The Throne

The Throne
چو  دادی  بر منش  تخت  سلیمان  را
ندانستم که من مجنون تمنا  را تمنا را
You presented me with the throne of
Solomon, to be bestowed, cherished,
treasured, and savored.
My arrogance, conceit, and narcissism.
Yet, the fervor, passion, and vehemence
of my desire commences to nurture and
cultivate. The desire’s yearn and summon
continues to exalt and exhilarate, although
not overwhelming enough to grasp, clench,
and capture the moment, the instance,
the occasion.
 درون  جویم، برون را  صیقلش سازم
درون  آذین، شوم  مدهوش  غوغا  را
And now, the thirst is crushing, the desire
is devastating, and the thrust to search the
soul, harvest the yield, acquiescence,
capitulations, combined with the purge,
eradication, and expulsion of insights and
convictions echoing contradictions, is
The gradual cleansing of the soul,
refinement of deliberations and conducts,
the foresightedness of forthcoming rewards,
inducements, and incitements are persuasive
and persistent. The emerging sensations and
commotions, numbing, dazing, are stunning
my vibrant mind.
 به این گردون  و  هر سویش  نظر بازم
کنم محفوظ پردازم درون خفته رسوا را
Being immersed by the revolving and twirling
trends of livelihood, the aspirations, the
essence, comfort, and gratitude further incites
me to explore, seek, and pursue your dream.
Adhering to substance, content, and fulfillment
by knowing wholeheartedly any corner, any
object, and any crux demands to be glazed at,
examined, and contemplated.
To remain a guardian of my character, rectitude,
and disposition. While continue to evolve and
restore the slumbered, mortified, and degraded
segments within my core, all endured by
succumbed spirit and essence.
نظر  بازم نظ  بازم تمنا را  خبر سازم
 که دریابش فراگیرش تب آوای دریا را
Attentive, observant, perceptive, and insightful,
with the substance of life and livelihood
junctures, aspects, and views all aimed towards
and consumed by the desire. The appeal, the
entreat, the imploration, and the supplication
streaming forward.
Then the intuition, be vigilant to grasp the
instance, to explore the culmination. Seize the
fervor pondering and reflecting the thoughts to
contemplate the tunes and melodies instantiated
by the oceans, the seas, their vastness, and their
enormous reservoirs. The whispers of the sea!  
Encapsulate them within your heart, shatter
your mere observing mold, maturity, movement,
undertake the excursion.
به امواجش نما قامت یکی افلاک والاتر
 تو کن خاموش طوفانش تمنا را  تمنا را
Stand up towards the ocean waves, surges,
and the surfs. Enlighten them of your stature
and eminence, portray and render your
bequeathed aptitude capable of touching the
highest stars within the sky. Yes, to stand atop
of cosmos.
Conquer and calm their storms, blizzards,
outpours, and rages. Yes, the desire, the desire,
the devotions, the astute aspirations. Reflect,
replicate, and reveal them to your heart, goad
it to penetrate and infuse with the tenets of
your spirit.
به تاب دل تو  آوا  کن تمنایش تقاضا را
 که گردی  صانعی  چون  نوح  دریا را
Press your heart, arouse your temptations,
invigorate your inducements. Prepare to reach
the pinnacle of murmuring, susurrating, and
whispering the appeal, the plead. Yes,
the desire.
Then the moment to transmute and alter,
the instance to apprehend Noah’s dexterity
and acuity to conquer the seas. The oceans,
brinies, heaps, hills, and the mountains.
به  دریا زن به غوغا زن تمنا را تمنا را
مشو  خاموش  این  دریا  تقلا را تقلا را
Take the voyage, start the journey, get aboard
the ship, undertake the urge, envisage the vitality,
and promote your passion. Disseminate your
sturdiness and solidity, the desire, the desire.
Do not float, drift, and soar by the flow
impetuses, drives, and spurs. Do not succumb to
the sea and slide into a silent postulate. Recover
and adherently be adamant to strive, to strive.
بدان منزل  تو  را  افاق  اختر  ساخت
تو  دریابش،  کند  رامت  چو  دریا  را
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان
Be aware, astute, and incisive. You are the
inhabitant, dweller, and citizen of the tallest
horizons, to be nourished, cultured, and
captivated by your perceptions, insights,
and awareness.
Relinquish, confiscate, and adorn the moment,
when the ocean is turned into calmness and
tranquility. The serenity to reflect, admonish
farcical deems, and replenish the itinerary of
attempts and trials. It is the passageway of
delight, my dream of reaching you.
© Alireza Bemanian, June of 2017 (Author, Poet)​​