Vision’s Mecca


Vision’s Mecca

شدم  بیگانه  با  خود  بی  خبر از فطرت بود
که ترسیمیست پر معنا و نقشش سلک معبود

Gradually and constantly, steadily and
perpetually have transitioned and
transformed, transmuted and altered to
alienate; to disillusion, dishearten
and disappoint my soul, depth, passion,
and ambiance away from the crux of
existence. Arrogant and neglectful to
the core substance of tone and timbre,
the ecstasy of elation.
The core, the crux, and the tone and
timbre, the conduit to orchestrate,
compose, and choreograph the expressive
and evocative surroundings. Adjoining,
and contiguous, the portrayal and
illustration of purpose, persistence,
and presence.
The entities congregated to evoke, educe,
and extricate the path, trace, and
trajectory to the appraise of your
seeking, pursuance, and proximity.

گهی  بیگانگان  بیگانه  غوغایی   نمودند
گهی هم قصه ها  گفتار ها افسانه ای  بود

On occasions it is the presented frenzy,
exasperation, and exhalation beaming,
bouncing, and bounding. Emphatically to
relax and tranquil the dreams and
aspirations, determinations and
The tunes and melodies, clanks and
clatters which emerge distastefully,
brusquely, and briskly reflecting
disaffected and apathetic thoughts and
On occasions it is the stories, tales,
and narratives, or the articulations,
manifestations, and utterances, shaping,
molding, and whittling. Pretentiousness
and posing, the fictions and pretenses,
the charades to reverberate, rumble,
and resonate.

در این آشفتگی، پر شور رعنایی به دل بود
گرش  خاطر بدین  معنا مصلایش  کدر بود

Estrangement, disillusionment, the
apathy conjuring my conceptions, the
perceptions, the commotions, and the
hubbubs which are conjointly
surmising and construing my
Still, the pounding of my heart, the
throbbing of my thrill and tremble,
and the ecstasy of my rapture and
elation is so vividly bounded to
capturing and caressing your presence,
your portrayal. Yes, your depiction
and expose.
Still, your ray of hope and dream, the
glimmer of gesture and endeavor, the
promise of engagement and encounter is
glossy, glowing, and guiding.
Contrary to my manners and mindset, the
devotion and devoutness, the consecration
and commitment, that is capitulating and
conceding my existence core and crux to
enmity and antagonism.
The insurmountable contrariety and
incongruity which has lurked and entwined
to murk and obscure my conviction, the
passion, persuasion, and principles.

نگار  دوست   مفروضش   نمای    قبله    دید
شود حاصل چو پندارش ز کردارش عیان بود

The dream of reaching you, the fervor
of acknowledging your acquaintance,
the vehemence of your prevalence to
remain cluttered, muddled, and
incumbered, relevant and pertinent to
obscurity and oblivion.
The prevalence not to dawn, the
emergence not to advent, and the
appearance not to posture if your
empathy, indulgence, reverence, and
exalting compassion, reflection, and
deliberations do not ponder my
perceptions, the mecca of my vision.
The dawn to emerge, the commencement
comprised of an astound appearance to
incur, and the sunrise to
compassionately illuminate, enlighten,
and elucidate, when the ambitions and
aspirations vehemently portray a vivid
portrait of my deeds and dreams.
When, the embodiment of the inner
inceptions and contemplations,
premeditations and cogitations are
prevalently presented, posed, and
exhibited by the engagements,
comportments, and encounters.

نمایَش،  راز  دل  عریان  در آن آئینه بود
گرت رنگین کمان انگار او آرام جان بود

Gauge, appraise, and judge the
intuitions and instincts, motives
and intentions, the culminations
and apexes, blatantly and overtly.
Compare and assess them relevant
to the mirror reflective of
existence, presence, and purpose.
Reveal earnestly the inner riddles
and secrets to tune, refine, and
ratify your candor, sincerity, and
earnestness to  the revering
To fortify, brace, and bolster the
epic emotions, sentiments, and
attachments; tantalizing alluring,
and enticing the liveliness, the
sparkles, the vigor, the vivacity
to mesmerize, enchant, and enthrall
fascination of your expose and
Then the enriched rainbow with the
seeking spectrum to astound and daze,
the astonishment absorbed solely by
flickering radiance emanated by your
depiction and delineation enlightens
and radiates the passageway.

چو  رخسارش  بدین  وادی تو را لوح نظر  بود
نظر  در  ساحتش  روشنگر  خورشید  جم  بود

The resolve, persistence, and
tenacity revolving to attain your
attention, your admiration and
approbation, when accommodated and
acclimated by my inclinations and
When, the persuasiveness and
eloquence to captivate your glimpses
of elation and ponder is
perpetuated and prolonged, to be
incessantly accelerated and augmented
by my deliberations and dedications,
The elation, the contentment and
gratification to radiate, exude, and
diverge boundlessly, ingrains with
the immensity and enormity to sustain
the brightness, brilliance, and luster
of king Solomon’s blistering sun. When
it entrenches and emanates the route to
conceive, envisage, and envision,
leading to your ambiance and vibe.

رها کن ساز  و  درنا  تا  جهان را خفته بر بود
که هر آنش یکی مهری ز دنیایش  به  سر  بود

The ambivalence and hesitance when
captivated to the tone, pitch, and
reverberations which depicts and
articulates a slumbered and
snoozed trance and rapture, to
advocate the rhapsody and euphoria
reminiscing the resonances and
connotations not conveying the
exposes and divulgence of verve and
The ambivalences that alter,
fluctuate and amend. Indulged and
stringent, captured and dependent
on a staggering sphere to shed
varied colors entailed to
conceitful covers.
Which, instigate the vigilance to
abandon and desert the hitches and
glitches hindering and thwarting
the thrill and delight of your
intimacy, imminence, and empathy.

گل سرخی به سرخی بی خبر  از خار تن بود
چو فرجامش امیدی پر گوهر از خویشتن بود
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

The red roses flowers are as mindful,
heedful, and attentive to their
luster and sheen, the redness, the
blush and flush to remain distracted,
inattentive, and absent minded of the
thorns inflicting and perpetrating
their stems and stacks.
Inattentive to circumstances and
hindrances, while utterly grasping
the deliberation of prospect,
confidence, and optimism. To endure
and prevail reaching the destiny, the
providence, the vocation. The vision’s
mecca of reaching you.

© Alireza Bemanian, June of 2017 (Author, Poet)​​