorate of certainty, conviction, and inevitability, the outpost and enclave of virtuousness, meritoriousness, and vehemence.

The citadel of confirmation, fortress of verification, canvas of corroboration, and estuary of ratification and affirmation, the inlet and fjord to fusion, meld, and merge, piety and piousness to encompass, traverse, and span, the vastness to claim, appeal, and demand disbandment and dissipation of discontinuance, disparity, and disdain, the disregard and disparagement to trends and patterns which disclaim, refute, and repudiate reverence, adoration, and affection, while abandoning and aborting derisions and denigrations to echo, ricochet, and resonance of wholeness and totality.

Vistas of adulation, spectacles of esteem and deference, the landscapes of recognition and admiration, or the paradise and nirvana of augmentation and escalation span, stretch, and spread. Birds succumbed to symphony of serenity and equanimity, poise and composure, roses and rosettes, the emblems and insignias of opus and sonata, the fabric and foundation of vivacity, verve, and exuberance substantiate, vindicate, and validate the chants and carols, choruses and chorales of contribution, involvement, and influence.

To encircle and engirdle the entities, esse and ethos, the soul and spirit to whom the mecca and hub of plead and urge, hope and yearn, and contemplation and intonement is unique and exclusive, and sole and single. To whom, the directness of connection, omnipresence of the affection and attachment, ambiance of interaction and intertwinement is consolidated, merged, and confirmed.

To whom allure and fascination, enticement and enchantment invigorate and enliven, exhilarate and elate, and effuse and emanate your verboseness and revealment, your intimacy and affection. The informality, warmth, and friendliness to succumb, submit, and surrender to limpidness, pureness, and transparency of the twinkles, gleams, and glitters of your overtures and greetings.

Oh, the inspirer and arouser of craves and  desires, retriever and reclaimer of the fissures, crevices, and fractures, the tides, surfs, and waves, disseminators and convoys of bundles and parcels of ambition and aspiration, the  embodiments, incarnations, and personifications, the console and solace to the surmised, speculated, and construed culminations and conclusions, your occurrence and presence, your portrayals, depictions, and representations so vividly, illustratively, and flamboyantly, ostentatiously and gaudily extrapolated, extracted, and exhibited by habitats, milieus, and domains of distinction and accolade, to vivaciously, irrepressibly, and ebulliently rave, rage, and rant my heart, existence, and  esse.

The entailment, entitlement, and prerogatives, the privilege and bestowment, dispensation and exemption, and indulgence and forbearance to capitulate and relent, and acquiesce and accede to your perpetuality and endurance, invariability and immutability, sempiternity and eternity, the semaphores and substances of assimilation and absorption, engulfment, indulgence, and immersion within the realm, orbit, and enclave of your propinquity and proximity, to be unified, combined, and integrated to your exquisiteness, daintiness, and deftness entice, incite, and beguile the depth of moments, strengthens sincerity of gesticulation, and enlighten the canopy of cogitation.

Attentiveness, consciousness, and inquisitiveness, recognition, regard, and consideration, the contemplation, deliberation, and ministration, manifestation and substantiation, perpetuation, propagation, and continuance of verve and vivacity, depictions, delineations, and interpretations of the rendering elicitations, evocation of insistence, adamance, and implacable inclinations, preferences, and dispositions, perseverance and proclamation, averment, attestation, and affirmation of instances and occasions, and assurance of preponderance and prevalence, though endure and persist to extend and  expand to eternity and perpetuity.

Still, the infinite and interminable premises and postulates, the perceptuality and presumptiveness conjecturally and speculatively surmise, conjecture, and construe by the appearance, advent, and emergence of evocative, redolent, and reminiscent relapses and reversions, subside, recede, and descend the intertwined and interlaced, the inherent connectiveness and coagulation to instantiate the tenderness, fondness, and compassion of absorbance and acquirement.

 The concealment, obscureness, and obliteration which presage and perpetuate abdication and abandonment, renunciation and relinquishment of perception’s and discernment’s amends, remuneration, and indemnity.

Clarity, lucidity, and transparency, pureness, sheerness, and palpability of interactions, collaborations, and connections, the depictions, characterizations, and descriptions, virtuousness, impeccability, and unpretentiousness of ambience, tone and tenor, and context and complexion of creation, cosmos, and universe, the inherently evinced and revealed  altitudes and zeniths of adorability, absorbance, appeal, fascination, and attraction to your magnanimity, benevolence, and altruism, when capitulated and succumbed, and relented by the cavities, craters, and clefts and fissures of the heart, the merge, affiliation, and amalgamation of the unity, unison, and unanimity of uniqueness and exclusiveness, the harmony, coherence, and congruence vehemently, fervently, and fervidly derive, emanate, and transpire.

When, the carving and yearning, entreaty and aspiration, and plea and request emanate and radiate your affection and endearment, your amity and affinity, the empathy and resemblance, chirps and chirrups, tweets and tweeters reverberate and resonate; when, the intimacy and closeness, consonance and rapport, and graciousness and camaraderie mitigate and mollify, and abate and assuage the apprehensions, hesitations, and trepidations of the consistency and constancy; when, traces, dashes, and touches of your propensity and predisposition, penchant and predilection exuberate, elate, and exult the eminence, repute, and stature of sanctity and sacredness of the reciprocity and mutuality; and when, your proclamations, edicts, and assertions of entireness and meritoriousness induce, impel, and impede reflections and replications of  your emergence, occurrence, and appearance within the soul, quintessence, and epitome of heart. Then the synchrony, concurrence, and concomitance, your gratification and contentment, serenity, poise, and composure, the nirvana and enlightenment approbate and privilege the entrancement and enthrallment to expand and rise, ameliorate and awaken by the unfolded and unrolled sparkling and spangled horizons and skylines, spheres and scopes of congruence, empathy, and receptiveness.

جامه ها بود که  دستار  رهش قامتِ مطلوبِ سمن در ترسیم
کرده ها بر قدمش حاجتِ جان گفته و محراب وز  او بربندیم

Vastness of cogitation and pondering, vitality of introspection and deliberation, and spontaneity of rumination and reverie glisten and glitter, and ferment and fizzle the boundless and interminable sanctuaries of inviolability, dynamism, the zestfulness and vigorousness of intuition, awareness, and consciousness.

Inclinations and predispositions, tendencies and proclivities to seek, forage, and foray, your trace, trail, and vestige, your breeze, waft, and draft, the conscription, enlistment, and enrollment to inspire the moment, enthuse the occasion, and instigate the spur, the incitement, impellent, and impetus urgently and intensely provoke perpetuity and perdurability,  tenaciously and importunately precipitate irreversibility and eternality.

The formality, conventionalism, and rituality, the mimics, parodists, and impersonatots which vividly, acutely, and garishly have galvanized and animated the ambitions and aspirations to postulate, nominate, and advance infantile and puerile thoughts and judgements. The frivolous and inane perceptions and sensitivities encountering and contradicting  the attributes, traits, and individualities of tenacity and obstinacy of precision, exactness, and excellence which are aware and attuned to evolution and adaptation of approbation, agreement, and appreciation, dejectedly, despondently, and desolately have delayed, divorced, and detached your affection, warmth, and amity.

The isolating, sequestering, and segregating enmity, antagonism, and animosity which had been accumulated and amassed thru sheets, stratums, and strata of traditionally and tumultuously doctrined evanescent, ephemeral, and transitory decrees, proclamations, and diktats, hurdles, obstacles, and hinderances, or the humped, embowed, and hunched gestures and gesticulations to gradually and garishly obscure, obfuscate, and conceal your ubiquitous, prevalent, and predominant gaze and stare.

Though, your proximity, immediacy, and propinquity, the benevolence and munificence, rays, gleams, and glimmers of enlightenments, edifications, and eruditions transpose and transpire, when the entrance, ingress, and postern, the gap, fissure, and aperture, and rift, canyon, and ravine is uncluttered and unrestrained, amenable and amicable, and unguarded and ajar.

While, the blaze and dazzle, glow and shine, sight and vista surround, encase and enfold your presence and occurrence, to besiege and encircle, and encompass and embrace your entities and entireties, the intumescent, aggregations, and totalities to inundate and engulf bounds and restrictions of comprehension, cognition, and cultivation, your wholeness, unity, and unison, the oneness, congruence, and  cohesion.

Then, conflation of the purpose and resolve, coalescence of concurrence, consensus, and coincidence, and concoction and fabrication of contentment and collaboration, gratification and grandeur surpass and transcend the apex and summit of surmise and supposition, or the acme and zenith of temporization and equivocation is conquered, vanquished, and surmounted.

When, harmony and tunefulness, and melodiousness and mellifluousness span and spread the wings and pennants, and pinions and pennons of protraction, persistence, and purposefulness, to arise and ascend, buoy and float, conjecture and ponder, and marvel and admire the bequest, endowment, and reliance which have dedicated, contributed, and consecrated ecstasy and ravishment, elation and exhilaration, and endorsement and enactment.   While, entrusted upon conviction and confidence spur and goad, and prod and provoke to incessantly, relentlessly, and ceaselessly endure, persist, and preserve the deluged flourishment, brandished and thrived euphoria, rapture, and ecstasy that had been distinctly and distinguishingly disembarked upon, your adjacency, contiguity, and vicinage.

Adjacency, congruity, and vicinage, you are the crystallization of perceptiveness, perspicuity, and percipience, articulacy, acuity, and astuteness, the perspicacity, insightfulness, and discernment, prevalence of pertinence, universality of confirmation and endurance, and the guarantor of persistence and perseverance.

The culmination, consummation, and apogee to enshrine, preserve, and cherish, apprise and revere the pertinence, germaneness, and relatedness, when immediately and instantly, unconditionally and unreservedly, and side by side and shoulder to shoulder, the continuation and furtherance, and perpetuation and protraction pertain and prevail the occasion, occurrence, and elicitation.

Your stewardess and guardian conformity, consistency, and compliance to my perpetuance of purpose and perseverance have been transposed and suffused, permeated and saturated the reciprocity, the remuneration and requital of submersion, adjoined and conjoined by your magnanimity and munificence, nobility and chivalry. The incessant and unalleviated glints and glitters, the glisters, blinks, and twinkles have equivocated and prevaricated the permeability of presumptiveness, exclusiveness, and restrictedness, the anxiety, dread, and trepidation have been altered and transfused, debarked and detrained.

Your exquisiteness and gracefulness, the copious, bounteous, and profuseness of your courtesy and care, responsiveness and attentiveness overwhelm the substance and existence, my  deeds, feats, and manners, the reflections and replications, deliberations and ruminations, and cogitations and cerebrations instantiated and incarnated to spontaneity and extemporaneity of your provocation and commencement, to nurture, foster, and cultivate the ecstasy, trance, and elation of closeness  and confidence, to lucidly, cogently, and coherently conglomerate, consolidate, and amalgamate the bestowed, bequeathed, and conferred overtures and gestures which gesticulates and gratify the apropos and appurtenant of the gravity of vivacity, verve, and vitality.

The essence, kernel, and crux, existence, esse, and quiddity, ethos, soul, and spirit, the sustenance, subsistence, continuance and recommencement has intertwined and interconnected, mingled, fused, and blended to your breath and breeze of bestowment, incarnation, embodiment, and manifestation.

The perpetuation of moments, ponderance of pertinence and aptness, and procurement of the intensity and inducement of your glare and gaze have capitulated and ceded the corners of the heart, the intents, ambitions, and aspirations.

The elation and exultation, rhapsody and bliss, your touch, pat, and stroke, the entirety and summation advocate, endorse, and espouse, embrace and champion the chastity, purity, and clarity of virtues and assets of companionship, to mature and manifest articulations, edifications, and attributions, the provenances and ascriptions.

The altars, mosques, churches, chapels, and tabernacles enshrine, hallow, and cherish sanctity, sacredness, and blessedness of the indoctrinated cognizance and acquaintance of your universal, unanimous, and ubiquitous assertions and affirmations which uniformly and fastidiously, and punctiliously and scrupulously permeate and infiltrate congruences and equivalences of perspicuity, articulateness, coherence, and connectiveness, intently, attentively, raptly, and blissfully, elaborately, copiously, and profusely augmented, perceived, and enhanced, bounded to the soul’s and spirit’s seclusion and solitude.

کوی در سِلکِ  رخش روشن و مهتاب وز اسرار ز مصباحِ نظر
خطهِ او  شور به دل، مرهمِ جان، طلعتِ او شاهدِ منظر بندیم

Adjacency, congruity, and vicinage, the proximity, immediacy, and contiguity, ascribed, endorsed, and certified by the chirps of the lonely, abandoned, and desolate canary conspicuous and prominent to the gorge and gully, chasm and canyon of certitude, conviction, and confidence, satiated and  gratified, while expenditures, bequests, and disbursements are abdicated and relinquished,  and the emergence of contentment, composure, and equanimity is established and entrenched, the instinct and impulsiveness of the interception, the inveterate, ingrained, and ineradicable intricacies and multifariousness.

The rhythmic and cadenced dance, ballet, and pirouette of the stars, planetoids, and asteroids, vociferously and clamorously, raucously and stridently declare and indicate, corroborate and confirm ramifications, implications, and corollaries of coherence and consistency, connection and collaboration, the instigators, advocators, and masterminds of recognition, condonation, empowerment, and endorsement.

The rhythmic and cadenced dance and ballet endearingly, delectably, and adorably fortified, shielded, sheltered, and secured, merely and barely misappropriated, embezzled, and pilfered by abandonment and relinquishment of the sonata, opus, and masterpiece of aura, tenor, and vibe if desolation, despoliation, and depredation of embodiment, essence, and epitome has been lingered, transpired, and ensued .

When attributions and ascriptions of their concluding and closing vestiges and remnants of attributes and attachments are arbitrated and interceded, or fused, joined, and coalesced to a peer pseudo and ersatz planetoid, orb, or asteroid. The utter and pure composition and oeuvre strides, gaits, and treads interminably and unremittingly to proceed and promote the perpetuance.

While the clearance of the passageways, sanction and affirmation of the strides, tramps, and trudges are granted and conferred. When, your attributes, ascriptions, and supremacy, the preeminence, ascendency, and omnipotence spectacularly and stunningly enlighten, edify, and apprise the promenade and esplanade of the animation, entity, and viability. When, moonlight, luster, and dazzle saturate and drench the intuition, presentiment, and perception, the luminescence, lucency, and lambency reflected, revealed, and scattered by the content, gist, and quintessence of the riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries of liveliness, the obscurities and ambiguities of conundrums of conception elevate, exalt, and advance the dedication and reasoning.

Conundrums of conception, the mazes of pursuance and enactment, the splits, slits, and slashes surmounted, conquered, and vanquished by the healing, rectifying, and restoring recipes of refinement, erudition, and rapprochement, the expansion and extension, broadening and enrichment of the vessel and receptacle of envision and envisagement, the ensuing and entailment induced and elicited by your reverberating  and resonating immediacy and contiguity, the adjacency and accessibility to cleanse, explicate, and elucidate the persistence and permanence of the granted  encounters and rendezvouses shall interdict, restrain, and proscribe when triggered and instigated by arrogance, haughtiness, and condescension, miscarriage of character and personage, and pomposity and portentousness presumptuous to adornment and embellishment of persona, guise, and stature.

Introspect, dispose, and determine the stringency of the inception, initiation of quests and errands, the allegiance and adherence to ambitions and aspirations, subjugation and vanquishment of the mirage of evanescent and ephemeral postulations and presumptions, and authentication and confirmation of convictions’, sincerities’, and certitudes’ confluences and concourses to embrace and encircle the gem, solitaire, and baguette of realization, procurement, and reification.

Vividly and vibrantly to surmount and ascend the shadow of virtual vivification,  forged, and fabricated exertions to exclusively, ardently, and avidly accentuate and emphasize on advocacies, proponents, and exponents exhibited, flaunted, and unveiled by spontaneous, precipitate and imprudent impulsive returns and retorts, responses and ripostes to obscurity, oblivion, and opacity of  the preponderance and prevalence of perpetuity and permanence. Dissenters and descenders, disrupters and apostates, and refuters and rebutters to  clusters of conveyances and collects of coherences, the consistencies of pinnacles and pennants of persuasions, inducements, and ennoblements to surpass and transcend the stretch and sphere of inundation, barrage, and accumulation of the blusteriest, rampant, and rambling ambitions, the reveries and trances to acquiesce, achieve, and acquire  approbation and accolade..

You, the entirety to the entireness, the assimilation to the summations, the summarization to the abridgements, profound and reflective, sincere and sacramental, solemn and sonorous cosset and coddle the disintegrations, devastations, and desolations, which have marred, blemished, and mutilated cavities and caverns, the cracks and clefts sparred and scuffled by the hollowness and vainness of the corners and curvatures of my heart. While, stunningly and splendidly, strikingly and succinctly, surroundings and ambiances, auras and vibes, the vistas and landscapes, brims of the horizons and the shores of the oceans, the boundaries of perceptions and realms of realizations acculturate and accommodate the journey, crossing, and excursion of attainment and realization.

It is you and only your admirations, your venerations and reverences, your conjugations and contemplations, the considerations and deliberations, the seamless, harmonious, and symphonic essence of creation, the genesis and siring of inceptions and evolutions, destined and preordained to flourish and blossom the soul and epitome, or mitigate the misappropriate malignant and malicious menaces to approbations and consents, to embrace and comprise the colossal and mammoth cosmic and gargantuan galaxies, to the minuscule and diminutive entities of null dimensions and extents that have asynchronized and  augment the instantiation and rationalization of the moments, trice, and flashes.

Absoluteness, interrelatedness, utterances, and arrant acclamations, which have exemplified and epitomized attunement and assimilation of macrocosms, entireties, and infinities, reveal instances, divulgences, and articulations. The relatedness, affiliation, and connection which strenuously, energetically, and emphatically substantiate the encapsulation of your affiliation and affinity. The pearl, selection, and aliveness to atomize and accentuate the congregation, conventicle, and convocation of your console and solace, the concourse, throng, and colloquium of merits, virtues, and aptitudes.

قامتت افروخت در هر گوشه خود  آهِ  تمنای خیالت کبکِ  لب
طالع و بختی زحل آویزه  تا  زمزمه دوست بر آئینه  اختر  بندیم

Emblazonments of consequences and prominences, eminences and distinctions, invigorations of occasions and insistences, the whirl and twirl, spin and swivel, pivotal momentousness pinnacles and revolved ramifications, the adjurations and admonishments, approvals and rebukes, rapprochements and refutes, contradictions and contrarian commencements, the aspirations, ambitions, and propensities to pertain and prevail, to enflame and provoke liveliness, vigor, and sparkles, and the shine and shimmer of the torch of rectitude and uprightness engulf, immerse, and overwhelm the quintessence of cosmos’ and ethers’ individualities, particularities, and generalities.

Blaze of reverberations, conflagrations and firestorms of fervor, eagerness, and passion, the blast and eruption of culminations and conclusions, accumulations of ascertained augmentations and amplifications, clarifications, elucidations, and deliberations, receptance, reliance, and constancy, the elevation, levitation, and ascendance, the totality, inclusiveness, and immediacy, the paramount and ultimate acquaintance, consociate, and conversance contemplated upon and contrived while surrounded, embodied, and encompassed by your absoluteness, palpability, and perceptibility, the patentability, transparency, and unequivocal alterability, which have emanated and derived, and sown and scattered  to reciprocate your magnificence, resplendence, and transcendence twinkle and scintillate, coruscate and effulgent, and pirouette and evolve.

The intimacy, affinity, and amity, your dazzle, gape, and gaze, the appreciation, effectuation, and reification, to clasp, clench, and confirm, the closeness, contact, and confidence, and your congeniality, cordiality, and affability, the joviality and vivaciousness entuned to echo of murmurs, whispers, and mutters of the invigorating breeze, salubrious surge, and enhancing wave that is carted and conveyed by the oceans and brinies of credence, conviction, and certainty, the  caress, stroke, and cuddle.

The rapport, bond, and harmony soaring, towering, and spiraling have cossetted and coddled the ever escalating sensations and commotions relentlessly restrained and confined by the consummated inferno within the heart, the melody and theme, harmony and tune, and unity and unison, the correspondence, undividedness, and congruence which has spurred and urged unanimity, oneness, and coherence.

The conspicuousness, perceptible affixation, and blatant appendance goad and prod to articulate, enunciate, and promulgate, the continuance, protraction, and perpetuation of the agglutination, cohesion, and adhesion, the ascendancy, and hegemony of each taken breath and exhaled discards and rejects to consummate and effectuate the conduct, demeanor, and carriage of the moments, the obliteration, abolition, and eradication of obstacles and hurdles, and shrinkage and disappearance of the distances and expanses to increasingly and progressively, and further and farthest huddle, crouch, and hunker within the sanctity and inviolability of your presence, occurrence, and encirclement.

Fate, destiny, and providence, kismet, karma, and contingency, possibility, incidence, and exigency, eventuality, the prevalence of occasions, pervasiveness of profundity and perceptiveness, and predominance of cavernousness and capaciousness, the immeasurability, immenseness, and chasmic conceptualizations.

Essays, themes, and compositions spin, revolve, and gyrate, the ballet of bemusements and bewilderments, march and parade of impression and perceptions, primacy and ascendency of conceptions and convictions, coexistence and concurrence, consensus and concomitance, coerce, compel, and constrain the creed, certitude, and confidence to contribute and collaborate, to comply and correspond, and to connect and conform.

Boundaries and confines, margins and precincts dissipate, disperse, and dissolve, while the acquaintance, association, and awareness consociate and accomplice to essence and fabric of vivaciousness and vibrance of intuitions and clairvoyance. When, the induced, provoked, and convinced perceptiveness and discernment, and perspicacity and astuteness, rays, flickers, and sparkles of your affiliation, affinity, and affection surmount and vanquish dens, burrows, and warrens of desolation, bleakness, and barrenness.

While, the shine, sheen, and luster which have traversed, crisscrossed, and navigated amidst and across galaxies of preponderance, adroitness, and comprehension, the throngs of propensities, proclivities, and predispositions, the inner torrents and rivulets of penchant and predilection strenuously and emphatically alleviate, placate, and palliate dissociation, detachments, and alienations.

Fate, destiny, and providence has been mounted, attached, and affixed to the skies and firmaments, the ethers and expanses of creation and formation, the realizations and foundations, patterns and configurations, and compositions and dispositions.

Echoes and ricochets of the chirping, peeping, and cheeping bird, inspired, stirred, and enthused by the sanctitude and piety of desire. The glimpse and glance of flocks and swarms of butterflies imparted and presented, divulged and disclosed by the caress, clasp, and cuddle of the breeze, stroke of the waft, and harshness of the gust. The entireness and totality, the synchronousness and harmoniousness, the relentless and unremitting aspirations and ambitions herald, declare, and proclaim the consensus and concourse, concurrence and concomitance, dedications, devotedness, and allegiances, to preponderate and prevail the fissures and crevices of coagulation, cessation, or conclusion, and to extend and elevate, magnify and heighten reverberation and rebound of the voyage and expedition of spirit, sparkle, and exuberance. The irreversibility and irrevocability, irretrievability and incessance to instantiate and incarnate.

Wow and Hurray, the juncture, jointing, and crossing to escalade, ascend, and shin, your accompaniment and complement, companionship and closeness, momentous appurtenance and accretion, accrual and agglomeration of attunements and acclamations, adorations and adulations have ruminated, deliberated, and cogitated the boundless horizons of inception, evolution, and propagation.

The envoys, emissaries, and heralds of bond, camaraderie, and companionship, who painstakingly and ardently, punctiliously and meticulously, and fastidiously and scrupulously embellish, adorn, and enhance vividness of fascination, and radiance of enthrallment and beguilement, to declare and acclaim, and to portend and herald the jiffies, trice, and flashes of rumination and contemplation, to gaze and gape, and to immerse and inundate occasions, instances, and incidents to be contented and rewarded by the pureness, virtuousness, and impeccability of resilience, buoyancy, and jauntiness, to ponder and persist the advocacy of admiration, approbation, and appreciation.

The envoys, emissaries, and heralds that are the embodiments and manifestations of your benevolence and magnanimity, the propagators and diffusers, purveyors and promulgators of eminence and distinction; the whisperers and promoters of accolade and tribute, to redeem, emancipate, and liberate the abridged and abbreviated aberrations and deviations that embark and emulate, mimic and imitate ostentation, garishness, and pretentiousness.

چشم را خود  چشمِهِ مفتون به کسبِ  بادهِ مملو ز  اقبال و امید
فتنه دریابم  درون، پروانه گو،  در حلقه جو،  بود به آذین بندیم
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Sights, prospects, and spectacles, vistas, visions, and scenes scrupulously, rigorously, and conscientiously coalesced and conjoined to commemoration, celebration, and honor of capitulation of predilections, proclivities, and propensities, condonation of conceptualizations, envisages, and contemplations. When, covenants, indentures, and ententes connect and compile, and convene and congregate to encapsulate the core, kernel, and crux of exuberance, the cheerfulness of vibe, and profusion and proliferation of impetus and purpose.

When, concurrency of conspicuousness, apparentness of approbation, and impression and commotion of admiration and veneration bombard and blitz boundaries, margins, and borderlines of constraints, restraints, and constrictions. The chalice and goblet of rapport and harmony, the arena and ring of symphony and oeuvre enchant and mesmerize reverberations and thrumming of pursuance, propensities, and proclivities, enactment of ambitious and elaborative anticipations and exceptions, to intensify and strengthen the intricate and ostentatious intents and deliberations; the bliss, ecstasy, and elation of attachment, affinity, and intimacy.

Rumination and resilience of profoundness and abstruseness of quiddity and esse    commemorate and consolidate the realizations, discernments, and perceptions, to reveal and declare entrenchment and habituation, the encampment, occupancy, and residency that is exclusively and utterly adjacent, contiguous, and adjoined to your totality and entirety; the arcadia, utopia, and Eden of complacency, contentment, and gratification.

The chalice and goblet of destiny and dream, purpose and reverie, and fate and envisagement capitulate the pensiveness and gallantry of rectitude, relent the alchemy of virtues and integrities, and succumb to the wholeness, comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of your traits, personas, and mannerisms, rimmed, brimmed, and bristled, bountiful, abundant, and profuse, the avalanche, cluster, and plethora of potion, concoction, and elixir, portentous and solemn, sober and somber, and affluent and opulent.

The fountain, cascade, and spring of coherence, judiciousness, and sternness, canister, bowl, and vessel of vitality, verve, and vivacity, the augmenter, ameliorator, and authenticator of pursuance, pertinence, and appropriateness, to attain and realize auspices and sponsorships of coherence, consistency, universality, and uniformity, the conformity to the wholeness, profundity, and perspicuity.

Reflections, cogitations, and cerebrations, contemplations and speculations, conjectures, surmises, and inferences, examinations, appraisals, and evaluations of ethos, tenets, and creeds to align, ally, and affiliate, the expansion to the margins, boundaries, and confines of continuance, endurance, and perpetuation, within the chest, coffer, and treasury of fervor, ardor, and spirit reciprocate and respond to your munificence, benignity, and benevolence.

The dance of butterfly infatuated, enraptured, and enamored by the candle’s glitter and sparkle, glimmer and shimmer, charmed, entranced, and besotted, empowered and roused to banish and discard the darkness, obscurity, and vagueness of the tumultuous, turbulent, and boisterous lurking, prowling, and loitering ambiance and tenor, which has surrounded, enfolded, and swathed the arena of admiration and approbation, anxiously awaiting the tumble, plunge, and plummet of the pinnacle and acme, peak and apex, devotion and consecration, and fidelity and fondness, or the fever and ferocious burn  to depict the ache and proclivity to proportionate and commensurate to your fondness and affection.

The butterfly circling, spinning, and whirling, candle’s burning, attributing, and provisioning, wick, glim, and spill, tumble, trip, and stumble, participation, merge, and unification, the ring of resolve, circle of courage, chime of commitment and constancy, sphere of staunchness and steadfastness, and the temperament of tenaciousness and intransigence which have manifested and incarnated the existence, creation, and continuance, embodiments, epitomes, and quintessence of certainty, epochs, eons, beats, throbs, eras and rhythms, cadence, pace  and tone of perspicacity, acuity, and astuteness, the serenity, exposure, and equanimity of occasions, occurrences, and circumstances, and invincibility, invulnerability, and dauntlessness of durations, extents, and intervals.

Inundate intimacy of absolutism, instigate  incarnation of dedication and salutation of personification and manifestation, and sponsor, promote, and endorse  to not dally and dawdle, not to demote and decline as  a demon and dryad  to devolvement and desire but to revere, venerate, and respect, endear and commend the bestowment and  association to grasp and grapple as an  avatar and deity desegregated to you and your  demeanors and deportments.

The embodiments, epitomes, and quintessence, the invincibility, invulnerability, and dauntlessness of durations, extents, and intervals, the wholeness, entirety, and totality reverberate and reassure me of your heartening, comforting, and confirming presence and companionship, the attendance, appearance, and advents, the root and foundation,  instigation, inspiration, and invigoration, the bestowed pneuma and anima to contemporize, concomitate, and collaborate, your demeanor, deportment, and disposition, the mean and modus that have shattered my heart, compassion, and affection to barrage of minuscule, infinitesimal and miniature magnets, enticements, and inducements, individually brimmed and inundated by your endearments, ingratiation, courteousness, and cultivation to indispensably and indistinctly, imperatively and indiscriminately scatter and disseminate, the resound and echo of your graciousness, magnanimous, decorousness, and affability.

The juncture, confluence, and convergence, the crossover, crescent and falcate has been surpassed, outshined and transcended to passionately and avidly, emotionally and vehemently, and perfervidly and profoundly be able to view, discern, and detect beyond, passed, and above the adopted, permitted, and conceded horizons and hemispheres, the immensity and vastness of your paradises of pertinence, relevance, and aptness, your territory, demesne, and dominion, my enclave, protectorate, and province of contiguity and adjacency, to dearly denotate the unification, inseparability, and oneness, the immersion, raptness, enchantment, and entrancement of your divinity, deity, and sanctity.

© Alireza Bemanian, August of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)



این نظر را بی نظر در این نگاه پر نظر خود را به انگارش  نگر
خاطر از آن اختر دنیا نگر آن اخترش مقصد  به  پندارش نگر

Reflection and meditation, consideration and rumination, and contemplation and deliberation, the formation, realization, and foundation, self evaluation, perception, and appreciation, increment, discernment, and interpretation, and insight, prudence, and vision to provide and pertain the platform, scaffold, and frame, to seek purity of thought, limpidness of resolution and realization, and clarity and transparency of the attitude, approach, and conviction, tentatively, timorously, and timidly march, trudge, and traipse.

Essences and substances that vividly and tangibly, vibrantly and brilliantly, lucidly and limpidly ponder and muse authenticity of conception and realization, pertinence and relevance of perception and clairvoyance, and cogitation and rumination of conducts and behaviors, relentlessly, inexorably, and insistently invoke, incite, and inspire.  Cogitations, ponderances and ruminations, the recollections and rectifications revolve and gyrate, distinguish and differentiate, and commensurate and proportionate paves and drapes of the path of appurtenant and apropos relevance and aptness.

Depth and gravity, profundity and perspicacity, mindset and trait, and the arouse passion, fervor, and infatuation, enhancements, and insightfulness capture, depict, and denote, seize, ensnare, and grasp intuitions, presentiments, and instincts, erudition, awareness, and wisdom, the edification, intellect, and enlightenment.

Astonishments, amazements, and admirations, the glances, glimpses, and glints, protractions, prolongations, and perpetuations to endorse and ratify the preamble to accede and ascend prologs, preludes, and overtures, to admire and endure prospects, to galvanize, animate, and electrify, resonate, ring, and echo, to configure, struct, and construct the ambitions, aspirations, and dreams to commence and instigate, to unveil and dedicate trends and portraits, inclinations and tendencies, and incarnations and epitomes, the essences and personifications to ponder and pursue, and incarnate, embed, and epitomize, exuberantly, boisterously, and buoyantly instigate, inaugurate, and inspire.  

Inclinations and incarnations, epitomes and personifications, to ponder, depict, and portray, to consider, count, and cogitate, and to deliberate, disperse, and dissolve, the distinctions, significances, accolades, and particularities, merits, and excellences, joys, charms, and blisses, elations, ecstasies, the exultations, euphoria, rapture, and exhilarations to authenticate, endorse, and validate, to corroborate and substantiate, the augmentation, escalation, and instantiation of vibe and vim, virtuousness, sensation and spirit of liveliness and reciprocity, the mutuality of vivacity vivaciously, vibrantly, and spiritly stimulate, invigorate, and motivate.

Surroundings and universe, ambiences and habitats, and haunts and territories, intricacies, convolutions, and complexities, the obscurities, niceties, and minutiae, trivia, deets, and incidentals, the frameworks of fascinations and fixations, foundations of fortitude and obsessions, and forefronts of magnetism, allurement, and captivation, the frontages and facades to observe and conform, to impute and attribute, and to entail and engage designatively, indicatively, and exhibitively outshine, transcend, and eclipse ordinaries, routines, and regulars.

Alignments, conglomerations, and affiliations to encounter, engage, and congregate, portrayals of certitude and assurance, promise and assertion, and composure and confidence, anonymities, concealments, and secrecies, cascaded, gushed, streamed and rose to inflate, magnify, and multiply, to raise and escalate to pinnacles of vision, exposures, and revelations, to capture and annex the acmes of relevance, consequence, and acclamation, the approbations and approvals to conjoin, annex, and append the pinnacles of participation and partaking admiringly, courteously, and reverently express, utter, and articulate.

Stare and gaze perceive, differentiate, and determine, and demarcate and delineate the cognizance and consciousness, perspicacity and perspicuity, and the perpetuity and persistence. Perturbations, trepidations, and apprehensiveness, deliberations, cerebrations, and ruminations, the conferment, bestowment, and bequeathed instances, incidents, and aptitudes and propensities, the proclivities and inclinations to be surmised and construed, postulated and conjectured, originated and engendered, and endorsed and endured incessantly and unremittingly augment, subdue, and mature.    

Star the stellar, superstar the luminary, and megastar the icon, the vigilance and observance, perceptiveness and attentiveness, and discretion and judiciousness, the infinitude, limitlessness, and the immensity and prevalence of horizons, vistas of perceptiveness, discernment, and acuity, the predominance, preponderance, and ascendancy pertain, prevail, and perpetuate perpetuity, permanence, perdurability, immutability and indelibility.

Star the stellar, the focality, vitality, centrality and cruciality to urge and impel, to instigate and inflame, and to incite and ignite, the embodiments, incarnations, and ambitions, aspirations, altruisms and nobilities, opulence and solace. The uniqueness and exclusivity, distinctiveness and inimitability to embrace and embark, to encompass and encircle, to enfold and engulf personifications, exemplars, and symbolizations of the tics and twitches of moments, ictuses and accentuations of symphony of existence, the sonata of continuance and patronage daze, astound, and astonish.

Perpetuate and prevail the desire and entreaty, earnest and enjoinder, and exhortation and encouragement, the legacy, vestige and bequest to reside and remain exclusive and elite, while intimate and cherished to essence, the core and crux, and the heart and spirit of spontaneity and impulsiveness, the cordiality and affability of the immediacy, expeditiousness, and reciprocity of the ambiances, genres, and characters, the dispositions, personalities, and individualities that surround, mantle, and encircle the entity, consciousness , and cognizance.

صبح را در سایه ترسیم بر رخساره مفروش از الفاظ آن نور امید
سایه را مأموا بر آن افروز خورشیدی که دنیایی به دنیایش نگر

Emergence, dawn, and commencements, luminescence, brightness, and shine, sparkle, brilliance, and vividness, the rays of aspiration and inclination, the glimmers of urge and appeal, the gleams of compulsion and compelling vivaciously, vibrantly, and perceptively ponder the precincts of purpose and persuasion. Waves of wonderment, amazement, and astonishment parallel and coherent, lucid and articulate, consistent and concordant to mysteries, obscurities, and ambiguities, the contrasts to edify, enlighten, and vivify, collaborated by consternations, bewilderments, and perturbations prevail, cajole, and convince the vitality, exuberance, and liveliness of the inundated, overwhelmed, and immersed certitudes of existence, the confidence, certainty, and conviction.      

Shadows and shades, sleuths and silhouettes, appearances and spirits, patterns of notion, rhapsody, and euphoria, precedents of germane, apropos, and appurtenant, tessellations of percipience and perceptiveness, acuity and perspicuity reflect and portray, depict and delineate, and exhibit and reveal the mysteries, confidences, and riddles, the paradoxes and perplexities to perpetuate and augment.

Exposures and expositions, the clarifications and elucidations prod, spur, and thrust epitome, manifestation, and exemplification of exuberance and enthusiasm, ebullience and buoyancy, and exultation and euphoria, while encompassed and embedded within the sanctity of conjecture and certitude, the gratification and contentedness, the sermon of composure and impeccability, and the era and epoch of imperturbability and infallibility.

Facets and facades, frontages and elevations, and apertures and orifices, spread and scattered, dispersed and allotted, and allocated and devoted extend and amplify, and enhance and expand the lucidness, coherence, limpidness, pureness, righteousness, the rectitude and virtuousness of life, viability, and liveliness to twinkle, shimmer, and gleam, to reiterate, rehearse, and recapitulate essences of entailment and inevitability, to overshadow, eclipse, and obliterate obscurities and oblivions, vagueness and ambiguousness, bafflements and befuddlements.

The totality and conglomeration of conformance and continuance, proposition and premise of perpetuation and endurance, the representativeness and veracity of prevalence and occurrence, the characters and alphabets, letters and scripts engrossed and fixated, intrigued and enthralled, and beguiled and captivated by the accentuated and heightened pinnacles of acuity, astuteness, and intuition, the arisen and ascended acmes of anticipation, prospect, and aspiration, and the serene and scintillating summits of sanctity, purity, and inviolability, which delightedly, gloriously, and gleefully greet, salute, and applaud.

Lively and exuberant, prepared and prescribed, orchestrated and organized, the scrupulousness and righteousness, nobility and distinction, and privilege and accolade, tuned and tweaked, amended and altered, and remedied and rectified to conform and correspond, and to coincide and collaborate to the songs of serenity and equanimity, genuineness and earnestness, and attribution and ascription.

Shadows and silhouettes, sanctuaries of promise and content, preserves of ponderance and significance, realms of magnitude and momentousness, reservations of obviousness and conspicuousness, formed, molded, and shaped to arose and grow. The shelters and havens fashioned by the rays, traces, and beams of your attentiveness and awareness, your affability and graciousness, and your gregariousness and companionability, conviviality and approachability, the cordiality and congeniality to mesmerizingly and fascinatingly flourish, prosper, and blossom.

Evolvement and engulfment, immersion and inundation, and escalation and intensification to envelop, shelter and overlap corners, localities, and vicinities, the hearts’ caves and caverns, to reciprocate and reveal to the exposed, divulged, and disclosed reflections, cogitations, and ruminations, to foment, aggregate, and provoke your gestures and overtures, the inner and intimate contexts, correlations, and connections.

Shadows and silhouettes, the abundance, profusion, and copiousness, the tent and temple, the porch and pavilion, the ecclesiastical, mosque, and shrine, the inevitability, irrevocability, and inexorableness, the coverage and universality, exposure and expandability, enclosure and arena to emanate and radiate, influence and instruct, and consolidate and intensify the principles of participation, engagement, and contribution. The embodiment, quintessence, paradigm, and exemplar to authenticate and substantiate the ecstasy of salute, reverence, and adoration, vastly and immensely spread, stretched, and scattered, to span from corners of the heart to boundless horizons of imagination, ingenuity, and inspiration.

Shadows and silhouettes, the anchorage, harbor, and haven, the refuge, sanctuary and shelter to galaxies and clusters, gatherings and congregations, stars and the sun, the celestial, galactical, ethereal, paradisiacal conglomerations, assortments, and accumulations, entailed and demanded every iota of existence, the specks and scintillas to replicate, recreate, and regenerate the galaxies within. The reiterations, reverberations, and recurrences to sustain, protract, and nurture evolution, amelioration, and ascent. The existence acclivities and ameliorations to assure and acclaim the span, traverse, and duration of eternity, perpetuity, and infinity.

Shadows and silhouettes, the sun’s spirit and soul’s sanctitude, the piety, divineness, and devotions to strive, search, and pursue, to seek, intrigue, absorb, and enthrall, the enchantments, beguilements, and fascinations to be enlightened, edified, and acclimated, immediacies, surroundings, and ambiance, the certitude, conviction, and certainty to echo and resonate within the boundaries and precincts of assessment, awareness, and discernment, the exuberances, energies, and enthusiasms animatedly, vigorously, and enthusiastically mesmerize, entrance, and enrapture.     

شاهد و پیمانه و ساقی همه در بند، در کوی نمای پر تمنای خیال
وه از  آن مستی  گرش اقبال دولت  کوکبی بر بام دنیایش نگر

Barkeepers and bartenders of overture, proposers, advocates, and sponsors, the provocations, suggestions, incitements, and inducements, bombardments, barrages, and vindications, exculpations, and exonerations, remissions, diminutions, deductions and detractions saturate and surmise the state of individualism, originalism, and libertarianism.

Witnesses, observers, and spectators, the onlookers and bystanders to evolution and progression, the unfolding extensions and evolvements of the entities and entireties, pivots and rivets, the pillars and fasteners to escalation and enthrallment, absorption and attraction, the allurements, intrigues, and magnetisms to provide the platform of persuasion and affiliation, to provoke propinquity and proximity, and to instantiate attainment, realization, and contentment, endearingly and engagingly salute and authenticate the intricacies, complexities, and convolutions of  inception, conception, and genesis. 

Brimmed, inundated, and drenched, teemed, bristled, and thronged chalices, goblets, and tumblers advocate, promote, and encourage, urge, inspire, and foster impulsive, impetuous, and imprudent desires, longings, and yearnings, collaborative and attentive, pertained and adhesive to the cognizance of allurement, enticement, and enchantment entailed and encompassed to your certitude, conviction, and confidence. Though, mere, meager, and measly spontaneity, impromptu, and extemporaneity to reciprocation and responsiveness, to recurrences of habits, obsessions, and conventions, the mirages and phantasms of strain, anxiety, and burden, which boisterously and raucously ravage, raze, and wreck.

Restrictions, restraints, and constraints, the sways and dominances, fluctuations and vacillations, ambivalences and equivocations, and predispositions and preconceptions have permeated, penetrated, and pervaded the boundaries, confines, and precincts of presumptions and premises. The postulations, presuppositions, and predictions, perceptions, views, and vistas have been succumbed, capitulated and acceded by aberration, diversion, and digression.

Your portrayal, rendering, and depiction have been detached and dissociated to the desire, entreaty, and appeal to seek, request, and plea your intimacy, warmth, and confidence. The acclamation, commendation, and approbation to syndicate, affiliate, and align, to join, combine, and connect to your intrigues of conformity, consistency, and compliance, the enthralls of association, resemblance, and correspondence have been degraded, sullied, and vitiated.

Still, your presence, occurrence, and attendance overfill and drench the caravan, convoy, and cavalcade of continuance, perpetuation and protraction. The vibrant, vivid, and prismatic skies, firmaments, and heavens of harmony, congruence, and comfort, canvases and contexts of conformity and consistency to accentuate the horizons of imagination and ingenuity, and the inspirations and inventiveness, initiatives and ingenuities, which embark and inundate the estuaries and coves of contemplation, consideration, and cognizance, all instantiated, exemplified, and epitomized by your awareness, acquaintance, and appreciation.

Inebriation, insobriety, and rapaciousness of your adore, the state, condition, and grandeur of your reverence fascinate the trends and tendencies captivate conceptions and convictions, and absorb notions and abstractions, to formulate zeniths and apexes of immersion and obsession, raptness and engagement, and captivation and concentration, to conquer and annihilate, extinguish and obliterate tendencies, drifts, and penchants, the proclivities and predilections which obscure, disguise, and obfuscate ebullience, elation, and rapture.

Destiny, allegiance, and faith, predestination, providence, and karma intertwine, interconnect, and intermingle, amalgamate, associate, and affiliate to the core, crux, and essence of existence, extant, and endurance, which articulate, cohere, and express entities, structures, and establishments, courses, sequences, and ensembles, directions, pathways, and patterns of incarnations and personifications, avatars, exemplifications and epitomes.

Distinctions, accolades, and agilities, the privileges, recognitions, and laurels to depict and describe, derive and elicit, appeal and captivate, the educement, incitement, and motivation to capitulate and relent insignificancies, drawbacks, and disadvantages, the enthusiasm, wholeheartedness, and resoluteness to augment, elaborate, and elevate tenets and trusts, merits and confidences, and ideals and principles to perpetuate, commemorate, and eternize the essence of  perseverance, persistence, and tenacity, the continuation of strength, resolution, and contentment.

Conglomeration, accumulation, and selection, the collections, aggregations, and agglomerations, examinations, scrutinization, and evaluations, meditations, reflections, and ruminations, concurrent, contemporaneous, and concomitant, spontaneous, unconstrained, and unpremeditated expose, unlock, and untie, commence, direct, and launch the platforms, podiums, and daises, the minarets, turrets, and towers of exploration and examination.

 The correlation and interconnection, merely and purely to be established and ascertained by your affection, attachment, and connection, reciprocal and joint to the fermenting and enflaming appeal, demand, and temptations acclaim, commend, and applaud the bestowment and conferment.

Inebriation, insobriety, and intemperance, the sedation and tranquility, serenity and harmony, composure and equanimity, the poises, braces, and deportments which relentlessly and obstinately evade, dodge, and elude the pillars, flagpoles, and piers of your propinquity and proximity rage, fulminate, and seethe.

The bafflements and confoundments, bewilderments and incomprehension invade, encounter, and confront subtleties, intricacies, and refinements of intuition, perception, and presentiment. The continuance and perpetuation, the profoundness, cavernousness, and fathomlessness of inceptions and maturations, the progresses and evolutions march, trudge, and strut to surmount the scale and surroundings, the expandable horizons of reachability and attainability affably and amiably, abruptly and brusquely interact, interrelate, and intermingle.

هر زمان گر گوهر رمز نگاه پر جفا از قوس لطفت در کمین
خفته در خواب خیالت باده بشکستم چو دنیا بسته احوالش نگر

Occasions, circumstances, and episodes, the moments, incidents, and occurrences hastily, injudiciously, and impetuously plunder, ravage, and pillage the accentuated, emphasized, and strengthened pertinence, aptness, and relevance. The confrontment, affliction, and infirmity to threaten and antagonize the inherent, innate, and intrinsic merits, brilliances, and virtuosities which copiously and profusely reverberate, ring, and echo astuteness and perspicacity, the alertness and discernment within the precincts and arcades of vision, inspiration, and imaginativeness.        

Gem and jewel, pearl and prize, and brilliance and solitaire of dynamism and spirit, vitality and vivacity, and passion and potency, the aptitudes, propensities, and propinquities, adoration, admiration, and adulation pivot, revolve, and rotate, whirl, swivel, and swing within your orbits, tracks, and trajectories of munificence, magnanimity, and bounteousness.

 Glare and gaze, stare and scrutiny, glitter and glimmer, rays, shimmers, and sparkles of certitude and assuredness, certainty and confidence, and invocation and incantation resonate, roar, and blare within the ambiance of affinity, resemblance, and correspondence. Surroundings, environs, impressions, and atmospheres, instances and occurrences, epitomes, originalities, and intrepidities saturate and overwhelm focality, distinctness, clarity, and lucidness. The attributes, traits, and aspects reverberate, resound, and rumble, teem, drench, and gush quintessence of sensibilities and wisdom, the instigations, urgings, and involvements ponder, deliberate, and cogitate the courses, conduits, and corridors of elevation, rise, and evolution, the exultation, ecstasy, bliss, and rupture. 

Secrets of your glance and the intricacies of your glimpse, curvature, and twist, the arch and bent of your appearance and attendance, your reach, touch, and extent, the trace, pat, and tap ostensibly and superficially veiled, cloaked, and concealed by my arrogance, haughtiness, and imprudence, the lurking, loitering, and prowling profligacy and credulity, magnified and augmented by the surmises and conjectures of containment and inhibition emanate, impart, and erupt. Still, your preeminence, prominence, and ascendency incessantly and relentlessly prevail, predominate, and preponderate the curvatures, bents, and bounds of the perception, apprehension, and affiliation.

Your accessibility, approachability, and convenience, your reciprocation, attentiveness, and intentness, and your deliberations, ruminations, and excogitations, vehement and passionate, enthusiastic and emphatic, ardent and fervent manifestations, expressions, and exhibitions fascinate, intrigue, and beguile my heart, kernel, and root.

The staunch and perdurable bastion of ardor and affection, devotion and wholeheartedness, the chest and chalice of liveliness and scintillation, and the spring, cause, and cradle of cultivation, fostering, and glorification, your glare, glance, and stare, the gaze and gape  galvanize the crudeness and coarseness of the petrified souls and sentiments, soothe the disdainful and contemptuous entities, and palliate and alleviate the encompassed and embodied traces of turmoil, upheavals, and embarrassments, the misunderstandings, mystifications, and uncertainties.

Oblivious, unmindful, and heedless, impervious, unaffected, and indifferent, unobserved, disregardful, and unconcerned, while echoes of intuition, choruses of clairvoyance, and profundities of sensitivity and compassion, chirps and chirrups, tunes and tweets, and melodies and songs were ignored, flouted, and overlooked.

Moments, ticks, and flashes ponder prominence and distinction of the perception, acuity, and awareness, while the contemplations, introspections, and concentrations, the deliberations, cogitations, and reflections, emphasis, insistence, and predisposition seek your solace. The sincerity and intimacy to reciprocate to your appeals and summons, and to correspond and communicate to your beckons and motions, the apportionment, allocation, and absorption, the dexterity and adroitness to nullify, annul, and abolish aberrations, deviations, and divergences.

Arrogance, haughtiness, and condescension, superciliousness, pomposity, and pretentiousness, have hindered, mired, and deterred, encumbered, obstructed, and hampered the depth of vision, observance of revelations and divulgences, the cogency of declarations and utterances. The traits, personas, and attributes to immerse to surroundings, backdrops, and habitats, and to empower and endow the synopsis of inclinations, intuitions, and embodiments.

The chalice, chest, and vessel have been shattered, the essence and content, traits and personas, and individualities and characters have been misplaced, misdirected, and mislaid. Vagueness and ambiguity, nebulousness and elusiveness have roared, howled, and bellowed within the boundaries, precincts, and confines of conception, notion, and impression. The clarity, perspicuity, and lucidness, coherence, explicitness, and comprehensibility, concurrent and coexistent, concomitant and contemporary to continuance of crossings and excursions, protraction of passages and pathways, and perpetuation of voyage and expedition have decayed, declined, and dwindled.

Convictions, preconceptions, and creeds, the tenets, beliefs, and persuasions have shrunken, shriveled, and withered. The thirst to quest, hunger to encounter, the coincidence and eagerness to embrace pinnacles and peaks of pertinence, presumption, and conjecture have abated, receded, and settled. The quintessence, paradigm, and paragon of pondering, reflection, and cerebration, exaltation, adoration, and adulation, the applause, exhilaration, and acclamation to vivify, revive, and enliven my wrecked, smashed, and shattered soul, core, and crux have dwindled, and your presence, portrayal and occurrence within the frame and foundation of my presence, reality, and actuality. The inevitability, inescapability, and inexorability to reach, touch, and catch essence and spirit of liveliness and livelihood have been tarnished, tainted, and harmed, the blotted, blemished, and blackened moments, occasions, and occurrences.

گفته ها در سینه نجوا، طالع آزردگان کسب طلب بیگانه بود
قامت سروش  نمای کعبهِ ملک عدن  آوا ز غوغایش نگر

Murmurs, mumbles, and mutters, grumble. moan, and whimper, lament, whine, and groan, conjoined, dovetailed, and bridged, concealed, cloaked, and camouflaged, the dance, cavort, and caper, hop, bounce, and trace emerged, transpired, and occurred, induced, bred, and begot.

 The repudiations, nullifications, and annulments, rejections, refutations, and renunciations, the dissociation, disconnection, and detachment, segregation, seclusion, and alienation sneak, slide, and tiptoe, spread, swell, diffuse, and disperse. the undulation, augmentation, and comportment of inaptness and incongruity within the heart’s cavities, hollows, and fissures, torments, tribulations, and traumas to ignominiously, embarrassingly, and mortifyingly rage, seethe, and fulminate.

Your vicinage, purlieu, and environ, the proximity, propinquity, and contiguity, presence, closeness, and immediacy, your portrayal, patterns, and precedents, the air and whispers, the draft and depictions, the breeze and delineations, the waft and flow to resurrect, revitalize, and revivify your remembrance, recollections, and reminiscences have been relegated, demoted, and besmirched within boundaries, borders, and peripheries of the conception and cognizance.

The desire, inclination, and aspiration, burning, eagerness, and determination, the proclivities, predispositions, and predilections to seek, attempt, and attain your solace, support, and succor though alive, animated, and auspicious, vibrant, vigorous, and vivacious, the perceived and pertained introspections, reflections, and mediations, solicitousness, attentiveness, and responsiveness do not counterpart, harmonize, and complement the commencement of the moments, preeminence and prominence of the company, and the succumbed and surrendered occasion of liveliness and dynamism, efficacy, magnetism, and flamboyance. The vigor, vitality, and vivacity have not been effusively, utterly, and rhapsodically embraced, clinched, and encompassed.

Then, solitude, aloneness, and seclusion, thirst and thrive, eagerness and earnestness, implorations and entreatments augment, extend, and intensify the cradle and crib of contentment, indulgence, and complacency. While, your reach and touch, immediacy and imminence, the acquaintance and connection though perceivable and attainable, cognizable and noticeable, admirable and acknowledgeable remain remote, distant, obscure, and inaccessible.

The veil of apprehension and skepticism, inferred reservations and uncertainties, the disguised and cloaked misconceptions, misapprehensions, and misinterpretations mitigate, mollify, and palliate the capitulation of consistencies, culmination of homogeneities, and conclusion of harmonies and uniformities. The apogees of assimilation and absorbance, apices of enhancement and enrichment, and apexes of enlightenment and inculcation are blemished, blighted, and besmirched. The calumniation, denigration, degradation and disgrace have eclipsed, surpassed, and concealed the acceded and assented approbations, adulations, and adorations.          

Sparrows of the valley, canaries of the gorge, and doves of the dene, the glen, dale, and the vale, spread, banquet, and feast to cogitate, ponder, and spare the sanctity of the entrenched embodiments, extensions, and epitomes, the vastness of the vistas, expanse of exhilarations, and copiousness of congregations and cohabitations, the gathering of gestures and overtures. 

Spread and exposure, the span and extend and  of spruce trees, the elegance and gracefulness, immensity, enormity, and incalculability of plateaus, uplands, and highlands, stretches, expanses, and elongations, the openness, directness, and ingenuousness, the inherent unpretentiousness, credulity, and trustfulness authenticate and endorse, enhance and enrich, and embark and commence wonders, astonishments, and amazements, which are encompassed, embodied, and embraced by the caravan of cogitation and consideration, the voyage of  verve and vivacity, and the destiny, fortune, and vocation of eternity and infinity.

Inclinations, aptitudes, and talents, imprudence to scrutinize, indiscretion to dissect, and injudiciousness to reflect, redirect, and replicate, the benevolence and munificence, abundances of richness and affluence, opulence and lavishness of capitulation and culmination, conception, perception, and contentment, and the pathways, conduits, and alleyways to reinvigorate, resurrect, and revive authenticity, dependability, and validity of participation and perpetuation, inadvertently, involuntarily, concurrentlyand unabatedly move, maneuver, and manipulate sense, logic, and lucidity, the rationality, prudence, and sagacity.

The exercise of life and appropriation, the succession of task and transition, and the sequence of sincerity and earnestness to entrench, engrain, and ensconce, to march, traipse, and trudge with mere anxiety, trepidation, and apprehension, to abandon and neglect, and avoid and evade the gradual and dawdling impostures and pretenses triggered  to  dodge and elude dawns and sunrises, and to contain and seal the incidences proportioned, prepared, and perceived to  prevail, survive, and sustain the symphony of verve and existence, inherently, innately, and intrinsically proceed, evolve, and progress.  

Gradual and escalating, intensifying and spiraling, inspiring and stirring, candor, truthfulness, and trustfulness, encompassment and adjudication to your providence and prudence, the audaciousness and courageousness to ascribe and attribute to your invocations and incantations, and advocations and amplifications to enchant and enthrall your murmur and whisper of exuberance and continuance have engulfed and inundated, enlightened and cultivated, and flamed, flared, and blazed fabrics of my entity, the gleaming, glowing, and shining, the radiant, brilliant, and lustrous ceremonious amalgamation and alliance which have acclimated to my existence and identity.

Kaaba, mecca, temples and shrines, sanctuaries and tabernacles, sanctums and sanctorum to be established, launched, and corroborated within the caves and caverns of heart, fissures and fractures of the soul, spirit, and humanity, healable and mendable, patchable and restorable by your beguilements and allurements. Bemusements, perplexities, and befuddlements, consolations, succors, and solaces, the enshrinement, manifestation, and immortalization of your adornment and benevolence soar, surge, and escalate to carry, revive, and endure comprehension, interception, and grasp, of the sensations to stimulate and substantiate, strive and tower to the immeasurable and inexhaustible extremes of eternity and infinity.

The connection and reciprocity, the ardor, remembrance, and commemoration of nourished, cultivated, and promoted, ascertained, elated, and fixated immediacy, propinquity, and imminence to your ecstasy, bliss, and rapture, the resurrection, resurgence, and revivification, flabbergast, flummox, and confound the profoundness of awareness, acuteness of acclamation, and profundity of admiration.

When, the streams of conspicuousness and consciousness, the tally of perspicuity, lucidity, and articulacy, and the bedrock of certitude, certainty, and assurance commensurate and appropriate the emergence and occurrence, formation and configuration, the genesis and evolution of tangibility and steadiness to surpass, transcend, and exceed momentary and transitory accumulation and amassing of the influences and confluences, momentums and motions, and impetuses and trusts. When, entreaties and petitions, the appeals and requests to desire and seek your immediacy resemble and exceed agility of the swiftest spiraling star ascending, scaling, and clambering to your vicinity, territory, and quarter.

When, the disproportionate, exorbitant, and unwarranted reciprocity, mutuality, and exchange in continuum to eternity and perpetuity, or acclamation, commendation, and approbation of the nondepletable bound and requital imbue, permeate, and inculcate the bounds and limits of my essence, existence, and substance, purely transfusable by your grace, eminence, and elegance.

روی بردارم ز رقص قاصر وامانده در برق نگاه قدس دوست
خود یقین عشق را منزل یکی یمن قدم در جوف محرابش نگر

Fascinations, captivations, and engagements, engrossments, enthrallments, and immersions, absorptions and vocations, the urges and bents, and the abilities and aptitudes inline, direct, and level to sanctities, purities, and inviolabilities of liveliness, to emerge, transpire, and occur. The emergence and advent to accommodate, oblige, and adapt to the mystics, sages, and sorcerers to acclimate, adapt, and empower, inspire, and embolden soul and spirit, the fondness, affection, and correlation.

Revelries, blasts, and blazes to spark, ignite, and incite, dances, twirls, and whirls to linger, revive, and endure, the sways and spins to resume, persist, and prolong, and pirouettes and gyrations to sustain, persist, and extend, austerely and truly, rightly and strictly, and astoundingly and astonishingly to accentuate and emphasize profound, acute, and empowering adoptions, alternatives, and selections. Intricacies, niceties, the convolutions, obscurities, and complexities of continuance and correspondence, the cascades of conformations and confirmations contest and gratify the gravity of exuberance, the sacredness and purity of existence, and the stringency and accuracy of the rectitude of the entailed elations and evolutions.  

Rays of reflection and deliberation, gleams of aspiration and ambition, beams and glows of advocation and approval, the glances and glimpses of propinquity and proximity, vibrant and flamboyant, dazzling, and brilliant audaciously and courageously, brazenly and blatantly perpetuate, disseminate, and propagate your intimacy and closeness, affinity and rapport, and amity and affection.

Your presence and portrayal, the insinuations and indications, the movements and motions, the soul, passion, and purpose, sustenance, certainty, and assurance intertwiningly and intricately unify and join, and coalesce and combine vividness and vibrancy, brightness and luminosity, and radiance and gaudiness of creation, cosmos, and universe, while the ensemble of entireness collectively ponder, muse, and contemplate the essence of sanctity and ecstasy.

Perspicuity and plainness, explicitness and coherence of perpetuity of pertinence, aptitude of aptness, and propensity of perceptiveness grip, seize, and surmount devotion, dedication, commitment, and resolution, to transfuse, impart, and inject desires, proclivities, and penchants, the predilections and inclinations of your sanctity, sacredness, inviolability, and blessedness.

Pathways, passages, the corridors and conduits to your closeness and nearness, imminence and convenience, and familiarity and friendship contract and shrink, the connection and certitude, certainty and confidence decrease and decline, and the belief and conviction lessen and diminish. When, rise, soar, and ascend to the summits of acuity and awareness, levitations, elevations, and climbs to peaks of ponderance and pertinence are deenergized and deprived.

Admiration, adulation, and veneration, affection, adoration, and friendship, the passion, reverence, and worship, your presence, personification, and incarnation to saturate, overwhelm, and engulf my entity, soul, and originality, the uniqueness, ingenuity, and inimitability, perceptiveness, mastery, and brilliance, the acumen, acuity, and astuteness, sincere and genuine, earnest and heartfelt, and sacred and solemn, to captivate, enthrall, and entrance cavities of the heart.

Your magnanimity and altruism, the infinite, interminable, and immeasurable extent of fortitude, resilience, and stamina, the cognizance and observation have constantly and relentlessly been committed, pledged, and promised. Though, misinterpretations, misperceptions, and misjudgments have taken their tolls.

Abstractions, and withdrawals, rejections, refusals, and rebuffs, misperceptions, seclusions, segregations, and separations have deprived, disadvantaged, and detained your advocacy, the contiguity, adjacency, and propinquity to dilate, augment, and proliferate the fabric of life, to ascertain, establish, and determine the mutuality and affinity, which are inculcated, infused, and indoctrinated within the ambiance of existence and the spheres of certainty, confidence, and intimacy.   

Consequently, correspondingly, and consistently accommodate. lodge, and quarter, acclimate, adapt, and adjust, to reverberate, resonate, and cultivate the affinity, kinship, and likeness which has been bestowed, presented, and conferred even to the dungeons, oubliettes, and vaults of perception, recognition, and discernment.  Let resurrection, restoration, and revivification of solace, support, and succor to strike, confound, and shatter the sparseness, barrenness, and desolation of discernment, glimpse, and distinction.

Vacuity, vacancy, and void, certainty, conviction, and certitude, to reciprocate, contradict, and counteract. Vastness, immensity, and incalculability of your attentiveness, responsiveness, and thoughtfulness, your taps and pads on the shoulders of elated and euphoric designators and delegates, the envoys and ambassadors, the iotas to inspirers, the  specks to spectators, the knocks and strikes on the back of devotees, observers, and listeners, the entireties, totalities, and wholeness, reverberate and resonate, radiate and emanate, and diffuse and diverge to clarify, elucidate, and illuminate the culmination, height, and zenith, certainty, conviction, and certitude versus vacuity, vacancy, and void.

Then, the culmination, height, and zenith to ascertain, discover, and recognize, to discern, perceive, and identify, and to enlighten and elucidate the enclaves, dominions, and demesnes, purely to be depicted, rendered, and delineated when the stretch and spread of vision, sight, and revelations reach the summits and pinnacles of the farthest horizons, scopes, and vistas. Occasionally and sporadically, a single glowing and sparkling star exuberantly, buoyantly, and animatedly twinkles, shines, and sparks, to enunciate and articulate secrets, surprises, and certainties of continuance, pertinence, and purposefulness, the courage, mettle, and valor to exceed and surpass the remnants, residues, and remainders of obscurities, opacities, and oblivions.

Then, the breeze of benevolence and compassion, the chirps and twitters of transparency and pellucidity, and the descants and melodies of ponderance and felicitous reverberate, ring, and resound the opus to conjoin and connect, the sonata to fuse and merge, and the concert to commemorate and venerate, the symphony of liveliness verve, and vivacity to seek and solace, while rivetted, immersed, and  captivated by the shadow of your sanctity, purity, and inviolability.

خانه ها ویرانه از ویرانگان در ساحت ملک خفا از راز بخت
شاهد رخسار دریابش نگین در سینه، مأوایت به اقبالش نگر

Destructions, demolitions, and devastations, depredation, despoliation, and, desolation to reveal, disclose, and divulge, to report, declare, and unfold the insinuated defects, weaknesses, and flaws, intimated faults, deficiencies, and blemishes, the alluded frailty, foible, and fallibility, which commence, instigate, and originate at the core and crux of entities, beings, and individuals, mortals, souls, and creatures, acclimated, accustomed, and adapted to propagate, proliferate, and promulgate.

Fear, fright, and horror to search, seek, and rummage within, agitation, trepidation, and discomposure to lodge fabricated, deceitful, and counterfeit composures, demeanors, and deportments, perturbations, apprehensions, and jitteriness which conceive, envisage, and contemplate the intuitions, presentiments, and senses, the phobia, aversion, and anxiety to assimilate, embrace, and absorb inadequacies, faults, and defects, agitations, panics, and nervousness to integrate, embrace, and conform to confluences, convergences, and conjunctions, the propitiatory preparations and protections to promote, foster, and progress the aptness, faultlessness, and rightness rampage, rage, and tear, appease, mollify, and attenuate, hoist, exalt, and elate the piousness, righteousness, and the virtuousness of viability, esse, and ethos.

Destructions, demolitions, and devastations, uncertainties, insecurities, and indecisions, ambivalences, doubtfulness, and irresolution, the equivocations, vacillations, and temporizations, cunctation, tentativeness, and uncertainties deteriorate, decline, and dwindle the pillars of life’s essence, core, and substance, the soul’s principles, purpose, motivations, and the spirit’s aspirations. The sketch, draft, and conscription of dismay, disquietude, and discomposure, or the catalyst, spur, and stimulus to eventual nullification, abrogation, and revocation furtively, stealthily, and cunningly connotate, comprise, and compose.

Till and pending, the melody of attainment and contentment, the murmur of endurance and durability, and the mutter of continuance and tenacity converse, retreat, and transpose, and bliss and elation of attainment and completion, fruition and fulfillment, the ecstasy and rapture of realization and resolution, consummation and connection, and the ambiance and vibe of affection and sentiment, intimacy and endearment flatten and annihilate.

Or, elusion, evasion, and abandonment, disconnection, extrication, and detachment surface, transpire, and emerge, mystifications, perplexities, and bafflements billow, flutter, flicker, and fluster, and perturbations and discomposure destitute the bounds and limits of the sanctuary and shelter of intellect, inclinations, and righteousness. When, the rectitude, virtue, and morality surrender, relinquish, and concede to alienation, severance, and detachment, rupture, discord, and schism, or the juncture, confluence, and convergence dictate, impose, appeal, and inspire the course of festering, perishing, and bitterness.

Dynamism, incarnation, limpidness and decorum of embodiment and etiquette, virtuousness of manifestation, the dedication, bestowment, and allegiance, the commitment and pledge to reflect and replicate, to ruminate and signify, and to reveal and exhibit the omens, presages, and portents of graciousness, affability, and courteousness, when glees. heavens, blisses, and ecstasies confront, defy, and encounter the straggled and dithered susceptibilities, impressionability, and propensities which incite, educe, and evoke to mislay, misplace, and misdirect, abandon, desert, and discard them.

The disarray, dismay, and phrenzy to distort and disfigure the destiny, fate, and fortune, and to plunge, plummet, and descend, incarcerate, immure, and detain the predestination, karma, and kismet. a prelude and preamble to settling and descending of confinements, restraints, and restrictions, stigmas, shames, and humiliations. The realm, range, and scope when embarrassments, discomfitures, and abashments pervade, permeate, and percolate, while sanctity and inviolability of life and existence, or the purity of animation and vivaciousness befit and befall enslaved, subjugated, and hegemonized by the postulations and presumptions, conjectures and speculations, predestined and preordained to polarize and breach the intuition, insight, and instincts.       

Awaken, arouse, and provoke, to incite, effectuate, and foment, induce, inspire, and instigate, the oceans encompassment, span, and expanse, the vastness, immensity, and enormity to stretch, straighten, and spread the wings, sprints, and pennants, to extricate, recognize, and perceive the iotas and specks saturating, overwhelming, and overpowering the sanctuaries, havens, and reservations of the imagination, fascination, and passion, and to disentangle, disencumber, and disengage  the paddles, oars, and willows bashfully, reticently, evasively, and deviously strained, struggled, and strove.

The seas spaciousness, capaciousness, generousness, depth and profundity, insights, comprehensions, and discernments, intricacies of astuteness, perspicacious and sagacious intuitions and perceptivities, conspicuouse and discernible clairvoyance and presentiment, and pertinacious and tenacious acceptability and tolerability, the containment of inaptness and incongruity, and the linchpin, cornerstone, and bastion of  grace and blessing, the fortress and citadel of adornment and approbation contrive, concoct, and contribute.

Discover and determine, detect and encounter, realize and recognize the relentlessness of the obscurities, the maneuvering and manipulation of oblivions and opacities, and the aptness, flawlessness, and faultlessness of cognizance, commitment, and perception to confront, tackle, and collar contradictions, refutations, and retractions, the confutations, denials, and refusals.

The gem and jewel, nugget and pearl of enlivenment, exhilaration, and exuberance, enthrallment, exultation, and euphoria, compilation, collation, and contemplation, conventicle, congregation, and convocation, the carriage, presence, and demeanor remain, retain, and reflect within precincts, boroughs, and arcades of being, self, and standing.

Meditate, deliberate, and ruminate, the world, realms, and domains, kingdoms, dominions, and demesnes, palatinate, principality, and protectorate, proclivity, penchant, and predilection which endure, persist, and pertain the inner jewel and pearl of pertinence, germaneness, and relevance, the appurtenant and apropos of deed, exploit, and endeavor affiliated, allied, and associated to your ardor, passion, and the fervor captured and confined by the sanctitude, virtue, and piety of the heart, courage, and fortitude.   

Shine, sheen, and shimmer of moonlight, gleam, glance, and glare of intuitiveness, divination, and clairvoyance, and glaze, glitter, and glower of preponderance, prevalence, and predominance perpetuate, preserve, and propagate pertinence and relevance, significance, substance, and consequence to the harmony, concord, and congruence, the proclaimers, annunciators, and reciters of  correspondence, accordance, and coordination, the adroitness, nimbleness, and adeptness of existence, subsistence, and quiddity.

Seek the fortune and opulence, affluence and abundance, the profusion, lavishness, and copiousness which constitute and inaugurate, create and concoct, and connect and correlate, the pure sole, the vivid, vibrant, and untainted benevolence, munificence, and magnanimousness, your appeasement, placation, propitiation, and pacification.

شاهدان را شوق دیدارت گرش در خطه منظور خود بیگانه بود
محفل آزردگان غبط سلیمان آن  نگه روشن ز مهتابش  نگر
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Bystanders and onlookers enthralled and captivated, entranced and delighted, enraptured and lured by the pertained, affected, and related remedies of self concentration, inward and innermost consummation and gratification, and exclusion, marginalization, and elimination of the wholeness, totality, and fullness. The cascade, chute, and cataract of the mirage of decomposition and degeneration, illusion and delusion, the dwindle and decline prodigiously, inordinately, and exceedingly entrench, conceal, and ensconce.

Witnesses and speculators amazed and astounded, shocked and stunned, and surprised and startled by the intricacies and obscurities, convolutions and complexities, and accompaniments and complements of instances and incidents, surroundings and circumstances, and ambient and immediacies attenuate, decrease, and diminish, banish, obliterate and abolish the ponderancy of the moment, the significance and consequence of the pursuit and participance, and the esteem and appeal of persuasion, influence, and inducement.

Reverberations, echoes, and rings of desire, appeal, and entreaty saturate, drench, and inundate the proclivities and penchants, the partialities and preferences, and predispositions and predilections. The air and environ mesmerize, captivate, and fascinate inquisition, quest, and aspiration, though the obscurities of vision and visualization, the delusion and delirium, oblivions and opacities distort, twist, and garble ingenuity, cleverness, and originality of the intent, resolve, and tenacity.

Concurrently and concomitantly, cognizance, perception, and contemplation, glance, scrutiny, and observance, cerebrations, cogitations, and considerations, the meditations, reflections, and ruminations entail, necessitate, and warrant, imply, involve, and demand nullity and nihility, emptiness and vacuity, and farcicality and inanity, while, quest and journey, pursuit and expedition, and voyage and excursion to purify the kernel, cleanse the essence, and seek your solace stretch, spring, bounce, and revolve recurrently and intermittantly, though the horizons, spheres, and scopes to sparkle, glint, and glitter your intimacy, immediacy, and confidence distance, dissociate, and disconnect.

The alienation, detachment, and withdrawal vividly and luridly flinch, twitch, and convulse, quail, tremble, and quaver. While, track, trace, and trail to sense, acclaim, and commend your glares of spur, goad, and lift, your beams of expressiveness, individuality, and articulateness, and your gleams of perspicuity, fluency, and lucidity, your presence, occurrence, and manifestation, your impression, representation, and depiction, and your assertions, declarations, and disclosures, the omnipresence, ubiquitousness, and universality, rampantly, prevalently, and predominantly stipulate, necessitate, and command reciprocity, mutuality, and requital. 

Your enlightenments and elucidations, the certainty and confidence, your intimacy and proximity, and your adoration and adulation have penetrated and punctured, the murkiest and bleakest, and mistiest and dreariest cavities of my heart, essence, and existence.

Stretch of imagination, expanse of vision, dream, agility, nimbleness, and liveliness to capture, acquire, and apprehend your brilliance, prowess, and virtuosity have instigated the quest and pursuit to endure and persist on the journey, to extend and expanse, to heighten and strengthen the bound, unification, and allegiance, which incessantly and continually pertain to the core and kernel of your affinity, kinship, and correspondence.

Your openness, ingenuousness, and directness, your affiliation, attachment, and association, and your contiguity, propinquity, and approachability, vehemently and passionately exhibitive, exuberantly and vivaciously annunciating and disseminating, and prodigiously and tremendously pertaining and concerning, the elation and exultation, rapture and rhapsody, and ecstasy and euphoria have saturated, drenched, and soaked my persona and frame, my pneuma and fervor and my paragon and epitome, the realm, ambit, and sphere to be coveted and envied by king Solomon.

The essence and existence saturated, brimmed, and inundated by your affection and fondness, warmth and liking, your glance and glimpse, attention and attentiveness, and observation and inquisitiveness resonate, resound, and reverberate the bliss of vibe and tenor, the elation of spirit and aura, and the pearl of intimacy, affinity, and attachment. While, the brightness, enlightenment, and elucidation of your shines and sheens, glows and gleams ponderously, pertinently, and profoundly procure and attain scrutiny, inquiry, and perusal.

Your veneration, reverence, and exaltation brim, throng, and teem, bristle, pour and pelt my chalice of life, my goblet of existence, and my captivated, enchanted, and enthralled intellect, sentiment, and conviction, the shrine, mecca, sanctorum, and tabernacle of your admiration, apprehension, and recognition.

© Alireza Bemanian, January of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)





چشم را  در سّرِ آن تارک صبای خفته  در  قاموس خاموش وصال
چنگ را  واماندِهِ اقبال زین شوق طلب گم گشته در خدش وصال

Reflection and rumination, consideration, and contemplation, and cogitation and cerebration, rational argumentations and interpretations, premises, ratiocinations and deductions encapsulate, seize, and capture, manifest, reveal, and crystalize, edify, enlighten, and clarify essence and marrow, ethos and tenors, and principles and tendencies, the propositions and overtures of sparkle and glint, verve and animation, and vitality and vivacity.

Observing and beholding, regarding and considering, and prospecting and traversing, my aptitude, potentials, and perceptions to negate, annul, and abrogate the narrowed, tapered, and tightened vistas, horizons, and spectacles, contradicting, conflicting, and refuting the foresights and previsions, prudence and provision, the circumspections and perspicacity. The indispensable and imperative intuition and intention to contract, taper, and constrain the barriers, hurdles, and hinderances that are paradoxical, incongruous, and irreconcilable to elation of impetus, acuteness of aspiration, and thrill of justification. The tainted, blemished, and marred murals and frescoes of comprehension, profoundness, and perceptiveness ponder and flummox the boundaries and precincts of profoundness, sagaciousness and fathomless percipience.

Strolls and ambles, meanders and rambles, the fascination and spectacle, wonderment, stupefaction, and bewilderment of scenes and tableaus, the sage revelations, thinker and mystic, wizard and whiz, and sorcerer and prodigy, creation, invocation, and universe, the seclusion and solitude within the certitude and conviction of concept and perspicuity, the articulacy, eloquence, and enunciation of entirety and totality, clarity, lucidity, and vividness, the radiance, intensity, and brilliance which copiously, immensely, exuberantly, vigorously, and vivaciously illuminate, elucidate, and enlighten, exuberate, vivify and enliven, revive and fortify the temporaneous and coetaneous occurrences and occasions have been eclipsed, obscured, and concealed the depictions, delineations, and deductions, the congruity, relevance, and connectivity to concur, coincide, and coexist have been etched and scratched.

The breeze and draft, waft and breath, and whisper and murmur shatter and splinter shimmers and shines, the glistens and glitters reflective, shallow, and frivolous of uncertainties, ambiguities, and indecisions. Conglomeration, accumulation, and collection of conspicuous conundrums, the riddles and enigmas, deliberations, notions, and judgements, which are collectively capable to mar and blemish, and blotch and tarnish the sanctities, purities, and transparencies of concord and harmony, attentiveness, alertness, and articulation entice, ensnare, and allure.

Cognizance, perception, and appreciation pacify, restrict, and diminish the indecorous instigations, promptings, and provocations, to augment, intensify, and enhance, to shield and safeguard the fortification and reinforcement, robustness and efficaciousness, vivaciousness, verve, and vitality which promote and propound resolve, rationality, and tenacity.

Eyelids, the curtains draped and adorned to coordinately fold and bend, crease and crinkle, collapse and close, to endure and prevail dogmatically, peremptorily, and pontifically at the moments and instances of inquiry and inquest, view and notice, scrutiny and dissection, and to persist and linger crumple, flop, and fold.

Dedicated palpebra to erect and remove, to unclutter and unclog, to unbind and unchain, and unfetter and untie has succumbed and acceded to the affluence and alleviation, accretion and accumulation, the acquisition and influence, the acceptance and accommodation of doze, slumber, and sleep have overshadowed and outshined the abundance and lavishness of radiance, warmth, and luminosity which perpetually and continually are dispersed, circulated, and scattered by the soul, spirit, and surroundings.

Grasp and grip, clasp and clench, endurance and continuance, persistence and perseverance, the preservation and perpetuance to linger and loiter, blossoms, buds, and blooms flourish, thrive, and prosper, cogitations, ruminations, and ponderings proclaim, assert, and decree, hesitations, disinclinations, and indecisions fumble, shuffle, and scuffle, and the gauge, scale, and assessment assimilate, embrace, and incorporate.

Destiny, fate, and fortune, karma, kismet, and fortuity, the contingency, exigence, and conceivability, the reverberation of sensations, profoundness of perceptions, the immensity of commotions, the agility and alertness, swiftness and sprightliness, the nimbleness of consciousness, apprehension, and appreciation, and sensibleness, reliability, and astuteness to coagulate, congeal, and solidify the influx, incursion, and inundation of intuition, insight, and notion have been hindered, hampered, and thwarted.

Desires and entreaties, appeals and implores, aspirations and passions perpetually and persistently proclaim and pronounce, assert and enunciate, utter and articulate expressions of influence, perspicacity of intonation, decorum of proposition, etiquette of indulgence and irreproachability, declarations of distinct and conspicuousness, deliberations, excogitations, and concoctions have been tamed, subdued, and restrained by the ambiance, aura, context, and complexions, the mode and appeal. While, contemplations, introspections, and introversions, the retrospect and reminiscence, sedulousness and wholeheartedness have been intercepted, diverted, and abstracted by the sneaked, slipped, and snitched circumferences, perimeters, and boundaries, erected and established within the precincts and peripheries of prospects and expectations.   

Then, bafflement, bemusement, and befuddlement, perplexities, mystifications, and quandaries, dilemmas, predicaments   and arduousness, obscurities, intricacies, and abstruseness pertain, affect and touch the enormity, immensity, and vastness of the sphere and scope of vision, perceptiveness, and elucidation, the explications, expositions, and explanations, which curtail, curb, and retrench the compositions and formations, the formats and foundations, vividly and distinctly entailed and necessitated to authenticate, endorse, and excavate the essence of existence, the hegemony of exuberance, and the bestowment of benevolence.

When, the immersed and enthralled, occupied and absorbed, attracted and connected presumptions, hypothesis, and presuppositions, the presumed and deduced, postulated and propounded, and urged and evinced antecedents and determinants, doctrines and tenets, notions and beliefs misplace and mislay the continuance of pertinence and aptness, circumvent permanence of ponderance and perpetuity, and dodge, evade, and equivocate the merits, virtues, and aptitudes of correlation, connection, and context.   

ساکنان کوی  او  در  کسب دل هامون سپر  از  جور  ره  بیمی نبود
طالبان آغوش خورشید است، مفتون جامه و دستار  امید وصال

Gatherers, residents, and inhabitants, to whom the brightness and glow of the dawn and sunrise accommodate, acclimate, inure and habituate pristine, intact, and untarnished horizons, prospects, and perspectives, to whom the dust and twilight provoke, trigger, and elicit persistence and resolve, steadfastness and endurance, the tenacity and supplication, to accentuate, emphasize, and strengthen the essence of liveliness and ebullience, elation and euphoria, the esse and ethos of closeness and connection, the seekers, strivers, and questers of the intimacy and correlation contained, comprised, and encompassed by the eternal ecstasy and bliss of your attentiveness and intimacy, the single strokes of inhalation,  lashes and caresses of breath, and the instantaneous interactions with affluence and abundance of life and nub crystalize and consolidate perpetuity, permanence, and intransience.

To whom the path’s, thunders, bellows, and rumbles, roars, booms, and grumbles reverberate, ring, and resonate resilience, buoyancy, and pliability, suppleness, malleability, and amenability, the responsiveness, receptiveness, and approachability, inundated, immersed, and drenched by the insightfulness, perceptiveness, and perspicacity of pertinence and germaneness perfused and imbued by the shadow and silhouette of your sustenance, somberness, and solemnity.

To whom, pursuance and enactment, depiction and ratification, and endorsement and confirmation to the sincerities, earnestness, and trustworthiness of intuition, perception, and clairvoyance, the agility, liveliness, and nimbleness to collaborate, collude, connive,  and contrive within the boundaries, margins, and frontiers of ambiance, vibe, and discernment reveal and expose flourishment, proliferation and prosperity, attributions, provenances, and ascriptions to instigate, incite, urge, and inspire elucidation, illumination, and explication of certitude and certainty, inclusiveness, extensiveness, and completeness, or the abundance, copiousness, and profusion of determination and dedication, When, the essence and soul of delectation, achievement, and accomplishment brim tumbler, goblet, and chalice of ambition and advantage, the elixir, decoction, and potion to exceed and outshine the content and context.

Entities, actualities, and realities, lives, breaths, and beings, vims, verves, and souls to whom the tiresomeness of the route, insidiousness of the instance, exorbitance of the itinerary, and the clatter and clamor of the caravan of verve and vivacity reverberate and entice, attract and allure, and inveigle and beguile their thrust, impetus, and momentum to attain, realize, and conquer the apexes of augmentations, summits of escalations, and the zeniths of ambitions and inclination.

Cavalcade and parade, carnival and exhibitions, spectacles and struts, the manifestations and expressions to perpetuate and permeate the essences and perpetuities of pertinence and comprehensiveness, completeness and wholeness, and cavernousness and fathomlessness fumble, blunder, and scrabble if they have not been instantiated, epitomized, and exemplified by the vigilantly, heedfully, and guardedly occurred, arisen, and ensued instances, occasions, junctures, and episodes, the reverberations, repercussions, and ramifications.

Seekers, enquires, and chasers, trailers and trackers, climbers and ramblers engulfed and enthralled, absorbed and entranced, and rivetted and captivated by the vastness of the forbearing and magnanimous vista of resolution, decree, and promise, canvas of conglomeration and contemplation, the murals and frescos, and the valley of vehemence, vigor, and vitality vindicate, advocate, and endorse the rays of rectitude, magnetism of coherency and articulacy, and adoration of perpetuity and profoundness.  

Designated, delegated, and intitled to explore and patrol, intersect and traverse, interweave and intertwine, the reconnoiter, expedition and excursion, reconnaissance and voyage, the estuary, bay, and outlet, embouchure and debouchment of finesse, panache, and flourishment, which exalt, entrench, and deepen, reinforce, raise, and heighten notions and beliefs, thoughts and concepts, perceptions and apprehensions, nominations and appointments to imply and embody, denote and signify, epitomize and exemplify the elixir of expectation and determination, exuberance and enthusiasm, and existence and essence.

The esse and ethos, establish and ascertain, and confirm and authenticate the moments, flashes, glints and flickers, enactments, crosses, and transits, acceptances and validations, the ratifications and enactments, to precipitate and provoke, compel and impose, and warrant and invoke aspirations and inclinations, propensities and proclivities, and preferences and penchants.

To affirm and attain, surmount and conquer the notion, urge, and veracity, the actuality, authenticity, and genuineness, to augment and emplace, hold and embrace, and bolster and buttress the sun’s shine and glow, the stars sparkles and shimmers, and universe enlightenments and exquisiteness, the elegance and impeccability, to vaporize and vanish fastidiousness and abysmal poignancies and mythical tendencies within the chest and heart, the torso and trunk of confidence and conviction, the sanctuary and haven, and the shelter and retreat to cognizance and perception, and acquaintance and appreciation.

Then, life, verve, and soul, yeaning, hungering and hankerings, the energy, vim, and élan inflame, intensify, and exacerbate to provoke, incite, and elicit the appropriation of similarity, certitude of alliance and correspondence, and affinity and semblance of parallelism, the ecstasy, elation, and rapture of recognition, discretion, articulation, and identification.

The  surroundings, environs, and ambiances assemble, convene, and connect, the congregations, ensembles, and aggregates, amalgamations, composites, and combinations reverberate and resonate, ring and reecho, chant and chime, and recite and chorus your clemency, compassion, and mercy, your leniency, benevolence, and benignity, the accompanies, convoys, and compliments to the bastion, citadel, and fortress, the shrine, tabernacle, sacrarium, and temple of your presence, manifestation, and occurrence, your vastly and unboundedly omnipresence, pervasiveness, and ubiquitousness.

The permeating, pervading, and percolating abundance and copiousness of sophistication, erudition, elegance, and elaboration to stretch, elongate, and distend the pseudo, quasi, and virtual precincts and peripheries of eternity and perpetuity.

The land of luminousness, lucidness, and luminescence, the territory of thinker, sage, and intellectuality, and the terrain of maturation, evolution, and devotion, where the brilliance, intensity, and vividness, radiance, shine, and luster scatter, disseminate, and distribute your magnanimity, nobility, and altruism, immediacy, congruity, and proximity, imminence, connection, and correlation. The juncture, convergence, and confluence insightful and perceptive to elate and elevate, percipient and perspicacious to enthrall and escalate, and sapient and sagacious to enchant and entrance.

The plateau of proclivity and predilection, the entity within the entirety, and impartiality, neutrality, and objectivity, to embody, enhance, and extend your exquisiteness, exemplification, and epitome, the quintessence, paragon, and personification of your hegemony, omnipotence, and dominance.

 The invincibility, purity, and inviolability to acclaim, and approbate, and endure and tolerate tranquility of the succumbed souls of secluded sediments and settlements, to the inhabitants and denizens of thunderous and tumultuous summits of self dissipating coagulates and clusters of clouds. Entities and entireties which merely and solely, uniquely and exclusively spring, leap and vault, instantiate and incarnate, and corroborate and perpetuate by your benevolence, compassion, and munificence.           

خستگان در دیدن آن زلف فتان بی قراران، خواب را  بیگانه بود
خادمان میزان به کف، میعاد جانان، زمره در آئینه زلف وصال

Chasers, trackers, and tracers, enthusiasts, aficionados, and admirers, savants, fanatics, and devotees, pundits and scholars of essentiality and significance, sages and gurus, the adorned, enhanced, and festooned entities, the bejeweled and embellished souls and hearts, kernels and cruxes whom have acclaimed, applauded, and attained the burning, acute, and paramount presence, attendance, and incidence of your connection, correlation, and assembly, the endurance, persistence, and continuance, pursuit, perseverance, and the augmenting steadfastness and tenaciousness to quell, crush, and repress the thirst, crave, and desire, the entreatment and beseechment to incessantly, ceaselessly, and continually soar, escalate, and ascend, absorb, engross, and immerse within the bounty and ocean of your principality and palatinate, your realm and sphere, and your personification and incarnation, to sustain and support, uphold and protract, and ablaze and aflame the traverse of unanimity, unison, and union.

The amalgamation, coalition, and unification of superlative sacrament, rite and ritual, and essence and belief, disturb and perturb, ruffle and rattle, and flutter and fluster, when cognizance and realization, the appreciation and recognition revert, regress, and relapse to the contrary. The embodiment and epitome, unity, uniqueness, harmony, and eminence, the ponderance of your prominence, which fortify and hearten, revive and bolster, and shine and enlighten the darkest of the dens and the farthermost refuges and retreats.

Devotees, votaries, janissaries, attenders, and cohorts, cronies, comrades, and companions , the impatient cliques, cadres, and followers, anxiously and restlessly, intently and nervously, excitedly and enthusiastically embrace and encompass, involve and include, and cuddle and clinch by your company and companionship, affiliation and alliance, remain, revive, and  resume restless and sleepless, alert and attentive to the concurrent hegemony and dominion of the presence of spirits of succumb and surrender,  soul of enthrallment and enchantment, and the disposition of dedication and devoutness, to reach, access, and touch, to surmount and ascend to the summits of certainty and certitude.

Individuals and entities, the entireties and totalities succumbed and surrendered to the strength, burliness, and sturdiness of sensation and spectacle of pursuit, quest, inquiry, observation, and scrutiny, and the voyage and odyssey, the dedicators, nominators, and purveyors to the vastness and immensity, the vehemence and ferocity of vision and visitant, precognition and atman of encapsulations and abridgements arbitrate bafflements and bemusements of intuitiveness, divination, and clairvoyance.

Your glance and glare galvanize, incite, and animate the consistency, dependability, and uniformity of certainty, conviction, and confidence. When, laurels, bouquets, and accolades of reception, acquiescence, and credence, redolence and evocativeness of enthrallments, captivations, and fascinations, resonance, rapture, and rhapsody of ingress, entrée, and acceptance, the zenith of cognizance, apex of acquaintance, and pinnacle of culmination, finale of continuance and deliberation, the threshold, verge, and dawn of eternity and perpetuity, or abandonment of extremity and infringement instigate, prompt and substantiate your omnipresence, attention, and heedfulness, the judiciousness, punctiliousness, and fastidiousness.

Instances and occurrences, interactions and exchanges, the intimacy and affection, confidence and courage astonishingly, astoundingly, and stupendously persist, endure, and continue. The reverberance, revealment, and divulgence, while the indulgence, compassion, and contentment to soar and tower to the acme and crest of the universe, the infinity of infinitude to be enlightened, edified, and inculcated by the existence, extant, and esse, the ethos, core, and center of contemplation, meditation, and rumination, caused and catalyzed  by your magnificence, opulence, and radiance bountifully and plenteously compose, comprise, and contain.           

Intimates, marrows, and soulmates, confidantes, comrades, and compadres, the compeers, companions, and cohorts amenably and acquiescently, submissively and yieldingly, and bluntly and candidly convert, contain, and carry introspections, contemplations, and considerations, while the purity and clarity, virtue and innocence, and decorum and sedateness engulf, whelm, and immerse within the sanctity of their life, verve, and vivacity. When, passionate, fervent, and vehement inclinations, preferences, and proclivities infuse, imbue, and inspire their surroundings, milieus, and ambiances. When the echo, rumination, and deliberation of my desire, entreaty, and appeal augment and ameliorate the abundance, profusion, and copiousness to render, decree, and deliver solemnness and staidness, ostentation and spectacle, and to spread, proliferate, and stretch, to embrace, encompass and encircle the emergence and evolvement of the elevated embodiments, exalted epitomes, and elated fervencies and ardencies.

Then the rendezvous, assignations, and appointments, gatherings, congregations, and assemblies, interactions, connections, and contacts, the conjoint exchanges, reciprocities, and interchanges annihilate and obliterate the obliviousness and imperviousness. Your auspicious, propitious, and prudential rays and glimmers of affinity and magnificence, marvelousness and brilliance, and the grandeur and grandness alleviate, conciliate, and pacify the absenteeism, truancy, and malingering perceptions, the incentives, enticements, and inducements which impotently and inauspiciously intimidate, coerce, and extort the inclinations, predispositions, and penchants.

When, pursued, strived, and endeavored intimacy, affection, and attentiveness, the adored, established, and realized amity, endearment, and admiration, and worshipped, esteemed, and revered closeness, imminence, and confidence bud, bloom, and blossom. When your omnipresence and ubiquitousness, universality and extensiveness, and predominance and prevalence ponder, cogitate, and cerebrate vastness of the observance, formidability of the adherence, and sincerity of the sanctity.

The adjoining bond, adjacent correspondence, and the affixing interrelatedness, which mesmerize, enthrall, and entrance the entity, individuality and distinctiveness of occasion, contingency, and occurrence, the confluence, crossing, and junction that capitulate, cede, and relent to the sheerness and translucence, the transparency and pellucidity, the pureness, vividness, and vibrancy, the integrity, propriety, and wholesomeness of the entirety, eternity, and exclusiveness, the elitism, elegance, and grace which uniformly, unvaryingly, and homogenously illuminate, elucidate, and enlighten the enormity of universe and shreds, shards, and smidgeons of iotas. The wholeness, totality, and unity which impeccably, irreproachably, and exquisitely flabbergast, astonish, and astound inquirers, scrutinizers, and appraisers, explorers and examiners, and the participants, contestants, and partakers.          

 The ambition and aspiration, and delight and marvel of conversion, adaptation, and alteration to amalgamate, merge, and mingle to your entireness, wholeness, and unanimity, the totality of your embodiment, quintessence, and incarnation, your personification, manifestation, and avatar which inflame and ignite the kindles and sparks of core and crux, the kernel and heart, and continuance and relentlessness, the invocation and incantation to elaborate and articulate, to augment and consolidate your intimacy, your proximity, and your imminence, the immediacy and propinquity, the dominance and dominion  which have inundated and deluged the brims of  cognizance and gravity of awareness, the avail and reward of the inner thirst and longing, the desire and yearning to commemorate, adore, and admire the confederacy and alliance of unison and oneness, the coherence and cohesion  of desire and devotion.

The mirror and murals of ponderance and pertinence, marrow of pursuance and enactment, the depiction, ratification, and portrayal of purpose and persistence, the tenaciousness and steadfastness to explore and scrutinize, observe and appraise, the canopy and canvas of consolidation and protraction, which solemnly, earnestly, and ritually portray and reveal the perpetuity of your prominence, your preeminence, and your dominance, the traits and personas of benevolence, munificence, and magnanimity, coherently and collectively, cordially and convivially, and conspicuously and cognitively to articulate, convey, and enunciate reflection and rumination of essence and ethos, your epitome and personification, your exemplar and paradigm, and your paragon and manifestation.              

مفتیان از  کبک  بشکستن سوا، سودای جان  آویزه  وصف سخن
ساقیان آشفته  از معراجِ   پنهان، غایت  و منظور  ایقان  وصال

Annunciators of merits and integrities, advocates of virtues and values, and acclaimers of morals and conscience, celebrators, applauders, and eulogizers, the exalters, admirers, and adulators of your traits, mannerisms, and attributes, whom vivaciously, lively, and irrepressibly reverberate, publicize, and pronounce their conceptualizations and abstractions, their perceptions and intellection, the mentation, cerebrations, rationalizations, and interpretations, aptly, appositely, and pertinently pertained and affected by the influences and pretensions to crystalize, conject, and commemorate smidgeons and scintillas  of your infinite, interminable, and immense sphere and scale of immeasurability, unboundedness, and illimitability . 

Annunciators of merits and integrities, whom protract candidness and frankness, bluntness and candor, directness and forthrightness, the ones ardently, fervently, eagerly, and zealously reflect, exhibit, and signify the sanctity of their cognition, perception, and reasoning, the entities and individuals whom audaciously and courageously contemplate, observe, and scrutinize the resoluteness of their resolves, the agility of their approaches and attitudes, and the liveliness and vigor of their adherence and devotion.    

Advocates of virtues and values, whom express and utter articulacy of conscious  commencements, genesis,  and originations, the outset, engendering, and evolution, the coherence and clarity of the bestowments and dedications, conferring of the devotions and consecrations, and chastity and limpidity of inclinations, proclivities, and penchants, the   apostles, promoters, and proponents of the virtues of proclivity and tendency, the propensity and affinity which have instigated, inundated, and inspired the entirety of the universe, the wholeness and the continuance of the notion of pertinence, appositeness, and appropriateness.   

Acclaimers of morals and conscience, whom reverberate, resound, and echo punctuality of the persistence and perpetuation, the propagation and dissemination of distinctiveness and elevation, the altitude and augmentation of existence and interjection, the admirers and complementors of continuance and protraction, the aficionados and devotees to elevations and zeniths of quiddity, quintessence, and esse, to whom rays of rapture and euphoria, the saturation and dispersion of choirs and chorales are reflective and introspective of  charm and chant to recite and intone, the vivacity, verve, and vitality which revivify and rejuvenate the moments and instances of cogitation and deliberation.

To them, existence and eternity, actuality and certainty, veracity, validity, and sincerity merge and amalgamate, integrate and assimilate, and desegregate and consolidate.  Their moments, flashes, and instances delegate, designate, and allocate concurrency and contemporaneousness, coincidence and coexistence, contribution and encouragement to immanence, inherence, and innateness, which conjugate and connect, bond and unify, and depict and portray intricacies, complexities, and convolutions, the consistencies and constancies of the opus and oeuvre, the masterpiece and chef-d’oeuvre of creation and harmony.   

To them, the life and fulfillment, gratification and contentment, and nibbana and nirvana, the junctures, intervals, and stages signify, designate, and manifest intersections, confluences, and connections, the stages, stands, and steps, the rostra, rostrums, and arenas to signify, denote, and connote contemplations, collaborations, and association.

 The platform, podium, and dais of elation and exultation, the glee and jubilation to perpetuate the ponderance of unity and unification, your confederacy and coalition of conspicuousness, distinctiveness, and discernibleness, perceptibility, palpability, and transparency, your attentiveness, affinity, and kinship, the affiliation and consociation, the assertiveness, emphasis, and incisiveness to render, decree, and deliver, your eloquence of extensiveness and inclusiveness, which meticulously, pedantically, and punctiliously pertain, relate, and concern, the reciprocation and complementation to  your overtures and gestures, the indications and intimation of content, gist, and substance, to be endured, enhanced, enriched, and strengthened.

Intricacy, convolutedness, and multifariousness, bewilderments, bafflements, and perplexities, hesitations, reluctances, and vacillations, the ambivalences, equivocations, and ambiguities invoke and incite, evoke and implore constancy of instigations, involvements, and immersions.  

The thirst, yearn, and desire, entreaty, appeal, and ache, proclivities, predispositions, and predilections torment, tease, and trouble the thoughts, notions, and views. Spectacles, sights, and aspects, the beliefs, stances, and elucidations, explications and expositions, concomitantly, contemporaneously, and captivatedly confluence, converge, and congregate.   

Thus, the depth and dynamism, vitality and vehemence, the vigor and robustness of introspection, and introversion, the timidity and reticence of occurrence, episode, and incidence conglomerate, conjecture, and concoct to imbue and infuse instantiation, incarnation, and embodiment of engagement, assignation, and dedication. When, the rendezvous of inference, insinuation of completeness, totality, veritable ethicality, and scrupulosity, the dawn of emergence and advent, and the drift and tide of runnels, rivulets, and rivers, the contributors, purveyors, and augmenters to sustain, protract, and substantiate the momentum of life, reverence of creation and entireness, and the authenticity and realism of the wholeness engulf and indulge the sanctity of insinuation, implication, proposition, and conceptualization.

Searchers, seekers, and enquirers, followers, disciples, and devotees immersed, absorbed, and engrossed by the burning craving and hankering, thirst and urge, the communal and collective covetousness and  agglomerated and  amalgamated acquisitiveness, to capitulate moments and splits, gashes and slashes of encounter and happenstance, the coincidences and chances of realization of your appearance and convergence, junctions and conjunctions of concurrence and consensus, the harmonies and embracement, encompassment and encapsulation of unifications and emergences, solidifications and substantiations, corroborations and confirmations, inadvertently and involuntarily  vivify and revive resilience, bounciness, and suppleness to further reveal, divulge, and disclose your omnipresence, ubiquitousness, predominance, and prevalence.

The hidden, veiled, and buried, shrouded, cryptic, and interred gem, jewel, and nugget within the shrine and temple of certitude, the essence, kernel, and principle of sanctity of pledge and promise, the pureness and chasteness of staunchness and commitment, and inviolability and sacredness of steadfastness and alliance have been eroded, scoured, and battered,

Wrinkles, crags, and scarps, warps, bends, and twists have distorted the interventions and introspections, while the reflections, deliberations, and ruminations, the search and quest, delve and fumble, and rummage and reach have inconspicuously and unpretentiously persisted and endured. Though, the gem and nugget within had been mislaid, misplaced, and abandoned.      

Disorientations, befuddlements, and bafflements have contradicted, controverted, and rebuffed the resolve, tenacity, and persistence, the faithfulness, commitments, and convictions to resent, abolish, and abrogate, repeal and rescind declinations, resentments, and diminishments have been herding, steering, and ushering.

Depiction and delineation, description and portrayal, and narratives and chronicles of your traits, personas, and individualities, the expanse, vastness, and breath of your ascriptions, divulgences and disclosures, attributes, provenances, and designations incessantly, unremittingly, and interminably ponder and procure.

Instigations, promptings, and provocations to instantaneously, expeditiously, and momentarily comprehend and establish, corroborate and determine, and affirm and sustain irreversible, concrete, and unalterable discernments, eruditions, and intellect pertain to your affluence and supremacy, the hegemony and omnipotence, profoundly and deeply, exceptionally and extremely, and philosophically and insightfully resonate and solidify, to consolidate and magnify the continuous and relentless enthrallments, allures, and absorptions that exceedingly and extremely soar, circle, and ascend to land at acmes and pinnacles of your territory and terrain, the domain and province of adoration, reverence, and veneration, the land of admiration and adulation, and the zenith of permanency, perpetuity, and eternity, the twinkles, glimmers, and glows far stretched beyond the silver lines which have saturated, soaked, and drenched the farthest peaks of the boundless horizons.                      

چشم  را  وامانده  در گرداب  دل مجنون ز  دردِ  حاصل  از جورِ  جفا
گاه در محراب مستانِ نظر، گه مطربان،عشرت  ز  مهتاب  وصال

Thoughts and notions, impressions and interpretations, judgements and acknowledgements, and beliefs and conceptions, sensations and inclinations, allurements and attractions, enchantments and captivations, and enthrallments and beguilements, ravishments, and enrapturement to inspire, enthuse, and arose, or placate, propitiate, and pacify the sanctuary of expositions, rhapsody of elation and resoluteness, and explication of extemporaneous explanations and elucidations.

Hegemony, domination, and restraint of sedulousness, assiduousness, and consciousness, cognizance, awareness, and perception, the tumultuous, unrestrained, and turbulent transpiring and emerging convolutions and coagulation of commemorations and celebrations to ecstasy of exuberance and enthusiasm, the trench and furrows, the gorge and gully of aspiration and attunement, accommodation and assimilation, alteration and adaptation, the vastness and immensity of inspiration, insight, and vision disseminate, unravel, and compass to conquer, surmount, and prevail.

Gyrating, rotating, and revolving approaches, stances, and manners, poses, postures and perspectives, the sensations, emotions, and sentiments, suspicions, instincts, and intuitions, the affections, attachments, and compassions, empathies, sympathies, and concerns, the potent of exaltation and elevation, puissant of enthrallment and ecstasy, and the formidability of elation and euphoria embody and epitomize the exemplary, praiseworthy, and commendable grandeur and majesty of ethos, soul, and spirit, the sanctitude of vivacity and dynamism and the sacredness and devoutness of tenacity and resolve.

The pendulum of precision and perfection, approbation and appreciation of virtuousness and righteousness, the carriers of songs and chirrups, the melodies of endurance and persistence enrich, enhance, and enliven enthrallments, the entities of enactments, depicted dedications, and the ensued emancipations. The breeze of captivation and capitulation, draft, zephyr, and flurry of fascination, enchantment, and entrancement, the articulacy and eloquence of cognizance and confidence commensurate and cede to continuance of conformity, congruence, and consonance.

Though, the heart’s apprehension and incarceration, internment and confinement, the encirclement and encompassment have convoluted the contentment of your reach, grasp, and extend, your intimacy, assignation, and rendezvous have pertained to a pretensive, fictional, and mythical posture and trend.

The fascination, allure, and absorption emanated by unity and uniqueness of your presence, occurrence, and attendance, enduring and elaborative engagements and interactions of introspection intertwined and entangled, adjoined, and allocated by your solipsism and solitude, the seclusion and separateness synonymous and tantamount to totality, entirety, and wholeness have been presumptuously, arrogantly, and audaciously mistreated and exploited, maneuvered and adventured. Impetuousness and impulsiveness, imprudence, injudiciousness, and circumstantial gullibility and crudity have encroached, infringed, and impinged intricacies and obscurities of instinct, and the obliviousness and imperviousness of captivations and immersions.

Then, decimated and reduced, lessened and demoted, abridged and devalued merits, distinctions, and pursuits prevail. When, the continuance of your seek and solace, succor of your search and certitude, and excursion of your venture and foray forfeit and forgo to the fortitude of fallacy and canard, and the falsehood and myth of misfortune and misadventure.  Predispositions and reflectiveness, cognizance and assimilation, and fervor and impatience, the eagerness, enthusiasm and passion inadvertently, unconsciously, and unintentionally misdirect and misallocate, diffuse, disperse, and scatter the enlightenments, intimacy, and confidence which so arduously, onerously, and awkwardly were chased, shadowed, and sought.    

Inebriated and flummoxed, befuddled and baffled, blasted and barraged, the aficionados and adherers, devotees and disciples, admirers and allured personages and individuals render, depict, and portray your inclinations and preferences, your murmurs and mutters of resonance and reminiscence, the recollections ruminations, and reflections. Your benevolence and munificence to incarnate instantaneities of inspiration and augmentation, continuity of contemplation and cogitation, and the perpetuity of ponderance and deliberation.

Huddles and clusters, ensembles and collections, and assemblies and congregations of the souls and spirits, cores and characters, and entities and punters, the creatures, being, and grandees to whom your proclivities, fondness, and propensity tinker, jiggle, and joggle their burned and charred, their scorched and seared remains of interjection and utterance, to whom adornment, embellishment, and titivation of entity and heart merely and solely entail, necessitate, and compel, coerce, oblige, and induce your adoration , veneration, and reverence,

The entities and integrands, members and segments, and components and constituents of eternity and continuance, the messengers of inclusion and embrace, encirclement and enclosure, envoys and heralds of join and juncture, connection and correlation, and bond and union, the questers, enquirers, and proclaimers of confluence, convergence, and conjunction.

 To whom the life, verve, and soul symbolize, imply, and epitomize syndication and association, the embodiments and manifestations which reverberate and revive the rays and glimmers of your breath, gasp, and inhalation, the eternity and wholeness, perpetuance and presence, the peaks and pinnacles of conceptualization and elicitation.

To whom the chirps and tweets of the sparrows which sway, slant, and stagger the serenity of certainty and commemoration, the chirrups and squeaks of the ophidian reptiles’ belly scrapping and sparring the enmity and stiffness of the ruckus and scuffle surfaces underneath, the envious, covetous, and avaricious acclaim, the applause, and approbation to sustenance and wherewithal of exuberance and liveliness. To whom the bestowment of existence and being, the ponderance of desire, appeal, and entreaty, the shadow of the certitude and faith, your remembrance, reminiscence, and allusion authenticate, ratify, and validate sense, sagacity, and essence.

 The enticers, allurers, and enchanters of the joy, bliss, and delight, enhancers, advocates, and encouragers of  ecstasy, elation, and exultation, the echoes, rings, chimes, and tinkles of participation, partaking, membership and contribution, emanators of enthrallment, enticement, and inducement to encase, confine, and contain tenacities, determinations, and persistence of the cliffs, precipices, and heights of surroundings and milieus masterpieces, melodies and descants of consecration and sanctification, and core, crux, and nucleus of conscientiousness, resoluteness, and perseverance.

To whom moments of celebration, joy of commemoration, and potentials and prospects of observation and inspiration, the adherences and remembrances of rectitude, goodness, and righteousness overwhelm and engulf the certitude of the moment, assurance of the attainment, and the certainty of the conviction. The elaborators and annunciators of authenticity and validity of complexion, disposition, and arrangement of the wholeness, concord, and unison, the instigators, dedicators, and celebrators of concomitant and concurrence, the consensus to coincidence and correspondence, the ones who virtuously and flawlessly realize, attain, and consummate the effectuation of existence, perpetuation of purpose, and substantiation of entity and esse.

Then, the brightness, intensity, and brilliance of the moonlight, illumination, radiance and enlightenment that shatter the darkness, gloom, and murkiness of night, the rays, beams, and gleams which glorify, adore, and praise the absorbance of the recipients, the reflectors of twinkles, shines, and glimmers of contemplation and contentment, the choristers, ensemble, and vocalist of attainability, conceivability, and tenability shine and glow the routes, orbits, and conduits to bind, adhere, and attach, to connect, associate, and relate, and to touch, grasp, and attain your magnanimity, magnificence, and clemency.     

وه وز این بیعت درون  دروازه  کاشانه خود  جوش از  اسرار دل
تا ز اوج  قامتت  رخشان ز مه  آکنده دریایی که شیدایش وصال

Heart, spirit, essence, and atman, inundated, brimmed, and besieged by the confidence of riddles and enigmas, clandestine of paradoxes and quandaries, and conundrums of queries and mysteries, cravings and desires, voracious and incessant, courageous and audacious to capitulate and conquer the quagmires, impasses, and predicaments oblivious and contradictory to conspicuousness, blatancy, and discernibility contrive, concoct, and commensurate.

The inherent potency, vigor, and strength, persuasiveness, cogency, and puissance pertain and perpetuate ponderance, profundity, cavernousness, and fathomlessness to the embarked upon, embraced and encompassed patterns and pertinences, which instantiate and invigorate the pursuit of purpose and persistence.

Reverberation, resonance, and resounding, rumbling, pounding, and thrumming, pensive and pondering inner insurgencies, the mutinies, rebellions, and revolts, mazes, intricacies, and jumbles instigate and prompt rumination, capitulation, and entrancement, commensurate commotions and consequences to accompany continuance and pursuance, to inflame, concoct, and captivate pillars and tenets of percepts, doctrines, and beliefs which escalate and elevate the envelope of quintessence, ethos, and existence.

The traits, distinctions, and attributes, coherences and congruences, the coalitions and confederations, alliances and affiliations of wholeness, unity, and inclusiveness resurrect and revivify inadequacies, meagerness, and scantiness, while foibles, oddities, and quirks, commonalities, harmonies, and cohesions defy, challenge, and confront. The spread and disseminated entities of inaptness, captivated panic, dread, and fear, and inefficacy, emptiness, and starkness, frailties, infirmities, inadequacies rectify, mend, and recuperate to be aptly attenuated, curtailed, and acclimatized. The universality, uniformity, and equivalence of creation, life, and universe adhered and observant of their traits and attributes disperse and bestow to be endeared and ingratiated, while consistencies, intelligibilities, and comprehensibility magnify, intensify, and strengthen to be acclaimed and substantiated.

The threshold and brink, verge and debut of passage and access, ingress and admittance, enchant and enthrall, beguilement and enrapturement, ecstasy and elation, and the bliss and harmony when recognized and distinguished, acknowledged and conceded, esteemed and treasured, the absorption and fascination, resolution and decree, and pledge and promise constantly, incessantly, and feverishly crystalize and manifest the framework of outlook and mindset. Then, the rays and shimmers of confluence and convergence saturate and overwhelm the pinnacles of perception and persuasion, desire and dream, prudence and providence, kismet and karma, and the destiny and predestination.

 Threshold and brink of promise and oath, pledge and assurance, entrance to the chest of chastity and purity, immaculateness and impeccability of essence and core, inclination and inspiration, the introspection, cognition, and pondering to seek and pertain the punctuates and intersperses of the purpose and ponderance, the intricacies of abstractions, postulations, and convictions, to be positioned and sited, fixated and traced, encircled and enfolded by your proximities, propinquities, and immediacies.

The continuance of the rise and ascent, spread and span, and unfold and unfurl to tap, pat, and rap the hidden, veiled, and withheld, buried, screened, and shrouded gems, pearls, and paragons within to sprout, emerge, and appear. The shimmer and sparkle, glisten and glimmer, and invocation and incantation propel, impel, and thrust the thirst of thrill, extasy and delight, enthusiasm of exhilaration, enticement, and elation, the inducement and invitation to instigate and initiate instances and moments, to murmur and mumble the merits and virtues of extant and existence, the impetuous and perfunctory acclamation and applause to the certitude of assimilation, integration, and unification.

Then, the profundity and gravity, extent and intensity, vastness and immensity of the oceans and seas, brinies and waves, and billows and clouds, immerse, submerge, and imbue by the reflections, indications, and manifestations, the somberness and soberness of the sages and oracles, solons and savants, and gurus and mystics. Prognostications, prophesies, and clairvoyance which capitulate, transpire, and ensue the eminence and evolvement, amelioration and augmentation emerge and proliferate, the entity of life, enthusiasm, and animation exculpate and emancipate, to urge and compel the certitude and conviction of coherence and consistency.

The exuded and emanated, diverged and diffused radiance, gleam, and brightness, luminosity, glow, and brilliance which copiously and bountifully, multifariously and multitudinously, and profusely and prolifically perpetuate and propagate to surpass and transcend peripheries and perimeters of the realm and sphere of apparition and revelation, conceptualization and imagination, and illustration and manifestation, to expand and broaden, outspread and encompass, and tender and proffer propinquity and adjacency, proximity and contiguity. The accessibility and vicinage to join and procure, to amalgamate and fasten, and to combine and fuse to the fabric, composition, and framework of universe; the entirety, totality, and eternity.

 Exuded and emanated flickers and sparkles of affection and warmth, attentiveness and attachment obliterate, abolish and annihilate abandonment and relinquishment of resurgence, renaissance, and revival of incarnation and personification of resilience and buoyancy, the agility and suppleness to succumb and accede to the vibrancy and dynamism of gesture and acknowledgement to your presence, incidences, and occurrences. The cultivation, fostering, and promotion to connect, bond, and relate to your enclave, demesne, and province.

Diverged and diffused radiance and gleam of articulacy and eloquence of environs and ambiances, the iotas and scintillas of incarnation, embodiment, and epitome, the paragon and paradigm of essence and ultimate ramification, enthusiasm and earnestness, vehemence and wholeheartedness of scatters and spatters to speckles and mottled dusts and flecks, cognates and kindreds to personages and atypical, the anomalous and uncommon to coherent entities and individuals immerse surmount, and conquer the hegemony and supremacy of enlightenment and clarification, erudition and edification, and enhancement and clarification, the evolution of elation, enchantment, and ecstasy perpetuate, propagate, and promulgate.

Oceans and seas, brinies and waves, and billows and clouds saturated and brimmed, soaked and drenched, and flummoxed and flabbergasted, the expanse and extend, stretch and reach, the radius and array of remembrances, recollections, and reminiscences, the resonance and recollection to propel, push, and impel amelioration and revival, augmentation and furtherance, patronage and endorsement, and elevation and escalation. The vessels, receptacles, and repositories of your benefaction and sponsorship, the endowment and bestowal to enactment and endorsement, ratification and validation, substantiation and confirmation to intrigue, enthrall, and fascinate profundity of the oceans and pinnacles of the horizons, the ascend and levitation, coalescence and consolidation, and the cascade and torrent of the entirety, inevitability, and totality, the bestowment and revealment to complement, applaud, and appropriate, contingences and fortuities , the contributions and endowments to enliven, enhance, and exalt exhilaration, endurance, and  existence.

The hegemony and dominion, province and protectorate, the realm and demesne of perspicuity and articulacy, the coherence and lucidity of luminescence, dazzle, and sparkle, the conduit, corridor, and rivulet of rectitude and righteousness, to instantiate, represent, and replicate the incarnation and avatar of certitude and awareness, the demiurge and daemon within to galvanize, spur, and animate subsistence and sustenance to succumb and accede to the reservoir, pond, and pool of predominance, preponderance, and prevalence, pertained and trussed, and anchored to the ocean and sea inherent and innated by your glance of benevolence, altruism of ardor and passion, and magnificence of magnanimity and grandeur.

طالع  سعدش سحر  را  کوته و قوسش نما  از ساحت منقوش  یار
تا  سرا در بام افلاک است و گاه  مکنتش آکنده در ملک  وصال

The towering and celebrated altitude of destination and terminus, extolled and exalted serendipity and fortune, the fortuitousness and providence of permanence and eternalness, the contiguousness and conterminous link and connect, the shadow of credence and confidence, the buttress, telamon, and credo of trust, faith, and belief, to herald, presage, and prelude the dawn of destiny and purpose, genesis of tenacity and resolve, and the aurora of audaciousness and auspiciousness.

The dawn, genesis, and aurora presage, portent, and omen oblivious, insensible, and heedless, if the flickers, shimmers, and glimmers are strayed, wandered, and swayed, twisted, twirled, and curved, the isolations, separations, and segregations of the soul, spirit, and surroundings. Though the inclinations and proclivities, aspirations and courageousness astound and amaze the endowment, aptitude, and bequest of liveliness, sparkles of vigor, and the stimuli and provocations of vim and vitality.

Onsets and inceptions, commencements and formations, twinkling and glinting durations and elapses of reverberations, the tenuous and fragile moments and intermediations surpass and succeed, rainbows and spectrums, auras and continuums to mesmerize and entrance the apexes and summits of the surrounding horizons, perceptions, and purviews, the congruence and correspondence to harmony, accord, and coherence to capitulate, succumb, and surrender the ambiguousness and abstruseness, obscurities and profundities persistent and  unrelenting to surrogate and proxy the uncertainties of the path.

Then, portrayals and depictions, renderings and representations, delineations and illustrations, murals and distinctions deemphasize desolation, the unembellished and unvarnished instincts, urges, and predispositions ponderous and precluding to the illustriousness of quiddity, marrows, and ethos embedded by the essence of creation and continuance. Sanctitude, purity, and virtuousness of the instincts, urges, and intuitions, flairs, abilities, and aptitudes revamp and replicate, the rings and resonances to decimate and abandon distorting, falsifying, and garbling contrasts, disparities, and divergences to consummate, procure, and effectuate embracement, adaptation, and integration.

The emergence of the moments and junctures, canvas and context, panorama and picture, the opus and scenes of your creation, coherence, and contemplations, carry and render, adjudicate and decree, bestow and deliver, and indulge and inspire the paragons of dedication, allegiance, and ardor, epitomes of enthusiasm, avidity, and fervor, and paradigms of vehemence, sincerity, and warmth.  The caravan and convoy, parade and procession of panache and confidence, flamboyance and exuberance, the certainty and credence surmount and ascend to perpetuate your magnanimity, selflessness, and inclusion, while your certitude of reciprocity and mutuality adorn and embellish, brighten and illuminate, and elucidate and reveal the decurom and etiquette to wholeness, the emergence and merge of virtuousness, scrupulousness, and meritorious coalescence.

Galaxies, cosmos, and ethers, the heavens and skies, nirvana and paradise, the ecstasy and bliss, harmony and blessedness, serenity, enlightenment, and tranquility to transpire, ensue, and evolve, emanations and emergences of intonements and enactments, ratifications and confirmations, the warrants, assurances, and certifications to inundate the celebration and festivities of esse and ethos, the codes of certitude and faith, icons and symbols of sustenance, and synchronization to incessantly and immaculately, impeccably and virtuously encircle, encompass, and circumscribe the continuum of confidence and factualness, vindicated, exculpated, and entrenched, the pureness, vividness, and chastity of your abundance, copiousness, and profusion.

The sanctuary and preserve, asylum and immunity, and refuge and haven to entities and entireties, individuals, personages, and parties, participants and partakers, caucuses and coalitions, to whom the patronage and sponsorship, endowment and endorsement endear and ingratiate, or to whom that the embarkment have been cognitively abandoned and halted, immanence and the innate intimacy and intertwinement inherently ingrainedly and intrinsically inspire and instigate, induce and incite, and impel and influence.

 Symphony of infusions and essences, inclusions and extensions, invocations and incantations instigate and instantiate, enliven and embolden, vivify and vitalize the certitudes of certainties and beliefs, and permeate the ponderances of perpetuations, continuance of pertinence and germaneness, and the relatedness and relevance. Emblems of embarkment and commencement, insignias of enchantments and fascinations, the motifs of embodiments and epitomes, and capitulations and attainment decorate, embroider, and festoon the boundaries, peripheries, and confines of the conception and comprehension.

Enactments and representations, ratifications and endorsements of certainty, incantations and invocations, the orchestras and ensembles, originators and instigators of  murmur and mutters of thirst and desire, songs and melodies of manifestations and disclosures, expressions and exemplifications, the moan and groan, whine and whimper which reverberate and ring, transude and exudate the urgency, exigence, and perseverance of the pursuers, chasers, and trackers, the thunderous, roaring, and boisterous bellowing of the enchanted, entranced, and enraptured souls, cores, and pneumas permeate and percolate the boundaries of sight and vision, the perturbation and trepidation of vow and wonder, pledge and pleas, and unification and fusion.

The moment of pinnacle and acme, apex and apogee, culmination and apotheosis have been procured and seized, the flamboyant and radiant façade of fortitude and grit, resilience and courage, the prismatic and variegated spectrum of junction and confluence, convergence and crossing, abutment and concourse have been portrayed and perceived, assimilation and absorption, acclimatization and accommodation, intimacy, amity, and companionship, the vividness of occasions, junctures, and episodes to entail, elicit, and excite.

Proximities and propinquities, congruities and felicitousness, the prowling and loitering conflicts and consensuses of the abandonments and vanishments, absences and truancies, forlorn fractions, despondent durations, the stretches and localities, conquests, subjugations, and vanishments of contempt and scorns, while absolution and acquittal of disdain, aloofness, and disregard demand, stipulate, and enquire subjugation, obliteration, and vanquishment to be transpired , ensued, and transposed by transcended, exceeded, and outburst of dedication, staunchness, and commitment.

Your endowed impunity, latitude, and opportunity of demand and entreaty collaborate and codify, collate and collect the territory and province of acclamation and proclamation, where traits and personae would glimmer, glitter, and glisten ceaselessly, unremittingly, and interminably. When the embarked upon union, unification, and unity entwined and entailed by the fabric of forbearance and fortitude, canopy of compassion and contingence, and the canvas of your portrayals and depictions invigorate the deliberations and contemplations, inspire incantation and intonation of elation and rapture, and imbue and inculcate your intimacy and rapport.

روز  و شب  پندار  وز لوح  نگارِش گشته  از  رخسار تو  هر سو نگر
آتش دیدار افروزد  چه باکم اندر این میخانه انجامم  ز منظور  وصال
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

Patterns, arrays, and tessellations, murals, frescoes, and friezes of ponderance and pertinence, segments, portions, and fragments, lapses, gaps, and spaces, and collections, compendiums, and corpora, the boundless, absolute, and infinite encirclements, embracement, and entanglements, bewilderments and bemusements subjugated, suppressed, and subdued, circumvented and dodged by the draperies and festoons of coagulation and capitulation, partitures of intentions, ambitions, and advantages, which purport, assert, and acclaim propositions, surmises, principles, and persuasions of extant, liveliness, endurance, repletion and contentedness, oblige and indulge, present and exhibit, and depict and represent the spectrum and sphere of assortments, adoptions, and selections to extract, purify, and render the sequel of sustenance and elation .

Observing and watching, perceiving and discerning, beholding and considering, exploring and scrutinizing, and gazing and glaring at every corner and cranny, crevice and crack, the eyes and heart, the mind and view vividly and gaudily, garishly and luridly capture and seize, acquire and entangle, ensnare and embroil your countenance and visage, your façade and cast, and your benevolence and bestowments.

Sensations and commotions to mesmerize and entrance, perceptions and impressions to assume and pertain, passions and infatuations to embark, enlist, and enroll, mindfulness and solicitousness to probe, explore, and scrutinize, and the adoration and reverence to stem, spring, and emanate, surroundings, environs, and habitats plead, press, and pray for reflections, manifestations, and representations of your presence, incidence, and occurrence, the dance of the breeze, trace of the stars, and reverberation of the skies impetuously, spontaneously, and desirously declare , proclaim, and affirm affinity and kinship, the rapport and harmony, your benevolence, benignity, and magnanimity to articulate and accentuate authenticity and realism of notion, conviction, and thought.

Stretched and straightened from bottom of the heart to the corners of the eye and the far spanned borders and boundaries of the unrolled and unfolded azures, blues, and heavens, the rays and sparkles, beams and traces, and flickers and glimmers to trace and sketch, track and trail, your glamour and allure, opulence and appeal permeate and pervade.

Stretched and straightened form the elongation of days to expansion and protractedness of nights, the ponderance, credos, and tenets, the imbued and inundated magnanimity, nobility, and graciousness indistinctly and feverishly, impatiently and passionately boost and augment, exhilarate and enliven, to thrill and enlighten my enshrined and ensued confluxes and convergences of confluence and connection. The intimacy, closeness, and affection, the preponderance, prevalence, and predominance to absorb, engage, and engulf, to entrance, enchant, and enrapture.

The surmounted and prevailed bonfire, conflagration, and flare have captured the cavities, gantries, and scaffolds of the existence, esse, quiddity, and quintessence. Your grace, poise, and blessings, the deportment, bearing, and carriage, presence, demeanors, and deportments have transpired and irradiated, enlightened and elucidated splitters of crashed desires and ambitions, to arisen and ascended dreams and translucencies, flawlessness and luminousness.

Your interactions, interfaces, and collaborations, contacts, correspondences, and correlations have intensified, heightened, and sharpened, exacerbated, compounded, and substantiated, the flames and flares, which have been sprouted, and sprung within my frame of arrogance, superciliousness, and haughtiness, still bursting and hollowing in your direction of amalgamation and assimilation, the adaptation, acclimatization, attunement, and integration.

The inferno and firestorm within to recite, narrate, and infuse your intimacy and closeness, to uplift, enrich, and elevate,  to encase, mold, and abridge to the framework of presence and essence, the fire, warmth, and enlightenment bestowed upon by your sanctity, sacredness, purity, and chastity, the elixir and potion of contemplation and deliberation, to radiate, exude, and emanate personifications, incarnations, and epitomes of your portrayal and presentation, the certitude and conviction to represent your affinity and resemblance, harmony and congruity, and courtesy and pensiveness.

Vehement and intense, the vigorous and passionate benevolence and magnanimity, graciousness and cordiality, affability and amiability, traits and personas of exclusivity and exceptionality, distinctiveness and discreteness, the transcendence and superlative preeminence which have been imbued and permeated to the fabric of creation, masterpiece of life, and the operculated universe, the authenticity and veritableness, genuineness, the righteous and virtuous unvarnished and undistorted dexterity and adroitness, the ensemble, orchestra, and congregation of agility and ability, vibe and vivacity to  energetically and dynamically perpetuate, propagate, and disseminate, while your divulgence and unveiling, the revelations enunciations and utterances shine and sparkle.

Certainty, confidence, and conviction, ecstasy, elation, and exultation to engulf, immerse, and overwhelm my core, crux, and kernel, while your shadow, closeness, the imminence instantiate  exemplify, and epitomize the moments, while infernos and  blazes transfer and transpose  to murmurs and mutters to enchant your intonements, and while requests, entreats, and appeals reach their finality, the irrevocability and irreversibility of your reciprocations and intimacy.   

© Alireza Bemanian, March of 2019 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)