Within and Beyond

Within and Beyond

همه شب  زمزمه ها  در غمِ دیدارِ تو مهتابِ درون تیره در این خطهِ  تاز
هر دمش ناله و  آهم به تمنایِ  نگه  تا   که طلب مرهمِ این  دیدِ گداز

The night and whispers, mutters and murmurs, grumbles and moans, the desire, plea and request, coveting and craving for your company and camaraderie, companionship and closeness. The intimacy and rapport, affinity and empathy, and confidence and imminence elate and exalt, simmer and seethe, and roll and roar. Though, impetuous palpitations and pulsations, and throbs and thumps, or the thirst and hanker have overwhelmed and overthrew, toppled and tumbled the chance and courage, and promise and prospect.

Resonance and resound of the echoes and reverberances, the glistering and gleaming of stars, and emblems of commencements and continuance, auspiciousness and propitiousness have been invigorated, vitalized, and revived. Coruscation and scintillation have been prompted, induced, and prevailed. While, desolation, barrenness, and desertedness had been battered, smashed, and scorched.

Though if discerned and descried, the self-propelling and coercive phantom of illusions, deceptions, and delusions emanate and ensue. Then, congruences and coherences, blisses and ecstasies, euphoric raptures and rhapsodies abandon and dilapidate, the highs and zeniths of connectedness, acmes and culminations of alliance and integration, and the concordats and ententes which enlighten and irradiate ecstasy and trance of nibbana and nirvana, and serenity and satisfaction renounce and relinquish. Or, the essence and substance befall and befit to be destined to abatements and deductions.        

Still, every night and every instance, every moment and every concurrence, palpitations and flutters, commotions and perturbations prevail and predominate. Postulated and conjectured, prone presumptions, and the dread and anxiety of your probable and plausible hesitation and disinclination, inadvertently and unintendedly ponder and cerebrate sensitivities, observations, and awareness.

The unpremeditated, extemporized, and improvised avoidances and circumventions, annulments and abstentions that have prevented and averted to establish and assemble the barriers, hinderances, and obstacles to stipulate delusions and fallacies, and postulation and predication of misconceptions and misjudgments, the advocation and impetration to abrogate and abolish astuteness and perspicacity, your calls and beckons, gestures and summons have penalized, castigated, and chastened  the sanctity and blessedness of liveliness, vigor, and dynamism. 

Conceit and haughtiness, presumptuousness and bumptiousness, condescension and imperiousness were sympathetically augmented and perceptively authenticated by the gradual and progressive, and accommodating and adaptive acceptance and immersion. Which, were inadvertently adjoined to, or intentionally and deliberately depicted and devoted to for the sake of extemporaneous and ephemeral gratification and appeasement, the fugacious and evanescent conciliatory contentment.

Occurrences and overtures, and advances and approaches could curtail, abridge, and truncate, to restrain and restrict the radiance and effulgence, and the vividness and dazzle of interactions amalgamation, and participations.

Then, collaborations and communications, the quintessence and embodiment, and epitome and ethos of liveliness, vigor, and vividness veil and obscure, and cloak and shroud. Whilst, shadows and shades, glooms and indeterminations restrain and restrict, control and constrain and censor and conceal the sights and visions. The tolerances and countenances to deprive and dispossess prudence and providence crystalize and manifest to attain and procure, ascertain and implement the impasses and obstructions, to curtail and curb moonlights luster and brilliance, bounded and bounced by the sanctity and inviolability of soul, core, and passion. An overpowering and overriding conundrum and quandary, predicament and plight to abbreviate, deplete, and diminish.       

Liveliness, vigor, and vividness, the territory and terrain of temptations and persuasions, inducements and invitations, to seek, adjure, and appeal, the augmentations, escalations, and movements of rapport and rhapsody, elations and exaltations, to appraise and apprehend, to chase, track, and trail, and to commensurately and proportionately partake, intrigue, and contribute.

Earnestness, naturalness, and authenticity of commendations and approbations to poignantly and congruously contrive and correspond to the cores and kernels of characters, probity, and rectitude dwell and sojourn. Pinnacles and tenets, creed and divinity to steer and pilot, the maneuverability and navigation to embrace, encompass, and encircle the bonfire, flare, and beacon of refulgence and coruscation endure, preserve, and prevail, the symphony and sonata of existence, quiddity, and esse exonerate and exculpate, and exemplify and excel.

Though the occasions and occurrences of whining and grumblings, whimpering, and grouching, the encounters and serendipities to succumb to sadness and sorrows, dashes of desolations and smidgeons of dejections flare and blaze. The surroundings and ambiances, conditions and circumstances, contemplations and capitulations continue and maintain, merely malevolent and pernicious, skeptical and unconvinced, and incredulous and dubious to mitigate and conciliate. While, the recommencements and protractions, laments and dirges, effectuations and perturbations ponder and persist, and pertain and prompt.

Is it a habituated, accustomed, and adopted tendency, propensity, proclivity, predisposition, or an augmented and accepted proneness to perpetuate and propagate middling and mediocre retorts and ripostes? Or, a pure, utter, and sheer succumb and surrender to inclinations and intuitions’ submission, deference, and acquiescence?

The deference and acquiescence, or recognition and acknowledgement to the burning predispositions, predilections, and proclivities, or the barrenness and sparseness of the heart’s untempered and unmitigated adaptation and alteration, the scarcity and paucity of ponderance and pertinence, or the conflict, divergence, and variance to disturb and disrupt appositeness and aptness to invoke, incite, and intreat to instances of aspirations, ambitions, and inclinations?

Thoughts and deliberations, sensitivities and sentiments, impressions and attitudes, and presumptions and judgements proclaim and elicit, propinquity and vicinage, perpetuity and perseverance of essence and quiddity, inherent and intrinsic to the permanence and intransigence of fabrication, formation, and harmony of tenacity and dedication, foment, foster, and nurture and adopt.

While the remnants, miscellanies, and fragments perturb, discompose, and fluster, confinement and internment of instigations, promptings, and invocations, restraints, discomposure, and obliviousness, transient frustrations and obstructions, nuisances and vexations, effervescences, frivolities, and superficialities linger and loiter, capable to cajole and ensnare, enchant and mesmerize. Indispensably though involuntarily, requisitely nevertheless unabatingly dissipation, intemperance, and debauchery convolutedly proceed and intricately engulf. While, predicaments, quandaries, and dilemmas abstain, refrain, and defy to vanquish and subjugate, or, the ocean spots to arose, fuel, and stimulate succumb, coerce, and compel to enjoin, adjure, and admonish.

Still, the credence of creation and immiscibility of buoyancy, bounce, and panache of liveliness, relegate and relinquish the darkened ocean spots to doom and downfall, and disappearance and disintegration. While, adjoining admirers, the reflective and vibrant ocean surfaces inspire and enthuse to abandon and abrogate, the accompanying, conspicuous and shinning sun commensurate the correspondence and equivalence, instigate the intuitions and promote the perceptions, when the clairvoyance of vivacity and verve vindicate, exonerate, and exculpate the intimates, devisors, and originators.

The exuberance and authenticity of the bond, presence, and occurrence impenetrate, impulsive inclinations and dispositions, distinct, diverse, and discrete advocations, proponents, and pleaders within, augmentations and escalations, complements and convoys of apprehension and recognition, the attainments and realizations, which whisper and breath bastions and citadels of confluence and convergence convolute and convolve.   

It is the desire, yearning, and longing, the burning, blistering, and ache that perpetuate and ponder, propound and espouse, embrace and absorb your occurrence, presence, and incidence. The plunder and pillage to prevent to galvanize, shimmer, and sparkle, the raid and ransack to acquit and absolve the impurities, ruinations, and adulterations, to heal and mend the widened and broadened fractures, fissures, and ruptures within the heart, obnoxiously, repulsively, and offensively disgrace, besmirch, and stigmatize. While, the intimate, innermost, and confident endearments and sentiments fixate and ferment, enkindled and emblazed, composed and conducted by your reciprocity, tenderness, fondness, and sanctity. The fervent and ardent affixations and affiliations that purely and limpidly seek solus and solitary within the tent and shadow of your leniency and clemency.

The zeal and vehemence enflame, provoke, and clamor, the entity and entireness goad and spur, the offshoots and branches, spine and spike, and urges and heaves flawlessly and impeccably flourish, flaunt, and thrive. Your shade, shadow, and canopy, your shields, tinges, and traces blatantly, patently, and brazenly bolster and hone, grind and whet the arousing and awakening dawn of enlightenment, grasp, and clench. The ecstasy and trance, frenzy and elation, commotion, outburst, and eutopia to profoundly and intensely manifest and discern, perceive and fathom, and revere and enshrine your proclivity and penchant, to instigate and infiltrate, and imbue and infuse your bond and connectedness, which foment and kindle, ignite and inculcate resolve and steadfastness.  

Propitiously, poignantly, and auspiciously the tumultuous and thunderous journey and crossing, passage and pilgrimage envisage and conceive congruence and coherence to ascertain and corroborate, the curtailment, decline, and abatement of the span and space, separateness and diconnectedness, disassociation and disengagement to the propriety, gentility, and gallantry, to adore and adulate aliveness and incarnation of instance and spontaneity.

When, extemporaneity and   improvisation, purity and salubriousness of endeavors and exploits, the sincerity, candor, and authenticity to mend and merge the connectedness and closeness deserving and commendable to unity, entirety, and coherence and wholeness intertwine and interweave to pave and cover the itineraries and conduits of coalescence and amalgamation.

The juncture and crossing when your glance, glimpse, and glimmer, the gaze of clemency and exculpation reveal and divulge actuality and quintessence of oneness and unanimity, when my scorched frame and dwindled and decimated scaffold fervently and feverishly bewilder and bemuse, the astoundment, rapture, and rhapsody that uniquely and distinctly postulate and solicit your lenience and magnanimity, the gaze of clemency and exculpation.

گاه از خسِتهِ دل خسته دلی درد جفایش به تماشا چو که مهتاب کجاست
 مه گرش بود مرا طالعِ دیدار سیه فامِ قلمکار، نگه خفته در این خیمه  ماز

The gaze of clemency and exculpation, esteem and veneration, and reverence and escalation to be absorbed and integrated, assimilated and enthralled. The intrigues and maneuvers, schemes and stratagems and the dynamism and zing to attain and conquer the hegemonies and dominions of rectitude and uprightness, the merits and virtues, and distinctions and righteousness resound and resonate.

Vision and foresights, concepts and forethoughts, the agility and dexterity of cognizance and observance hop and ballet the horizons of discernment and perception, accompaniment and accolade of momentary revelations and exposes, which rebuke and reprove, blast and castigate lack and scarcity of brilliance and inspiration’s glint and glitter. The gestures, markers, and motions of reverberance and resonance enrapture and captivate, and canorous alibis and pleas, the sonorous underpinnings, substratum, and extremities of sphere of self-consciousness, acquaintance, and canniness flabbergast and flummox,

Instigations, promptings, and provocations pertain and affect echelons, concentrations, and strengths of perseverance and allegiance, the commitments and adherences which are dedicated and consecrated to absorptions, conjugations, and interventions of purpose, aims, and impetuses. Stimuli, inducements, and spurs that conquer and attain the vivaciousness and competency of the passages and corridors of attainment and realization endure, persist, and sustain.

While, conflicts and inconsistencies, inner altercations and confrontations, abandonments and relinquishments concurrently though not proportionally polish and hone apprehensions, perceptions, and conviction. The leniency, enticements, charms, and enchantments of inner acclamations, ovations, and endorsements resurrect and revivify to enliven the ashes of astuteness and perspicacity, the acuity of approbation and accreditations.

While disentanglement and extrication of the isolation of soul, aloneness of core, base, and substance, and commutation and alteration of aberrations and eccentricities to continuance and compliance, or the circumstances and reticence, auspiciously and propitiously arise, inaugurate, and resurge. Simultaneously advocacy and activism of ethos of partaking and educement, provocation and incitement conglobate and congregate. Concurrently emergence and opening of snow-white clouds to burst with drips and drops of liveliness and robustness, surmount vitality and verve. The precursor and sacrifice simmered by the urge and demand to pertain and relate to prolongation of the occasion, avails and rewards to the conceptuality and contemplation, the governance, ascendancy, and supremacy that flex, arch, and augment the crux and core of infinity and eternity.

The synedrial fundamentals, postulates, and philosophy of being and presence, the occurrence and existence, and the dignity, charisma, and magnetism which influence and encourage, stimulate and induce, and manipulate and motivate abide, excess, and maintain. Perturbations and trepidations concur and coincide, acquiesce and assent, and cohabite and coexist on the utter immaculate surface of blue skies, or the punctures on emphatically impeccable sapphire color cones and pirouettes, the blades of oceans’ gist which gratify and galvanize provocations and incitements to the themes of tumultuousness and vociferous. Enclaves and indulges instantiated and implanted by the indolent and lethargic array and order of notions and ponderances, the prowling and loitering immersion of extemporaneous and impromptu incubations and gestations.

Contemporarily and concomitantly, obstinately and intransigently resilient and feisty to fizzle and vanish the haze and mist of taciturn and reticent, the reciprocity and mutuality, serenest and subtlest manifestations and exhibitions of expectancies and extrapolations relinquish and renounce emergence. Shattered heart, broken wings, and staggering steps, the continuation and trawl, while absenteeism and truancy conquer, and prostration and somnolence simmer and seethe, to exclusively and utterly be invigorated and fortified by the swiftness and alacrity of the ripples and waves to immerse and impound, and drench and mesmerize.

The silence of the stream, abandonment and neglect of the wavering ripples, surfs, and sides swaying and slanting flow and pour, the tide and drift of the crystals and sparkles syndicating the symphony of lucidity, transparency, and articulacy have been darkened and obscured. Concealed and obfuscated semaphores of exposure, retrieval, and recognition have been recurrent and spasmodic, though to the irony, contrariety, and paradox, postures and bearings to nurture and sustain, embellishments and aggrandizements to heal and mend the broken wings, invoked and cited promises to embark and cruise, and coast and spin steer and lead. While, enunciated and vocalized intonations and modulations, cadences and timbers resistant and impervious to shattering distinctions and reveries assemble and erect.   

The enthusiasm and optimism, brightness and glare, and glow and vividness to illuminate and brighten, elucidate and explicate the corners and cavities, voids and abysses, and fissures and cracks, the broken heart, and burned kernel and essence have been effectuated and converted.  Infuriated instances, enraged frustrations, and the exasperations of the pursuit, trailing, and shadowing have been immersed and engrossed.

Vagueness and nebulousness, amorphous and obscurity, and hesitations and reluctances rage and seethe, tumultuousness and clamorousness, vociferousness and tempestuousness succumb and surround the rays of probity and piousness, aspirations, ambitions, and inclinations, the desired and beloved allures and immersions, enchantments and enthrallments to render and evince susceptibility and vulnerability.

Obligements and constraints to inflict and compel cognition and astuteness to subjugation, thralldom, and vassalage exacerbate and prejudice rational, cogent, and coherent deductions and inferences, the extrapolations and convictions. Though sublime, exalted, and noble endowed, enriched, and endued intricacies, multifariousness and convolutedness, the involvement, elaboration, and tortuousness tranquil, unruffle, and sooth the inherent and innate inner anchored creation’s aspirations and yearnings. The serpentine of suspended and adjourned presumptions and expectations persist and endure, the lingered, unfettered, emancipated, and unimpeded cerebrations and impressions improvise, contrive, and concoct.

The destiny, aim, and call, fate and future, the karma and kismet, feel and sensation, sight and spectacle, the vista and vision to occur and transpire, compositions and conjectures, the purposes and perceptions to seek and emerge have been obscured, eclipsed, and shrouded. Mosaic and maze of promotions and preferments, elevations and augmentations, or the elixir and potion of life’s perpetuation and ponderance have been dimmed and dulled.

The dreary and drab mural of ascendancy and predominance, the mystifying and baffling persuasions, influences, and inducements have been replenished, though to stay susceptible, receptive, and amenable to tarnishment by enigmatic and bewildering bestowments and conveyances embezzled thru the ploys of raucous and boisterous thoughts and perceptions.

Enigmatic and bewildering bestowments and conveyances, the inquiries and inquests, probes and requests, and thirst, avidity, and eagerness, the hankering, voracity, and appetency murmur and mutter, and whisper and mumble. While, intonations and inflections, incantations and invocations, or encirclements originate, prepare, and devise. When, the clinch, and embracement of prudently, judiciously, and discreetly pondered and contemplated tendencies and tribulations sparkle and twinkle within the skylines and prospects of the consideration and conception.

Capricious tendencies, turbulent intuitions and instincts, surmises and presentiments, the contours and curves of trends and beliefs surmise and construe. Reflections and deliberations, delineations and delimitations, the conglomerations and congregations of capitulated and acceded inconsistencies and discrepancies conspire and connive contradictions and refutations, confutations and retractions to augment and escalate, ameliorate, enrich, and enhance cognizance and recognition, still, when solace and succor of observance and perusal, the glimpse and glance have been obliterated and abolished.

گر بودش آتش خورشید یکی  رقصِ تأنی ز خطا زمزمهِ مهوشِ محرابِ نظر
ره به او  دار تأنی نبود طالعِ دیدار  نگاریست نهان گشته این کوکبِ ساز

Obliterated and abolished proclivities and penchants, the passage of enlivening, invigorating, and revitalizing breeze and zephyr of synchronistic concomitance, the concurrence and contemporaneity of distinction and accolade of accomplishment and accompaniment though surpass and transcend, outstrip and outshine the fragility and friability, the feebleness and delicateness of the distinction and discrepancy, the agility and  delicacy of the devotion and dedication,  the perseverance and staunchness of the moments and durations nevertheless blossom and flourish.

The dance and pirouette of rays and traces of transcendence and preeminence whirl and twirl imminence and immanence. Surroundings and circumstances, contemplative and meditative composures and tranquilities, divinatory and clairvoyance of intonations and incantations, and assimilating and integrating continuation and prudence of charms and summons, the providence and provision commemorate and venerate the essays and themes of aptness and exactness.

Flames and flickers, the scorch of burning sun kindle and provoke. The flickers uninterruptedly and successively ignite and instill, unmitigated and unambiguous authenticities and consistencies. The flames of transparencies and pellucidity inflict and perpetrate burns and blisters, to heel and mend the ruptures, bursts, and breaches. Textures and consistencies which uninterruptedly and unimpededly encompass and circumscribe the entities and individualities of promulgations and declarations of preferment and aggrandizement entrance and rivet, while the deferments and adjournments, impediments and obstructions reverberate and oscillate to the virtue of diminishment, declination, and depletion.

The deluded, duped, and dodged circumventions, evasions, and prevarications mitigate, assuage, and alleviate the babbles and hubbubs of grumbles and grouches, the chatters and chats of dismay, disconcertment, and consternation. Though, murky and misty, shadowy and muddy predicaments, muddles, and tangles, the twists and snarls linger and dawdle if not surpassed and eclipsed by the strength, forte, and agility of abstractions, impressions, and conceptions.

The murmurs and mutters of interminable and relentless enactments and depictions while the circumstances and occurrences of deferment persist and propound, accentuate and enhance abrogation and repellence of the lucidity and articulacy, or impulses and propulsions of pursuit. The coherence and clarity to aberrate, deviations and eccentricities which steadily and progressively permeate the acute and profound percolations, allotments, and schisms prescribe and mandate vigilance, prudence, and circumspection.

 The apse and cavity, mihrab  and alcove, or the vast star saturated skylines of Abraham’s prospects and horizons, would have lingered and loitered, dallied and dawdled to delinquency, dereliction, and negligence, the desolation, vacuity, and futility if not had been resolutely and tenaciously, and insistently and steadfastly exemplified and enriched, enhanced and elevated, and exalted and elated by the individualism, eccentricity, and distinctness of a single and solitary inspired tracer and follower . While, concurrently the epicenters of trepidations and apprehensions and the niches and nooks of bafflements and bemusements were deliberated, revealed, and manifested.

Bewilderments and bemusements, stupefaction and befuddlement, mystification and incomprehension, intertwine and interweave, interlink and interlock, and crisscross and connect, the dizziness of the instances, giddiness of       convoluted capriciousness, vagueness of intelligence and intuition, and the overwhelm and exasperation truncate and abbreviate, abridge and abstract the continuation and protraction.

Oblivions and stupors inoculate and protract the trend of void and abyss, the dismays and consternations, and disconnect and perturbations, which surrender, succumb and submit to inspissation and coagulation, or prudish and priggish ponderances and discernments, fragmentation and disintegration perturb, flurry, and fluster. Annulment and dissolution of sage and erudite astuteness, or prosperous pursuits and proliferation of obliviousness and witlessness, tendencies and predispositions to flourishment and escalation of arrogance and haughtiness descend and assail. At core a precursor to relentlessly and unremittingly remain resilient to acceptance and reception of rationale and reasoning, the prelude and  overture  to accentuate and augment fume and rage, and seethe and storm..

When, the ensemble and collaboratives of concealment and suppression to trumpet and proclaim, percolate and permeate abandonment, disregard, and desertion of spontaneity and extemporaneity, vaporization and evaporation of articles of attribution and provenance, themes of ascription and designation, the visualization pertain and simmer, reflection and meditation of merits and aptitudes, and apparition and revelation recede and regress.  The confidence and conviction, buoyancy and resilience vanish and evanesce, and the focus, emphasis, and convergence misplace and mislay.

Propensity and proclivity, mettle and predisposition, the mere intents and fascinations, urges and inclinations, and enchantments and allure precipitate and necessitate mutuality, affinity, and empathy. The aptitude and propensity to comprise and reckon alerts, clues, and hints, the attentiveness and observance, absorption to hinder and halt misappropriations, and impose and implement the implied percolations and infiltrations while embezzlements and peculations of entities of virtue and rectitude ravage and raze.

The rays of frankness, forthrightness, and genuineness glisten and glitter, while observance and valuations’ glimmer and gleam, shimmer and sparkle, and inundate and deluge the paths and passageways. Embracement, encirclement, and cuddle, affiliation and connection to astound and resuscitate, revive and invigorate, to pave and ponder and fortify and enliven the tenets, creeds, and pillars of accordance and unity shall pertain, and prevail.

Then, acclamations. commemorations, and commitments engulf and whelm the boundless estuary of continuum and steadfastness, and the glances and glimpses at the spectrum of reciprocations, correspondences, and appreciations possess and costume the soul and certitude.

Or when, comprehension and indebtedness to the confided and entrusted ethos and quintessence of existence buttress and brace the flourishment and vehemence of affiliation and fondness, the unequivocal, unambiguous, and clairvoyant ecstasy, bliss, and rapture.

The genesis and emergence, evolution and formation of existence and subsistence, continuance and persistence of the purpose and determination, resolve and fortitude, the fervor and vehemence, ardor and zeal burst and blaze, conflagrate and dash, flare and flicker, and flaunt and flourish. Bewilderments and bemusements, perplexities and puzzlements, and obfuscations and paradoxes, the encountered enigmas, evocating riddles, and the presumptuousness, boldness, and audacity to accentuate and intensify the ruminations and cogitations evade and elude, and equivocate and prevaricate.    

While the confounding and thwarting rendezvous, assignations, and engagements concern and relate to the synchronization, contemporaneousness, and concomitance of occurrences, to comprise and contain elation, elevation and, evolution, purpose, pertinence, and perpetuity, or degradation, demotion, and curtailment. Coincidence of preferment and aggrandizement of wholeness, the entirety and totality of the traverse of time and crossovers of occasions hearten and succor. The mural and fresco of fulfillment and serenity symbolizes sanctity of outperformance, transcendence, and paramountcy.

While, nirvana and nibbana of self awareness and lucidity succumb to the universality of quiddity and ethos, and entail to exemplary encirclement and enfoldment of apropos and the appurtenant thoroughfare. Junctures and intervals, passes and moments expand and spread, and magnify and multiply the spectrum of the vision. Boundaries and obstacles, impediments and obstructions thaw and truncate, narrow and abridge, and then, the dawn of decipherment and depiction, or the thirst, desire, and eagerness revivify and enhance, to animate the episode and escapade of exuberance and vivacity, the vibe and verve of dynamism and vitality.

Scenes of scrutiny and reflection, consciousness and sentience rampage and rage, the prelude and preamble, era of ratification and acceptance of the opus and oeuvre of destiny and providence glint and glitter. When, scorched skeleton of the enflamed and exacerbated soul and core, the seared frame of fervor and passion perceive and comprehend, ascertain and appreciate the disclosure and emanation, and further, advance, and promote rise and ascend of the ties, bounds, and connection.

آن نگه دار نگه در قَدَمِ مطربِ مدهوش وز آن سروِ چمان در مقیاس
سوزشِ جان  به تمنایِ قدم،  همدم  و مأنوس بلندایِ سما  کسبِ نیاز 

Commendation and acquiescence, acclamation and approbation of the hegemony, domination, and supremacy of existence and extant astound, daze, and dazzle the dexterity, adroitness, and acuity of the collaboration and congregation of the concept, impression, and cognition. The sincerity, authenticity, and genuineness of the overtures, approaches, and stratagems, the pertinent, germane, and apposite pledges and promises to reverberation and resonance of replications and reflections, the responses, retorts, and rejoinders reiterate, epitomize, and recapitulate the tendencies and propensities.

While, the reception and concurrence, extrapolation and conjecture, expectancy and suspense, the stringent and prolonged and protracted rigorous repetitions and replications of elevation of occasion, and revelation of maneuvers and contrivance vigorously, exuberantly, and spiritedly sustain and endure. Whereas, the anchor and affixer, the perpetuator and endorser, the convener and congregator of the tenets and convictions, percepts and principles, the root and the source outset and incept the formations, faith, and freedom, the certitude and conviction of the participators, perpetuators, and collaborators.

The symphony and masterpiece, harmony and consensus, and ventures and endeavors of accordance and concord, congruence and coherence, and sovereignty and mastery commemorate, venerate, and celebrate the abundance and copiousness of the convoy of rapport, affinity and camaraderie, while the hoofers and terpsichorean, the bouncers and custodians of the gist and esse, persist and prevail as the inundators inebriated by the solemn and fervent shadows, delineations and silhouettes of the tall silver spruce, which mesmerizingly, enthrallingly, and entrancingly settle, accommodate and  shelter the intrigued, fascinated, and captivated entities.

Consequences, concerns, and corollaries, emanations, themes, and torrents which transpire and ensue, evolve and stem the bedrocks and substrata of sagacious and prudent arbitrations and adjudications, the vivaciousness and exuberance, zestfulness and flamboyance pierce and perforate balloons and inflatabilities of the reverberating and ringing haughtiness and bumptiousness, the condescension and imperiousness.

Albeit, the vastness of the spruces’ shadows and shades jolt and galvanize, and serene and placid, the immensity of prime adherences and devotions, and observances and articulations crystalize and manifest to impose and invoke contemplation and coalescence. Augmentations, repudiations, and rejections, the encountered and incurred recognitions and accessions are obliged and goaded to match, suit, and meet, or to attain and conquer their wielded and exerted trajectories and itineraries objectives, ambitions, and inspirations.

The arrays and exhibits, arrangements and spectacles, tableaus, and montages, the partitures of peculiarities and punctuations of overtures and delineations inhere and indwell within the elixirs, potions, and tinctures of promise and assurance, and implications and insinuations of continuance, protraction, and intuitiveness. Divinations and premonitions that surmise, construe, and conjecture the scales, gradations, and balances to influence, direct, and postulate the bounds and constraints of cognition and competency.

The aptitude and propensity, the predilection and penchant to prevail and proclaim whilst the chaperon and guardian of grandiose, splendid, and ostentatious eruditions and intricacies affirm and necessitate the accomplishments and achievements of impeccable and irreproachable equanimity and composure of continuum, calibration, and progression. Virtuousness and pureness, the flawless and unblemished whirl and swirl of the sacrosanctity and inviolability of inclusion, incidence, and presence pertain, permutate, and permeate.

Scales, gradations, and balances, the bounds and constraints of cognition and competency impose and augment scrupulousness, meritorious perspectives, and trustworthiness. The thrumming and throbbing, repercussions, and ramifications, eminences and rankings imply, denote, and entail. Corroborations and substantiations, vindications and acquittals ponder and deliberate, while adhesion and credence reign and officiate, to preside and solemnize the punctuality and promptness of fortitude and resilience.

Scales, gradations, and balances, the inceptions, initiations, and commencement to commemorate and venerate quintessence of existence and evolvement, the attributions, designations, and ascriptions, or the encompassment and embodiment of gallantry and valor extend and eternalize. While, entities and animations of vigor and liveliness, elation and delight of rapport and empathy, the affinity and affiliation subjugate and subdue the zest of ingratiation and piquancy of obsequiousness.

The steps, strides, and treads, paces, spreads, and stages expedite and expediate approaches and perspectives, accelerations, and advancements, though the dispositions and proneness, susceptibilities and imperviousness improvise, concoct, and contrive.  Obduracies and rigidities, anticipations and previsions staunch resoluteness, though they may mitigate and alleviate pneuma, atman, and spirit.

Congregations and assemblies, semblances and appearances, guises and facades, the conglomerations, aggregations, and agglomerations bestow and endow, present and pose, and portray and render, though evolvement and capsulation of the renditions and articulations, enunciations and intonations, and declarations and utterances manifest and reveal providence, discretion, and judiciousness.

The accordion of accordance and agreement, piano of participation and prudence, and the flute of fraternity and alliance ring the tones and echoes, and chirps and chimes. The ricochets of bells and carillons, and rebounds of the choral of unification and integration, the concord and concurrence inundate and saturate the ambiance, to piercingly and profoundly vibrate the chorus of the universe constituency.

Astoundingly and stupendously, staggeringly and spectacularly overwhelming and riveting, the immense and inordinate coverlet and duvet of inclusion and transmogrification huddle and transpire enthrallers and enrapturers, participators and contributors, the contestants and contenders to pertain and promote, to throng and gather, repeat and reiterate, and endorse and resonate the journey of aspirations, embellishments, and elaborations.  

The provocative, enticing, and engaging rhythms and cadences, the sources and surroundings, milieus, springs, and fountains propagate and promulgate affixation and adherence.  Cradles and foundations, the canaries and taletellers, harbingers and heralds, and messengers and precursors whom elevate, raise, and heighten into pioneers and antecedents of contemplations, reasoning, and cognizance lead and command, and dominate and precede.

The doves of conciliation, resolution, and appeasement coast, glide, and flutter from the peaks and pinnacles of the bundles and elevations of ethos and character, the tenets and spirits to seamlessly and impeccably, exquisitely and immaculately disburse and disseminate the distinctiveness, uniqueness, and individuality of composure, equanimity, and placidity. Poise, docility and serenity merely and utterly render, resolve, and evolve inquisitiveness, novelty, and curiosity throughout the route and itinerary of stroll, episode, and exodus.

The itinerary of stroll, episode, and exodus, the intimate and innermost expedition of exuberance and excursion of empathy and harmony, and, the passages and crossings, voyages and trudges, the hikes and hauls vitalize and energize, and arose and awaken the rapport, affinity, and affiliation.

To grab and grasp, and sway and touch, azimuths of the skies, pinnacles of the stars, sights and panoramas, scrutiny and prospects, the proximity and immediacy, propinquity and contiguity, which have been stretched, soared, and escalated to your rays and beams, the sparkles and gleams of allure and overture flabbergast and flummox. To anchor and fasten, affix and attach to the existence and presence, verily and actuality, and subjectivity and partisanship of the wholeness and comprehensiveness, the conduits and passageways entice, enrapture, and awaken your portrayals and depictions, exposes and representations that assimilate and acculturate. Then, my kernel and core, the spirit and soul accentuate and emphasize, to agglutinate and amalgamate to your oneness, congruence, and consonance.

Devotions and adherences, the fidelities and allegiances align and affiliate and reflect and replicate the thirst and craving, while they exuberantly, exhilaratingly, and vivaciously ruminate, signify, and manifest the aflame and raging yearn and fervor that so rampantly and profusely had been blazing the heart, the rapport and communion of reciprocity and mutuality that heavenly and  blissfully  perpetuate every and all strokes of inhaled breath and  gulp and gasp of liveliness and zeal.

کوکب و اختر و نجم از خبرت رسته و آزاده نگارندهِ مهشید ز معراجِ یقین
منشا و مبدأ  منظور  به  گردونِهِ  افلاک،  زعم   گشته  نمایانگرِ  مستور  فراز 

Surmise and deductions, conjectures and conclusions, inferences and extrapolations, and convictions and confidences, do they disclose and divulge as finalized, clinched, and established states, statuses, and shapes, or are they drifting, floating, and peripatetic postures, poses, and deportments, the certitudes and faiths to presumptively , conjecturally, and tentatively tamper, fiddle, and tinker with.

Surmountable, formidable, and attainable, the rise and fall, the dance and ballets, bounce and vault, recoil and rebound of the stars, constellations, and clusters, the lively icons and luminaries’ contents, gratifications, and captivations by the intricacies and convolutions, and traits and peculiarities of the elucidations and explications. The revelations and expositions of inclusion and participation, encompassment and involvement, or the ceremony of certitude, confidence, and contribution, vividly and vibrantly, brilliantly and luridly deliver and accomplish the elation and euphoria of attainment and achievement, the abstinence and ascetism of imperfections, blemishes, or limitations.

The cognizance and acquaintance, and consent and acquiescence, render and adjudicate acclamations, ovations, and endorsements, the purifications and solidifications to pinpoint and implicate excruciations and torments, the viable and dreadful candidates to advocate and nourish entrants and contenders, if not dismissed and desolated.

The dance and ballet of the stars and the bounce and vault of constellations and clusters, the miraculous and mind blowing, inexplicable and extraordinary exemptions, immunities, and absolutions, or the prompts and advancements, impacts and influences meticulously and fastidiously parade and march, inherently and innately bounded and brazen, unrestrained and unconcealed to entice and allure, enchant and enrapture, the incarnations and avatars, intonations and modulations of sublimity and superbness.

The entities of emancipations, the deliverances and liberations to convoy the cavalcade of reflection and effectuation, and fulfillment and procurement of the pertinence transcend and transpire. Chambers and cavities of pneuma and anima within the heart glint and twinkle, while obliteration, annihilation, and eradication of the enigmas and paradoxes of imperfections and insolvency consummate and conjugate the concurrence of the moments.

Deliverances and liberations, the confidence and deliberations, dedications and devotions, and perpetuations and preservation of the pertinence and purpose, intently and absorbedly aspired and intended by the entities of the universe of perceptions, veracity, and certainty do not falter or fumble, wane or abate.

Stammers and stutters, the impairments and impediments are aligned and affiliated to absorption and engrossment, but their diversified and haphazard combats and contests, the chaotic and slapdash retainment and vigor, their inevitability and inexorableness to rebuke and rejection, nonetheless relentless and obdurateness spiral and soar to inclination and adaptation, or adjuration and exhortation of extinction and elimination. Conviction and confidence, faith, fervor, and passion vivify and enliven rendezvous of resilience and commitment.          

the rise and fall, dance and ballets, bounce and vault, the recoil and rebound, exhortations, enjoinders, and admonishments to reverberate and resound the resilience and suppleness of the invocations and incantations, conjurations and intonations declare and assert, and appropriate and arrogate partaking, involvement, and engagement.

Congregation of acquiescence, ensemble of exuberance, inhalation and breath of vibe and tone, and mien and relevance, aptness and pertinence, acculturation, assimilation, and inurement of intimacy, the tenderness and affection, intensely and vigorously evince and manifest, and ponderously and patently collaborate and verify. When, Substantiality and endorsement had been mastered by resolve, fortitude, and determination to punctuate, interpose, and intercede.

The spontaneity and extemporaneity of profusion and copiousness, the overwhelming astonishment of arbitrary encumberments or bewilderment of ambitions and flamboyances propound and advocate, and incite and impel infusion and inculcation.

Opuses and operas of elation and ecstasy, rapture and euphoria, and exhilaration and exultation of instantiations, incarnations, and personifications, the epitomization and representations, depictions and illustrations, elaborations and narratives enlighten and edify the spheres and realms of inquisitiveness and consciousness.

The tortuousness and tangles, and involuted and ornated, undulating and meandering mazes and warrens of introspections and cerebrations glorify and venerate virtuousness, righteousness, and purity of captivations. The entrancing dazzle and beguilement merely inundate encompassments, affiliations, and consociations.

While, inattention and absentmindedness ravage and desolate, and pillage and plunder the inquisitiveness and adjuration of acquaintance and intimacy. The voidness and rescindments adduce, implore, and importune revocation of contentment, annulment to embracement of effectuations, and withdrawal to be immersed by the impetus and impulsive receptacles and repositories of reflection and rumination.  The overtures and propositions, manifestos and recommendations so generously and munificently mustered and gathered, and proposed, proffered, and propounded to tranquilize and sedate the daunted, menaced, and intimidated minds.

The controversies and contentions, squabbling and wrangling persuasions, and altercations and quarreling renditions and interpretations, the uncertainties and unknowns, provisos and stipulations simulate and imitate, replicate and relinquish. Presumptiveness and pseudo postulations, the quasi and pretentious poses and postures, or pervaded and perfused ignorance and obliviousness allude and insinuate.

Rebukes and admonitions, or reprimands and reproaches postulate and  deduce, or presume and percolate, when the resilience and buoyancy, malleability and pliability to besiege and be overwhelmed by the prospects and potentials of insurmountable and invincible ingeniousness and elegance exhibitive and inherent within the fringes, margins, and periphery of the perceptions and convictions distinctively and idiosyncratically desolate and seclude. The corrosion and disintegration that ironically, incongruously, and paradoxically proclaim and decree, and pertain and narrate by the disguise and cloak of dismissal of imperfections and inadequacies sway and concert.

باز دارش نگهت روی نما ساقی منظور ز سِیری که به قوسش نه قصار
مونس و مقترنِ جامعِ  قاموس   یکی  سلک  که مسلوک  کند  مُهرِ  نماز

Thenceforth and subsequently, moments of reflection, replication, and indication, the cross points and occasions, inclinations and proclivities, predilections and predispositions and their inspirations and simulations, or agitations and confrontations coagulate and compound.     

Interruptions and intermissions, intervals and interludes of elucidation and simplification, exegesis and explications, the revelations and divulgences, utterances and confessions covertly and clandestinely, or overtly and blatantly retain and engage, and capture and conquer. Sanity of soberness, rationality of relevance, and lucidity, perspicuity, and articulacy, the eloquence and grandiloquence, orotund originality, and sonorous ingenuity, the ringing and resonance of cognizance, acquaintance, and awareness resurrect, revivify, and coruscate dawn’s flares and flickers, the illustriousness and eminence, the prominence of liveliness, auras, and vibes emanated by the abundance of enthrallers and entrenchers.   

Suspend and halt, and impede and pause, circumstances and incidents, respites and cessations, engrossed and compelling conclusions, and mesmeric and hypnotic observances augment and proliferate the epitome and incarnation of recognition and averment, or induce and incite audacious and valorous adjournments and deferments, to gauge and appraise, assimilate and imbibe, or discern and vilify. Established intimate trends and patterns, demarcated, delineated, and depicted, or fashioned convictions, they rise and elevate the pillars and masts of reachability and ingest and grasp of epilogues and prorations, which associatively and diligently pertain, concern, and commemorate.      

Stewardesses and attendants, stewards and servants approach and convene, and levy and rally, paragons and paradigms, linchpins and cornerstones propagate and promulgate, and delineate and denote, exemplary and meritorious contingencies and eventualities elicit and provoke, and auspices, omens, and auguries of certitude and conviction captivate, allure, and rivet authenticity and fidelity, the veracity and veridicality of recommencement, protraction, and sublimity illustrate, exhilarate, and illuminate.

Auspices, omens, and auguries, differentiations, metamorphosis, and evolvements, the conundrums and quandaries, mysteries and stumpers intertwine, intermingle, and interweave. Encirclements, embracement, and encapsulations impound and confiscate, the dexterities, acuities, and tenacities. Perspicacious adeptness, sagacious adroitness, and astute presumptions ponder and cerebrate sincerity, candor, and forthrightness, steadfastness and trustworthiness. Refutable, untenable, and specious insights, prospects, and apprehensiveness, the apropos and appurtenant stigmas and disgraces merely might curtail and hinder presentiments, premonitions, and presages, if soared and rocketed participants and partakers churned and roiled devoutness and dedications are implored.

The arc, glimmering rainbows, variegated radiances, and prismatic spectral spirals, the mottled opalescent shades, spotted nacreous, and the dappled pearlescent horizons, the scintillating, sparkling, and glittering mesh and maze of predictions and projections, which resent and contrast stagnation and torpor when acquiesced and conceded to obtuse, bovine, and faint confidence and conviction. The overlap and overlay of the fissures of fixation, crevasses of coagulated contents, clefts and splits of parochial deductions, and the insular and blinkered presumptuous circumferences and peripheries.

The virtuosity, brilliance, and vividness pause and falter the heart. No, it still fervently, soberly, and solemnly murmurs and mutters, mumbles and babbles, to reach and reciprocate, connect and commemorate, to mesmerize, absorb, and entrance rapture, ecstasy, and bliss, affinity, harmony, and rapport. While the soaring and circling rampant rumbling roars, ruptures, and breaches circumvent and dodge, and evade and elude manacles, fetters, and shackles.

Emancipation, manumission, and disenthrallment resilience and buoyancy splitter, fragment, and shatter exasperated and riled, irked and vexed perceptions and thoughts. The embellishing and embroidering pleas and yearnings, the fostering and nurturing redolent and evocative rolling hills and cultivations, abetting and succoring affections and fondness, adulations and adorations, while lauds and extolments burst and surge the emblazed cavities of the embodiment and incarnation, my charcoaled frame.

And when, vistas and prospects unfurl and unroll, untwine and unsnarl, and unravel and untangle. Then, boundaries’ resilience and irrepressibility to emanating and emerging ambits, latitudes, and spheres of conformity, attunement, and orientation, the territory and province of divisions, segmentations, and segregations obliterate, to eradicate binds and quandaries of surmises and suspicions, or the barriers of dithering vacillations.            

Scanning and scrutiny, contemplations and cogitations, meditations and reflections augment and amalgamate, decipher and decrypt, and extract and extricate. Immersions and absorptions, explications and elucidations, and exegesis and inferences compel and coerce, induce and imply, and instigate and influence. Insinuations and intimations, allusions and indications provoke and awaken, incite and rouse, pound, thwack, and pummel. While, embarkments, commencements, and acclamations accompany, usher, and convey.

Inherent, immanent, and innate shepherds, entourages, and retinues to goad and guard, and to shelter and fortify the nuggets, lumps, and chunks, the destinies, kismets, and predispositions, or the ponderance of motivations, ambitions, and justifications persist and endure their presence. Chaperons to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the agility, probity, and rectitude of intellectuality, conceptuality, and ratiocinative, reifications and procurements to proclaim and blazon their quiddity and esse proffer, tender, and propose. While, instigations, incitements, and inducements which nourish, cultivate, and flourish elicitations and evocations, receptiveness and responsiveness whirl and twirl.

Universe and cosmos, sky and ether, propinquity and contiguity, immensities and profundities declare and affirm, and pronounce and pontificate the inertness and limpness delegations and contingents to ascribe and impute prominence of premises of elevation and raise, and ennoblement and exaltedness. The oceans’, seas’, and brines’ depths, abysses, and divergence, ravines’ gorges’ and valleys’ gulches, ruptures, and chasms coddle and cosset the quintessence of genesis and formation, to obligate, bond, and cohere curious, inquisitive, and intriguing entities and mortals to rupture the cloak, frock, and raiment of arrogance and neglect, if desired to observe, render, and portray.

Rituals, sacraments, and ceremonials, customs, conventions, and traditions divulge, emanate, and exude, carry, deliver, and dispatch conducts and characters, guises and dispositions, and temperaments and personalities.  Their exhibitions and expositions, retrospectives and retro-activeness, and stamps and molds evolve and exploit in concoctions and combinations, concurrencies and aggregations corelated and tangible, palpable and perceptible to compiled and composed contingencies and exigencies exposed or portrayed by their deployments and deliberations.

Religion and divinity, worship and creed, and connection and affiliation, the urge and compulsion, thirst and hunger, and reply and reciprocation form and focus, and pivot and punctuate forte and virtues, eminences and meritoriousness that solely, merely, and exclusively blossom, burgeon, and bloom intrinsically and innately, and intimately and reticently.

A response and acknowledgement, comeback and rejoin, to simmer, rumble, and smolder, to erupt and rage, and to persist and endure. The interconnection and interrelation, alliance and bond, inherent and intrinsic intimacy, integral and intact seclusion and sanctity, protected, safeguarded, and secured by the mere mutuality and correlation, to exonerate and exculpate the epitome and personification, and propound and proffer ligature, liaison, and connection.

The pureness and limpidness of resolution, transparency of aspiration, the restraint and reluctance, constraint and curtailment to exhibit and parade the entity, rapport, and affection, to indelibly and ineradicably pertain and ascertain the burning and scorching, febrile and feverish imminence. The flaming and smoldering essence of the oneness, coherence, and unanimity shall shatter curtailments and confines of dubiousness and suspicion, and incertitude and apprehension.

The apex and apogee, the appeal and entreaty, plea and request, and crave and covet, the funnel and siphon, huddle and nestle, and crouch and cower to touch, affect, and soften. Blunders, muddles, and stumbles, sways, staggers, and totters, it is you and me, our sanctuary of sanity, shelter of lucidity, and the asylum of candor and sincerity.

You and me, absolutely and profoundly, inadvertently and entirely  bide and lodge in the state and status of synchrony and simultaneity, contemporaneousness and concomitance, while unabated and unrestricted, and unaffected and unaltered, or intact and uninterrupted by agonies and anguishes, inflictions and torments, the tumultuous and turbulent interferences and interventions, clouded and blurred afterthoughts, deliberateness, and intentionality, or their constancies.

While, the dynamics and rationality of vivaciousness and verve exert and imply, gush and flood, the percolated effusion to purify, cleanse, and refine the lingering droplets and resentful sediments.

Interventions, intercessions, and intrusions to invade and trespass, or raid and annex the, “you and me”, secluded and consecrated, and sanctified and deified cross points of convergence and confluence, to  breach and  contravene, infringe and betray the bestowed and bequeathed, the imparted and revealed trust and reliance , are obliged and coerced to be condemned and rebuked, or reviled and disposed,

The conviction and faith, or the jurisprudence of sanctified, blessed, and dedicated intimacy, rapport, and affinity shall affect, involve, and influence the ambiances and circumstances of laudation and exaltation, the intimate and exclusive reverence and veneration, the mutuality and reciprocity endowed and established connecting and joining, fusing and agglutinating expressly and explicitly “you and me”.  

دیده بردار وز آن محور آزرده بر آن خدشه که دیدار از او قبله بیگانه گزید
صنمِ سایه بر این بام  رسامست  چو  پرگار  کند  قافلهِ اش  قاصدِ  راز

Dejected and regretful musings and meditations, wrecked and despondent broodings and cogitations, the moments of intermission, and interlude confrontations intervene, intrude, and intercede, when the depth of rifts and enormity of fissures and crevasses within, elude, eclipse, and transcend margins and precincts of the stretch of time and recollections’ restrictions.

Dedications and deliberations, treads of consolations, strolls and strides, paces and progresses, and junctures, confluences, and reverberations, to magnify intentional and premediated presumptions, postulations, and resolutions. The patterns of conclusions, inferences, and suppositions, revealing and clairvoyant, enlightening and edifying, heuristic encounters, happenstances, and conterminous rendezvouses which pivot, revolve, and spindle the passage of instances, and cerebrate, prompt, and fabricate the onward and forward preludes, prologues, and overtures invade and overrun, and conquer and occupy .  

The compass to direct and conduct, manipulate and maneuver, and steer and counsel, to commemorate, carry, and convene cognizance, grasp, and comprehension, while the acquainted aspirations and approaches, tendencies, inclinations, and leanings incessantly and relentlessly evolve and alter. Exclusively, haphazardly, or imitatively, meticulously and pedantically, or impertinently and impudently, the rendering representations and delineations manifest and embody, blossom, prosper, and flourish, mushroom and proliferate, and permeate and transduce. Nonetheless, the ramifications, implications, and corollaries entail themselves to accord, harmony, and concurrence of the platitude, tenets, and precepts of creation’s conspicuity and creed.     

The compass to direct and conduct, to evolve and alter, the indicators, markers, and gauges, the needles and pointers poking, prodding, and protruding the azimuths and pinnacles of the horizons of promise and pledge, aptitude and ability, covenant and engagement, perceptively, judiciously, and incisively revolve and evolve. To merely and inherently, astound, flabbergast, and astonish the enthusiasts and participants, the entities, individuals, personages and dignitaries whom carry pennants of wholeheartedness, and banners of openness and ingeniousness.

The compass of elaboration and extension, magnifier of certitude and conviction, the contraption and apparatus of assortment and collaboration, to conspicuously and ceaselessly summon and beseech, and refer and invoke, to merely and solely affix acclimating and accommodating insistences, requisites, and stipulations to the quintessence of assessments and discernments, the nobilities and virtues of incentives, measures, and gestures.

 Idiosyncrasy and eccentricity, peculiarity and distinctness, or is it the slogans, postures, and bearings capable, amendable, and accommodative to converse and convert mantles and attributions? The comparisons and collations to the compass of encirclements and demarcations, solely capable and efficient, adept and adroit, competent and proficient to clarify and explicate purposiveness, pertinacious predicaments, and tenacious perseverance saturate, douse, and drench the aura and ethos, and spirits and milieus.  While delimitations and delineations of the simmering and rumbling reservations and stipulations brace, foment, and revive ecstasy and trance of resolve and resolution. The torch, lantern, and candle within, to be tapped, rapped, patted, and endured, the compass of inhibition and restraint, cane, pole, and cursor of adjudication, meditation, and arbitration has been obliged, impelled, and spurred to deliver, fulfill, and complete.

The soul and esse, passion and empathy, essence and spirit and the pointedness, aculeate, and acuminate tangents and curvatures of the heart’s, directions, positionings, and placements, the alignments, associations, and orientations to shrink and contract, narrow and shrivel the stretches, segregations, and disaffiliations, to decline and diminish ramparts, parapets, and barricades of obstructions and impasses. Or, obliteration and eradication of the sentimentalisms, reactions, and resentments which impede and hamper, and setback and incumber to realize and perceive, and grasp and comprehend the qibla of the existence, your retort and rejoinder, which inundates, engulfs, and deluges the vastness and enormity of your immeasurable and boundless, incessant and ceaseless universe and galaxies.

The shadow, spirit, and whisper, the shade, trace, and span, sweep and compass, and extent and cover to consist and comprise the  corners and staves of far extended skylines of view and vision, vistas of perception and awareness, apprehension and observance, the conjugates and contradictions, and bewilderments and bemusements reverberate and resonate the sacredness and inviolability of the infinity and eternity, the ecstasy, stupor, and trance to embrace and encircle, clinch and encompass, to affirm and resolve affinities and encounters.

The shadow, spirit, and whisper, intimacy, closeness, and confidence to ascend and soar, arise and levitate, and climb and escalate. The shadow of fulfilment and realization, fruition and procurement, the shadow of brightness and glare, brilliance and vividness, to spread, unfurl, and broaden wings of solemnness and splendor, grandiosity and  grandeur, the ornateness and  unfathomability to embrace and encompass canopies of sentiments and emotions, mantles  to perspicaciousness and erudition, and roofs to congregations and communal, the slates and gables of shielding and shelter, and ridges and edges of immunity and indemnity that are relentlessly pertained, rigidified, and benevolence.  

The sanctuary and silhouette, collaborative and cultivating, the originator, initiator, and instigator of encouraging and heartening rings and echoes to reach, touch, and tinker aficionadas and pundits, chasers and pursuers, to resiliently and irrepressibly transcend, outshine, and outstrip clinks and tinkles of deviousness, doubtfulness, and havering, the preserve and refuge which unhesitatingly and unwaveringly widen, broaden, and elongate to the boundaries of sight and scene, the accommodator to pinnacles and summits, peaks and acmes of ingenuity and inspiration, assure and promise that the originalities and creativities of inclinations, aspirations, and ambitions illuminate and irradiate. While, they permeate and perfuse gracefulness and brightness, the glare and cheeriness through the haven’s openings, cracks and cleaves, and crevices and fissures, to the entirety of the neighboring abodes, dwellings, and domiciles.

The exclusive, undivided, and absolute haven, the harbor and anchorage, retreat and asylum, and the refuge and shelter, selected, privileged, and influential, which has been placed, positioned, and located within, inclusive and comprehensive, comprising and covering of conceivable, cogitable, and tenable instantiations, epitomization, and incarnations, the deeds, endeavors, and undertakings, conceptions, perceptions, and abstractions.

The haven and harbor within, to envisage and expect, apprehend and appreciate, and adore and attribute.  The haven and harbor of elevation and aggrandizement, enrichment and enhancement, and preferment and ennoblement, or, the ingress, access, and approach, the entrance and gate to assimilate and integrate, and to connect and reciprocate. The gorge, canyon, and valley of pertinence and percolation, purification and refinement, innately, immanently, and inherently accentuate, emphasize, and reinforce acuity and keenness, alertness and awareness, while unreservedly and uninhibitedly concerned and benevolent to the dwellers and inhabitants, and denizens and occupants.

 The heaven and sky, ether and cluster, the haven and anchor, nugget and chest, the treasure and repository to entailments, elicitations, and evocations, junctures, occasions, and occurrences. The assemblage and congregation to gather, convene, and muster, to augment, strengthen, and enhance. The shrine and temple within, to perceive, protect and provide the foundations, pillars, and mast of my existence, exuberance, vivacity, and vibe. While, interminably and unremittingly it ponders, cerebrates, and circumvents to abridge and abbreviate, and compress and truncate the span and gap, and depth and range to reach, touch, and hold you. 

Caravan and convoy of vivacity and vibe, the parade and cavalcade incessantly and persistently perpetrates and effectuates, and conducts and implements. Intricacies, obscurities, and convolutions of the journey and voyage, the expeditions and excursions of self-reflections and meditations, scrutiny and perusal, the territory and terrain, sphere and arena, the compass and scope, bestowments and overtures, proposals and propositions, and your benevolent and compassionate compositions and sonatas have been tendered and dispensed to me. While, embarked and boarded on the caravan of mindfulness and deliberations to reach the azimuth, culmination, and apogee of your consummate and ultimate conversance and acquaintanceship.

The exquisiteness and magnificence, and prodigious and unsurpassed union and oneness, preordained and predestined by your promise, if not to be disembarked or not preclude the pleas, requests, and invocations, nor the joined symphony of fulfillment and realization which vivify, enliven, and electrify the stage of allotments and allocations.

حاجبُ و ساکنِ کوئیم که دَر درُّ نظر فرض بر آن منزلِ میقات نبود
تا به احرام تو این چادرِ جم کبکبه اش بود  ز  آوازِ تو مقرون به حجاز
شعر از : علیرضا بمانیان

The Nugget and chest, treasure and repository, sparkles and passions, ferments and effervescences, the vitality and liveliness saturate and quench, drench and douse. Trends and drifts, movements and inclinations overwhelm and incapacitate, or astound and daze.

Implausibility and improbability, inconvincibility and incomprehensibility hinder and impede the meticulous and exhaustive exertion of immediate impressions and inklings, though the correlations and connections, correspondences and concurrences, the interrelationships and interdependences pertain, concern and affect by antecedent, precedent, and forgone recollections and reminiscences, impressions and influences., Even presumptuous anamnesis if felt plausible might vehemently and fervently articulate, communicate, and formulate the opposite.        

Incredulousness and doubtfulness, skepticism and dubiousness, or pyrrohnism and equivocating narcissism blur and distort, and obscure and conceal, while the durations and extents of somberness, soberness, and solemnness precede to herald, presage, and proclaim the reticence and taciturnity of the chirps and chirrups, peeps and twitters, punched and smacked, thumped and slapped by the innocence of overlook.      

The haven and anchor, nugget and chest, exclusiveness and preferences, repertoires and assortments, while depictions and delineations indelicately and inappropriately prioritized and emphasized somberly and soberly self-defuse, placate, and disproportionate, or, asymmetrically and uncoordinatedly quail and despair, and dishearten and dismay. The chest of judgements, conclusions, and contemplations, while preferences, partialities, and penchants tinkle and clink, and torso of affiliations, advocations, and admirations, sensations and commotions commemorate, revere, and esteem, then, the essence and spirit, soul and existence revivify, resurrect, reclaim, and reiterate the destiny’s revelations and clairvoyance.

Or, the shelter and sanctuary is the pinnacle and peak of inclusion, circumscription, and encompassing, to billet and board promotors, proponents, and patrons whom wittingly and willfully, permissively and indulgently are punctual and prompt to interconnect, interrelate, and interact, beholders and carriers of the burgees and banderoles of unity and wholeness. The accommodators and occupants whom are constructively, confidently, and optimistically perpetuating, propagating, and disseminating the echoes and reflections, and repetitions and reiterations of the chirps and chirrups, peeps and twitters evoked, educed, and conjured by the media, means, and delegates and members of the congregation and conglomerate of liveliness, keenness, and vivaciousness.

The sanctuary and silhouette, which embrace and encircle, encompass, and enfold within the perimeters and boundaries of the trunk and torso, or, the crate and enclosure of ingenuity and creativity, inventiveness and innovation. The vessel and basin of incentives and incitements, stimuluses and motivations, enshrined and hallowed, and cherished and treasured by individual and distinct, different and discrete individuals and personages. Characters and creatures, to remain amalgamated and incorporated, and stay cohesive and consistent, and interrelated and interconnected, inherent and innate to confront and combat the opposite if proposed and intended.

The entrance, access, and admittance does not warrant, merit, and demand ceremonial and ritualistic requisites, mandatory and indispensable processions, successions, and sequences. Caravan and cavalcade movement and momentum have been unambiguously and unequivocally chronicled, narrated, and established. While. the embarkment and commencement apportions, countenances, and empowers to portray and render.

The hegemony, influence, and prepotence of blessed and sanctified, and revered and consecrated simmering and seething sensations and desires, your intimacy and closeness persistently, relentlessly and progressively emerge and emanate. A tangential and divergent distinction, covenant, pledge and bond to suppress, abolish, and decimate the contradictory, ambiguous, and incongruous conduit and corridor of distance and remoteness.

The intimacy and closeness, ascending and merging, arising and levitating, the augmentations and escalations, for a moment by tracing and trailing the beams, flashes, and glows, footprints, spoors, and outlines., other times, by spotting and discerning the enormity of the number of stars, the twinkles and sparkles, to solemnly and earnestly reciprocate and respond by fixated glares and stares, may be to merely express the attention, annunciate the obligement, or to recede and tame the curiosity.

Exploring and traversing, scouting and searching, on occasions, by dipping and tumbling a handful of pebbles on the shell and façade of the pond, the circles and their valued and esteemed emancipation and deliverance shall be acquired and established. While, circles navigate and negotiate by inclusively presuming and venturing respectful and reverential patterns of preparation and evolvement. Then, although the skipped and neglected intrigues and secrecies could have been elapsed and disregarded, still ramifications, consequences, and complications of throwing a few smashed pieces of stone in the pond, and the cascade of inadvertent impressions and repercussions, or the fastidious and pedantically premeditated and determined effectuations and performances do not cease to exist.

The expeditions and extrusions within, and collection of rays and beams of skipped or neglected hopes and dreams, the gestures, intimations, and indications, or the unnoticed and unobserved circles and patterns are bound and destined to pursue and prevail. The chest and torso, or the interminable and multifarious reservoir rimmed and inundated by the tints and dyes, shades and casts, and essences and extracts, gesture and beckon to be tapped, broached, and pierced.

The harbor and haven of your reverberations, echoes, and rings, the shadows and shades of your proclivity and  predilection, propensity and penchant which span and spread surpassing cognizance and perception, your presence, depictions, and portrayals which have vividly, translucently, and perspicuously promulgates, spread, and disseminated to encompass even the tiniest, diminutive, and infinitesimal particles within the unboundedness of the universe, permeate, infiltrate, and infuse within the heart.  sometimes, ignored, overlooked, and unrecognized, or unnoticed and unappreciated, though the amazements, astonishments, and bemusements to ensue.

Intimately and intuitively, confidentially and convincingly, when overwhelmed and vanquished, trounced and subjugated by the copiousness of the presumptions, hypothesis. and apprehensions, befuddlements and premonitions, conceptualizations and abstractions, the whispers and murmurs, chirps and chirrups of the abandoned birds, the admired canaries sings and songs during the peak of the day, and the sound of rain droplets smashing and crashing on the surface to join peers and saturate the land, exuberate my stand, enliven the epitome, and illuminate and brighten the exemplar, or the synopsis and abridgements of your acquaintance, which convey and scatter sparkles of serenity and pose, grace and clemency to the far stretched horizons of totality and macrocosm, the  ebulliated and profound junctures to be recapped and prompted, the amity of your presence, the bounciness and vivacity of your leniency and clemency, forbearance and magnanimity, your eidolon and spirit, omnipresent and ubiquitous within the heart, site, and beyond.

Author and Poet:

© Alireza Bemanian, July 24th, 2020

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)