The Confidant

The Confidant

دوش دیدم به بام خسرو گیتی  گزیده ام سکنا
عاری ز آه و جور، شده مست آن نوای صبا

The night, when I discovered myself
standing and positioned at the highest
point within the universe, in your
ambiance and surroundings, sovereign,
superior, and peerless potentate,
the dominant consummate of existence
and presence. The essence,
personification, and subsistence
of the entirety of cosmos and
No excruciating pain and ache,
no agonizing soreness and despair,
no sorrow, no anguish, no grief,
while remained in an elated, ecstatic,
and exultant state. Inebriated,
immersed copiously in prominence of
sooth, substance, and content.
While, it was your carols and melodies
whispered in my ears, carried by the
heartening breeze.

گردون شمس، رخ آزاد  روزن از غوغا
محرابِ  کنج  دل  افسونِ  کسب  آن اهوا

The revolving, twirling, and spiraling
galaxies, the sun were inclusively
in prospect, panoramically pondering
the internment of instance, pronouncing
the provoked instincts, so flawlessly
all presented by the revelation.
It was not merely crevasses and fissures
evoking and educing quest, exertion,
and endeavor. The rays of hopes and
dreams were passing through every
breach and aperture.
My heart innermost cavity, the corner
covered with the altar of my
confessions, revelations, and
admissions, transpired so instantly,
abundantly and sumptuously, earnestly
and solemnly, while seized and
apprehended by the essence of such
culmination and apex, reaching the
summit of the desire.

دردانه  سرو، تاج گل  نسترن  به  دستم داد
در هر کمین به وصل نگاهش هزار سنبلها

The matchless, peerless, unparalleled
entity, grandee, personage, the taller
than the sky cypress tree with its
shades spread and extended over every
entity, the entirety. Offered and
extended his overture, the gesture,. No,
the proposition, the desire; a bouquet
of flowers, each depicted so
meticulously,fastidiously, punctiliously,
and pedantically, Oh, it was handed to me.
Where at every corner, curb, and confine,
the thirst, yearning, and eagerness to
absorb a glimpse of his glance, a peek
of his pick, the attention, consideration,
and contemplation was raging, by thousands
of lavender flowers

گشتم  قرین باب  و یکی شرح  و حالتی  دیدم
شد گرد  خاک کوی رهش سجده  گوهر  دیبا

The ambiance, surrounding, the core and
crux of the enchantment, savor, relish,
and elation was astonishing, astounding,
and stunning. The elation and
euphoria has fully submerged, besieged,
and inundated me, the rejoice,
the rejoice.
The elation, the passageway, the path,
the trail, the conduit. The chasing and
paving of the footsteps, the
distinguished track. The pathway soil
and sand, the arisen dust, and the
impressions and sensations so intensely
surrounded and immersed me. Then, the
dust forming a cherished, venerated,
and revered cloud, penetrating and deep,
articulated an attire to enclose and
engulf me. Such a prudence, the
ultimate erudition of being incessantly
prostrate to your wholeness.

بنما  به  من  که  بسوزم  به  تاب  دیدن  تو
گر  نا کنم  تو  نوا  ده، من  آغشته  ندامتها

Reveal, divulge, and expose, quell the
thirst, sooth the anxiety, the thrill,
ecstasy. The trance burning, flaming,
and setting me ablaze. The endurance,
tenacity, the persistence, the fortitude
to further and further seeking you.
Forgive, vindicate, and exculpate if
expressed, uttered, or conveyed null.
Your reverberations, resonance,
reiteration, the confirmation, the
reciprocity to cleanse and augment,
to affirm and ratify has exalted,
incited, and provoked me to attain
the extreme. To sturdily detain, the
exalt of your presence, manifestation,
and attendance. Oh, knowing so well
of my reprimands, rebukes, and

تا  دم  که  همهمه  در کسب  صبح  منظورت
خوش موسمی  که نما  طالعش  به  جوهر ما

To linger, loiter, and amble, to endure,
grapple, and wrestle, to contend and
struggle, solely pending the emergence
and appearance of the dawn. So
fervently and eternally earning your
epic dream.
The conviction, poise, and assurance
vibrates, convulses, and resounds.
It is the moment, the instance to
promote, brace, and fortify. To
intensify, applaud, and acclaim the
given persuasiveness, vigor, and
the persisted puissant to commend
and applause. It is the twinkling
flash to escalate, grasp, and value
the bequeathed interfaces of affluence
and privilege.
Yes, the embedded distinctions
impeccably in sentinel to be blossomed,
while the solicitation within the soul
and heart deserving to disregard
disillusionments, disenchantments,
and disappointments.

هر ذره نور شاهد سری، نوید غایت دوست
چون تابشش به ما و به درکش نیازها بر ما

The segments, the shattered rays of
glowing light, the glimmering sparkles,
the radiant of brilliance are
incarnations of the secrets, surprises,
enigmas, and paradoxes. All, messages,
memos, and notes of prospect and promise,
courage and confidence, the aspirations
and expectations dispensed forward from
the acquaintance, companion, and the
They are beamed, to cover, conceal,
encompass, and encircle. Emitted to
embark, conveyed to clench, shining to
shield, and glimmering to glorify.
To venerate the content, substance,
and gist encoded within. The
reverberations to be strived,
struggled, and sieved; proportional
and comparative to the perpetual
yearn to attain the summit of
the dream.

بشکفت در هوست  قصد و جان به منزل تو
دولت  به  پای  خرمن  گلگون  وفای  آتشزا
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

My entire self, soul and essence, presence
and existence, blossomed, flourished, and
prospered, while the craving desire, the
stirring dream, the stimulating grace raged,
bristled, and brimmed to distinct and
articulate the concepts, thoughts, and the
notions. The dream of acquiescing,
capitulating, and conceding to strive for
your immediate intimacy.
The pose, posture, and position cultivating,
nurturing, and enriching my capital,
principles, and assets. My quintessence,
kernel, theme, and premise. While the
entireness succumbed to the lively
ingathering and fruitage, the yield and
attainment promised, liberated, and
relinquished all so inbound with your
burning alliance and trustworthiness.

© Alireza Bemanian, June of 2017 (Author, Poet)