


دوش   در  وقت   سحر  زمزمه ات  نغمه   دل   سر  کردم
حالت سوخته را بانگ طرب از قدمت کهتر و مهتر کردم

The dawn, emergence, genesis. The sunup, sunset, daylight, or messengers, envoys, and the ambassadors of ambitions, desires, dreams, aspirations, and determinations.

Endured, persisted, sustained, and prevailed, the nocturnal instances, the nightfall, and the darkness. Still, premeditating and predestined, pondering and predetermined, fervent and ardor, to grasp, attain, and seize the emergence of the dawn, the moment of exaltation, rapture, and adoration.

Steadily and Gradually, progressively and ponderously, and insightfully and perceptively, the emergence of the dawn, the advent of the appeal, and the sensation of the enrapturement. The eminence, the moment and instance of embodiment, epithet, and incarnation vividly enraptured my entity, the soul, ambiance, and the essence.

The murmur, mumble, and mutter to resonate, echo, and reverberate my inclinations, proclivities, and penchants. The predilections, affinities, and fondness, the ricochets, reiterations, and reaffirmations, vibrant, pulsating, and effervescent. An instance of dawn captivating and confining the discernment, not a transitory and ephemeral moment dissipated, misplaced, and eluded by my tendencies, illusions, or semblances.

Your intuited, perceived, and discerned portrayal and presence, the euphoria, exhalation, and the ecstasy of the moment, the frenzy, elation, and trance, my scorched, seared, and charred frame, mold, and silhouette.

The astonishment and wonderment, staggered and astounded, your charm, charisma, and allure, the intensity, strength, and vigor. Songs, carols, and choruses, your choirs, purely, solely, and chastely resonated within the ambiance and vibe. Then tonight, and the emergence of the dawn.

To touch the glance, to stroke the vacuity, and to encapsulate the epitome. The contingency, juncture, and occurrence to reflect, ruminate, and manifest. To reposition the milestones, the highpoints, and ambitions. To invigorate, revitalize, and galvanize the passageways, the corridors and conduits depicted and flexed to elevate, elate, and exalt.

The time to mesmerize, absorb, and entrance. The surroundings, environs, backdrops, and milieus, the bestowed revelations to recapture and recollect the aptitudes, propensities, and proclivities.

لوح   جان  در  طلبت  آه   که  معنای  شناست  نشناخت
طالع دل به جفا دیده، یکی جام نیازت چو سکندر  کردم

Scroll, parchment, the manuscript descriptive, expressive, and evocative of my essence and existence, my presence, animation, and subsistence, the verve, vivacity, and sparkle, dedicated, reserved, and devoted to your pursuit, quest, and expedition, and heeded to scintillate, dazzle, and fascinate.

Ironically, incongruously, and poignantly, the traits, individualities, and personas, the attributes, peculiarities, and characteristics indicative of your mannerisms and personifications, your affections and indications, and your exhibitions and abridgements were not accordingly incarnated, embodied, and personified by my perceptions, sensitivities, and discernments. Or were, inadequately, ill, and detrimentally  aligned, associated, and affiliated.

The embraced capitulation, surrender, and submission, the managed, clarified, and edified postulations, presumptions, and conjectures were not authenticated, indorsed, and substantiated. The dynamism, zing, and vigor to goad, prod, and spur, the steadfastness, determinism, and resoluteness to crystalize and mature the attachments and devotions into a self-sustained, self-correcting, and self-promoting rapport, affiliation, and connection is disdained, despised, and disparaged.

Heart’s haughty, imperious, supercilious, and condescending enigmas, conundrums, and paradoxes inundated, deluged, and engulfed its priorities, postulates, and characters.

The mandatory, obligatory, and compulsory comprehensions and circumferences, the boundaries and perimeters of presumptions and impertinences to the encompassed and comprised bequeathed perspectives and virtues, which has eroded and dislodged the rationale, resolve, intents, and principles, should be disdained, despised, and disregarded, the disparity, discrepancy, and inconsistency.

The pleas, appeals, and entreaties, the surmises, speculations, and postulations, the notions, conjectures, and suppositions were pertained, related, and affected to your intimacy attachment, and imminence. Nevertheless, the arrogance, superciliousness, pretentiousness, and portentousness headed, preceded, and steered the chalice, the goblet and vessel of audacity and courage, the mettle and determination to riffle, brush, to flip upside down.

گوشه چشم نگه کرده، شدم غوص به آوای دگر قوس قزح
کوکب  و غایت امید خَمُش دیده،  درون  جامه مکدر کردم

 The eyesight, vision, and expose, the acquisitions, awareness, and conversance. The predilections, prejudices, and preferences, the preconceptions, inclinations, and partialities have constituted, composed, and comprised a selective spectrum, advocating and deploying a prism partially opaque, misty, and obscure, the gyroscope of impassiveness, extrication, and disconnection.

The attractions, inducements, temptations, the engagements, assignations, and trysts, the solace, succor, and coziness and their plodding, slogging, and trudging endorsements and confirmations. The mere incarnation of flaunt and flash, rush and dash, and panache and élan, which has instigated and triggered the transverse composition of reaching, realizing, and attaining your allure, charm, and magnificence.

The prevalent, rampant, and prevailing rainbow of your continuum, the rich shades and hues, the tones and colors acquainted to the vastness and depth of wonderous oceans, reflective of the immensity of the stars clusters, galaxies congregations, and the unbounded universe, were discounted, slighted, and deduced. The tranquil, serene, and unflustered, the imperturbable impunity, latitudes, and exemptions to augment, elaborate and strengthen the pertinent passages of prospects and opportunities were abandoned, deserted, and discarded.

The solace to seek you, the divulge to comprehend your urge and impulse, the zeal and fervor, the ardor to gravitate your gaze and glare, the shine, shimmer, and dazzle to enlighten, invigorate, and transpire your presence and comportment are dwindled.

The inspiring stars, the incessant, unremitting, and relentless cradle of courage, anticipation, promise, optimism, and confidence are dimmed and darkened. The bounties, plenteousness, and abundance of desires, dreams, and aspirations are stagnated, snoozed, and drowsed. The trances, ambitions, and marvels, the spectacles, wonders, and miracles are silent, reticent, and reserved.

My discernments, acumens, judgements, and perspicacity, the insights, comprehensions, and awareness, the deeds, endeavors, and exploits were dissembling and devious, hedging and dithering, and pretending and dissimulating. The obscurity, veiling, and concealing have taken their tolls, distortions, and deformations. The diminishment, depletion, and impoverishment of the devotion, consecration, and constancy have instantiated despair, anguish, muddle, mayhem, and upheaval.

باز برق نگهت در نظرم از پس آن طوق، سیه کرده سپید
شد نما قامت قدوس، چو محراب یکی منزل و معبر کردم

Still, your gaze, glare, and sheen electrifies, exhilarates, and captivates, my soul, core, and crux, the exuberance, enthusiasm, and vehemence. The diffusion, spread, and divergence, the deviation, departure, and discrepancy to dismantle, disintegrate, and demolish uncertainties, ambiguities, and hesitations are compelled to vanish.

The foundation, perpetuator, and enunciator of glamour, opulence, and desirability. The fund, trust, and collection of distinction, accolade, and excellence. The clarifier, refiner, and cleanser of purpose, intent, and determination.

The ray of hope and dream, directed, fixated, and aspired by you purifies and cleanses the dismays, discouragements, and trepidations and apprehensiveness which appall, scandalize, and affront your affection, warmth, and fondness.

It is your anticipations, prominence, and provision that beams, glows, and glimmers, bundles of bliss and ecstasy, fortunes of exultation and rapture, and bales of content and fulfillment, to vanish the dusk, dimness, and dark. To, transfuse radiance, luminosity, and brightness into the dungeons and oubliettes of identity, inundated, immersed, and engulfed by the viciousness, ferocity, and venomousness of disillusionments, disparagements, and disenchantments.

The passageway, the pathway, the corridor is distinct, unblemished, and translucent. The lustrous, luminous, and lucid ambience, the inherent, intrinsic, and innate embodiment and epitome of courage and endeavor. The footpath, trail, and track, the venture and foray of uncluttering and dispersing, to diffuse, spread, and scatter, to dissolve, disband, and dispel.

The euphoria, elation, and exultation to position your altar and dais within the corners of the heart, the cornerstones of the subsistence and livelihood, to place the dire and desire to linger and endure your presence and portrayal, to emplace the expose and depiction at the summit of the imaginations and ingenuities, the initiatives and originalities.

Thenceforth, the mainstays, the stalwarts, the bastions and strengths of purity, limpidness, and lucidity, the virtuousness, innocence, and chasteness manifestly, blatantly, and patently proliferate, flourish, and prosper.

The dawn of formation of trickles, seeps, and dripples, the entities, articles, and objects leaned, drifted, and gravitated to transpire and emerge your benevolence, compassion, and munificence to remote and secluded boundaries and circumferences of presentiment and perception, to stipulate and postulate streams of essence, substance, and spirit to the ambiance, vicinities, and hinterlands, the surroundings, circumstances, and habitats. The seeking and striving for imminence  to your proximities, immediacies, and contiguities.

حالتی   گشت  نوای  سمن  عذار  دو  صد  باده   به   دست
مه نما قامت سروت به نظر، رُخصِه  دیدار  تو   آذر کردم

The songs, the tunes, the melodies, the mumbling, purring, and susurrating sounds of the jasmine flowers exposed to the breeze, twists, kinks, and curls of the air, the exposure, revelations, and presence.

The mood, sentiment, and the comprehension, overwhelming, flabbergasting, and prodigious. The sensations, commotions, and consciousness, irresistible, appealing, and alluring.

The disposition, aura, and appearance, postulating, hypothesizing, and suggesting the congregation of hundreds of chalices, goblets, and vessels within my grasp, extent, and scope, brimmed by your glamour and magnetism, the charisma and fascination, the enchantments and inducements.

The thrill, delight, and joy to explore, delve in, and discern. The correlation, conformity, and connection so eminent, fabled, and apparent to my heart. The sensations inspired, enthused, and stirred by each thread of my actuality and presence, and incessantly, ceaselessly, and unremittingly reverberate and echo by the ensembles of vivacity, verve, and exuberance.

Your portrayal, expose, and rendering, representation, depiction, and interpretation which vividly, vibrantly, and luridly, garishly, gaudily, and strikingly strives and demands, stresses, stipulates, and commands to be absorbed, engrossed, and entranced. The captivation, engagement, and immersion, to rupture and burst the mold of skepticism, cynicism, and incredulity.

My predispositions, propensities, and proclivities to neglect and ignore the perplexities, bafflements, and bemusements, bestowed upon, conferred and imparted to, the divulgence, revealing, and manifestation. The astounding, astonishing, and amazing, extent, magnitude, and coverage of pensiveness, introspection, and attentiveness, require to render, declare, and deliver.

Your virtuosity, brilliance, and mastermind of creativity and creation, insists, exacts, and demands participation, sharing, involvement, and contribution, sonorous, harmonious, and mellifluous. A crystallization, illustration, and summation of retrospectives, expositions, and presentations.

My collateral, indemnity, reimbursement, and remuneration to the distortion, deformation, and misrepresentation of your bequeathed and imparted level of empowerment, enablement, and emancipation is incalculable, multitudinous, and immeasurable. To be exonerated, exculpated, and vindicated by reliance, confidence, and buoyancy eminent and reputed by your benevolence, and my resent and repel of the reproach and rebuke.

Ironically, incongruously, and poignantly, and despite all this complexity, intricacy, and erudition, indicative of your passion and fondness; my whines, moans, and whimpers are the symbols, insignias, and emblems of pomposity, bluster, pretentiousness, and pretentions.

Loudly, vociferously, and boisterously annunciate, proclaim, and promulgate to myself, while petitioning you imploring for your acceptance, reception, and approval. So earnestly, solemnly, and intently to indulge and spoil the pursuance of entrapping, luring, and enticing, the presentiments of being set aflame in my pursuance, enactment, and acquirement.

ملک  خاطر  به  رهم  داد  صبا  زوزه زنان،  بال  گشا  بال گشا
تا در این کبکبه پرگار ترا، دبدبه تو، غلغله تو، یکه ترا بر کردم

The discernments, insights, and perceptions, the acumens and sensitivities, the judgements and assignments, the companions, intimates, and confidants, the enablers, emancipators, and inspirators, and the journey, expedition, and excursion ahead.

The pathways, routes, and conduits to be distinctly defined and depicted, the corrections, rectifications, and modifications to be validated, corroborated, and substantiated. The reluctances, disinclinations, and vacillations to be wrestled and grappled, to lead to the quintessence, and the wisdom of prudence.

Then, your inspirations, motivations, and encouragements blatantly orchestrated, choreographed, and composed. The reverence, admiration, and adoration vehemently exhibited within the grasp and boundaries of vision and apparition.

The breeze, the waft and draft ponderously and tirelessly whispering, breathing, and uttering. Perpetually invoking, inciting, and reminding, the audacity, courageousness, and overconfidence. Spread, extended, and stretched, unfolded, unfurled, and unrolled, broadened, widened, and proliferated, your wings, means, and ways, your measures, methods, and actions, and your courses, channels, and itineraries.

The cosmos and universe, the life and creation, the vastness and immensity, the coordination, harmonization, and synchronization. The adroitness, dexterity, and proficiency, perpetuality, continuity, and eternality, sempiternity, ceaselessness, steadiness, and relentlessness; the perplexities, bewilderment, and mystifications purely and solely within your grasp of influence, domination, jurisdiction, and hegemony.

Your compass of creation and control, the mere font of fondness and affection, the cradle of creation and existence, composes, comprises, and constitutes the lone envelope, shroud, and sachet entailed to contrived, fictitious, and artificial borders and boundaries contorted, twirled, curled, and weaved leading to your single sacred revered consortium of wholeness, entirety, and totality.

The unity and inclusiveness, formed, festooned, and adorned to eradicate the boundaries, restrictions, and fringes. Where conclusion to every depicted peripheries, confines, and precincts reveals, poses, and mounts a new frontier.

So, it is the considerations, perceptions, and comprehensions, the discernments, apprehensions, and trepidations, to solidify and coagulate, conjoining and adjoining with your merits and virtues.   The distinctions and excellences, aptitudes and warrants, and the empathy and affinity to be deserving and commendable to your allure, magnificence, and grandeur.

طلعت  یار  چو  آهنگ  نمازش  به دلم سجده مهتاب  گرفت
وادی قدس تو شد سایه به سر، مهر تو را غبطه اختر کردم

Reflections, contemplations, and deliberations, pondering, appealing, and pleading. The dawn of exposure, revealing, and enlightening your portrayal and depiction, the exaltation, adulation, and adoration, the joy, rapture, and exhilaration.

The deliberation, apparition, and entreatment, ringing, echoing, and encircling, within the crates and cavities of the heart. The resonance and delineation stronger and louder than the inclination and disposition, reverberating and gathering, the joining of the streams, brooks, and creeks, gorges, and gullies, ravines and valleys, the birds and fowls, creatures and faunas, the nature, stars and the skies.

The widespread, common, and collective praying, singing, and chanting, the lyrics and libretti, universal and unanimous, though so yearning, coherent, and common. The pursue, search, and invocations so copious and profuse, ample and bounteous.

Your glories, praises, and admirations, the humbleness, fondness, and keenness in pertinence to my diminutive, minuscule, and infinitesimal degree of deliberation, purposefulness, and consideration, are mindboggling, dazing, and flummoxing.

The sentiment and sensation has stroked the stretched-out bounds, confines, and borders of my imaginations and ingenuities, the reciprocity, mutuality, and affinity. The pray and praise, interactions and interfaces, invoked, evoked, and aroused from the bottom of the heart, its capture, internment, and incarnation accompanied the intrusion of the moonlight, the beam and gleam of the moonshine, bent, curved, and twisted to accompany and revere my interactions, the occasion and its contingency, the exigence, the prompt and occurrence, and the position and possibility.

A prelude to the juncture when, the vicinity, position, and purlieu, the site, setting, and the environ initiated, induced, and blessed with purity, limpidness, and chasteness, your proximity, contiguity, and immediacy, encircled, girdled, and surrendered my entity, a shadow of protection and fortification, a shell of enthrallment and absorption, seamless and boundless, ceaseless and interminable hovering, suspended, soaring and perched over my mind, awareness, and cognizance.

The confluence when your presence and attentiveness, the supervision and nurture, the cherishment and elevation, the perpetuation of acclamation, the tenacity of approbation, and the enthralling affiliation, pierces and pounds the heart, elates the essence, and vanishes the narcissistic conceited barriers of attrition.

The moment when the dispersed, spread, and disseminated, reflected, replicated, and manifested ecstasy, daze, and trance, the reverie, bemusement, and befuddlement is envied, resented, and coveted by the stars.

It is the immensity, extent, and enormity, your omnipresence, ubiquitousness, and allure, the cradle and foundation of reverence, magnanimity, and munificence to flaunt, thrive, and flourish such an exquisite connoted and purported state of mind.

آه گر سوختن جثه و تن تا  به  ابد خاک  رهت  باد  چه  باک
خنده صبح سحر دیده، درون  کعبه مهتاب تو، کوثر   کردم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Mesmerizing if, my frame, skeleton, and physique, the mold, enclose, and shell remained, lingered, and stayed aflame, afire and ablaze, simmering, roaring, and rumbling in pursuance of your sanctity and inviolability.

If, my quest, soar, and search expanded the considerations, contemplations, and meditations, earning, meriting, and securing your accession, reception, and recognition to continue to eternity. Yes, the perpetuity to infinity.

If, my attachment, affection, and connection, the adoration, passion, glorification, and veneration infused and permeated my charred skeleton to the dust and soil particles, shards, and specks scattered and accompanied you, along your passageways, your paths and routes.

Then, the destiny, providence, and the thirst, yearn, and desire is conquered, reached, and realized. The moment void of any ramification, corollary, or implications, when the stretch of furthest and uttermost horizons gaze, gawp, and gawk, sparkling, glittering, and glistening the impetus, impulse, and purpose, the verve, vivacity, and liveliness, your depicted destiny.

The dawn, emergence, and the rise, the inception, commencement, genesis, the beam, glow, and radiance, present, contemporary, and contemporaneous.

The glow. Luminosity, and incandescence concomitant, and your presence, portrayal, and depiction conceived, elaborated, and perceived. The heart is stroked by eminent discernments of your benevolence and altruism, the attention, intellect, and cognizance, vibrant, flamboyant, and effervescent pendent by the shadow of your affection, amicability, and dispositions, the destiny, intention, and providence crystalized, incessantly evolving and sprouting

The transformation, alteration, and evolution rooted, engraved, and delved within the limits, precinct, and confines of my existence, so preeminent, dominant, and paramount, infused to my strives, endeavors, and exertions, marches, struts, and strides to travel and traverse, shoulder to shoulder with you, your journey, your excursion, and your companion.

Strive, struggle, and elate to transpire my soul, existence, and substance, into your mecca. The aflame, ablaze, and glowing torch, only vivaciously reflective of you.

© Alireza Bemanian, February of 2018 (Author, Poet)