

آنان  که  رقم  جز به  غبار ره  دیدار تو در بطن  قدم نیست
از یاد تو بیدار چو در دیده به جز سحر نگاه تو به تن نیست

The ones seeking, pursuing, and shadowing you, the ones trailing, tracking, and tracing your presence, poise, and charisma, the magnetism, allure, and captivation. The ones who adore, revere, and venerate the delegations, designations, and entrustments which are vastly, immensely, and infinitely stipulated, endowed, provided, and postulated to them by your magnificence, virtuosity, and brilliance.

The ones who endure every breath, every step, every stroke, and every exploit, decisively, conclusively, and irrefutably to advance, foster, and expand the settling dust, the reverberating sprinkles, and the sparking strays of your path, route, and passageway.The ones to whom your occurrence, incidence, and manifestation are the glory, splendor, and brilliance of liveliness, dynamism, and spirit. The ones sacred, sanctified, and sacrosanct to embellish, elaborate, and enhance the heart of undertakings, and the brunt and burdens of endeavors, attempts, efforts, and overtures.

The ones who are meticulously, diligently, and studiously entailed to the potent, strength, and vigor of vivacity, verve, and impudence and audacity, to scale and gauge incessantly, relentlessly, and unremittingly their shrinking, retreating, and dwindling distance to your proximity, immediacy, and propinquity.

The ones, incited, revived, galvanized, and awakened while pondering, contemplating, reflecting, and cogitating your grandeur, splendor, and brilliance, your opulence, affluence, and mastery.

The ones who endure the perception, discernment, and observation, the experience, existence, and audacity, the boldness, courage, and overconfidence, to chastely, solely, and completely depict, perceive, and scrutinize your exposes, interpretations, and portrayals.

The ones stunned, dazed, and flabbergasted, entailed, demanded, and occasioned by your expressions, gazes, glances, and glares, the secrets, riddles, surprises, and confidences. The ones entailed to the connection, correlation, and association, the relation, bond, and fixture, which has fulfilled, inundated, and engulfed their desires, implores, aspirations, and appeals.

To them, their entities, individualisms, and distinctiveness are embodied, represented, and personified, merely and purely via the awareness, acuity, and keenness, which has vibrantly, brightly, vividly, and luridly encircled, encompassed, and expanded their existence and actualities, their essence and spirits, and their mortals and souls.

آلایش و پیرایش و رنگینه کمانِ  رخ دیدار، تمنای نگاهی
رخسار به آئینه منظور چو مقصود دگر خفته سخن نیست

The ones besieged, deluged, and drowned by the intricacies, convolutions, and sophistications which is copiously, bountifully and profoundly pertained, affected, and influenced by the paragon of vivaciousness, and epitome of liveliness.

It is the rainbow, mottled, dappled, and variegated, the arch, spectral, colorful, and kaleidoscopic, which reverberates, resonates, and echoes within the clefts, crevices, and cavities of the heart. The sparkles, glitters and glisters, the harbingers, portents, and heralds of optimisms, expectations, anticipations, and confidences. The ensemble, communal, and assemblage, colorful, vibrant, imaginative, and intriguing, to barely, merely, and simply ignite, kindle, and enflame intuitions, instincts, and insights.

The desire, appeal, entreaty, allure, and fascination, entwined, knotted, attached, and fastened to the glance, glimpse, and peek, that is inbound, entering, and arriving by you, originated, commenced, and instigated by your incessant, continuous, and ceaseless attention and consideration, combined with your magnanimity, compassion, and benevolence.

Then, the reciprocities, exchanges, and interchanges, the mutuality, affinity, and correspondence, the resonance, reverberation, and reminiscence, the rumination, cogitation, and contemplation which prolifically, inexhaustibly, and profusely permeate, imbue, and pervade.

While, the intentions, desires, and aspirations intensify, aggregate, and strengthen, the buds, sprouts, and blossoms of intent and purpose initiate, induct, and commence, and concurrently and synchronously the slumbering, snoozing, and napping postures, poses, and positions alter, revise, and amend, to embrace, cuddle, and clinch liveliness, sparkle, and vivacity.

The vigor, dynamism, and spirit strikes, pounds, and throbs the heart. The intent, meaning, and purpose crystalize, manifest, and exhibit, to remain reflective by the mirror of concentration and captivation.

The mirror vividly and vehemently insightful, meditative, profound, and studious, a container and revealer of your intimacy, closeness, and warmth, the cordiality, conviviality, and solemnity to be encompassed, embodied, and embraced within the entity and soul, when the desire exceeds the milestone of tranquility, stillness, and silence.

آن طایر قدست به کمند دل آزرده چو قرص مه  موعود
در سیطره بود گرش طالع دل همره آهنگ ضغن نیست

My indignant, irritated, and resentful core, crux, and substance, the lasting, enduring, and persisting durations while surmised, supposed, and induced inadequacies, scantiness, and meagerness, the intervenes of inaptness, incongruities, inconsistencies, all so elusive, vague, and obscure.

Then, it is the chirps, tweeters, and utterances, the glances, gaze, and glimpses that are instantiated, invoked, cited, and evoked by the sanctity of your presence, inviolability of your aura, and sacrosanctity of your poise, which perpetuate the thrive, flourishes the insight and instincts, and elevates the reach and extend to your environs, purlieus, and vicinities.

The ensemble, aggregate, and amalgamation, the purpose, cause, and motive for my entire heart to burst and rupture while impounded by your thoughts, inspirations, and deliberations.

Oh, the entrapment of the heart, the frame and snare so meticulously, pedantically, diligently, and fastidiously eloquent, utter, stirring, and foment, the fostering, encouraging, and sustainability which intrigue, captivate, and enthrall, only to resemble, remind, and exhibit the brightness and augmentations of the moon, the promised rhapsody, ecstasy, and rapture.

Oh, the moment, instant, and the flash, the blaze, flame, and the flare when, the sparkles, glitters, glimmers, and glistens, the shimmers, shines, and sheens vehemently, fervently, and passionately have surrendered, capitulated, and captivated my existence, the actuality, certainty, reality, and veracity.

The ascending fortune, the omen and renascent, and the rising star, omnipresent, ubiquitous, and prevalent within the unconfined, unbounded, and illimitable emblems of existence, insignias of inspirations, and motifs of your entrust and fondness.

The realizations, comprehensions, and apprehensions harmonious, congruent, and concordant to the ecstasy, delight, and elation of your acumens, perceptions, and commandments.

The fortunes and realizations, copiously and abundantly, profusely and lavishly encircle the horizons, spheres, and prospects of thoughts, notions, and judgements, signaling, heralding, and gesturing reciprocity, mutuality, and affinity.

The correlations, correspondences, and conformities to blossom, flourish, and prosper when immersed, engrossed, and submerged within the bounds of your intimacy, your tenderness, and your closeness.

Then, the forerunner, the advocate, and the devotee; to incite, spur, and goad when the self-centeredness egocentrism, and greediness vaporize, dissolve, disperse, and disappear, and the allocation of purpose, preparedness, vigilance, alertness, and attentiveness are embarked upon, all to encircle, embrace, and encompass your altruism, philanthropy, and patronage. Yes, your generosity and benevolence.

معبود تو بودی و تمنا تو و مه پاره بر این قوس دل افروز
منظور  تو  و گفته  تو این سلسله  جز  سرو  سمن  نیست

The pleas, appeals, and implorations, the charms, attractions, and allures, and enticements, fascinations, and enthrallments uniquely, exclusively, and distinctly seek, chase, and pursue you.

It is your dreams, your reveries, your contemplations, and your deliberations which fiercely surmise, conjecture, postulate, and speculate my imaginations, inspirations, and ingenuities.

The traces and trends of rapprochements, reconciliations, and ententes are rampant, unrestrained, and proliferating, while your pursue, shade, and shadow brighten the hearts, vivify the desire to reach you, and illuminate the path of seeking you.

Your allure, magnetism, glamour, and charm, your intimacy, nearness, imminence, and contact, and your provision, attention, tending, and nurturing are overwhelming, prodigious, immense, and copious.

The curvature of your rays, waves, and beams of allure, attention, and attentiveness solidifies, your resolute, steadfast, and tenacious enchantments, inducements, and encouragements, which are distinctly, conspicuously, and manifestly intertwined to my liveliness, vigor, and vivacity. The stimuluses, impetuses, and inducements that sustain my breathing, animation and inhalation.

You are the purpose, determination, and resolution, you are the reason, principle, and rational, and you are the intention, goal, and target. You are the delight, bliss, and ecstasy of existence, presence, continuation, and actuality.

You are the expression, declaration, and proclamation, you are the utterance, articulation, and illustration, you are the ability, capacity, aptitude, and assurance, the prosperity, propensity, and proclivity to pledge, commence, and induce, to embellish, enhance, and embroider, the glamour of life, verve and vigor, and vitality and vivacity.

The succession, procession, and sequence so vibrantly, brilliantly, and dazzlingly in motion, action, and kinesis, in gesture, proposition, and presentation, to be depicted, comprehended, and grasped, to be contemplated, envisaged, and scrutinized. The essence, kernel, and core of content, substance, and gratification, while your intimacy, closeness, and confidence is solemnly, earnestly, and fervently being conquered and realized.

You are the mere, the single, the solo, and the particular spruce tree which provides lush, opulence, and sumptuous life and sustainability, vibrance and abundance, and appeal and fascination to the allotments, shrubberies, and the orchards. The mere indicator and contributor to enclose, besiege, and enfold symmetrically even the speckles of surroundings.

در گوشه نگر آتش خورشید  به تابش به درون روزنه دل
سوزیم  بدین  شمع  گرش  جمله  یکی  سوخته  تن  نیست

Break the mold, stretch, bounce, extend, expand, and amend and alter the cast. Span the horizons, skylines, and vistas, the scopes, spheres, and perspectives, scrutinize, inspect, and examine the bounds, restraints, and restrictions, which are perceptual, though not perspicuous, pellucid, and luculent.

Then at the corners, curvatures, spots, and surroundings, the flames and flares, the sparks and conflagrations, the infernos, brushfires, and the sparkles, strenuously, emphatically, and energetically glorify the contingency, the exigence and incident of liveliness, reciprocity, and fulfilments.

Then the sun’s flames and flares, the instigators, initiators, and masterminds of luminescence and brightness, the radiance, resplendence, and illumination, the glitters, glimmers, and dazzles, and the sparkles, shimmers, and splendors, their attributions and sacrifices, and their detriments and expenses become more valued, deeper perceived, and the brightness, dainty, and grace spontaneously, impulsively, and extemporaneously absorbed.

Then the lights of desire, the blazes of thirst and yearning, and the rays of exultation, elation, and ecstasy could emerge, occur, and transpire, while passing, disseminating, and dispatching through the tinniest and shrillest of the fissures, narrowest of the gaps and fractures, and even the clogged and cluttered clefts and crevasses.

The lights and the flame, connecting via the passageways, pathways, and corridors to the heart, audaciously, impudently, and courageously, incessant and continual. To, demand, stipulate, and insist for your closeness, your portrayal, your expose, and your presence.

The candle, taper, and torch, the emitting light and glow, the radiance illuminating the pathways and the passageways, stretched, extended, and elongated to the horizons of my vision and perception.

While, the weariness, fatigue, and grogginess, the unsteadiness, bleariness, and tiredness, the uncertainties, ambiguities, and reservations, the flame of the candle and its burning, fervent, fiery, and febrile, the heat, intensity, and zeal to be endured, persisted, and prevailed.

While, aware, cognizant, and attentive, conscious, concerned, and perceptive of my charred, seared, and scorched entity and being, not precious, praiseworthy, and laudable to claim, profess, and appeal your sanctity, purity, and inviolability.

And when to enlighten and edify, that you are the foundation, sprint, and cradle of verve, vim, and momentum, the annunciator and perpetuator of consistence, coherence, and congruity.

 گونه گلگون در نسیم صبح دریابیم  آوای یکی مرغ سحر
قصه  را  آغاز  پردازیم، این  قافله  ره  دشت عدن نیست

The breeze, draft, and draught in the morning, the reverberations, messengers, and heralds of resolve, tenacity, and steadfastness. The invocations, solicitations, and supplications for quest and search, the pursuit, expedition, and journey, the yearn and the crave, the imploration and entreatment, resonate, resound, and echo.

When, ironically, paradoxically, and incongruously the exploration, journey, and voyage is bounded by the precincts, margins, and frontiers of consciousness, realization, sensitivities, and perceptions.

The limpidness, pureness, and continence drifting, gliding, and hovering in the air, the breeze, waft, and draft alter the facial complexity to glow and blush, a posture of the red roses. Rejuvenated, revigorated, and revivified, resuscitated and resurrected, the purity and puritanism.

The drift and draft, annunciators and instigators of new and neoteric voyages, excursions, and expeditions, saturated, brimmed, and bristled by the tunes and melodies, calls and chirrups, hymns and mantras, and choruses and chorales.

The recurrences, replications, and reiterations, expressive and revealing, divulging and exposing, the earnestness, gravity, and solemnity rejoiced, reveled, revered, and cherished by the canaries and cardinals, the envoys, couriers, and emissaries of dawn, birth and beginning, commencement and genesis, and emergence and occurrence.

The new era, continuation of the concurring epochs. substantiated moments and durations, the urgencies and insistences, the captivation and enchantment, and the rebirth, revival, and renaissance of a new dawn.

The juncture, stage, and occasion, the moment of start, onset, and inception, the embarkment, boarding, and dedication to a neoteric, newfangled, and contemporary story, legend, and narrative, to be heralded, proclaimed, and presaged by the arising sun, the profusion, lavishness, and copiousness of the glare of the daylight.

While being concerned and anxious if, the convoy, procession, and caravan’s direction, course, and trend, route, tendency, and target do not correlate, synchronize, and connect to the echoes of the reverberated songs, the reflections of the rhythms of essence and substance, and the sparkles, glimmers, and the deliberations emanated by the elevation of the daystar.

When, the caravan’s direction is not aligned, coordinated, and remain in harmony to the stretching, extending, and conquering pathway, conduit, and passageway to the promised, consecrated, sacrosanct, and sanctified land, the destiny, fortune, and providence where the sanctity, blessedness, and the purity of Adam and Eve was bestowed, conferred, and bequeathed.

راهِبِ  مُلکِ  سنا قاموس  دل در کسب تو صیقل زنیم
چرخِ  اختر  در نگین پیمانه را آن مرهم مستانه نیست

The urges, impulses, and desire, the inclinations, yearnings, and cravings to supersede, supplant, and surpass the barriers, impediments, and hurdles, which prevent, avoid, and preclude me of approaching, advancing, and attempting to promote your intimacy, affection, and confidence is limitless, immeasurable, and infinite.

The destiny and fortune, to ascend, soar, and lead to the terrestrial, territory, and terrain of elevation, height, and altitude is sparkling, flickering, and glittering, from the far stretched peaks of horizons. Me, the chaser of your presence, the tracker of your occurrence, the pursuer of your poise, and the seeker of your spirit, the hiker trekker, rambler, and climber, the one who fiercely and incessantly, passionately and perpetually, resolutely and reverberantly follows, conforms, and fulfills your footsteps.

Then the chance, the fate. Succession, progression, and intimacy, the sequel, movement, and advancement to flourish, magnify, embellish, elaborate, and aggrandize, when the heart’s sympathy and compassion, courage, fortitude, and spirit overflow, burst, and overwhelms. Oh, the surfeit, plethora, the surplus and excess of your camaraderie, company, and companionship dissipate, disperse, and dissolve the camouflage, facade, and concealment of the disdained dreams.

The chalice, goblet, the tumbler, holders and containers of secrets, riddles, and enigmas, advocators, proponents, and exponents of the essences of life, verve, and animation, the liveliness, vibrancy, and vigor, the dynamism, vivaciousness, and enthusiasm are tainted, mistreated, and squandered, their matter, substance, and gist are absent, mislaid, and vanished.

The vessels, receptacles, and basins of alchemy of ponderances, significances, implications, insinuations, inferences, and propositions are allotted, allocated, and apportioned to void, annulled, abysses, and emptiness, the remedies, antidotes, and relievers are misplaced, mislaid, and dropped.

The chalice is not the holder, pouch, and receptacle to the elements, components, and constituents which inebriate by resonating, ringing, and echoing soberness, awareness, and cognizance. The ingredients, potentials, and makings to instantiate, pledge, and assure the incessant march, hike, and rush towards you are altered, malformed, and misrepresented.

Though, the reminders, prompts, and recaps, the recapitulations and repetitions are vividly viewable, recognizable, and embraceable, and while, the galaxies, the cosmos, the stars, and the universe is placed within the gem, nugget, and the stone positioned, retained, and stationed on the ring which is bestowed and placed on your finger.

Eliminate the hesitations, disinclinations, and indecisions to deploy, adopt to, and exploit it, or to accordingly feat, deed, and achieve.

غافل  از  شب   پره  خاموشان  و  سکنا   در  نگاه   مهر  دوست
راز ها در دیده و آغوش تو مأوا چو در انگار ما را جز تو نیست
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The perpetuators, immortalizers, and maintainers of obscurity, gloom, and darkness, their persuasions, inducements, and influences, the glamor, fascinations, and attractions, the opulence, sumptuousness, and affluence are the shield, the tent, and the pavilion and enclosure preventive, defensive, and deterrent to the emergence of dawn, advent of rays of brightness and brilliance, and cheeriness and sunniness of intuitions and insights.

Avoid, ignore, and disregard them, seek shelter, refuge, and sanctuary, rely on the openness of the sky, the vastness of the horizons, immensity of the spheres of imagination, limitlessness of the skylines, and incalculability of the perspectives. The abundance, profusion, and the copiousness of the reach, grasp, scope, and influence which are defined, delineated, and described contrary to the restraints, manacles, and constraints.

Then, it is the gaze, attention, and the stare, the scope of sanctity, sacredness, and blessedness that transpire, inspire, and enthuse, the vivid and adored shrug of empathy, responsiveness, and sympathy and compassion.

The moving, striking, and encouraging gesture and intimation, instantiated by the immediate intimate friend, profound acquaintance, and confidential companion, whose stare is the shelter, sanctuary, and haven to my being and soul, the aftermath and consequence so earnestly thrived for.

Your presence, depiction, and company, the occurrences, incidences, and manifestations, your gaze, stare, and attention are saturated, drenched, and inundated with the secrets, mysteries, surprises, and confidences, which engulfs, enflames, and emblazes my existence, actuality, and heart.

Your embrace, hug, clinch, and squeeze are my sole temple, shrine, and sanctuary. Your closeness, intimacy, and imminence are my salvations, the senses, perceives, and discerns of continuation and contemplations. While, the glimpses, distinguishes, and recognitions are distinctly, wholeheartedly, and unreservedly cherished, beloved, and adored.

Then, the state, status, and utter are to be fueled, provoked, encouraged, and fomented, if the mindsets and mentalities, the approaches and outlooks, the deeds and exploits, and the thrives and prospers are augmented, strengthened, and crystalized, and when your glimmers of guidance, your confirmation and endorsement, and your corroboration and substantiation are detected, discovered, and distinguished, accordingly and applicably.

When you, your circle, orbit, and sphere mesmerize, captivate, and enthrall my embodiment, the epitome, and the expression.

© Alireza Bemanian, June of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)