Your Manifestation


Your Manifestation

در خرابات مغان خانه گزیدیم یکی حلقه چو پروانه زدیم
از  دگر گفته  بریدیم  چو گفتار  وز آن اختر دردانه زدیم

The shelter, sojourning, and lodging, the refuge, haven, and sanctuary, the accommodation, adaptation, and alteration, the tranquility, content, and gratification, the seek and request, the pursue and track, the shadow, silhouette, and suggestions, promptings, evocations, elicitations, and intimations. innuendos, insinuations, allusions, and suggestions. Or, the preparations, rehearsals, provisions, and practice of inclusiveness, invigoration, and enlivening.

Immersion, entanglement, and absorption, sincerity, genuineness, seriousness, and earnestness, the raptness, captivation, and fascination; yes, the soul, spirit, and essence, the emotions, empathies, and passions, so vividly, garishly, explicitly, and luridly, so vibrantly, brilliantly, and brightly, so lucidly, acutely, and distinctly succumb, capitulate, and surrender to the ecstasies, blisses, trances, and elations of vivaciousness, verve, and vitality.

The single, sole, and sensuous star, the lone and free, the solo, spurring, stimulating, rousing, inciting, and electrifying, the incarnations, the immensities, enormities, and soaring entities. The entirety, fixations, and fascinations, the eternity, occasions, and occurrences, to elicit, educe, and provoke our allures, appeals, and attractions. We, to encircle, bound, ring, and evolve within your orbits, circles, and ambits, to revolve within your circumferences, perimeters, and bounds. The butterflies, fleets, and flutters, the monarchs; colorful, intriguing, and gaudy, and then, the reflections, echoes, and replications, the contemplations, ruminations, and deliberations, the harmony of elations, so tamely and gently, tenderly, and soothingly abound, thrive, prosper, and flourish, to reveal your intimacy, presence, divulgence, and exposure.

Purity, limpidness, and decorum, propriety, wholesomeness, and chasteness, the throbbing and pulsating which distinctly, patently, and manifestly instigate your proximations, surmises, inferences, and conjectures.

The purpose, intent, and resolve, to include, immerse, and engage the horizons of strive and endeavor, and to abolish and obliterate the cavities, fissures, and ruptures of void and hollow, are the stalwarts, proponents, and partisans to transpire your tranquility, serenity, and composure.

Passionately, ardently, and vehemently to pave, cover, and constitute, compose, comprise, and represent the harmony, congruence, and concord. While, the rays, flickers, and hints, the glimmers, gleams, glitters, and beams, the spotted, sparked, and spread of elations and euphoria are dispersed, disseminated, and scattered by the unique, matchless, and irreplaceable stars mesmerizing and astounding the sky of conceptions, comprehensions, contemplations, and imaginations.

The coveted constellations, the prompting perpetuations, and the inspiring invocations, the chants and incarnations, the reiterations of reciprocity and responsiveness so surmounting, vanquishing, and transcending, to surpass, exceed, and outshine the circumferences, the perimeters, and fringes of conceptualities, perceptions, and constructs.

The emergences and adaptations, and alterations and acclimatization to languish, decline, and diminish the surroundings, environs, and ambiances which hinder, hamper, and deter your portrayal, exposures, and depictions.

ساقی  و ساغر و  پیمانه  به محراب  و قلم  جمله  تو گشت
کوکب  و اختر و منظور به  هر بام  نمایشگر میخانه زدیم

When, the chalices and tumblers, the barmaids and barmen, the bartenders and   barkeepers, the altars, the tables, and the benches, the podiums, pedestals, and platforms, the lecterns, spots, and stands, the pens, scribblers, and composers have altered, gyrated, and twirled.

Then, the transformations, alterations, and adorations, the adulations, exaltations, and admirations of vivacity and verve, the junctures and moments, the existence and allocations to discover, instantiate, and represent an astounding and astonishing, a remarkable and extraordinary, and a spectacular and magnificent uniformity, sameness, and equivalence germinate and sprout, expound and elaborate, arose and refurbish, and prosper and thrive.

Then, the reflections, replications, ruminations, contemplations, and considerations, the expressions, indications, and manifestations unify, coalesce, and amalgamate. Solely; synopses, summaries, and abridgements represent, echo, and mirror you. You and your attentiveness and alertness, you and your thoughtfulness and mutuality, you the affectionate, compassionate, and benevolent.

Reaching, attaining, stretching, and grasping the moments, when at every rooftop, gable, and ridge the stars of your magnificence, grandeur, and splendor are omnipresent, ubiquitous, and pervasive.

The constellations, assemblages, and patterns of your resolve, persistence, and perseverance ponder, deliberate, and augment the spread, scope, and influence, the effect, touch, and access, of the uniformity, tenacity, and determination of attainments, realizations, and fulfillments, to conquer, surmount, and overcome the pinnacles when the contents compose, compile, and collect, the moments, trices, and instances to resonate and rumble, to surge and flourish, and to roar and soar.

Then, the essences and spirits, the cores and cruxes, and the principles and substances emanate and exude, diverge and diffuse, and glow and spread your omnipresence, your luminosity and shine; your ubiquitousness. Atop of abundant, profuse, and copious peaks, heights, and crests. When, the rooftops, summits, and apexes surmise, infer, and conjecture within the infinite, illimitable, and interminable spheres and skylines of my perceived, professed, and pertained imaginations, thoughts, and existence.

رازها  بود به  دل خفته  و در سایه سروت به تمنای خطا
خفته دل قدس رخت آتش خورشید ولی طالع  بیگانه زدیم

The secrets, intimacies, and seclusions have brimmed and bristled my heart, core, and fortitudes, the strength, resilience, determination, and endurance, which are buoyant and contained, accessible and available, coherent and lucid, while flouted, disregarded, and unheeded to. Thou, the desires and dreams, the yearnings and appeals, and the aspirations and entreaties have been speculated and assumed, simulated and pretended, and supposed and proposed.

While, the perpetuations, propagations, and prolongations have induced, prompted, and convinced unintended letups, involuntary lessening, and inadvertent slackening.

Still, being enveloped, sheltered, and shielded by your shadows, the shades, and silhouettes, the halo of sacredness, the corona of purity and inviolability, and the aura of sensations are prevalent and rampant.

Still, ironically but miraculously, persistently and determinedly, and tenaciously and adamantly, the marvels of closeness, nearness, and imminence, the dooms, destiny, and fate, the circles, provinces, and domains of inclusions, insertions, and attachments are irresistible, alluring, compelling, and overriding.

Thou, the shades and silhouettes of fortifications and safeguards, transparencies and unambiguousness, and limpidity and pellucidity, perspicuity and plainness, distinctness and vividness, ingeniousness and flamboyance, brilliance and vibrancy have subsided, receded, and abated. When, incongruously and paradoxically the essence, kernels, and principles are merely tainted by the proclamations, assertions, and declarations of inaptness, incongruity, and inconsistency.

The closures, cessations, and conclusiveness, acceptance, acquiescence, and concurrence have compromised, fouled, and entangled the credence, confidence, and assurance. The reciprocity of the interaction, the cordiality of collaborations, and the conviviality of intimacy is eroded, battered, and wrinkled.

Your sacred, consecrated, and hallowed presence, your deified, revered, and sanctified portrayal, and your astounding, dazing, and astonishing depiction have brightened, illuminated, and irradiated the surroundings, environs, and ambiances. Your elucidated enclaves, your revealed reflections, and your explicated expediencies have been elated, exalted and exemplified through the universes of entities, scrutiny, examinations, and considerations.

The rays and beams of vibrance and vivacity, verve and vitality, and absorption and clarity are ponderous, protractive, and prolong, while the paces and pathways are solely proclaimed, announced, and asserted by the intensity of your ever flaming, glowing, and gleaming sun.

Still, the ambivalences, inconsistencies and incongruities have fluctuated, vacillated, and contradicted the prevalence, occurrence, and pervasiveness of the sanctities and sincerities, the pertinence of the presumptions and conjectures, and the pursuit of lucidities, eloquences, perspicuity, and articulacy. When arrogantly, superciliously, and conceitedly the plodding, ponderous, and pedantic passages of oblique, circuitous, and meandrous moments, have transpired, disclosed, and emerged the mazes, messes, and muddles of distancing, detaching, and disaffection.

گوشه  و کوچه و میدان به قدم دیده و انگار به  دیدار تو باز
ساحران را به تماشای نظر بود، گرش عهد به میخانه زدیم

Now, paving the pathways, tarmacking and macadamizing the tracks, and pondering the passageways, the deliberations, meditations, and contemplations, considerations, capitulations, and cognitions, which have been perpetuated, propagated, and pertained.

Surroundings, corners, areas, spots and sceneries, the vistas, outlooks, and panoramas are glanced and gazed, glimpsed and peeked, and scrutinized and searched for, while the capture and confinement, the absorption and immersion, and fascinations and allures of insights and intuitions were reserved, maintained, and retained imperative. prevalent, and quintessential.

When, the urges, impulses, and inclinations, the desires, compulsions, and commitments of your intimacy, the abandonment of the barriers and barricades which hinder, hamper, and obstruct the escalation, soar, and rise towards the ultimate, extreme, and eventual clemency, leniency, and destiny are congruent, consistent, and harmonious.

The eventualities, contingencies, and consequences, which have been profoundly and ardently articulated by your dispersed, disposed, and distributed entities of affluence, substance, and presence, the advocates of adoration, admiration, and adulation.  The glorifications and exaltations, the realizations and reverences, and the acknowledgements and admirations. Merely are responsive, receptive, and approachable via the encounters, appearances, and divulgements, manifestable, exposable, and disclosable by you, when instantiated to be comprehended, followed, and grasped by me, the relentless recipient.

Conjurors, sorcerers, and magicians consumed, obsessive, and frenzied, dedicated, steadfast, and devoted, derisive, acerbic, and sardonic to instigate, prompt, and originate their illusions, trickeries, and misconceptions, to halt, pause, and cease their pretensions, imposters, and imitations.

when, the promises, pledges, and assurances turn, twist, twirl, and spin, and the allocations promotes, the authentications and sincerity, the seriousness and earnestness, and candor and frankness affiliate and associate unabashedly, unperturbed.snd undauntingly.

If, your temples, shrines, and sanctuaries are erected, assembled, and convened within the heart’s distant corners, curves, bends, and spots, and while the temples and shrines are the spouts, springs, and fountains of nectar, extract, and sap of content, fulfillment, and attainment; the streams, torrents, and rivulets of revelation, coverage, and acquaintance.

خود  ز  درویش  خرد  جَست  به گنجینه  دریای  دل است
موج  قاموس  نگارنده  این راه،  چو  ره نغمه مستانه زدیم

Then, the mystic, fakir, and dervish, the advocator, proponent, and exponent of continence, forbearance, and temperance, the forerunner, portent, and harbinger of adamancy, pliant, and intransigent, whom ardently, eagerly, and zealously is the guardian, sentinel, and custodian of wisdom, prudence, and astuteness, gains, grows, and acquires the appeal, fascination, and temptation.

The mystic of adamancy, the fakir of pliant, and the dervish of intransigent, the search and quest, the seek and rummage, and the exploration and examination of the quintessential, intents, and objectives. The exemplary ideals, deployable, positioned, and disseminated within the boundaries, precincts, and confines of liveliness and dynamism, the urge, impulse, and admonishment to proliferate, flourish, and prosper, and the sensibility, maturity, and the eminence of moments intricacies, convolutions, and complexities so arduously succumbed and submitted to.

The chest, coffer, and trunk, the embodiment, personification, and manifestation of the hearts untapped, intact, and untouched reservoir of vivaciousness, exuberance, and liveliness, the container of the ocean of substance and essence. The potent, forceful, and persuasive entity and reserve, the stash and cache to preserve and protect, enhance and enrich, and to employ, exercise, and exploit, the riddles, conundrums, and challenges of the excellence.

The oceans’ waves, surges, and surfs, the seas’ ascents, augmentations, and ameliorations, the existence intensifications, activities, and acclivities, perpetually, constantly, and uninterruptedly are articulated, interconnected, enunciated, and conveyed.

The surges and ascents, the augmentations and intensifications, and the activities and acclivities merge, compound, and combine, orchestrate, compose, and coordinate, to sustain, endure, and protract, and to enrich, deepen, and intensify the harmony, coherence, and congruence of creativity and creation.

The chirps of canaries, the chorus of inclusion and connection, the chorale of tolerance and lenience reverberate, ring, and resonate the constituencies, communities, and citizenries of this cosmos and space, as shallow, slight, and superficial the suitability and aptness could be cognized and conceived, apportioned by the aptitude, proclivity, and propensity.

Inebriated, smashed, and crushed, the synchroneity, comprehensiveness, and completeness, the intricacies, obscurities, and sophistications, and the opacities, oblivions, and stupors, which have been accumulated, propagated, and preserved, stemmed by the complexities, densities, and involvedness of creation, formation, and creed.

It is the observance, adherence, and fulfillment of the perpetuality and incessantness of provided, postulated, and presented moments and their particularities, peculiarities, and promises, to tame the waves, surges, and surfs, proliferate the ascents, augmentations, and ameliorations, and prosper the eminence, prominence, and the fiery, feverish, and fervent desire of your affections, warmth, and passions.

کوی را جمله به مقصود و نگر شاهد پرگار نظر دار تو بود
راهبان  قامت  خورشید  به  کف، قصه  بر  این  خانه  زدیم

The journey, voyage, and expedition, the excursion, passage, and flight to remain and stay focused and fixated, dedicated and determined; alert and resolute, portrayed and depicted, rendered and described, and revealed and represented. When the sole desire, the mere appeal, and the burning aspiration is to access, reach, and touch you.

Your clemency, forgiveness, and leniency, your astuteness, wisdom, and perspicacity, your absolutism, oneness, unanimity, the ambivalence of your domination and hegemony, the command of your distinction and discrepancy, and your prerogatives entailed to unconceivable precincts of infinity and eternity, to constitute the compass of verve and vim, the scale of objectivity and impartiality, and the punctuality of instance and attainment.

A tracker, trailer, and chaser, a devotee, aficionado, and disciple, an adorer, pantheist, and worshiper. One whose breath recirculates your vehemence, one whose articulations ensemble your grace and magnificent, one whose expressions reverberate your intuitions, insights, and instincts, and one whose enunciations exemplify your sincerity, authenticity, and validity. Yes, the one whose capitulations, stewardships, and articulations are cognitively, deliberately, and indispensably intertwined, interleaved, and interlaced with your preferences, proclivities, predilections, and penchants.

Chasers, devotees, and ardors, the dreamers, fantasists, and visionaries of your perceptions, acuities, and observations. The mesmerizers, enthrallers, and fascinators, the riveters and enchanters of your rays, beams, and sparks, the streams, gushes, and torrents of profundity, seriousness, and strength, serenity, equanimity, and tranquility, and content, substance, and mutuality.

The ones who have brimmed, thronged, and abounded, bristled, teemed, and overflowed the realm of sanctity and inviolability. The ones who have rose, soared, ascended, and emerged gratified, delighted, and elated, the euphoric, exhilarated, thrilled, and exalted souls.

The ones to whom the enormity, immensity, and vastness of sun is containable, embraceable, and graspable, within the boundaries of the palm of their hands, within the contingencies of their thoughts and dreams, and within the clutch and capacity of their envisions and envisages.

Now, my story, my narrative and tale, my anecdote and parable, my fervor and passion, and my destiny and providence to commensurate, proportionate, and correspond to the efforts and endeavors, attempts and challenges, while confronting and admitting the drawbacks, hitches, and obstacles, and whilst concurrently conquer, catch, comprehend, and realize the crossed corner stones. Or, the totality, entirety, and wholeness of seeking, requesting, and securing your confidence and closeness as a distinctive, divergent, discrete, apparent, and conspicuous embarked and commenced upon shelter, refuge, and sanctuary.

چشم  افروز  به نقش  قدمت  پرده عیان همهمه کعبه دل
ساقیان را به  تأمل به تمنا و تأنی خبر از باده فتانه زدیم

Oh, to remain, reside, and stay vigilant, attentive, and heedful, to endure, bear, and prevail, to observe, detect, fathom, and discern your paths, treads, and routes. The patterns, repetitions, and precedents, the arrangements, configurations, and tessellations, to deliver, realize, and justify, to match, meet, and satiate. The totality, entirety, and sum, summoned, convened, and congregated within the edicts and assertions of my desires, pleas, and aspirations.

Then, the curtains, blinds, and drapes, the screens, shades, and shutters, the concealments, coverups, and camouflages, the ambiguities, obscurities, and opacities to be resented, disliked, and begrudged. Or, finally, ultimately, and eventually to be dispersed, detached, and disseminated.

When, the murmurs, mumbles, and mutters, the susurrations, whispers, and purrs, the hums, whirrs, and rumbles, growls, grumbles, and moans of closeness, nearness, and confidence, proximity, convenience, and attachment to your magnanimity, altruism, and benevolence augments, amplifies, and boost your presence, occurrence, and portrayal.

When, the journey, excursion, and voyage of getting emplaced, spotted, and positioned within your propinquities, shrinking the segregations, superstitions and delusions, misconceptions and misapprehensions, to acclaim, reverence, and adore your attention, courtesy, and care; are embraced, encompassed, and embodied by the craters of the heart, the cavities and caves of the existence and essence. Yes, within the shrine, mecca, and Kaaba of the embodiment, epitome, and quintessence, and when the impetuses and thrusts, and the burning impulses are entailed to a continual, incessant, and recurrent pilgrimage, visit, and tour.

Or, the wingspans are solely expandable and intertwined to your blowing, propelling and thrusting breeze and draft, the breath of sustainability, tenacity, exuberance, and vivaciousness; to reverberate, resonate, and resound to the symphony, opus, and masterpiece of your presentation.

Then, the bartenders and tavern keepers, and attendees and speculators, their eagerness and silence, their watchfulness and vigilance, and their enthusiasm and vogue skyrocket, sour, and tower, the alertness, watchfulness, and attentiveness to ponder, muse, and contemplate.

While, cogitations, ruminations, and deliberations, decantation, transitions, and transformations transpire, emerge, and occur, via allocation of sentients, dedication of entrust, purification, and perpetuity of soul and ambiance.

The reiterations, responsiveness, and receptiveness, the openness, approachability, and sensitivity; to instantiate, augment, and enhance the spheres, ambiences, and atmospheres, the layers and exospheres, skies, ethers, and the heavens of exuberance, liveliness, enthusiasm, and vitality.

The enunciations, proclamations, and clarifications, intents, meanings, and purpose, to usher, shepherd, and accompany your thoughts and expectancies, your anticipations and prospects, and your rejoice, glory, and delight, sustain, protract, and nourish my existence, survival, and actuality.

The glimmers and glows, the sparkles and twinkles, and the glistens and gleams, intensely, passionately, and penetratingly lighten the skies and horizons of my dreams, trances, and aspirations. While, incessantly, ceaselessly, and unremittingly thrive for the intensification, amelioration, and ascend of your companionship, camaraderie, and company.

نور لطفت به درون، لوحه میثاق چه زیبنده نگارِش کردی
حالت سوختگان شعله  جان  مرهم  دل  جوهر  حنانه زدیم
شعر از: علیرضا بمانیان

Your magnanimity, nobility and altruism, the radiance of your glance, the glow of your glimpse, and the warmth of your glimmer, galvanize, spur, and electrify my core, crux, and the essence. Your touch, dash, and strike, your pat, tap, and knock, and your say, silence, and reciprocity, so punctually persistent, so meticulously stunning, and so vividly omnipresent, to invigorate the thoughts, to ponder the contemplations, and to perpetuate your reach, the access and interactions desirably, pleasingly, and enviably prolonged to eternity.

The scroll, parchment, and manuscript of harmony, congruence, and coherence, the mutuality and reciprocity have been pertained and perceived while the adorations, venerations, and admirations are vehemently transfused, permeated, and imbued by the shreds, slivers, and fragments of the conduct, demeanor, and comportment.

The life, verve, and vivacity, the existence, animation, continuation, and actuality, their entireties and entities, their completeness and the insurmountable. insoluble, indecipherable, and overwhelming surroundings, milieus, scenes, and settings, have been embedded within this masterpiece, articulation, augmentation, amplification, and intensification of universe. While, their intricacies, niceties, and delicacies are purely fomented, fostered, and incited by your superiority, predominance, and preeminence.

The moments and instances, the crossing points and passages, and the conformations and configurations are the succinct, concise, and terse confirmations of your hegemony, influence, and directions.

The heart simmers and smolders, the soul rages while on flame, the body is shattered, crushed, and smashed, and the spirit is ruptured, fractured, spurted, and erupted.  Thou, your presence and company, you poise and aura, your charisma and comportment compel, induce, and propagate companionships, camaraderie, and togetherness.

Your promptness, alacrity, and celerity to intervene, interface, and interact, to sponsor the zeniths and summits of fortitude, grit, tenacity, and courage, and to keep the candle of liveliness to sparkle, while its dynamism escalates, spirals, and accelerates.

You are the remedy, the cure and care. You are the patches to my eruptions, flareups, and outbursts. You are the shine, sheen, and gloss to my jaggy, coarse, and rugged edges, verges, and perimeters.  You are the desire, aspiration, and appeal, the adoring, revering and adulating oneness, whose stature, standing, and eminence has initiated, composed, erected, and sustained me as the pillar, rock, and prop to conquer, accomplish, and attain your closeness, intimacy, and proximity.

© Alireza Bemanian, July of 2018 (Author, Poet)

Reference: Link, The Original Poem (Persian/Farsi)